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Approved F r ReleaTQSiSE ET9T009 4004000240001-0 1 / 9 October 1958 Copy No. 59 11 DOCUMENT NO . NO CHANGE IN CLASS. I DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHAN iEI) TO: i-; S NEXT flEVIE4'V DATE: USOF'~ AUTII:}r 3F DATE,Yr~OREVIEWER 25 25 000 *Army and State Department review(s) completed. / Approved For Release 2 0975A004000240001-0 / 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/05/12 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO04000240001-0 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2005/05/12 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO04000240001-0 Approved For Release 2005/05/12 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO04000240001-0 El i j Watch Committee conclusion: No Sino-Soviet bloc coun- try intends deliberately to initiate direct military action against US forces abroad, US allies, or areas peripheral to the orbit in the immediate future, except as noted below., .*Macao: Tension building up in Macao may lead to serious disturbances between pro-Communist and pro-Nationalist Chi- nese on 10 October, the Nationalist holiday, Nationalist sym- pathizers are infuriated. by the Portuguese Governor's deci- sion to ban ceremonial arches because of threats by local Com- munists to call a general strike and. forcibly remove the Nationalist flags. The Chinese Communists reportedly have threatened to send troops into Macao and cut off its food and water supply in the event of disturbances. communist, ina - uinea: ' tion of Guinea three days after a similar Soviet move, is another indication that the bloc intends to move rapidly to take advantage of the opportunity to increase Com- munist influence in West Africa. While the US and the UK 9 Oct 58 j Approved For DAILY BRIEF 25 25X1 kllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllrllll;o ~~%%%/~%%~%%~/%%///%O/%%%%%%%%/~%~%%%/~ Approved Forrelease 2005/05/12 : CIA-RDP79T00975f4000240001-0 ,qEW have delayed, recognition in deference to a French re- quest, Paris has denied official communications facil- ities for congratulatory messages to Guinea Premier Sekou Toure, Cambodia: Phnom Penh's decision to oust Nationalist Chinas representative leaves the Chinese Communists vir- tually unopposed in their efforts to control Cambodia's in- fluential Chinese population. This decision was almost c) certainly taken with the approval of Premier Sihanouk Jordan: Prime Minister Rifai has been subjected to strong parliamentary attacks which possibly had support within the palace. This appears to be the first move in a concerted effort by Rif ails enemies inside and outside the government to force his resignation and pave the way for a more "popular" government, Pro- UAR elements would be tempted to take advantage of the political turmoil which could develop. UAR: Nasir's reorganization of the UAR administra- tive structure, which appears to have transferred potential yrian troublemakers to Cairo, aims at increasing his con- C) trol over Syria. He has removed several other Syrian officers 9 Oct 58 Approved For 000240001-0 DAILY BRIEF iii Approved Fo lease 2005/05/12: CIA-RDP79T0097 04000240001-0 2 from military posts by appointing them as members of the executive council for Syria. Troublesome but influential Vice Presidents Hawraiii .and Baghc adi have been retained, 25X1 Vice President Asali has been dropped. (Page 8) while conservative but less important Syrian nationalist Watch Committee conclusion- - Middle East- Although a deliberate initiation of open hostilities in the Middle East is unlikely in the immediate future, the situation remains unstable throughout the area, particularly where US and UK interests or commitments are involved, and incidents and coups could occur at any time. NOTE: In Lebanon political and religious strife continue to endanger the stability of the country, and incidents could oc- cur involving US forces. The survival. of the Jordanian regime cgfttinues to be threat- ened. If the regime in Jordan collapses, action by Israel and other neighboring countries to take control of Jordanian territory is likely. In Iraq internal conditions continue to invite action by the Communists an - sir elements to further their respective objectives. Cyprus: Talks under NATO auspices have been indefinite- ly adjourned. to allow additional behind-the-scenes attempts to bring Greece, Britain, and Turkey together. Such progress as may have been made thus far is threatened by Ankara's cur- rent negative attitude and by