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Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA SUBJECT: REP 049A002800010001-9 5 AUG 1963 Transmittal of p.ctsi ttidy of the Trani portatiOtt 5ystms of Southern Africa I. In r.uvary of this year, yo In depth of the transportation systems of southern Mr now completed a prelimiaary study in response to your request en 2. Y012 'Pal Ttntiehi the Foreword a this stud Offices of CIA bays contributed to its preparat considered to be preliminary, even though the statistic probably not to old to support the principal conclusions More entreat data, particularly en the Congo. will give us greeter coundooco in die 9* flags, and maks the study more useful for refer- ence purpoises. There is ale* a greet need for current information on railroad freight rates and ocean freight rates, as applicable to the principal exports of various territories of southern Africa, and the impact of these rates on the competitive position of their I:Mr:Mt in 'world markets. 3. A general up-dating of this tu8 comMents on the various political, economic, would be meet valuable. Particular attention t ocean freight rate aspects is required for defini !Ark- analysis. n- d4rtskitetity INR and other headquarters components of the Department SECRET Approved For Release 2000/01 :FilliAlit39011 31?-1-7 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA 01049A002800010001-9 SUBJECT: Trans of Special Study of the Trans Systems of Southern Africa could also be of great assistance by reviewing and co the present drsft. . I suggest that of this Office continue to work with Mr. Lovas of your organisation in bringing this prelim inary study along to a more definitive state. FOR THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR. RE 25X1A PORTS: Chief, Economic Re*earcb Area c1osure. Z5 copies, iconornic and $trstegic Cp.bllitiee and Vulnerabilitles of the Transportation 5 stems of St/P/C: Distribution: 0 & 1 - Addressee 2 - OAD/RR 1 - Ch/E 1 - MS/TR 2 - St/P/C 1 - Chrono Aug 63).3(5160 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDPATIMO ,RET ? Enclosure 2 ' z,...orpApia-rovecITFor,Release 2000/05/15: CIA-R0P79T01049A002800010001-9 THE SeCRIZIA121. 01 s rATF 1,A4li?.1"1 on! :5. CONFIDENTIAL TO DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASH I NGTON 25X1A ?30, 3FY7 2& FEB ify February 19, 1963 Chief, Liaison and Collection Division Office of Central Reference Central Intelligence Agency 'SUBJECT: Request for Special Study If in a position to do so, the Agency is requested to undertake the preparation of a special study respecting strategic factors in central African transportation. The guidelines for such a study are contained in the attached copy of a memorandum from the Departments Office of Research and Anaaysis for Africa dated February ill 1963. No time limit is put on the completion of this study, since the Department is more interested in comprehensiveness than in speed. Your cooperation will be appreciated. Enclosure: Memo, INR/RAF to INR/CS? Feb. 11, 1963 ClydV- Snider , Chief, Intelligence Liaison Branch Bureau of Intelligence and Research CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 27 FEB 1333 4 ItO Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 CONFIDENTIAL INR/C3 Ila Snider INR/RAF - Robert C. Good Request for Special Study Respecting Strategic Factors in Central African Transportation -17--".- / ,..!//co February 11, 1963 Increasing nationalist activity in central and southern Africa highlights ? the vulnerability and growing strategic importance of transportation facilities in the urea. Railroads, in particular, are both vital to the economic health of the area and ponuIer targets for sabotage by guerrilla forces. , Ia order to establish a firm basis on which to estimate the impact of - potential or actual disruption of such facilities, we should like to request that the CIA undertake a fairly extensive study focusing upon the following cuestioas: 1) that is the economic and strategic (e.g., for troop movement) importance of the ? inter-territorial rail lines serving Angola, Mozambiqae, Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, and Republic of Louth Africa? ifinat would be the economic and strategic implications of a sustained disruption of traffic over these lines? 2) 13 the event of the disruption of any one line, would sufficient alter- native facilities be available to sustain the present and projected traffic load? If not, what portion of present and projected traffic could be re-routed without major difficulty? 3) How significant are these lines as strategic levers -- i.e., to what extent could the local administrative power utilize control of the rail lines to force concessions from or retaliate against neighboring territories? (For example, Northern vs. Southern Rhodesia, Mozambique vs. Nyasaland, Angola vs. Congo-a:atanga) 4) To whet extent should we expect governments of the "white redoubt" (Portuga), t Federation, South Africa) to assist each other in talatainiug the integrity of transport feel-II-tie:a 5) At what eoints are the lines most vulnerable to attack by a well-organized guerrilla force) .Can we identify those portions of the rail complex, control of which might give a guerrilla force a decisive military advantage? By way of illustration, we are interested in the following: How much in- come do 2ortugal and/or the Provincialadministrations derive from the Beira and Benguela rail lilies? Vhat proportion (giving full statistical background) of aouthern Kotanea's-and Northern Rhodesia's trade. flow through Benguela? hat is the projected capacity of the Congolese Vole Nationale to absorb Southern Eatanean and Northern Rhodesian exports:TIE:us relleVrng these area of dependence on Portueuese facilities? Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 CONVVI1UP7AL Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 CONFIDENTIAL - 2 - In sumary, it would be most useful to us to have a political-economic analy5is, exploring the known economic factors in relation to suCh contingencieS as are imii.cated in the preceding paragraph. We envision this as a fairly dofinittve study whiC4 would incorporate sufficient statistical data to pro- vide benChnarks for tuture analyeis. Approved ForReleae 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 INR:EAF/11:JCut.1s/pLtn CONFIDENTIAL L Analyst: MS/TR Apupwrcixed For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A0028081-930. 3889) 1 - 25 26, 27 28, 29 30, 31 25X1A 32, 33 34 - 45 46, 47 25X1A 48 49 50 51, 52 53 - 57 58 - 65 25X1A 25X1A CIA/RR EP 63-51 10 July 1963 Dept. of State GG/N OCl/CA/RR ONE/ES/LAA 1/NEA Chief, 25X1A 2D4935 M FW MS/TR Filed in St/P/C 4(Z. 25X1A 25X1A SECRET I Exclude:MP :utomatic nowagrading anti NO FOREIGN D1SSEM itaciassiticallan ? 65 5 Aug 63 25X1A II 25X1A I,ft I I 111 'I I I /5-Q,163 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2bO/05/15 : CIA-RIR/01049A0028000Ir001-9 (When Billed In) TRANSMITTAL OF DRAFT REPORT FOR REVIEW AND PUBLICATION PROJECT NO. 30.3889 TO : Chief, Economic Research Area THRU: Chief Planning and Review Staff TITLE, OR SUBJECT, OF REPORT Economic and Strategic Capabilities and Vulnerabil- ities of the Transportation Systems of Southern Africa. CONTRIBUTING ANALYST(S) 25X1A / /// ATTACHMENTS: ORIGINAL AND TWO COPIES / // /// .., RECOMMENDED PUBLICATION CATEGORY ER RA EM CO OTHER: EP COORDINATING ANALYSTS !7" NAME BRANCH INITIALS ORR D/I A ORR/D/GG GRAPHICS TO BE PUBLISHED IN TEXT YES NO 25X1A ORR/IVIOV HAS CLEARED ST/P GRAPHICS COORDINATOR YES NO OCl/CA/ ONE/ES LAA A INFORMATION ON US MILITARY END PRODUCTS AND MANPOWER USED YES NO NO. OF MANHOURS TO PRODUCE REPORT 2000, ESTIMATE CARDS SUBMITTED TO sT/p/A AUTHOR'S NAME REQUESTED TO APPEAR ON REPORT YES X NO YES X NO DATE 10 July 1963 25X1A SIGNATURE OF AUTHOR 25X1A THIS SPACE FOR USE OF DIVISION AND BRANCH CHIEFS ONLY THE ATTRIBUTION OF THIS REPORT TO AUTHOR IS Fr 4 APPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS 1. It is recommended that the attached EP. Please see "Foreword". 2. Working level coordination in process. 25X1A % SIGNAT P79T01049 be published 25X1A SIGNATUR as a. preliminary FORM 1722 1-60 SECRET (20-47) Approved For R fing5TMIZIDIUM9A002800010001-9 "DRAFT COPY" ECONOMIC AND STRATEGIC CAPABILITIES AND VULNERABILITIES OF THE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA CIA/RR EP 63-51 (ORR Project 30.3889) 10 July 1963 WARNING This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18, USC, Secs. 793 and 794, the trans- mission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Research and Reports I --,,,,uP 1 ? .t. tam idtdmatit damp adIng Ed dectudnIcric. 1 "DRAFT COPY" Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 25X1C Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 SECRET FOREWORD This preliminary study has been undertaken by the Office of Research and Reports with the assistance of the Office of Current Intelligence at the request of the Department of State. The preliminary major findings and conclusions are concurred in by the staff of the Office of National Estimates. It is understood that the Department of State will disseminate this draft study to the field for additional review, emendation and updating, after which the Central Intelligence Agency will be requested to produce a definitive report on this subject. The study is concerned primarily with the Portuguese provinces of Angola and Mozambique, the Republic of the Congo (Leopoldville), the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and the Republic of:South Africa. Tanganyika is con- sidered because an alternate transportation route for the trade of the Congo Republic and the Federation exists through that country. The high commission territories of Basutoland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland are included because of their economic dependence on South Africa and their transportation relationships ,with that country. Department of State dispatches, official reports of the various tervi- tories, United Nations' publications, and military estimates produced by the Department of Defense constitute tne bulk of the source material used for the study. The specific sources are available in the files of this Office. - - SECRET Approved For Release 2000/05/15 NOA19RENIN1 fso ; 0010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP791-631492800010001-9 Summary and Conclusions I. Introduction A. Political Considerations B. The Economy of the Area C. The Transportation of the Area 1 5 5 8 II. The Economic and Military Significance of the Transportation Routes of the Area 18 A. Angola' 18 1. Economic Significance 18 2. Military Significance 22 B. The Republic of the Congo 24 1. Economic Significance 24 2. Military Significance 27 C. The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland 29 1. Economic Significance 29 a. Southern Rhodesia 30 b. Northern Rhodesia 32 c. Nyasaland 33 2. Military Significance 34 D. Mozambique 36 - SECREKO RaCql DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 1E160-0. 1. Economic Significance 36 2. Military Significance 41 E. The Republic of South Africa 45 1. Economic Significance 45 2. Military Significance 47 III. Consequences of the Imposition of Various Potential Controls on Transportation Routes 50 A. Embargoes on Traffic 50 B. Sabotage by Insurgents 60 1. Angola 65 2. Congo 66 3. The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland 67 4. Mozambique 68 5. South Africa 68 C. Seizure of Parts of the Transportation System by Insurgent Forces 70 1. General 70 2. The Physical Setting for Insurgency Ti 3. The Congo-Angola Route 72 4. The Tanganyika4tozaMbique Route 74 5. The Northern Rhodesia-Southern Rhodesia Route 75 6. Outlook 76 - iv- SECRETY0 FOREIGN D77.1 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05SEMNIINVO7 ? "s MN Ekt1-9 Appendixes Appendix A. Political Considerations Within the Area Appendix B. The Economy of the Area Appendix C. Transportation of the Area Appendix D. Military and Security Forces in Southern Africa Appendix E. Sabotage Targets Tables L. Population, Area, and Density of Population in Southern Africa 2. Cargo Handled by the Principal Ports of Southern Africa 3. Route Miles of Railroads and Improved Roads in Southern Africa 4. Relative Development of Railroad Transportation in the Territories of Southern Africa Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure b. Figure 7. Figure Railroads Railroads Railroads Railroads Railroads Railroads Railroads Railroads Illustrations of Southern Africa (map) of Southern Africa - Flow of Major Commodities (map) of Southern Africa - Angola (map) of Southern Africa - Republic of the Congo (map) of Southern Africa - Rhodesia and Nyasaland (map) of Southern Africa - Mozambique (map) of Southern Africa - South Africa (map) of Southern Africa - Tanganyika (map) Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 76 101 157 271 294 lb 17 17a Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 THE =GNOMIC AND STRATEGIC CAPABILITIES AND VULNERABILITIES OF THE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA Summary and Conclusions The white-dominated territories. of Southern Africa, through their command of the transportation outlets to the sea, derive considerable economic and strategic advantages over the independent and soon-to-be independent non-white dominated neighboring territories.!! These advantages result from the high dependence of the market economies of both the non-white and the white territories on mineral anu agricultural exports, and on the ability of the white-dominated territories to deploy and support substantial military and security forces on the inter-territorial and other transportation routes in Southern Africa. The white-dominated territories could affect the economies of the other territories materially by the imposition of embargoes on export and import traffic moving currently over the inter-territorial railroad system. This system, plus the roads, also has the capability of providing considerable mobility and substantial logistic support for military and security forces for use in combating uprisings, terrorist activities, and sabotage operatioris which may be inspired by African nationalism. Although the economies of the white as well as the non-white dominated terri- tories are highly vulnerable to adverse seizure and sabotage of the transportation system, particularly the railroads, several years will pass before non-White supported guerrilla forces will be able to hold temporarily parts of the inter- territorial transportation system. Small bands of well-trained saboteurs may soon have the capability, however, to operate against the railroad systems in Angola, Southern Rhodesia, Mozambique, and !Angola, Southern Rhodesia, Mozambique and the Republic of South Africa. ** The Republic of the Congo (Leopoldville), Northern Rhodesia, and Nyasaland. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 the Republic of south Africa, possibly supported by the Congo, Northern Rhodesia, Nyasaland and other non-white African countries. At least a year or two will pass, nevertheless, before such bands will possess the skill to damage critically the key railroad routes. The territories of Southern Africa possess an area roughly equal to the con- tinental United States and a population one-third as large. The almost four million white residents control most of the modern economic enterprises which are based primarily upon the output of extractive industries. Agricultural products, minernls and metals, moreover, account for three-fourths or more of export earnings for each of the West of the countries and territories in the area. The populous, developed countries( constitute the most important markets and sources of supply. Trade with Western Europe alone involves nearly 60 percent of the exports and imports, and when trade with United States and Japan is also considered, almost 75 percent of exports and imports are accounted for. Only an estimated 10 to 12 percent of the foreign trade of the territories of Southern Africa is carried on with other countries of the area. Transportation within the area is underdeveloped except in the Repub1i, cf South Africa, but is more than adequate to support the market economies in their present stage of development. Only 10 percent of the 58 million netive non-white Africans are involved in the market economies; the vast majority of the economic-n.14 active Africans are engaged in subsistence agriculture. The territories in the so-called "white redoubt" (the Portuguese provinces of Angola and Mozambique, Southern Rhodesia and the Republic of South Africa) have - 2 - - it;;L.? r."ArSII Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 ? 2 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : SiaDEE,79,-"Tv1049witalipuirmlifi intelligence fields as overcome long-standing antipathies and have begun to cooperate in the defense And/ territories elisewhere have come under non-white Control and as African nationalism inside their own boundaries has become more militant. There has been no indication, however, that they have given much thought to coordinated economic sanctions, and each government probauly would embargo traffic with the interior only if directly and severely provoked by the non-white territory in question. If the "white redoubt" were to combine in an embargo of railroad traffic against the Congo, Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland, the effect on the market economies of the latter territories would be devastating. The Republic of South Africa is a special case, for this country is not dependent on trade with the non-white territories and is not geographically situated so as to be aole to impose an effective embargo on traffic with these territories. The vulnerability of South Africa to external pressures stems principally from the importance of trade with the West, primarily the United Kingdom and the United States. The Portuguese provinces of Angola and MozaMaque, although only nominal producers of minerals, lie astride major railroad routes over which the minerals of the Congo and Northern Rhodesia are exported to world markets. If the Portuguese provinces were to impose an embargo on traffic with the Congo and all or part of the Federation or Ruodesia and Nyasaland, the consequences for the market economies .of the latter territories would be serious. By means of an embargo of traffic with Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia, acting alone, could effectively deny the railroad capacity heeded for one-third of Northern Rhodesia's export-import traffic. The reluctance of the white-dominated territories to act together in imposing an embargo ou, traffic or to act independently will be influenced to some extent by the considerable revenues obtained from the transit 4 traria of the non-white territories and to a lesser extent by the trading relations which - 3 - Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 exist between the two camps. The fact that the vast majority of the native non-white Africans are engaged in subsistence agriculture could make the African nationalists willing to sacrifice the interests of the market economies of the area, and also poses problems in the formulation of goals for African nationalism. If African nationalism should have the choice to adopt as its goal the preservation of the market economies and the introduction of more and more of its members into these economies, it would not be rational to take actions which would invite embargoes on the traffic which normally moves over the inter-territorial transportation system or to support sabotage and guerrilla operations against this system. On the other hand, if African nationalism should by chance or by design adopt as a goal the complete control over all of Southern Africa in the shortest possible time regardless of economic cobsequen,..!es, seizure and sabotage of the inter-territorial transportation system will become an attractive target to use in furthering this goal. In the event of a major uprising, the military and security forces of the white-dominated territories will be unable to maintain the integrity of the some 20,000 miles in the railroad system, but at the same time they will be able to operate against saboteurs and insurgents with only a slight reduction in capaoility even though the transportation system is no longer able to support normal economic activity. Thus the chief impact of a major uprising which succeeds in interrupting transportation service would fall on the market economies of the region, and it could also be serious enough to disrupt relations with the West. In this event normal trade would be interrupted from time to time and private investments required for the further development of the territories would probably be drastically reduced. Approved For Rel - ? ol,Lvt v2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01a94002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 I. Introduction A. Political Considerations The area encompassed in this report includes one independent, white- dominated republie (South Africa), one white-dominated British colony with a long history of self-government (Southern Rhodesia), two British protectorates whose governments are dominated by African nationalists (Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland), two Portuguese "overseas provinces" whose, white-controlled governments are closely supervised from Lisbon (Angola and Mozambique), one independent but chaotic African republic (Congo-Leopoldville) one territory governed by South Africa under a League of Nations mandate (South-west Africa), and three backward high commission territories which are governed by Britain but are economically dependent on South Africa (Basuto- land, Bechuanaland, and Swaziland). The two Rhodesias and Nyasaland are joined at present in the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, but negotiations to begin the Federation's dissolution are underway. The whites in Southern Rhodesia are trying to persuade the British to grant them independence at the same time as the Federation's. two African territories; Britain is holding out for greatly increased African representation in the colony's legislature but has to move cautiously for fear Southern Rhodesia will declare its independence unilaterally. As territories elsewhere on the continent have come under African control and as African nationalism inside their own boundaries has become more militant, *Includes: principally Angola, the Republic of the Congo (Leopoldville), the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Mozambique, and the Republic of South Africa. The high commission territories andtAaganyikkareovered predominantly in Appendix B and Appendix C. - 5 - Approved For Release 2000/0gcn 0a3SSF14001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 the territories in the so-called "white redoubt" (South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, and the Portuguese territories) have overcome long-standing antipathies and now bold discussions in the defense and intelligence sectors. Formal treaties of cooperation -- much less such widely bruited amalgamations as that of Southern Rhodesia with South Africa -- are unlikely to occur. South Africa, whose strong and diversified economy includes a fairly substantial armaments industry, might furnish economic and military assistance, including "volunteers", to white govern- ments to the north in an emergency; it probably would send uniformed troops out of the country only if its interests were directly affected, such as through the seizure of Lourenco Marques, and if it thought there was a chance of turning back an African advance. The other territories of the "white redoubt" lack the economic and military strength to indulge in large-scale military activity beyond their borders, although there is a remote possibility that Southern Rhodesia would feel constrained to intervene militarily if the port of Beira in Mozambique were en- dangered by African nationalist forces. In their control of outlets to the sea, the white territories have considerable leverage over their independent and soon-to-be independent African neighbors. There d has been no indication, however, that they have given much thought to coordinated economic sanctions, and each government probably would embargo traffic from the interior only if directly and severely provoked by the African territory in question (far instance, if the territory provided a safe-haven for continuous insurgent action which would win international notoriety for an insurgent group). Insurgency and sabotage exists or is a possibility in much of the area. The Angolan rebellion has persisted for two years in the northwestern corner of the Approved For Releaeliti#140 %411,na'; a1SkIIII2800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/446-04901040)2AV kg Iib 1-9 territory; its chances of spreading are not good over the short term, but even at its present level it constitutes a drain on the Portuguese economy. A similar outbreak could occur in Mozambique, although Mozambique nationalists face serious problems of training and unity of a type which have long plagued the Angolans. Sabotage has occurred sporadically in South Africa and has also broken out in Southern Rhodesia. Both governments, by harsh laws and rigid enforcement, have sharply cut the number of Incidents. Nevertheless underground organizations in South Africa still probably possess some sabotage capability and saboteurs based in Northern Rhodesia might be able to do a certain amount of damage in Southern Rhodesia, Sabotage in Southern Rhodesia would be more likely if the current talks between the British and Southern Rhodesian governments break down. Sabotage forays from the Congo against the railways in Angola or from Nyasaland against the railway across Mozambique to Beira are possible. In both cases, the African governments in the host territories have been compelled to be cautious in their encouragement of the activities of anti-Portuguese militants, and the latter have shown no sabotage capability. Africans from the territories of the "white redoubt" are undergoing sabotage training abroad, however. Their training may be stepped up as a result of the May 19o3 African "summit conference" in Addis Ababa, which took a militant stand against the remaining white and colonial territories and urged black African stateti to take positive measures to aid African nationalists from these areas. The Nationalists' ability to disrupt the market economies of the various territories is therefore likely to increase, although it will be several years before they con- stitute a serious challenge to the present governments. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : RIELIWFM1010q9AbrOMPARPRA Approved For Release 2G00105115: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 B. The Economy of the Area The countries in Southern Africa possess an area roughly equal to the con- tinental United States and a population about one-third as large. The almost four million white residents, i.e., those of EUropean progeny, control most of the modern economic enterprises in the area. In contrast, only 10 percent of the 58 million native Africans are involved in the monetary sector; the vast majority of econemi- cally active Africans are engaged in subsistence agriculture. The Republic of South Africa hac the highest population density of any major political unit in the area; Angola has the lowest. Table 1 presents the population, area and density of popula- tion in each of the territories.* The economies of the area are based primarily upon the output of extractive industries; this is true even for South Africa, which has a substantial and diversi- fied manufacturing industry. Moreover, extractive industries also form the backbone of foreign commerce: agricultural products, minerals, and metals account for three- fourths or more of export earnings for each of the countries and territories in the region. Southern Africa produces significant quantities of strategic minerals as shown by the following tabulation. Southern Africa Production of Selected Minerals Thousand ghort Tons - 1961 Production Percent of Free World Production Copper 1,054.0 26 Manganese 858.0 29 Come 721.0 65 A Vanadium 2.2 25 Cobalt 11.0 59 Gold 0.815 69 * Page 11 below. 8 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 -! Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 The populous developed countries constitute the most important market and sources of supply for Southern Africa. Trade with Western Europe alone involves nearly 60 percent of the exports and imports of the region. When trade with the United States and Japan is also considered, almost 75 percent of exports and im- ports are accounted for. The relative importance of Western Europe and the United States in the total trade of selected countries is shown below. 8a Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 %nth 111, Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-R6P79T01049A002800010001-9 Percent of Total Trade with Western Europe and the United States in 1961 for Selected Territories* Angola Exports Imports 66 21 72 79 10 46 Western Europe United States Federation Western Europe United States 1 Mozambique Western Urope 56 67 United States 5 7 South Africa Western Europe 54 55 United States 8 18 The above data illustrate the almost complete dependence of this area on trade with West European powers and the United States, and the lever that these trading relations could represent against the market economies in the various terri- tories. They also point out, however, that the lever held by the United States alone is not great. Moreover, as will be discussed more fully below, the existence of a transportation network connecting the various territories in the area and the established regional trade ties would probably make ineffective actual or threatened cessation of trade on the part of a group of western powers with a single territory in the area. The effect of such action could be circumvented by the simple expedient of having a close neighbor assume the role of trade agent. An estimated 10 to 12 percent of the foreign trade of countries in southern Africa is carried on with other countries in the area. The relative importance of 1961 * The Republic of the Congo is omitted from the tabulation because/data are not available for this country. In 1959 Western Europe accounted for 76 percent of the Congas exports and the United States, 11 percent. In the same year Western Europe supplied 67 percent of the Cones imports and the United States, 13 percent. - 9 - Approved For Release 2000/05/16 tIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 intra-regional trade for selected countries is shown below. avoramomomormonumnommilmall., Intra-regional Trade as a Percent of Total Trade in 19o1 Country Exports Imports Angola 7 4 Congo (Leopoldville) 34 21 Federation 10 34 Mozambique 10 lb South Africa 12 6 Wantitatively, the largest trade accounts are those between South Africa and the Federation, and oetween South Africa and the Congo. Within the area under consideration, economic sanctions of a scope that wf, be politically possible may not create severe economic disruptions, but insurgent action oy African nationalist groups might well prove more deollitating. The abrupt decline in investment and the consequent economic recession that followed the Sharpes- yule riots in 1960 suggest that a far more serious crisis in confidence could result from an organized and sustained insurgent campaign. The prime casualty of prolonged insurrection would be the market sector, whizz' provides the economic life blood of the white residents. The native non-whites who rely heavily on subsistence agriculture, are in a far better position to survive even the most severe economic repercussions. -10- Approved For Release 20 /05/15 : CIA-ROP79T01049A00109010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Table 1 Population, Area, and Density of Population in Southern Africa eir Territory Nan-White (EITI;;;) Angola Congo (Leopoldville) Federation of Rhodesia and 4.6 13.8 Nyasaland 9.18 Northern Rhodesia 2.50 Southern Rhodesia 3.70 Nyasaland 2.97 Mozambique 6.501 Republic of South Africa 13.0 South-West Africa .446 Bechuanaland .319 Basutoland .600 Swaziland .269 TOTAL 57.9 Population Area Population White Total (Square Ni.) La (Thousands) (Millions) (Thousands) Square Mile 2oo.o/2/ 140.0 310.0 77.0 223.0 9.40 , 99.0 2:800.0 78.7 1.0 2.0 1.0 3776- 4.8o 480.o 10.0 14.0 900.0 15.5 9.49 484.0 19.6 2.58 288.0 ).0 3.93 150.0 6.2 2.98 46.0 64.8 6.60 300.0 27() 15.8 472.0 33.5 .525 320.0 1.6 .320 220.0 1.4 .602 11.70 51.5 .270 6.70 40.3 ---75777 61.8 3,680.0 W All data are rounded to three significant figures. Totals and densities are derived independently from unrounded figures and do not always agree with rounded data shown. 12./ Includes some mulattoes. 11 ARM FORE1C11 DISSR1 Approved For Release 2000/05/15.: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 C. Transportation of the Area Transportation service within Central and Southern Africa is provided predominantly by several interconnecting, narrow-gauge railroad systems and some ten short, disconnected, narrow-gauge railroad lines!' Over 95 percent of the long-haul and intercity freight and a substantial share of the passengers are hauled by the railroads, most of which are owned by the governments of the various in the interconnected aystem territories. All of the major railroads are operating at a profit. The railroads/ consist of about 20,000 route miles, about doable the length of the Southern Pacific Railroad in the United States, and more than a third longer than the Japanese National Railroad System. Almost two-thirds of the route mileage in the area is Most of the rolling stock, under the jurisdiction of the Republic of South Africa.\ 'about 3170C locomotives, 133,000 freight cars, and 7,100 passenger cars in the area, ! 3' 6" gauge and interchangeable between systems. /n addition, there are about 600 electric locomotives which are not interchangeable. The road network consists of 10,000 miles of paved, all-weather roads, 60,000 miles of gravel-surfaced, and another 350,000 miles of improved earth roads and tracks -- a total road mileage equivalent to that found in the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia and Texas, but much inferior in quality. There are now at least 1,250,000 automobiles, 400,000 civilian motor trucks, and 24,000 buses, over three- quarters of which are registered in the Republic of South Africa. The trucks and buses are used primarily to provide local service and service to areas not served by the railroads. ! The gauge of the interconnected railroad system is 3' 6". The gauge of the railroads in the United States and in Western and Eastern Europe is 4' 8 1/2". Japan is the only modern, industrialized country that relies exclusively on a railroad system built to the gauge of 3' 6". The disconnected railroad lines are of varying narrow gauge. .. 12 - Approved For Release Striffillityl/feinic 00010001-9 fuji:J1-1.4 Ito.t?fitg Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CI A-RDP79T01049A002800a00U1-9 Inland waterways are important only in the Repuolic of the Congo where, during normal times, an integrated inland waterway and railroad network is the principal form of transportation for long distance movements of freight. Coastal shipping is important for Angola and Mozambique but only small tonnages are moved by this form of transportation. There is only one pipeline in the area, a 200-mile double line of email diameter which carries: gasoline and diesel fuel from the port of Ango Ango to Leopoldville in the Republic of the Congo. The Republic of South Africa has the bulk of the 11 well-developed seaports which have hip capacity and cargo activity. In addition, there are nine seaports of secondary importance in the area as a whole. Some excess capacity exists in all of the ports above the requirements or current imports and exports. See Table 2 for the tonnage of cargo handled by the principal ports of Southern Africa.' At least 30. different snipping companies provide liner service between southern Africa and the United Kingdom and continental Western Europe including flag carriers of the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Sweden, Norway, West Germany, uhana, Nigeria, and South Africa. In addition, a large number of carriers under various flags provide both liner and tramp service between Southern African ports and various other countries of the Free and Communist world. Three United states flag carriers provide liner Services netween the ports of Southern Africa and the United States. Seven airlines, local to the area, maintain service between the principal inland cities and seaports. The South African Airways provides jet airline service to Nuropeo the Middle Bast and Australia. International Free World air carriers also provide 4,1 Page 16 below. -13- rf1! rirc k. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 .:'CrA4RDP79T0104gA002800010001-Fd Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 service to various cities in the area, and Aeroflot, the Soviet carrier, has recently attempted to establish service to Stanleyville in the Congo. Nine of the 280 airfields in the area are capable of handling jet transports, but the remaining fields are suitable for at least DC-3 type aircraft. There are only slightly over 100 transport aircraft of all types owned by the airlines of the area. The development and use of transport varies considerably from one zone to another in the ares under consideration. See Table 3 for the route miles of rail- roads and improved roads in the territories of Southern Africa and the density by population and area."' Is the northern tier -- Angola and the Congo (Leopoldville) See Page 17 below. . , Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 and considering Tanganyika for this purpose for it provides an alternate route to the sea for the Congo -- the rail and road systems are not well developed. Normally, however, they are able to support the needs of the economy and there is some excess in capacity in all forms of transport including port operations. The railroads have adequate and reasonably well-maintained equipment, although the roadbeds are of relatively light construction and do not support heavy loads and high speed trains. Currently, in the Congo, the integrated rail and inland water network has been disrupted because three railroad bridges were damaged some time ago and have not yet been restored to support traffic. Moreover, motor trucks and roads, as well as the railroads, have deteriorated because of little or no main- tenance. The lack of spare parts has also immobilized a large number of motor trucks. Transportation in the Congo, therefore, is currently not supporting the economy. The rail links to Angola and Northern Rhodesia are well-maintained but the railroad to Lake Tanganyika, where steamers and barges connect with the Tanganyika railroads providing access to the Indian Ocean, is not being used extensively. The middle tier, consisting of the Federation -- Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland -- and Mozambique, has heavier and well-maintained railroad systems with some advanced technology installed to increase capacity. Most of the freight traffic in this tier, taken as a whole, is internal, but the economy is supported Largely by railborne exports to the seaports of Mozambique. For practical purposes, there is only one good main highway which extends in a north-south direc- tion with a branch leading to the Mozambique coast. A small amount of local inland waterway traffic moves along the Zambezi River on the separate stretches which are separated by waterfalls and cataracts,. PropirT tral riOr Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 The final tier is represented by the transportation under the control of the Republic of South Africa. Some examples of modern technology are apparent on the railroad system, but for the most part the technology of the system is comparable to that which existed on the U. S. railroads in the early 1930s. Even so, the railroads are well-built, well-maintained, and are capable of support- ing heavy loads moved at relatively hiph speeds. The main divisions on the system are seldom overloaded even at seasonal peaks in traffic. The road system, the other major form of transportation, is also relatively well-developed and maintained. Road freight and passenger services, however, are regulated so that they supple- ment rather than compete with the services provided by the railroad system. Data on the relative development of railroad transportation in the terri- tories of Southern Africa are presented in Table :! These data and the data ** contained in Table 3 - also characterize the development of railroads in the three tiers mentioned above. The northern tier has less railroads per area than that found in the other two tiers. Even in normal times, the freight traffic density per route mile of railroad is less than that found to the south. The low ratio of freight cars to locomotives points up the light construction of the railroads where short trains with small loads are operated. The progressive improvement of the ratios in areas to the south emphasize the existence of better track, equipment and operations in the middle and final tiers. * Page _Ile below . 4.4,1 Page 11)) below. .15 Approved For Release 2000/05/154''.4M117910=2130MOVONI9 Approved For Release2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Table 2 Cargo Handled by the Principal Ports of Southern Africa 5/ (Thousand Short Tons) Port Inbound Outbound Transshipped Total Durban 4,584 5,888 139 10,611 Lourenco Marques 3,221 4,598 N.A. 7,819 Cape Town 3,047 2,293 43 5,883 Beira 1,624 2,003 N.A. 3,627 Port Elizabeth 1,553 1,047 8 2,608 Lobito N.A. N.A. N.A. 1,690 Matadi 927 598 N.A. 1,525 East London 999 354 3 10350 Walvis Bay 316 589 N.A. 905 Luanda N.A. N.A. N.A. 848 Nbssel Bay 149 15 N.A. 1e4 TOTAL N.A. N.A. N.A. 36,736 tJ Data are for the higheit yearly tonnage recorded during the period 1957 - 1962. 16 - .141 it: Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Table 3 Route Miles of Railroads and Improved Roads 2/ in Southern Africa and the Density by Population anri Area Route Niles of Railroads Route Miles of Roads Interconnected Per 10,000 Per 100 10,000 Per 100 Territory System Other Total Population Sguare Mlles Total PopulAtion Square Miles Angella 879 907 1,786 3.72 ' 0.37 8000 16.67 1.67 Congo (Leopoldville) 2260 927 S2185 2.28 0.35 25400 18.14 2.82 Federation of Rhodesia & NyassIkila 2568 Nil 2,568 2.7 0.52 16250 17.10 3.36 - Northern Rhodesia 666 Nil 666 2.56 0.23 3000 11.54' 1.04 Southern Rhodesia 1586 Nil 1,586 4.07 1.06 12700 32.56 8.47 NyasAlAnd 316 Nil 316 1.05 0.69 650 2.15 1.41 Mozambique 1044 667 1,711 2.59 0.57 5800 8.79 1.93 Republic of South Africa 11754 44-0 12,194 7.72 2.58 101000 63.92 21.40 South-West Africa 1453 Nil. 1,453 26.91 0.46 4000 80.00 1.25 Bechnanalmo 400 Nil. 11-00 13.33 0.18 2500 83.33 1.14 Basutoland Negligible Nil. Negligible Negligible Negligible 900 15.00 7.69 Swaziland 140 Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. 1100 40.00 16. Total 20198 2941 23297 4.18 .703 181,300 34.14 20.29 a. Includes roads surfaced with bitumen, or consisti b. About 140 miles currently under construction. of gravel or improved earth. - 17 - Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 S141 rn r, I ri Table 4. Relative Development of Railroad Transportation in the Territories of Southern Africa Railroad Route Locomotives Freight Cars Annual Ton Miles Route Miles per Freight cars per Territory Miles (Units) (Units) of Freight a/ Locomotive' Route Miles million Angola 1786 180 2405 11130.1 9.92 1.35 Republic of the Congo pi 3100 464 8615 1,985.4 6.68 2.78 Federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland 2968 456 12,630 5,025.6 - 6.51 4:26 Northern Rhodesia 666 N.A. N.A. N.A. Southern. Rhodesia Total Rhodesias 1986 2/ 2652 N .A . 424 N.A. 12,247 N.A. 4,934 6.25 4.62 Nyasaland 316 32 383 91.6 9.87 1.21 Mozambique 1711 220 5568 1:386.4 7.77 3.25 Republic of South Africa A/ 1.3207 3390 liat000 25,600 4.00 8.33 Total 22,772 4620 139,218 35,127.5 4.6o 6.25 Ton Mlles of Freight per Mile of Route Ratio of FrSigh cars to PI Locomotive 632:754 13.36 'cg 0 640,452 18.56 cri2 11693:261 27.70 1-5 (7) ? ? 1,860,482 28.88 239,973 11.96 sc5 810,391 25.31 co? C?1 1,938,366 33.33 cow 1,560l000 30.00 u_ a. Highest annual freight traffic in last five years. b. Excludes Boma-Tchela railroad, 85 miles. c. Includes 400 miles in Bechuunalard. d. Includes all 3 feet 6 inch gauge railroads in South Africa and South West Africa, but excludes 440 miles of lesser gauge. ?17a? r- rrlf"! ; w 0. 0. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 II. The Economic and Military Significance of the Transportation Routea of the Area * A. Angola 1. Economic Significance of the Transportation System The transportation system of Angola is not well developed and is designed primarily to provide routes for the extort of Angolan production rather than to facilitate the over-all growth and development of the domestic economy. Almost all of the transportation routes are oriented in an east-wept direction. The north-south movement of goods is virtually impossible in the eastern Tart of the country and these movements are largely dependent upon coastal shipping in the western part of the country. The railroads are the backbone of the transportation system and provide the only significant 'maps for the movement of commercial freight traffic between the major producing and consuming areas and between the seaports and the interior of the country. The railroads consist of four basic narrow-gauge, single track, unconnected routes which are described in detail in Appendix C. All railroadn aro oriented in an east-west direction, a direction designed primarily to facilitate the extort of Angolan products and, in the case of the Benguela Railroad which is the only international route, to earn the considerable revenues from transit traf- fic from and to the Congo and Northern Rhodesia. The Benguela Railroad Company is a privately awned enterprise registered * See Appendix C for a detailed analysis of transportation in the various territories. or details on the military and security forces and logistic requirements for the forces in the vari,ous territories, see Appendix D. -18- cre.nrumn RUIN mum Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 1110111rtse I S. II ILI tr.? IVidliatil Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 in Portugal and with headquarters in Lisbon,: The African office for management of the railroad is in Lobito, Angola. stock in the railroad company con- sists Of 30000,000 shares with a value of $23,073,600. Almost 90 percent of the stock, 2,693,750 shares, are owned by Tanganyika Concessions, Ltd., which is regis- tered in the United Kingdom but with headquarterS in Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. About 10 percent of the stock is owned by the Portuguese government and the remain- ing shares, less than one percent, are held by 13 'Private individuals in varying amounta. The railroad is operated on a 99-year concession granted to the railroad by the Decree of 28 November 1902.* The Benguela Railroad provides the shortest and the most economical route between the southern part of the Congo and the Atlantic Ocean. About 73 per- cent of the railroad's revenues are believed to be derived from transit traffic of freight and passengers between Xatanga and Northern Rhodesia and the Angolan port of Lobito. Revenues from mineral traffic alone from the Congo and Northern Rhodesia in 1960 and 1961 represented 45.6 and 35.6 percent respectively of the total reve- nues of almost 21 million dollars earned by the Benguela Railroad during each of those years. The Angolan government does not subsidize the Benguela Railroad and neither does it guarantee a profit to the railroad. However, government policy pro- hibits competition from other modes of transport Which tends to insure profitable operations; As a concessionaire, the Angolan government receives a share of the * Tanganyika Concessions, Ltd. also obtains royalties from the exploitation of mineral deposits by the Union Miniere du Haut Katanga. