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V AFMW AnnrovecWth Rbiloase 200510 779 SCI"AIRDP79T00975A029300010040-2 TO: NAME AND ADDRESS 1DATE INITIAL S AdEr DISPATCH FILE AdW AAW JAW JAW PREPARE REPLY RECOMMENDATION HEIURN T SIGNATURE FROM: NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NO. Top Secret 233 (Security Classification) 0 CONTROL NO. Access to this document will be restricted to those approved for the following specific activities: NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY CABLE Friday September 24, 1976 CI NIDC 76-225C NAHUNAL SECURITY INFORMATION Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions Top Secret Approved For Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975A0294d"0 i AV AV AV 'AW 'AW 4 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO29300010040-2 Approved For Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO29300010040-2 25X1 Approved For Rel 25X1 National Intelligence Daily Cable for Friday September 24, 1976. e a e is or e purpose o in orming senior u o icials. LEBANON: Situation Report THAILAND: Prime Minister Resigns ANGOLA-ZAMBIA: Relations IRAQ-KUWAIT: Border Tension BRAZIL: Debt Problems ARGENTINA: Capital Repatriation Ban Page 1 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 13 Page 14 25X1 25X1 Approved For Rellease 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975A029P00010040-2 Approved For Rel LEBANON: Situation Report I I Lebanese President Ilyas Sarkis took the,oath of of- fice yes erday behind Syrian lines in Shaturah, with Syrian troops maintaining tight security. Sixty-seven parliamentary deputies were present for e ceremony, mainly Christians, Shia Muslims who have recently begun cooperating with the Christians, and residents of the Syrian-controlled Bekaa Valley. At least 30 leftist deputies and Prime Minister Karami boycotted the proceedings. I I Extremist Christian leader Camille Shamun--who is currently holding the foreign, interior, and defense portfo- lios--attended. According to one Lebanese newspaper, the cabi- net is expected to tender its resignation, but Sarkis may feel unable to get rid of Shamun even though he presumably views him with distrust. L J Sarkis' inaugural address was an attempt to stand fighting and reassure all sides that their essential interests could be preserved in a united Lebanon. He did not set forth a detailed plan of action, merely calling for an end to the fighting and for dialogue among all parties. I uIn an attempt to appeal to the leftists, he spoke of gness to consider basic political changes as long as Lebanon's unity and basic democratic system are preserved--a reference to reforming the previous structure that had worked to preserve Christian ascendancy even after the Muslims became a majority of the population. He talked about the necessity to preserve free competition, but stressed that it had to be super- vised by the state. He went out of his way to woo the Palestinians, em- p asizing the "Arabism" of Lebanon and its willingness to help the Palestinians regain their homeland. He made it clear, how- ever, that the sovereignty of Lebanon had to be respected and that previous pacts and agreements--a reference to the Cairo accords regulating fedayeen activity--had to be adhered to. In a bow to Damascus, he lauded Syria's "special re- a Lions ip" with Lebanon and said that the presence of Syrian 25X1 25X1 Approved For Relejase 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975A029P00010040-2 25X1 Approved F troops on Lebanese soil fell within the framework of that rela- tionship, blessing its legitimacy. He attempted to reassure those who are suspicious of Damascus' motives, however, by stating that the Syrian presence is subject to the "constitu- tional Lebanese authorities," who will regulate it in the coun- try's interests. 25X1 By attempting to reach out to everyone, Sarkis may en by p easing no one; the Christians in particular will be wary of his talk of social reform. 25X1 25X1 I __1 Saudi Arabia's effort to arrange a "mini-summit," w is would attempt to reconcile Egypt and Syria and open the way for dealing with the Lebanese problem, has been stalled for the past few days. Recent remarks by Egypt's President Sadat suggest that Cairo is in no hurry to facilitate the mediation effort. blaming Damascus for "selling out" the Palestinians and obstruct- ing other Arabs' efforts to resolve the Lebanon crisis. In an interview published yesterday in the Beirut newspaper An-Nahar, Sadat continues his steady attacks on Syria, 25X1 I uIn a direct slap at Arab mediators who are trying to resolve Egyptian-Syrian differences as a first step toward tack- ling the Lebanon problem, Sadat denied any relationship between the two situations. He claimed--somewhat disingenuously--that Egypt has had nothing to do with the Lebanon situation, that it is Syria which has been "taking sides" there, and that it is Syria which started the Cairo-Damascus feud. 25X1 Although Sadat said he welcomes an Arab "mini-summit" with Egyptian and Syrian participation, he made it clear that he envisions this as a vehicle to discuss Lebanon, not a means to settle his quarrel with Syria. 