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pr ow AW AW AV AW AW AW AW AW AV 1 1 1 1 1 1 Apprpgq#ffM Release 200 /03/09 TO : NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 2 3 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPAR E REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE REMARKS: FROM: NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NO. DATE (Security Classification) 25X1 Access to this document will be restricted to those approved for the following specific activities: 0 0 LIVLLYVL LL71L1 1..11E L1J Wednesdai;:;: s t 11, 1976 CI NIDC 76-188C 0 0 1 1 NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions DIA review(s) completed. v Top Secret 0 2 1 0 0 State Dept. rAppro edTOr Release 2007/03/09: CIA-RDP79T00975A0 9 ~5 bt ? Ws' ication lidw 1AW AW 1AW 1AW Idow 1AW law 1AW AJ Top Secret 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO29200010018-8 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO29200010018-8 Approved For Ro National Intelligence Daily Cable for Wednesday August 11, 1976. 1 :1 25X1 e NID Cable is for the purpose o informing senior US officials. CONTENTS LEBANON: Situation Report Page 1 Page 2 SPAIN-NATO: Membership Question Page 5 Page 6 USSR-US: Action on Nuclear Agreements RHODESIA-MOZAMBIQUE: Raid Against Guerrillas Page 8 Page 9 CHINA: Earthquake Damage Heavy CHILE: Illegal Detentions Page 9 Page 10 Approved For (Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975Ap29200010018-8 Approved For RO GREECE-TURKEY: Sismik Case Goes International Greece yesterday took its case against Turkish seis- mic exp oration in the Aegean to the UN Security Council; the Greek government also unilaterally submitted the dispute over the Aegean continental shelf to the International Court of Jus- tice. Greek Foreign. Minister Bitsios and Turkish Foreign mister Caglayangil will attend the Security Council meeting when it convenes later this week. Greece wou seek a resolution calling for an end to seismic research activities in contested areas and advising the parties to submit the issue to the International Court or to resume di- rect negotiations. The Greeks petitioned The Hague Court for a ruling on the substance of the dispute and for a declaration of interim measures to prevent either country from seismic exploration in the contested area. I Caramanlis apparently hopes to impress both his for- eign an domestic audience with the government's resolve to press the Greek case without resorting to hostile action against the Sismik. The head of the Greek intelligence service assured the US defense attache in Athens on Monday that Greece would not attack the Sismik but said Athens would do everything short of that to protect its claims. The attache said Greek forces are in a high state of readiness but not on full alert. I IThe Greek government could change this policy if Greece tails to get a Security Council resolution and the Court will not hear the unilateral Greek appeal. Caramanlis might then believe he must toughen his stance in order to retain domestic political support. The Court, however, may withhold a final de- cision until the Sismik's voyage is completed? Turkey has not yet responded to the latest Greek moves, although yesterday Ankara formally rejected a Greek de- marche on the activities of the Sismik. Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975AQ29200010018-8 Approved For Re LEBANON: Situation Report The fighting in Beirut has risen again as the Chris- tians engage in another concerted push against the Tall Zatar refugee camp. The attackers at one point managed to take over a command post, although the Palestinian radio station later re- ported that the Christians had been driven back. The morale of the remaining defenders has reportedly been severely shaken by the fall of the nearby Muslim enclave of Nabaa. There was heavy ground fighting yesterday in several o eiru s southern suburbs, including Shuwa fat and Kfar Shima just east of Beirut international airport. 25X1 operations in this area are part of an over- all strategy aimed eventually at taking over the airport or at cutting off west Beirut from the south. J The airport operation is less likely, given the pres- ence t ere of sizable contingents of Arab League troops, includ- ing Syrians. The Christians may, however, want to get in a po- sition to interdict the landing of any aircraft they believe to be carrying supplies for the Palestinians. The Christians are apparently continuing to concen- trate armored vehicles east of Beirut, possibly in preparation for an attack on the northernmost Palestinian outposts of Ayn- turah and Mutayn in the predominantly Christian central moun- tain area. The Christians may hope, however, that their show of force will persuade the Palestinians to withdraw from the area voluntarily. I On Monday, Arab League mediator Hasan Sabri al-Khuli met wi representatives of the Phalanges Party and Fatah to discuss problems relating to the cease-fire, the restoration of public utilities, the deployment of Arab League forces, and-- a Palestinian withdrawal from I In a later discussion with the Phalangists, Fatah chief asir Arafat reportedly rejected the idea of a withdrawal, arguing that the Syrians would move in if the Palestinians leave. Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T009754 029200010018-8 Approved For Rel Al-Khuli continues to meet with representatives of various sides in a vain attempt to infuse a sense of nation into the all-but-defunct cease-fire. As days pass with no appar- ent result, extremists of both sides are adopting uncompromising public positions. Leftist leader Kamal Jumblatt has declared his re- rusai to negotiate except from a position of strength; he is de- manding the total withdrawal of the Syrian army from Lebanon and an end to Syrian support of the Christians as conditions for peace. I The leader of the extreme rightist Guardians of the eanwhile, has categorically rejected any kind of under- standing with the Palestinians, predicting that the remaining refugee camps in Beirut will go the way of Tall Zatar and Nabaa. I I A Cypriot freighter reportedly carrying arms and am- munition valued at a half million dollars for the Palestinians blew up and sank at the port of Tyre early Monday morning, ap- parently the result of sabotage. The freighter was probably carrying equipment being transshipped from Libya or Egypt. The Cypriots are now refusing to make any further deliveries to Tyre, although they will continue to deliver to the Christian port of Juni ah. 25X1 Approved For R4Iease 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T00974AO29200010018-8 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO29200010018-8 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO29200010018-8 Approved For R4 South African Prime Minister Vorster has announced that next month members of existing representative bodies for "coloreds" (mulattoes) and Asians will meet regularly with gov- ernment ministers to advise them on matters affecting racial groups. Such an advisory council was proposed two months ago by a special commission on colored affairs that recommended fur- ther reforms, which have not been implemented. Vorster's belated token concession may have been prompted by some recent demonstrations by colored and Asian stu- dents to show sympathy for the black students who were shot by police. Vorster's first explicit comment on the latest rioting, in a press interview yesterday, stressed that further violence would not be tolerated. I There were no serious clashes between students and police yesterday, although small-scale demonstrations and in- stances of arson or stone-throwing were reported in several 25X1 Approved For R Iease 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975 029200010018-8 Approved For Re black townships near Johannesburg and Pretoria. Students appar- ently gave up trying to stop black workers from commuting to jobs, and school attendance increased throughout the metropoli- tan area. 25X1 SPAIN-NATO: Membership Question terview late last week that the Suarez government has not de- cided whether to seek membership in NATO and probably will not deal with this issue until after the parliamentary election promised by next June. This is in contrast to the government's determination to seek early admission to the EC.// //Spanish Foreign Minister Oreja stated in an in- //The postponement of a policy decision on NATO enables Madrid to avoid the risk of a possible rebuff, partic- ularly since some NATO members are still adamantly opposed to admitting Spain until convincing political liberation takes place. Deferral also avoids having to press the issue with some Spanish military officers and their political allies who have doubts about the advantages to Spain of NATO membership.// //Oreja favors Alliance membership, but apparently finds merit in taking a public position in favor of holding off at present. In his private remarks, Oreja has been more posi- tive. He told Ambassador Stabler last month that he personally attaches great importance to the question of closer association with NATO, and believes it desirable to move forward as quickly as possible in considering how to increase Spain's association with the Alliance.// //In the meantime, US efforts to promote bilateral contacts between Spain and the most sympathetic allies as a fur- ther step toward Madrid's eventual membership in NATO have evoked a favorable response from the permanent representatives of these countries--France, West Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Belgium. The representatives noted, however, that this is their preliminary reaction and that they will report their governments' official position in September.