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Document Creation Date: 
November 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
March 24, 1999
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Publication Date: 
November 2, 1950
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Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79T01049AQ,00200100005-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79TO1049A000200100005-0 Approved For Release 190910 , : 7.BU11i49 (0 0200100005-0 To: D/L a Prom: Publications Division' Projects Planning Subject: Corr unist Party of Ghile Statem, nt of Pro Jett 25X1 A 0ri din: Internal (K-.3675 attached) Date: 2 November 19550 25X1A Pte: To prepare cor.u;ient on attached SO report concerning the to courcos of deviation in, the Pc.rtido Corrmmieta Chileno (PCC11) 222P-O: To include: names of doviationists (other than those mentioned in 0-0 Report); extent of their inylucnde; measures being employed ,:,gain; t them (if any) Gra t es (ig ar v),: Draft due in D/Pub: ''lion convenient Responsible Division: D/IA Internal Coordination: D rtsaental recponsib itiey: Classification to be no hincer than: SECF T Rocomnonded Dissa inat ?on : Requaater only AD/RE D/LA (3) 0/PC Pro ? act Initiation ; mrandum Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79TO1049A000200100005-0 Approved For }'roJcct: lA -r~sS ase 19C~J/?~1 ~IVli'IZTCti~ 01P4 0200100005-0 Project Initiation-1 :'Vmora.ndurm, Date: Nov /q,~ To- From- , Pro, ects tl F.C /Z,E T c:..,....:.i:J.e'~ [ 1 Y. ~ ~ )? (! C 3 + P- o vl z y b f ( if anti P11 A (3) d/Pc A q l For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-R~P79T01049A000200100005-0 F, le E-c zE T SECRETS 25X1 A I P r-6 1-), Planning) 950 Chief,, Do COXMIst Party Ja) D/Pub mow, same subject, dated 2 Nov b) tO 2ett?r to D/Pub, same subject, dated 50 - 30 Oct 50 D/A possesses no inf"c asption conoer"ing the items listed. (b). By coir_cidi cs, thie.divisic* bas ind n'ent tion of 25X1 A 25X1A Enclo: 25X1A D,bllB WA 9 3 30 6H '20 Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79TO1049A000200100005-0 SECRF 'Approved For Release 1999/09/21WA"9T01049A00W0 100005-0 30 October 1950 ImMORANDUM FOR: CHIEF, D/PUB, ORE ATTENTION : 25X1 A SUBJECT : Communist Party of Chile REFERR.ENC : (a) K-3675 (b) (enclosed) 25X1A 1. It is requested that you prepare a comment for this office on the information contained in referenced SO report concerning the two sources of deviation in the Partido Communista Chileno (PCCh). 2. With reference to both of the deviating elements of the PCCh, this office would like to know specifically: a. Names of the deviationists (other than those mentioned in referenced report) b. The extent of their influence c. Measures being employed against them (if any) 3. It is requested that you return enclosed with your report. 25X1 A 4. For your information, of this office, on extension 3215, is familiar with this request. 25X1A Chie < 1,4telligence Support Branc Encl: SO report 25X1A Approved For Release 1999/09/21 - 79T01 049A000200100005-0 *4401, ROUTING AND RECORD S iEET INSTRUCTIONS: Officer designations should be used in the "TO" column. Under each comment a line should be drawn across sheet and each comment numbered to correspond with the number in the "TO" column. Each officer should initial (check mark insufficient) before further routing. This Routing and Record Sheet should be returned to Registry. FROM: NO.,,_~, I/I s DATE 30 October 1950 ROOM DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS TO NO. RECD FWD'D INITIALS Chief, D Fub ORS, ATTN: 25X1 A Td D/, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ---- ---------- - FORM NO. S1.10 SECRET FEB 1950