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Document Creation Date: 
December 12, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 15, 1999
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Publication Date: 
September 10, 1953
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PDF icon CIA-RDP79T01018A000200010003-9.pdf113.94 KB
Approved For Rase 200 _r_u_ ~(QQ ~QR 9T~18A000 0Qfk1 000 9 ~VIV~~~ 1 IH~ ~ Security Info tion CE'PPRAL DUELLICEMJCE AGENCY PH 1170 Project PrqP0ftl yim== TO: Project Review Cazadtteo Geographic Area o CM FROM Acting Chief, D/CG la Sub,',' ect of Proposed Pro eet: Boundaries of the European USSR 2a Statement of Project: Problem: The descriptions of the European boundaries of the USSR prepared by the Territorial Studies Branch for the border studies (requested by 1=1/M) form separate motions of these studies that could be issued in another form without substantial change. It is belie-red that by grouping these descriptions together with Material from the Nom ay boundary study (Cm i .o.4) and material to be prepared on the portion of the Finland boundary in any border stud, a report could be c not covered as a ~ reference on the compiled that d serve European boundaries of the USSR. Scope: Would cover the baauLdaries of the USSR with Norway, Finland, Poland, Czechoslororal da? Hungary and Ronda. For each country theses would be: (a) Brief discussion of the documentary history of the boundary (not yet written in most instances). (b) Detailed description of the boundary and the immediate boundary area (already done). (c) Discussion of maps of the boundary (alreagy done but nay need saw revision). (d) Border security measures (done for the most part). 3. Need for Pro jet: Demand for Information an Soviet borders in this and other Agencies in obvl oats. Reports by other agencies have dealt with the legal aspects of Soviet border security, OB of border mss, barriers, etco By combining these features with topographic and .da sentry discussion this report would attevt to give a more complete pi ctur+e 0 4, Res pmw i b] Branch: Territorial Studies >P? ystst 25X1 A 5a Estimated in-Hours Re qu tt red to Ccxupl ewe pro set: D/CG: 250 irours D/Gq: See oc nment under 6. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/0~IA-RDP79T01018A000200010003-9 Approved For Rele 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP79T010M#000200010003-9 CO L N 117,..; 5 page 2 " 0a xr dcj d' " I'fanp Oa .ne nitipa m illy bi: roci : ed 2 ,or- >or-bons of llc -O.:d rs n co red map; t pro:.c it Dz ; aratio? o ; s ty. tz311 be d messed with D /GC ~~te t6 No ~: ~ , to of'rc n hours for ap is insured tl .s p jot.t propos4 :. e Co 1etjon Dates 1 Jc x-.m y 7,95t.. 'Probable F of 1 Public tiont C /BR 25X1A app n're by Projel:t Review C .tt Dates ~?Qcbemoer 1953 A,ppz~ov' d4 c. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP79TO1018A000200010003-9