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Document Creation Date: 
November 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
June 1, 1999
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Publication Date: 
January 14, 1952
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PDF icon CIA-RDP79T01049A000500070003-3.pdf84.02 KB
Approved For R~;~99 Extension 7~1. In reply refer- t o C D No . A-~.flZ9?'i - = ~~~ -- i ~ -PA79Z~~49A000500070003y3 ~ ~ ~ J , 2430 "E" STREET, N. W. T81. EX. 611E WAS1~11NG1'ON 25, D. C. f ni } '' ~. "~- X952 D;E6REE OF NEED Urgont- x~ ~reat_~ Standard TIME ~OF NEED 27 February 1852 Must have by Strongly dosired by MgM~DUIlt FEIR T,~Ig CHI~'y REPCRTS DIVISION, fJ/RR THROUGH: ASSISTANT DIRgCTt~t Ft)R RESEARCH AND REPORTS SUBJECT: Cal'Leetion Directive No. A-l~459+1 1. The Office of Collection and Dissemination has received an '~urgent~ request from another Office v'n.thin the Agency far Geographic Studies which have been prepared by the ~r.litary Geographic Branch of the- Corps of Army Er~.ginesrs, the ~pdrographic Office of the Navy, and the Departments of Co;r~erce~ States Agriculturep and Interior?. Although collated publications are desired, they-are particularly interested in having access to unfinished work where it is the best information available.. 2. Infox~zaation is needed on the following areas of the USSRs a. Murm~~,nsk Oblast, especially Murmansk area, the western boundaries with Finland and Norway and the Barents Sea Coast. 25X1A 25X1A b? Karelo-Finnish SSR? e. Prim,orski Krai (Maritime Province }. d. Chul~otski National Okrug from 1800 eastward? a. Bolt;ie coasts of Estonian Latvia, I~i.thuania, and the Kaliningrad Blast ? f? Black Sea Coast of the USSR. g. Brest E3blast, ~. It is requested that your Office initiate appropriate action to fulfill this r?quest by 27 February 1952 making reference to CD Na. A:1~0~9.1 when transmitting material responsive to this requirement.. Ft~i. THE ASSISTANT DIRECT~~ COLLECTION AND DISSEMINATI~T: 25X1A Coordinations L/4/ORR DG1RR S?CRET e , a so i son. Approved For Release 19~~Q7~~~~~,,;~P79T01049A000500070003-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/27 :CIA-RDP79T01049A000500070003-3 TRANSMITTA.. SLIP ~, (onTe) TO ? - ~ ?' ROOM NO. BUILDING REMARKS: 25X1 A ~~'~~ l ~~ F1tOM: /_ /~ /(~ / / `~/ (~ O. EXTENSION R OOM N BUILDING / / `~ -Y ~ Approved For Release 1999/09/27 :CIA-RDP79T01049A000500070003-3