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Approved For Release 2003/08/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975A02210001Seciet
Central Intelligence Bulletin
DIA and DOS review(s) completed.
N2 42
9 June 1972
Approved For Release 2003/08/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22100010001-4
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Approved For Release 2003/08/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22100010001-4
Approved For Release 2003/08/21 ECfA-RD79T00975A022100010001-4
No. 0138/72
9 June 1972
Central Intelligence Bulletin
SOUTH VIETNAM: Situation report. (Page 1)
FRANCE: Nuclear submarine will conduct first missile
test firings. (Page 5)
TURKEY: Local elections demonstrate strength of
Justice Party. (Page 6)
MALAGASY REPUBLIC: Former vice-president has been
released. Page 7)
INDONESIA: Reduction in interest rates (Page 8)
AFGHANISTAN: Prime minister may resign (Page 8)
Approved For Release 2003/08/2 &R4 DP79T00975A022100010001-4
Approved For Release 2003/08/21SJCA 9T00975A022100010001-4
Guff of
553212 6-72 CIA
Demilitarized Zone
My Chanh River
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Capital Special Zone
Approved For Release 2003/08/21 : CI - DP79T00975AO22100010001-4
Approved For Release 2003/08/2~.w-R x9T00975A022100010001-4
C SOUTH VIETNAM: Fighting continued at moderate
levels on all three major fronts in South Vietnam
on 8 June.
Military action picked up in the northern prov-
inces as South Vietnamese marines launched their
.third spoiling operation into enemy-held Quang Tri
Province. Five marine battalions are attacking
along a 15-mile front from the government's My
Chanh River defense line near the coast; they have
apparently met only light resistance so far.
Farther south in Military Region 1, several
sources report that Viet Cong forces are preparing
assaults against district capitals in both Quang
Nam and Quang Ngai provinces during the next week.
If these succeed, they reportedly intend to attack
Quang Ngai City.
South Vietnamese forces still are clearing the
northern outskirts of Kontum City of the last enemy
troops dug in there. The enemy has been driven
from firing positions within range of the town's
airfield and aircraft can land there again. Route
14 is still interdicted at Kontum Pass, and bad
weather is hampering the government's efforts to
reopen the road. To the east, in Binh Dinh Prov-
ince, the Communists appear to have committed two
battalions in An Nhon District. Approximately 50
government troops have been killed in recent clashes,
and the Communists have taken control of a section
of Route 1 north of An Nhon town.
A South Vietnamese airborne unit has linked
up with a main government position just south of
An Loc. The main relief column, however, remains
stalled along Route 13 about nine miles to the
south. In Hau Nghia Province, west of Saigon,
Communist forces again shelled government posi-
tions and attacked territorial forces around Trang
Bang and Duc Hoa district towns.
Central Intelligence Bulletin
Approved For Release 2003/08/29ECI-1U79T00975A022100010001-4
Approved For Release 2003/08/21S]Cg- t l 9T00975A022100010001-4
CSaigon has assigned more than two infantry
divisions, an airborne brigade, and an armored cav-
alry regiment to the An Loc operation; forces de-
fending other sections of Military Region 3 are
spread thin, and the enemy is trying to take ad-
vantage of this. There are indications that fresh
enemy attacks have been scheduled for mid-June in
9 Jun 72 Central Intelligence Bulletin
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Approved For Release 2003/08/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22100010001-4
Approved For Release 2003/08/eiR-W79T00975A022100010001-4
Le Redoutable to Fire Missiles During Operational Patrol
Approved For Release 2003/08~RCIA-ET RDP79TOO975AO22100010001-4
Approved For Release 2003/08i Q 1 EP79T00975A022100010001-4
FRANCE: The nuclear-powered ballistic missile
submarine Le Redoutable soon will conduct its first
missile test firings during an operational patrol.
the missiles, probably one or two selected at random,
are to be fired in early July in the vicinity of the
Azores near the end of the submarine's present pa-
trol. Le Redoutable departed the French nuclear
submarine base at Ile Longue near Brest on 3 May and
is currently in the Norwegian Sea. It is to remain
on patrol for the standard 72-day period then return
to port for the normal 28 days for maintenance and
change of crew.
