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25X1 Approved release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00A009100370001-0 TOP SECRET 1a 7%- - ~+- I ar, r, Copy Nom State Department review completed C 160 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CURRENT INTELLIGENCE RELATING TO NATIONAL SECURITY 25X1 EXCLUDED FROM RU D DOWNGRADING I TC,~ J~ v L 1 ET NNDDEDLASSIFI ~551FIApproved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975A00 00 0001 0 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09100370001-0 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09100370001-0 Approve Fnr Pplpgq-~p 2nn.'11n112A - r1A_PnP7ATnnq7_f;annA10370r2A 19 August 1966 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CONTENTS 2. Communist China: Party rally reflects changes in hierarchy. (Page 4) UK-NATO: British plan to confront North Atlantic Council with problem of maintaining troops in Ger- many. (Page 8) 6. Dominican Republic: Balaguer pushing military reforms prior to departure of peace force. (Page 9) 7. South America: Declaration of Bogota reaffirms importance of Latin American economic integra- tion. (Page 10) 8. Notes: USSR; Jamaica; Ecuador. (Page 11) 00-1 25X1 Annrr%xigmel Lr%r Pg%ig%nctg% gnminliga (-IA-Pr)r)7QTnnQ7s;Anno~nn'%7nnni-n 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09100370001-0 Next 5 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09100370001-0 Approved 1or Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO091 0370001-0 25X1 Communist China- First accounts of a mammoth rally in Peking on T8 -August indicate that the party power structure has been shaken up. Defense Minister Lin Piao appears to be number two man in the party, replacing in this role Chief of State Liu Shao-chin Lin, identified as Mao's "dearest comrade in arms," was the principal speaker and was seated in the place of honor on the left of Mao. Lin has risen in spite of his long record of illness and absence from public life. Liu Shao-chi was present, but did not speak and was eighth in Peking's list of officials present. Gen- eral Secretary Teng Hsiao-ping also failed to take an active part. He was sixth in the line-up and listed below two lower ranking functionaries who are charged with running the current "cultural revolution." Chou En-lai apparently retains a firm grip on the number three spot he has held for years. Chou addressed the rally and was seated on Mao's right. Chen Yuri, once the party's top economic special- ist but thrust into limbo for criticizing the "leap for- ward," may have been readmitted to the circle of power. This was Chen's first appearance at a turnout designed to display elite leaders since 1960. The basis for the new line-up was probably es- tablished during the last days of the 1-12 August cen- tral committee plenum. Peking's accounts of the meeting and the bland communique issued at its close appear designed to convey the impression that major conflicts have been resolved. The abrupt change in the relative standing of top leaders indicates, however, that the top party conclave--the first of its kind in four years--was the scene of sharp debate. This was sug- gested earlier by signs of disarray in the party press while the meetings were in session. (continued) 19 Aug 66 Approved 25X1 j j 25X1 The shape of the new power structure is still unclear, but it reflects shifts which could eventu- ally alter the course of Chinese policy. All in- ON 25X1 Approve bubbling in Peking. dications are that the political cauldron is still 19 Aug 66 25X1 25X1 ApproJed For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975A0d9100370001-0 / 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09100370001-0 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09100370001-0 70001-0 UK-NATO: [London plans to take the problem of the foreign exchange cost of its troops in Germany to the ~ -1 North Atlantic CounciW 6ondon will ask the Council to determine the best 4- 4T 4- 4Z9Q nnillinn nnn"nll "Rritish way o e ec a sav ng Y. officials are assuming that this will have to come through troop cuts. Britain also will announce unilateral meas- ures to save about $56 million annually without a troop reduction. These measures include reducing stock levels from a 30- to a ten-day supply.) he annual foreign exchange cost of supporting Britis~Tforces in Germany is now about $263 million, just over half of which is offset by West German purchase of British goods., As part of its new economic austerity policy, London had earlier announced it would reduce these forces if Bonn does not find a way to increase the off set J. By taking the problem to the Council, London prob- IM 25X1 25X1 ably ~bpes to build up pressure on Bonn to increase its offset payments by more than it otherwise might be willing to do. British officials, however, do not expect to obtain anything approaching full offset from the Germans. Lon- don presumably hopes that by shifting the problem to a multilateral context it can minimize the dangers to Anglo- German relations of any -troop reduction which eventually occursJ. rbefense Minister Healey, who says he has opposed the culs, has warned US officials that failure to reduce the German offset gap in the period beginning I April 1967 to below $84 million a year would reopen arguments within 25X1 the British Government over defense policy Healey in- dicated that this would lead to rene ed pressure to reduce British commitments east of Suez Approved For Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79TOO975AO09100370001-0 25X1 Approved 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79TOO975AOO?100370001-0 Dominican Republic: President Balaguer re- mains determined to initiate ambitious military reforms prior to the departure of the Inter-Amer- ican Peace Force, now scheduled for late Septem- ber. The president's program, [outlined privately to the US Ambassador on 15 Augustj includes the transfer to the army of the air force's significant ground combat capability and the break-up of the army's Fourth Brigade--the unit formerly led by, and possibly still