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Approved For Release 2008/02/11: CIA-RDP79T00826AO02100010003-9
Intelligence Memorandum
Juan Bosch in Self Imposed Exile
State Dept. review completed 23
6 June 1967
No. 0653/67
Approved For Release 2008/02/11: CIA-RDP79T00826AO02100010003-9
Approved For Release 2008/02/11: CIA-RDP79T00826A002100010003-9
This document contains information affecting the national
defense of the United States, within the meaning of Title
18, sections 793 and 794, of the US Code, as amended.
Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or re-
ceipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law.
Approved For Release 2008/02/11: CIA-RDP79T00826A002100010003-9
Approved For Release 2008/02/11: CIA-RDP79T00826A002100010003-9
Directorate of Intelligence
7 June 1967
Juan Bosch in Self-Imposed Exile
Former Dominican President Juan Bosch has spent
most of the six months of his exile in Spain but has
done some traveling to other European nations. He
has given a number of lectures, written several arti-
cles, and been in contact with Dominican political
acquaintances. Bosch's political comments have been
marked by bitter anti-American sentiment and he has
predicted future Dominican upheavals and bloodshed.
Bosch has kept abreast of Dominican political de-
velopments but does not seem to have significantly
influenced recent events. Although there is no in-
dication that Bosch plans to return to the Dominican
Republic in the next few months, he has kept open
the option to assume a future political role in the
Note: This memorandum was produced solely by CIA.
It was prepared by the Office of Current Intelli-
gence and coordinated with the Office of National
Estimates and the Clandestine Services.
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Bosch's Recent Contacts
1. After a short period in Venezuela following
his departure on 26 November 1966 from the Dominican
Republic, Juan Bosch arrived in Spain in mid-December,
taking up residence in Madrid. He has made short
trips to Britain, France, and Sweden, and was re-
cently slated to give a lecture in Brussels. While
in Europe Bosch has been in contact with a number of
is no evidence that Bosch has been in contact with Com-
munist organizations or that he is engaged in anti-
Balaguer conspiracies. The available information sug-
gests that he arrived in Spain with only limited funds,
which he has supplemented through lecturing and writing
on such themes as recent Dominican history and world
2. Bosch's public and private remarks have dis-
played a deep and bitter resentment toward the United
States. He has claimed he left the Dominican Republic
"to feel free of the insufferable pressure the US main-
tains there." He has become obsessed with the prospect
of a US war with China and has warned Latin Americans
that "we are a political, economic, and military de-
pendency of the US, which will drag us into all its
adventures." Bosch has deprecated US concern with Com-
munist influence in Latin America and has said that
Castroism "is a ghost imperialism uses as a pretext."
Indicative of Bosch's attitude toward the United States
,was his refusal to accept a letter offering him an
appointment as a senior fellow at Wesleyan University
and his advice to his left-of-center Dominican Revolu-
tionary Party (PRD)--subsequently rejected--to shun
all contacts with Americans.
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3. Bosch's anti-US sentiments seem to have been
inflamed by former US Ambassabor Martin's cook. Over-
taken by Events
Bosch's Views on Dominican Developments
4. Bosch's one-time dominance of the PRD has
clearly ended, and PRD Secretary General Pena has
characterized his influence on the party as minimal.
Pena himself, who had been particularly close to Bosch,
rebuffed Bosch's attempt to get him to come to Spain
early this year. The PRD recently sought out Bosch's
endorsement of its boycott of Congress but this ap-
peared to be little more than an effort to gain the
blessing of a party elder statesman. Bosch, however,
probably retains some prestige and respect among the
party faithful and he continues to bear the title of
PRD "adviser."
5. Bosch's comments on Dominican developments
have been unvaryingly pessimistic. He views a mili-
tary coup against Balaguer as inevitable and has
cautioned that the PRD must prepare for it. Bosch
has predicted that bloodshed and social revolution
will be resumed. He has made repeated references to
the existence of an alleged "state of terror" in
the Dominican Republic, alternately blaming it on
the Balaguer government and the US. Without directly
attacking Balaguer, he has made comments that portray
the President as incapable of exerting sufficient
authority to control the country. Bosch's comments
have been reported in the Dominican press, but not
extensively or prominently.
6. The Balaguer government has proved sensitive
to Bosch's statements and activities. In particular,
it has viewed his contacts with Caamano as poten-
tially subversive. In late April, Balaguer told
Approved For Release 2008/02/11: CIA-RDP79T00826A002100010003-9
Approved For Release 2008/02/11: CIA-RDP79T00826AO02100010003-9
Ambassador Crimr:,i_ns he believed Bosch was behind PRD
charges that the government was responsible for ter-
rorism. Undoubtedly, many conservatives and right-
ists in Balaguer's entourage believe that Bosch is
still directing PRD affairs and is attempting to
manipulate foreign opinion to undermine confidence
in the government. The Dominican Embassy in Madrid
has made a demarche to the Spanish Government to
throttle Bosch's activities and statements. So
far, the Spanish appear to have restricted publi-
cation of some of Bosch's more extreme comments,
but have been hesitant to ban all his activities.
7. Bosch's immediate plans include delivering
the opening speech before the Swedish Social Demo-
cratic Youth Congress in Stockholm on 10 June. He
is slated to be joined in Sweden by PRD officials
Tentative plans
ca for Bosch and the PRD officials to travel to
several European countries and to attend socialist
party congresses in Belgium and Finland.
8. There is no indication that Bosch plans--
or is even considering--returning to the Dominican
Republic in the next few months. When he left, he
spoke of remaining away for six months but his re-
cent comments suggest an intention to stay away
indefinitely. Indeed, Bosch's personality seems
well suited to life in exile--where he has spent
all but three and a half of the last 30-odd years--
and he seems satisfied to comment on Dominican and
world politics without responsibility for their
conduct. Despite his apparent lack of concrete
plans for future Dominican political activity, he
has rejected suggestions that he has retired from
political life and has held out a slim possibility
that he may again hold political office.
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