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Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79SO110OA000200030005-1 5:: m Cute r~ ~r N4 IA STATE PC 7IT.CO S .,y (,AP 7T3MVr UP 9 , T'ant ry 15j% fortunately, U conclusion of t. 17 : ' tit f t tone pates and compwing t b.'.ts Ll. vitAt tth2 Chase C LUt c1a f ?- Est e2afts by cons, rZIot:M_ a 1 Of a sal 25X1 C 1. M sere ai . b.-Le effort to et M: - u ?aa Chinese Co ist : ?all 7 sfor dam l xUpa dently of Chlviov* Chase C fst raf.1.wV'Ps :L1 1932 VMV 40 million tons c -lya ux mat e., considering (a) thar o ff. rea Lion to est ' + at over 50 uion tans l93 M, ost o: B c h vote he vAd on fte rat1 p (b) that a large co and o l r building ' rials., ant (o) that t1vt Torewi ter and t iv on the railways of heavy to , of stone, crushed x ks t eftio ztr vay on the raiy=, wader cox ul l ie s z . In ?aan aaxs vb1ch d she orientation of t the Soviet Bloc x oessitated l-, freight y s to and. f' , thu L. hs subsequent a, u 4 s to this tbooratical mDdel ipermit an unar estIn of tons origimted of 60 _'Liin tow, .oh st,.,1. wanara to Wy lo v. J3,o thex are n di-ZOer a b&t%men the ' o tica1. 1 ana the Chinese Co t rally/' r o m o 4e ola as i )- . o x d. her DIR,. tJw es ,a1 differew* aj ar; to l1e in t d t5 ax .y in arbar, the t . - r than ' a'el Imes Including di s: . and terminal stops for s hkx;g loading an& unlO&MZgj itir., o w t oat model i di ates ?.hat the t tfn for cars In operation 1952 would be In igh hood. of six Jaya vith s t i over 100 hours for di Tonal an Ina stops, .le the C Iva se C t claims woold a? st a tiumx^Otui?1 tine of 2* 9 day a M 11 hours fordivisional and l stops4 OIR ' l i c that the major State Dept. declassification & release instructions on file Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S0110OA000200030005-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S0110OA000200030005-1 defeat of t dial m del is at this pow, sip it a p as s to give no ight to the effe s of the rax%bless masures taken by the C.U.i. se o n ats speed up f ig3x`+ . i`lonr, InalvdIng labor --ups, 24 hour shits at jor stations, nae i on shippers the necessity to o "o to the con utene a of tha railroad. 25X1 C Zn .8 03R believes that Is u is because it does not sufiicient3y? tai into. account either the historic railroad data ? both Chinese National and. Zapartee m- or amble 3 llige ace on raliv%W bons and other petits of the economW of C nlst China O1 R accepts Chinese Cos 4 .. t cladus regarding the freight tons or ted, audtbe fright ton :i.l rs, but belives - a this total perform= 'was aeon 1ishei with a larger number of cars end i4t 1 the railway sye gating u . m leas strain than is ial.d by t . se C t data. The C position t s into consideration historic data, e ty nta, data derived from interrogations, as well as Chim C t published rally data. In OIW a v1svp however, t Ml Justified, with respect to its estiiate of the i carp . and to its eatimets of the rapid ty of the traffic flag or the strain under wbich the railer Komi in t rati . R. car park estl to Is bem4 on a is of the c is rk si 1945. An 4 ns y'sis of the nu rs of a limbed ob.a pie of cars p a l s xi= of ' rte eviftnce for this projection of this sa le rafleots the 1945 cam park and daces not revwsl the extent of deatruction or reawaas in aubseq , years. Hwawmr., the appearame of no s as believed to t?eflect ce bain dev el r ;.a under the se C n i sts, although it is not yet certain that these newly rn d. cam include eit sing r or In ac bin ti (a) production, (b) reconstructed ca=, (c) the restoration or (d) lets;, (e) or the rernutx ring of existing cars. believes that the - ice. value of this analysis is icy mat in pro .. v , ; _. an Independent check on the CF se Con