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CV-PFTdttOODIMUOMSUM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 profits of the railroad. It appears, therefore, that a diversion of Congo traffic away from the Benguela Railroad would mean riot only financial distress for the rail- road company but a considerable loss of revenue to the Angolan government unless, of course the Benguela Railroad could obtain a sufficient amount of traffic from another source, say Northern Rhodesia, to offset the loss of Congo traffic. Apart from the financial effects on the railroad, the loss of the transit traffic normally handled by the railroad to and from the Tort of Lobito would result also in a con- siderable financial loss in port fees. Over 40 percent of the traffic through Lobito is Congo and Rhodesian transit traffic. Moreover, the loss in railroad and port tonnage and revenue would result in a considerable reduction in employment in the market economy. Apart from the importance of the Benguela Railroad from an international viewpoint, the railroads of Angola are the principal carriers of export goods. Agricultural products account for 6o- percent and minerals 25 percent of the value of Angola s exports. The producing areas are in the interior of the country and the railroads carry almost all of the export goods produced to the ports. Inbound traf- fic to the interior of the country is very light and, in the case of the Benguela Railroad, represents about one-Sixth of the total traffic carried including inter- national transit traffic.L. i t An examination of the Angolan budget for 1962 reveals that about 13 SECRET/NO FOREIGN DIS.. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : ClArRDP79-101049A002800010001-9 percent of the total government revenues are derived from receipts from ports, railroads and other transportation. Eicluding those areas of Angola which are served by the railroads or which are near the sea, large areas of the country are entirely dependent upon earth. surfaced roads and tracks as the only means Of freight transport. There are 22,000 miles of roads in the country, a density of about 1.67 miles per 100 square miles of area, and about 16.67 miles per 10,000 head of population. In the southeastern area referred to by the Portuguese as the "fin do mundo" or end of the world, there are no roads at all. The only north-south roads are in the western third of the country and Only about 100 miles of these are paved. During the rainy season which lasts from November until May, the major portion of the road net becomes virtually impassable to commercial motor Vehicles and some areas are completely isolated for days at a time. Motor vehicles registration amounts to about 43,000 vehicles or 1 to 107 head of population. There is no developed inland waterway system as most of the streams are remote from the centers of the economy and serve only as local transport arteries for primitive river craft. In the absence of north-south railroads or even ade- quate north-south highways, a considerable amount of traffic is carried by coastal vessels and in 1962, coastal traffic through the port of Lobito alone amounted to almost 100,000 tons. The three principal seapOrts of Luanda, Lobito and Mocamedea are fairly well developed and adequate for the current needs of the economy. Lobito is rated 21 SECRET/NO REM EOM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 among theinFigfrolaetas9ASNIVPdactAfeRRIPErtgenCt2819PWAliPly operating at well below capacity. Its capacity to handle mineral ore is believed to be at least 100 percent greater than the ore traffic currently moving through the port. The one international airport is at Luanda on the Atlantic coast. Prac- tically all of the other airports are located in the western half of the country. Some of these have landing strips 6,500 feet in length and the rest of the country is served by mnaller airports with limited capacity capable of handling DC-3 and smaller liaison type aircraft. The single airline in Angola (DTA) owns 14 aircraft Of which three are EC-3s and the remainder are smaller. 2. Militarz Significance of the Transportation System The transportation system of Angola is believed to be capable of sup- porting a far greater military force than the Portuguese will be able to muster in the country in the foreseeable future. This is particularly true of the railroads and the ports. There would be some difficulty in supplying large forces in the areas remote from the railroads during the rainy season because of the inadequacy of the road net; however, the effects of bad weather are not as significant to a military force with four-wheel drive, military-type vehicles as it is to commercial type vehicles. Nevertheless, the employment of engineering troops capable of repairing and maintaining roads and road bridges would be necessary to insure unin- terrupted movement of heavy motor vehicles. The Portuguese army strength in Angola is 1.n excess of 400000 troops. Air VOrce personnel number about 107000 and the Angolan Naval Command bat; 22 SECRETINO FOREIGN DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15f: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 ?rov. ? 1., ??? ". P' Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 about 400 officere and men. In addition, there is a local civilian volunteer corps which provides defense for individual plantations in the pert of Angola where insur- gents operate. The general construction of the railroads is sound and the maintenance of routes and equipment is good. The Benguela Railroad is the most important rail- road route because it traverses the very heart of the country from Lobito on the Atlantic coast to Dila? on the Congo border, a distance of 838 miles. The estimated through put capacity of the route for military traffic is 1,800 tons per day which is sufficient to supply a Portuguese security force of 144,000 men.* Moreover, the present commercial traffic flow is heavily weighted from east to west at a ratio of 5 to I.. As a consequence, much of the eastbound traffic is made up of trains of empty freight cars. It is therefore apparent that a major portion of the military supplied could be moved without seriously disrupting commercial traffic over the route. The estimated capacity of the Luanda Railroad which runs from the port of Luanda to Malanje, a distance of 265 miles, is 960 tens per day, an amount sufficient to rapport a force of about 77,000 at,Malanje. The estimated capacity of the Mo- camedes Railroad from Mocamedes to Vila Serpo Pinto, 469 miles, is about 1,160 tons .per day, an amount sufficient to supply a force of about 931000. Commercial traf- fic flow- over these routes is also heavily weighted from east to west. * Computed on the tMAiS of a logistic requirement of 25 pounds per ran per day. -23 Approved For Release 2000/05/1MIRCRTCIIIIATREN8M684-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 The capacities of the ports to handle military supplies using ship'is gear alone is even greater than the capacities of the railroads which serve them. The highway which parallel' the Benguela Railroad from Lobito to the Congo border is capable of handling about 550 tons per day which is adequate to supply a Portuguese security force of about 44,000 troops. Another example of road route capacity is the route leading north from the port of Luanda to the Congo border near Matadi, passing directly through the area of recent rebel activity. In fair weather, the route is capable of sustaining about 140 vehicles carrying three tons each per day. This is adequate to support a force of about 33,000 troops. However, sections of the route may become virtrally impassable during the rainy sea- son to anIthing other than four-wheel drive vehicles, and difficult even for them. The international airport at Luanda has considerable military signifi- cance particularly for the airlift of troops from Portugal, and for airlifting troops' supplies to the other airfields in the country from Which supplies can be further distributed by air drops. B. Congo SLeopoldville) 1. Economic Signficance of the Transportation System Prior to independence in 1960, the transportation system of the Congo was well-organized and managed, and adequate for the needs of the economy in the stage of economic development existing at that time. The system VISA a good example of coordinated railroad and inland waterway system with one mode complementing but not competing with the other. PUblic motor vehicle transport served primarily as -24- SECRETINO FOREIGN DISRI Approved For Release 2000 05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01 4 A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 a. feeder service to the railroads and inland waterways although many of the larger farms and even some mines operated considerable fleets of motor vehicles over pri- vate and public provincial roads to deliver their production to markets and to rail- heads and river ports. The disturbed conditions which have existed since indepen- dence in 1960 have not changed the basic pattern of the transportation system, but the wanton destruction of railroad bridges, inadequate maintenance of route facili- ties, rolling stock and locomotive's, a shortage of spare parts, and an almost com- plete disregard for highway maintenance, have reduced the system to an uncoordinated, disconneeted and relatively inefficient system. The Congo giver and its tributaries forms the backbone of the system with railroads providing by-passes for unnavigable portions of the river. The main network Of railroads is in the southern area of the country where through rail routes provide connections with the railroads of Angola and the Atlantic Ocean, and with the Rhode alas and through Mozambique or South Africa to the Indian Ocean. Also, the PM Railroad, running from the border of Northern Rhodesia, connects with the 'Congo River services at Port Francqui which, in turn, connects with a railroad at Leopoldville running to Matadi, the principal seaport on the lower Congo River. This route is commonly known as the "Route Nationale" and is the only through route entirely within the Congo giving access to the sea for traffic from and to the in- dustrial area in Katanga Province. The length of the Route Nationale from Elise- bethville to Mhtadi is 1,7]3 miles. At present', damaged railroad bridges prevent through traffic on the route and almost all export-import traffic from Katanga and .25 Approved For Release 2000/05/V:IMP MESICEPOWN1-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 parts of Resta Provinces is routed over the Angolan Railroad to the Atlantic Ocean port Of Lobito., However, small quantities Of freight from Hatanga Province are also moving over the Rhodesian railroads to Indian Ocean ports. In 1961, the first full year after independence, the transportation sys- tem carried only 60 percent of the tonnage carried in 1959, the last pre-indepen- dence year. Moreover, traffic through the port of Matadi dropped from 1.5 million tons in 1959 to only 850 thousand tons in 1961, a reduction of more than 45 percent. The decline in freight traffic no doubt reflects, to some degree at least, a con- current decline in the over-all economic posture of the country. An effort is currently underway to repair damaged bridges on the rail- roads in Ritanga Province and thus restore service over the "Acute Nationale", and it is probable that the route will be restored in the late summer of 1963. However, Other problems will continue to plague the Congolese for some time to come. Silting of the lower Congo River between Matadi and the sea is a serious problem, and the Congolese have not been able to obtain a sufficient supply of spare parts to ade- quately maintain the dredges used to keep the channel clear. If this is not done, access to the sea will be limited and large petroleum tankers may not be able to deliver fuel, all of which is imported. Channel markers and buoys on the Congo River above Leopoldville have not been maintained and some have even been removed. In many' areas, jungle growth is reportedly taking over some of the roads in rural areas. A shortage of spare parts and general neglect of maintenance has resulted in many motor vehiOles being withdrawn from service. In general, it will probably SECRETIN FOREIGN DISE1 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 4t ? .*-1 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 take A long time, even years, to restore the transportation system to its pre-indepen- dence state of efficiency. 2. Military Significance of the Transkortation System When the transporation system is functioning properly, the access routes to the Congo and the railroad and river routes leading to the principal population centers within the country are capable of supporting a. far greater military force than wOuld conceivably be deployed in any given area in the immediate future. Some ? difficulty will be encountered in rural areas rembte from the railroads and the prin- cipal inland waterways because of the inadequacy of the highway net. This is partic- ularly true during the rainy Aeason, not only because the road surfaces are washed away but also because of the washing away of primitive timber bridges which predom- inate in the remote areas. Therefore, large-scale military operations in parts of the country that are dependent on roade for ground transportation, cannot be con- ducted without the employment of engineering troops.capable of restoring, repairing and maintaining the roads to that they will support heavy traffic by trucks. The Congolese National Army consists of about 25,000 troops organized into 24 battalions. The Katangan ?gendarmerie, which totaled 19,000 in December 1962 has in large part been dispersed as the result of conflicts with UN forces since that date. Congolese Air Force personnel number only 300 non-whites and 6o whites. As of May 1963, United Nation** forces in' the Congo numbered 11,000, but the current plan calls for a reduction of these forces to 7,000 by 1 Jnly 1963 and their com- plete removal by the and of 1963. mum Approved For Release 2000/05/1,, : ctrii 6m-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 The estimated military capacity of the railroad route leading from the seaport of Matadi to Leopoldville, 227' miles, is 3,300 tons per day, sufficient to support 4 force of about 264,000* in the Leopoldville area. Upstream on the Congo River to Stanleyville, a distance of 1,082 miles, the through it capacity for mili- tary traffic is 3,500 tons Ter day, adequate to supply a force of at least 270,000. From Leopoldville to Port Francqui, the Congo and Kasai Rivera could carry about 3,000 tons per day and support a, force of 240,000. In the southern part of the country, the military capacity Of the railreeds from the border of Northern Rhodesia to Port Francqui, 1,138 miles, is 1,860 tons per day, adequate for a force Of about 1490000 at Port 'Franey'. From Dilolo on the Angolan border to Tanke, a distance of 324 miles, a force of 124,000 could be supported, as the military capacity of this railroad is estimated at 1,500 tons Ter day. The railroad between Kesaina in Katanga Province, and Albertville on Lake Tanganyika, a distance of 447 miles, is Capable Of: SUpporting a force of about 72,000. 28 SECRET/NO FOREO DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP76T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 C. The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland 1. Economic Significancei Transportation services in the Federation, both domestic and international, are provided principally by railroads (almost 3,000 route miles). There is some inOreasing dependence on airlines and buses for passenger transport-, but little dependence on trucks for long-distance freight transport. There is generally ade- quate service between all main centers of economic activity in the Federation, be- tween those centers and adjoining territories, and through those territories with major seaports of Southern Africa. Transport and communications account for about 10 percent of white and 3 to 4 percent Of African employment in the Federation and in each of its component parts. The revenues of the Rhodesialtailways represent about 6 percent of Gross National Product (GNP) of the Federation, and their operat- ing expenditures about 5 percent. The Rhodepia Railways are especially essential to the movement of copper, which is the major foreign exchange earner of the Federa- tion. Copper sales in 1961 totaled more than 20 percent of the Federation's GNP. Copper traffic (over a million tons in 1961 or about 8 percent of total tons carried) is also the most important earner of revenue for the RhOdesia, Railways, having furnished more than 27 percent of gross revenues in 1961. The Copper traffic is even more important when the additional revenues from the movement of copper concen- trate, the largest component of the "other minerals" category, is taken into account. Highway development, while of secondary importance as compared to rail- roads in the Federation, 'has furthered economic development in areas where lack of Approved For Release 2000/05/1049M 1-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 rail facilities was a limiting factor. The development of the highway network has been considerable relative to the small number of people in a position to contribute to the cost. Motor vehicle registrations in the Federation in 1961 totaled 193,7980 or about 45 persons per vehicle. The Federation is land-locked and only inland water services of minor importance are operated on a few lakes and rivers serving Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland. A few steamers and barges carry passengers and freight on the larger lakes, but there are mostly small native craft in use on the rivers. Both domestic and regional air service is provided by Central African Airways Corporation (CAA). The "Rhodesian Comet" service to London is operated for CAA by the British Overseas Airways Corporation (B)AC). The domestic network serves 16 points in Northern Rhodesia, 4 in Southern Rhodesia, and 10 in Nyasaland. Most of the domestic scheduled service in 1961 was performed by DC-3 type aircraft. Air service has been especially important for rapid movement of passengers and of high value - low bulk goods to remote areas such as Barotseland. Continued supranational operation of the transportation facilities of the Federation will be desirable in order to derive the maximum economic benefits from the transportation system. (a) Southern Rhodesia Both railroads and highways in Southern Rhodesia, in keeping with its more diverse and advanced economy, are better developed than in the rest of the Federation (1,986 route miles of railroad, ai:CoMpir.iNith 666 in Northern - 30 - SECRET/HO FORE10 DISSEttl Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RuP79T01049A002800010001-9 , IOLUIILIJIINV Lritoatili 1.0sio.411.1be Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 ? Rhodesia and 316 in Nyasaland). The lion's share of modernization of the Federation's railroads has taken place in Southern Rhodesia in order to serve the growing industrial sector. Centralized traffic control (CTC) has been installed on virtually all of the single track mainline network of Southern Rhodesia, and a few short stretches are double track. New diesel locomotives are also being gradually introduced to further improve the service and increase capacity. Railroads of Southern Rhodesia, as well as the transportation and commercial centers of Bulawayo and Salisbury, are very dependent on the volume of transit traffic between Northern Rhodesia and the ports of Mozambique. This transit traffic accounted for more than 25 percent of all tonnage carried by the Rhodesian Railways in 1961 and about 35 percent of the revenues. Exports in transit are composed principally of copper, cobalt, lead, zinc and manganese, and imports of machinery, transport equipment and other manufactured goods. Part of Northern Rhodesia's copper export shipments have been carried by the Benguela Railway in the past. Under an agreement entered into in 1950, 20 percent of the territory's copper export traffic was to be assigned to this route. Other parties to the agree- ment were the Rhodesia Railways and the Congo Railway authority. This agreement was over-ruled by the Federal Government early in 1900 when it imposed a limit of 36,000 tons (or little more than 6 percent of 1962 exports of 560,000 tons) on the copper tonnage which could be exported via the Benguela Railroad in any one year. A new agreement' assigning a greater percentage to the Benguela Railroad or the Lbngolese "Route Nacionale" is a possibility !Table 6, Appendix Can, p. 215. 31 , MEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 after the breakup of the Federation. Southern Rhodesia contains about 52 percent of the 55,267 miles of maintained roads in the Federation, 73 percent of the miles of bituminous or strip roads, and 71 percent of the registered motor vehicles. Total motor vehicle registrations amount to 138,168 or aoout 23-person's per vehicle. (b) Northern Rhodesia Both railroads and highways became more scarce in Northern than in Southern Rhodesia. The dependence on railroads: becomes even greater here be- cause of the proportionately greater tonnage of heayy ore and mineral traffic trans- ported. The copper industry, for example, which in recent years has contributed about 44 percent to the net domestic product of Northern Rhodesia, could not func- tion without railroad service. Railroad capacity continues to be improved by the installation of modern signaling, although not yet to the extent that this has taken place in Southern Rhodesia. There is also considerable interest in Northern Rho- desia in the proposed extension of the railway to connect with the Tanganyikan rail- way system. About 39 percent (21,517 miles) of all the regularly maintained roads of. the Federation are located in Northern Rhodesia, and 43,934 vehicles or 23 percent of the registered motor vehicles. This amounts to about 57 'persons per vehicle. The Great North road provides a highway link with Tangamike* and there is a1a5.7)a good road connection with Elisalethville in the Congo. _ * See Appendix C.Vto p. 32 SECT/NU FZIGH DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 The inland water service on the few navigable lakes of Northern Rhodesia is small, and only of local significance to the various areas. Civil air ia of relatively greater importance here than elsewhere in the Federation, largely for convenient access to areas otherwise relatively inaccessible by other modem of transport. (c) Npsaland Transportation services in Nyasaland are primarily in support of the commercial agricultural economy which proVides most of the foreign exchange of the country and in 1961 accounted for about 80 percent of the value of Gross Dames- tic Product. Low posi; VIA rapid transportation must be provided from the various producing centers to distant markets. In Nyasaland, as in the rest of the Federation, primary dependence is on railroads, with other modes acting as feeders or providing service to more remote areas. The railroad system needs to .be expanded and modernized to meet grow- ing traffic requirements although it is adequate for current traffic requirements. Now wholly steam-operated, single track and manually fignaledy it is completely NemAciia dependent on imported coal mostly fronCif?in Southern Rhodesia. A few diesel locomotives are on order from the UK. Regularly maintained roads in Nyasaland amount to 5,150 or 9 per- cent of the total mileage of such roads in the Federation. Motor vehicles registered in Nyasaland number about 11,696 or 6 percent of the Federation total, and there are about 250 persons per vehicle. -33- Approved For Release 2000/05/15 :=M1LERCP110SOS01-911 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 The navigable lakes and waterways provide some service of mostly local significance. Steamer service on Lake Nyasa provides the only commercial link between the railroad and many towns and farm areas along the lake. Civil air Is a small but necessary service to otherwise relatively inaccessible areas. 2. Military Significance The transportation system of the Federation would almost certainly be able to move and support any military or security force which could be mustered, particularly on the railroad. Some difficulty would be experienced in remote areas because of inadequate highways, but poor highways are not so significant to mili- tary as to commercial vehicles. Total active ground forces (51171) and police (10,945) number only about' 160000 men and there is an available reserve of about 60000 men. The active mili- tary forces are well-equipped and completely mobile. The Rhodesian air force has about 600 men and 182 aircraft of various types including 14 transport aircraft with a total airlift capacity of more than 70 tons or about 350 troops. There are a total of about1:57airfields in the entire Federation) of which probably only about 50 could handle sizeable military movements. The only international airports cap- able of receiving sizeable movements of men and supplies from abroad are at Salis- bury, iftlawayo, Livingstone and Gwelo, all in Southern Rhodesia; Ndola and Lusaka in Northern Rhodesia; and Blantyre in Nyasaland. Since only Southern Rhodesia has a white-dominated government, it is here that disturbances would be likely to occur generated by African Nationalists 34 SWIM FORIIT EISSET4 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79*1049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A0028011010001-9 and requiring the rapid movement of men and supplies to troubled areas. It is here also that both the railroad and highway networks are relatively well developed and could support movement of far greater forces than the relatively small but effi- cient military and security forces in being in the area. Here also are all of the major air force bases and airports capable of receiving additional supplies and "volunteer" reinforcements from abroad. Africans struggling among themselves for power in the Copperbelt area of Northern Rhodesia could lead to demands for UN, UK or US intervention along the lines of (1) the UN operation in Katanga; (2) the UK use of troops in Swaziland; or (3) US troop landings in Lebanon. Should such action be required, the main Rhodesian approach routes to the Copperbelt would be capble of supporting a much greater force than would conceivably be employed. The Rhodesian railroad alone could transport about 5,500 tons per day, which is the estimated requirement to support a force of about 220,000 men.* The main highways northward from Bulawayo and Salisbury could carry 240 through tons per day, enough to support a force of about 9,600 men. * Requirements calculated on the bals of 50 tons per man per day, estimated for the modern, well-equipped US or UK type force envisioned here. -35- Approved For Release 2000/05/1 -9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 D, Mozambique 1. Economic Significance The inland transportation system of Mozambique is almost completely dominated by the railways, due in large measure to the inadequacy of the existing roads, the scarcity of roads in some areas, and the relatively minor use made of inland water- ways. The complete absence of any north-south railroads in the country and the poor quality of north-South highways makes coastal shipping an important segment of the transportation system. In addition to their significance to the local economy, the railroads and the ports are of considerable international importance because they offer the shortest routes to the sea for the Rhodesias and the northeastern areas of South Africa, and the only railroad route to the sea for Nyasaland. Transit traffic from and to these countries and the seaports in Mozambique represents almost 90 percent of the total traffic carried by the railroads. Moreover, revenues from international transit traffic over the railroads and through the seaports accounts for upward of 30 percent of the Mozambique government revenues. The railroad system is composed of eight railroads, three of which do not connect with any other system. Only three of the railroads are international in character and these account for 94 percent of the traffic carried on all of the railroads combined. In 1960, the last year for which complete statistical data are ,with available, the eight railroadsf7"\a total of 1,711 route miles, carried a total of 11.2 million tons. The three international systems are: the Lourenco Marques Railroad, the Beira Railroad, and the Trans-Dimbesia Railroad. An analysis of 1 financial reports indicates that these interne4ional railroads are consistent ? 36 't SECRETINO F0R1GN DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-ROP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 money earners with operating ratios in 1960 of about 39 percent, 51 percent, and 33 percent res;ectively., Al]. the other railroads are operated at a loss with operating expenses exceeding their revenues by a wide margin. Taken as a whole, the railroad system earned a net profit after operating expenses of $20.5 million in 1960. The Lourenco Marques Railroad is government-owned so the net profits would accrue to the government of Mozambique. The Beira and Trans,Zambesia Rail- roads are privately owned and the government's share in their profits is not known. The money losing railroads are all government owned, but the profits of the Lourenco Marques Railroad were adequate to off-set those losses and still return a net profit of $9.3 million to the government in 1960. These data point up the economic sig- nificance of international transit traffit which represents about 90 percent of the revenues earned by the railroads. The capacities of the international railroad routes in Mozambique are believed to be considerably above the traffic currently moving over them. For example, the short, single track, 55 mile route from Lourenco Marques to Ressano Garcia on the South African border, is currently carrying about 4 million tons per year. Single track routes in the Congo were carrying 6.6 million tons per year in 1957. Moreover, the Ressano Garcia route in MozaMbique is equipped with CTC signalling whereas the Congo route is equipped with only a manual block system. The Beira and Trans- Zambesia Railroad routes are also operated at well below the traffic density in either Angola or the Congo. Despite the importance of highway transport to the economy of Mozambique, the highway network is seriously inadequate. There are no adequate north-south !An operating ratio is the percentage ratio of operating costs to total revenues. - 37 - Approved For Release 2000/05Wigiag7fP0M0PIEg101-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 routes through the country and transport in this direction is often compelled to take routes through the neighboring countries of South Africa and Rhodesia. During the long, rainy season, wooden bridges are often washed away by flood waters and the dirt-surfaced roads which predominate become impassable. A program is underway to improve the highway network, but a lack of funds has delayed its implementation. However, recent political unrest, with its internal security problems, has enbasized the need for a more adequate system and the government has accelerated the highway construction program and incorporated it in the Second Development Plan for the period 1959 - 1964. The highway network consists of about 22,840 miles of roads. Only 720 miles have a waterproof surface, mostly bitumen, and 620 miles of rolled stone surface, while the remaining 21,500 miles are natural earth-surface roads. Highways are classified according to their relative importance and not according to the type of construction. First class or national routes link the capitals of the nine adminis- trative districts with each other and with the seaports and neighboring countries. Second class roads link the outlying towns and cities in each district with the district capitals. Other classified roads are designated as regional or third class roads. Unclassified roads are generally nothing more than tracks which are practi- cally impassable for motor vehicles. Rainfall in Mozambique varies from 39 inches per year in the north to 6o inches in Beira and 30 inches in Leurenco Marques. During the long rainy season, October to March, transport by road is virtually impossible. Traffic is disrupted for long periods at a time through heavy rains washing away road surfaces, destroying wooden bridges and closing ferries. During the dry season, unsurfaced roads corrugate 38 - Approved For ReleasMOR, fill[145111-Poltst9E1102800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 badly and are subject to wind erosion, while sand surfaces in the coastal regions are unstable. Almost all commercial highway transport services are owned and operated by the State Roadways, a Department of the Mozambique Administration of Harbors, Rail- ways and Transport Services. This government-iewned service does not compete directly with the railroads and is, in fact, prohibited from doing so. The service operates primarily to feed traffic to and from the railroads or between producing and consuming areas which are remote from the railroads. During 1961, the most recent year for which statistics are available, State Roadways carried about 308 thousand tons of freight. In 1960, the State Roadways owned about 280 trucks and buses, 9 tractors, and 60 trailers. The average carrying capacity of the trucks was about 3 tons each and the trailers 5 tons each. There are an estimated 18 to 19 thousand trucks of all sizes registered in Mozambique but most of these are believed to be small units not suitable for long distance transport of heavy cargo. The two principal and five minor ports in Mozambique handled a total of 10.0 million and 11.5 million tons in 1960 and 1961. The major ports for inter- national transit traffic are Lourenco Marques and Beira, and these two ports handled more than 95 percent of the total traffic through all the seaports. Lourenco Marques, the largest and busiest port in the country, handles about 64 percent of Mozambique's seaborne commerce. More than 67 percent of the tonnage handled in 1960 was transit traffic. Mineral and coal traffic from South Africa represented nearly 2 million tons or 60 percent of the total outbound tonnage through the port in 1960, and mineral traffic from Rhodesia was 687,391 tons or almost 28 percent. The port is - 39 - Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CSERF7TALF9/021:11MM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 one of the best equipped in southern Africa, with deep water berths for twelve vessels. Ample cranes and other handling equipment are available and there is storage space for 50,000 tons of coal and 160,000 tons of mineral ore. Net profits in 1960 were almost $2.5 million. The port is undergoing expansion in order to cope with additional traffic and, in particular, an additional 1 million tons of mineral ore expected to move over a new railroad route presently under construction in Swaziland and connecting with the Mozambique railroad near Goba. Beira, the second largest port, handled 3.2 and 3.6 million tons in 1960 and 1961. About 56 percent of the total tonnage handled through the port is transit traffic from and to Rhodesia. Rhodesian traffic in 1960 amounted to 983,000 tons outbound and 835,000 tons inbound. The port is well-equipped with deep water berths for 6 vessels. Two new wharves completed in 1962 will become operable as soon as cranes and other cargo-handling equipment are installed. Civil air transport has little economic significance in Mozambique. The ' government-owned carrier, DTA, provides passenger service to 14 points in Mozam- bique and to Salisbury in Southern Rhodesia, and to Johannesburg and Durban in South Africa. Also, the Portuguese flag carrier TAP, links Mozambique with Portugal and with Angola. During 1961, DA carried 36,500 passengers. No scheduled air freight service is available in Mozambique. SECRET/0 FOREIL1UISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-rsDP79 01u.s.A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 2. Military Significance. The transportation system of Mozambique is capable of supporting a considerably greater military force than the Portuguese will be able to deploy in the area in the forseeable future. As of 1 January 1963, the strength of the army of Portugal was 102,000. More than 55 percent of it was employed in the de- fentzie of overseas provinces and colonies. Portuguese ground strength in Mozambi- que Consists of about 17,000 troops organized into 14 infantry battalions, and a battalion each of armOr, artillery, engineering and signals. A mall air force unit also provides some air transport capability. 7ie railroad systems are the most important mode of transport for Approved For Release 2000/05/15: IN NEM 0 TM FM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 the supply of military forces from Indian Ocean ports to major concentration areas inland. In Northern Mozambique, the Mocambique Railroad extends from the Oangcrenga minor ports of Nacala and Lumbo to ;/, a distance of 402 miles. This route is capable of delivering about 4 trains per day to Nova Freixo, 334 miles, with sufficient tonnage to support a force of 120,000K From Nova Freixo to Congerenga, a distance of 68 miles, the route is newly constructed and may have a tendency to settle, thus forcing a reduction in the speed and weight of trains during heavy rains. Nevertheless, it is believed to be capable of supporting about 60,000 troops at Congerenga, near the Nyasaland border. From the port of Beira, the Trans-Zambesia Railroad running north to the Nyasaland border, about 205 miles, can support a force of about 136,000. The Tete Railroad which branches off of the Trans-Zambesia Railroad at Donn a and runs to Benga on the Zambezi River, can handle 4 trains per day with tonnage for about 136,000. These two routes have been considered in isolation and the Tete Railroad is dependent upon the Trans-Zambesia for a connection with Beira. Therefore, only 136,000 troops could be supported at Donna and 68,000 at each of the terminals of the routes. The Beira Railroad extending from the port of Beira to Macbipanda on the Southern Rhodesia border, connects with the Rhodesian Railroad route which serves Salisbury, the capital of Southern Rhodesia. This route has a military capacity of about 3,200 tons per day, adequate to support a force of about 2560000. The port of Beira is capable of handling about 5,600 tons per day using ship's gear only for unloading military cargo. At that rate of d:scharge, the port could support a force of 4481coo. 11- Oimputed on the basis of a logistic requireinurt of 25 pounds per man per day. 110 proy- 111 n C e r 4 Approved For Releaseabb/08./1111UC taitOk441.941400k800010001-9 ? ? Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 In southern Mozambique, two main railroads extend inland. The most southerly of these runs from the port of Lourenco Marques to Ressano Garcia on the border of South Africa, a distance of 55 miles, and connects with the South African . railroad which serves Pretoria and the Johannesburg area. This route is capable of delivering enough tonnage from the port to the South African border to support a force of about 840,000 or, 10,450 tons per day. The northern route extends from Lourenco Marques to Malvernia on the border of Southern Rhodesia where it connects with the Rhodesian railroad route which serves Bulawayo, Wankie and Salisbury. From Lourenco Marques to Malvernia, the route is 332 miles in length. The estimated military capacity of the route is 3,300 tons per day, sufficient to support a force of 264,000. The capacity of the port at Lourenco Marques is adequate for the tonnage involved, but if a debarking force should be compelled to use dhliA'gear only, the port capacity would be sufficient to supply a force of about 756,000. The highway network in Mozambique is capable of supporting a considerable force during fair weather, but during the long rainy season, most of the roads become virtuaM.V impassable for commercial vehicles and extremely difficult even for four-wheel drive military vehicles. An example of a highway which serves a remote area not served by a railroad is the highway leading from the minor port of Quelimane to Milange near the border of Nyasaland, a distance of 215 miles. In good weather, this route could support a force of 36,000. Assuming a reduction of 75 percent during the rainy season, a force of 9,000 could be supported. The highway from Beira to Madhipanda on the Southern Rhodesia border parallels the -43- Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : akEi1C194690zreRaikkkatiVA Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 railroad route. In fair weather this highway could support a force of 613,000. The highway from Lourenco Marques to Ressano Garcia on the South African border could support a force of 267,000. The international airports at Beira and Lourenco Mhrques have considerable military significance, particularly for the airlift of troops from Portugal and for the airlifting of troops and supplies to other airfields in the country from which supplies could be further distributed by airdrops. SECRETINO iOREIUI MEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Soutp. African Republic 1. Economic Significance The railway system of South Africa provides more support to the economy than any other mode of transportation. It provides service between the completely separate and widely dispersed centers of prdluction and consUmption of which the Witwatersrand is the focal area. Thus it facilitates production for local consumption and for export as well as the distribution of essential imports to the interior. Foreign trade moves by rail to and from the ports and by interchange of traffic with the 'railroad systems of the Federation and Mozambique. The basic wealth of the country is still derived from its output of valuable tinerals, chiefly gold and diamonds, which can be moved easily by air, but the effort involved in their production entails large movements of iron ore, steel, machinery and coal for electric Power. Minerals otlier than coal and iron ore which are moved and exported in sub- stantial amounts include chrome ore, manganese, asbestos, phosphate rock, limestone and copper. Agricultural products also figure prominently on the transportation system of the country. Corn, raised in various parts but mostly in the belt of the southern Transva.8.1 and Orange Free State, moves in large tonnages both for local consuciption and for export. Sugar cane and sugar are traffic items of importance on the Natal Coast. Cattle and animal products are Collected in South-West Africa and the northeastern Cape area and moved both to ports and domestic consuming centers. Cattle are also moved from one grazing area to another by railroad when - 45 - Approved For Release 2000/05/1RWMATVagrOV28ragaill-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 their well-being is threatened by drought in grazing regions. Other important railborne agricultural products are citrus and deciduous fruits, grapes, potatoes and other vegetables, and fish. Timber is imported in order to supplement the insufficient domestic supply. Al]. petroleum and its products are imported by sea and the portion consumed at interior points moves from the ports by rail. large amounts of machinery, consumer goods and general merchandise are also imported and are moved to the hinterland by railroad. In addition to inter-city passenger service the railways also perform an unusually extensive commutation function in the carrying of passengers between the large cities and their places of residence. The government is promoting the movement of urban residents to all-white and all-African communities at some distance from the cities in order to implement its policy of race separation. Much new railway equipment is being added and modernization of plant is being undertaken for this purpose. The addition of new facilities and equipment, in itself, is a considerable stimulus to the economy as most of it is being produced within the country from indigenous materials. Modernization of the freight as well as the passenger plant, is under way and through this program the South African Railways contribute importantly to the living standard of the population and the pace of the economy as a whole. Highways and highway transport are important to the economic life of concentrated South Africa, both where there are no railways and infi -46- SLI:ETINO 1011E1GN DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 cellection and distribution centers such as cities, ports and mining areas. Highways are built with local funds within the provinces, but the inter-regional highways some of whick are bituminous surfaces, are built with revenues derived from a national gasoline tax. Air transport serves the national economy through expediting internal and exter- nal trade in high value and perishable goods and through more expeditious planning, coordination and decision making resulting from fast passenger and mail service. Regional trunk services are provided largely by jet aircraft in addition to the con- ventional piston type. The transport aircraft inventory consists of 28 aircraft of which 3 were Boeing 707s, 20 were 4-engine piston or turbo-prop aircraft, and 5 were DC-3s. The three major airports in South Africa at Johannesburg, Durban and Capetown, are adequate for present traffic requirements. 