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:1 e gel se 20TPl82 F-(~ 9T00 ? ;P,4 01/ 30 January 1955 CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S, C NEXT REVIEW DATE: 25X1 AUTH: RR 70-2 DATE; 3 REVIEWER: 0or 000 Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 25X1 opt State Dept. review completed CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. -- NO CHANGE IN CLASS )S L1 DECLASSIFIED 44 25X1AI Approved For,,&Ieaslc 20021021 : CIA rDP lT00 7I 01900460001-0 SUMMARY 25X6 FAR EAST 2. Comment on Japanese reaction to recent Soviet overture (page 4). SOUTHEAST ASIA 3. Comment on reported dissension in top rank of Burmese govern- ment (page 5). SOUTH ASIA 4. Ceylon's prime minister considering visit to Peiping (page 6). NEAR EAST - AFRICA 5. Iraq "will stand firm" on proposed pact with Turkey (page 6). EASTERN EUROPE 6. East German officials reported highly disturbed at Soviet wooing of West Germany (page 7). WESTERN EUROPE 7. Bonn considering neo-Nazi to head projected air force (page 8). 8. French upper house delays fixing date for Paris accords debate (page 8). 25X1A 30 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved For ReI X02/10/21 CIA-RDP79T00975AO01900460001-0 25X6 Approved For Release 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO01900460001-0 Approved For Release 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO01900460001-0 25X1A Approved Forlease 2002/10/2T-- - 01900460001-0 25X6 FAR EAST 25X1 A2? Comment on Japanese reaction to recent Soviet overture: The apparent reversal of the Japanese government's earlier position that a peace treaty is necessary before normal relations can be re-established with the USSR is an indication that Prime Minister Hatoyama may have overruled Foreign Minister Shigemitsu, Evidence that the Foreign Ministry is no longer in control of the situation is revealed by the fact that Hatoyama him- self accepted the Soviet "note" on 25 January after Shigemitsu had refused to do so, 30 Jan 55 . CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN . Page 4 Approved For Rele4f))RQc/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO01900460001-0 25X1A Approved For (ease 2002/10721 : CIA- DF79TIIUg7i 001900460001-0 Shigemitsu announced on 29 January-- possibly at Hatoyama's insistence--that Japan would "consider" talks aimed at restoring diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, if Moscow confirms that its recent approach is official. :Hatoyama has been described by the press as eager to start talks as soon as possible. He has also reportedly stated that normali- zation of relations is a "prerequisite" to a settlement of territo- rial problems, rather than the reverse. popular election issue which may enhance his prestige. Union. Nevertheless, Hatoyama apparently views the talks as a The Foreign Ministry is aware that in this reversal Japan will lose its bargaining position vis-a-vis the. Soviet SOUTHEAST ASIA 25X1A 3. Comment on reported dissension in top rank of Burmese govern- Dissension among the top leaders of the Burmese government has increased since Premier Nu's return from Communist China, This dissension, if it continues, could endanger Burma's marked progress toward stability, which has been largely the result of general agreement on policy among Premier Nu and the two most influential leaders of the dominant Socialist Party, Minister of Industries Kyaw Nyein and Defense Minister Ba Swe0 Kyaw Nyein, the most outspokenly anti- Communist of the Burmese leaders, reportedly feels that Nu was too much taken in by the Chinese Communists and has chided the Burmese ambassador to Peiping, now in Rangoon, for encouraging Nu to assume a "peacemaker" role. Kyaw Nyein has threatened to resign following charges o f gra made against him by the premier. He is also said to be in trouble with Defense Minister Ba .Swe and other of his Socialist colleagues In any showdown, Nu's hand will be strengthened by the Burmese publics enthusiasm for his "accom- plishments" in Peiping? 30 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 Approved For Re1eaUit/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975A001900460001-0 25X1A 25X1 25X1A 25X1A Approved FoL~tele - 954001900460001-0 SOUTH ASIA 4? Ceylon's prime minister considering visit to Peiping: Prime Minister Kotelawala of Ceylon is considering accepting an invitation to visit Peiping. He told Ambassador Crowe in Colombo that the invitation was extended by Chou En-lai last October, following trade talks between Ceylon and Communist China, The ambassador believes Kotelawala wants to go to Peiping, probably after the Afro-Asian conference in April. Comment: Kotelawala has insisted that Ceylo is interested in Communis China only as a market for rub- be Peiping might press for the establishment of diplomatic relations with Ceylon, and perhaps also for the con- clusion of a nonaggression understanding similar to those it has with India and Burma ? . NEAR EAST - AFRICA 25X1'? Iraq "will stand firm" on proposed pact with Turkey: Iraqi prime minister Nuri Said has given Turkish prime minister Menderes "cate- gorical reassurances" that Iraq "will continue to stand firm" on its proposed pact with Turkey regardless of the out- come of the Cairo