m ,et *ar . perk; hope , oln In incline to. believe that at the present step of this aanalrale the conch ss ns are speculative, tent ,. and, pre turee Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S0110OA000200030005-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200030005-1 In, its eatimates of turnaround tia and other performane:e factors, estimates have differed from Chinese Communist claims: and in general b IndIrAteA a sloes meme of traffic than 3ncatee4L by Ch:se C?eneatni t claiaeso This s3 novem of tx xf`Pie of course c:ons?atent idth acc apt g the Chinese C+omm at m on total perf ep c i to CMOs estimate of a lar pr ear park than alaivied by the C1 ne C n ists d ear, Justifies its estimates of tur ound. time and ! perf, facts 1 rge3y on the basis of their proximity to Chime* Ccm ueiat claims, and has not offered any a planation as to r certain Chinese Ccrmudst statistics night be aonsi. _ reliable ard otberaa varying ftg e , less trust o by. In 01110s vicra Chinese Cyst data are i r6 pendent; n of any one figure ve ldd tend to out doubt on the reliability rpretation of all related figureso, 0 ooncurs with +O O a er i e of total use - I. fit ral Lvay pe fo nee but believes that the rail eye em had, a left anal, yes .ice under a grey r? strain than is iM:icated b V the > estimate a. bu of the data on current Chinese C ist rail y +I rations conas from bass C t sources and of course mast be treatA A with caution as to. its inte -retation a reliability. O believes That the da a alter subJect to em o, diffew2encos In rotations reflect actual operations,# since. (a.) a lex of data have been Usued :sip 1949 on both the national and regional level and a11 of these data appear r acy' consent, (b) nearly all of the data a stated In pbysicaal units rather than in pe sts of a base period,. and most of the. statistics have been clearly defined,, (c) the data provide 25X1 C xesult s app .tely consent with available estimates of i deal trams, promotion, and economic devel. a in Comet Chimp.. both oz a national and. regional level., and (d) reports f n-CC u st VbII* not conchs ve;, have tad to support Chinese Cc un at clams on ralloay o rations and none, to Mtn law led ,. a +eha]:].an the reliability or apparent met wng of Chinese C st rai3vay date. snBR Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S01100A000200030005-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S0110OA000200030005-1 S-E-CwR-H- T ?IR is av , and it bas bwen el ea ?ly brought out In tt o T working group discussions, that the speed of freight car circulation claimed by the Chinese C is is ununval. Hmmveer, ODt believes that available Intelligence i dicates that a considerable speed-t% has occurs: and is the result,, not so mob of efficient railroad of ation, 25X1 C but of the strain iMosed on the railways by Chi se C b n i l htar7 and ono .cc requirements and of the willingwas of the Chinese Communists to cloy labor intensively, to reduce freight services, and to sacrifice e rat to most current tranaport. ls, wed that speed-ups in 19332 bad resulted In reduced of eel e nt and abnormally high repair bills,: ile the Chinese C st Minister of Ralf omitted that the railva s bad met quantity goals only at a heavy cost in the quality of sex-Act. ale there may be room for possible misinterpretation if Ch:bmser C t railway data, C3B is incllAmd to believe that the Chinese C ts. have established: a standard terminology and that the itatietical tern ? have ibe standard or con meanie ei lc'eyed. on other railroads,, It my be noted that a number of articles have been published In the Chinese C t. technical tine fOr rai lvayton, "People& s B i va3 l " which have defined and eZl d the scope and use of mm4r of th t statistical texas. consequence, CIR bao cons . d that the Chirac* Comm mist claim of 131 million "freight tons: carrieV in 1952 has the s t?sn bwd waning of t tee as ee toyed on most national railvVo th ou iout the w rld 1y.