2. Military Significance The transport facilities within South Africa would almost certainly be able to handle all traffic needed to support the military and internal security forces of the country. The role of ground transport in a military crisis conceivably would fall into two phases, i.e., mobilization and sustained logistical support. The first phase would involve a rapid assembly and delivery of essential types of equipment through clearing the railroads and highways for priority movement of personnel and materiel with the consequent delay of less pressing economic traffic. The second phase would represent at least a partial return to normal operations, but with extra trains and vehicles moving in addition to those needed by some areas which would have to be expanded while others woad temporarily be reduced or suspended. The type of transport pattern which would develop in either phase would depend upon a combination of circumstances, but most particularly upon whether or not the Republic were or were not threatened by a major world power or combination of powers possessing sea or air strength. -47- SECI1ETINO FEED Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049m002 v vv01-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 The South African Army has a strength of 12,000 men organized into a mobile watch unit, a parachute battalion and 10 training units. In addition, more than 50,000 men are enrolled in militia-type units known as Commandos. The regular stir force personnel number 3/885 and there is a reserve force numbering 10,000. Naval personnel total about 1,700. The police force consists of 28,000 men of which 14,500 are non-whites, and would be of questionable value in suppressing racial violence. Should events build up to a combination of pressures from the Bantu and other native African tribes only, there might come into being a combination of two fronts, one to the north, and a more fluid one among Bantus within South Africa. If the railroads can be secured so that they are comparatively free of sabotage, they should be able to meet the requirements of both military phases with facility. If a Bantu uprising included a wholesale abandonment of normal employment by the non-whites, and flight to the north or to the protectorates ensued, difficulty might soon be faced in obtaining sufficient coal to keep steam and electric powered motive power in operation on the railroads. The diesel locomotives and motor transport, barring economic sanctions on imports of fuel, could probably keep essential mili- tary and a minimum of economic traffic moving, but lack of coal and power could cause transportation supporting industries to shut down and maintenance as well as the availability of supplies may not be sufficient. In the initial phases of a localized front line conflict with native African forces to the north, the logistical supply lines would probably extend as SECRET/NO FOREIGN DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 far as the Zambezi River. Extra heavy loads can be handled by both rail and motor transport so that ample special military equipment could also be moved with dispatch to the combat zone. A possible weak link in the line of communications which might well need to be supplemented by air, road and sea transport, however, is the rail connection with Southern Rhodesia. Normal economic traffic on this route is light, and so there should be ample excess capacity for military supplies, but there could conceivably be international political complications inasmuch as the line extends for much of its length through the Bechuanaland Protectorate. An alternate to this route for the movement of South African forces to the Southern Rhodesian border and into Southern Rhodesia exists, however, by rail to Beitbridge on the border, and thence by road to Bulawayo in Southern Rhodesia. The road from Beitbridge to Bulawayo would represent the limiting capacity for the supply of South African forces but it has the capacity te supply a force of at least 25,000. In a long, drawn out conflict of resistance, purely African in character, the erosion on the white forces would probably take its toll in loss of life and productive time on both sides, and in reduced economic output rather than in attrition to transport Employment on the railroads is about 50 percent white, and conceivably both railroad and road transport could operate on reduced schedules with sufficient capacity to support military operations eten with the departure of a high percentage of the non- whites. Thus the greatest threat to the South African military forces lies not in the insufficiency of transport and the lack of ability of transport to support forces holding militant African nationalism, but in possible eonomic sanctions or intervention on the part of a non-African power or group of powers. wrinkfi Approved For Release 2000/05/1?4411141?64-1 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 III. Consequences of the Imposition of Various Potential Controls on the Transporta- Lion Routes A. Ekbargoes on Traffic 1. Yollowing the imminent split of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasa- land, it is conceivable that Southern Rhodesia would consider an embargo of traffic with Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland as a countermeasure to the support by Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland of nationalist movements within Southern Rhodesia or as a result of disagreements concerning tariffs, customs and other international arrange- ments. Such action would have the following consequences: (a) Southern Rhodesia would retain its access routes to the sea through Mozambique and South Africa, but would be denied the existing market for about 30 percent of its manufactured goods (mostly consumer durables and non-durables) and over one-third of its coal (about 1 1/4 million tons). It would also lose the valuable transit traffic on the Rhodesia Railways which moves to and from Northern Rhodesia and the Congo. In 1961 this traffic* amounted to an estimated 25 percent of the total tonnage carried by the Rhodesian railroads and an estimated 35 percent of gross revenues for the railroads. Loss of these substantial portions of the markets for industrial goods and transportation services would result in large scale unemployment, at least until the Southern Rhodesian economy were reoriented, having increased its trade with other trading partners. Access routes to South Africa and Mozambique woad remain open and trade would still continue with the UK and South )(' See Table 6, Appendix C.III, p. 215 and section II.C.10 p. 29 . 50 SECR111110 FOREIGN OISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Africa, the most important trading partners, as well as with the rest of the world. The net effect of the embargo, however, might be more unacceptable to Southern Rhodesia than to Northern Rhodesia or Nyasaland where standards of living are rela- tively lower. (b) Northern Rhodesia would suffer rather serious consequences. Denied its principal access routes to the sea through Mozambique ports via Southern Rho- desial the most logical alternate route is the all-rail (BK-Benguela Railways) route through the Congo and Angola. The distance is not significantly greater via the alternative route but the necessary additional capacity is lacking to handle all of the tonnage that would have to be diverted (about 3 million tons) in addi- tion to current traffic (about 3.6 million tons). The railroad carried nearly 4 million tons during the peak year 1960 and is believed capable of accepting at least 6000000 tons in excess of current traffic, without substantial improvement. The port of Lobito is also believed th-have at least this much excess capacity.* Since this is a nearly equidistant rail route with no transshipment, there should be little if any additional transportation cost. The next most logical alternate routing for Northern Rhodesian exports and imports would be via the Congo's Route Nationale (rail-water-rail) which is expected to be restored as a through route to and from the port of Matadi by September 1963. Its reliability is questionable, however, because of the areas of tribal unrest through which the traffic must pass. Capacity of this route is * See Arpendix C.X., P. .72 SIMEIN3 EIREICII DOE Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 probably limited by the capacity of Port Francqui to about 1 million tons per year. Traffic through Port Francgui in 1959, the last year of normal operations, was about 412,000 tons. Additional capacity available is probably not over 600,000 tons without substantial improvement to the port and the segment of the BCK railroad which serves it. Another possible alternative is to route the traffic via the Congo railways to Albertville, transship over Lake Tanganyika to Kigoma for further move- ment by the Tanganyika railroad to Dar es Salaam. Maximum capacity of this route for commercial traffic would probably be limited by the Lake Tanganyika service between Albertville and Kigoma to nearly 6bolopoo tons per year. The most heavily used segment of the route, however, is the Tanganyika railroad between Kigoma and Dar es Salaam which carried over 540,000 tons in 1961 and is probably operating at near-capacity. It is therefore doubtful whether more than 60,000 tons additional could be accepted for through movement under present conditions. Introduction of diesel motive power however would substantially increase the capability. Another alternate possibility is the shipment of some freight over the highway from Northern Rhodesia to Dar es Salaam. This highway is considered an all-weather route but is limited to about 650 tons per day (nearly 240,000 tons per year) in both directions by low-capacity bridges on the TO mile stretch just south of the Rhodesia-Tanganyika border. Through traffic in believed to be very light and the estimated capacity may be consideed available if a fleet of vehicles could be operated and maintained. SECRET/HO FOREIGN D111SEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Additional capacities available on all feasible alternate routes between Northern Rhodesia and the sea are therefore estimated to be as follows: (millions of tons) linused Port* Route Capacity Traffic (*a) Capacity Lobito BCE-Benguela RR 4.5 3.4-3, .6 Matadi Route-Nationale 1.0 0.0 1.0 Dar es Salaam Congo RR-Lake Tanganyika. .6 .54 .o6 Tanganyika RR (via Albertville-Kigoma) Dar es Salaam Rhodesia-Dar es Salaam .24 neg. .24 Highway Total All feasible alternatives 6.34 4.44 1.90 It may be concluded, therefore, that a Southern Rhodesian embargo of Northern Rhodesian traffic would prevent the movement of one million tons or more of export-import traffic, about 1/3 of the current export-import traffic. The effects of such a reduction in foreign trade to a country so greatly oriented to trade as is Northern Rhodesia would be serious. The copper industry alone ac- counts for Over 50 percent of the Net Domestic Product of Northern Rhodesia, and It exports nearly all of its production.*** There would also be a reduction in cobalt the volume of other exports such as 1T / lead and zinc (See Appen- dix B.III, Table 2 below). In addition, Northern Rhodesia would be cut off from its only supplier of coal, the Wankie mines in Southern Rhodesia, Modern industry * The capacity of the port is not believed to be the limiting factor on any of these routes. ** Includes about 150,000 tons which might normally be expected to move via. the Route-Nationale to Matadi, if it were open. *** The Benguela railroad, since most of its excess capacity is available for imports (See Appendix C.I)0 could accept not more than 20 percent of the Northern Rhodesian copper exports unless it were relieved of some of the Katanga, copper (about 600,000 tons) which it now carries. -53- SECRET/NO MTN LISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 and transportation, almost totally dependent on this source of power, would be seriously crippled after existing reserves were eihausted? although it would be possible to import considerable coal (at much greater cost) over the inadequate alternative routes. (Over 80 percent of estimated excess capacity is probably avail- able for imports.) Adding to the monstrous unemployment problem inherent in the above situation would be the probable deportation of over 40 thousand Northern Rhodesian migrant laborers who are normally employed in Southern Rhodesia. (c) An embargo on trade between Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland would force the latter to adjust trading patterns but would have only marginal effects on the generally subsistence economy. Of its total market for agricultural exports, Nyasaland Would lose less than 10 percent which is marketed in Southern Rhodesia and South Africa. Of more serious consequence, however, would be the deportation of Nyasas working as migrant laborers in Southern Rhodesia, a number in excess of 130,000. These workers would have to be incorporated into an economy where the rate of growth is already barely adequate to keep up with population expansion. The rail line to the Mozambique port of e1 would remain open, unless Portugal also embargoed, and imports of railroad rolling stock, vehicles and accessories, fuel oil, coal and construction materials could continue. A limited additional amount of coal might be imported on this line to substitute for Wahkie coal. The railroad, however, is only a single track steam operated, manually sig- naled line with light axle loadings. It is ope4ed at slow speeds and capacity 511. 011. SECRE100 FORELGN DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/0 /15 : CIA-RDr79T01049A002800010001-9 -* Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 is estimated at about 3,000 tons per day in both directions (about one million tons per year). Traffic in 1961 was about 973,000 tons, but dropped to about 936,000 tons in 1962.* Considering the magnitude of the detrimental effects of such a blockade on all concerned, such action especially by the conservative government Of Mt. Field would probably be taken only as a last resort short of all-out conflict. 2. In support of African Nationalism, it is conceivable that the Republic of the Congo might consider an embargo on traffic with Angola. Such action would have the following consequences: (a) Angola would lose the valuable mineral and ore traffic which moves from Northern Rhodesia and Katanga to the port of Lobito over the Benguela, rail- road. This traffic has furnished 35 to 45 percent of total ton miles on the rail- road and about 38 percent of tonnage handled at the port of Lobito in recent years. The Benguela railroad is believed to derive some 75 percent of its revenues fro; transit freight and passengers to and from Ketanga. Although 90 percent of the Benguela railroad is owned by Tanganyika Concessions Ltd., a British company (10 percent is awned by the Portuguese Government), it is nevertheless of great impor- tance to Angola as its principal link to the interior-. In addition, the port re- venues to the gOvernment from this traffic are considerable. Angolavs foreign trade would be little affected. Access routes to all major trading partners would remain open. Trade with the Congo accounts for no * See Appendix C.YII0 Table 7 p. 216 . -55- ?,EI,NO FOE! R 90E11 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : C - 01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 more than one percent of Angolats imports and about four percent of its exports. The principal effect, then, would be the serious disruption of the financial posi- ,stion of the Benguela Railroad and the Port of Lobito together with decreased revenues for an already hard-pressed government. (b) The Congo by such action, would be virtually committing economic suicide. Haying denied itself a major access route to the sea for the important Katanga traffic, the Congo would be faced with probable retaliatory action by the Portuguese who are in a position to cut off their only other Atlantic cutlet by re- fusing to allow dredging of the Matadi channel, pert of which lies within Angolan territory. A negligible amount of traffic might possibly be diverted through Brazzaville to Pointe Noire, which route is believed to be operated at near-capacity. Some traffic from Katanga might conceivably be routed over the Rhodesian Railways for further shipment to South African ports, but only limited amount in excess of current traffic could probably be handled by the railroad to Bulawayo -- the dis- tance would be over 4o percent greater. The only other outlets remaining would be the low-capacity, costly routes through Tanganyika discussed in 1(b) above, mince the Portuguese would also deny the Congo the use of Mozambique ports. Additional capacity on these routes through Tanganyika, which in 1961 handled only about 90,000 tons of export-import traffic for the Congo is estimated to be only some 300,000 tons per year (see 1(b) above). The serious effect on the economy is apparent when it is realized, that, excluding diamonds, Which mOe by air, the total exports for 1959, the last year for Which reasonably reliable totals are available, were 56 SECRET/NO FORE FN DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RD079T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 approximately 1.7 million tons worth about $423 million. Imports for the same year were roughly $185 million. The money economy of the Congo is largely oriented to foreign trade, and a major disruption of the money economy would doubtless ensue. Considering the above, it is understandable that the Congolese government has thus far adopted a. cautious attitude towards the support of nationalist insurgency in Angola. It is believed that such an attitude is likely to continue and economic blockade is not in the cards. 3. A more unlikely turn of events such as coordinated and concurrent sabo- tage or insurgent action against the white dominated governments of Southern Rhodesia, Angola, Mozambique and South Attica, supported by and based in the black dominated territories of Northern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, and the Congo, might precipitate a general embargo on traffic with these countries imposed concurrently by Southern Rhodesia, Portugal and South Africa, The Portuguese under these circumstances would also be expected to interdict the Channel at Matadi. Consequences of such action would be as follows: (a) The effects on Southern Rhodesia would be the same as descriL...d in 1(a) above. (b) Northern Rhodesia would experience the same effects mentioned in 1(b) above but these effects would be magnified by the additional loss of the two other alternative .access routes to the Bea which are estimated to have the most excess capacity. That is to say that, in addition tO being denied access to Mozam- bique and South Africa through Southern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia would now also -57- Kum om ffit Approved For Release 2000/05/15 WEROP/9101m0116W06280 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 be denied access to Lobito, Angola and Matadi, Congo. Only the completely inade- quate routes through Tanganyika (see 1(b) above) with only some 300,000 tons of excess capacity per year would remain open to handle the 3 million tons of Northern Rhodesian export-import traffic in competition with Congo and Nyasaland traffic also looking for an exit to the sea. (c) The Congo and Angola would experience the same effects hypothesized in pert 2 above, except that the Congo's situation, already described as disastrous, would be slightly worsened by competition from Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland for use of the low-capacity costly routes through Tanganyika. (d) Nyasaland would experience the same serious effects described in 1(c) above, worsened to the degree that it would not be virtually isolated by the denial of its rail connection to Beira via the Trans-Zambesia railroad: Only low capacity roads connect Nyasaland with Tanganyika, the only remaining route t) the sea. Under a total embargo by all white-dominated governments, it would not eveA be possible to import the small amounts of vehicles, railroad rolling stock and fuels which were possible if Portugal did not embargo. (e) Mozambique would be affected in very much the same way as Angola. Trade routes with all major trading partners would remain Open, and it would ex- perience the loss of less than 5 percent of its exports and less than 2 percent of its imports which are accounted for by the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and the Congo. The principal effect (and this would occur even if only Southern Rho- desia embargoed) would be the serious disruption of the financial position of the ,8 1 SEIATINO FOREIGN DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 ? Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 railroads and the port of Beira because of the loss of the lucrative transit traffic' originating and terminating in Northern Rhodesia, the Congo and Nyasaland. Here, EIS in Angola, in the face of decreased government revenues from lost traffic, additional expenditures would be required from an already hard-pressed government to maintain and operate transportation services necessary to keep the rest of the economy functioning. Nearly 30 percent of Mozambique's revenue is derived from port and rail operations and about 40 percent of the development budget has been devoted to transportation and communications facilities since 1956. Export-import traffic through Beira for Northern Rhodesia, Nyasaland and the Congo amounted to an estimated 2.2 million tons in 19610 61 percent of total traffic through the port, and 69 per- cent of the tains carried on the Beira. railroad. The traffic moving between Nyasa,- land and Beira represents one-third of the traffic on the Trans-Zambesia railroad. During 1960, of the total of over 4 million tons carried by the railroad serving Lourenco Marques, however, over 90 'percent was transit traffic between South Africa, and the port, earning perhaps 95 percent of the revenue. The port of Lourenco Mar- ques therefore should not be seriously affected by the hypothesized embargo. (f) South Africa would be affected least of any country in the area, unless outside countries imposed boycotts or sanctions. The US and the UK together .accOunt for more than 40 percent Of South Africa's foreign trade and this 'brae as well as that with all other major trading partners would continue.. Trade with all of the embargoed countries amounts to less than 4 percent of exports and less than 3 percent of imports, all of which could be obtained or marketed elsewhere. The -59- qkrAINOTCROMAIROMSDA Approved For Release 2000/05/15 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 principal role of South Africa in such an embargo would be to substitute insofar as it would be able for markets and sources of supply lost to the other countries of the "White redoubt." South Africa would also be expected to render extensive emergency' aid to its suffering partners in the blockade. SUOMI FOiG Mick Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RD 9A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 B. Sabotage by_ Insurgents An objective of insurgents engaging in sabotage frequently is to disrupt the economic life of a country to such a degree that chaotic economic conditions will contribute to the overthrow of existing governmental authority. The dis- ruption of traffic between producing and consuming centers, including export and import traffic) is a principal means to this end and the transportation facilities are a prime target for sabotage. Insurgents also attack transportation targets for the purpose of attempting to deny their use to governmental military and security forces, and to destroy these forces and their logistic support in transit. The transportation systems of the countries of Southern Africa are highly vulnerable to sabotage. The effects of sabotage of transportation facilities upon the economy or the security of a country or a region within a country depends largely upon the availability of alternate transportation routes and facilities, and the recuperability of the transportation system after sabotage. In the territories of Southern Africa, the railroads are the backbone of the transportation system and neither the highways nor the inland waterways are capable of providing either an adequate alternate or a substitute means of transport for commercial traffic. More- over, with the exception of the railroad system of South Africa, all trunk line railroads are single trauk and alternate rail routes over which traffic can be diverted are non-existent. For these reasons, the railroads could be a most profit- able economic target for sabotage by insurgents, and the loading and unloading facilities of major seaports would be a close second to the railroads.. The highways -61 rnnrimu niee Approved For Release 2000/05/15 :SECIOLTIAltiAtiiiiiitlioMIAal Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 may also become a target for saboteurs) but damage to highway facilities would not have as serious economic consequences as damage to the railroads) because frequently they serve only as feeders to the railroads) and in any event their capacities are much lower than those of the railroads. The inland waterways should not represent priority targets for sabotage because there are few physically vulnerable targets along rivers and lakes) but damage to selected river and lake port facilities could have considerable economic consequences in the Gengo and certain other parts of the area. The key bridges on the railroads offer some of the most profitable targets for sabotage) as do power stations Which supply current to electrified sections of the railroads. The bridges and power stations on the railroads are listed and dis- cussed in Appendix and their locations are mapped on Figures 3 through 8. The effective sabotage of a major bridge of steel or concrete construction requires a relatively high degree of training in the use of explosives and also some training and skill is required to gain access to the target. The demolition of a major bridge on a route for which there is no alternate in the area could nevertheless stop traffic for an extended period of time - a time period of from one month to a year depending upon the repair resources of the territory in which it is located. With the exception of South Africa) and to a lesser degree Southern Rhodesia) none of the countries under consideration here are capable of producing the structural steel bridge components with which to repair such a structure. Neither is there any evidence SECRET/NO KEIN DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIAARDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 of the storage of structural steel bridging material in these countries which would facilitate repairs. It is probable that engineers in some of these countries may have the technical know-how to effect temporary repairs using timber instead of steel, but this capability has not been evident in the Congo, however, because some key bridges which have been damaged have not been restored to service for months although timber there is plentiful. It is estimated, therefore, that the recuperability from railroad sabotage in any of these countries except South Africa and Southern Rhodesia is very low, and considerable time - extending up to a year - may be required to repair major structures. The transloading of traffic using makeshift ferries or temporary bridges to by-pass damaged permanent structures is possible. Neverthe- less) even with the use of such an expedient, traffic movement would be drastically reduced during the period of time the permanent structure is unusuable. Sabotage targets are not limited to the major structures on a railroad route. Motive power also represents a profitable target for the sabotage of a railroad system. With the exception of South Africa, none of the countries under consideration are capable of producing locomotives or their major parts, and even South Africa has purchased large amounts of such equipment in America and Europe. Some replacement parts will be available in each of these countries. However, the well-trained saboteur will concentrate on the consecutive damage to only one or a very few identidal component parts) which are difficult to replace, thas effectively reducing the capabilit3 Of the railroad shops to repair damage to locomotives and to keep them operational. - 63 - WITH NEE! ME1A Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : P79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Concurrent with the sabotage of locomotives a well organized operation would also attempt to sabotage the machinery in the repair shops. Access to locomotives and repair shops is, however, difficult and access may require the recruitment of railroad employees as saboteurs or at least require the cooperation of such employees. Recruitment Of these employees may prove difficult however, lbecause the railroad is the employee's source of livelihood. Therefore, railroad employees would have to be motivated by a strong sympathetic attitude toward the objectives of the insurgents or they will be reluctant to accept the risks involved. A&?, a strong sense of loyalty to the railroad is frequently found among railroad employees, particularly in the less developed countries. The railroad workers have a status not shared with common laborers. The railroad is a visible symbol of modern progress and railroad employees are proud of it. They may not even know the name or the politics of national government officials, and care even less, but they know the railroad officials and are frequently quite lOyal to them and to other railroad employees. The probability of sabotage and the courses of action Which may be expected f.Southern Africa varies from country to country. The insurgents in being in the various countries are discussed in above, and in Appendixes A and D. An examination of these dissident forces, their current assets and state of training for sabotage balanced against military and security forces in the various territories, discussed in Appendix 11, suggest that they are unlikely to be able to engage in critical sabotage against transportation for some time - at least a year and possibly two years. Approved ForReleasSIVEREINOCF/D4 1:P1791rOtA gg42800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 1. Angola The African rebellion which broke out in March 1961 under the leader- ship of Holden Roberto has just barely managed to maintain itself and is presently Confined to a relatively small area in the northwest section of the country bordering on the Congo. Its spread to other areas has been and continues to be hampered by the rebels' inadequate equipment and training, and the lack of outside support necessary to obtain additional equipment and' to train a cadre with which to., recruit and train additional followers. SO far, his following has been limited to members of the Bakongo tribal group of northern Angola, and tribal differences between this group and other tribal elements in .Central and Southern Angola has obstructed the spread of the rebellion to other areas. The rebel group does not appear to have the degree of sophistication necessary to establish a sabotage net in all target areas or, for that matter, to engage in any action other than sporadic raids on rural farming communities and acts of terrorism in the limited area in iihich they are presently confined. It is unlikely that any appreciable effort to sabotage the railroads and ports can be expected from this rebel group until there is a substantial improvement in its capability. Roberto has close ties with Congolese Premier Adoula and other members of the ruling group in the Congo. They have given him a limited amount of aid and have permitted him to set up a training camp about 70 miles south of Leopoldville. Boberto has also received money and arms from Tunisia and some of his militants have been trained there and in Algeria. Material and equipment from these sources has been kept to a trickle by the problem of transportation from North Africa. If and SO 65 rant /BAR n,r-r t 41 moor" Approved For Release 2000/05/15 SEFAMProirrOFC116AblitONIVILIN9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 'Olen Robertots group acquirea the training and equipment which will enable him to act, he may attempt to engage in sabotage activity against the Luanda Railroad in northern Angola with or without the blessing of his supporters in the Congo. The Congolese may attempt to restrain him from acts of sabotage against the Benguela Railroad, at least initially, because even in normal times over 75 percent of the mineral traffic from Katanga Province moves over that route and the alternate route over the Congots "Route Rationale" is none too secure. Should both of these routes be sabotaged) the Congo's access to the sea would be limited to the more circuitous route through the phodesias to ports in. Mozambique or South Africa, or the low capacity route through Tanganyika to the Indian Ocean. The remoteness of the region in which the Mocamedes Railroad in southern Angola is located suggests that it will not be quickly affected by insurgency in the north. 2. Congo With the end of military action in January 1963 and the reuniting of the break-away province of Katanga with the rest of the Congo) organized rebel activity has practically ceased. Railroad structures which were sabotaged or deliberately destroyed by direct military action are in the process of being restored, and the same groups who have been carrying out acts of sabotage since independence in 1960 now appear to be, at least temporarily, aligned with governmental security forces to protect against sabotage. Barring another attempted secession by Tahambe and the ICatanganese and greater political unrest than mrrent4 exists, it is improbable that organize& sabotage activity will occur in the 1.ongo. However, the railroads and in SECRET/NO UiSSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01.049A002800010001-9 - . ..";10.11 war A6.04111 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 particular the "Route Nationale", which is the Congo's principal route of access to the sea entirely under Congo control, runs through an area populated by a hodgepodge of tribal groups which are frequently at loggerheads and these tribal groups may be able to cause derailments or they may, through terrorist activity, create so much fear among railroad personnel that serious disruption will occur through failure of the staff to function properly. None of these tribal groups are currently believed to possess the materials sr the skills necessary for the destruction of major railroad structures, however. 3. The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland With the dissolution of the Federation, which is imminent, Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland will be governed by authority with which the populace will be sympathetic. /n the absence of internal dissident groups, it is unlikely that sabotage to the railroads of Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland will occur. In Southern Rhodesia, some acts of sabotage have occurred in the past but there is no organized group currently within Southern Rhodesia capable of critical acts of sabotage. Moreover, sabotage from African nationalists operating from Northern Rhodesia against the railroads in Southern Rhodesia would not be in the best interests of Northern Rhodesia because this territory needs the Southern Rhodesian railroads to provide the traditional route to the sea as well as to facilitate trade with Southern Rhodesia, South Africa and Nyasaland. In spite of these considerations -- and in spite of the relatively mild attitude toward Southern Rhodesia taken at the Addis Ababa conference,-the possibility of sporadic acts of sabotage against the railroads of Southern Rhodesia cannot be ruled out. The non-white leaders may conclude that the railroad are of so little importance to the vast majority of the non-whites Approved For Release 2000/05/15 :itrIaliktiptigitl1r0eakintiOd041130111-i Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 who are a part of the subsistence economy that they can be sacrificed in the cause of African nationalism. Such a conclusion would be encouraged if Britain and Southern Rhodesia reached a stalemate on the colony's constitutional development. 4. Mozambique Currently there are no active dissident groups or insurgency forces in being within the country capable of critical acts of sabotage. Insurgents operating from Nyasaland could conceivably mount a sabotage operation against northern Mozam- bique, but that is unlikely because Nyasaland needs the railroads in Mozambique for access to the sea as well as for trade with Mozambique, the Rhodesias and South Africa. /n this connection, however, the same conclusion by non-white leaders suggested in B.3. above, regarding Southern Rhodesia, may also apply to Mozambique. There is also a possibility of sabotage to the railroads between South Africa and Mozambique by insurgents operating from South Africa. That possibility is discussed in 3.5. below. 5. South Africa In the absence of well-organized and trained insurgents in being in South Africa at present, and considering the efficiency of the South African security forces, it is improbable that large scale sabotage of railroads and port facilities will occur in South Africa within the next two years. Some acts of sabotage have occurred to power stations on electrified roltes, but these sporadic incidents have only served to alert the security forces to the need for guarding transportation 1)1.,0E?v Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 facilities, thus making a repetition of such incidents even more unlikely and consider- ably more hazardous for the saboteurs. Moreover, the existence of alternate routes over Which traffic can be diverted, coupled with the capability of the railroad repair organization to restore damaged installations and equipment, indicates that a major sabotage program requiring a high degree of sophistication would be required to seriously disrupt traffic in South Africa. There is a possibility that South African insurgents might attempt to infiltrate into Mozambique for the purpose of sabotaging the railroad route 41iich runs from the South African border through Mozambique to the port of lourenco Marques. Almost four million tons of South African freight traffic yearly moves over this route, and its sabotage would require the diversion of a considerable amount of export mineral traffic originating in the area of Johannesburg and import traffic destined for the same area. In the event of such an attempt at sabotage in Mozambique, the South African security forces and the Portuguese in MozambiqUe would probably cooperate to the fullest extent possible to secure the route against sabotage. South Africa needs the route, and Mozambique needs the considerable revenue from the traffic over the route. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : Cg- -69- Approved For Release 2000/05115 : 9A0,02800010001-9 While there MAY be attempts on,tbe pert of non-white insurgent (guerrilla) force to seize Tarts of the inter-territorial transportation system it does not appear that a military advantage can be obtained thereby. There are alao other considerations that would not make such action propitiOus. Normally, guerrilla forces wish to establish their operations in areas that (1) are advantageous from the standpoint of terrain, (2) are adjacent to safe havens preferably across international borders in apathetic territories where /training can be conducted, and from which forces can be deployed or to which guer- rillas,can retreat in safety when Tressed by opposing forces, and (3) are connected by some form of transportation to a source of logistic support and manpower rein- forcements. There are no parts of the area up onsglaration that combine out- standing terrain advantages for guerrilla *rat One; with the other two desirable requirements for guerrilla warfare'. Outstanding .terrain advantages would include mountains with dense jungles or forests with underbrush covering the egress and access routes to the mountains. If insurgents should seize parts of the inter-territorial transporta- tion system, even though lacking outstanding terrain edYantages1 the logistic supply capability of :the routes in the bands of government forces would make it possible for them to deploy Currently 412 force against the uprising. n ad. ion, seiOgre VI insurgents, end the INO F Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA '10.0A002800010001'-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 conflict that would ensue, could deny the territories which may be hosta to the insurgents their traditional trade routes to the sea. The consequences of such action would be virtual stagnation in the market economies of these host terri- tories. It appears, therefore, that insurgents cannot expect to gain a military advantage by seizure of parts of the inter-.territorial transportation, and further- more that the non-white governments which may be called upon to serve as hosts to guerrilla forces should urge them to operate in parts Of the area somewhat removed from the inter-territorial transportation system. 2.. The physical Bettin6 for Insurgency, In the area under consideration, railroad and highway routes which tra- verse relatively isolated, partially wooded countrysides, are found from Kolwezi in the KStanga, across Angola to the port of Lobito; south from the Copperbelt to Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia; and east from Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, to the port of Beira, Mozambique. Grassland areas are traversed by rail routes in the vicinity of Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia; between Kamina and Port Francqui; and be- tween Leopoldville and Matadi, both in the Republic of the Congo. Grasslands be- tween forests and deserts are subject to air observation during the day, but wooded stream valleys could afford protection from observation by day, and cross country travel at night under the open sky is practical and is difficult for security forces to control. Very dry areas, such as parts of Sputh-West Africa or Bechuanaland, however, offer few opportunities for concealment, present better operating conditions for military and security forces, and are generally less favorable to insurgents 4 in terma of unassisted survival Dry areas, nevertheless, offer more suitable con- ditions for air support than do wooded areas for both dissidents and security forces. Heavily populated areas can be vulnerable to actions of dissident groups - 71? Approved For Release 200RRilr. eimRah6iiiiitilaixidgeki0001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 if the general population is unsympathetic to the mission of local security forces. The semi-skilled industrial worker by day could very well be the man security forces seek after dark. Nevertheless, industrialized areas of the Republic of South Africa, the Copperbelt of Northern Rhodesia, and the Katanga Of the Congo, and most ports are not suitable areas of operation for large bands of dissidents, but rather offer opportunities for small well-trained groups that can mingle undetected with the local population and engage in sabotage operations. In fact, most of the Tarts of the transportation system do not contain the conditions normally regarded as impor- tant for guerrilla operations in force. 3. The Congo-Anela Route The most promising part of the transportation system which could be used by a large scale guerrilla operation is the territory along the railroad line from Kolwezi in the Kntanga, across Angola to the port of Lobito. With the consent of the government of the Republic of the Congo, training bases for insurgents for use against Angola could be expanded. Volunteers from other African countries could be infiltrated and substantial logistic support could move into the Congo through Matadi, Point Noire, and Dar as Salaam by sea and thence by rail, highway and water transportation to training and staging bases, and by air transportation to the principal airfields in the Congo. Insurgents and their supplies could be dispersed along the railroad and road between Kolwezi and the Angolan border, and then tradi- tional guerrilla operations could be mounted along the Benguela Railroad and the parallel highway. A reliable transportation route from the Congo for insurgent ) - 72 - Approved For ReleaseStggialdi.itIA- 7 RD'P9-T01 o4F oi_LL,_1 !tils 00010001-9 Titin r Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 , reinforcements and logistic support would be a:Tellable as well as a. safe haven into which the guerrillescould retreat if necessary. The railroad and parallel highway in Portuguese hands would also sup- port logistically a tremendoua fOrce for the capacity of the Renguela Railroad, and the road in Portuguese hands would supply Over 150,000 troops engaging in a secur- ity type of operation against guerrillas. Although such a force is far in excess of One that Portugal can deploy against insurgents (See Appendix D) there are other considerations which would place Portugal in a favorable positon to counter insur- gency in this territory. The chief current Outlet to the sea for Katanga's exports -- the :Benguela Railroad -- would be denied the Congo. The Portuguese could also counter by blocking the channel in the Congo. River between Matadi and the sea, and thus deny the Congo the second most important Outlet when the "Route Nationale" has been restored. Further, the Portuguese could deny the Congo the use of the /ndian Ocean ports of Beira and toUrenco Marques which are reached from the Congo by rail via the Rhodesias. The only remaining outlets for Congolese exports and the receipt of imports would be the low capacity, Circuitous and oostly route by way Of Albertville Lake Tanganyika, and Dar es Salaam; the long-distance route to South African ports via the Rhodesiasthe "Route Nationale' using the port of Rrazzaville rather than Leopoldtille; and the railroad and highway from Rrazzaville to Point Noire rather than the routes from Leopoldville to Matadi. The extent to which gouthern Rhodesia ilud the RepUblio of South Africa, Would cooperate with the Congo in the face of imprestive Congo-supported insurgency - 73 - Approved For Release 2000/05/gfPFATFM9MVALINSogirJ11101-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 against Angela is questionable. Moreover, the low capacity of the port of Irazza- *ilia and the current use of the ArazzavilIe-Point Noire route by the Brazzaville Congo mail not make this route an adequate substitute for the LeopoldviIleAstadi tout". te. view of these considerations the Congo may find available Only One route to the sea - Albertville, Lake Tanganyika, Bar ea Salam -- as a consequence of the AUPTIort prOvided the insurgency along the Benguela Railroad. 4. The Tenon:Oka-Mozambique Route There lea second transportation route libieh could be used by a large guerrilla force and fromvhich operations could proceed against the Portuguese. This rOUte extends by road from Tanganyika into the northeast corner of Northern Rhodesia, and thence to the railhead of the Nyasaland Railroad at Salima. Insur- ants and logistic support could be deployed from Tanganyika, a safe haven coUld be provided in Nyasaland and Tangaartka, and Operations( could proceed along the railroad against the Portuguese forces in Mozambique, although terrain instals area is even lees favorable- than that available for the first route and is more open than that normally regarded as favorable for guerrilla warfare. The capacity of the road leading to the railhead is low, but could, nevertheless, supply a considerable force of insurgents - say in excess of 30r0000*. Logistic support provided, by the road could also be augmented considerably by the use Of an airlift in support of * It is very difficult to quantify the size of this force. First, we have very little information On the average daily capacity of the route, but 'believe it to be in *Mewls of ,290 timiAt filecond4, we have little information- .the daily wanly reqattimmente of insurgents. Assuniugt # that the !Immo) is 200 tons and the Utter dna ton Verr day for 160 SSA or pounds per man per day, than the ieenrgente that eoalL be soparted would be in mom Of 30,0004 SECRETINO ft lEIGN DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA- DP79T01049A002800010001-19 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 the insurgency. The Trans-Zambesia Railroad and the Nyasaland Railroad, to the extent that they are held by Portuguese forces, and the road that leads from Mozam- bique to Nyasaland would support a force in opposition to the insurgents numbering alao in excess of 1500000 men. Nyasaland, the host to the insurgency, would be denied the traditional and most economical route to the sea at Beira. Moreover, normal and important trade by rail with the Rhodesias would also be interrupted. The long, poor highway route from Nyasaland to Tanganyika would not provide the alternate support needed for the economy of Nyasaland, even though new trading part- nero cdUld be developed and access to world markets could be obtained through Dar es Salaam. 5. The Northern Rhodesia - Southern Rhodesia Route The rail and road routes leading from the Congo through Northern Rho- desia into Southern Rhodesia might also be used by guerrilla forces. Here again, the Congo and Tanganyika, as well as Northern Rhodesia, could be used as troop training and staging areas as well as sources of logistic support. The transpor- tation systems involved would provide impressive logistic support for both insur- gents and opposingl:_ - forces. Here also the cost to the market economy of the host country of such massive insurgency operating along the transportation routes of Northern Rhodesia into Southern Rhodesia would be great. Northern Rho- desia wad be denied its traditional access to the sea and trade with Southern Rhodesia the Republic of South Africa, and Nyasaland. The railroad route from Northern Rhodesia through the Congo tO the Renguela Railroad and thence to Lobito - 75 - Approved For Release 2000/0SRPERV9P4P1TUJAOMOM5001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 would provide an alternate access route to the sea if the Portuguese were to cooperate with Northern Rhodesia. It is doubtful that the Portuguese would cooperate, but even if they were to do so, lack of coal from Southern Rhodesia would make it impossible for the Northern Abodeoian railroads to move sufficient tonnage to meet the requirements of the economy as well as the transportation requirements of the insurgency. 