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Publication Date: 
November 21, 1965
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Approved For Rise 2006L&J W9T00472AV1500040066-0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Current Intelligence 21 November 1965 INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM The Indonesian Situation (Report - As of 4:00 EST) 1. President Sukarno met in closed conference with ranking Indonesian army officers, cabinet mem- bers, and ministers of Bogor Palace on 20 November, following an earlier meeting attended by foreign and domestic newsmen. 2. Although a major policy pronouncement was expected during the open meeting, with most specu- lation centering around a possible decision to ban the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), none was forthcoming. Instead, Sukarno repeated themes ex- pressed earlier and appeared cautiously determined to reassert himself and to keep Indonesia on essen- tially the same course that it pursued prior to the abortive coup of 30 September. 3. President Sukarno stated emphatically that Indonesia retains its membership in the "anti-impe- rialist axis" which binds together Communist China, North Korea, North Vietnam, and Cambodia. The initial public announcement of Indonesia's member- ship in the axis was made during Indonesia's Inde- pendence Day celebration on 17 August. 4. Only hours before the Bogor meeting, there were strong indications that Sukarno would'announce the banning of the PKI. Following a meeting with the President, the Deputy House Speaker, Mochammad Sachu, declared that the abolition of the Peiping.- oriented PKI was only a matter of time because of Approved For Release 2006/p,2,{S.7q-fQy,9T00472A001500040066-0 Approved For Rase 2006,7,,tom&1[79T004721500040066-0 complicity in the 30 September coup attempt. Dur- ing the morning meeting at Bogor Palace, however, Sukarno gave no indication that he is contemplating such action. Instead, he tediously defended the PKI against newspaper charges of having committed mass murders, bloodshed, and violence. 6. Now unable to control and manipulate the press as he did prior to 30 September, Sukarno warned Indonesian newsmen that they faced imprison- ment if they reported falsehoods and incited the populace. Foreign newsmen were threatened with expulsion from the country if they deviated from the reporting of facts. Sukarno also alluded to some newspaper criticisms of Cambodia and North Vietnam, and warned that newspapers offering such criticisms of Indonesia's friends would be banned if they persisted. Possibly forewarned that Sukarno might impose press restrictions, "hundreds of thou- sands" of Indonesian Moslem, Christian, and Catholic demonstrators held a public rally in Djakarta and demanded that no curbs be imposed on the freedom of the press. 7. Although no detailed reports have been made on the closed-door conference, it appears that Sukarno, as before, appealed to his military com- manders to remAin united behind him to insure the successful coi.clusion of the Indonesian revolution which, perhaps significantly, he insisted was leftist but not Communist. Foreign Minister Subandrio, who attended the private meeting and whose expulsion from the government is being sought by the army, reported that Sukarno warned of a national collapse if a split occurred from within. Approved For Release 2006/e LY,9T00472A001500040066-0 Approved For Rise 2006 CzR-jEFT9T00472A 500040066-0 8. The army drive against the PKI is continu- ing unabated, amidst daily disclosures of PKI atrocities and of the surrender of large numbers of PKI members and their adherents. At the same time, there are indications that the army is en- countering financial difficulties because of the expenses involved in its broad operations against the PKI and in providing its prisoners with the necessities of life. Approved For Release 200 {O ~p,79T00472AO01500040066-0