* tons. of f iglt ted within the country plus tons of friht received from otber countries. Considered in the light of reported car$loadix and reported freight ton kil ,, this Mf init ',on of *eight tons carried appears to be the raost reasonable. (For use Chinese Co gist. rai! vay data on 1950-52p see Table 1,, } It has been sugpated$ h ver;, that "freight tons +c : ed't sy be defid as it is in the where it, is the sum of the total fight carried by each of the privy lines., Including the freight earl meted on the line and the freight received frcm otber lines. While On! ne Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S0110OA000200030005-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S0110OA000200030005-1 this i ion as less probable, OIR a a that this a I oosihi1ity wbUh std be exmxLmdO particularly because of the r in vhieth Chinese C - t. i1 ' data bm been - .. izo L Each of the 12 ilvay ad nisi ,tiv bt aus publish yor-Zo=tee data for raid. e a jtwisdiation. If the Ministry of EaUvu" MweZ SMS or avt agee obtAdn the ti a for the eyatm as a i ho double or diistorsi t .d. rsuit* Z pazrticul=,,, the fa t t : t om and ? i d gixm o t h e r c o u n t r i e s v o u l d be o er ate , a6. h. of ?r ul,, the turnarouna tie, and the nuber c C c in cation ?wou 9.d be und"-stateiL, 03R bas calculs d. in Table the tble; possible pro &u voul . have on the ;ric 'ox da iu 1931 tb.: a ear for v eh f l data a available) t ., u g that i -bu eau fz*Uft =ad ram between 10 a (tl prc.,t ca of iutt .l of the 16 tional w iii in China - in 1935.36) 25 je ut of the might tons carried. Me dIffierence of . if of on Chinese Guist raitvay vblaft ire despite the ei,ties of the iioa tJ Z1 t city for fear researdh a e 3.e of this problem. In o S a vUvp f ar .efforts should be. Me to a mess the ditdr and VRMLUW of Pub36dl ise Geist Tiles data, alum they a the .Z1' pass b base ft r obtainimS a fairly o honsiv* i ia; u Chines a ajtist rai ej ope.,,~ atious, If these data ccauuot t h e vemiWAS lli u c e on Chi mm C. i s t rai apjve&rz equate= to OMMt o . a to ioas est s or is c . cap` ities, ithin Vhieh a ve of a sU ce could hw* cu o the latter evert, the l of r .l y ca u o accu . ly d t ti d fpm intieL'Ifpme railer, such irUi on production, the rasearft in the following fief mould pbab cyi'bta;' to !dart` the waning. a i if an of Mduen, C at Tai 4vay da' Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S0110OA000200030005-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S0110OA000200030005-1 (1) A nom thorough std of the ration of 2tio data to the to of the ii raid sus whom the statistics first amwiled 25X1 C (2) and other noM=-f. rt Sources kawled4p of t"h se Cm=wdst railtmg t : ions:, ; i ar1,y v th reOUL-b to obte mS tl3e opiolom of the ` .idi y of Wis. C rai r to and to deterainftS tin aMDUrLt , of t1r other the tra"I ti" spent In .- . (3) A ; sis of the *=wdItv slt ,on a re of :l ` f1 w- T"b10 1* 0IR I I,"i0N OF canmu O lST 0LA4: ON T O O 1950.19 1952 10 ft*143ht *0U8 Carr i. (millions 131-0* 2q FmIght. ctonkjjcMt4Tq (bins) 5905* 5. Average h ton of fi t (~ r 2 1) 454,0 fi=U vim (days) a 209 ' Tms loaded ,; M . . tor car (1 6Daily cr3oeftta 6a# Aunml (aoende) 7. Average r~ r or cacti in 09 (; x 6) Aa Oal tie per eS49ht COW 90 Aver NiimAera per =Ir 69.6 h 1951 1950 110.6* 99.2* 5105e 38G9* #66 77 25.98 11*663 *25T 37,x555 35$000 93T.3-- 223.0 104 Mama velle ; in oa turwwourA (kI1 ra.) (8 x 4) 68802 71.9.3 619,2 11. moire In tra ait (10 , 9) 27.3 31.5 29.6 120 1. (4& . 