6. Outlook If insurgents decide to use the inter-territorial routes for their pur- poses, pertly of the same routes caa\be used by the better trained and equipped mili- tary and security forces of the various governments. As a consequence, the same or greater capacity for logistic support will be available to these forces. It would therefore appear to be a matter of years before insurgent forces can seriously attempt to seize and hold /Arts of the inter-territorial routes. The inability to seize and hold, however, would not preclude small bands of guerrillas operating out of the Conga, Nyasaland and Northern Rhodesia from conducting sabotage operations ,N against the routes leading into Angola, Mozambique and Southern Rhodesia. Operations ' to seize and hold or to affect the routes through critical sabotage would both have which serious consequences on the market economies of the territoriesL;may be hosts and sponsors of the insurgency.. These consequences for the MaXket economies will be so great that it would be logical for theee territories to insist that no opera- tions be conducted against the inter-tarritorial routes. If the tide of African nationallosEleoomes great enough, nevirtheleos, the non-White governments mmr be -76- g (I AO NUN DISSEV ApproVedForRelease : CIA-RDP79T01049A0 2800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 unable or unwilling to prevent such operations. in this event they will have to suffer the consequences which will fall predominantly on the market economies rather than the subsistence economies. SECEILTINO FOREIGN DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 APPENDIX A POLITICAL CONSIDERATIONS wiTarm THE AREA I. ANGOLA A. Internal Angola is a Portuguese "Overseas province", tightly governed from Lisbon by a policy *which :clacks of old-fashioned mercantilism. Occasional efforts to give an appearance of liberalization notwithstanding, the Salazar regime has refused to grant any significant autonomy to the province. Lisbon's attitude has stimulated occasional thoughts of separatism, particularly among the 190,000 Angolan 'whites; its heavy-handed control of the 43,000 Portuguese troops in the territory has aroused discontent among them in the past. There has been some talk of an anti-Salazar alliance including oppositionists in Portugal, Angolan White separatists, elements of the military, and perhaps some of the more sophisticated Angolan mulattos and Africans. Such a multiracial alliance has a better chance of developing in Angola than in South Africa or Southern Rhodesia, where racial feelings are much more intense. However, pressure from African rebels on all these discontented Angolan elements seems likely to keep them from uniting, and the chance of effective active opposition to Lisbon from these sources fairly remote. The official Portuguete racial policy is one of complete assimilation. Although it is true that races relations are better unier PortugUONe rule than they are in Southern Rhodesia or fiwth Africa, in practice there is still a deep gulf - 78, - SECIETINO MOD DISSEll Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 try W Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 between white Portuguese and the mass of backward Africans. Mulattos and the few educated Africans occupy an ambiguous position, but most of the politically articulate representatives of these communities appear to be identifying them- selves with African nationalism. The African rebellion which broke out in March 19o1 is barely maintaining itself. After an initial rash of fairly widespread and largely spontaneous out- breaks, it was confined to one relatively small area in extreme northwest Angola; its spread to other areas has been hindered by the rebels' inadequate equipment and training, by lack of sympathetic tribal support outside the present disturbed area, and by the fact that much of the rest of the territory lacks the rough terrain and dense ground cover which aids guerrillas in northwestern Angola. This situation appears unlikely to change appreciably until Portuguese military and economic resources are weakened by this and other rebellions, or until the rebels have gradually acquired enough training and field experience to alter the military balance. The group behind the rebellion is Bolden Roberto's Union of Angolan Peoples (UPA)? which is essentially the political and military organ of the Bakongo tribal group of northern Angola. Roberto has close ties with Congolese Premier Adoula and other Congolese leaders; they have given him a limited amount of aid and have permitted him to set up a training camp about 70 miles south of Leopold- ville. Leopoldville has also recognized Roberto's government-in-exile -- the only government to do so thus far. - 79 - SEE:" 1,11 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Roberto has received mnall amounts of money and arms from Tunisia and Algeria and his militants have been trained in both countries. Aid from these latter sources has been kept to a trickle by the problem of transportation between North Africa and the Congo, however. In addition, Roberto -- as well as the Con- golese in Leopoldville -- has been reluctant to respond too favorably to offers of massive aid from Algeria for fear of the influx of Algerian military men into the Congo and Angola which would presumably follow. Thus a rapid increase in the UPA's military capability is unlikely. Roberto opened an office in Elisabetbville as soon as central government authority was established there, but be has not managed to spark an uprising in neighboring parts of Angola. The UPA has so far shown no capability for sabotaging the Benguela Railroad. The UPAis rival, the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), seems to have no effective following inside Angola. Its leaders, however, especially such intellectuals as Agostinho Neto and Mario de Andrade, cut a more impressive figure in foreign capitals than does the provincial and rather poorly educated leadership of the UPA. Many of the top MPLA figures are mulattos (Neto, the president, is an African), and several of them were educated at Portuguese universities where they gravitated into Communist-influenced movements. The MPLA is still tinged with Communism, although Neto seems to have bE en trying to move it toward neutralism since he became ;resident a year ago. Roberto, oy contrast, was educated in Protestant missions in the Congo and Angola and seems to lave a genuine distrust of Communists. There have been recent indications of a split wiyhin the MPLA following the Con- golese government's Mcognition of Rdberto's goOrrnment-in-exile. - 1:SO - SECRET/ii0 FOrLIGN DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Most of the MPLA's training and material support has come from Morocco and Algeria. So far, with the Congolese government favoring the UPA and with the most easily accessible area inhabited by UPA sympathizers, it has not been able to move its followers into Angola. If it should manage to do so) and if it factionalism and its can overcome the handicarsof its/predominantly mulatto hierarchy, the more cosmopolitan nature of its leadership might give it a somewhat broader base of potential support than the UPA. B. Foreign Relations The Portuguese maintain an embassy in Leopoldville which serves mainly as a listening post. They probably will try to preserve at least a minimum of official contact with the Adoula government. At the same time, however, Angola has allayed thirty or more Katangan mercenaries to camp just over the border in eastern Angola ever since the fighting stopped in January 1963. Portugal clearly stands to benefit as long as elements unsympathetic to the Angolan rebels have some say in Congolese affairs, and it presumably will try to support these elements to the best of its limited potential. Angola holds considerable economic leverage over both Xatanga and Northern Rhodesia in its control of the Benguela Railroad and the port at Lobito. There have been no signs that Africans in either territory have worked out any feasible way of exporting their minerals except via Lobito) Matadi) Beira) or Lourenco Marques, although the Northern. Rhodesians are trying to promote the idea Of a rail line to Dar es Salaam. Portugal would be reluctant to forego an important -81- SECRETINO !!!!: Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 source of revenue by closing the rail line, but the mere existence of the threat will probably inhibit the support which Africans such as Kenneth Kaunda give to Angolan exiles. Angolan authorities have joined in defense and intelligence talks with other white-dominated governments in the area. These consultations will probably become more comprehensive as African nationalist pressure increases. C. Treaties AffectinOransportation Most of Angola falls in the free trade area defined by the Congo Basin Treaty of 1685. However, since Lisbon exercises tight control over Angolan trade, by currency restrictions and other measures) the treaty is of little value. The treaty, if faithfully followed, would prevent the Portuguese from interfering with navigation on the lower Congo River, whose channel at one point passes through Angolan territory. Portugal presently seems to lack the will or the ability to interfere seriously with river traffic, however. All dredging) in Portuguese as well as in Congolese territory, is carried out by Belgians. MO other treaties affecting transportation are known to exist. XX. inxInuIc CONDO (LEOPOLDVILLE) A. Xnternal Since the end of the fighting in January 1983, the Adoula government, with UN aid, has established a presence of a kind in lligabethville. As is the case over aost of the rest of the country, central authority can only be exercised through local leaders, most of them tribally based and few of them with any inherent 82 SECRET/NO FOREIGN DISSEtvl Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 ;fr Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 sympathy for the Leopoldville government. The Katangans? like other Congolese, lack the power to rebel against Leopoldville and the UN; at the same time, the central government and the UN cannot establish an effective provincial government on their own. For these reasons the cast of characters in Katanga is changing only slowly, and the new faces are unlikely to ameliorate Adoulats problems. In the past few months, with Elisabethmille and Leopoldville politics working directly on each other, each has become somewhat more unstable and unpredictable. Tshodbe appears to have failed in his efforts to carve out a niche for himself in national politics, and he is under attack from younger elements in the Katangan legislature. In his efforts to stay on top, Tshombe apparently has tried to lite up the support of everyone from radical Congolese to the Yerwoerd government in Pretoria. The IeopOldmille government knows something of his activities and may try to arrest him. Adoulal who recently has shown no decisiveness or initiative, has nevertheless managed to weather a series of parliamentary attacks on himself an his associates. An end to the drift in central government policies is not in sight. In this morass, Union Miniere and other mining companies seem to be trying merely to go about their business with as little fuss as possible. Union Miniere is now paying all of its taxes to IeopoldVille, and Adoula appears to recognize the importance of this contribution. He has been highly reluctant to incur the digpleasure of the mining companies, as he presumably would do if he insisted that a signifitant part of their production be shipped out via the "Vole Nationale" -83- SECRETRIO FOREIGH DiSSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 to Matadi (in any case, this route reportedly will not be open until late August 1963 when two key bridges are scheduled to be replaced). The Angolan rebels presumably would like to persuade him to undermine the Angolan economy by diverting traffic from the Benguela Railroad, but so far they have had no success whatever. If nationalist radicals in parliament continue to attack Adoula, he might require a partial rerouting of traffic as soon as the route to Matadi is open. Be probably would not try to impose on Union Miniere complete dependence on the "Vbie Nationale", however. B. Foreign Relations Adoula has proclaimed a policy of non-alignment, but he is clearly pro- Western. Be is usually preoccupied with local problems, however, and has not given much attention to foreign affairs. ,Be maintains close ties with Bolden Roberto of the UPA, but partly out of governmental inefficiency and partly because the Congolese are unwilling to see the Angolan rebels become too powerful, material assistance to the rebellion has been strictly limited. Roberto and his iUSSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 CIA-RDP79T01-049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 followers are also faced with the resistance of powerful Bakongo leaders in the Congo, including President Kasavubul who would like to keep the Angolan Bakongo weak in hopes of eventuAlly forming a unified tribal state. C. Treaties Affecting Transportation The Congo is, of course, within the area of the Congo Basin Treaty, but customs is one of the government's main sources of revenue. Tariffs thus tend to be higher than the treaty would permit. The government's tariff policy is chaotic, and its application is Vitiated by smuggling, both into and out of the 'country. Financial experts advising the government hope to set up a more ordered customs regime, one which will discourage the import of luxury goods for instance. NO progress in this direction seems likely in the near future. No other treaties affecting transportation are known to exist. /III. FEDERATION OF RHODESIA AND NYMAIAND A. Internal The Federation is a complex and unique constitutional phenomenon. Set up in 1953 over African objectiOns, it amalgamates the two British protectorates of Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland with Southern Rhodesia, a colony which has had almost complete internal autonomy since 1923. The Federation is not independent, even thoUgh the federal prime minister attends Commonwealth conferences; in practice, however, Britain has very little direct influence on the policies of either the federal or the Southern Rhodesian governments. In both cases it remains theoretically the supreme authority, but it has never exercised this authority without at least the acquiescence of the governments concerned. - 85 - .111.IIFT1110 FOREIGNgISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A00280 010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Africans (who number 3.7 million in Southern Rhodesia and almost 3 million in eedh of the other two territories) have long held that the Federation was set up to slordinate them to the some 225,000 whites in Southern Rhodesia. They Amave, therefore, never become reconciled to it despite its obvious economic advantages. Britain has allowed African-dominated governments to take office in the two northern territories, and by the spring of 1963, it had acknowledged the right of both of them to secede from the Federation as a further step toward their full independence. These concessions presaged the end of the Federation as presently constituted, and the process of dissolution is now scheduled to be com- pleted by 31 December 1963. Dismantling the Federation will be a complex and difficult Job. At present . earths bare outlines of future interterritorial relationships can be indicated with any assurance. It seems likely that Nyasaland will break its financial ties almost completely. A, few financial and transport links (such as the railways and airline, the power complex at Kariba Dam, and perhaps a common currency) may be preserved between Northern and Southern Rhodesia, but the African nationalists who will control Northern Rhodesia will probably try to limit imports from Southern Rhodesia. Independence dates for the three territories cannot be predicted. Southern Rhodesia is demanding independenc no later than either of the other territories. Britain insists that substeurt%al concessions to Africans are a pre- requisite to independence, but its room fo maneuver is limited by the possibility that the White-supremacist government of Wihston Field will declare itself Indio pendent unilaterally. At present it appear j probable that Field will back away ii ?ISSN Approved For Release 200 : A-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 gct,v?id ti6i1 h 11011.Wa te, Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 from his independence demand for the time being. Britain hopes to grant independence to all three territories at about the same time, but it may have to pull out of Nyasaland before the other two territories are completely dis- entangled. At preeent, railways and airlines come under the jurisdiction of the federal government (the railways in Nyasaland, a complex of privately-owned companies, are a special case). Road construction and maintenance is a joint responsibility of the federal and territorial governments, with the territories doing most of the field work. When the Federation is dissolved, the railways in Northern and Southern Rhodesia probably will retain some kind of unified administration, and responsibility for roads will probably revert to the territories. Political uncertainty will probably continue to limit the railways' revenue and restrict road construction and repair expenditures. Kenneth Khunda and many of his lieutenants in Northern Rhodesia have been relatively moderate in their approach to the question of economic relations with Southern Rhodesia. They appear to hold better economic cards than the Field government, however; these are discussed in Appendix B. Thus, even if the federal breakup proceeds peacefully, and the greatest possible number of economic ties is retained, it seems doubtful that Southern Rhodesia will be permitted to hold all the commercial privileges it now enjoys in Northern Rhodesia. - 87 - Orfirarr win 1-,Argrffirka' 1 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001"-b Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Southern Rhodesia has been the scene of occasional acts of sabotagemost of it even more poorly organized than that in South Africa. The Field government, by harsh legislation and strict enforcement, has sharply reduced the incidence of sabotage. It has also exposed the weakness and indecision of the present African nationalist leaders, most of whom recently fled the country. Southern Rhodesian Africans are receiving training in subversion abroad, but their effective employ- ment inside the territory probably will have to await a shake-up and streamlining in the nationalist movement. The extent to which the nationalists resort to sabotage and other violence will also depend on the degree to which they believe their desires are being protected by Britain in its dealings with the Field government; a breakdown in these negotiations could lead to a resumption of violence, especially if it were accompanied by a Southern Rhodesian declaration of independence. If the nationalists are able to initiate sabotage and terrorism, they might have a greater effect than in South Africa, since Southern Rhodesia lacks South Africa's economic and military strength. B. Foreign Relations Formally, none of the three territories has any competence in the foreign relations field, and the Federation itself exer:cises only such responsibilities as are delegated by Britain. Informally, howeNor, each group of importance in the Federation has ties abroad, particularly With neighboring countries. The White-dominated federal and Southern Vriodesian governments (OhOse officials usually are members of the same "Eitablment" or ruling group) 88 SECREAMI FOREIV DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 have been in unofficial contact with defense and security organizations in South Africa and the Portuguese territories for the past few years. These contacts are likely to increase in the future, particularly since Southern Rhodesia occupies a strategic position for intelligence-gathering purposes. Documents recently captured by the Congolese government in Elisabethville reportedly indicate that there have been vauge attempts at coordinated covert action involving federal Prime Minister Welensky, Katanga President Tshombel and Portuguese and South African officials. As African nationalism moves southward, activities such as these will probably become more intensive but there is little likelihood that they will be particularly effective. Nyasaland occupies a unique position among African-dominated countries, since it is almost completely dependent on its outlet to the sea through Mozambique. Nyasaland Prime Minister Hastings Banda, essentially a provincial figure who has few ,ambitions Outside his own territory, has worked out a correct and even cordial relationship with Portuguese authorities in both Lisbon and Lourenco Marques, To preserve his access to the sea he can be expected to restrict Mozambive African activities, although he could not discourage them entirely without tarnishing his reputation as an African nationalist. His principal lieutenants are far more radical and ambitious than he, and if he left the scene (he is 57), Nyasaland's attitude toward Mozambique would probably become more belligerent. Africans in Northern Rhodesia have a cOMPlem array of ties with outside groups. Harry NkuMbula of the African National Congress was subsidized for many months by Tshombe and tried to promote the cause of Katanga secession; his current partner in -89- SECRETINO MEM MEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 the Northern Rhodesian coalition government, Kenneth Kaunda, has long favored Katanga's integration with the rest of the Congo. Kaunda is currently president of the Pan-African Freedom Movement for East, Central and Southern Africa (PAFMECA), which is trying to foster federal ties throughout eastern and southern Africa. fikumbula has few ties with Africans outside of Northern Rhodesia. This dichotomy, with Kaunda favoring federations in general and the Leopoldville central government in particular, while Nkumbula takes a narrower outlook, is likely to continue until a new constitution is worked out in six months or a year; thereafter, Khunda's majority in the legislature will probably be large enough to allow him to form a government of his own and Nkumbula's importance will decline. Both Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland would like to form ties with African states to the north and east, thereby reducing their dependence on Southern Rhodesia and Mozambique. They have found an eager collaborator in Tanganyika President Julius Nyerere, who has long been agitating for a federation which would include much of east and central Africa. Kaunda in particular has close ties with Nyerere; Banda himself has shown little interest, but some of his lieutenants seem to be getting involved in the Tanganyika president's project. Formation of close economic ties presumably would lag far behind the establishment of a loose poli- tical federation. SECRi.:7P-..'?-.. 707,11 91SSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A0028q9010001-9 4;410P wit , Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 C. Treaties affecting tran_aportation The federation is a member of GATT, and its trade agreement with south Africa is mentioned below. The Congo Basin Treaty of 1885 and subsequent years, -which forbids the establishment of hindrances to trade and transportation in the treaty area, technically applies to all land between the Zambezi and latitude 50N.; how- ever, it has not been applied to Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland (which otherWise would be governed by it) since 1957. Details of treaties covering construction and maintenance of an oil pipeline which is to transport crude oil from Beira to UMtali' have not been divulged. No other government-to-government agreements regulating transport are known to exist. IV. Mozambique A. Internal Mozambique, like Angola a Portuguese "overseas province," is one of the most backward territories in Africa. Wen more than in Angola, the 6.5 million Africans lack the sense of national identity which is present to a significant extend in South Africa and the territories of the Federation. Of all the Africans in Mozambique, some Of the least advanced are those who inhabit the borders near Tanganyika and Nyasaland, the two territories most often named as potential safe havens for a rebellion like Angola's. Moreover) Mozambique's economically important areas and its concentrations of white population are in the southern half of the territory; this contrasts with northern Angola, which contains the territorial capital and is also an important coffee-growing area. In addition, -91- rnnrib ta r n rnne-rom 1041eMmi_Ft Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T0104914002500010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 most of Mozambique's terrain, including almost all of that along the northern frontiers, is too open for guerrilla warfare. lankily, Mozambique ports are import- ant to the White-dominated inland areas of the Transvaal and Southern Rhodesia; Beira and IoUrenco Marques, together with Lobito in Angola, are the only economic outlets for Northern Rhodesian copper (although the reverse is also true, that Mozambique iltofits greatly from the Northern Rhodesian copper that it handles) and Nyasaland is completely dependent on its rail litm to Beira. Thus, a nationalist rebellion has been even harder to stir up in Mozambique than it was in Angola; support is not likely to be wholehearted from some of the Africans who dominate the neighboring territories and. who Veul& be fearful Of Portuguese reprisals and whites in inland areas can be expected to be deeply involved in the defense of the territory, or at least of its southern half. Mozambique African exiles are generally a disunited, unprepossessing lot. Their organizations have undergone many metamorphoses. but the most durable group is probably the Mozambique Liberation Front (Prelimo), Whose president is Eduardo Mondlane, the only Mozambique Alrican with a doctor's degree. Prelim? meMbers are , undergoing military training abroad. Their capability for stirring up a rebellion is highly questionable, but they Might be able to disrupt service on the Beira raiIroad(or on the soon-to-be-built oil gpeline tocUatali, which will follow roughly the same route) if they could persuade Banda to let them use Nyaswiwro as a base for sabotage forays to the south. SO far Banda has been extremely circumspect in his relations, with the Itortuguese authorities, but be presumably will feel constrained SECRETINO FOREIGN ?ISSN Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 to conform to the canons of African nationalism and permit some exile activity. Similar operctions T5be mounted, although with far more difficulty, from Northern Rhodesia; again, however,: economic consideration will limit the willingness of even a radical African government to countenance such activity. B. Foreign relations Mozambique's external relations are similar to those of Angola, with the proviso that its strategic importance for neighboring territories is much greater. and Hence it is more closely tied to these territories. Defense [Ylintelligence coordi- nation with South Africa and the Federation may be somewhat more intensive in Mozambique than in Angola. C. Treaties affecting transportation The transportation treaty with South Africa is discussed below. As noted in the section on the Federation, details of the agreement covering construction of the Beira-UMtali pipeline are unaintilable. That part of Mozambique north of the Zambezi is technically subject to the Congo Basin Treaty, but as in the case of Angola, the treaty has little practical value. V. Republic of South Africa A. Internal South Africa is an independent republic of nearly 16,000,000 persons (1960 census), whose political, social, and economic life is controlled by the white grfoups community of almost 3 million. The other principal racial 4_. ST7 are the Bantu or Africans (11 million), the Asiatics (430,000)0 and the Coloreds or persons of mixed -93- SECRETINO FOREIGN DISSErvi Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 'blood (1.5 million). Under the doctrine of apartheid (separate racial development), the South African government has enshrined each of these broad racial groupings in law and is trying to separate them as completely as possible in fact. At the same time there are cultural divisions within each grOup which have had almost as pro- found an effect on the country's history as have the recta divisions. Thus the tension between Afrikaners (60 percent of the whites) and English-speaking South Africans (40 percent) was for years the most important fact in politics. Cleavages renddred within the Colored community have7, / it disunited and impotent. Rural Africans, Who comprise some two thirds of the African population, are usually politically inarticulate and are concerned mainly with local and tribal problems. Urban Africans, although far more sophisticated than any group of comparable size anywhere else in Black Africa, are still divided, poverty-stricken, and generally incapable of presenting a united front. In formal structure, South Africa is a parliamentary democracy modelled on Great Britain, with a ceremonial president replacing the queen as head of state. In fact, since 1948 the parliamentary structure has become little more than a shell, with real power concentrated in the executive. Through a combination of good organization, appeals to community solidarity, and gerrymandering in the constituencies, the Afrikaner community's Nationalist Party has achieved an overwhelming parliamentary majority (currently 105-51 in the all-iwportant lower house). It is now using this majority to pass measures which transfei authority to the executive and insulate the administration frOm inteference, eit,r from parlihment or from the independent \\ 94 ? SECRET/NO FORUM DISZLi,1 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79 01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 and highly respected judiciary. It justifies these measures partly on the ground of necessity, following the recent upsurge in African nationalist activity, and partly on the fundamental tenets of its apartheid policy. The program of apartheid aims at setting up selfsufficient areas in which Africans will have progressiTely greater amounts of autonomy. (Apartheid policy for the other non-White groups has been equivocal, since these communities are too small or too scattered to be administered in their own territorial units). African workers in the cities, on whose cheap labor most of the economy is based, will be allowed to remain, but reliance on them is to be reduced and they are to be encouraged to help develop their own. "homelands" or"Bantustans." Although the government has recently stepped up its development programs, full implementation of the "Bantustan" policy would cost far more than the whites appear willing to spend and would also drastically change the country's economic fabric. Nevertheless, the Verwoerd govern- ment, glossing over these economic difficulties, is putting the political aspects of the program into effect as quickly as possible. By November. 1962 six territorial governments out of a planned seven or eight had been set up in the "Bantustans;" in the spring of 1963 the most advanced of these, the Transkei, received a new cons- titution which granted a severely limited amount of internal autonomy and provided for an African prime minister. Africans in the "Bantustans" have not accepted the political and economic changes in their traditional way of life with complete docility; there are, in fact, periodic attempts to assassinate the government-appointed chiefs, and the Transkei - 95 - . ?SFr:RFT/VA ['OR! mciny Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T0104 AF u480uu luuul-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 has been governed under emergency regulations since mid-1960. Security problems In the rural areas have also been complicated by the presence of hoodlums and African nationalists whom the government has been expelling from the cities for "As the past three years. The "Bantustans" are remote, backward areas, however, whose main importance to the national economy is their value as a labor reservoir for the mines and cities. Unrest in these areas keeps part of the security forces tied down and provides ammunition for opponents of apartheid; otherwise it has little bearing on politics in the rest of the country. In the cities active opposition to the government is largely underground. Most of the activists are non-whites, aided by the illegal and largely white Communist Party and by some members of the anti-Communist Liberal Party. There are two groups of activists: the African National Congress (ANC), principal com- ponent of the Communist-dominated, multiracial "Congress Movement" and advocate of a moderate approach to racial questions; and the Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC), an anti-Ccamunist group which makes a strong appeal to African racism. Both these groups in the past two years have men involved in acts of violence. The ANC, operating through an action arm called "Spear of the Nation," has emphasized secure conspiratorial techniques, tries to husband its resources, and concentrates on sabotage with minimum danger to human life. It escaped police counteraction until mid-July 19630 when its headquarters LOtr Johannesburg were raided. The PAC, whose activist wing is named Pogo, atriums terrorism above sabotage. Its call for racial violence has great appeal f r the mass be sea-educated Africans, but so far it has been less well -disci than "lpear of the Nation" k , %IP MN tithi Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T010 9A 800010001-9 ' Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 and Can do no more than stimulate short-lived, semi-spontaneous local outbreaks. Neither group has any chance of overthrowing the government at present. Nevertheless, both groups, and "Spear of the Nation" in particular, do have some sabotage capability. Bombings, arson, cable-cutting, and similar acts have been taking place sporadically since 1961, and in the past few months some of these efforts?such as the blowing up of the offices of a pro-government newspaper in Durban last January and the sabotage of military vehicles in March--have been effect- ive enough to increase white uneasiness. The maiir target of the saboteurs seems to be government installations, but there have been reports that "Spear Of the Nation" and Pogo have also designated key targets in the transportation system, such as power stations and toad and railway bridges. On two or three occasions earlier this year, rail traffic in the Johannesburg area was disrupted byecplosions in power substations. At one time the main line from Johannesburg to Durban was dis- rupted briefly by a similar explosion. Sabotage of targets outside the transportaton system has occurred fairly frequently in Johannesburg and somewhat less frequently in Durban, Port aizabeth, and Cape Town; there have also been a few amateurish attempts in most of the other urban areas. Members of both PAC and ANC reportedly are taking sabotage training abroad, notably in Ghana, Morocco, Algeria, Tanganyika, and possibly some countries of the Sino-Saviet bloc. Outside assistance presUmbbly will be stepped up follow- ing the recent Addis Ababa conference. There have been reports that trainees from SECRET/NO FOREIGN [CHM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 both movements are beginning to return to South Africa. Anti-government groups are still no match for the country's security forces, however, and are likely to lack the ability to coordinate a widespread sabotage effort for several years. Over the next three or four years, therefore, although occasional instances of terrorism and Babotage are likely to continue) the government is not likely to be Seriously threatened by internal subversion. B. Foreign Relations While South Africa's official ties with the Afro-Asian and Sino-Sotiet blocs have long been bad or nonexistent and its relations with the West are steadily be- coming more strained, the threat of militant African nationalism is forcing it into cooperation with white-controlled governments in neighboring territories. The Afrikaners who dominate the South African government have little in common with either the PMrtuguese in Angola and MozaMbique or with the whites of Rritish extraction in the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Indeed, the ostensible Portuguese policy of complete racial' assimilation and the Federation's widely proclaimed multiracialism--however much they are contradicted in practice--are diametrically opposed to the aims of apartheid. Moreover, the black-white ratios in the other territories (almost 5 million to 200,000 in Angola, 3.7 million to about 225,000 in Southern Rhodesia, 6.5 million to nearly 100,000 in Mozambique) are far from at- tractive to South African whites. It is only in the past two or three yearsliltra most of the other territories on the continent have come under African control umi have stewed up their agitation - 98 - SECRET/NO FOREIGN ;ISSEp Approved For Release 2000/05 15: CIA-RDP79T0 1049A 02800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 against the "White redoubt" in the south, that the various white governments have overcome their antipathies. They all appear reluctant to conclude a formal defensive treaty; nevertheless, informal consultations among defense and security officials have occurred with increasing frequency. It seems likely that South Africa would provide considerable assistance to the white governments in the north from its Own armaments industry if these governments were endangered by a serious outbreak of insurgency. It probably would also acquiesce or connive in the recruit- ment of "volunteers," as it did during at least part of the Katanga secession struggle. If there is a prospect of African advance without a prolonged breakdown In the security situation, as may still happen in Southern Rhodesia, Pretoria would find it hard to intervene decisively and might haVe to withdraw to defensive positions south of the Limpopo. In any event, South African troops in uniform and major pieces of materiel would be sent out of the country Only if the government thought that Its own interests were directly affected and that overt intervention would reverse a deteriorating situation (for instance, if African nationalists appeared likely to seize the port of Lourenco Marques, if a full-scale rebellion were to develop In Southern Rhodesia, or just possibly if an African takeover appeared likely in Angola. The Three High Commission Territories (Basutoland, Bechuanaland, and Swazi- land) are administered directly by the British Colonial Office but are integrated . economically with South Africa. All three are dependent to varying degrees on South Africa: and they all serve as safe-havens for African nationalists from the Republic. The Verwoerd government has made vague hints that it will invoke economic 99 u? or-rim-Tam rctrirecifti rtionrAn Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 sanctions unless these nationalist exile activities are curbed. Sanctions would paralyze the economies of all three territories, except possibly Swaziland. Xt seems likely, however, that the important rail line across Bechuanaland (operated partly by South African Railways and partly by Rhodesia Railways) would be seriously affected. C. Treaties Affectin4LTransyortation South Africa is a member of GATT, and it also has a special trade treaty with the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. The only agreement directly affect- ing transportation is a treaty between South Africa andPortugal, first signed in 1909 and renegotiated in 1928. Under this treaty 47.5 percent of the sea-borne goods imported to the 3ohannesburg, Pretoria, and Yereeniging areas are routed through tourento Marques. In return, the mines in the Transvaal recruit a large percentage of their African labor framMozadbique. Routh Africa has long been trying to reduce the tours= Marques traffic quota, and the treaty is presently being renegotiated. - 100 - SECRET/NO FOREIGN DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05)15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79AVIThhe0/1800010001-9 _THE ECONOMY OF TEE AREA I. ANGOLA GENERAL Angola is populated by 4.6 million uneducated and unskilled Africans, living for the most part in tribal societies on the subsistence level -- and by 0.2 million .largely uneducated, very conservative and rather unimaginative Portuguese and mulattoes. At least until recently, the Angolan economy has been shaped to serve the interests of Metropolitan Portugal, producing primary export commodities and Importing nearly all the manufactured goods which it consumes. Based thus on the production of a small number of agricultural and mineral commodities, the country is extremely vulnerable to fluctuations in the world market prices and to the policies of Metropolitan importers. The government has restricted the entry of non-Portuguese capital, erected barriers against competitive foreign imports, and largely ignored development of the economy. It is still without the infrastructure necessary forr a ----Iself-sustaining economic activity. Some of the results of these measures can be seen from an examinatiol., of their effect on Angola's currency and balance of payments. Angola customarily runs ? favorable trade balances with non-Portuguese areas, e.g., the United States and the United Kingdom; but these surpluses are usually cancelled out by the Province's huge negative trade balance with Portugal. In addition, a large volume of inviible transfers are made each year to Portugal in the form of profits, freight charges, and personal remittances. Thus, Angola's over-all balance of payments is usually very unfavorable -- a situation which recently has resulted in the imposition of severe import and exchange restrictions by the Province. - 101 - VIM% r-"271) rdV4 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 About 4800000 square miles in area, Angola is thinly populated -- about 10 inhabitants per square mile -- and the population is growing at a little more than one percent a year. The greatest concentration of Portuguese and mulattoes are found in the main cities and along the Benguela and Luanda rail lines which serve the sisal, cotton and coffee producing areas. The principal cities are Luanda, the capital, Ldbito, Benguela, and Zlocamedes, all on the Atlantic coast. The only inland towns of any importance are Malanje, Nova Lisboa Silva Porto, and Sa da Bandeira, all of which are sited on railroad lines. About 8 percent of the total population lives in urban areas, with approximately 5 percent of the people residing in Luanda, the largest city. Since 1959 Angola has been experiencing an economic recession; since 1961 this has been complicated by a persistent native rebellion centered in the north and supported by men and supplies entering from the Republic of the Congo. Direct and indirect costs attributable to the rebellion are estimated at more than $200 million annually. The rebellion has resulted in an accelerated road building program, and in somewhat greater Portuguese efforts to develop the economy and improve the condition of the native Angolans. Recovery from the recession, however, is far from complete and the economic prospects for this primitive and unsettled economy are cloudy. Sectoral Description of the Economy Agriculture is by far the most important sector of the Angolan economy and will continue so into the foreseeable future. It provides sustenance for both African and Rime= farmers and is 0eource of nearly two-thirds of Angola's ? 102 - SECET/M rfrarm riElA Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79TO1049A002800010001-9. *or .r4 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 export earnings. In 1961, agricultural products accounted for more than 60 percent of total exports and light manufactures for about 15 percent. See Table 1.* As ma be expected for an economy based largely on extractive industries, Angola's main imports consist of manufactured goods -- textiles, machinery and foodstuffs. In addition, a shortage of locally produced fuels requires the importation of coal. The main agricultural products are coffee, corn, sugar, palm oil and palm kernels. Lesser crops include cotton; wheat, tobacco, cocoa, sisal, and wax. Approximately. 2 percent of the total land area is used for cultivated field and tree crops which produce about three-fourths of Angola's export earnings. Coffee is the single largest export; European plantations and farms produca around 80 per- cent of the entire crop. The European producers also are responsible for all the sugar, sisal and wheat produced for export. Corn, cotton, beans and cassava are produced mainly on African farms. Agricultural export production is concentrated in the hinterland of the Luanda port area; this region accounts for more than two-thirds of the coffee, more than one-third of the sugar, and nearly all of the cotton produced. About 168,000 tons of coffee were harvested in 19611) a year in which somewhat less that, 20 percent of the crop was lost through rebel activities. Output rose to around 200,000 tons in 1962. The cotton crop also increased in the same period, production rising from 13,000 tons in 1961 to 22,000 tons in 1962. Minerals account for a small but growing share of Angola's exports and offer some opportunities for the development of local industry. See Table 2." * Page 109 below. ** Page 110 below. -103- SEVIg4 Pl(?S71 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA- 1049100286 Approved For*ease 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Diamonds have long been and still are the most important mineral export, but *Ton ore, Copper and manganese are becoeing increasingly important. In addition, oil has rece4tly been found in economic quantities and crude production in 1962 amounted to 489:000 tons. A. refinery established at Luanda is currently producing 11,000 tons of gasoline a year in excess of local demand, but gas-oil output is 20,000 tons short of annual requirements. These imbalances are being overcome by barter trade with Katanga. The locus of oil production is the Tobias reserve which was tapped in late 1961 by Petrofina. Nine wells have been drilled, two are in production, and the other seven are expected to be brought in When the 8-inch pipeline linking Tobias to the Luanda refinery is completed. Transport facilities for iron ore improved in 1962 when the 41-mile branch rail line linking the Cuima mines with the Benguela Railroad was opened in August. Iron is mined at the Lobito Mining Company's mines at Cuima, Cassinga, Andulo and Bailundo, as well as at the Angolan Manganese Company's mine at Quitota near Malanje. The current annual production of iron ore from these mines in short tons is as follows: Cuima mines, 551,150; Quitota mine, 220,460; Cassinga mines, 1430299. The annual output of the Cassinga mines is expected to increase to between 3 and 4 million short tons. Other mineral prodtption and the principal locations of significant mining operations include: diamonds from mines near Portugalia in the northeast; manganese ores from the Quitota mine; copper ores from mines at Bedbe. See Table 2.