The second French missile submarine, Le Ter-
rible, reported to the Ile Longue base for the first
time on 5 June. It is undergoing checkout before a
pre-operational cruise of some 40 days. Le Terrible
is scheduled to begin its first operational patrol
of 72 days before the end of this year.
9 Jun 72 Central Intelligence Bulletin 5
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Approved For Release 2003/08/2$E79T00975A022100010001-4
TURKEY: Recent local elections have again
demonstrated the firm hold the conservative Justice
Party has on the bulk of the electorate.
The party, which has been under something of
a shadow since the military ousted former prime
minister Demirel's government in March 1971, won
about half of the 212 mayorality seats being con-
tested. The other major party, the Republican Peo-
ple's Party, won only about 30 seats, with 48 going
to independents. About one sixth of the municipal-
ities in the country were involved. In the impor-
tant Izmir Consular District, the Justice Party won
41 of the 53 mayorality contests.
Local elections also were held
in all
and districts and the Justice Party
to have won about 70 percent of the
seats; this would indicate that the
also won
the bulk of the contests for district and
The military must have been impressed by this
demonstration of the continuing strength and organ-
izational ability of the Justice Party. The party's
showing may bring added pressure from the military
for electoral reforms designed to limit Justice
Party representation in the next parliament; par-
liamentary elections are scheduled for next year.
Central Intelligence Bulletin
Approved For Release 2003/08/;SEi OR79T00975A022100010001-4
Approved For Release 2003/08/21O..X-GM1 9T00975A022100010001-4
MALAGASY REPUBLIC: General Ramanantsoa has
announced the release of former vice-president Andre
Resampa, arrested last June on charges of plotting
against President Tsiranana in complicity with US
Embassy officials.
The decision has further weakened the position
of the figurehead president. Ramanantsoa implicitly
exonerated Resampa of all charges and also clearly
implied that Tsiranana had engineered the former
vice-president's disgrace. Tsiranana made a sepa-
rate statement approving the action, but this evi-
dently was done at Ramanantsoa's instigation. On
3 May, the President had repudiated his accusation
of US involvement.
Ramanantsoa's decision should help to consoli-
date the new regime's popular support. It is re-
sponsive to demands from students and workers for
the release of political prisoners, and the release
of Resampa could herald the freeing of numerous
others imprisoned for allegedly plotting against
Tsiranana. The release of Resampa was probably in-
tended to help undercut officials of the ousted
regime who have attempted to arouse pro-Tsiranana
sentiment by exploiting tribal animosities.
Resampa is now in a position to make a politi-
cal comeback. Before his arrest, he had broad
popular support throughout the island, and he is one
of the few national political leaders not associated
with the discredited Tsiranana regime.
Central Intelligence Bulletin 7
Approved For Release 2003/08/25E 1j3p79T00975A022100010001-4
Approved For Release 2003/08/21sCTAiRB'P"79T00975A022100010001-4
INDONESIA: Recent reductions in commercial
bank interest rates reflect the improved condition
of the economy, including the sharply reduced level
of inflation. Interest rates have been falling for
some time now. The present 18-percent annual rate
paid for 12-month time deposits compares with 72
percent paid in 1968. Djakarta's lower rates will
stimulate economic expansion by encouraging in-
creased investment spending, which has remained
sluggish despite the country's success in stabi-
lizing the economy. There is some possibility,
however, that the lower rates will also induce an
outflow of foreign funds, adversely affecting the
AFGHANISTAN: Prime Minister Zahir may resign
in the next few days. After weeks of procrastina-
tion, Zahir finally appeared before the lower house
of parliament for questioning on 6 June, but refused
to give oral answers. The session, which was re-
markably like the one that preceded Prime Minister
Etemadi's resignation last year, ended amid general
disorder with some deputies raising the possibility
of a no-confidence vote when the house next meets
on Sunday. A US Embassy officer who attended be-
lieves the session may have been arranged with the
knowledge of the King in order to pave the way for
changing the government, The King has become in-
creasingly dissatisfied with Zahir's failure to
deal with problems such as food distribution and
with his inability g with parliament.
Central Intelligence Bulletin
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Approved For Release 2003/08/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22100010001-4
Approved For Release 2003/08/21 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO22100010001-4