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Cf1211FIDDITIAL Approved For Release.20001v97 11 : CIA-RDP 011A001049010031-4 Sr(Virlr MT!,r110?1104! Followinc in our reply to this morning's telephone -;108 one of I with addendum for attention of D/CI, and DDIfi. Bear in mind throughout that we have no recent in- talligence bearing on these matters except newspapers. 1 Our instinctive amateur feeling is that official Soviet broadcast is correct that is, Stalin suffered stroke on night of March 1-2, 1953. 2. Concerning possible developmenta in the internal power position, three things may be maid over and above our analysis in The Dynamics of Soviet Societzt (a) Communist Party Congress was occasion for relative elevation of Malenkov as against the field). (b) phrasing of announcement indicates likelihood that decisions at present moment controlled by Malenkov. In particular, note the priority in phrase "the great misfortune which has befallen our Party and our people." CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. 0 0 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: :11.212E___ NEXT REVIEW DATE: i k AUTH: HR 10-2 DATE121-agii-REVIEWERt_018557 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP79S01011A001000010031-4 Approved For Release,2000/09/11 : C 11A001000010031-4 Dee ItAr.?1711k, Crystallisation of power relationships may take considerable time, hence post-death evidence should not be taken as definitive. enkovis public position and his role in Party structure, unclear whether he holds requisite power for succes- sion until there is evidence that he effectively and directly controls the Secret Police and the armed forces. Thelact that the Council of Ministers and the Central Committee of the Communist Party appear to be acting as the government does not constitute in itself definitive evidence as to the locus of real power. If, as is possible but not proved, Secretariat of the Central Committee is operating in the role old Polit- buro, this will be important evidence for rise of Malenkov and Party back towards dominance of the state structure. Secretariat contains none of older Bolsheviks except Krushchev. As now constituted, Secretariat is certainly dominated by Milenkov. Hence Secretariat control would imply that Berta Bulganin, Mblotov, Voroehilov, Mikoyan, and Kagarrvich have already been excluded from effective power. We have no evidence that the Secretariat dominates the decisions of the Prosidium or that the rising power of Malenkov has achieved the monopoly stage necessary to constitute true succession. It is self- evident that our intelligence must focus at highest priority CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP79S01011A001000010031-4 Approved For Release 2000/ P.79S.01011,4001000010031.4 ONFIDENTIAL on this issue. Aside fraa watching every clue as to the control over the Secret Polio? and the armed forces (including evidence in satellites, embassies, etc.) we sug.est that we establish who no controls the Kremlin Guards, a unit which holds life- and-death power over those who enter the Kremlin for meetings, and a function of ancient importance in situations like the present. 3. On assumption that struggle for power, if any, at present confined within Kremlin, we expect the follewing reactions in Soviet policy: ) a dramatic and heightened effort_ to solidify the country in the face of the alleged hostile_ world envirement; (b) an effort to present to the outside world. an appearance of governmental unity, strength and, especially, continuity in policy; (0) an avoidance for the time being of any risky external adventures over and above those now under way; end (d) an effort to bridge the emotional and ideological gap which Stalin's deathivill create throughout the whole of the Communiet bloc. The. revimp CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP79S01011A001000010031-4 Approved ForRelease-22NeV1:SINWRAW1011A001006010031-4 SVASTA-TOt" will see it as vital to prevent the emergence of the notion that Stalin's death opens up fresh options in Soviet internal and external policy. As in the case of Lenin's death, the regime is likely to use the device of invoking Stalin's name in justification for all its major acts. If we get evidence of any adventurous external move, we believe this can be taken virtually as prima facie evidence that the domestic power situation is not secure. No matter how carefully preparations have been made for Stalin's death, no matter how completely Malenkovia succession has been arranged? if it has--the new regime will require time to organize itself. And if.,-as is wholly possible--a succession has been only incompletely arranged, Malenkotts instinct will be to avoid new external complications so that he can devote himself whole- heartedly to task or consolidation. Only in extreme case of major struggle for power is it probable that some Soviet leaders\ ' might regard major war as the most promising device for the se- curing of their power(see pp. 265-66, The Dynamics of Soviet Society). YI suggest testing the reaction pattern of Soviet regime by raising certain issues for decision by the