25X1 Approved I#or Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP79T00974 Approved For 4elease 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975 029300010040-2 25X1 Sadat indicated that he believes the only way to stop the fig ting in Lebanon is with what he called a deterrent force--presumably an expanded Arab security contingent with an offensive role--and he offered Sarkis "tanks, rockets, and ar- tillery of all kinds." He said, however, that Egypt would not supply any troops. 25X1 Despite talk of a Palestinian cease-fire, fighting remained relatively heavy throughout Lebanon yesterday, at leas in the early part of the day. Beirut was tense, with shelling in some residential and heavy gunfire along the central confrontation line; intense shelling continued in the southeast suburbs. Shelling in the Mount Lebanon area apparently centered near the villages of Alayh and Qammatiyah. I THAILAND: Prime Minister Resigns I I The return of former military ruler Thanom Kitti- cac on o Thailand last weekend has brought the infighting that has been simmering within the coalition government to a head. Prime Minister Seni.Pramot abruptly announced his resig- nation yesterday after he came under attack in the parliament for his handling of the Thanom return but his resignation in fact reflects the weakness that has plagued his government since it came to power last April. Thanom's return has not led to the violence that occurre when his former deputy, Praphat, returned briefly last month, but it nevertheless brought further pressure to bear on the already weak government. //Since the government was formed in April, rival po itica eaders have maneuvered for stronger positions Approved For Re 25X1 25X1 Approved For within the four-party coalition, with the most vigorous chal- lenge coming from Deputy Prime Minister Praman's Thai Nation Party, which has recently all but demanded the critical defense portfolio held by Seni.// //Seni's position has also been weakened by the deep divisions within his own Democrat Party. Thanom's return has increased the contradictory pressures from these factions, and it apparently was a bitter attack by the Democrat Party spokesman in parliament that triggered Seni's decision to re- sign.// I Seni's resignation undoubtedly reflects his frus- ration wit the constant challenges to his leadership, but it may also be a ploy to strengthen his hand to reorganize the cabinet, possibly ousting the troublesome Thai Nation Party. Although his resignation or a cabinet reshuffle have been rumored for some time, the caught everyone The party's Central Committee has agreed to ask Seni to accept the post of prime miniter in a new government. Seni will remain in office until a new government is formed. The Democrats are by far the strongest party in the parliament and will almost certainly be called upon first to form a new government. At this time, there is no strong alter- native to Seni. 25X1 25X1 Angola and Zambia have agreed to exchange diplomatic missions, according to a joint communique issued in Luanda yes- terday. Approved Tor Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP79T0097PA029300010040-2 Approved For Rele The two governments are interested in developing closer government-to-government and party-to-party ties. They will set up a permanent joint commission to resolve such bilateral prob- lems as border security. The agreement apparently falls short of providing for full diplomatic relations. I I The Neto regime in Angola sees better relations with a is a facilitating closer cooperation among the states back- ing black nationalists in Rhodesia and Namibia. Neto would also like to discourage Zambian support for a Iona Union insurgents operating in eastern Angola. Although Zambian assistance to the insurgents has been sharply curtailed since the end of the Angolan civil war, the Zambian government is still sympathetic to the National Union and allows it to use Zambian territory for refuge and staging purposes. I I Zambian President