- 4! Page =below. crif r Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Industry in Angola is confined largely to the processing of primary products. The most important "industrial export" is fish meal. Other industrial exports of note are dried fish) canned fish and fish oil, vegetable oil, and sugar. In addition, small quantities of locally produced cigarettes and cement are exported. Population and Labor Force The available labor force in 1960 consisted of 56,400 Europeans including mulattoes, and slightly more than 2 million Africans. Of the total, approximately 310,000 workers, most of them completely unskilled, had been drawn into the monetary economy by 1962. Somewhat more than a million are thought to be self-employed on farms which produce some Surplus for sale in good years. The rest -- nearly three-quarters of a million -- are completely immersed in the subsistence economy. Portugal has been severely criticized for its long-held policy of forcing the Africans to work for at least six months. of the year an plantations, roads and other establishments of the monetary economy. This policy of forced labor has been relaxed, in principle, in recent months* Unemployment both of Europeans and Africans has been severe since the onset of the recession in 1959, and the problem also has been exacerbated by the rebellion. At the same time, plantations in the north have been forced to import harvest labor for the last two years because a sizeable part of the local labor force has fled the troubled areas. Plans to resettle these people and to improve the state of African agriculture are now being put into effect, but their impact on employment and agricultural output is not yet clear. Aside from the shortage of capital and skills, one of the most serious impediments to enlarging the monetary sector of the economy is the-feluctance of the African population to - 103 - Approved For Release 2o00voT1aMpfERVAd2gtibM001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Work with or for the Portuguese. This reluctance could become extremely important if the rebellion spreads or any other situation develop in which Portugal must depend on the help and support of the native Angolans. Transport Facilities The inadequacy of Angola's transport facilities is a problem of paramount importance to further economic development and to the maintenance of security. The lack of an adequate highway network or of other suitable transport facilities proved to be a severe Obstacle to the effective conduct of the military operations against the rebels. Military needs and the high level of unemployment have combined to place a priority on investment in transport facilities. Road construction is expected to be most important, at least until the goal of 9,900 miles of all-weather roads is reached; air transport facilities are second in importance; railroad ex- pansion and improvement fall into third or fourth place with port improvements. New additions to the railroad network are designed to open new areas to export trade and to tap recent finds of minerals. Slightly more than 20 percent of government expenditures were to be devoted to transport facilities in the 1962 budget and 18 percent in the 1963 budget.* A Road Board has been created to improve, repair and construct new motor roads. Allocations to this alone were planned at over $15 million annually in 1962 and 1963. Other investments in transport facilities provided in he development plan are shown below. 'Page D.1 below. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 'CIA-RDP79T0104' 9'1A.00(280. 0010001-9 , ?04. ?u ' 0 ? - - ? u dOttiboio. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Funds for Communication and Transport (in thousand US dollars) Total' 1962 1963 10,907 8,391 Of which: road Construction 5,244 5,593 railroad construction 2,167 1,224 port improvements 2,657. 734 .4 Further details on the 1962 and 1963 budgets are shown in Table 3. See Table 3. Trade The previous sections have indicated the importance of trade to the Angolan economy. Production for export forms a very important part of the monetary economy's activity, and the whole transport system has been designed to facilitate overseas trade. Revenues from import and export duties together accounted for around 15 per- cent of government receipts in 1962. See Table 3. Angola's major trading partner is Portugal from whom it gets over 40 percent of its imports and to whom it sends about 20 percent of its exports. Portugal's role in Angolan trade and finance has been treated earlier in the paper. The other major trading partners are the United Kingdom, the United States (which buys more than one-half of Angolan coffee exports), the German Federal Republic, and the Netherlands. Trade with other Portuguese territories, mainly MozaMbique, accounts for roughly 3 percent of Angolan trade. The only other African country which pro- vides a significant share of Angolan trade is the Republic of the Congo. Imports from the Congo account for no more than 1 percent of Angolan imports; however, about 4 percent of Angola's 1961 exports were destined for the Congo. In the main, ! Pagenibelow. - 107 - rr") a U rrtrlf`" pkiprai Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : a-KLIMA 049A0028000106011(gl Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 such exports consisted of food items such as fish, beans, manioc, corn, rice and salt. Exports to all of Africa in the last few years ranged from $9.6 million in 1959 to $11.8 million in 1961; thus, exports to other countries on the continent It-presented less than 10 percent of the total export. Imports from African countries in the same years ranged from $3.6 million to $4.4 million. Principal Angolan exports by value and by volume are shown in Table 1. See Table 1.! Vajor imports by category in 1960 were as follows: machinery and transport equipment, 33 percent; other manufactures, 22 percent; food beverages and tobacco, 20 percent; and textiles, 12 percent. Summary The Angolan money economy, created and maintained largely for the benefit of the Metropole, is heavily dependent on a railroad system designed to facilitate the export of primary products. Interdiction or total disruption of the railroads would thus lead to a breakdown of the money economy. Internal trade, however, appears to be a relatively unimportant factor in the monetary sector. The very large proportion of Africans in Angola still attached to the subsistence sector would not be greatly affected, in the short run, by a collapse of the Portuguese-run economy. In the long run, however, a disruption of transport and, with it, of trade would undoubtedly cause great discontent among that part of the African population VN,1 , which makes individually sma4 taales ofArOrplus cash-crops for consumer goods. The effect of economic disruption, especially if combined with a full-scale rebellion, on Portugal's revenues from Angola, would be undoubtedly serious. .111.1111?=1110.., * Page209below. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Table 1 Angolan Agricultural and Industrial Exorts 1960-61 , 1960, - 111 Agricultural Products ShdirtTons US$' 000 :, Sbort.i Tons US' 000 Coffee 96,139 04,188. 130,206 $48,890. Sisal 63,868 13,127. 64,791 xi,o34. Corn Wood Beans Cotton Beeswax Oleaganous Products Beef Manioc Others (Rice, tobacco, cocoa and hides) 7-70TAr . Industrial Products 129,086 5,766.. 178,115 100,696 3,414. 81,632 12,995 1,178. 10,435 10 097 5,146. 4,541 865 769. 757 15,940 1,827. 19,763 685 245. 2,619 64,395 2,714. 63,233 6,980 1,327. 6,116 501,746 79,701. 562,208 Dried and Fresh Fish 15,358 2,705. 21,783 Fishmeal 49,697 3,788. 55,489 Canned Fish & Fish Oil 8,624 1,444 5,056 Vegetable Oil 19,195 3?1707. 21,958 Sugar 41,197 3,276 40,353 Others (Seed cake, cigarettes, cement) 15,448 767. 19,490 TOTALS 149,519 15,687. 164,129 Mineral Products(Total) 29,279. GRAND TOTAL 124,667. 7:860. 2,588. 996. 2,413. 697. 2 984. 851. 3,140. 1,114. 81,567. 4,207. 4,713. 11150. 4,125. 3,435. 864. 18,514. 29,537. 129,618. !Excluding cement, see Table 2, page110,be1ow for volumelby type of mineral. - 109 - Li.. , ? , ' Approved For Release 2000/05/ft :" IA:R131379t01049A601806610001-9 SEpirt17.I. :7 7, 'fable 2 4 10 ;IlljElA Production and Export of Principal Minerals in Angola 1961-1962 ishar-,_L-L_zons000USdonnrs 1961 Production Export' "Volume Value Volume Value Diamonds (carats) 1014T,I539 21,227 1,,,276*573: 23,148 Iron Ore 895,228 2,039 545,079 5,010' Crude On 115,113 10484 Copper 10,302 718 1,111 410 Manganese 22,695 299 24,447 478 Cement 172,537 NA 9,863 133 4' The apparent discrepancy between production and export cannot be explained. 1962 Production Export Volume Value Volume Value ---1;Zp.:-Itg(; 21,930 _985.,05.,/ 192436 830,714 2,034 503,133 4,684 519,448 6,698 144,668 4,829 18,815 537 973 397 14,089 165 5,937 191 186,727 4,025 NA NA Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Table 3. Angolan Budget - 1962-1963 (thousand US dollars) 1962 1963 (est.) Ordinary receipts 77,391 114,980 Ordinary expenditures 76,812 114,900 Extraordinary receipts 27,238 29,873 Extraordinary expenditures 27,793 29,873 Total Receipts: 104,629 144,853 Total Expenditures: 1040625 144,773 Balance +24 +80 Revenuesina_ag_Wenditures On Selected Items (thousand US dollars) 1962 1963 (est.) Revenue From: Import duties 10,034 8,565 Export duties 5,769 6,084 Benguela Railroad - share of profits 770 944 Ports, Railroads & Transport 10,173 11,142 Empenditurea: Ordinary expenditure on Transport 10,173 110142 Road Board & Road FUrd 15,627 15,627 eit - , ? ?f I. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A00280001000*1-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 U. yhlitpublic of the ConeaLlemoldvillel_ The Congo has an area of about 900,000 square miles, about equal to the area of the United States east of the Mississippi River. The population is estimated to be about 14 million of which Europeans constitute roughly 1 percent. The Congo is Potentially a wealthy country. It possesses an eighth of the worlds known copper reserves, four-fifth of its located industrial diamonds and much of its cobalt. Most of the land is fertile and it is not over populated. The economy of the Congo is highly developed by African standards. The Belgians built an extensive infrastructure including an integrated railroad and river transporta- tion system, a large and modern mining and mineral refining industry, a commercial agriculture and a well founded base of light industry. Despite three years of political turmoil since the country received its independence in dune 19600 the Belgian-built economy has continued to function. A few big companies do most of the business and earn most of the foreign exchange. The mineral wealth of the Congo is concentrated in Kasai and Katanga Provinces although some tin is mined in Kivu Province Most of the mines and refineries are operated by the Union Miniere du Haut Katanga. in Katanga Province. In 1960 Katanga received 44 million dollars from this company, a sum equal to about half of the budgetary income of the Congo during that year. In 1962 approximately US$ 250 million worth of minerals were Shipped from the Kitanga area and presumably the royalties from that revenue accrued to the Kitangam government as the province had succeeded from the Republic at that time. The production of minerals in 1959-1962 - 112 - 4'4t. 771 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A00280001000179 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 and the location of the principal producing areas are shown in Table 1. See Table 1*. It is noteable that production has remained fairly constant and in some cases has increased since independence. The rather sharp drop in tin production is due to the fact that the smaller mines are remote from the railroads and dependent upon truck transport to carry their production to the rail head. With the deterioration of the road net, largely due to a lack of maintenance and tribal warfare in the producing areas, some of the mines have ceased production. Coal production in the Congo 1960 was Only 195 thousand tons all of which is used domestically by the railroads and the cement plants. Before independence about a third of the foreign exchange was earned by agricultural products, chiefly ;palm Oil, coffee and cotton. Most of the larger plantations are owned by Europeans while the smaller plantations and farms are awned by Congolese. The large plantations are self sufficient and maintain their own roads, schools and medical facilities. Moreover, most Of these are located along the major rivers which have continued to provide an export route for produc- tion. As a consequence the large plantations have managed to maintain production at pre-iadependence levels but the smaller farms------ are out of production for lack Of European assistance and trading facilities. The production of selected agricultural products and the location of the prin- cipal producing areaa is shown lathe following table: * Page 115 ,/ below. - 113 - Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Production of Selected Agricultural Products and Location of Principal Producting Areas in the Republic of the donso 1959-1961 (short tops) Production Product Location of Producing Area 1222 1262 1961 Coffee Equator, Orientale and. Xasai 59,300 66,900 . 66,14o Provinces Cotton 'Equator, Orientale, Xasai and 54,0000 60,140 41,880 Katange Provinces Pala oil Leopoldville, Equator and 248,128 270,280 264,550 Orientale Provinces Rubber Equator and Orientale Provinces 44,200 39,240 During the first year of independence, exports of agricultural products declined sharply as shown in the following table. Coffee Cotton Palm oil Rubber &ports of Selected Agricultural Products Republic of the Congo 1959-1960 (short tons) 2222 1960 101,000 66,58o 55,115 45,745 202,710 184,300 44,310 38,600 Reliable data for exports in more recent years is not available but it is reported that smuggling, increasingly widespread since 1959, has became a major drain on the foreign exchange earnings from agriculture. Corrupt and inefficient customs Officials allowed most of the 1962 coffee crop and Much Of the cotton crop to be smuggled out Of the country. [pry/ Lrillik19110.746.FA Approved For Release 2000705 1g4i 1A-KID1)79 6 IL, ..):8%.n., 10001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 SECP7'" Table 1 nrtri. nnrriki Production of Minerals and Metals and Location of 'Producing Areas in. the Republic of the Congo 1959 - 1962 (short tons except as noted) Production Mineral or Metal Producing Area 1959 1960 1961 Copper - (smelted) Katanga Province - Elisabethville south to border of Northern Rhodesia 310,955 333,175 325,1400 Cobalt - (in concentrates) ItlisabethviLle area Katanga Province 9,294 9,063 9,259 Tin - (in concentrates) Elisabethvi_Ue, Central Katanga Province and Krim Province 11,028 10,680 7,884 Manganese - (ore concentrate) Southwestern Katanga Province 425,694 11.12,1511. 344,335 Zinc - coxtcentrates) laisabethvill.e area, Katanga Province 77,130 120,352 109,692 Zinc - (smelted) Elisabethville area, Katanga Province 60,418 58,817 62,799 ?Gold W Northeastern Orientale Province 34.7,965 316,195 232,611 Diamonds ?./ Kasai Province 0 0 0 1962 0 crli 325,178'c'l T. x N a ci -o -4 81,06o T1 0 8 33y7868.11;' 0 183,073 Fe, 0 LA g 8 LA 8 _. c:o Industrials 13,040 17,738 14,393 Gem stones 413 405 263 a. Troy ounces. b. 1,000 karats - 115 - Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Part /II. The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland The FederatiOn includes three territories: Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland, British protectorates likely to get complete independence in the near future; and Southern Rhodesia, a self-governing colony since 1923. The total population of about 9.5 million is growing at an annual rate of 3 percent in Nyasaland and 2.5 'percent in: the Rhodesias. Landlocked, and mainly a plateau area, the Federation is 486,109 square miles in area roughly one-half the site of the United States east of the Mississippi. It possesses a generally mild climate suitable for many types Of agriculture, and is largely self-Sufficient in food production. Southern Rhodesia, the most etonomically advanced of the three territories, has a growing and diversified manufacturing sector, a well-developed and efficient European agricultural sector which produces corn and tobacco for export, and a relatively small tut growing mineral industry. Southern Rhodesia Serves as the com- mercial, Manufacturing, and financial hub of the Federation, deriving much of its income from such services to the Other territories. In additiOn, around 30 percent of its manufactured goods are sold to Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Salisbury, the capital of Southern Rhodesia and alsd of the Federation, and Bulawayo are the majOr transport and communications centers of the Federation and are also the only two cities with population in excess of 100,000. Northern Rhodesia, the richest and. least dentely populated area of the Federa- tion, it Still almost a one-product ectinOmy. tta copper mining and refining indus- tries protide nearly one-half ct the Net Domestic Product of the territory; almost - 3.3.6 ; Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 111. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 one-half Of the wage earning Africans in Northern Rhodesia work in the Copper Belt --a nariJw 200-mile long area running northwest from Luanshya in Northern Rhodesia into ratanga. ? Nyasaland is the smallest, poorest, and most densely populated of the Federation territories. Its chief sources of foreign exchange earnings are tea and tdbacco experts, and migrant workers who go to the two Rhodesias and into South Africa. Remittances for the services of these workers form a significant share of Nyasaland's Net Domestic Product?nearly 10 percent in 1957. The economies of the Federation components are complementary in that Southern Rhodesia supplies services and manufactured goods to the others Northern Rhodesia supplies much of the trade surplus and attracts much of the foreign capital enter- ing the Federation, and Nyasaland supplies labor and some foodstuffs for the other two. With the advent of independence, the Federation is expected to dissolve. Re- tention of economic ties, at least between Southern Rhodesia and the other two regions, is not certain. Although Nyasaland would be adversely affected, Southern Rhodesia itself would experience the most serious repercussions from a dissolution of economic bonds with its present federal partners. The creation of the. Federation in 1953 is said to have resulted in a certain saving in administrative costs and to have enhanced the credit-worthiness of the area in terms of attracting foreign capital. TO the extent that these advantages may have developed, dissolution Of the Federal structure will result in additional costs to the component Countries. The national airline -- Central African Airways - 117 - Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 the railroads, foreign commerce, defense, banking and currency, posts and tele- graphs, and the interterritorial road system are all the present responsibility of the Federal government. Alter experiencing a relatively rapid rate of growth in the 1950180 the economy of the Federation is currently rather stagnant. he drop in copper prices since 1957, the slackening pace of investment and construction following completion of the first stage of the great Kariba dam, and the general loss of confidence in the political future have acted as dampers on economic growth. The high rate of EUropean immigration that prevailed from 1953 to 1958 slowed down so markedly that by 1961-1962 it turned into a net emigration: This trend is expected to continue, at least until the future policies of the new African governments become clear. The European segment of the population is small -- about three percent of the total -- and accounts for an enormous share of the investment and production of the Federation. To illustrate: Gross Domestic Product attri- butable to non-African agriculture in 1961 amounted to $149 million or about 47 percent of total agricultural output. The non-African share of total wages and salaries in the same year was 60 percent. In addition, nearly all technical and managerial personnel in mining, manufacturing, and large service institutions are Europeans. Thus any series of events leading to the exodus Or immobilization of this mall segment of the population would have. proportionally great effects on the functioning of the !aeration's monetaryeconoy. At the same time, a large mm4oritr Of the African papOlation -probably could tr Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 feed itself and survive even if a total disruption of the monetary economy should occur. Nearly 80 percent of the econdmically active population is engaged in agriculture, and almost ane-fifth of Gross Domestic Product is derived from the production Of African rural households for their own consumption. Nevertheless, economic disruption would have severe effects on the Africans too: about One million are employed in the monetary economy and many are migrant laborers who might be forced to return to already overcrowded "tribal" areas. The extent of labor migrations among the Federal territories and neighboring countties is il- lustrated by the following employment statistics fOr 1956. In Northern Rhodesia In southern PhodeSia (in thousands) 217.8 Northern Rhodesians 2.2 Southern Rhodesians 20.7 Nyasas 42.3 Northern Rhodesians 300.2 Southern Rhodesians 132.6 Nyasas 125.2 Portuguese Africans, mostly Mozambicans Nyasas abroad totalled 200,000. Of this number, 20,700 were working in Northern Rhodesia, 132,600 in Southern Rhodesia, about 40,000 in the Union of South Africa, and 40000 in Tanganyika. Although unemployment has increased African employment for the past three years has remained fairly steady and has been distributed as follows: about 32 percent in agriculture, mainly on European farms., and about 3 percent in transport and Communications. /n the camvonent territarieep it has been as f011owst - 119 - 1 lail r 4") ' e,g,j4 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP/9 01049A0028000f 01 -9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Total Employment Percent in Agriculture Percent in Transportation and Communications Federation 1960 1,0450000 32 3 1961 1,0090000 32 3 1962 1,000,000 est. 32 (est.) 3 (est.) Southern Rhodesia 1960 6470000 37 3 1961 624,000 38 3 1962 610,000 est. 38 (est.) 3 (est.) Northern Rhodesia 1960 246,000 15 4 1961 238,000 16 4 1962 230,000 est. 17 (est.) 4 (est.) Nyasaland 1960 152,000 39 4 1961 1470000 39 4 1962 134,000 est. 40 (est.) 4 (est.) During the same period, a fairly constant 10 percent of the non-Africans were working in the transport and communications industrieS. Investment in transport, storage, and communications has accounted for an average of 9 percent Of gross domestic capital fortation by use in the period, 1958-60. From 1958 through 1961, transport and communications have accounted for about 7 percent Of Cross Domestic Product -- $80.6 million in 1958 and $106.4 million in 1961. The economy of the Federation is highly dependent on foreign trade. EkpOrts usually acctunt for about 40 percent of 0roSs:DOmeiltie Froduct. topper, tobacco, asbestos, Cora, tea, and Chrome ore together accOUnt far Over 80 percent of total - 120 - SECRITIEW thtkilli triSSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 exports. Copper, the leading product of Northern Rhodesia and the Federation as a whole accounts for more than 50 percent of all export earnings. A very large share of the expOrts of the Federation are primary products, but it is more fortunate than many similar economies in that it exports both mineral and agricultural commodities and is thus not quite as vulnerable to price fluctua- tions for single products. The mineral industry is the most dominant in the economy of the federation, though this is not the case for each territory.* In 1961, this industry consumed about One-third of the available coal and coke, paid around one- half of the direct taxes levied by the government, provided for more than one-half Of the railroad freight tonnage, consumed abOut two-thirds of the electricity pro- duced, and accounted for approximately two-thirds of the total value of exports. For the period, 1954-62, the copper industry alone accounted for between 30 and 55 percent of the Net Domestic Product of Northern Rhodesia, and for between 10 and 24 percent of the Net Domestic Product of the whole Federation; in 1962, these proportions were 44 and 16 percent respectively. Statistical tables on mineral production and exports by volume and value are shown in Tables 2 and 3 below. Most of the minerals produced, with the exception of Southern Rhodesian coal, are exported. Southern Rhodesian industry is beginning to consume a small share of minerals produced, especially iron ore; nearly all of the coal mined is consumed domestically by the copper refineries, the railroads, and the electric power plants. * See Table 1 below or notes on the location and. concentration of commerce, mining, industry and agricultural cash crops. 121 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 e I Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Nyasaland, which currently produces no minerals, and Southern Rhodesia generate most Of the agricultural exports of the Federation; tea and some tobacco are grown in Nyasaland, whereas most of the tobacco, meats, and corn exported are produced In Southern Rhodesia. The Federation's Major trading partner for many years has been the United King- dom Which buys over 40 percent of its exports and selIS the Federation around one- third of its imports. The Republic of South Attica is the second most important trading partner of the Federation, accounting for about one-third of imports but only 6.8 percent of Federation exports. The principal commoditiea exchanged in their order Of importance are general goods, minerals and iron and steel. Trade with other African countries is minimal, the most important "commodity" being migrant labor. Data showing major trading partners by valUel the value of total imports and exports, and major export and import commodities by volume and value are shown In Tables 20 4 and 5 below. Until a change in trade arrangements was effected in the late 1950's? South Attica was a more Important trading partner than it is now; between 1950 and 1957, it accounted for slightly more than One-fourth of the Federa- tion's total trade. NipOrts to the Republic of Congo have risen since the 1960 disturbances in that country but still do not account for more than 2 percent of the Federation's exports or one percent of its imports. The Federation's imports have been declining since 1959 and in 1962 dropped still farther. 'Thus, despite 4 very Unsettled chrome market and a reduction in sales of copper, the FederatiOn has experienced a favorable' balance of trade over the Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 -r, Approved For Release 2000/05/15'ftir&tVroi titto'AtIO6oWVAN% last few years. Machinery and transport equipment constitute the largest category of indrte; this also holds true for imports from the United States. About one- half of the copper exports are sent to the United Kingdom as are most of the Federa- tion's tea exports. The United States has been the major buyer of chrome ore, although Rhodes Ian chrome is nOw suffering from competition from This sian chrome in this IlLaxket. In addition to sales to the United tingdom, a substantial portiOn of the fOod exports of the Federation, eSpecially corn, are sold to neighboring coun- tries -- Bechumel and, Tanganyika, the Republic Of the Congo. .111T Ti;. nAAa. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T0104'9A0620uu.01uvu TZ Coal Copper Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Table 1 Location and Concentration of Commerce Minin Industry and Agricultural Cash Crops Notes Found in several places in Northern and Southern Rhodesia. Produced only at Wankie (2 collieries) in Southern Rhodesia. Production declining with dieselization of the railroads and the decreasing number of thermal electric plants as Kariba pro- duction increases. About 12 percent of coal raised is exported. Mined in Southern Rhodesia in the area around Sinoia; in Northern Rhodesia in the copperbelt. Mines are mainly along the road from Luanshya to Bancroft. Cobalt Found at Chibuluma and Nkana mines in the copperbelt. Uranium Found at Dana. Lead, Zinc, and Manganese Found at Broken Hill, Northern Rhodesia. Asbestos Southern Rhodesia, mainly in a belt running NE-SW from north of Gwanda to Fort Victoria. Chrome Mined near Kildonan, Gwelo, and Fort Victoria. Iron Found at Redcliff near OW Qpe in Southern Rhodesia, Tea Most is grown in Nyasaland in the Mlanje-Cholo area. luropean Agriculture In Northern Rhodesia mainly along the rail line; in Southern Rhodesia) cultivation is dispersed but generally concentrated along the Salisbury-Bulawayo axis. Industrial and Commercial Centres! Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia Capital of the Federation. Industries include food, beverages and tobacco, clothing, steel, concrete and asbestos. Population of more than 250:000 contains more than one-fourth of all Europeans resident in the Federation. Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia r7:71-usaka, Northern Rhodesia Ndola, Northern Rhodesia Principal industrial and commercial centre of the Federation; main communication junction (for rail, roads and air). Industries include steelworks, tires, asbestos, cement, concrete, food, clothing, steel rolling and fabricating facilities. Capital of Northern Rhodesia. Industries include fertilizer, constructionrmaterials, and grain storage. Main commercial and industrial city of the Northern Rhodesia area; main distributive center for the copperbelt. Factories produce mining equipment, sheet metal products, refined sugar, copper and special steels. ;31. 124 MUM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 6-1?0001?0009ZOOV61701.016/dCltl-VI3 91./90/000Z eseeletl JOd PeA0AdV SECRETS!A r:errlf 4,! nmenki _ Table 2 Value and Tonnage of Selected Exports, Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 1961 - 1962 Copper W - 13/4 refined) 1/4 blister Zinc -a-/ .metW Lead W - (metal) Cobalt - (metal alloys) Volume (Thousand tons) 1961 Value and Tonnws of Selected Mineral Exports Value per ton (US Dollars) Volume (Thousand tons) 1962 Value Value per ton (Million SUS) (US Dollars) Value (Million *US) 610 28 12 .6 313.6 5.3 2. 1.7 514.10 189.28 166.67 2,833.34 603. 31a-F8 46 6.7 16 2.0 1 3.1 517.14 145.65 125.00 3,100.00 Manganese W - (Concentrates) 47 1.4 29.79 ' 51 1.4 27.41 Asbestosg - (bag fibers) 134 23.5 175.37 145 21.3 146.90 Chrome ore - (Concentrates) 476 8.4 17.65 432 7.3 16.90 Value and Tonnages of Major Agricultural Exports Tea 15 12.3 820.00 14 10.1 721.43 Tobacco 105 117.6 1,120.00 108 114.8 11062.96 Corn 12/ 311 12.6 40.51 450 17.6 39.11 s/ Peanuts Meats 26 4.2 161.54 45 6.7 148.89 16 9.2 575.00 16 10.1 631.25 aj Originates mostly in Northern Rhodesia. from Northern Rhodesia for which the value is not available. Ili-Originates mostly in Southern Rhodesia. 2/ Originates mostly in Nyasaland. In addition, 787 thousand tons of high hulk-law valua copper concentrate were exported - 125 - Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Table 3 Mineral Production, Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 1.58-62 (in thousand short tons) Total 'Federation Total Northern Rhodesia * 'Total Southern RhodeSia Southern Rhodesia Coal 1958 93,570 68,238 25,332 3,897 1959 143,968 118,965 25,003 4,143 1.960 154,772 128,392 26,380 3,923 1961 148,717 .121,501 27,216 3,387 1962 142,505 117,416 25,089 3,115 * Including coal' Table it Nderation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Total Tmports and tiports, 1958-62 (in million VO) core Xrnyorts 1958 380 441 1960 577 439 1961 58o 434 1962 586 400 sL, a 1-7"- ?,. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T010 94'0'02g 0010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Table 5 Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland/ Major Trading Partners and Trade vith Neighbors, 1958-62 United Kingdom South Africa Percent of Total Exports to Tanganyika Portuguese cdngfa (pea) Africa Kenya 1958 48 10 1 1 Neg. Neg. 196C 44 8 1 Neg. Meg. Neg. 1961 47 8 2 Neg. 0.6 Neg. 1962 42 8 2 Neg. Neg. Neg. Percent of Total Imports from United Kingdom South Africa Congo (Leo) Portuguese Africa Kenya Tanganyika 1958 31 32 1 1 Neg. Neg. 196o 33 33 1 1 Neg. Neg. 41, 1961 33 31 1 1 Neg. Neg. 1962 33 30 1 1 Neg. Neg. 127 - SECRET/NO Fara11 DIM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 XV. Mozambique Mozaibique, with an area of approximately 297,700 square miles, is the second largest Overseas province of Portugal and has the largest number of Portuguese inhabitants outside of Metropolitan Portugal. Africans comprise about 97 percent of the 6.6 million population, Europeans l percent, and Asians (including Indians-1f) percent. The economylof Mozambique is basically agricultural and is one of the least developed in central and southern Africa. Climate, topography and transportation are such that many parts of the country are inaccessible during the rainy season or accessible only by air. As a result, exploitation of mineral resources and establishment of local industries are seriously impeded. Same 6000.000 Africans, ? less than 10 percent of the total population, are thought to be incorporated in the monetary economy. Somewhat more than two million people comprise the economically active population; of this total, well over three-fourths are engaged in agriculture, which is by far the dominant sector of the economy. Export crops are raised mainly on Portuguese-ovned plantations, some of which were brought under Portuguese government control, as late as 1942. This plantation economy is based on cheap labor and depends on su)Adized prices and protected. markets. The main export crops are cotton, sugar, tea, lass., copra, and cashew nuts'. nod crops for local consumption include corn, rice, peactts, beans and bananas. Xozarabique If After India occupied. Goa, all the Indians were deVeted from Mozambique. 128 SititETINO DiSSF,M Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : vomptioigiall appears to be largely self-sufficient in food production, but imports relatively small quantities of flour and rice. Coal is the most important mineral product of Mozambique. Mined at Tete, output does not meet domestic consumption requirements. Coal production during 1959-1962 Ima as follow-at Short Tons .1959 1960 .161 1,262 282,870 297,210 353,840 385,800 Gold, graphite, iron ore, and radioactive minerals are produced and exported, but in relatively small quantities. Industry in Mozambique is mostly concerned with processing locally produced materials such as sugar, cotton, tobacco, and asbestos. Timber is produced in quantities sufficient for local needs and is exported to Rhodesia and Nyasaland, and to the Republic of South Africa. Apart from coal, Mozambique imports manufactured and semi-manufactured goods including textiles, railroad materials, agricultural and industrial machinery, iron and steel, motor vehicles, gasoline, hardware and footwear. As in Angola, duties on imports from Portugal are lower than those from other suppliers by as much as 50 percent. Mozambique consistently runs a deficit in her balance of trade, as is illustrated by the table below. In million US dollars). 12.213 19,59 Imports 119 122 .1960 127 Ekports ?1t-9 _13 -43 Malance -44 -54 - 329 - Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA.-TRbP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Six agricultural commodities account for 66 percent of total export earnings in 1962 . The production and export of these commodities are shown in Table 1.11`7.: The most recent data on Mozambique' a trade with countries in southern Africa indicate a substantial imbalance. Trade With Countries in Southern Africati (in Million US dollars) *61 120 Country Exports Importa Exports Imports South Africa 3.2 14.2 7.0 18.6 Angola 1.4 2.4 0.6 2.6 Federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland 3.8 2.0 2.4 2.4 January-June at annual rates. Trade with African countries comprises less than one-fifth of Mozambique's total trade. Her single largest trading partner is Portugal; the common market countrls provide some 8 percent of her imports and buy around 20 percent of her exports, the United States accounts for about 6 percent of both imports and exports, and the United Kingdom for some 14 percent of Mozambique's imports and 8 percent of her exports. One of the most important revenue producing "exports" of Mozambique is the move- ment of laborers to South Africa aid the Federation of Rhodesia and. Nyasaland. A contractual arrangement tetween the Government of Mozambique and the Republic of South Africa provides up to 90,000 Mozambicans for gold and coal tints on the Rand. in return for routing via the port of IOnzencd Marques about 50percent of the seaborne traffic destined for the TransVaal-Swaziland area. * page 131 tellitr. - 130 - SfCR'ET/41 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79f01u49m0uz 010001-9 6-1.0001.0009ZOOV61701.016/dCltl-VI3 91./90/000Z eseelet1 JOd PeA0AdV SECREUru Table? 1 Toduction and Export of Selected Agricultural Commodities Mozambique, 1961-1962 eSeeleti -10d peAoiddv ommoditx Production Export 'Value of Exports Short Tons Short Tons (Million US Dollars) 414 January-November 1962 414 January-November 1962 * Calendar year. 1-1725 28,843 20.36 17.48 Sugar 102,903 2092437 N.A. 133,119 11.20 11.00 Cashew Nuts 99,207 99,207 82,415 78,160 8.58 7.58 Copra 88,184 88,184 59;859 54,727 8.41 6.61 Tea 8,5614. ja.0240-1, 5,707i7 10,518 8.12 5,89 Sisal N.A. N.A. N.A, N.A. 5.58 5.33 414 January-November 1962 * Calendar year. 6-1.0001.0009Z00V61701.016/dCltl-VI3 91./90/000 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 V. Republic of South Africa A. General South Africa consists in the main of a narrow coastal strip near sea level, with ahbigh interior table land separated from the coastal strip by mountains which rise from a mile to almost two miles in height. The climate is relatively dry, but in the Transvaal and Orange Free State, seasonal raipall in the summer occasionally is so heavy as to cause flash floods. There are extensive areas of poor soil with very little vegetation. The few rivers, none navigable, provide main supplies of water; but a shortage of water is frequently a threat to the economy. The Republic of South Africa possesses the most developed economy in the entire continent: it has the largest industrial establishment, the highest per capita income, and the greatest degree of urbanization. Nevertheless, this developed and highly integrated economy is vulnerable to a disruption of its essential domestic and foreign transportation links. Internally, reliable long distance transportation is vital in link- ing widely separated industrial, agricultural, and commercial centers. Externally, an estimated 15 to 20 percent by volume of South A&ica's commodity trade moves by way of foreign railways and ports. Most of this tonnage goes through the port of Lourenco Marques, which handles a large part of the external traffic of the 132 . SEVIET[d .`7111 OISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Fff Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 northeastern region. Although a significant part of South Africa's external trade transits Mozambique, only a minor and declining portion of its total trade by value is carried on with other African countries. Most of the Republic's commerce is with Western developed countries; the United Kingdom and the United States to- gether account for 40 percent. These two countries plus those in the European Common Market supply two-thirds of South Africa's imports and purchase well over one-half of its exports. The Republic usually runs a deficit on merchandise account. This, however, is more than offset by heavy sales of gold, which provide between 30 and 40 percent of total export earnings. As a result, the favorable balance in . its current trade account is sizeable. The diversified and substantial output of its industry and agriculture enables South Africa to satisfy much of its internal demand. Nevertheless, it must import many products some of which are critical in nature. As in other developed countries, industrial growth requires the acquisition of some types of specialized machinery and equipment from abroad. On a more elementary level, South Africa is completely dependent upon foreign sources for crude oil and avi- ation gasoline. B. Population and Labor Force The population of South and South-West Africa is usually divided into four main groups: White, Colored, Asian, and Bantu. South Africa has by far the largest white population on the continent -- almost one-fifth of the 15.8 million ? 133 - SECRETINO Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 F,SEN1 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 reported in the 1960 population census. The percentages of other groups were: Bantu, nearly 70; Colored, nearly 10; Asian, about 3. In South-West Africa, the total population was about 525,000 of which the Bantu accounted for 80 percent, the Whites for 15 percent and the Colored for 5 percent. South Africa has a number of large cities: the population of Johannesburg numbers 1.1 million; Cape Town, 730 thousand; Durban, 655 thousand; Pretoria, 415 thousand; Port Elizabeth, 270 thousand; Germiston, 205 thousand. These and other urban areas contain more than la percent of South Africa's population; The greatest concentration of Whites is in Johannesburg, but Pretoria has the highest ratio of Whites, roughly 50 percent. The country is divided into four provinces: Natal, the most densely populated; Transvaal; The Orange Free State; and The Cape. In addition, South-West Africa, a League of Nations Mandated Territory, is now administered virtually as a fifth Province. The population of these provinces, as recorded in the 1960 census, was as follows: Total population (in millions) Non-whites as a percent of total The Cape 5.3 81. Natal 2.9 88 Transvaal 6.2 77 The Orange Free State 1.4 80 The 195l_cens0 of the economically active pop4tion showed that Whites made up 21 percent and Bantu 66 percent. The number utile in various sectors Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDF'79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 and the proportion of this number consisting of Bantu is shown below. Number active Bantu as a percent Economic sector (in millions) of number active All sectors 4.6 68 Agriculture, forestry, and fishing Mining Manufacturing Commerce Transport, storage, and communication Other 1.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.2 1.6 83 88 45 31 36 69 The Bantu population is about equally distributed among those work- ing in urban areas, those working on rural farms owned by Whites, and those resi- ding on Native Reserves that are not economically self-sufficient and are now considered to be overpopulated. It is the policy of the South African Govern- ment to reduce the ratio of Bantu to Whites in urban and industrial areas, and to return many Bantu to the Reserves. Industry is being encouraged to locate on the borders of the Reserves in order to provide employment for the returnees. A recent survey, however, indicates that about half of the Bantu now working in urban areas have long resided in the cities and consequently have lost all land rights in the Reserves. In addition, the wage earnings of most urban Bantu households are at or below the minimum subsistence level. Thus, any significant decrease in the level of employment is apt to cause great hardship and consequent unrest among this segment of the population. In the 1960-62 recession, unemployment - 135 - SECIO /14U ARV Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A00 0 71- Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 among both the Bantu and the Whites increased. The recovery, fully underway by late 1962, seems to have reduced the level of unemployment, but at the expense of "foreign" workers from Mozambique, the Federation, and the High Commission Territories. It is government policy to reduce the number of these Migrant workers, except in the gold fields. These migrants form a substantial part of the labor force in South A Africa's mines; in 1957, for example, they outnumbered native South Africans 2 to 1 in the gold and coal mines. C. Economic Sectors The National Income of the Republic of South Africa has doubled in the -pust decade. Output in manufacturing increased fatter than in agriculture and mining as the econobecame more diversified. Now, with the exception of a few imported commodities, it has become a aalf-sufficient and well integrated economy. The shares of Net Domestic Product as shown below have remained fairly constant for the last three years. Net Domestic Product for Selected Sectors, 1961/62 in billion US dollars) Total Value cent of yotal 7.01 100 Private manufacturing 1.69 214, Mining 0.94 13 Of which: gold (0.72) (n) Trade 0.88 13 Agriculture 0.75 11 Transport .0.56 8 Of whiCht Rails & Harbours CT Private Transport An atmosphere of'growing tension offer nationalist activity and the ? ' V:. ,? ittPi LSIIA Approved For Release :2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A092800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/1541'ALI4F174,41111ikallf(4213ClaS 34 A '1 19 possibilities of repeated sabotage and viOlence is reflected in the 1963/64 budget. The most outstanding feature is a further increase in defense expenditure up 28 percent from 1962/63 and now equal to nearly 13 percent of the total budget. The Police budget, which is not included in the defense budget, is greater for 1963/64 than total allocations for Bantu Administration and Develop- ) For the economically active Bantu, agriculture is the most important occupation. It is almost the only activity in the Reserves and employs about 40 percent of all Working Bantu. The most important single crop is corn; yields are usually sufficient to provide a surplus for export. In recent years, corn surpluses have become burdensome. About one-third of the white-owned farm raise corn. European farmers produce nearly 85 percent of the total crop, while nearly all the rest is grown by Africans who work subsistence plots on white-owned farms. The main areas in which the principal crops are grown are shown below. Crop, Area Corn Transvaal, Cape, Natal, Orange Free State Wheat Cape (southwestern region) Sugar Natal (coast), Zululand Fruit Cape Tabacco Transvaal (Rustenburg area) Wool, which accounts for nearly 17 percent of total exports by value, is the largest single agricultural export and the second most important in the - 137 SECREII 1117194 RISSEkl Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP/9T01049A0028u0010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 whole economy. Some 65 percent is produced in Cape Province, and about one- fifth in the Orange Free State. Cape Province also leads in numbers of cattle, and is by far the most important province in terms of agricultural output. Although it employs fewer people than agriculture, mining is of great importance to the South African economy. Gold is the single largest expoil, and the most important mineral in terms of its contribution to national income. Statistics on the production and export of gold and other minerals may be, found in the Appendix. Most of the "foreign" workers in the Republic are employed in the mining industry, usually under short-term contracts. Private manufacturing is the fastest growing and most important sector in the South African economy; nearly every major form of industry is re- presented. Industrial production is concentrated in four areas: (a) southern Transvaal, (b) Durban - Pinetown, (c) western Cape, (d) Port Elizabeth - Ultenhage. In 1956/57, they accounted for 41, 16, 13 and 5 percent respectively of industrial output. Over half of the metal working and engineering industry is located in the Transvaal; industries in Durban and Pinetown include chemical, paint, paper, and pulp factories, sugar refineries, hardware and furniture plants; western Cape specializes in clothing, textiles, canning and food processing, distilling, printing and boat-building. Port Elizabeth-Uitenhage specializes in footware, automotive asseaPstyres, and wood-processing. There are Mee oil refineries in .tbe Republic, none of which produce aviation gasoline: one is located at Sasolburg, ark. produces oil from coal; the 138 - SENT/!n rnIMN PM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 ? Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 others are in Durban and Boksburg. Total input in 1962 amounted to 476 million imperial gallons of crude oil. Transportation in the Republic of South Africa is characterized by the fact that its principal industrial area -- Witwatersrand, in the Transvaal -- is located far from the ports, from the major livestock areas and from other industrial centers. In these circumstances the railroad network is the primary means for moving bulk traffic. Consequently, investment in transportation has formed a large share of public investment in the last decade. Average Annual Public Development EXpenditure by Sector, 1946/47 - 1956/57 Sector Transportation facilities Agriculture ' Education and Social Services Industry Communications Other Percent of total 14.0 14 14 8 9 15 Total investment in motor roads and bridges Outside of urban areas is estimated at about $1.05 billion. National expenditure, however, has been devoted primarily to constant expansion and improvement of the railroads. EL Foreign Trade The United States and the United Kingdom together account for more than 40 percent of South Africa's foreign trade and about 70 percent of total foreign in- vestment. The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland has been an important outlet -139- SECRET/ilL'nliFirLy nrsrv Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049m00280001000-1-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 in the past, but recent increases in Federation tariffs an manufactures and semi- manufactures have significantly reduced South African sales in this market. The following tabulation gives a comparison of shares of South African import and export for 1959-61/ South African Foreign Trade S_in billion US dollars). 3.15.2 Imports&j.. Thrporta ."..."-"-- 1 0 2229---M0---1961 Total World 1.4 1.6 Lit 1.2 1.2 1.3 Percentage with: United Kingdom 31 28 29 25 25 26 Common Market 18 19 20 21 24 21 USA 17 19 18 8 6 7 Federation of B & 2 3 3 12 12 10 In terms of value, the principal South African export is gold; other important export commodities include wool, diamonds (both cut and uncut), radio- active minerals, asbestos, machinery, and fruits. The major imports are wood and wood products, gasoline, motor vehicles and parts, and cotton textiles. With respect to trade with the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and with the Congo, the following values were reported for 1961. South Africa Congo consisting of: Metals Minerals Federation eonsisting oft Metals Minerals Tdbacoo Imports from $33,200,000 5,600,000 26,200,000 $441400l000 20,000,000 41600l000 3,900,000 Exports to $9,6001000 Foodstufftt&igr. $4,500,000 Machinery &Mfg's. 700,000 - *135,000,000 Mfg. and machines $60, 600,000 Foodstuffs & Agr. 19,200,000 Fibres 13,600,000 1110 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Most of the traffic was handled overland, but owing to the high unit . value of the commodities, the tonnage involved was relatively low. X. Vulnerability of the South African Economy South Africa is vulnerable to external economic pressure in at least three forms: (1) interdiction of rail links with Lourenco Marques; (2) denial of foreign sources of crude oil and aviation gasoline; and (3) institution of a general trade embargo by the UK and the US. Interdiction of rail links between the northeastern region and Lourenco Nhrques would require re-routing this large volume of traffic over railroads in Transvaal and Natal Provinces, thus greatly increasing the transport costs. Imports of Crude oil and aviation gasoline are essential to the domestic transportation system. Denial of crude oil to the Republic would shut down two of its refineries (the other converts coal to liquid hydrocarbon fuels). In ad- dition to losses resulting from idle plants, South Africa would be forced to purchase, at a greater total import cost, the refinery products it could no longer produce itself. If no supplier could be found, the availability of fuel oil for industrial and railroad use and gasoline for motor transport would be sharply reduced. Cessation of aviation gasoline imports would force domestic air service, including police aircraft operations, to draw upon stocks already on hand. When such stocks were depleted, these services would cease.. Institution of a trade embargo by the UK and the US would have even more serious effects. At the very least, it would require the development of new export markets - a feat that would require considerable time if it feonld be accomplished, - 141 - orplict ii Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 If a redirection of trade could not be- accomplished, South Africa would lose nearly one-half of its export earnings and would hxve to do without about one- third of the goods now purchased abroad. A collapse of this magnitude in its foreign commerce would seriously weaken its external financial positionl curtail new foreign investment in South African industry, and lead to a deterioration of the economy. An embargo that could produce such effects, however, would exact a heavy toll from UK and DS investors who iresently account for an estimated TO percent of total foreign investment in therftpublic. -142- SECRET/NO FOPrTN DISSEM Approved For, Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9, A161 II k Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Basutoland A. General Basutoland, the poorest of the High CommissiOn Territories, is an enclave of about 11,716 square miles entirely surrounded by the Republic of South Africa. The western region is a continuation Of the Orange Free State Plateau and has an average altitude of 5,000 feet. The eastern pert is even higher with peaks in the Maluti mountains rising above 11,000 feet. Basutoland is under the control of the British Colonial Office, and has a Legislative Council which makes laws for the territory; excepted are spheres such as defence and external affairs which are reserved for the British High Commissioner. The Basutoland Congress Party is pressing for early independence, although the terri- tory may never be economically independent. The capital is at Maseru, 92 miles east of Bloemfontein, with which it is connectedby rail. B. PopulatiOn and Agriculture Basutoland depends mainly on peasant agriculture and On the export of labor to the Republic of South Africa. Taking into consideration the habitable areas only, Basutoland is the most densely populated area in south Africa, and all arable land is under cultivation. The European Or white poPulation consists mainly of government officials, missionaries, traders, and labor-recruiting agents. The 1956 census reported about 2,000 Europeans, over 600,000 Africans and nearly 900 other residents in the territory. The census also reported that more than 150,000 Basutos .143- Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : C1411"131579T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 were working abroad; this migrant labor force is one of the greatest economic assets of the country. Remittances from the 100,000 to 150,000 Basutos working in the Republic of South Africa amount to about *2.8 million annually. Land is held communally and there are no European landowners or settlers. The principal crops are corn, Wheat, and sorghum. Other grains and vegetables also are grown. Animal husbandry is one of the most important economic occupations. There are no forests, and no mineral production, but diamond prospecting is continuing and 0008 stones have been found. A geological survey is being made, but development plans concentrate On the improvement of agriculture and livestock. Zn 19620 twelve small industrial establishments were being planned; the Vasutoland Development Corporation is expected to supply the necessary capital. C. Transport A railroad, built by South African: Railwaro, 16 miles long connects Maseru with the Bloemfontein - Natal line. Only one mile of this line lies within Basuto- land. There are about 560 miles of gravel surfaced roads along the western border of the country. Zn addition, there are about 340 miles of lesser roads leading to trading stations and villages. The mountains of the interior are accessible only by jeep and pack animals,but air transport is becantagincreasingly important. Basutbland has long been a refuge for defeated tribes and fugiti/es, and in recent year has given asylum to many fleeing from South Africa. and !ice Bout oland customs are administered for the 'Nrritory by South Africa, Which - vat - SECRET/NO Fem DissEm Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 aLiseti ti.0 k Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA- P79T01049A002800010001-9 gives it .85575 Percent of annual South African customs revenues. 'Phis amounts to nearly one-half of Basutoland's total revenues; domestic sources account for a relatively small share sometimes as low as 10-15 percent. Revenues and expendi- tures in recent years are shown below. The anmaI deficit has been covered by United Kingdom grants-in-aid. Revenues and EXpenditures . Fiscal /ear Vevenues In thousand US dollars) Bkpenditures Deficit 1959/60 5,812 6)554 742 1960/61 60628 6,970 342 1961/62 5,599 8,971 3,372 South Africa provides nearly all of Basutoland technical services and transl0rtation0 and is its most important trading partner. Imports and exports in thousand 110 dollars are shown below. Imports Exports 1958 8,252 4,044 1959 (80103 4,626 1960. 8,800 4,125 While the most important "export" by value is probably Basuto labor, commodity ex- ports in 1960 included wool valued at two million dollars, mohair worth almost one million, cattle worth more than one-hAlf a million, and Teas valued at $147,045. Imports consisted mainly of blankets, ploughs, clothing, tin were, And food stuffs. General merchandise imports in 1960 were valued at oVer six million dollars, corn at more than One wheat at *324,9000 and -sorghum at *440300. -145- ,,trePrtign roam rix Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RuP7vy OlugumOvzouvu vuOi-velltri Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Bechuanaland About 220,000 square miles in area, much of it desert, Bechuanaland is the largest and most sparsely populated of the Sigh Commission Territories. The 1956 census recorded a population of 320,000 Of which 4,000 mere Buropeans and. Asians. The country is a protectorate ruled through the British Commonwealth Relations Office, and administered by a Resident Commissioner, assisted by an Xxecutive and a Legislative Council. Government headquarters are at Mifeking in the RepUblic of South:Africa. Most of the population is concentrated along the eastern and northwestern bor- ders, and more than one-half live in villages of 1,000 or more inhabitants. Stock raising and agriculture occupy almOst 90 perdept of the popdlation. The few Afri- can wage earner:4 are employed mainly in trade and in the small processing industry. Wage earner% in 1959 were distributed as follows: Government services 2,500 Agriculture 5,000 Trade and industry 2,000 Domestic services 0000 Construction 500 Xn addition, nearly 22,000 worked in the RepUblic of South Africa in 1959; their remittances totaled more than 000000.0. By 19610 the number of these workers had risen to around 30,000. Animal husbandry and dairying are the chief OccupationS of the Dedhwemas; inas- mudh as rainfall is by, the country is more pastoral than agrioultural. Corn, Cldkir r t. .4004 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 406164v,-. i 6 fy.N . ?,?, i i:1 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A0028000110001-9 ) sorghum, beans, pumpkins, and melons are grown, and in good years a considerable Surplus has been available for export. Bechuanaland has a small mining industry, concentrated mainly in the Tati concession area where gold, some copper, and other base minerals are found. Asbestos is mined near Kanye; manganese also is mined in the southeastern part of the country. Most bulk traffic is carried on the single track railroad, nearly 400 miles long, which passes through Bechuanaland parallel to the eastern border at an average distance of 50 miles inland. South African:Railways administers and staffs that part of the line south of Mahalapye; the northern part is managed by the Rhodesian railway system. A through road, parallels the railroad, and branches connecting the rail line to points in the hinterland extend inland an average of some 40 miles. Livestock, as well as Meat and other animal products are the main exports of Bechuanaland. In 19601 these constituted 86 percent of total exports by value. The Republic of South Africa and the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland are the chief markets for Bechuanalandls expOrts. As in the other High Commission Terri- tories., customs are administered by South Africa which forwards .27622 percent of its total import and excise duties to Bechuanaland; in. 1958/59 this amounted to over $700,000, or about 23 percent of total government revenues in Bechuanaland. In 19600 imports totalled more than $9 million and exports amounted to $7.9 million. The Main import are grain, blankets, clothing, and foodstuffs: the chief exports aside from meat and animal products, are asbestos and manganese. - 147 - SECRET/NO ['OREM OMIT Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 The value of major export and import categoriee for 1960 are shown below in thousands of US dollars. lmpOrts Exports General merchandise 2,962 Carcasses 4,417 Yehicles 1,557 EIdes and ekins 947 Textiles 1,366 Meat byproducts TV Corn 1,223 Cattle 422 Asbestos 370 Xangsneae 198 ? - 148 - vrttir 11- ,"?-? . ? Approved For ror Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Swaziland ? A. General Of the sigh Commission Territories, Swaziland is the smallest, wealthiest, And the least dependent on South Africa. It is MOO square miles in area (about the size Of Connecticut) and has a population of 2T0,000, of which only 3 to 4 percent are white. Swaziland is administered by the British Government through the Colonial Office and has recently been granted a constitution providing for internal self-government; however, no date bas been set for implementing this provision. As in the other two territories, there is a considerable demand for independence. B. The Economv Swaziland's basic wealth lies in its rich: and varied mineral deposits. Of these resources, asbestos is the most important; the Havelock mine in north-western Swaziland is one of the world's largest asbestos mines, providing almost 60 percent of the government's revenues from income taxes. The asbestos is moved by cable-car across the Transimal to the railroad at Barberton. 'Very rich kaolin deposits also are present; several Companies are planning to set up ceramica plants. Small quan- tities of tin are currently being" mined, and there are encouraging prospects for the development of coal and iron mining. Iron ore deposits of very high quality are to be exploited in connection with a purchase agreement with Japan calling for deliveries in 1964. A $27 minion rail line-is being built to Ilior the iron mines with LourencO Marques, this line will be operated by the Mozambique railway system. -149- Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CrAINP79T0104.9Q0028011b14:4414; result, trade statistics are incomplete. Prin6ipa1 imports are general merchandise, mining stores, construction materials, motor vehicles and spare Tarts. Total exports in 1960 amounted to about $12.5 million; the chief items were asbestos (32,026 short tons)) slaughter stock, bides and Skins tobacco (48o short tons), seed cot- ton, rice, and sugar (36,500 short tons); asbestos alone accounts for nearly one- ba1f of the territory's export earnings. South Africa is probably Swatilandts most important Oustomer, and a number of major products, including fruit, asbestos and Sugar, are marketed through South African organizations. For its eagm TOrdhasea, South Atrift Offers an 800000 ton quota at higher than world prices-. -153.- Stiry ifoto Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Relare10-06/05,15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Part n. Tanganyika flumnary /be economy of Tanganyika is heavily dependent on foreign trade. About 40 percent of the money Income is derived from exports and 8a percent of the export from agriculture and livesta-ek: Most agricultural exports are bulk Oroducts grown in remote and widely separated areas. /bete areas are served par- tially by road. but mostly by rail. Important cotton graving areas are located development plans along the southern shores of Lake Victoria and there are other cotton, / /lo- cated 100-200 miles inlend from Dar as Salaam. /bm port of Tinge serves the coffee growing regions around Arusha and Moshi near the Nenya border and the sisal planta- tions along the Pangani River. Mtwara is the chief port for the soya and cashew crops grown in the Masasi-Lindi-Mtwara triangle. General Tanganyika covers an area of 341)150 square miles, roughly 30 percent larger than Texas. /be land, however, is largely arid bush; more than 60 percent is ren- dered virtually useless by the endemic animal-killing -- and sometimes man-killing tsetse fly. Thus, much of the population is concentrated along the lower reaches of Lake Victoria, the upper shores of Lake Nyasa, and the northeast and southeast corners of he country along the Indian Ocean. There is also a relatively dense population belt along the Central Railroad, which connects Der es Salaam with Wanes, the capital of the Lake Pravince. Africans Constitute 08 percent of the total perin- latien Of 0.5 -minion; most Of the remaining two percent consist of 22,000 ..152- Awry:: rirPil DISSIN Approved For Release 20 :10 -RD1-79f61049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Europeans, 87,000 Indians and Pakistanis, and 25,000 Arabs. Peasant farmers and semi-nomadic herdsmen form the largest part of the popula- tiOn; in 1962, less than 500,000 Africans, only five Tercent of the population, were listed as wage earners. Trade is dominated by Indians', Pakistanis, Goans, and Arabs; Europeans hold most of the administrative and technical positions own the large agricultural estates, and are also active in business and industry. Despite the disadvantages of land, climate, and insect pests, Agriculture is the mainstay of the Tanganyika economy in both the monetary and subsistence sectors Agricultural and livestock products together account for about 80 percent of export earnings; mineral exports, while slowly increasing in importance, contribute lets than 15 percent. Although subsistence farming and marginal animal husbandry occupy a major wr- ticin of the populace, such activity has declined in importance. The subsistence sector, which accounted for about So percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 1955, generated less than 65 percent in 1961. In absolute terms, output in the subsistence sector increased about 13 percent, while output in the monetary sector increased almost 40 percent between 1955 and 1961. The Gross Domestic Product for 1962 is estimated at *544.3 million, or 4 percent above 1961. Most of this increas( was the result of higher wages and an improvement in earnings from certain export crops. The Blight &Cline in mineral production, especially diamonds, was more thaJ offset by the Sale Of larger tonnages of sisal and cotton at higher prices than in 1961. -153- SECR' . . !GSM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 44111? roreign Trade In 1962, Tanganyika recorded exports of $156.2 million and imports of $114.2 million in trade with all areas. Commerce with Kenya and Uganda, which are Tanganyika's partners in the Nast African Trade Zone accounted for five percent of total exports and 23 percent of total importe. The composition of Tanganyika's export trade is dominated by agricultural corn- moditea, primarily eisal,,cotton, and coffee. Mineral producta, consisting almost /entirely of diamonds and gold, represented only 12 percent of total exports in 1962. A decline in mineral exports below the 1961 level was wholly the result of a deci- sion not to work the less profitable diamond mines. The major exports by tonnage and value are shown in Tables 1 and 2 below. ? Import trade in 1962 was characterized by an increase in moat consumer items coupled with major decrease e in investment items such as farm tractors, railway track material, billding material, and machinery for commercial establishments. The only investment item to show a significant increase was railroad rolling stock. For political reasons South African products were boycotted by important groups and imparts from this somrce dropped to $1.2 million last year compared with $3.4 mil- lion in 1939. The major cceponents of export trade by value and tonnage are in- eluded in attached tables. 54 SECRET/ED FOIIEN DISSEW1 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 rglnprll ? Table 1 Velogaqtrika: Principal Agricultural -Exports'.1.1/ Selected Years, 1951-62 Year Sisal Cotton Hulled Coffee Cashew Nuts Tea 1,000 Long Tons $1,000 1,000 Long Tons 1?000 Long Tons $1 000 1,000 Long Tons $1,000 1,000 Long TOW $1,000 1951 1955 1959 1960 1961 1962 1955 1959 196o- 1961 1962 142.2 173.7 208.8 207.2 200.9 219.5 66,180- 27,877 36,560 43,238 39,278 44,o8o ,$1,000 8.3 T20.4 30.7 38.9 29.7 32.6 Peanuts 7,750 15,495 18,640 24,716 19?o23 20,700 18.4 19,312 19.5 15,985 25.1 20,513 24.6 18,934 25.7 18,410 Castor Seed 18.2 2,433 33.2 4,239 36.7 5,953 4o.o 5,054 59.0 6,538 Sunflower Seed 1.7 2.7 3.2 3.2 3-9 1,498 2,159 3,223 3,744 4,514 74,000 Long Tons $1,000 1,000 Long Tons $1,000 1,000 Long Tons $1,000 5.6 12.1 14.6 3.4 6.4 969 2,1*; 21. : 650 1,103 7.9 14.2 18.4 10.7 13.4 868 1,725 2,447 1,537 1,677 12.5 5.7 12.4 10.7 11.8 1,056 479 927 935 988 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 A. Excluding exports to Kenya and Uganda. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 0 Ca Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 APPENDIX C TO TRANSPORTATION OF THE AREA I. ANGOLA A. Transportation System The transportation system of Angola is oriented in an east to west direction connecting the interior of the country with Atlantic Ocean ports. The principal Angolan ports, because of their proximity to the main ocean trade routes, provide an Atlantic coast outlet for Angola and for other countries of Central Africa. The absence of good-north - south land transportation routes makes coastal traffic by sea one of the main avenues of domestic north - south transportation. A large iliortion of the traffic passing through Lobito, the principal port, is transit, consisting principally of mineral traffic from the Congo and Northern Rhodesia, but local exports and imports are increasing. The railroads and highways extend inland from the Atlantic ports and provide access to the agricultural and mineral areas of the interior. There is no developed inland waterway system in Angola. The principal waterways are coastal rivers extending only short distances inland and other navigable streams are remote from the centers of the economy and serve only as local transport arteries. Civil air transport serves a number of localities in Angola and also provides a scheduled service to Leopoldville in the Republic of the Congo. All public transport services are under the administration and control of the Department of Ports, Railways and Transport Services. B. Railroads The railroads are the backbone of the transportation system in Angola and consist of. four unconnected basic routes, 1,786 miles in length, extending inland - 4.57 - errocurgi morn ntRsrk tl Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 from Atlantic Ocean port terminals to agricultural and mineral areas in the interior. See Table 1-. In 1961 they carried 4.5 million tons of freight and almost 800 thousand ** , passengers. See Table 2.-- Two of these routes, the Luanda and the Mocamedes rail- roads, are government-owned, 316r gauge routes extending inland for 265 and 469 miles respectkrely. A third route, the Amboim Railroad, is privately owned. It is a 2, gauge route extending inland from the Tort of Amboim to Gabela, a distance of 76 miles, and is of Slight importance, handling less than 40l000 tons of coffee and palm oil Per year. The fourth route, the Benguela Railroad, is also privately owned and is the only international railroad route in Angola. It is by far the most important railroad in Angola and handles more than five times as much freight traffic as all the other Angolan railroads coMbined. For the purpose of this report, the Benguela Railroad is the only Angolan railroad which is studied in detail. 1. Benguela Railroad The tenguela Railroad is a privately owned company. Ten percent of the company's stock is owned by the Portuguese government and ninety percent is Owned by Tanganyika Concessions, Ltd., a British company which also operates the railroad. The head office of the company is in Lisbon, Portugal, but the African office for management of the railroad is located in Lobito, Angola. The Benguela Railroad provides the Atlantic Ocean link in an extensive trans-Africa network of 3'6" gauge routes. It extends from the Atlantic Ocean port of Lobito eastward for 836 miles tYrough Nova Lisboa, Silva Porto, Mnnhango and Vila Teixeria de Sousa to the borde of the Republic of the Congo. At Dilolo * Page 169 below. ?41 Page170 below. - 158 - SECRE1110 FiNTIG3i DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/13i: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 ? Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 on the Congo border, it connects with the Bas Congo - Katanga Railroad (BCK) which is also a part of the trans-Africa network of 3' 6" gauge routes linking Angola, the Republic of the Congo, the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Mozambique and the Republic of South Africa. A 41-mile branch line runs south from the main line at Vila Robert Williams, 248 miles east of Lobito, ) to the principal iron ore deposits at Cuima. This line was opened to traffic on 9 August 1962. Prior to its opening, iron ore was carried by truck from the mines to Vila Robert Williams and thence by rail to Lobito for export to Europe. The entire route of the Benguela Railroad is single track. Passing tracks with an estimated minimum length of 1,600 feet, are located at all stations along the route and the maximum distance between passing tracks is 17 miles. The manual block system of signaling is used to dispatch trains. Under this system, the statio ster must obtain permission by telephone or telegraph from the next station in the direction of travel before permitting a train to enter a block. The maKimum grade on the route is 2.5% and the maximum axle load is 14 short tons. There are 130 bridges and numerous culverts along the route. The longest bridge is 512 feet in length and is located about 14 miles east of Vila General Machado crossing the Cuanza River. This is a combined rail - road bridge of steel truss construction and may be considered a critical point in the railroad and highway routes. Other major bridges are the 340 foot bridge and the 380 foot bridge located 2 and 10 miles respectively from Benguela. There are no tunnels on the Benguela Railroad. All main-line locomotives are steam powered and the principal fuel used is wood which is obtained from tree farms located along the route and owned by the - 159 - Wer"i Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : Elre-FIFFMCF49NOIAtiblVUO01-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 railroad, but it is believed also that a few steam locomotives have been converted to burn fuel oil. Water stations are spaced at 30 mile intervals along the route and are essential to the operation of the railroad. The main shops for the maintenance and repair of locomotives and rolling stock are located at Nova Lisboa. Power to operate these shops and also for the city of Nova Lisboa is provided by a hydro- electric plant using water from a dam which was built by the railroad company on the Cuando River about 30 miles from Now, Lisboa. The rolling stock consists of about 1,500 freight cars, over 50 percent of which are open gondola cars of 40-ton capacity. The total staff employed by the Benguela Railroad in 1961 was 17,629. No late statistics are available regarding the color of the employees. However, during 1959, official reports listed 3,000 as senior and junior employees and 11,600 as "African" employees, If the term "African" as mentioned in reports connotes colored African employees, then almost 80 percent of the employees are colored. Should black African nationalism become a factor in the stability of Portuguese authority in Angola, the predeminantly native railroad labor force could effectively disrupt railroad operations if there should be a desire to do so. Freight traffic on the Benguela Railroad is increasing, but passenger traffic has declined rapidly during the past four years. Selected statistical data for the period 1958 through 1961 are presented in Table 2. See Table 2.4! Westbound traffic is about five times as heavy as eastbound traffic and consists predominantly of mineral and ore traffic. In fact, mineral and ore traffie from Angola, Katanga and Rhodesia represents 28 -.30 percent of all tonnage bandied by the railroad as re- flected in the following table: *Page 170 below. - 160 - Approved For Release 201ciIR 1004EZ0010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Mineral and Ore Traffic ]958 1959 9?1961 of total --% -of total %-of total % of total Tons tons Tons tons Tons tons Tons tons carried carried carried carried Angola 217,273 7.0 270,866 9.0 484,887 12.0 419,565 11.0 Khtanga 459,207 15.7 476,671 15.6 640,051 16.0 6600742 17.0 Rhodesia 52,050 1.3 90,255 3.0 690594 2.0 22,850 .05 Totals 728,530 24.0 837,792 27.6 1,1940532 30.0 1,103,157 28.5 In terms of ton miles, mineral and ore traffic from Katanga and Rhodesia in transit through Angola amounted to 45.6 percent of the total traffic in 1960 and 35.6 percent in 1961. Assuming that revenue per ton mile on mineral traffic is equal to average revenue per ton mile, then revenues from Khtanga and Rhodesia mineral traffic were also 45.6 and 35.6 percent in these years. It is apparent, therefore, that diversion of this transit traffic to another route would seriously impair the financial position of the Benguela Railroad. The Benguela Railroad appears to be efficiently operated and fully adequate for the needs of the economy it serves and for the international traffic currently moving over the route. In fact, it is not intensively used. In 1961, traffic density on the route was only 1.2 million net ton miles per mile of route. By comparison, the Beira Railroad in Mozambique, which is also a single track, steam-operated rail- road, had a traffic density more than twice as high or 2.5 million net ton miles per mile of route. This comparison suggests that the Benguela Railroad is operating at well below the capacity of the route although an investment in locomotives and rolling stock maybe required to improve performance substantially. The standard military formula for estimating the capacity of railroad routes for military traffic yields an estimate of about 1,800 tons per day for the one-way military capacity of the Benguela Railroad in either direction. However, analysis - 161 - Approved For Release 2000/05f1r5ntagrP17fITINAISORIS:STR1-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 of statistical data indicates that at a ratio of 1 ton eastbound to 5 westbound, the railroad carried an average of 1,760 tons eastbound per day during 1961. Moreover, considering the fact that a large number of empty freight cars move eastbound to compensate for the heavy loaded movement in the opposite direction, the military estimate should be considered as a? minimum capacity for military traffic. There are no known inter-governmental agreements between Angola and the Congo pertaining to traffic or transportation. However, an agreement exists between the Benguela Railroad and the ECK in the Congo providing for the interchange of rolling stock between the two systems. Moreover, the BCK: provides the Benguela Railroad with advance notice of the movement of mineral traffic so that adjustments can be made in the assignment of empty freight cars. Also freight cars of the Rhodesian railrOads operate over the Benguela Railroad and are treated as BCK rolling stock. C. Highways The road network of Angola is underdeveloped and consists of about 22,000 miles of various classes of roads and tracks. For administrative purposes these classes are 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Unclassified. However, only about 100 miles of roads are paved with a thin coating of asphalt, and the standard of surfacing over the entire system varies considerably even along a single route. Most of the system has a dirt surface, and the entire system 113y be considered fair-weather system because various segments of any given route become impassable during the rainy season Which lasts from November until May. - 1 - SECRETINO if taGN D1SSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Two main routes traverse the country from west to east, and these routes converge at Vila Teixeira de Sousa on the Congo border. At that point these routes connect with the Congo highway system. The northern route, 821 miles in length, originating at Luanda, has a military capacity of up to 4,000 short tons per day for the first 40 miles to Catete which is paved. However, other sections along the route have a capacity of only 500 short tons daily, thereby limiting through put capacity to the Congo border to 500 short tons per day. The southern route, 697 miles in length, which roughly parallels the Benguela Railroad, is also limited to about 550 short tons daily. Thus the two west - east highways are capable of delivering 1,050 short tons daily of military traffic from the ports of Luanda and Lobito to the Congo border. During the rainy season, this capacity may be reduced to zero for from 1 to 7 days at a time. In the event of a partial or complee disruption of railroad traffic in the Congo and in Rhodesia, these highways could conceivably handle an equal amount of commercial traffic in westbound transit through Angola. At the rate of 1,050 short tons daily, a total of about 190,000 tons of cargo could be carried during the six month period of fair weather, May to November,? provided, of course, that a sufficient number of trucks are available. The policy of the government of Angola has been to restrict truck transportation that would compete with the railroads for traffic. Highway transport of goods and passengers in Angola does not appear to be organized into large-scale commercial enterprises. Trucking rates are controlled by the government and they are increased, if necessary, when truck routes parallel the railroad routes.? The government policy regarding truck transport is set forth -163- ho VIINUMB Mul114 11113gril Approved For Release 2000/05 : -Kul- /91u10 9 "uu2ouutriuuu1-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 ? in a government decree which states that the Port, Railroad and TZansport Services are to propose means Of protecting the railroads against competition from other means of transport, having in mind the capital investment of the State and the danger to this investment from "parasite" services serving the same region. Nevertheless) highway transport is the only means of transport in areas remote from the railroad. Rawever, in the absence of a network of all-weather roads, it is doubtful that high- transport can play a significant role in international transport. Statistical data on the amount of freight carried by motor vehicle in Angola are not available. In 1962, the motor vehicle census was about 43,500 of which 12,000 were trucks and buses. Detaila of the size and capacity of trucks are not available but it is doubtful that the number of heavy duty trucks available for long distance transport of commercial cargo would be adequate to provide a significant substitute for railroad services. D. Ports The three principal ports serving Angola are Lobito, 'sandal and Nbcamedeaf____ located about 250 to 300 miles apart along the Angolan coast line., Cabinda, a small ,ort an the coast of the Angolan enclave north of the Congo River, and Novi, a small port on tie Congo River, are of minor importance. Selected data an the operations at the three principal ports in Angola are shown in Table 3; See Table 3.* 1. Lobito Lobito is the most important of the Angolan ports and is the western terminus t of the Benguela Itailroado the only railroad connecting with any other gyitem. It is located about midway between the northern and southern boundaries of the country. The harbor, whith covers two'square miles, is protected by t natural (sandapit) break- 172 w Page/ belay. SECRETIII0 [EOM DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 water three miles long. The port handles between 55 and 66 percent of the country's seaborne commerce (65.8% in 1961), Specific data on inbound vs. outbound tonnage is not available; however, mineral and ore traffic for export constitutes almost two-thirds of the total? tonnage handled at the port. Moreover, during 1961 and 1962, mineral and ore traffic from Khtanga and Northern Rhodesia in transit through Angola Via the Benguela Railroad made up about 38 percent of the total tonnage handled at the port. Ore loading equipment at this port consists of a conveyor gallery with a capacity of 400 tons per hour. With a 25 percent factor of down time for maintenance of the conveyor and berthing and dispatch of vessels, capacity would be reduced to 300 tons per hour or about 2.6 million tons per year. This is about 138 percent more than the total mineral and ore traffic handled by the port in 1961. The port is well equipped with berthing facilities for 7 to 8 vessels, so it is probable that it operates at well below actual capacity. The, capacity of the port to off-load military cargo IA estimated about 5,000 short tons per day. This estimate is predicted on the utilization of ship gear Only and discounting the potential of port equipment such as cranes. Port labor consists of about 1,000 Africans; also a force of about 500 Portuguese supervisors and semi-skilled Africans operate the port's mechanical equipment. 2. Luanda Luanda, the second largest port in Angola, is located about 325 miles north. of Lobito and handles about 30 percent of the country's seaborne commerce. The port is served by a railroad which extends eastward to Mhlanje, a distance of 265 miles. A main highway extends eastward through Malanje to the Congo border, - 165 - Approved For Release 2000/05W5-7-CIA-01:179701049WOMMTM01-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 a dirtaias of 821illes. The?port is 441 equipped with about 4 000 feet of usable whFt460 with alongside depths ranging tram 8 to 33 feet, and a total of 23 cranes of up to it?. The port WW1* about 200 African sterdores. Military capacity is estimated at 1,0O0 short tone per day, o The port of Mocemsdes handled about 3 percent of the seaborne commerce in 1961. The port is situated about 235 miles south of Lobito and is served by a railroad which extends eastward to Vila Serpa Pinto, a distance of 469 miles. The port is undergoing expansion ad at the preeient has alongside berthing facilities ? for vessels of uP to 10,000 tons. Bertha for 10 to 12 vessels are available with alongside depths of 10 to 34 feet. Th e iort employs about 250 African stevedores. Military capacity is estimated at aboUt.30400 short tons per day. E. Civil Alt. There *Only one civil air carrier in Angola engaged in domestic air tz'ansportti?ri. This carrier is the Air TranspOrt Operations Division (UTA). The4i2A-is Operated by the Civil Aeronautics Service as a division of the Depart- ment of Ports, Railways and Transport Services of the government of Angola. The Civil Aeronautics Servicecoastructeand operates airports, licenses pilots, establishes standards and regulates theioperations of airlines operating in Angela. With the - approval of Lisbon authorities, it establishes rulec for Angola but more often, it . . is consulted by-Lisbon authorities before Lisbon promulgates regulations so that changri-will be adaptable to conditiansl'in Angola. The Angolan government does not give a direct subsidy to DTA but tienia funds to MA either interest free or at low interest rates. Moreover, the Department of Ports, Railways, and Transport Approved For Relea.seg kliNSB1800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Services of the Angolan government maintains a contingency fund out of profits from the operations of all modes of transport which the DMA may draw upon as required. The only international airport is located at Luanda. Its 6,000 foot landing strip is being supplemented by a new 12,000 foot landing strip which is under con- struction. The new landing strip will be completed in 19630 at which time the airport will be capable of handling long range jet aircraft. Also, 6,500 foot landing strips were completed in 1962 at Regave, Henrique de Carvallo, Nova Lisboa, Lobito and Benguela. Practically all of the major airports are in the western half Of the country, while the rest of the country is served by airports with a limited capacity capable of handling C-47 or liaison-type aircraft. Despite limited facilities, the importance of civil air service to isolated areas in Angola was according to various reports, dramatically emphasized during the rebellion in the northern districts in March 1961. Rebel activity combined with the rainy season's usual effect on the dirt roads to cut land routes to various communities. Supplies were carried to those communities and casualties were evacuated from them by civil aircraft. Statistical data on those operations are not available but it is probable that air transport is the only means of transport available during the rainy season to many remote areas not served by the railroads. The DTA does not operate a regular air freight service. Such cargo as is carried consisting of perishables, medicine, spare parts and other light cargo, is carried as an adjunct to regular passenger service. As of March. 1962, DTA operated a total of 14 aircraft. The fleet consisted of 7 DC-3s, 4 Beechoraft D-18Ss, 1 Dragon Rapid and 2 PT-26As. -167- grrnanin rnorn nissfm Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A0028000 Ou01-9 , Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 It is doubtful that DTA could make a significant contribution to the movement of commercial cargoes as an alternate to the railroads and. highways. It could., however) contribute significantly to the movement of troops and light military cargo from the ports to the interior. Statistica1 data on the lil5k traffic are presented in Tillie 14. See Table 4.11 * j. 173 below. Approved For Release 2g) TDINI C A-rxr 049 002000010001-9 6-1?0001?0009ZOOV61701.016/dCltl-VI3 : 91./90/000Z eseeletl JOd PeA0AdV srjr.T...: n rertraf?.1 t 1,1014 I Table]. 1%/A1roads of Angola (1962) Miscellaneous Data Benguela Luanda Mocamedes Amboini Total Total Tradk Miles N.A. N.A. N.A. W.A. N.A. Total Route Miles 2/ 879 265 566 76 1,786 Gauge: 31 6" 879 265 469 lone 1,613 Other None None 97 76 173 2.5 3.2 2.8 N.A. 6o 40-60 40-60 LA. 14 14 14 N.A. Maximum Grade (%) Weight of Rail (pounds per yard) Maximum Axle Load (Short tons) Maximum Distance between passing tracks Locomotives (units) 'Freight Cars (units) Passenger CoRrbes Passenger Motor Cars 17 27 17 N.A. 102W 37 31?! 10 18a 1,553 9./ 501 303 48 2,405 46 55 25 3 129 None 15 6 N.A. 21 a. All railroads in Angola are single track, steam operated and with manual bloc signaling. b. Includes two diesel hydraulic switchers. c. Includes 23 steam, three diesel-electric, and five steam locomotives for narrow gauge track. d. Includes 800 open freight cars. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 SECRE1/3 FORE ESE' 'Table 2 Railroads of .Angola Selected Statistical Data, 1958 - 1961 TOTAL ALL RAILROADS 1958 159 1,6o 1961 C14 0 0 0 0 0 Csi 0 0 ?Zr 4059,615 NA 4,019,885 989,266 18,099,314. NA IA 1,031,393 NA 4,769,788 1,130,143 23,164,004. IA IA, 799,363 IA 4,529,167 1,130,104 23,237,376. NA IA Passengers Carried (number) Passenger Miles Tons-Carried (short tons) Ton Miles (000 snort ton miles) Revenues (Js) .41 Expenses (sUS) Operating Ratios Benguela Railroad 765,196 36,238,203 2,980,333 786,795 529,330. 14,020,912. 435,193. 14,985,435. 9,122,498. 6o.8 14,495 725,705 37,445,702 3,023,196 824,797 563,867. 14,734,081. 441,339. 15,739,314. 9,609,455. 61.o 14,703 244,550 /A 448,605 47,552 1,624,000. IA IA IA 725,500 36,242,927 3,985,108 1,018,846 546,750. 19,687,291. 470,282. 20,704,323. 11,362,682. 54-9 16,100 221,941 IA. 491,597 52,107 1,709,020. IA IA NA 0 622,271 CL 31,092,088 3,870,334 c:k 1,039,979 1.0 449,723. 176 20,165,465. 0 297,103. 0 0 20,912,291. 12,496,666. U) 59-7 U) 17,629 108,301 NA 0 s- 440,853 46,730 I 1,456,399. NA IA NA Passengers carried (number) Passenger Miles Tons Carried (short tons) Ton Miles r0 s49rt ton miles) Revenues: SUS) JJ Passenger 'Freight Other Total Revenues Operating Expenses ($US) Operating Ratio (percent) Personnel Luanda Railroad Passengers Carried (number) Passenger Miles Tons Carried (short tons) Ton Miles (000 short t9n miles) Total Revenues (is) li Expenses ($US) Operating Ratio (percent) Nersonnel ? Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 plimq?%1:20! SECklET1(3 F: 7: Table 2 (continued) Railroads of Angola ? Selected Statistical Data, 1958 - 1961 Weamedes Railroad 1958 1959 1961 79,339 NA 73,706 wA. 62,443 IA Passengers Carried (number) Passenger Miles Tons Carried (short tons) 511,133 255,597 186,767 Ton Mlles (000 short ton miles) 115,516 57,765 42,209 Total Revenues ($US) 565,000. 559,115. 670,428. Expenses (SUS) NA lti NA Operating Ratio (percent) IA NA NA Personnel NA KA HA Amboin Railroad 10,021 NA 10,246 Nit 6,348 NA Passengers Carried (number) Passenger Miles Tons Carried (short tons) 36,951 37,506 31,213 Ton Miles (000 short ton miles) 1,401 1,425 1,186 Total Revenues ($US) 1710000. 191,546. 198,258. Expenses (us) NA NA NA Operating Ratio (percent) IA NA NA Personnel NA NA NA 21= Revenues and Expenses converted from Escudos at the rate of 1,000 Escudos = 1 Conto = $34.96 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Table 3 - Peaports of Angola Traffic and Revenue Ports 1960 (% of total) 1961 (% of total) LOBITO 1,056 1,889,526 (66.8%) 1,013 1,784,405 (65.8%) Number of ships entioring Tons handled (short tons) of which coastal traffic was 95,116 105,625 Receipts (PS) 1/ 2,8870172. 57.00 2,755,512. (53.9%) LUANDA Number of ships entering 1,015 1,007 Tons handled (short tons) Receipts (OS) 1/ MOCAMEDES 847,948 (30.0%) 837,884 (39.9%) 2,046,628.