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Soviet Union
Eastern Europe
No Foreign Dissern
Top Secret
May 28, 1975
SC No. 00435/75
Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79T00865AO01000300002-7
Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79T00865AO01000300002-7
Warning Notice
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Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79T00865AO01000300002-7
Approved For Release 2t/ORE1t1T7UT4A01000300002-7
This publication is prepared for regional specialists in the Washington com-
munity by the USSR - Eastern Europe Division, Office of Current Intel-
ligence, with occasional contributions from other offices within the
Directorate of Intelligence. Comments and queries are welcome. They should
be directed to the authors of the individual articles.
May 28, 1975
Romanian views on CEMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Soviet Republic
Election Campaign Launched. . . . . . . . . . . 3
Soviet Computer Production
Registers Sharp Upturn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79T00865AO01000300002-7
Approved For Release 20Y/08108 CREP 9UMRRA1000300002-7
Romanian Views on CEMA
The Romanians are again digging in their heels
against what they anticipate will be new Soviet ef-
forts to speed the pace of economic integration in
The harsh tone of two authoritative articles in
the party newspaper and theoretical journal strongly
suggests that Ceausescu has ordered a spirited and
lengthy public polemic prior to the CEMA summit meet-
ing reportedly scheduled for next month in Budapest
or Moscow. The articles surfaced on May 20, the day
that the eighth session of the Romanian-Soviet Inter-
governmental Commission for Economic Collaboration
opened in Moscow.
Although it has almost become a Romanian custom
to launch a campaign against integration in advance
of a CEMA summit, the US embassy in Bucharest notes--
and we agree--that this year's offerings show a
sharper tone than a similar effort before last year's
CEMA summit in Sofia.
The articles almost certainly reflect increased
Soviet-Romanian differences over issues that range
from Bucharest's obstructionist tactics in the prep-
arations for a conference of European Communist parties
to the recently concluded US-Romanian trade agreement.
These and other Ceausescu initiatives are designed to
undercut Soviet efforts to tighten control over East
The articles suggest that Ceausescu believes
Soviet or other loyalist CEMA planners are trying
to lay the theoretical groundwork to push all CEMA
members into a comprehensive program of integration
that will dilute national independence and sovereignty.
This argument against supra-nationalism has its
May 28, 1975
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antecedents in Romania's so-called "declaration of
independence" of April 1964, but this year it is
augmented by references to the new Romanian party
program and by frequent citations of Marx and Lenin.
In what amcunts to a demand for eventual parity
in the level of industrial development among CEMA
members, one article asserts that Marx himself
stressed that the entire internal structure of a
country "depends on the :Level of development of its
production and cf its domestic and foreign relations."
The writer also quotes Marx as saying that socialist
relations are based "not on exploitation, but on
productive work." The companion article attacks
"some authors," who propose a form of economic
integration that would eventually lead to a "single
international process of production into which the
national economies of participating countries al-
legedly would dissolve, thereby gradually losing
their identity."
The articles, in typical Romanian fashion,
nowhere flatly state that either CEMA or Moscow plans
to call for such. complete integration at the coming
CEMA summit. Ceausescu does, however, fear that
the Soviets will. attempt to inhibit Romanian for-
eign policy initiatives by tying his country's
economy more closely to the East. Ceausescu--like
his predecessor, Gheorgh:iu-Dej--has long believed
that Romania's freedom of maneuver in the inter-
national arena essentially flows from the country's
relatively rich raw materials base, a factor that
makes Bucharest less vulnerable to pressure from
the Kremlin. (CONFIDENTIAL)
May 28, 1975
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Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79T00865AO01000300002-7
Soviet Republic Election Campaign Launched
Politburo member Kunayev and candidate member
Romanov opened the leadership's campaign for re-
election to republic Supreme Soviets with reports
this week to their constituencies in Kazakhstan and
Leningrad. Other Kremlin leaders--speaking roughly
in ascending order of their rank--will make similar
presentations over the next three weeks. General
Secretary Brezhnev is expected to make the final
speech shortly before the elections scheduled for
June 15.
The speeches are not meant to attract votes,
but they do provide an opportunity for leaders to
air their individual views--albeit cautiously--and
to gain support for them.
The top leaders are customarily nominated for
more than one seat in a republic parliament, and the
number garnered also sheds light on the individual's
political standing.
As he did in last year's nominations for the
USSR Supreme Soviet, Brezhnev clearly led the field,
and the other rankings showed no significant change.
May 28, 1975
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Approved For Release 200TOtO8SCICRFT TUMBR01000300002-7
Soviet Computer Production Register's 'Sharp Upturn
The high priority given the computer equipment
industry in the USSR's current plan period finally
appears to be paying off. According to official
data, the value of output of computers, calculators,
accounting and business machines in March increased
by a whopping 51 percent compared with the correspond-
ing month in 1974. For the first quarter of 1975,
output was up by 39 percent over the first quarter
of 1974. Should growth in output for the rest of
the year be maintained at the first quarter rate,
the level of output will reach 3.1 billion rubles
and exceed the original Five Year Plan goal by more
than one half.
Reasons for the sudden sharp rise in the rate
of growth are not immediately obvious. There is no
evidence that new facilities to produce computers have
been built or that any existing production facilities
have been expanded significantly. The increased
value of output can possibly be explained by discon-
tinuance of some old models and expanded production
of newer third-generation machines that carry higher
price tags. Newer machines that are being produced
in larger volume include: general purpose machines
such as RYAD-20, RYAD-30 and M-4030; the NAIRI-3-1
scientific computer; and the M-6000 industrial process
control computer. (CONFIDENTIAL)
May 28, 1975
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Ap roved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP79T00865AO01000300002-7
Top Secret
Top Secret
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