conference of Arab prime ministers, according to the secre- tary general of the Turkish Foreign Office. Nuri Said plans to obtain general parlia- mentary approval early in February and to "finalize and sign the pact thereafter:' o' He is expecting Turkish counterproposals to the Iraqi draft within the "next day or two.0" 30 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 25X6 Approved For Release ?TWi~1 21 ? coin-RDR79T00975n001900460001-0 25X1A Approved Fo R Ieas 2002/1 A RDP~ T000 J 01900460001-0 The Turkish Foreign Office contemplates a text which will be more specific than the Turkish-Pakistani pact but less so than the Balkan pact. The Turkish charge in Damascus told Ambassador Moose on 21 January that an unsigned draft agreed on at Baghdad during the Nuri-Menderes talks provided for, among other things, staff talks on mutual defense during peacetime, and consultation and free transit of war material in case of war. Comment: Because of Nuri's firm control of the domestic situation, he seems to have been rendered immune to the current strong Egyptian-Saudi Arabian attack against him. The coming weeks are therefore the most propitious time for him to consummate the proposed agreement with Turkey. EASTERN EUROPE 6. East German officials reported highly disturbed at Soviet wooing of 25X1 A West Germany: 25X1 1 East German officials are highly disturbed at the recent Soviet move to end the state of war with Germany and espe- cially at the possibility that diplomatic relations might be estab- lished between the Soviet Union and West Germany. Soviet am- bassador Pushkin reportedly has informed the East German lead- ers that Moscow's declaration of peace was formulated suddenly by the central committee of the Soviet Communist Party and not by the Foreign Ministry. As a consequence of this declaration, or- ders were given to discontinue harassment tactics against West Berlin and West Germany. Comment: The developing Soviet em- phasis on wooing West Germany probably has caused East German leaders to fear that Moscow might replace them with officials more acceptable to the West. East German leaders probably will resent any move which appears to deprive East Germany of its claim to represent all of Germany. 30 Jan 55 - CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 Approved For ReIe CIA-RD A001900460001-0 25X1A Approved For We, ea e 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T0097 001900460001-0 It would not be unusual for the party leadership rather than the Foreign Ministry to make the basic decision on this matter. strict controls at check points between East and West es Germany, which were imposed in December, have recently been relaxed. WESTERN EUROPE 25X1A1? Bonn considering neo-Nazi to head projected air force: Former Luftwaffe major general Adolph Galland is being seriously considered as chief of the projected West German air force, according to Ambassador Conant. Comment: There have been widely dis- seminated press reports that t e controversial General Galland would head the projected West German air force. Galland served until recently as a tech- nical adviser to the Argentine air force, and is reported to have been very active in neo-Nazi groups conducting propaganda in Argentina against the Bonn government. He is also alleged to have made several trips to West Germany where he made con- tact with neo-Nazi groups ? He is said to believe that a revival of nazism in Germany is both inevitable and desirable, and to feel that this objective can best be served by co-operation, at least temporarily, with the Western powers.. His appointment would tend to increase the domestic opposition to German rearmament. 25X1 A 8. French upper house delays fixing date for Paris accords debate, Consideration of the Paris accords by the French Council of the Republic will be delayed several days beyond the 30 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 8 Approved For Relea26X0fQ/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975A001900460001-0 25X1 25X1A Approved Fo~&Ie se 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T0097 01900460001-0 8 February date originally anticipated, according to the American embassy in Paris. The council rte,. scheduled a North Africa de- bate for 8 February. Mendes?-France's personal spokesman assured American officials that the premier is "keenly av~are" of the importance of speedy council action, and admitted that Mendes-France was slightly worried by his failure to get the council to set a specific date for the accords debate. Center and rightist leaders are press- ing for an amendment by the Council. This would require the National Assembly to take up the issue again. Comment: Once the two bills on the accords are released from comnittee, the council will probably complete consideration within a week, and is still expected to approve the accords without change. There is growing interest among both Socialist and conservative senators in amending the bills, however. Such a move would automatically return the bills to the assembly, where final action could be postponed indefinitely. 30 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 9 Approved For ReIe 2/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO01900460001-0