loyal to, exiled General Wessin. In addition, Balaguer favors a general reduction in military strength and changes in enlistment policy. Balaguer feels some of these changes will re- duce right-wing capabilities to challenge the gov- ernment. Although expressing concern with the danger posed by the left, he singled out extreme rightist civilian and military elements as the ma- jor threat to the stability of his regime. He in- dicated some lack of confidence in the ability and, in part, the willingness of the government's intel- ligence service to develop information on right- wing subversive activities. Although Balaguer said that the military chiefs appear to be well disposed to accept some reforms, subordinate elements may not be as amenable. Balaguer's desire to begin the changes before the departure of the peace force indicates he under- VON stands that risk is involved. Should Balaguer go ahead with his extensive reforms, he may decide that retention of the peace force beyond the present deadline is necessary. 25X1 19 AuLY 66 9 Approvec For Release 2.00310 112.9 UIA-mur-tv IUM1101AU I UU%) I UUU I _U Approved 11or Release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79TOO975AO09100370001-0 25X1 South America.- The presidents of Chile, Colom- bia, and Venezuela, and representatives from Ecuador and Peru have concluded two days of talks in Bogota with a declaration which reaffirms the importance of Latin American economic integration. 25X1 They call for the accomplishment of economic integration through the development of border regions, increased means of communication, the formation of a common payments clearing house, and eventually a customs union. The conferees also recommend con- sultation and cooperation between the Latin American Free Trade Association and the Central American Common Market and state that more international as- sistance is needed, but with conditions softer than those now generally prevailing. While their declaration deals principally with eco- nomic matters, it also calls for an end to the war in Vietnam through peaceful means, and supports re- strictions on nuclear weapons. No startling new initiatives appear to have been taken at the Bogota meeting. However, the stress on economic integration will probably give new impetus to the idea in other Latin American countries and become a major issue for the meeting of hemisphere presidents expected for December or January. I 25X1 19 Aug 66 10 25 0 Approved Ifor Release 2003/01/29: CIA-RDP79TOO975AOOf 100370001-0 Approved For release 2003/01/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09100370001-0 25X1 A proved For Release 2003/01/29: CIA-RDP79T00975AO091003 0001-0 oto 1 Aug tilb CENTRAL 25X1 Approved For Release 9003.101.199 - CIA-R.DRUL 9100370001-0 25X1 USSR: LA probable new air-to-surface cruise .missile carried by a TU-16 Badger medium bomber was photographed recently over the Barents Sea. The missile may be a replacement for the obsoles- cent Kennel (AS-1) antiship missile, which has a range of 55 miles and a speed of about Mach 0. 8. It is also possible that the new missile may be used as a long-range aviation weapon. against land targets (See Photos) 25X1 Jamaica: A new outbreak of violence in poverty- stricken West Kingston has been described by the police as the worst since late June. Over the weekend there were at least twenty shootings and knifings. As in the past, this activity appears politically motivated. Numerous persons were beaten by thugs who first questioned them on their political affiliation. General elections are scheduled for mid-1967. Meanwhile, more 13oliticalIV motivated violence may be expected., *Ecuador-, Minister of Defense Fausto Cordovez Chiriboga continues to plot the overthrow of the Yerovi on 25X1 Cordovez, a ci- government and his own assumption of power, vilian, is said to lack widespread military backing for and some officers who oppose him evidently lans his , p are planning their own move. Nevertheless, Cordovez does enjoy some military support by virtue of his posi- tion and could hope to retain it if he is moved from his present job and named to head the finance ministry as 25X1 has been rumored recently. 19 Aug 66 25X1 Approved ~or Release 2003/01/29: CIA-RDP79T00975A0 9100370001-0 ------------ 25X1 Approved or Release 2003/01/29: CIA-RDP79TOO975AO 100370001-0 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE The United States Intelligence Board, on 18 August 1966, approved the following national intel- ligence estimate: NIE 93-66, "The Outlook for Brazil, 11 19 Aug 66 12 25X1 25X1 0 Approved Fwr Rele se 200-3/01/29 - - A009100370001-0 THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistants to the President The Scientific Adviser to the President The Director of the Budget The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Counselor and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council The Director of Intelligence and Research The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Under Secretary'of the Treasury The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs) The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Chief of Staff, United States Army Commandant, United States Marine Corps U.S. Rep., Military Committee and Standing Group, NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific Commander in Chief, Atlantic The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency The Director, The Joint Staff The Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army The Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force The Department of Justice The Attorney General The Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director National Aeronautics and Space Administration The Administrator The Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman The National Security Agency The Director The United States Information Agency The Director The National Indications Center The Director Approved For Rel 00975A009100370001-0 Approved For Release O/ T00975A009100370001-0 Approved For Release ' 9'1/S ffT9T00975AO09100370001-0