(40.4%) 2,224,470. (43.5%) Number of ships entering Tons handled (short tons) 622 90,759 (3.2%) 497 86,667 (3.2%) Receipts ($US) 1/ 1300925. (2.6%) 1300366. (2.6%) Total Tonnage Handled (short.tons) 2,828,233 (100%) 2,708,956 (100%) Total Receipts ($us) 1/ 5,064,725.4000 5,1100348.400P 1/ Converted from Escudos at the rate of 0000 escudos I. 1 Con.0 ill $34.96 -172- SECRETTEO FOREIGN Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Table 4 Selected Statistical Data of Angolan Airlines, 195971961 Passengers Carried Tons Carried (short tons) 1959 40,662 631.8 1960 44,024 576.5 Mail Carried (pounds) 316,468 555,335 Revenue ($US) $1,188,000. $11370,397. Miles Iflown 1?412,9o2 1,3741660 night Hour 9,383 8,809 onverted from scud00 a rate Of escu 00 con - 173 - SECRET/NO firSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 II. epdblic of the Congo* A. Transportation System The inland transportation system of the Congo is a closely integrated system of railroad and river routes in which highway transport provides a feeder service to and from river ports and rail terminals. Almost all of the freight traffic originating in the interior of the country must move over a combination of railroad and water routes to reach a Congo seaport. The only alternatives to a combination of railroad and Water routes are direct railroad services through Northern and Southern Rhodesia to seaports in Mozambique and South Africa, or through Angola to the Atlantic Ocean port of Lobito. The main transportation artery is the rail-river-rail route from the northern Rhodesian border through Elisabeth- vile and Port Francqui to Leopoldville and Matadi, often referred to as the Route Nationale. However, the shortest route to the sea is the rail route from Elisabeth- vile through Tehke and Dilolo to Lobito in Angola. Before 1962, about 75% of the Khtanga mineral traffic reached the sea over this route and the remainder by way of the longer and less convenient Route Nationale. Since independence, almost all of the Khtanga traffic has been diverted to the route through Angola because of the destruction of railroad bridges in north Khtanga and in Kasai provinces, but a small amount has moved throut Northern and Southern Rhodesia to Mozambique. All public transportatita services are under the jurisdiction of the -Ministry of Transport and CommuniMtion of the Government of the Congo at Leopoldville. * Formerly the Belgian Congo -174- SECITIND FORM DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/95/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 All public transportation services, except air service, are provided by four transportation companies, one of which is government-owned, and the other three are owned by private Belgian interests. The four transportatbn companies are as follows: 1. Office d/Exploitation des Transports aa Congo (OTRAC0). OTRACO is a government-owned company with headquarters in Leopoldville. It operates the Matadi-Leopoldville Railroad (CFML), the Boma(. Tschela Railroad, and about 8,000 miles of river routes on the Congo River and its tributaries. 2. Compagnie du Chemin de Per du Bas Congo au Khtanga (BCK) BCK is a privately owned Belgian company with Congo headquarters in Elisdbethville. It is entirely a railroad operation. 3. Compagnie du Chemin de Per du Congo Superieur aux Grands Lacs Africans (CFL). CFL is a privately owned Belgian company, but the Congo govern- ment owns 25 percent of the stock. Its Congo headquarters are in Albertville. The CFL is primarily a rail road operating company but it also operates river and lake services in conjunction with the railroad operations. 4. Societe des Chemins de Fez' Vicinaux du Congo (VICICONGO). VICICONGO is a Belgian Company with Congo headquarters in Aketi. It operates rail, river and road services. VICICONGO serves only a small area of the country and is almost completely isolated from the other transportation systems. - 175 - urnamin 1fl1IfM flISMA Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 It is not considered in detail in this report. The total staff employed by these four companies in 1959 was about 32,5000 of vhich only 1,252 were Europeans and the remainder Congolese. B. Railroads There are five railroads in the Congo with a total route length of 3,186 I 'miles. One of these ip a short, 85-mile, 2' gauge route running from Boma on the lower Congo River to Tshela an agricultural community near the border of Cabinda\ vhich is an Angolan enclave on the Atlantic Ocean. It is a part of the OTRACO system but does not connect with any other railroad and neither does it connect with the main inland water system of the Congo. In the absence of reliable data pertaining to the Boma-Tshela roUte, it is not considered further in this report. The other railroads consisting of 3,100 miles of various gauges* (see Table 1) comprise the main 1 railroad system and in 1961 they carried about 5.7 million tons of freight and 1.6 million passengers. (see Table 2**) 1. CFML (OTRACO system) The CFML is a Tart of the OTRACO system and its headquarters are at Thysville, It is a 3'6" gauge route 242 miles in length'vhich connects Leopoldville with the lower Congo River and the port of Matadi. Although the an is the shortest of the 3'6" gauge-routes in the Congo it is one of the most important segments of the entire Congo transportation system because it plovides the final link in the system's ?19O below. 4*[ ..tage_34_belOi? -176- SECRETINO FOREI DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Only outlet to the sea which it entirely under the control of the Congo. It is, in effect, the neck of the funnel that is the Congo transportation system. In 1957 this railroad handled over 3 million tons of cargo for a daily average of about 8,000 tons.* In 19590 the first full year after independence, tonnage dropped to 974 thousand tons -- just over half of the pre-independence tonnage and only one-third of the 1957 figure. Moreover, all of the Katanga copper which represented about 14 percent of the revenues earned by the railroad in 19590 was diverted to other routes in 1960 and 1961 and where the railroad had been a money maker in earlier years, it was reportedly operating at a loss of between 400 and 600 thousand dollars per month in 1960. The principal reason for the drastic reduction in tonnage handled by the CFML was the destruction of some of the bridges, particularly the Lubilash bridge on the BCK railroad in Katanga Province. Under normal conditions, a large portion of the freight traffic originating in the southern half of the Congo is delivered to Port Francqui for movement by river to Ieopoldville and thence via the CFML tO Matadi for export. Most of that traffic has been diverted to the rail route through Angola. With the restorat- ion of the bridges mentioned above, that traffic which included about 660 thousand tons of mineral traffic in 19611 could be diverted to the Route Nationale. The CFML is fully capable of handling the traffic from Leopoldville to Matadi because the mineral traffic from Katanga combined with other traffic persently moving over the CFML would amount to only about 1.5 million tons yearly, well below the 3 million tons handled In 1957 and about equal to the tonnage handled in 1959. * Fags i,?11 below. - 177 - DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CiEgglid904E18uu010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 The CMG has 136 locomotives of which 28 are diesel. It is believed, however, that current train service over the route is almost entirely diesel operated, with steam locomotives being used as switch engines or held in reserve. The railroad owns 3900 freight cars of various types. The control-pf"the am by Congolese forces is absolutely essential .if the Congo is to maintain its own outlet to the sea. Otherwise, all traffic would be forced to routes passing through Angol4 Northern and Southern Rhodesia, Abzambique South Africa, or Tanganyika. 2. BCK The BCK, with headquarters in Elisabethville, operates 1,661 miles of 3'6" gauge route of which 328 miles in Katanga are electrified. The BCK runs from Sekania on the Rhodesian border, where it connects with the Rhodesian railways, in a northwesterly direction through Elisabethville, Tanke and Kamina to Port Francqui, where it connects with the river services of OTRACO and thence to Leopoldville. At /canine, a branch line extends northeast to Kabongo where it connects with the CFL serving Albertville on Lake Tanganyika. At Tetkel the line branches west to Dilolo on the Angolan border where it connects with the Benguela Railroad serving Lobito on the Atlantic Ocean. The BCK is the only railroad route in the Congo which connects directly with the railroad systems of neighboring countries, Rolling stock is interchanged with the railroad systems of Angola aid Rhodesia. The Dilolo (Angolan border) to Bakania (Rhodesian border) line is the C ago link in the trans-African network of railroads serving Angola, Congo, BbodesSel Mozambique and. South Africa. -178- SECRETMO FORIM MEM Approved For Release 2600/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 The BCK provides the shortest rote to the sea through Angola (Elisabethville-Iobito, 1,309 miles) (Elisabethville-Matadi via Route Nationale, 1,713 miles, about 1/3 longer). Moreover, the tail-river-rail route to Matadi is much slower and requires two transloading operations. The cost of transporting cargo by river is usually less than by rail) however, the cost of the translOading required In this instance would probably negate any savings realized on the water portion of the movement, so it is probable that the longer Route Nationale would, from an out- of-pocket cost standpoint, be more costly than the shorter route through Angola. Even before independence the government appears to have acknowledged the cost differ- ential, because over 75 percent of the mineral traffic used the shorter route through Angola. Imports, however, were in large part funneled through Matadi and over the Route Nationale by the expedient of compelling the BCK to assess a 12.5 percent sur- charge on freight rates on cargo routed inbound through Angola. Statistics on the total tonnage handled via the Route Nationale in recent years are not available. However, some order of magnitude can be obtained by analysis of the traffic handled at Port Francqai, the point at Which traffic on the OTRACO river system is interchanged with the BCK railroad. The following data Indicates the tonnage handled at Port Francqui daring the period:1959-1962: Year Short Tons Handled 1959 412,213 1960 288,945 1961 82,256 1962 132,276 The drastic reduction in tonnage handled in 1961 is explained by the fact that some - 179 - Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CtERFTAitnOTAREMORM" Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 of the railroad, bridges on the route serving Port Prancqui were destroyed during that year. In October 19620 the Iubilash bridge was restored, which may account for the increase shown in 1962. However, the bridge was again damaged in January 19630 . and no Katangan traffic is reaching Port Francqui at present. Tbtal traffic handled by the BCC in 1961 was 4.2 million tons, about 3 times as much tonnage as was handled by all other Oongo railroads combined. (see Table 2) 117he military traffic capacity of the segment of the BCK railroad 'which serves Po Francqui is estimated at 6 trains each way per day with an average of 330 tons er train. At that rate the railroads could deliver about 723 thousand tons per year to Port Pratcqui for movement by river to Leopoldville. This is well above the 660 thousand tons of mineral traffic which was carried on the BCK railroad and through Angola in 1961. The port capacity of Port Francqui is estimated at about 3,000 tons per day or in extess of 1 million tons per year. It is conceivable there- fore, that the Route Rationale could accept and handle the traffic presently moving through Angola, in the eveht that the Angolan route should be denied and provided that bridge damages are repaired. 3. dPla The CPL is a combined river-rail operating company serving the eastern part of the Congo. A 78 mile 3t3/8" gauge line connects with the river services of OTRACO at Stanleyville and provides a portage around the Stanley Falls section of the Ina-Ube itiVer to Ponthierville. A 'iver service is operated from POnthierville to Xindu t which point it connects the mein CFI railroad route. Ii4age 191, ?below. SECRETINO MEM DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 The =railroad is a 3'6" gauge route 598 miles in length. It connects with the BCK railroad at Kabongo. At Kabalo, a section of the main route runs eastward to Albertville on Lake Tanganyika. A lake service operated by the CFL provides a connection with the railroads of Tanganyika at Kigoma and thence to the Indian Ocean port of Dar es Salaam. The destruction of a major bridge at Kongolo, north of Kabalo, has brought through traffic on that section of the route to a virtual standstill, and it is expected that two years will be required to :restore the bridge. Other sections of the CFL route, including the route from BC1Esystem terminal at Kabongo, to Albert- ville, are expected to be fully operable by August 1963. The importance of the CFL route connecting with the BCK at Kabongo and running to Albertville lies in the fact that it offers an alternate to the Route Nationale, the route through Angola, or the route through Northern and Southern Rhodesia to Mozambique. Should the use of these routes be denied by either political or military action, the Kabongo-Albertville route offers the only rai oute for the export of Katanga mineral traffic. The throughput capacity of the route fortiahilitary traffic is estimated at 3 trains and a total of 900 tons per day. At that rate, 328,500 tons of Katanga traffic could be transported to Albertville yearly. This is only slightl: Over half of the mineral traffic presently moving over the Angola route. The estimated military capacity of the port at Albertville is 1,500 tons per day. How- ever, the largest amount of traffic handled at Albertville in recent years was in 1958 when about 250 thousand tons were recorded inbound and outbound (an average of -181- DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 685 tons per day). The tonnage has declined steadily since 1958 and in 1962, only- an estimated 50 thousand tons were handled. 4. vicicaNGo The vicicoma is a combined rail-river-road operating company Serving the northeastern areas of the Congo. Its only connection with the rest of the Congo is via the Itimbiri River which connects with the OTRACO system at Yambinga On the upper Congo. The railroad segment of the VICICON00 is a l' 11-5/8" gauge route about 522 miles in length and is not considered in detail in this report. C. 'plaid Faterwaypi The inland inttricky system of the Congo is comprised of a vast network of rivers a-ld lakes extending into all sections of the country. In many areas, river transport is the only means of transport available throughout the entire year. The Congo and the Kasai rivers and their tributaries, and Lake Tanganyika, form the back- bone of the system. The routes which carry most of the all-water traffic are, in order of importance: The Congo River from Leopoldtille to Otanleyville. The Kasai River from Leopoldville via the Congo to Port Francvi. The Upper Congo (Lualaba) from Ponthierville to Bukama. lake Tanganyika. Upstream from Stanleyville on the Iualaba, navigation is interrupted on two sections of the river by rapids, and railroad service provide a by-pass for those sections. A similar situation prevails below Leopoldville on 1:le Congo River where the rapids are?hir by-passed the Matadi Leopoldville railroad. *principal companies monopolize the tmlsportation services on the - 3.8e Saitdid 11litElEll 'DISSEM Approved For Release-2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 th. waterways. They are/ -0TRA0O and CF.L. OTRACO. operates services an the Congo from Ieopoldville,to Stanleyville and on the Kasai from the Congo River junction to Port Francqui. It also operates the Matadi-Boma-Banana services on the lower, maritime reaches of the Congo.** The CFL operates all service on the upper reaches of the Congo above Stanleyville, and the services on Lake Tanganyika. The capacities of the various waterways varies because of the different types of river craft assigned to the various sections and the limitations imposed by the capability of river ports to load and unload the cargo carried. it is estimated that the Leppoldville-Stanleyville route can handle 3,500 tons of military cargo each way per dayltiria-POii7capacities at each end of the route are believed to be adequate for that tonnage. The through military capacity of the Leopoldville-Port Francqui route, Yellen is the Kasai River portion of the Route Nationale, is limited to 3,000 tons per day which is the maximum capacity of Port Francqui. The capacity of Port Francqui is, however, greater than the capacities of railroads and highways to clear the port. In any event; the throughput capacity of the route between Port francqui and Leopoldville is welll above the 660,000 tons of Katangan mineral traffic presently moving from Katanga Province over the rail route through Angola. The capacity of the Lake Tanganyika services to transport cargo between Albertville and Kigoma, the lake port in Tanganyika, is estimated at 1,500 tons per day which is well above the papability of the Congo railroad services (an) to deliver -1*---Te;K7E1=C, iage 175 above. *If See Table 40 page 194belov. -163- SECREIJKO FOREIGN DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 cargo to the lake port at Albertville. D. Highway The highway network of the Congo consists of about 100 thousand miles of all types of roads of which about 95 percent have only a natural dirt surface. Less than 1,500 miles have a waterproof, all-weather surface, and about 3,900 miles have a rolled gravel surface. Numerous bridges of low capacity restrict through movements and during the rainy season from October through April, most of the road net becomes virtually impassable for extended periods of time. As late as Wirth 1963 qua1i4ied American observers reported that the condition of the net and truck fleet in the former province of Kasai could only be regarded as disastrous, and that extreme difficulties were experienced even in distributing food supplies. Similar conditions have been reported as existing throughout all of the Congo. Some of the smaller mines and isolated agricultural enterprises which are dependent upon bighwy transport Ito market their production, have almost ceased production since independence due to a shortage of trucks and the deterioration of the road net. About half of the VIVI- CONGO fleet of 525 trucks are inoperable for lack of repairs due to inadequate main- tenance and a shortage of spare parts. Detailed statistical data on commercial freight traffic over the highways in recent years are not available for analysis. However, in 1958, commercial high- way transport accounted for only 375 thousand tons of freight. No doubt this was in- creased substantially up to 1960 because a major effort was made to improve the high- ways and to build bridges. Since 1960 little has been done, and it is doubtful that commercial highway transport offers anything more than limited farm-to-market service fox - 3.84 - SECRET/NO FOREIGN DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 ? ? Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 agricultural products or a short haul feeder service.c.o and from railroad and river 'terminals. The truck inventory in 1963 is estimated at about 31 thousand vehicles of all sizes and types as compared with about 36 thousand registered in the state of Rhode Island, USA. Many of these are reportedly inoperable for lack of adequate maintenance and a shortage of spare parts. Although additional vehicles could be imported, it is doubtful that the road net could be brought up to the standards necessary to sustain heavy commercial freight over long distances without a major, time-Consuming construction program. It is concluded, therefore, that with few exceptions, highway transport does not offer a potential substitute for railroad or river transport of commercial cargo within the Congo or for international transport of commodities in import or export traffic. One exception is the 680 mile highway leading from Elisabethville to Albertville on Lake Tanganyika. This route could conceivably be made to supplement the railroad services between these points and offers a limited capability for export- import traffic aver Lake Tanganyika and to Dar es Salaam.* The capacity of the high- way is estimated at about 160 trucks each way per day or about Boo tons per day at 5 tons per truck. The limiting factor on this route at present is a ferry over the Luvua River near Kiambi which requires 20 minutes for . the round trip, carrying only one truck thus limiting the route to 72 trucks each way per day. An increase in the capacity of the ferry at this point could bring the daily capacity of the route up to its limit of 160 trucks and 800 tons in each direction. * In this connection, consider also the highway from Elisabethville to Dar es Salaam via Rhodesia which is discussed in the Tanganyika section of this appendix, page . - 185 - SECRE1A:q ppSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79 1 49A00 0 1 0 -9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 A second exception is the 21l mile route between DeopoldvilIe and Matadi. This all-weather route was recently imploved and is believed to be capable of sustaining about 600 trucks each way per day or from 1,500 to 3,000 tons depending upon the nature of the cargo carried. In spite of he limitations imposed by the highway network for movement of commeicial cargo, it is probable that highway transport is capable of contributing significantly to the support of military operations in the Congo. Modern military vehi4es with 4-wheel drive and high horsepower in relationship to load capacity operations over highways which could not sustain large scale commercial operations yith conventional commercial vehicles. 14. Ports The lower reaches of the Congo River provide the only access to the sea for the Congo. Matadi the principal Tort, is the upstream terminal for all navigat- Ian on the lower or maritime reaches of the Con4o, and is the only port which provides rail and road clearance to or from the interior of the country. About 90 percent of the port traffic of the Congo excluding petroleum products, is handled at Matadi. About two miles downstream from Matadi is the port of Ango Ango, which is used primarily as a receiving port for petroleum porducts. Other ports are Boma, Banana, Binds, *elite. and Wanda/ all in the Congo River estuary but none of these offer direct railroad or 'tied connections with the principal inland areas of the Congo and. are therefore not ennaldered in this report. Matadi ia located about 87 miles upstream from theL mouth of the Congo River and about 227 miles ,by railroad) downstream from Ieopoldville. The capacity - 186 - lEgRETINO FOREIGN DISSEt." Approved For Release 2uv05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 of the port for the discharge of military cargo is estimated at about 7,900 tons per day utilizing ships' gear only for cargo handling. The real capacity of the port is porbably well above that figure however. There is a usable wharfage of about 6,000 feet, With berths available for 10 vessels of 460 feet each in length. The minimum depth of the approach channel is 28n4'eet, but vessels must be capable of a speed of at least 10 knots because of strong current int the river leading to the port. Numerous Cranes are available, the maximum capacity of which is 50 tons. About 4,000 laborers are available regularly for cargo handling at theport. Ango Ango) the petroleum pert, has about 1,000 feet of usable wharfage. It has a storage capacity for about 860 thousand barrels of petroleum products. During 1959, the Matadi port handled 1.5 million tons, and an average of about 5,250 tons per day consisting of 1,640 tons (31.1%) outbound and 3,610 tons (68.9%) inbcfundLAft_Tahle 3*._. The total has dropped consistently since independence and in 1962, the estimated annual total based on a three month average was only 921,180 tons. Moreover, the direction of flaw has changed to 53.3% outbound and 46.7% inbound. The capacity of the port is believed to be well above the tonnage handled in recent years (1959-1962) An interesting, and What could prove to be a significant aspect of navigation in the lower Congo, is the location of the Angolan and Congo borders in relation to the navigable channel of the Congo River. In 1891, the Belgian and Portugese governments agreed to use the then.existing navigable channel of the river as the boundary between the Provinces of Angola and the Belgian Congo. It 1.7.4 ? Age -156, below. -187- Approved For Release 2000/05/F5r.faVARP:321 V -2OSSEN1-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 WS further agreed that the boundary would remain fixed regardless of changes in or to, or the r4,1064alkon of the navigable channel. The agreement was never ratified by either government. At present, at least three sections of the navigable channel lie within Angolan territory and these sections require constant dredging to maintain a satisfactory depth for ocean shipping. At present this dredging is acCompliebed by Congo Hydrographic Services which maintains the entire channel from Matadi to the sea. There is little or no possibility of relocating a channel entirely within Congo Waters. The toortugese are, therefore, in a position lo restrict or disrupt dredging operations in those waters controlled by them, and in so doing could effect- ively disrupt sea traffic i to and from the Congo ports of Matadi and Ango Ango. Such action would, however, abrogate an international treaty since the Portugese are 'signatories to the Congo Basin Treaty Of 1095 'which prohibits restrictions on commerce in the Congo Basin. Y. Civil Air TransRort Civil air transport in the Congo is conducted by three air carriers. These three carriers are: Air Congo, Sobelair and Air Brousse. Air Congo was established in June 1961 as the national airline of the Congo with headquarters at Leopoldville. Sabena, the Belgian airline, provides technical assistance, personnel, and equipment. Aircraft are on lease-purchase from Oabena. The Congo government has subscribed 65 percent of the capital, Sabena 30 percent, and BObelair and Air A-rousse jointly percent. Statistical data on operations are not available. The SECILla MINN DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDF79T01049A002800010001-9 ? Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 aircraft operated by Air Congo consist of 2 DC-6s, 5 DC-4s and 8 DC-3s. Sobelair operates a charter service in the Congo with 3 Cessna 310 aircraft. Operational data are not available. Air Btousse operates Charter and local scheduled service in the Congo. The head office of the company is in Leopoldville. During 1961, the company carried 13,455 passengers. Aircraft consist of 6 Beechcraft D-las, 4 Rapide, 2 Aztec, 2 Apache and 1 Piper Pacer. Approved For Release 2000/05/MallP9MENECOMR1-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 LUttt1 P.1:7'1.- brcluding the Boma-Tahela Railroad, 85 miles long and 21 gauge. 1)/ Diesel and steam. IV Switching locomotives. Includes: CFML - 3 railcars; BCK - 3 raiicars; and VICICONGO - 1 rail cr; Dolible:track- 49 None None 149 ZE, Mnitiple,track None None o o Type of traction: (7) None Steam None 676 522Y o None o lone Blectric 1,3398 None op C?1 Diesel 242 None None 522 g o o Gauge: .4 -3" 6" (standard) .242 1,661 598 None 2,501 ?zra) None o Other None 78 522 6coo (7) Maximum Wade (percent) 3.2 2.3 2.0 4.0 1- cr) Signaling: r- AlAnuAl bloc 199 10661 None 676 NO:: 3,058 ca- CTC 43 43 ct Wight of -*ail (pounds per yard) 36 - 67 88 None 48 - 60 33 - 67 ci Maxim= axle load (short tons) 8 - 18 16 - 20 11 - 16 8 cr) " Maximum distance between passing tracks 10 - 15 17 19 - 33 32 - 40 u.) .- Locomotives: Steam 62 115 36 8 221 0 BlectricNone 33 None None 33 8 Diesel1 28 2 10 11 51 2 Other SI 46 66 33 14 159 114 Total 136 216 79 33 464 2 Freight Cars: Tv Box 1,454 1,471 344 151 3,420 ct I_ Open 1,607 2,280 163 17 4,067 2 Tank 191 26 - 2 7 226 Other 417 318 91 76 Tots].Tots].3,669 ../ 41095 600? 251 On ? , Passenger Cars 107' ?V 11.5 ?V 42 2TP 351 a - -o Selected Statistical Data, 1958 - 1261 -o > -s 0 TS < TS CD -s O 0- < ......_._1.,V...._._., 19591960 1961 -n o o a TOTAL ALL RATIROADS , n 71 X O , M -s Passengers Carried (number) 2, 2541844 2,293,911 2, 584,831 NA c7 XNA o) (,) o Passenger Miles 120, 587, 508 119,906,359 127, 158, 051 c7 Tons Carried (short tons) 10, 396,493 10, 076, 962 n1195,999 NA o U) r..) m Ton Miles (000 short ton miles) 1, 315, 922 1, 273, 148 1, 386, 382 - NA 0 CD 0 r..) Total Revenues (*US)W 35,113,593. 331729,285. 38,14-46,147. NA o so o 17, 55b, 154. 17,881,724. NA o Expenses (*US) 15,405,443. al o Operating Ratio (percent) 43.87 52.05 46.51 NA crIll o c.ri .. crn1 0 A. lourenco Marques System (4 routes) 0 T.-0 x ???1 O Passengers Carried (number) 1,423,951 1, 450, 072 1,663,946 1,708,722 op -o 35,614,480 37,624,664 1361535,3118= -1 ???1 Passenger Miles 47,844,216 o cs)5,843, 303 5,597,612 6,199,934 6,424,672 8 Tons Carried -1 (short tons) o Ton Miles)00 sirprt ton miles) 619,308 588,128 661,153 NA op "o Revenues (j. S) -EY > o CD 619,701. 632,077. 685,915. 0 > Passenger 535,158. r..) o Freight 1418451048. 14, 235, 502. 15, 984, 306. co o 16, 140154-3. o r..) Total Revenues 15, 380, 2C6. 141855, 203. 16,616,383. 16,826,458. o o co 8 oipenses 5,6311 389. 6, 488, 191. 6,444,421. NA o E (*US) Operating Ratio (percent) 36.61 43.68 38.78 XL o o o _. _. o Personnel XII NA 7,813 NA cks o - 230 - 4 4 - 230 - - 230 - 6-1?0001?0008ZOOV61701.016/dCIU-VI3 : 91./90/000Z eseeleu Jod peAwddv rotlIstr tl..).1,.,*; Ufa Llti A. Lourenco Marques System Table 2, (continued) 1960 1961 Railroads of Mozambique Selected Statistical Data, 1958 - 1961 I:?58 1959 1. Ressano - Garcia line Passengers Carried (number) 672,802 510,899 716,744 NA Passenger Miles -16,425,504 13,261,645 20,331,283 NA Tons Carried (short tons) 41236,156 3,742,817 45.160,273 NA Ton Miles0 slgort ton miles) 228,571 195,010 220,164 NA .7 Revenues ( S) 21 Passenger 224,064. 203,664. 257,690. NA Yreight 6,464,964. 5,928,757. 6,660,450. NA Total Revenues 6,629,028. 6,132,421. 6,918,140. NA Expenses ($US) 2,161,144. 2,348,072. 2,539,679. NIL Operating Ratio (percent) 32.6 38.3 36.7 NA Nrsonnel Nk. NA NA NA 2. Gobs line Passengers Carried (number) 61,546 117,026 111,050 NA Passenger Miles 1,283,396 1,780,915 1,687,436 NA Tons Carried (short tons) 172,228- 236,646 311,714 NA Ton Miles VO slgort ton miles) 4,049 5,706 6,040 NA Revenues ( ON Passenger 17,328. 26,007. 26,369. NA freight 101,607. 156,967. 149,413. NA Total Revenues 118,935. 182,974. 175,782. NA -Operating Expenses ($US) 94,073. 142,485. 116,171. NA Operating Ratio (percent) 79.1 77.9 66.1 IA Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Table 2 (continued.) Railroads of Mozambique Selected Statistical Data, 1958 - 1961 A. Lourenco Nerves System (conit) 1958 1959 1960 1961 3. Limpopo line Passengers Carried (number) Passenger Niles Tons Carried (short tons) Ton Niles Vo sloprt ton miles) Receipts ( 21 Passenger Freight Total Revenues Expenses (SUS) Operating Ratio (percent) Personnel 163,253 206,245 731,658 Nk 11,325,309 14,236,027 18,619,506 NA 1,377,390 4486,065 1,407,163 NA 385,367 382,752 423,414 NA 155,181. 207,137. 228,002. NA 8,252,997. 8,059,482. 8,943,851. NA 8,408,178. 8,266,619. 9,171,853. NA 3,195,545. 31682,444. 3,554,237. NA 35.3 44.5 38.8 NA NA NA NA NA 4. Xinavane line. Passengers Carried (number) 526,350 615,902 104,494 NA Passenger Niles 10,223,853 12,195,31)4. 10,657,978 NA Tons Carried (short tons) 57,529 132,085 320,785 NA Wimi NilesOt1).1:0 84,ort ton miles) 1,321 4,660 11,535 NA Revenues ( ) N Passenger 2011514. 182,883. 231,188. NA Freight 85,460. 90,298. 230,603. NA Total evenues 286,994. 173,181. 461,791. NA Expenses (SUS) 180,627. 315,192. 1314,3146. NA Operating Ratio (percent) 62.9 182. 29.1 NA Personnel NA NA NA NA Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 6-1.0001.0008ZOOV61701.016/dCIU-VI3 91./90/000Z eseelati Jod peAwddv SECF'" rP,17.11 Table 2 (continued) Railroads of Mozambique Selected Statistical Data, 1958 1961 B. Beira Railroad 1258 1952 1960 1961 Passengers Carried, (number) 294,685 271,648 276,524 NA Passenger Miles 30,071870 27,690,111 25,439,509 NA Tams Carried (short tons) 31069,192 3,056,180 3,239,919 NA Ton Miles short ton miles) 4821477 480,339 495,680 NA Revenues ( ;.:01100 Passenger NA 292,755. 280,554. NA Freight Na 11,160,770. 12,198,033. NA Total Revenues 12,124,858. 11,453,525. 12,478,587. NA Ekpenses ($US) 57530,563. 6,257,456. 6,366,636. NA Operating Ratio (percent) 45.61 54.63 51.02 NA Personnel KA 4,733 5,050 NA C. Thana-Zembesia Railroad 202,333 38,018,371 805,058 136,296 190,811 186,975 34,960,707 1,075,664 151,106 193,170 30,298,000 938,244 145,004 Passengers Carried (number) Passenger Miles Tons Carried (short tons) Ton Miles 009 Short ton miles) Revenues ( gi 35,850,1001 789,194 133,646 Passenger 3,259,144. 3,029,824. 3,750,868. lui Freight 2,775,2811. 2,799,389. 3,879,124. 3,821,353. Total Revenues 6,034,428. 5,829,213. 7,629,992. NA Tenses ($US) 2,321,836. 2,308,071. 2,485,831. NA Operating Ratio (percent) 38.5 39.6 32.6 NA Personnel NA RA NA NA 6-1.0001.0008ZOOV61701.016/dCIU-VI3 91?/90/000Z eseeieu iod peAwddv 31. Gaza Railroad Passengers Carried (number) Passenger Mlles a Freight Tons Carried (short tons) Ton Miles O s4Ort ton miles) Revenues (us) .941 Passenger Freight Total Revenues Expenses (SUS) Operating Ratio (percent) Personnel cri Inhambane Railroad th0 ???1 CD 0 cs, 0 0 co 0 0 Passengers Carried (number) Passenger Mlles TOns Carried (short tons) Ton Mlles ..10700 sb,ort ton miles) Revenues (,3 ) Pd Passenger Freight Total Revenues Expenses (*5S) Operating Ratio (percentage) Personnel Railroad Selected Table 2 (continued) - 1961 1961 Railroads of Mbzadbique Statistical Data, 1958 1958 1959 1960 27, P12 27,452 60,880 WA 749,248 732,595 1,469,540 NA 26,756 181394 23,939 NA 887 993 1,106 NA 18,673. 19,368. 24,507. NA 28,243. 28,282. 26,674. NA 46,916. 471650. 51,181. NA 105,397. 123,514. 120,157. NA 2214..6 259.2 234.8 NA NA NA NA NA ,697 101 A NA 24,895 25 821,150 787,537 111-4Z' 1891395 28,586 25,610 27,270 45,726 996 784 11066 NA 16,416. 16,851. 19,039. 54,608. 25,465. 291716. 30,975. 48,035. 41,881. 116,567. 49,014. 102,643. 1111659. 132,288. 1148114.05 NA 266.6 284. 302.8 NA IL la EA IA oF. Quelemane Passengers Carried (number) Passenger Miles Tons Carried (Short tons) Short Ton Miles Revenues OUS) Passenger Freight Total Revenues Expenses (*US) Operating Ratio (percent) Personnel 199,243 123,660 137,256 6,265,895 6,136,650 NA 118,762 115,959 119,740 6,280 5,668 NA 85,03. 85,372. 82,836. 1:48,b5p. 1351540. 113,026. 233,813. 220,912. 195,862. 517,792. 5231.001. NA 221.4 236.7 NA NA _ 1,9c17 NA 102,320 5,1128,743 158,324 7,666 85,385. 174,191. 259,576. 372,863. 143.6 NA etrfter:;* * Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 G. Mocambijue Railroad. Passengers Carried (number) Passenger Niles Freight Carried (short tons) Ton Miles VO ort ton miles) Revenues ( S Passenger Freight Total Revenues Ifipenses ($US) Operating Ratio (percent) Personnel SECRFT7 77771 7-17121 Table 2 (continued) Railroads of Mozambique Selected Statistical Data, 1958 1261 1958 1959 154,878 71929,412 157,629 172,492 8 643,878 158,285 22,203 19,045 116,096. 128,198. 587,153. 582,014. 703,249. 710,212. 8250665. 1,094,178. 117.4 154.0 xii, xA IL Tete' Railroad 24, 570 1,968,234 33,656 2,310,875 Passengers Carried (nuoiLer) Passenger Miles Freight Carried (short tons) 307,645 312,925 Ton short ton miles) 46,089 43,931 Revenues $US) Pal Passenger 29,664. 29,751. Freight 492,725. 523,351. Total Revenues 522,389. Expenses ($US) 506,091. 334a: Operating Ratio (percent) 96.9 114.7 Personnel NA NA ej Revenues and Expenses converted from Escudos at rate of 1,000 Escudos = 1 Couto = $34.96 -235- > TS "0 n 0. < M 0- TV. 0 n X M 1960 1961 67' m U) m 189,656 216,836 r..) o o 91040,934 NA 0 8 , 184,465 159,983 th 22,859 NA cl, - 134 1430161. ,351. 0 671,232. 592,922. 5 i3 8050583. 736,083. ,086,137. NA 0 1 "0 ?-?1 334.8 NA cmi 5,1g38 NA -1 0 0" 4:. CD > 0 0. r..) 35,286 39,040 co 0 2,428,935 328,849 380,412 0" NA o 0 47,744 NA o o " cl, 594,495. 573,11: 5631:Pt: 77163.-36. 611,974. NA NA 6,047 NA Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Ports of Mozambique Traffic and Revenues) 1958-1962 1-1/ 1958 (% of total) 1259 (% of total) 1960 (% of total) 1961 (% of total) 1962 (% of total) IDTAL ALL PORTS Tata Tons Handled. (ort tons) 9,376,079 9;332,590 9,999,451 11,542,112 NA Total Revenues SIIS 12,877,155. 14,164,320. 14,1301487. NA NA Total Expenses SUS NA NA NA NA IA Lourenco Marques Tons Inbound (short tons) Tons Outbound (short tons) Total Tonnage Rand1ed Neyenues Expenses 2,898,293 3,226,332 6,124,625 (65.4) 6,798,926. 4,247,956. 2,745,080 3,028,093 5,773,173 (61.9) 6,788,730. 4,973,054. 3,008,977 3,287,059 3,220,921 3,313,414 4,091,831 4,597,693 6,322,391 (63.2) 7,378,890 (63.9) 7,818,614 7,692,1441. 8,461,718. NA 5,444,606. NA NA Beira Tons Inbound (short tons) 1,483,291 1,442,709 1,519,278 1,623,688 1,603,847 Tons Outbound (short tons) 1,295,923 1,610,420 1,690,039 2,002,879 1,830,920 Total Tonnage Handled 2,779,214 (29.6) 3,153,129 (33.8) 3,209,317 (32.1) 3,626,567 (31.4) 3,434,767 RevenuesMIR/ 6,078,229. 6,598,059. 6,900,335. NA. NA Expenses S NA NA NA NA NA. Other Ports (combined) Total Tonnage (short tons) 572,240 (5.0 406,288 (4.3) 467,743 (4.7) 536,695 (4.7) NA Revenues WS b 935,071. 777,531. 907,761. 895,710. NA Expenses ($US) IA NA NA NA NA. W Inclues revenues from passenger traffic 1/ Revenues and Expenses converted from Escudos at rate of 1,000 Escudos = 1 Conto = $34.96 Sr ,? ? 11.4 -236- n!-914NriVI Approved For Release 2000/05/15 CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/21!5nas_4'6$19-ijoIlatakiMicki_9 Appendix C Part V. The Transportation System of the Republic of South Africa. A. Introduction Transportation service for the Republic of South Africa and South-West Africa is provided by all forms of modern transportation except inland waterways and pipelines. The "Republic of South Africa Railways and Harbours" owns and operates all railroad facilities and ports, some motor transport, and coastal shipping services as well as the commercial air lines. Private interests own and operate additional motor transport services and the bulk of the merchant marine. The railroads account for 95 percent of the internal freight transpor- tation service measured in ton-miles, although motor transport carries more than twice the nukber of tons. The latter service, however, is for the most part in short haul local distribution. Coastal shipping accounts for a small amount of the total. The merchant marine carries no more than five percent of South Africa's imports. Over 95 percent of the passengers carried in the country are transported by the railroads. Motor transport and civil aviation share the balance of the inter- city transportation market. Railroad freight service within the country is characterized by fairly long hauls between centers of major industrial and commercial activity such as between the Rand area and the principal ports, and short hauls of mineral and agri- cultural products within the Transvaal and Orange Free State and in the areas adjacent !This appendix includes also a discussion of transportation in South-West Africa and the Protectorates of the UK. Approved For Release 2000/05/1Egeffrielltitt MIS Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 to the ports. The South African Railways provider most of the long-distance motor freight service primarily between areas not serveciby the railroad while the private motor carriers concentrate on urban and short distance feeder service to the rail- roads. Over 90 percent of all passengers carried by the railroad are commuters who travel daily between suburban towns and reserves and the cities and other areas of emiloyment. In spite of strenuous efforts on the part of the railroads, logg distance passenger traffic is being lost gradually to motor and air transportation. B. Railroads I. Track, Motive Power and Rolling Stodk The South African railroads are composed of some 13,615 route miles of track, of which 13,175 are Afoot gauge and 440 miles are 2 fobt gauge; Originally, commenced in 1860 with European and American standard gauge, (4 feet, 8i inches), the lines were regauged about fifteen years later to 3i-feet because of the heavy investment in roadbed and clearances necessary to reach the interior. The railway system developed into a pattern of lines leading from the ports to the Orange Free State and Transvaal. With the discovery of gold and later of other mineral deposits tOl_ in and near,/Witwatersrand, new lines were added, many of them of comparatively short length within the areas of greatest mining and industrial activity. The Mozambique port of Lourenco Marques came to supplement the ports of the Republic of South Africa by affording short rail and road connections between the sea and the Rand district. During World. Weir I0 .a connection was made with the 1 foot 115/8 inch (.6 meter) gauge system of what had been German Southwest Africa. e5FI96E7L, the AtatiAseen Southwest African System4V77conmerted entirely to the aifoot gauge. South Africa - 238 - Approved For Release SEettitiA411-tlaFol7h9L115M100010001-9 V IIPOis 4116 .1 in Oki ? . ? nu I Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Railways operate a 200 mile stretch of the RhodesiaiRailway extending from Ramatlhabama to Mahalapye in Bechuanaland. South African equipment is exchanged with Rhodesia but normally does not move beyond Bulawayo. A tabulation of the principal railroad routes is included in Table 1 .* Rail used in the 3i foot gauge portions of South African Railway System varies from 96 lbs. to 45 lbs. per yard. There are over 14.600 miles of 96 lb. traA. Nienty-five percent of the railways have rail of 60 lbs. or heavier. New track is being installed using welds, with sections up to one half mile in length and sliding joints to allow for expansion. Ties are mainly of imported wood,- but stretches of track, have been laid with steel and prestressed concrete tiewAnd are undergoing testing. All main lines are ballasted with crushed hardstone. A Class I roadbed consists of 96 lb. rail, 2376 ties and 2200 cubic yards of ballast per milew It per- mits axle loads of 23.5 tons, and passenger, speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. Higher speeds for diesel and electric powered passenger trains are being planned, and the stresses involved were investigated in a recent visit to japan by a South African Railway delegation. (Japan also uses a 3i foot gauge, and runs a number of trains at speeds somewhat in excess of 60 miles per hour). As of 31 March, 1962, the South African railways had electrified route mileage of 1,486 miles and electrified track mileage of 3,278 miles. There were about 1,000 miles of double and multiple track in the system, and at least 220 miles of single track with tentraized:traffic control. Aside from double and multiple trackage in the Rand, the principal stretches of double track extend from Germiston to Bloem- fontein and from DUrban to NewcaStle. Electrification is concentrated on the commuting Nge70 below. -239- Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : 0A 1;14-Ft,j. ? 4- .7 't v, Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 lines around Johannesburg, Pretoria, Durban. and Capetown. The through line from Johannesburg to Durban has been almost completely electrified. Authorization has been granted for finishing the electrification of this route as well as the line from the Rand to Komatipoort on the Mozambique border, which handles traffic to and from lourenco Marques. The main line from the Rand to Capetown via KiMberley has been electrified for a considerable portion of the distance. All electrification consists of an overhead catenary system of 3,000 volts direct current. In 1961-6, along with completion of regauging, the Southwest Africa railway was completely dieselized. This line runs through arid country where water is a preblem,aand locomotive coal has had to be transported to the area. Electrifies,- tion and dieselization elsewhere have resulted in a saving in coal movement for railway purposes, hut South African coal is cheap ($1.85 per ton in 1961 at the mine head) and most tonnage in 1961-62 was still moved by steam. A further conversion tel diesel and electric power for many lines is, however, contemplated. Motive power as of 31 March 1962, consisted of 560 electric, 168 diesel and 2,572 steam locomotives for Afoot gauge, as well as 439 electric powered) multiple unit, suburban passenger cars. The last steam locomotives were purchased in 1958-59. Passenger equipment other than the multiple unit cars already counted consisted of 3974 cars of various types, including 1190 suburban trailers and baggage ears. There were OVeT 1C9,000 freight cars, about a third of which were 2-axle cars, Vow the 2 foot gauge, there were 73 steam locomotives, 115 passenger Approved For Release 2008i a 0 ? 40- iToritgRcvaiiitgigghi0001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 SE tY4 fr.1 ffit cars and 1700 freight cars. Selected track, locomotive and rolling stock data are presented in Table 2 4* 2. Traffic The fiscal or reporting year of the South African Railways and Harbors closes on March 31, the end of the summer. For the years ending on March 31st, 1957 and March 31, 1962, ton miles of freight moved by the railways amounted to 20.6 billion and 25.6 billion respectively. Fiscal year 1962 was the year of highest attainment up to that point, and the increase of 24.2 percent over Fiscal year 1957 is indicative of the general rise in the economy during the five year period. Tonnages carried for the same two years were 75 million and 89.7 million respectively.** Average lengths of haul were 274 and 285 miles respectively. The pattern of movement of freight tonnage on the railways consists of (1) movement of major tWmmodities front mines or producing areas to industrial centers and port areas partially for export, (2) imports of petroleum and miscellaneous freight from the ports to major inland cities and centers of consumption, (3) movement of industrial freight within the Transvaal and Orange Free State mining and manufacturing areas and (4) movement of railroad coal from mines to coaling poinLs on the lines. (See Figure 2.***) There is generally a movement of sheep and cattle from drought stricken areas to greener range land in Southwest Africa, which although not large in comparison with total freight carried, may create problems in obtaining sufficient numbers of railroad cars because of its urgency. * Page258. ** _Traffic on the Railroads of South Africa, 1958-62 is shown on Table 3, page 259. *** iftgoref. mokp -241- Approved For Release 2000/05/15 Alikficilli.4010-41?MAII0eiSL, T.4 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Commodities which represent the largest tonnages moved are coal and coke, ores, petroleum, corn, sugar and other agricultural products. The category of general merchandise ale? represents a large Tort of the total. Principal types of goods hauled in the fiscal year ended 31 March 19624 art shown below in millions of total Coal and coke 30.6 Minerals, excluding coal 15.3 Agricultural produce 13.5 General merchandise 11.1 Manures and fertilizers 3.1. Building and fencing materials 3.2 Timber 3.2 Commodities moved to the ports, mostly for export, were iron and man- ganese ores., cOrn, sugar, wool and citrus fruits. The largest single import is petroleum. In the 1962 fiscal year 2.3 million tons moved inland from the ports by rail, principally from Durban and the Mozambique port of Lourenco Marques. Under a long-standing agreement with the Government of Mozambique, 47.5 percent of import tonnage destined for the Witwatersrand-Vereeniging-Pretoria industrial area must come in 'Via LOUrenco Marques; in practice this quota is usually exceeded. Other international traffic moved by rail in recent yttro is 01:Own below. 4 Also referred to herein as nodal Mar 1962. - 2142 - Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : gaffe/ PRtrr 0110001-9 'um...rpm illy MA i Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Traffic lEnttarcIlangett vith Foreign. Railroads* In thousands of tons Rhodesian Railroads Traffic forwarded. tO Traffic received from Total Fiscal Year 1959 1960 1961 1962 690 723 662 650 Mozambique Railroads Fiscal Year 1959 1,562 1960 1, 789 1961 2,267 1962 2,607 1r /fiscal year ended_ 31 March. 