// //Both the Italian and the German representatives sugges e point military maneuvers with Spain as a logical next 25X1 step. The Belgian representative said Foreign Minister van Els- lande would discuss a strengthenin of bilateral links during his visit to Madrid this month. Approved For Re 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO29200010018-8 Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO29200010018-8 Approved For RoIease 2007/03/09: CIA-RDP79T00975AP0 USSR-US: Action on Nuclear Agreements I The Soviet Council of Ministers yesterday formally re- quested-parliamentary approval of the US-USSR agreements to ban underground nuclear detonations above a yield of 150 kilotons, and to give each country the right to inspect the other's test sites in certain circumstances. The documents now are to be submitted to the presid- ium of the USSR Supreme Soviet for review. Endorsement by that body has the legal effect of ratification, although the texts are subject to subsequent approval by a plenary session of the national Supreme Soviet. Indicate a likely timetable for their parliamentary activity. These procedures are routine, but the Soviets did not Approved For 9 Approved For Rel RHODESIA-MOZAMBIQUE: Raid Against Guerrillas Rhodesian government forces say they killed more than 300 Rhodesian guerrillas in a raid on a guerrilla base across the border in Mozambique on Sunday. A government statement is- sued in Salisbury adds that about 30 Mozambican troops were also killed. The Rhodesian raid was in retaliation for an attack on a Rhodesian army camp last week by a combined force of guer- rillas and Mozambican troops. Five Rhodesian soldiers were killed 25X1 in that attack--the largest number of deaths publicly acknowl- edged by the Rhodesians in a single engagement since the guer- rilla war began in late 1972. CHINA: Earthquake Damage Heavy The strong earthquakes (8.2 and 7.9 on the Richter scale) t at struck the Tang-shan area of North China on July 28 have crippled the region's economy and impaired China's economic growth for the year. Chinese seismologists have reported that on Monday six major tremors were recorded, all registering above 5 on the Richter scale in northern China. Foreigners have been warned that another strong earthquake may occur. Approved For Approved For Rel quakes extends from Peking north-northeast 90 kilometers (55 miles) to the Mi-yun Reservoir, east 270 kilometers (170 miles) to Shan-hai-kuan, and southeast 160 kilometers (100 miles) to the Ta-kang oil field near Tientsin. Tang-shan, a major indus- trial complex with more than 1 million inhabitants, was near the epicenter and reportedly was leveled. Tang-shan were affected in varying degrees. Nearly all sectors of industry are represented in this key area, which accounts for over 10 percent of China's industrial output. stallations, including chemical and fertilizer plants, iron and steel plants, electric power plants, major cement plants, and mining complexes. Three major oil refineries are located in the area. China's largest petrochemical plant, 40 kilometers (25 miles) southwest of Peking, may also have been damaged. 25X1 I Accor ing to orriciai reports, output was r o e pre-qua e levels within two days. Ta-kang, China's third largest oil field, produces some 5 percent of total crude oil output and a considerable quantity of natural gas. tent of damage to industrial facilities, although known and likely damage to transport and communications alone will slow recovery. As Tang-shan is located astride key communication, rail, and road links, the quake doubtless has disrupted indus- try outside the immediately stricken area. connecting the large Ta-ching oil fields to Peking. The area directly affected by the recent series of Most industries within 100 kilometers (62 miles) of The quake area encompasses some 250 industrial in- We still have little specific information on the ex- The shocks probably also cut the major oil pipeline CHILE: Illegal Detentions //Growing evidence that Chilean security forces are responsible for recent disappearances of individuals who run afoul of the military government threatens to refuel the human rights controversy.// Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975A029?00010018-8 Approved For R Iease 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975A 29200010018-8 25X1 //The government's much publicized. decrees provid- ing safeguards for political prisoners and reforming internal security practices are apparently being circumvented by intel- ligence organizations. The number of detentions reported under the state of siege has declined and charges of torture have di- minished, but unexplained disappearances appear to be occurring with more frequency.// //The mysterious death of a Chilean who had been working for the UN in Santiago could draw bad publicity. When he was found dead in mid-July the government dismissed the death as accidental, //Considerable publicity has already been given the expulsion last week of two leading lawyers, one of whom had re- portedly taken an interest in the UN employee's death. The two were hustled out of the country on a flight to Argentina in con- travention of decrees requiring warrants, identification of the arresting authority, and prompt notification of relatives.// //Critics of Chilean security practices have had little new material to work with in recent months, and the con- vening of the OAS foreign m:Lnisters in Santiago gave the govern- ment a degree of respectability it had long been seeking. The modest reforms which made this possible are clearly breakinq down. 25X1 Approved For R41ease 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T0097514029200010018-8 AAF AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AV AM Approved For Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO29200010018-8 Top Secret (Security Classification) Top Secret Release 2007/03/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975A029200010018-8 (Security lassification) e r r r