Kaunda will use this new opportunity tor conra t with Angola to press it toward establishing a gov- ernment of reconciliation in which the National Union and the National Front can participate. He will probably also encourage the Angolans to reduce the Cuban presence in Angola. IRAQ-KUWAIT: Border Tension Iraq shows no sign of withdrawing the small detachments of troops that have been camped on the Kuwaiti side of the Iraq-Kuwait border for the past two weeks. No new Iraqi in- cursions have occurred, however. I I On Wednesday, Kuwait's defense minister privately con- irme at a handful of Iraqi troops had taken up positions at two points a short distance inside Kuwaiti territory. The Kuwaiti military is limiting its response to observing the Iraqis and is making no effort to restrict their movements. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Rele*se 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975A02p300010040-2 Approved Iraq's border violations, coupled with troop movements near t e frontier and propaganda against the Kuwaiti Emir's re- cent dissolution of the leftist-influenced National Assembly, were meant to demonstrate that Iraq sees the Emir's moves as an affront. I I Iraq's muscle-flexing is probably also intended to warn t e Emir that he should consider the likely reaction in Baghdad before making further moves against Baghdad's friends in Kuwait. Kuwait has clamped strict controls on local press coverage of its relations with Iraq, discreetly refusing to respond in kind to Baghdad's propaganda attacks. The Ministry of Information censured a daily this week for having published an article on the border dispute without prior consultation with responsible officials. 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP79T00971AO29300010040-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO29300010040-2 Next 5 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO29300010040-2 Approved For Rele D I razilian President Geisel, concerned with the rape y mounting national debt and attentive to recent press disclosures of official corruption,, appears to be tightenin his control over economic planning. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For ReleasIe 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO293QO010040-2 25X1 Approved Flor Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP79T0097 A029300010040-2 25X1 I IBrazil's current-account deficit has grown from about $1.5 billion in the early 1970s to $6.8 billion in 1975 and will probably be around $5.8 billion this year. 25X1 I J Financing these deficits drove the national debt from billion in 1972 to $24 billion in 1975, and it is expected to reach $27 billion by the end of 1976. Servicing its current debt obligation absorbs 40 to 45 percent of Brazil's foreign exchange reserves. Domestic prices have increased nearly 45 percent over the last 12 months. 25X1 //Beginning in 1977, the government will rank eco- nomic eve opment projects in terms of priority for capital in- vestment. The guidelines are not firm yet, but they provide a forecast of what Geisel intends to emphasize.// 25X1 //The areas cited for investment programming in- 25X1 25X1 c u e airpor s, ports, agriculture and cattle raising, steel metallurgy, railroads, naval construction, highway construction and maintenance, nuclear energy, and science and technology.// ARGENTINA: Capital Repatriation Ban press report. repatriation of funds by foreign business firms, according to a Argentina is planning to impose a six-month ban on the 25X1 I I The move may be a response to unexpectedly high rates o capita repatriation since the regime last month greatly lib- eralized the rules governing foreign investment. The junta vir- tually repudiated the restrictive Peronist code in an effort to attract foreign capital back to Argentina. 25X1 Now, however, the junta may have found that the amount o capital being repatriated under the new law is greater than the still shaky economy can safely tolerate. 25X1 The six-month ban probably does not signal a whole- sa e retreat from the liberal economic policies the junta has favored to date. It does point, however, to serious problems-- notably in the balance of payments--that persist despite the very real progress made thus far.. 25X1 25X1 Approved or Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP79T00475AO29300010040-2 AW AW AW Adw AdW.Aq Td#o d- fcelease LUU3IUbIU I : C:IA-KU ' I I UUy/3AUL IJUUUIUU4U-L (Security Classification) Top Secret (Secu#fgftdSiAfgro lease 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP79T00975AO29300010040-2 1 0 0