21) 42,,3 X5.8 50.6 13, Load haul. - - of total (3 lc~> $ 6$ 6% tiow of of the "Minl= tai "0 *Wtalmd in tba eaptiaws ' W,! ~!. ?b amts E Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S0110OA000200030005-1 25..2 2208 20,9* Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S0110OA000200030005-1 a,, Tb=arou . tine as ealcu1 ted. by the Chinese C ista, ia~ hazed, on act al cave in operation,. , lull those cars sideli ed for repairs an, som earo held. "in reeer rea^ c in oper?ai;im 'could number s t less than the o le car aka ! ic1 t is e sti t . at rmSWj 109OOCU. l d tine for 1952 of 9.9 days was originally re rr & fo the fit half of the tar& but hex since been used. In I n&% fo n as the avwrv~p t L? 9nad. t for the whole yearn bs For the first b a,12 of 1952 the Miltme C ists d, ibat -L-te "a. a to capacity X:er cad' Ivul been raiw& to 28- ,,onv in core this obscure tee appears to an avexqp Jo 1t t loaded aw, if it is r,-,j esentat.Lv of the rf uc e (giver the year, daily plc - ag a sated at 12, 5C ads gage daily cars in operation nit 36,25e. co See a.. dbove. do use data we pub I hedr f'nr the 'fir ek, half of the year eel; r not be sentat vm of V* fuel ,ern-Do pefo ro Q , A g e haul per ton of fight is n3- to be equal to t? he ave2Ap loaded haul per 1o!ded: cer:: Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S0110OA000200030005-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S0110OA000200030005-1 -TI-O.R.E+- T Table 2. EMMM OF T EM0!L OF V AS S` J TIOR8. O1 TE Ij" ON OF P R S O N S CART T O M I O T O R S OF OR sI FROM 03 0C S ON DATA ON 0 MM OaZ u1v GOAD R + It,', 1951 1,.. Fzeigbt t or d (.11c) (arid) 2. l i ton-knomters (b: m) 3- Avemp haul per ton of ftvl&t loaded -a) (2 4 1) 4a f around ti m (lays) a Q in hours 50 Tons loaded car (1 6a) 6. Daily carloadUp 7e 94 100 U. 12. 13. bas (A=wl) (tW=auas ) Average of an.-,a in (4 z 6) AVWSJP dai1 r diubmwe ,t ear A Wpb fr0l&t car ( t+ers per hour) Die travvl3ad ;kone turn. aroura (k:lmoft) Boars In trait (10 4 9) Loaded haul; Veraw1b of tAYWI haul a 526 3.63 87.0 23.0 11,663* 4,257 300 223,4* 22.8* 809 31.5 35,5 45,8 51.3 620 4.27 102.4 19.5 11,653* 4,257 48, 800 923.4* 22.88a 954 41.8 6O.6 6 65% 65% /~St/~, iiO VQ: Y~n s f: U by an a 'SAAsk (*) UV- : or1giml L+IM b.9a &U. Fp m t:. of calculations of the r iag f = contained, in the beta: and fvotnotes. Ae jon At that frel&b tons ca=Ied is equal to froj&t tones `1 ted and receive. from other countr e, Aemwptin B: that fmight to carried is the, mm oft igft tone married bar. each Im vide rail y aaministrative bureau, arxt that MW torte Ori ted and received fry other couni ies is 3.0r. lose, Assn 4 r O: that might tons c ied is. the sum of the freiht tons. carrUd by each ImIlvidusl it ' administrative gaup that -8. 466 3.22 7.3 25[98 13.,663* 4,257 37,555 2230 2m 719.3 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S0110OA000200030005-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S0110OA000200030005-1 24-21R.-M. fmIgIt 1140118 origimted awl. Div Is 25 Percent .1am. (footnotes 'to Table 2) Sium the pion of acv in tvw9ft end howi; a . 1 Is the saw ba the "a :inistm . ba 9l t a tbim, "?i rae'' ` iu=arou 'ate" tu=ftvura can .euzi a, ri , by obtaWag the :mss wit in 8 "I !~ '!fi t (ate b- helav) a t emerge ttm1m speed bftmju division was a c y by aimed.}.: this f % t e f t . man "administru-bive b b. S i c a a f . . distanee t i ct to talon Into accoumt nthe calculat.bou of an "a dzdxa tra ^ bu u to md$, the pro: iou of . y to loaded haul both the " r t tj b u' i U W O M A . The " t u r a w o u r d d can ' cu u t t ' Y B- re on ao ian that the aka bma off` ;rim is Oqlml to the a uL per lase car, above* Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79S0110OA000200030005-1