regime.which could not (repeat t) be regarded as threatening by them or by the soo Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP79S01011A001000010031-4 SECRET Approved For Releasg,2000/09111.4.CJAZDEZN01011A001000010031-4 -- ? : e rqrumgjui Pree de usgotiation s so poets of the Austrian Treaty considered for this purpose) the test West Trade emoting in Geneva, or others that will readily occur to you. The proposal at the end of this message might prove the most effective teat of this kind* We strongly emphasise importance of eppreciatinL the emotional shock which Stalin's death will produce within the Soviet Union and throw:Mut the Communist bloc, among friend and foe, self.seeking bAreaucrat and enthusiast. In a ray unique in modern times Stalin, as a eymbol of authority, temporal and spiritual has been built into the lives of citizens of Communist areas, Neither ealenkov nor any other figure now alive can fill this gap in the imnediate future* The shock effect will undoubtedly diminish with time, Over the next deist however, it constitutes a unique vulnerability' a method for the exploitation of *lids is suggested at end of ASOMPO, 4. With respect to Naos he has entered into an alliance With e Soviet Union on the basis of his comparative interests, as he sees them, In particular, we believe it likely the that the Soviet Union can examine over Manchuria has played an extremely important part in the Sino-Soviet rata- Mee has reserved to himeelf? both ideologically ant in terms of internal police', a degree of independence shared by no other Communist figure now alive (except, of courses. Tito) Approved For Release 2000109111: CIA-RDP79S01011A001000010031-4 (\Rm., Approved ForRelease."2000/09/11 : DP79S010c1V164 We: doubt that Mao will take or wil any fresh initia. tives vis-a-vis the Western world until he in Clear concerning both the solidity of the new power arrangements in the Soviet Union, and especially whether Soviet policy will increase or decrease its degree of encroachment on areas of Mao's own believed sovereignty. In time his performance is likely t depend also on what he conceives to be the realistio alterna. 'aves held out to him by the non-Communist world* Mao certainly will not accept an increased degree. of ' al dictation from a new soviet regime, If our view is oorrect, however, his relationship depends lees on ideolo. on the subetance Of Sic-Soviet relations concerning trade, Southeast Asian communist parties, and Soviet on to internal Chinese developent and the KorematIbur es the situation in Moscow to be weakened, he may press for an increased degree of sovereignty in Manchuria and in other places where his mandate is now tempered by Soviet influence*, Manc for the ur as Becker, wing is additional oomment we should like to add attention of Mlles, Cabell and Wisner, as well en the acute but temporary traumatic state of emotion in the Soviet Unidn and in the Communist bloc, we Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP79S01011A001000010031-4 Approved For Release,2000/09/11 : CIA-RDP79S01011A00100171310031-4 QJJ FIDENTIAL believe the nment should consider a major Presidential withininitiative the week made with Congressional backing if possible, along the following lines. le 4e should state that Stalin's death marks the end of an era and opens up fresh option for the Russian people. In particular it offers them a unique opportunity to re their relations with the rest of the world; 2. The President should evoke the common wartime effort d the commoawartime goals of the two nations for a peaceful, orderly world; 3. Hs should emphasize and illustrate in concrete terms that there is no incompatability between American interests and objectives and the legitimate interests and objectives of the Russian nation and its peoples.; and 4. He should announce his intention to initiate in . concert with our allies a meeting in the near future designed to re-examine the possibilities of agreement on controlled armaments, Germany, Austria, and other substantive issues in contention. There are, we believe, four reasons for such action: (a) as a matter of historical record, the United States must not let this possibly brief period of unsettlement in the Russian outlook go by without holding up an image of our true in- tentions and purposes; CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP79S01011A001000010031-4 Approved For Release-2000109111 : CIA- 1A0010-00010031-4 S:C=1-7 MONA Rri CONFIDE AL (b) such an initiative would so3.idtty the World in its posture towards our future rela- tions with the Soviet Union; (c) such an initiative would help ccunter the fears of American aggression cultivated by. Soviet propaganda and inevitably heightened by Stalin's removal from the scene. It would thus encourage those close to power who may be prepared to consider internal and external policies different from those of talin; and such an initiative would immediately confront the regime with a major policy decision of the first order of magnitude and help reveal its inner constitution and conflicts. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP79S01011A001000010031-4