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Approved Folease 2003/08/27 :CIA-RDP79T009024400~QQrel Central Intelligence Bulletin Secret N?' 0 41 5 May 1973 25~C1 Approved For Release 2003/08/27 :CIA-RDP79T00975A024400030001-7 25X1 gpproved For Release 2003/08/27 :CIA-RDP79T00975A024400030001-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/27 :CIA-RDP79T00975A024400030001-7 Approved Forlease 2003/O~~C~~DP79T00973~24400030001-7 25X1 No. OIf18/73 5 May 1973 Centr~cl Intelligence Bulletin CONTENTS preparations for a b.s~ sprincampaign are almost totally lacking this y~~.r. ~~ (Page 1) SOUTH VIETNAM: Th~~_tradition -f indicators of enemy LEBANON-FEDAYEEN: Ceasefe seems to be holding ARGENTINA: Campor unta meetn= fails to satisfy military on terror sm issue. (Pa~~ 3) Approved For Release 2003/~S/'1~`~A~RDP79T00975A024400030001-7 Approved Fd~elease 2003~~$~~~Fi~-RDP79T009024400030001-7 OUTH VIETNAM: Time is running against the Co n~,sts! a- f they were planning to use their newly i.n#iltrated men and materiel for a major offensive this spx?,..ng. The rainy season will begin to slow movement on the Ho Chi Minh trail shortly, and vital combat support from back-country enemy bases in many areas will be badly impeded. The traditional indicators of enemy prepara- tions for a big. campaign--forward deployments, in- tense reconnaissance--are almost totally lacking at present. In the north., the Communists have cut back their combat punch by withdrawing a large part of three divisions. Dr~;er weather prevails along the coast in the north for the next three months, how- ever, and major combat, would be more possible .there than elsewhere. There are reports claiming that during May the Communists will try to intensify the local nibbling attacks they have been conducting since the cease- fire. But throughout the summer and the rainy pe- riod at least, the Communists will more likely put their major military effort into the rebuilding, realignment, and consolidation of main forces, the logistic system., and t;he specialized sapper and ar- tillery units. 25X1 By emphasizing a rebuilding program and employ- ing economy-of-force i:actics stressing artillery harassment and small-scale raids, the Communists probably believe they can defend most of what they now control and have a much improved military option by next fall. 5 May 73 Central Intelligence Bulletin Approved For Release 2003I~8127R'C1~RDP79T00975A024400030001-7 25X1 !~~? Approved For Release 2003/Q$A'~RDP79T00975A024400030001-7 LEBANQN-FEDAYEEN: The cease-fire seems to be holding up well as negotiations begin on new arrange- ments regarding the. fedayeen presence in Lebanon. In the negotiations, President Franjyah plans to insist on further restrictions on the. guerrillas' sphere of action, The guerrillas' tough pose softened when the army showed it was determined to restore order and expected support to the fedayeen from other Arab states did not materialize. Sma11 numbers of Syrian- based guerrillas did cross the border, but may al- ready have returned to Syria. Beirut is quiet and fedayeen there have with- drawn from the advance positions they had been using to fire on the army. The airport, which had been closed, is now open and traffic has resumed. The Voice of Palestine radio continues to charge that the Lebanese were launching air strikes and that the army continued to shell fedayeen positions in the south, but the army claimed there was no fighting there. The Lebanese believe they are now in a stronger position to deal with the guerrillas and that they can exact concessions from them in the current nego- tiations. The government expects that mediation ef- forts by the other Arabs should be generally helpful. Representatives from Egypt, 3ra and Morocco ar- rived in Beirut yesterday. 5 May 73 25X1 Approved For Release 2003f,Q~~~~~]]~'RDP79T00975A024400030001-7 Approved Felease 2003/~>~~~: ~fA RDP79T0095024400030001-7 25X1 ARGENTINA: The ;meeting between president-elect Campora an t e ruling military junta failed to re- solve any of the issues that divide them. Campora agreed to meet with President Lanusse ane7,the commanders of the air force and navy to dis- cuss the upsurge in terrorism that has resulted in the ,assassa,nation of two high-ranking officers and ?the kidnaping of two others since the March elections. Despite the. positive attitude displayed by the par- tici ants following the meeting, ittle was accomplisne o~h~tYi~.~' re as o we 1-known basic differences between the military and. the Peronists. The Peronists contend that terrorism will sub- side once a popular government is inaugurated. The military is convinced it will not, and can point to statements from Trotskyist terrorists that they will .continue to attack th.e armed forces after the Peron- ists take power. To protect their own interests, the army and navy--th.e primary targets of recent attacks--are insisting that they retain control of the counter-terrorism effort. Campora's only words on the subject so far are that the maintenance of internal security will be the role of the police, not the military. Campor'a's aloof posture and apparent unwilling- ness to define his policies for the military appear to be based on his conviction that the armed forces will not move to block his accession to power. He counts the air force in his corner and believes that, in any event, the military will not risk civil war by moving against, him after his strong showing at the polls. Most sensor officers do believe that they are in no position to act. against the Peronists at the present time. General Sanchez de Bustamante, co 5 May 7 3 Central Intelligence Bulletia~ SE2~RET Approved For Release 2003/08/ : CIA-RDP79T00975A024400030001-7 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/~~~CRDP79T00975A024400030001-7 commander in Buenos Aires anal leader of the hard- e anti-Peronist faction in the army, is kee in his a bons o en however 25X1 If additional terrorist attacks are made on the armed forces and Campos. continues tcs evade making commitments to the mili- tary, hard-line anti-Peronists in the army and nav could decide t to block Campos . 5 May 73 Central Ir~#eltiger~ce Bulletin 4 25X1 Approved For Release 200~d~:A-RDP79T00975A024400030001-7 Approved Folease 2003/08~~9~~{I~'f~DP79T0091'024400030001-7 INDZ.A: The petroleum minister has proposed emergency measures to curb domestic consumption of petroleum, which is in extremely short supply. Re- quirements for petroleum used in the production of thermal power have increased sharply. to meet the acute electric power shortage. Emergency rail .and truck shipments of foodgr~ains to food-deficit areas have put additional strains on petroleum supplies. New Delhi, which depends on imports for about 65-, percent of its crude oil consumptions is trying to obtain mare crude oil. imports and also has invited foreign oil firms to participate in the search for domestic petroleum t.o satisfy long-term requirements. 5 MaX 73 Central Intelligence Bulletin Approved For Release 2003/09~~P79T00975A024400030001-7 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/27 :CIA-RDP79T00975A024400030001-7 Secret Secret Approved For Release 2003/08/27 :CIA-RDP79T00975A024400030001-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/27 :CIA-RDP79T00975A024400030001-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/27 :CIA-RDP79T00975A024400030001-7