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TOP SECRET O~ 2sx~ 30 January 1957 Copy No. 13 1 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CHANGE IN CLASS. C 1 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: AIITH: HR 70-2 25X1 DATEI ' yr REVIEWER:II OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY State Dept. review completed .10 TOP SECRET / 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79TiQ 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO02900370001-9 Approved For Release 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO02900370001-9 25X1A Approved For Releas 2002/10/21 ? CIA_RDP79T00975 002900370001-9 CONTENTS 1. INDIA REACTS SHARPLY TO UN PLEBISCITE RESOLU- TION ON KASHMIR 25X1A 25X1 3. HUNGARY REPORTEDLY EXTORTING "CONFESSIONS" IMPLICATING WESTERN NATIONS 25X1A 5. FRENCH WEST AFRICAN OFFICIALS ALARMED OVER SELF-GOVERNMENT DEMANDS 25X1A 30 Jan 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 2 )1 Approved For Relea T I - CIA -RD12 . - - -. A002900370001-9 Approved For 25X1A 1. INDIA REACTS SHARPLY TO UN PLEBISCITE RESOLUTION ON KASHMIR 25X1 25X1A The state of tension in India, resulting from the UN Security Council's resolu- tion of 24 January which called for a pleb- iscite in Kashmir, is also reflected in Krishna Menon's statement to Ambassa- dor Lodge on 28 January that there is danger of Pakistani "fedayeen" attacks in Kashmir and that if they occur, he fa- vors taking over all of Pakistan. The Indian press has lashed out at "the interested and mischievous role" played by Britain and the United States throughout the Kashmir dispute. India's belligerent attitude will probably become even more extreme in reply to Pakistan's proposal for introduction of a UN force into Kashmir. However New Delhi, which controls most of the disputed state, is unlikely to provoke hostilities unless it decides that this is the only way to prevent a plebiscite- -which it would probably lose to Pakistan. Karachi is equally unlikely to precipitate a conflict as long as it continues to receive UN support. 30 Jan 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved For Release 2002/1K*14IA-RDP79T00975A002900370001-9 25X1 D L Approved For Release 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO02900370001-9 Approved For Release 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO02900370001-9 Approved For - 900370001-9 25X1A 25X1A 3. HUNGARY REPORTEDLY EXTORTING "CONFESSIONS" IMPLICATING WESTERN NATIONS A reliable source of the American lega- tion in Budapest states that many Hun- garians deported to the USSR after the revolution have been returned and are now in a Budapest prison. The returnees are being re- leased only if they sign a "confession" admitting "contact" with Western powers. Comment Such confessions may be used in the forthcoming political trials to implicate Western states and their diplomatic missions in the Hun- garian uprising. Hungary has accelerated its anti-Western campaign during the past week, and the legation believes that efforts to hamper the activities of Western missions in Budapest are already under way. 30 Jan 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved For RPIPa egdi 10/71 ? CID-RfP79TM975AM7900370001-9 25X1 D 61 Approved For Release 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO02900370001-9 Approved For Release 2002/10/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO02900370001-9 25X1A Approved For 5. FRENCH WEST AFRICAN OFFICIALS ALARMED OVER SELF-GOVERNMENT DEMANDS 25X1A Local French officials are deeply disturbed over current political developments in French West Africa, particularly by the growing de- mands for early self-government. The Amer- ican consul general at Dakar notes that they are most concerned over the rapid pace of 25X1A and fear that Paris will not realize the neces- sity of major policy re- adjustments to meet the new situation. ese eve opments, According to the deputy high commission- er of French West Afri- ca, the Africans now say they plan to turn the federations of West and Equatorial Africa into two independent states associated with France rather than accepting the French plan for 12 autonomous territories. FRENCH WEST AFRICA TOGMAND o:k: ... FRENCH Lift. EQLATC~RIAL (6rltpM)Gfra~+c~)~+ ~ '~ AFR.3CA / Most of this change in African attitude has taken place since French Togoland was granted autonomy in late 1956, and has been influenced by de- velopments in North Africa and the Gold Coast. West African territorial leaders recently supported a refusal of the Grand Council at Dakar to discuss the budget because of dissatisfaction with the implementation of the new basic reform law. The African majority of the representa- tives on a committee of the French National Assembly voted unan- imously on 24 January to grant larger cowers to African councils. 30 Jan 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 25X1