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Approved For F ase 2003/05/19: CIA-RDP79T009751iip1s9700070fl1Secret
Central Intelligence Bulletin
DEPT OF STATE review(s) completed.
Top Secret
c 143
21 February 1967
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21 February 1967
Central Intelligence Bulletin
Disarmament: Eighteen-nation meeting faces difficult
negotiations. (Page 3)
Syria-Iraq: Syrians take harder position in pipeline
dispute. (Page 6)
Chile: Constitutional revision issue sparks parliamen-
tary frictions. (Page 8)
Egypt - Saudi Arabia: Increased tensions (Page 10)
Congo (Kinshasa) - Belgium: Union Miniere (Page 10)
Jamaica: Close elections (Page 11)
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Disarmament: [The Eighteen Nation Disarmament
Committee reconvening in Geneva today faces further
difficult negotiations on a treaty to curb the spread of
nuclear weapons.]
[Most delegations had expected that the US and USSR
would jointly offer formulations of such a treaty at the
opening session. The Soviet delegation advised the US
late last week, however, that it was unwilling to do so
until a complete text is ready, which can then be put to
top officials in Moscow for approval. Since the US told
the Soviet delegation that we are not yet prepared to sub-
mit language on the safeguards article, the resulting
situation may encourage non-nuclear countries which
have reservations about the treaty to continue concerting
their views on the various objections that they would
like the US and USSR to accommodate]
Uin West Germany, where public debate over the
treaty has continued unabated, Chancellor Kiesinger
and other political figures met with parliamentary
leaders last Friday in an effort to damp down criticism.
Although this was evidently only partiall successful,
the government is continuing its efforts.]
In Italy, Foreign Minister Fanfani has told Am-
bassador Reinhardt that although the government still
favors the treaty in principle, there is considerable
concern among Italian officials from President Saragat
and Premier Moro on down that unless Italy's objec-'
tions to some provisions are taken into account, future
governments will accuse them of selling out the coun-
try. Fanfani believes that it is of the utmost impor=
tance to avoid arousing a nationalistic reaction in non-
nuclear states, including Italy. Some senior foreign
office officials are reported to believe, however, that
official opposition to treaty terms is being carried too
21 Feb 67
Approved For Relea$e 2003/05/19 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO09T00050001-9
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~n EURATOM, some commission officials as well
as several permanent representatives of the member
states continue to believe that acceptance of Interna-
tional Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections within
EURATOM--as the treaty would require--would mean
the demise of EURATOM's own safeguards systems
and, perhaps, of EURATOM itself. Although consider-
ation is still being given to the idea of acceptance of
IAEA verification of the adequacy of EURATQM controls,
it would probably take a long time to work out the neces-
sary IAEA- EURATOM agreement, which even then might
not be acceptable to the USSR]
[At a meeting of EURATOM permament representa-
tives on 16 February, the French delegate reiterated
that Paris had no intention of signing the nonprolifera-
tion treaty. Although the French delegate said each
member should decide for itself, Paris would expect
each to "weigh most carefully" the implications for the
future of European unity and alluded to the treaty in
terms implying it amounts to "another Yalta. "
21 Feb 67
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Syria-Iraq: [The Syrian regime is taking a more
intransigent position toward settlement of its dispute
with the Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC) and soon may
nationalize the pipeline, which it seized last December]
[Iraqi Prime Minister Talib's proposal to reopen
the pipeline to oil owned by the Iraqi Government was
rebuffed by the Syrians. They told Talib that their
price for this would be Iraq's nationalization of its
section of the pipeline. The Syrians also disclosed
that a nationalization decree for the Syrian section of
the line had been prepared for 20 February, but they
agreed to postpone its execution for a week.
[During the meeting the Syrians professed great
eagerness to come to an agreement with the IPC, but
on face-saving terms which would not repudiate any
of the extreme public statements made b their sokes-
m en.
21 Feb 67
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Chile: The Senate's decision to vote on President
Frei's proposed constitutional revision within ten
days will resurface parliamentary frictions.
The bill, submitted by Frei after the Senate vetoed
his planned trip to the US, allows a president to dis-
solve congress and call new elections once within his
term. The Senate's move came as a surprise, since
Senate President Allende had ruled earlier that the
proposal would be shelved until 4 April. The change
was prompted by pressure from the executive branch,
intense publicity, and legal opinions opposed to Allende's
Nevertheless, the bill still faces rough going. The
vote in the Senate is expected to be close. The US
Embassy predicts that even if Frei is able to muster
the required majority, the bill may be loaded with amend-
ments which the lower house would reject, thus causing
a long delay.
21 Feb 67
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2003/05/19 : CIA-RDP79T00975A00970005 001-9
Egypt - Saudi Arabia: [The Saudi Hawk missile
equipment now being moved from Jidda to Jizan may
soon be the target of an Egyptian air strike. The
Egyptian commander in Yemen implied as much in
telling a US official recently that the development of
a Saudi surface-to-air missile capability along the
border with Yemen would be regarded as an "offen-
sive" move, since it would be aimed at neutralizing
Egyptian air attacks prior to supporting a new royalist
campaign within Yemen.
ew n s. rest en o u u as rie o mini-
mize the internal repurcussions by touting the agree-
Congo (Kinshasa) - Belgium: The mining and
marketing agreement signed on 17 February paves
the way for an early resumption of copper exports.
The new arrangements almost certainly will make
mining less efficient and will reduce the Congolese
Government's income. The country will still face a
tight foreign exchange and supply situation over the 25X
t f
th P ' d t M b t h t d t
ment as a political victor
21 Feb 67
Approved For Rel
Approved Fors
Jamaica: The outcome of today's general elec-
tions is expected to be extremely close. Units of the
Jamaican defense force have joined police in patrol-
ling potential trouble spots in an effort to contain po-
litical violence. Opposition allegations of tampering
with electoral lists and rigging voter registration
have been given some credibility by the official re-
port on the number of eligible voters, which is about
250,000 fewer than the 796,540 registered in 1962.
21 Feb 67
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