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March 12, 1966
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Approv inp 053-3 1 fl q 25X1 OCI No. 1112/66 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Current Intelligence 12 March 1966 INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM The Situation in South Vietnam (As of 12:00 A M... EST) I here is some public unrest continuing in I Corps over the dis- missal of General Thi. 2. A brief, unconfirmed press report has stated that students demonstrating against the removal of I Corps commander General Thi today assumed control of government radio stations in Hue and Hoi An the capitals of Thua Thien and Quang Nam provinces, respectively. 3. A second US wire service report stated that an estimated 2,000 soldiers, students, and adult Vietnamese today staged an orderly demonstration in the city of Da Nang demanding the reinstatement of General Thi. 4. Earlier official reports, indicating that a second public meeting' of the "Civil and Military Struggle Committee of I Corps" had been scheduled in Da Nang to- day, tend to substantiate one second wire service account. Observers at the first such demonstration yes- terday in Da Nang estimated that there were approximately 1,500 in attendance, 5. There has been no change reported in the political situation in Saigon during the past four hours. 25X1 Approv Approved For Reese 2 0W00010053-3 OCI No. 1115/66 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Current Intelligence 12 March 1966 The Situation in South Vietnam (As o Off A .. M . ESZ __ 1. A US Embassy summary of today's events in I Corps, extending at least into the afternoon hours Vietnam time, confirmed public protest activi- ties today in Da Nang, Hue, and Hoi A the ituation in I Corps as quiet in the afternoon hours, but noted that further attempts at political agitation could be expected in the area.. 2. There was no confirmation or denial of the seizure by students of radio stations in Hue or Hoi An as carried in today's press. However, it was noted that exaggerated rumors of the situation in I Corps were circulating among members of the press in Saigon. 3. According to the summary, the crowd attend- ing this morning's protest meeting in Da Nang was estimated at between 3,000 and 5,000, as compared to an estimated gathering of 1,500 for the first meet- ing held there yesterday. A successful school strike was apparently held in Da Nang as well. Schools were also reported closed in Hue, where some 500-1,000 students moved through the streets but without gen- erating any other support among adult residents. A smaller meeting for General Thi was also held in Hoi .An; the size of the gathering was not available. 4. There were no developments in the Saigon area (listed on the embassy's summary) today. As reported earlier, General Thi may be escorted to Approved For Releas 6A000400010053-3 25X1 lea 25X1 25X1 Approved For ReCe 20EjtMQWA0'QW00010053-3 25X1 Da Nang today, but this apparently is still tentative. According to unconfirmed press reports, Buddhist leaders meeting in Saigon today issued a statement calling for the reinstatement of General Thi. No fur- 25X1 ther details are available. 25X1 Approved For Release 2 q Q [,1P1~y',- PfTQT 6A000400010053-3