its unexpected appointment of a new consul general to Cyprus. This leaves his predecessor as full-time Turkish representative to the Cy rus government and is a move certain to irritate the Greeks. (Page 9) 9 Oct 58 DAILY BRIEF iv A roved For Pal ase 2005/05/12 ? CIA-RDP79T00975A 04000240001-0 25 d F R 2005/05/12 CIA RDP79T00975A00 000240001 0 L j' A pprove or ase : - - Panama: Striking secondary-school students appear to be gathering support from university students and labor unions in their efforts to enforce demands against the gov- ernmento The situation is explosive and agitators could provoke riots with little warning in Panama City. ILLEGIB 9 Oct 58 DAILY BRIEF v 004000240001-0 25 III. THE WEST 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/05/12 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO04000240001-0 Next 5 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2005/05/12 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO04000240001-0 25X1 Approved F 04000240001-0 II. ASIA-AFRICA Laotian Political Situation Prime Minister Phoui Sananikone touched off a political storm when he signed a monetary reform agreement with the United States on 30 September. While there was considerable opposition to reform in principle, assembly deputies are even more annoyed at Phoui's failure to consult with them prior to signing the accord. Leaks almost immediately undercut Phoui's efforts to keep the new dollar exchange rate secret until after the assembly adjourns on 11 October. Under public pressure, he now p'.ans to present the issue to the assembly on 10 Octo- ber. Bitterness is strongest within Phoui's own party, the re- cently formed Rally of the Lao People (RLP), and ex-;Premier Souvanna Phouma and assembly President Pheng Phongsa'an apparently are maneuvering to bring down the government on a vote of confidence. Souvanna's frequent meetings during the last week of September with Souphannouvong, leader of the Communist-dominated Neo Lao Hak Zat, and with the leader of the leftist Santiphab party suggest that he may hope to head a government of national union. Phoui's position, however, has been somewhat strength- ened by public backing from the crown prince and the recent cooperation of Deputy Premier Katay. In addition, RLP dep- uties may fear that a vote against Phoui would probably split their party on the lines of the former Nationalist and Independ- ent parties, thus leaving the leftist opposition in a pivot position in the assembly. Approved For Release 2005/05/12 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO04000240001-0 9 Oct 58 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/05/12 - - 4000240001-0 Cambodia Ousts Chinese Nationalist Representative The Cambodian Government's order to Nationalist Chi- na's unofficial representative, Consul Liao Chung-chin, to leave Phnom Penh within the next two weeks has removed the last rallying point for anti-Communist elements among the local Chinese. Communist China, which opened an embassy in Phnom Penh only last month, now is virtually unopposed in its efforts to gain control over the country's large and influential Overseas Chinese population. Phnom Penh's action last May abolishing the long-established,. semi autonomous Overseas Chinese administrative system had already removed a major obstacle to Communist subversion. This latest step against Taipei was undoubtedly taken with the approval of Premier Sihanouk, possibly before his departure for the United States in early September. The issue may, in fact, have been decided in principle at the time of Cambodia's recognition of Communist China in accordance with Peiping's insistence on the concept of "one China." Sihanouk, who opposes domestic Communism, at the same time considers pro-Peiping sentiment among the approximately 300,000 local Chinese as insignificant. Peiping has been overtly circumspect in its relations with Cambodia, but is making steady propaganda headway through educational and cultural media among the local Chinese. At least one Communist propaganda film is being shown daily in Phnom Penh and most provincial centers, and Radio Peiping recently has undertaken to augment its daily 30-minute Cambodian-language broadcasts. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/05/12 : CIA-RDP79T00975A004000240001-0 9 Oct 53 ' CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 25X1 Approved Fo Developments in Jordan Members of both houses of Jordan's Parliament on 7 October attacked the government's pro-Western policies and its harsh internal rt