463 341 263 285 1,331 1,292 1, 342 1,365 1,153 1,364 925 935 2,893 3,081 3,609 3,972 - 243 - Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : Cl*IN1779Mh04pfk002138q18RW,IN Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Greatest densities of rail movement occurred on the lines in the Rand district exoluld Johannesburg, which sport industries, mines, power plants, consuming centers and the railways themselves. The main lines running inland from the ports to the Rand carried tonnages which are estimated at about 16 million tans per annum in both directions combined. for Durban, 5 million for Port Elizabeth, 9 million for Capetown and 4 million forLaurenceiMarques. The capacities of these lines, on which there was considerable electrification and double trackage, were not approached. In the 1962 fiscal year 93 percent of all passengers carried on the South African Railways were commuters. Out of nearly 316 million passenger journeys, 294 million trips were commutation movement. The remaining 7 percent were medium and long distance intercity movements. Despite strenuous efforts to hold the longer haul passenger business by increasing speeds and indroducing modern equipment, the South African Railways are affected by the world-wide trend away from rail to highway and air travel for these movements. Between 1956-57 and 1961-62, ordinary intercity and long distance passenger journeys decreased by about 6 million, or 21 percent, to 21.7 million. Cammutationt trips on the other hand increased 24% (i.e. 56 minion net gain) to the 294 million total already stated. Over 90% of the gain in commu- tation took place in the Rand population concentrations of Johannesburg and Pretoria. The remaining centers, chiefly Capetown, either increased very little or fell off. The phenomena of heavy suburban mOvements are exblained by the South African policy of strict segregation of races. On 1 lrebrnary 1958, the Rand ?11. services were changed by reuirIng all white commuters to travel first class, and all Approved For Releaseg - 244 - ff1alFWFMODISSEM800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/1$14a4lIgg14116166(604.14011-9 non-whites to travel second or third class. In addition, traffic in the area was affected by the movement of both whites and non-whites to homogeneous suburban towns, communities and reserves, and by the general growth in the tempo of the economy. Second class was eliminated entirely in the Capetown area. In consequence, much capital has had to be provided in improving commuter services. Monumental new stations have been built at Johannesburg, Pretoria and Capetown. Nearly all commuter lines out of Johannesburg have been electrified and a considerable amount of new suburban passenger equipment has been procured and put into service. New, faster trains have been added, but also on a few lines, suburban rail services have been discontinued in favor of the use of buses. 3. Finance The financial account of the railways is included in that of the administra- tion which also embraces harbors, steamships, highways and airways. The administra- tion has no borrowing power independent Of its relationship with the government of the South African Republic, and is required by law to fulfill its capital require- ments from the Republic governmental treasury which can float internal and external loans. The administration may,Allowdver with parliamentary authority, employ net income to reduce interest-bearing capital held by the government. The amount of interest-bearing capital owed the government by the adminis- tration on 31 March 1962, was almost $2.1 billion. The government in turn owed the World Bank about $137 million for the purchase of electric and diesel locomotives in England and the United States. Other governmental Approved For Release 2000/05/15 ? CIA-RDP79T01049A00280010100,01-9 firmirrihin Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 loans were outstanding against a large pmportion of the capital, over 90 percent of which were held in South Africa. liarnings of the Railways fluctuate with business activity. In 1956- 591 a deficit of over *14 million after interest requirements was recorded. This occurred in the Midst of an extensive capital improvements program slated to be completed early in 1963 and to cost in all about *700 million. In 1961-62, a profit of *14.5 million was earned after *100 million of interest payments to the govern- ment and *38 million of depreciation. The property of the South African Railways as of 31 March 1962, represented an accumulated investment less depreciation of *1.9 billion. In 19620 average revenue per ton of freight vaa *5.50 for revenue freight only.* The average revenue per ton mile for revenue freight was 1.78/. Average revenue per passenger journey, on thec other hand, was less than 19 cents. Selected financial statistics for the Railroads of South Africa, 1958-62 are presented lh Table 3.** 4. EValuation of the System The South African Railway System has an efficient passenger service. Its trains are generally prompt and run at fair speeds. The intensive, cheap commuter traffic is being encouraged by government policy, but it is expensive for the railroad in that more modern, new equAament and improved stations and other facilities are constantly needed. Reverieless, this additional heavy investment acts as a stimulus to the national econo4. the railways by themselves would undoubtedly ytc ear 1962, the South Africanikways hauled 12.2 million tons of non- re4enti70 ffe-17 4-* Page 259. t) mostly for own account. Approved For Release 2 t 246 - OUISSIa0010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 :8V-Fq)147.9i'd1Iti9A00260100-ib001-b show a greater profit if the passenger business were not encouraged in this manner, but heavy industry) machine building) housing and other sectors of the economy could not benefit as they do from the subsidy provided by the low cost commutation service. The net result is large expansion of railway facilities) principally around Johannes- burg, and substantial additions of new suburban passenger equipment. Shippers of. freight are reported to complain that there is insufficient rolling stock to support all the needs of industry and commerce at the time and place needed. This condition is not a unique complaint in that it occurs in all industrialized countries, and it should not be regarded as a reflection on the sub- stantial ability of the railroads to support the economic development of the country. The railroads in their present stage of development are also able to support vig- orously the social and security policies of the government. No trunk route has had difficulty in providing sufficient line capacity to handle the traffic offered, but there have been seasonal peaks on the Capetown route which have strained facilities. In May 1962, traffic south from De Aar reached a level of over 23,000 tons per day. Capacity of single track main lines was repOrted in a South African trade publication of January 1960) to be 25,000 tons per dec55smd of double lines, 45,000 tons) but these figures were based on steam operation on line's without special signaling. In the cited instance, the strain was relieved by supplementing steam power with diesel locomotives surplus to southwest Africa. The Capetown route is graduallybeing electrified. The route from the Rand to DUrban) which is the most heavily used, Approved For Release 2000/05/1&ipliet.BM9TrQA9147900142801f9er041-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 is being both electrified and double tracked. That from the Rand to nsmatipoort on the Mozambique border is scheduled for electrification but not double tracking. In 1961-621 the traffic in the controlling direction amounted to about 2.75 million tons over this line. Owing to a movement of empty cars of different types in opposite directions, it is estimated that 10,000 tons of capacity or about 330 cars average had to move in each direction Every day. Thus the capability of the line was not approached. The main need of the whole system on a long term basis is for improved utilization of existing freight cars, additional freight cars and a larger inventory of electric and diesel locomotives. There are no financial obstacles to obtaining the equipment, but governmental policy of supporting the domestic car building industry makes it neuessary to defer placement of orders for that portion of the currently needed equipment vtlich is in excess of the home industry's annual productive capacity, even though such equipment could readily be obtained abroad. 5. Labor Policy It is difficult to forecast the future attitude of the non-white railroad workers who constitute about half of the roughly 200,000 personnel currently employed* by the railroads but steps are being taken to maintain their loyalty to the enterprise. Notwithstanding segregation, conditions for non-white employees are being improved in a number of ways. The railways are building better housing for them and are conducting schools for their training. Mixed.race work teams are being organized and trained to operate as units. Pay levels are being improved. Railroad pay is considerably better than pay in the mining industry, which is the largest employer of Bantu labor in the Republic. Provision is being made for the prompt airing 4 Selected statistics on personnel and wages, 1958-62, are presented on Table 31 p 259. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79TOLQ4_9A002800010001-9 SFITFTIA 13ISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA4914;11#41.941614404WtM of grievances. Non-whites are being incorporated into the railway police. Good personnel relations are stressed in training and guidance literature. Schools for training of employees are conducted by the Railways and Harbors. 2,620 employees received training at the Railway College at Esselen Park in 1962 and classes for training non-whites were provided at a number of other points. C. Motor Transport The roadway system consists of some 200,000 miles of roads and tracks of all types. There are about 12,000 miles of bituminous main roads, 100 miles Of concrete highway, 58,000 miles of gravel and 31,000 miles of improved earth roadway. The 7. 7 remainder may be classified as tracks. Because of the relatively dry climate, the earth roadways serve their purposes fairly well. The national roads lead from the ports to the Rand. There is also a coastal road running from Capetown to Durban and a main highway running from Johannesburg and Pretoria to the border of Southern Rhodesia near Messina. South-West Africa has a limited system of inferior roads. A description of the motor road network including mileage of each type may be found in Table 4.! The national roads in general are surfaced with bitumen with a base of 8 inches of crushed stone. They vary from 18 to 22 feet in width. Vertical clearances are 16 feet. Passing is to the left. There are numerous bridges, prac- tically all of which are substantially built. Aside from the national roads, the road network is considered to be inadequate to handle a large increase in heavy trucking service. The gravel highways will not be rapidly changed to roads of bituminous surface lawme4 Beisilalease 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T0104A20%8-00010001-9 2(10 ovinnrritrn rnnremo nmeni Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 because of the attitude the government in directing heavy traffic to the rail- roads. On 1 January 19630 there were registered in South Africa just over one million private automobiles, 275,000 trucks, 20,000 buses' and about 100,000 motorcycles. The largest concentration of motor vehicle registrations is found in the Transvaal. Motor transport services and privately operated vehicles carry about 200 million tons of freight annually or about twice the tonnage carried by the railroads. The bulk of this traffic is moved in short haul delivery service by private carriers. These are strictly regulated by the government in order to prevent competition for the railroads on longer hauls. The South African Railways operate their own buses and trucks over about 32,000 miles of routes. In 1962, more than three million tons were moved by inter-city trucks and &bout four million tons were carried in local cartage service. Some 8,000 vehicles were used by the Railways for this purpose. About half of the total freight tonnage was represented by grain, fertilizers, fruit, sugar and livestock. The remaining tonnage consisted of a wide variety of items. Eight million passengers were carried by the Railway bus services, using 460 vehicles. The Road Transport Establishment of the Railways had a capital investment account of almost 41 million dollars at the end of March 1962. Vehicular operation had gross revenues for 1962 of 22 million dollars, *cclusive of the revenues from tourist buses, but an operating loss of over one million dollars was sastained. There are adequate vehicle repair and fueling facilities distributed throughout the country. - 250 - Approved For Release 200031411r1FRIODREINI in Si810001-9 961141111.4 OWI Uit.11.161 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 -1 D. Ports The principal seaports of South Africa have been developed to handle two-way general cargo, exports of dry bulk commodities such as coal and ore, and imports of petroleum. Docks and quays are under Control of the South African Rail- ways and. Harbours administration, and their improvement is included in the current program of expanding transportation facilities. Routes for the movement of individual export commodities are carefully developed, and certain ports are specified for their handling. In view of the importance of foreign trade to the Republic, the ports are a vital link in the economy. Following is a list of the: principal ports, together with trade handled in 1961-62 in thousands of tons. Landed Shied Transhipped Totfil Durban 7-.3E34-- TBEU-- 139 io,611 Capetown 2,390 2,154 30 4,574 Port Elizabeth 1,290 1,116n 7 2,413 East London 692 656 1 1,349 Walvis Bey 316 . 589 - 905 Wssel Bay 149 15 - 164 v--- Port Nolloth 68 8 - 7'6 Ldderitz 18 12 - 30 Total 24591 10,417 20 1P2 ?4........:-......_ Lourenco ,Marques in Mozambique also handled for South Africa about 1.4 million tons of imports and 2.6 million tons of outbound shipments in 1961-62, so South -251- Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : 1 Arliiitr MirtiVEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Africa overseas and coastal trade excluding transshipments at ports was about 24 million tons. Principal imports consisted of general Cargo, petroleum, timber and grain. Leading exports were ores, coal, general cargo, corn, sugar, fruit and wool. A large portion of the exports originitedl in the interior of the Republic and had to be shipped by railroad to the ports. Most of the imported cargo moved inland to final destinations-. Total port traffic (exclusive of activity at lourenco Marques associated with South Africa) consisted of 14,200 vessel arrivals, comprising 61,860,000 ORT of shipping. Of the arrivals, 6,300 were ships in international trade, 2100 were coasters and 5800 were whalers and trawlers. The ports can handle a considerable increase of traffic without much difficulty. There were a few delays during the year 1961-62, but improved performances generally were shOwn over the previous year. At most ports further expansion of facilities is possible. The major project under construction the during 4962 fiscal year consisted of two Ore-handling berths at Port Elizabeth. Progress also was made on new berths and terminals at Durban, and the entrance to Table Bay Harbor at Capetown was widened. The following are illustrative of the controlling depths and berthing apace ? at the principal portst Durban Capetown Pbrt Elizabeth East London Walvis Bay Mbssel Bay Depth Berthing Space 4o feet 858 feet 36 feet 1200 feet 38 feet 900 feet 4o feet 36 feet 35 feet 35 feet 18 feet 1200 feet (Bulk Handling) 1700 feet 1660 feet 1750 feet 700 feet 4f tow water ordinary spring tide. Approved For Releasestefittgo kti R-00pr000l0001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIAMAMPLIANAM11140141Villi The South African ports in fiscal year 1962 had revenues of $25,886,000 and expenses Of $19)723,000, 4.141ding a profit of $6,163,000 or about 23 percent of gross income. The largest singleitem of income was from wharfage. Maintenance of facilities represented 21 percent of operating expenses. natal capital investment in harbors was $122,000,000. There were 5,184 employees on the staffs of the South African harbors in 1961-62, of which 2,262 were white and 2,922 were non-white. E. Coastal Shipping and the South African Merchant Marine There is comparatively little coastal shipping along the shores of South Africa. For many years thelmovement was confined almost exclusively to the shipment of sugar from Durban to other South African ports. After introduction of new rates in 1954, the traffic increased both in tonnage and diversity. In 1961-62 the total amount of goods transported in coastwise movement was 1,070,000 tons, of which 966,000 tons were conveyed in coasters and 104,000 tons in other ships', Tankers carried 336,000 tons of petroleum products from the refinery at Durban to other South and Southwest African ports. Railroad coal shipped through Lourenco Marques to Capetown on the B.S. Hangklip owned by the Railways and Harbours Administration and on 3 in chartered ships;15 voyages amounted to 160,000 tons. The balance of tonnage moved consisted of sugar, Wool and a variety of different items. Apart from the ships owned. by the South African Railways and Harbours, the small merchant marine of South Africa is privately owned. It consists of about 30 - 253 - Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP7,91-01,049AR02800010MAA I k)-6AItha Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A00280001.0001-9 ships of over 1000 gross registered tons each with a total gross registered tonnage of approximately 200,000 and a total deadweight tonnage of about 280,000. It moves no more than five percent of South Africa's seaborne foreign trade. South Africa is therefore heavily dependent on shipping services provided by foreign flag carriers. lc South African Airways South African Airways was started in 1934 as a local airline owned by the Government. It is operated by the South African Railways and Harbours Administration. There are now three types of service, the internal, regional and trunk services. The last two types fly jet and other aircraft to points outside of the country. The regional air route pattern includes flights to Rhodesia and Mozambique 3 times per week, and weekly jet service to Rhodesia, Kenya and the former French Congo in Attica. Trunk service is provided to Athens, Rome, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Zurich, Paris and Iondon in Marope. A hi-weekly service to Australia via Mauritius and the Cocos Islands is also operated. Internal, regional and trunk lines, total over 400000 miles. Passengers flown during the 1962 fiscal year were: internal services 330,717, regional services, 27,996 and trunk services, 50,8380 for a total of 4090551. Freight ton miles flown totaled over 12 million, of which 87 percent were provided by the trunk service. Encouraged by special commodity rates designed to boost exports, there were important increases in shipments of karakul pelts, fresh vegetables and fruit, (including avocados and tangoes)) cut flowers and other perishables, wmtly for the London and. Amsterdam :markets. - 2511. - Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-R0P79T01049A002800010001-9 4L64111%u rthvit.;11 Uweivi Approved For Release 2000/05/1Y:4,1%1619/14TE464415/148&4101-9 South African Airways had revenues of nearly 39 million dollars and expenses of almost 37.5 million dollars, yielding a net profit of about 1.5 million dollars. The investment account stood at about 59 million dollars including an increase of $350,000 during the year 1961-62. The total inventory of aircraft consisted of 28 aircraft, of Which 3 were BeAtaifi 707's, 20 were 4-engine piston or turbo-prop aircraft and 5 were DC-3's. There were 3,382 employees, of which2,914 were white and 486 were non-white. Flying personnel numbered 400 and maintenance and servicing personnel, 1,308. Following are the principal operating statistics for 1961-62. South African Airways Qperatin-62 Passenger 14il Freight Ton Miie Mail Ton Miles (thousand) (thousand) (thousand) Internal 174,297 1,437 799 Regional 13,941 147 83 Trunk 223,,23Z 10,449 2,614.O Total 411,475 12,033 3,532 The three major airports in South Africa, i.e., Johannesburg (Jan Smuts,) Durban (Louis Botha), and Capetown (D.F. Malon), are operated and maintained by the Air- ports Authority under the Department of Transport of the Government. Minor airports are operated by the Railroad and Harbours Administration. The route to Western Urope formerly.eMbodied a stop at Leopoldville, but this service was Shifted to Brazzaville, French Congo, after the Belgian Congo obtained its independence. Recently Portugal and South Africa have agreed that South African -255- Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 ? ?levrtrni Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDF'79T01049A002800010001-9 Airways may use Portuguese airfields, beginning in October 1963, when a new, jet strip will be completed at Luanda, Angola. Flights to Lisbon via Luanda and Sal (Cage Verde Islands) will alternate With the present service through Brazzaville and Kano, Nigeria. The new route would replace the latter should the African nations iMplement the Addis Ababa resolution for a diplomatic ad economic boycott of South Africa. G. Pipelines At present, there are no pipelines for petroleum or gas transport in the South African Republic. On December 20, 1962, the Minister of Transport announced .that he had approved in principle the construction of a pipeline for the conveyance 'of petroleum products from Durban to the Witwatersrand, provided the cost of construc- tion could be economically justified. The pipeline would, be built via Kroonstad in the ? Orange Free State, which would make it about 500 miles long. The rail distance from Durban to Johannesburg is 487 miles. There is one large refinery at Durban, and construction of a second is planned. One official South African report has concluded that the pipeline would not be economical to operate until 1971. The rate of petroleum movement from both Lourenco Marques and Durban to the Rand in 1961-62 was about 1800 tons (150 cars) diameter per day. A 10-12 inchMpeline could handle this traffic. Approved For Release 2 ; I I 010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/%41811A6491411146446A2k1Wardll-9 Table 1 South 'African Railways Approximate Distances of Principal Railroad Routes Route Miles Bloemfontein - Johannesburg 260 Bloemfontein - Kimberley 100 Bloemfontein - Ladysmith 310 Bloemfontein - Port Elizabeth 450 Capetown - Johannesburg 970 Durban - Colela (N. Coast) 250 Durban - Johannesburg 490 Johannesburg - Komatipoort 300 Johannesburg - Mafeking 170 Johannesburg - Pretoria 45 Komatipoort - Soekmekaar 255 Noupoort Walvis May 1200 Pretoria - Beit Bridge (So. Rhodesia) 360 Ramatihabana (Bechuanaland) - Warrenton 200 Springfontein - last London 310 Tbtal Principal Routes 5,670 Approved For Release 2000/05/14;a06114iiiilki Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Table 2 South African Railways . 31 March 1962 Total Trackage Operated (miles) Total Route (miles) Single Track Double Track TriPle Traak RgAakuple'Track Quintuple Track Steam Operation Diesel Operation Electric Operation 4.........??????????????????????????..mommomemmoa. 18,422 13,615* 12,624 923 40 4 10,907 1,453 1,486 Operated with Centralized Traffic Control Signaling 220 Gauge: 31 6" 13,175 21 4-4o Maximum Grade (percent) 3.3" Weight of Rail: 31 6" gauge 60-95 lbs. per yard 2' 46.5 lbs. per yard Maximum axle load 23.5 tons Locomotives (units) Steam Diesel Electric Cranes 3' 6" sage 2' gauge 2,572 168 560 169 73 Freight Cats (units) 109,645*** 1,707 Box 4,865 Open 76,384 Tank 3,296 Refrigerator and insulated cars 7/751 Special 423 Caboose and. guard cars 3,120 Passenger Cars (units) Motor 439 Non-Motor 5,974 115 Multiple unit trailers coach 2,387 Multiple unit trailer-baggage 7 Regular baggage 379 Regular saloon 2/593 Regular Diner 177 Regular inspection 446 Other 85 Includes 26' miles o line operated bhttnot owned by South African Railways, under agreement with the Rhodesian Railways, and 32 miles of privately owned RR also operated by BAR. ** Maximum grade for new crlastruction is 2 percent. Ruling grades are from 1.6 to 1.9 percent. *** Total capacity Of 31 6" gauge freight car peek is 3,300,000 tons. Approved For Release 20r15. rAIRkiREIGP79T0104914489p10001-9 MitLI ut 6-1?0001?0009ZOOV61701.016/dCltl-VI3 91./90/000Z ase6iati. jod peAwddv 5EC, Table 3 ? it, r for Railroads of South Urica, Performance and Personnel, 1959 - 1962 (Fiscal Year ended 31 March) ?Traffic: 1959 1960 1961 1,62 Tons carried (thousand.) 79,722 81,942 88,092 89,668 Ton miles (million) 22,285 23,112 24,623 25,558 294,711 Passengers carried (thousand) 274,359 309,419 315,638 Revenues: (gross) Freight (thousand $US) 339,527 362,319 383,699 395,392 Passenger (thousand $US). 53,343 59,577 58,813 59,214 Other (thousand $US) 41,041 14.0L178 Total (thousand SUS) -1_,/.11. 200633 _32.2.11_11 144.1,3u 483,553 495,41i ? Average Revenue per Ton-Mile (US cents) Including Free Freight Revenue Freight only Average Revenue per Loaded Ton ($us) Including Free Freight Revenue Freight only Average Revenue per Passenger Journey (US cents) Operating expenses (thousand aUS) Operating ratio (operating expenses to gross revenue) Average Turnaround Time of Freight Cars (days) Personnel (persons). Wages and Salaries _($uS) Average WRge ($US) Personnel: Colored White 1.55 1.63 1.56 1.55 1.83 -1.86 1.82 1.78 4.26 4.42 4.36 4.41 5.01 5.15 5.07 5.10 19.44 20.22 19.00 18.77 381,800 373,800 379,251 401,367 88.66% 81.03% 78.43% 81.02% 8.87 9.01 9.01 8.87 217,010 207,548 207,511-8 206,339 231,982 226,734 228,237 235,073 1,069 1,080 1,100 1,139 108,096 104,666 102,359 100,794 108,914 105,215 105,489 105,545 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 6-1.0001.0009Z00V61701.016/dCltl-VI3 91./90/000Z eseeieu JOd peACLICIdV Table 4 Net Mileage and Tpes of Roads (Excluding urban) in the Republic of South Africa as of March 311 1962 Class Mc4. Cape - Province Transvaal Orange Free State Natal Total National Roads (Mileage) Bitimtinized Dual Highway 33 40 - 32 105 N Wo-lane 2545 950 756 492 4743 Total Bituminized 2578 990 756 524 4848 Gravelled or under construction 463 n 14 124 628 Total Mileage 3041 1017 770 648 5476 Special Roads (Mileage) Bituminized Two-lane 255 Gravelled or under construction c2 Total Mileage 273 - 526 235 236 182 1162 235 509 182 1690 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 I I Provincial Main. Roads (Mileage) Bitinnini zed. Concrete Gravel Total Mileage 1924 159 15394 2571 4 1 17387.. 770 - 164 510 4960 -5775 159 24741 ? ? ? 934 5470 3o675 District Roads (Mileage) Bituminized ? Concrete Gravela and Earth Total Mileage 266 374 - 640 55 23460 23oTt8 13800 1900 62208 23731 23422 13800 1900 62853 CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 - 260 - tr,r10,0"7 7-""` ideia.aOtt .014)u?...1 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 vi.v .2 I!, Table 4 (Conrt) Net Mileage and Types of Roads (EXcluding Urban) in the Republic of South Africa as of March 31, 1962 Mrz Cape Province Transvaal Orange Free State Natal Total Total Roads Under Road Authorities and Systema- ticaliy Maintained. 44923- 31558 16013 8200 100694 Estimated Local Roads - Unimproved Earth, approx. 45000 30506 15800 8000 99306 Grand Total of Roads in South Africa - approx. 89923 62064 31813 162040 200000 IVRes of Surface of Roads - Mileage 5023 3935 1799 1034. 11791 Bituminous Concrete 164 - - - 164 Gravel - Approx. 28006 16099 7314 6216 77635 Earth - Approx. 730 42e3G 22700 8950 130410 9923 62064 31613 16200 200000 6-1?0001.0009ZOOV6170 - 261 - Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Part n. Tanganyika A. The Transportation System Tanganyika is served by three major railroads extending to the interior from the ports of Tanga, Dar es Salaam and Mtwara. A connection from the Tanga-Arusha railroad serves the port of Mombasa in neighboring Kenya. The first lateral con- nection, between the Tanga line aftd the Dar es Salaam line (11T miles) was almost completed by Eebruary 1963. There are few roads, particularly in the south-central and western parts Of the country. Wand water transport services operate primarily on lakes, and combination rail-water routes provide connections to the Republic of the Congo, Uganda and Kenya. Some twenty cities and towns are served by scheduled air services. The operations on waterways, railroads, ports and some highway transporta- tion in Tanganyika, Uganda, and Kenya were united in 1948 under the East African Railways and Harbours Administration (RAM). The EABAH is set up to function with- out being limited by territorial boundaries or by political division of the three territories. As of 1 January 1962, RAM employed a total staff of 49,691: 88$ Africans, 9% Asians and 3% Europeans. B. Railroads There are some 1,750 route miles of railroall in Tanganyika, all 3, 3 3/8" (metre) gauge and virtually all single track. The difference in gauge from the uniform 316" gauge of the railroads in the buil of Southern Africa is not yet an - 262 - Approved For ReleasSaki4i0 44Al2F- '4?511002 ' 0 800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : Nt?Wisi4A-iiii049A0028060i'claiti!ei6 operational disadvantage, tut it would be if the East African system were linked up with the Rhodesian, Congo, Sudan and other neighboring systems. With this in mind, all new track and rolling stock of the East African Railways is designed so as to be convertible to 3'6" gauge. A link between the Tanganyikan and Rhodesian rail systems was proposed as recently as 2 June by the Northern Rhodesian Nationalist leader, Kenneth Kuanda. Nyasaland is also cOnsidering the construction of a rail- road from Lake Nyasa to Mbeya, just inside the Tanganyika border. All trains are completely air or vacuum braked (remaining vacuum being con- verted to air) and are equipped with center hook and buffer type couplers. EAR&H railroads are mostly operated by steam-traction, but are gradually converting to diesel traction with the ultimate possibility of straight electric traction. Oil, coal and some wood are used fOr fuel. The cOal and oil must be imported. Water supply is a serious problem. Seasonal droughts often lead to slowdowns and Curtail- ment of service. The single track system was said by an official of the EARIE to have reached near-capacity operation with steam traction by 1958, and conversion to diesel trac- tion was decided to be the lowest cost first step to increased capacity. This con- version is still underway and presumably just keeping up with gradually increasing traffic requirements. (See Table 2 below). The level of traffic in 1961 remained at about the level of 1960 largely because of uncertainty accompanying the granting of Tanganyikan independence. An increase in traffic resumed and reached a new high in 19620 however. Commodity flows are shown in rianre 2*. The predominant types * Page 270. -263- Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : GiAzaRE7Vgilliwolglotim cr,rm. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 of freight carried are grain, petroleum, cement and coffee. Traffic on the Dar es Salaam - Kigoma line (779 miles), part of a possible alternate route to the sea via Lake Tanganyika for traffic from Northern Rhodesia and the Congo, increased to 328 million ton-miles tn 1961.* Moved into Dar es Salaam were 216,000 tons, of which 45,000 tons were transit traffic from Kigama on Lake Tanganyika. Traffic from Dar es Salaam to the interior totaled 328,000 tons, of which 106,000 tone VAS petroleum. Also included in the total were 44s000 tons of import for the Congo moving via KigamalLake Tanganyika and Albertville. Esti- mated military capacity of this railroad is 1,000 short tons each way per day, or 365,000 tons per year in each direction. The increase in capacity for the railroads of Tanganyika which would remit from the installation of the modern types of signaling has not been undertaken be- cause there is no readily available electric power source and also because of the difficulties of track circuiting for these types of signaling on steel ties which are used extensively in the territory. RAM railroads employ over 480000 people and the railroads are the largest single employer in Tanganyika. The railroad workshops in Dar as Salaam are the largest industrial establishment in the country. C. Ports Tanganyika hal, one principal, two secondary, and four minor ports, the latter are of no commercial importance. MMr es Salaam is by far the most important Includes branch lines. - 264 - Approved For Release wpwillit ? 01r 0001FF ? ? and r. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 :ILITR-4041:F01t11A01:128b0(0011-V with an estimated military unloading capacity of 1,350,000 short tons per year.* Mtwara and Tanga are of secondary importance with an estimated military unloading capacity of 720,000 and 525,090 short tons per year respectively. Commercial ton- nage (thousand of tons) moved through these porta in 1960 and 1961 was as follows: Year Dar as Salaam Tanga Mtwara Dry Cargo 1960 603 182 65 (Imports and exports) 1961 531 209 71 Bulk Oil 1960 235 17 16 (Imports) 1961 218 17 6 Dar es Salaam has modern alongside berthing facilities for oceangoing ships. The port can accommodate three large ocean-type cargo vessels, two small coaster- type cargo vessels and one standard ocean-type tanker alongside the wharves in addition to several lighters at shallow-draft bertha. The port has adequate mechan- ical handling facilities and extensive general-cargo storage facilities. Dar es Salaam handles most of the import-export traffic of Tanganyika and to a much lesser degree those of the eastern provinces of the BepUblic of the Congo. Tanga has no alongside berths for ocean-type ships, and all cargo is light- ered. The port has berths for 10 lighters alongside and has many anchorage berths for ships of all classes. Covered storage and other facilities are adequate for the current operations of the Tort. Mtwara has facilities in excess of current requirements. The Tort can * If Dar es Salaam shOuld become cOngested or unavailable for any reason, it will soon be possible to reroute KigOma - Dar es Salaam traffic through the Tort of Mombasa, Kenya via the nearly completed rail connection between the lines serving the two ports. -265- Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIAffififernA% Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 accommodate two large ocean-type cargo vessels alongside the wharves, which have adequate ancillary facilities. Rail service vas discontinued to the port of Mtwara in July 1962 and the constructiOn Of an improved road network connecting the port to the nearby agricultural regions is under active consideration. In recent months labor ;emblems have hampered Tort operations. Mock workers now receive the highest rate for unskilled workers in the country but productivity has fallen sharply; workers handled 438 tons per ship per day in 1961, but only 368 tons per ship per day by the end of 1962. D. Highways Highway transport in Tanganyika is essentially a complementary service to the railroads. While the road system is not well integrated or uniformly distributed, being particularly sparse in the south central and western Tarts of the country, it does provide connections with Northern Rhodesia, Kenya, Uganda and FtuandaUrundi. In January 1959 the Tanganyika road network totaled 19,143 miles, of which 541 were bituminous surfaced, 2,401 were gravel surfaced, and the remaining 16,201 miles were imprOved earth. In January 1961 there were 33,512 vehicles registered in Tanganyika of which 15,994 were passenger cars, 16,037 trucks and 1,481 buses. Construction and maintenance problems are caused by the nature of the ex- isting terrain and by seasonal rains. Principal bottlenecks which impede traffic include numerous low-capacity ferries, fords, narrow causeways, low-capacity bridges, narrow stretches Of road, sharp curves and steep grades. During the rainy season sections of roads in the low-lying areas .become impassable because of surface - 266 - Approved For Release 2000481/0HODFFakiilil 1410001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : as Ira OASSEM inundation. A principal international highway connects the port of Dar as Salaam with the Ndola-Broken Hill area of Northern Rhodesia (about 1,135 miles) and with Elise- bethville in the Congo via Northern Rhodesia (about 1,350 miles). This route is generally two lane gravel surfaced with regular maintenance except for about 120 miles of hard surfaced two lane highway from Dar es Salaam to just beyond Morogoro and other short hard surfaced stretches in the vicinity of larger towns. Other short stretches in remote areas deteriorate to dirt roads improved only on difFi.ult .sections. The latter sections are considered subject to interruption in bad weather. Military through capacity is estimated at 237,250 short tons per year, limited by low capacity bridges on the Tunduma-Teoka road (70 miles) in Northern Rhodesia near the Tanganyika border. At Nakonde in Northern Rhodesia a'branch road leads to Fort Hill in Nyasaland and thence to Salima the terminus of the railroad in Nyasaland. E. Inland Water Connections with Southern Attica The only water connection with the southeastern part of the Congo is afforded by inland water service on take Tanganyika between the railheads of Kigoma, Tanganyika and Albertville, Congo. This service is under the control of the Repub- lic of the Congo and is disbussed in that section of this report. Service between Northern Phodesia and Tanganyika is furnished by EAR&H vessels on take Tanganyika. YAM traffic on the lake is mostly passengers (22,000 in 1961); most Of the small amoant of cargo carried (7,200 tons in 1961) is to or from MpuIungu, Northern: nodesia. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : C1A-RDP79T01$ 0.02800010001-9 ......nnnot ? .1 " rr. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Total route mileage for the round trig between Xigomett Tanganyika and Xpalungu, Northern Rhodesia is 674 miles and takes about six days on the SS Liemba. Mpulunga is not served by- rail. 31'. Civil Air Local scheduled air services are provided by the East African Airways Corporation (EAAC) which is owned jointly by Tanganyika, Kenya and Uganda. Civil aviation is administered by the Regional Representative (in Tanganyika) of the Directorate of Civil Aviation for the East African Territories (DCA-EA) at Nairobi, Kenya. The EAAC serves some 20 cities and towns and scheduled air services are operated over a network of approximately 5,500 unduplicated air route miles. Most of the internal services are conducted with Douglas DC -3 aircraft. EAAC's regional services between Tanganyika and other African areas are flown with 1)0-3, Fokker 7-27 and Comet IT aircraft. Other than the aircraft of EAAC used in Tanganyika, only about nine civil aircraft were based in the territory in 1961, all privately owned. Selected statistics for EMC in 1961 are presented in the following tabulation: Passengers carried 173,811 Paesenger miles (thousand) 151,900 Seat miles (thousand) 254,000 Sett load factor (percent) 60.6 Load ton miles (thousand) 18,087 Capacity ton miles (thousand) 30,000 Weight load factor (percent) 60 Aircraft owned (units) 15 Comet IV 3 PC-3 9 Mao F'-2T 3 268 - SECRETY0 D:SSEP. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/o5/154?1644616ii-AA611604514oaii61616 Table 1 Railroads of East Africa, Perflirmance and Personnel, 1958-61? 1221 19,59 2.262 1961, w Traffic: lil Tons Carried (thousand) 5,645 5,591 5,377 5,418 Ton-Miles (million) 1,726 1,802 1,851 1,834 Passengers Carried (thousand) 5,221 5,086 4,648 4,310 Gross Revenue: (thOusand US$) All Railroad ,Services 53,003 54,639 55,084 54,818 Freight Service 41,985 43,558 44,444 44,333 Passenger Service 5,615 6,058 6,018 6,012 Other 4,870 4,582 5,063 5,006 Operating Expenses (thousand US$) 44,534 440447 46,326 46,513 Operating Ratio 84.0 81.3 84.1 84.8 Personnel 2/ (number of employees) 48,109 49,825 47,555 48,126 Wages and Salaries (thousand US$) 21,035 21,552 23,591 23,756 a. Preliminary reports indicate that 1962 traffic increased about two percent in tons and nearly 2.5 percent in ton-miles over 1961. b. Includes cattle at 900 lbs. per head, using the average length of haul for all freight. c. Railroads in 1961 employed 97 percent of all EARN! employees; 88 percent of which were African, nine percent Asian, and only three percent EurOpean. .Includea Konya, Tanganyika and Uganda. -269- Approved For Release 2000/05/156 ..L497r113.,LAts Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Table 2 Nast African Railways 1961* Total trackage (miles) 4,152 Total route (miles) 3,490 Single track 3,486 Double track 4 Gauge (metre) 3' 3-3/8" Weight of rail (pounds per yard) 40.3 to 55 Maximum axle load (short tons) 10 to 22 Dar es Salaam - Kigoma 13.2 Maximum distance between passing tracks (miles) N.A. Dar es Salaam - Migoma 37 Maximum grade on main line (percent) 2.2 _ Dar es Salaam - nom 2.2 Locomotives (units at end of year) 470 Steam 414 Diesel 56 Freight cars (unite at end of year) 9,4011/ Pox 4,293 Open 2,650 Tank 839 Other 1,619 Passenger cars (units at end of year) 979 Coaches 344 Mail and baggage 339 Other 256 a. About one -thira of these are two axle types. 4.! Includes Xanyas Tanganyika and Uganda. Approved For ReleaseS1141141W 7 .-13 . t,12109 f . 2800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15_:,CIA 79 01040A002800010001-9 APPENDIX D IIIIPTMANDURITY FORCES IN SOUTHEELIEEIgA I. Summary and Conclusions A. The Situation The provinces of Angola and Mozambique, The Republic of South Africa, and the Colony of Southern Rhodesia have been described as the "White Redotibt", that is the last stronghold of a white minority's supremacy over non-white an ?!!Si.2-., majority on the continent. In South Africa, whites totaling less than 20 percent of the population dominate the country by military strength, organization, and the policy of "apartheid" and as a result of the indifference of the non-white masses. In the other areas a smaller percentage of whites are similiarly attempting to maintain their privileged position. As a result of normal evolution and outside agitation, the non-whites in these areas are demanding a role in the government in proportion to their im- portance in the population. The whites are determined to resist this demand with force, and the non-whites are generally willing to respond with force. The purpose of this section is to assess the present and future strength of the opposing sides in this struggle. B. The African Strength There are organized groups attempting to unseat their white governors non-white in each area. Unfortunately for the success of the a4tionalist aspirations, there are too many groups and much of their energy is wasted in rivalry, sometimes quite bloody. The most effective opposition thus far has occurred in Angola, where the rebels have been able to sustain a campaign - 271 - Approved For Release 20001o51NO DWIT4Vmm 000l000ta 7 Approved For Release 2000/9515 : CIA713,QP79T01049A002800010001-9. Nt! t" which deserves the title of military action. Even with a garrison of more than 40,000 men, the Portuguese have not been able to eliminate their opponents and show no sign of being able to do so. The rebels in Angola claim to have 5,000 men under arms. However, their force is ill-equipped, poorly organized, and poorly led. In MOzaMbique, Southern Rhodesia, and South Africa, the dissidents are even less well organized and have thus far exhibited a capability for riots, sabotage, and terrorism but not military action even of a guerilla nature. C. The White Strength In comparison with the non-white military strength in the area, white forces appear formidable. White ground forces nuMber well over 70,000 fully armed, well-trained troops backed up by more than 17,000* police and an immediately available trained reserve of better than 25,000 men. These ground troops are supported by more than 4,000 Air Force personnel with 450 coMbat and transport aircraft. Although these forces are in three separate armies, initial moves have been made for the exchange of intelligence, coordination, and mutual support for certain types of activity. It is likely that this coordination will increase in the future. * Not including Adnwhite r--- - 272 - ;I NO icrr,1 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RIDF'79T01049A002800010001-9 0 0- -n CT 0 0 M IV c) c) 0 a CA al " 0 5 i3 0 "0 w --i c) Regular Military and Police Forces in Southeast Africa a/ Police Military Country Total Angola Congo U.N. Congo Rhodesia and Nyasaland MozaMbique South Africa Total White African Ground* Air Naval 2,000* NA 0 2,200 NA 13,500 17,700 NA NA 0 8,800 NA 14,500 23,300 11.3,000 25,000 3.1,000 12/ 5,200 17,000 12,0001,700 113,200 1,700 11.00o 300 0 0 600 0 NA NA ::9? 50430 2,100 . 47 100 44 25,300 1 11,000 16,800 , 17,000 45,600 162,800 a:1 Lti e57g 6440, co ?0, ..,....v, . * Includes non-white troops. In the case of Angola, 12% of the Army is non-white; in other areas the division between white and non-white is unknown. a. Data rounded to nearest hundred. b. As of May 1963, includes some Air Force personnel. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 rick k,:tkd kiik-40.0.,..3q. D. Military Prospects In spite of the apparent disparity in the competing forces in the present situation, factors in operation favor the ultimate victory of the non-whiterebels. ;Mite mobilization is very near its peak, and further increases in white strength can come only with considerable cost and sacrifice, which are not likely to be made. Mon-white strength on the other hand is just beginning to emerge. Rebel troops have the support of almost all of the independent African states and are training cadres in many of them. EXperi- ence and training will pay a greater return to the dissident troops in terms of increased capability in this situation than they will to the already trained white units. White forces are relatively unified in their present organizations and goals and can gain only a little strength from increased cooperation. The rebels, on the other hand, are weakened by factionalism. If the rebel groups can get together, their strength will greatly incrase. World opinion favors the rebels, and as the conflict becomes more open, sanctions against the whites may occur at the same time that aid to the rebels is increased. Because the white forces are dependent on external sources for POL and much of their modern armament, they could be greatly weakened by such sanctions. lipAlly, numbers alone almost assure the ultimate victory of the non-whites. Of the more than 32 million people in the area, far fewer than 20 percent are white. Although these factors seem to make the eventual non-white : victory a mtainty, they do not provide a , Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 ? Approved For Release 2000/05/Satn9,.P79TVQ*593207/01INV1-9 time table for the conflict. Although insurgency and dissatisfaction are and Increasing,/the insurgent capabilities are increasing, large segments of the non-white population do not support non-white nationalist movements. Nevertheless, both help from other African states and disapproval of white policies are increasing. Angola! A. Strength of Regular Forces As of 1 January 1963, the strength of the Portuguese Army was lcelowo men, more than 55 percent being employed in the defense of overseas colonies. The strength of the Portuguese ground forces in Angola is about 43,000 men (about 40 percent of the total Portuguese Army). The largest tactical unit is the battalion, and most of the troops in Angola are organized in battalion or company-size units. Although detailed order of battle and numerical designators of military units in Angola are not available, the organization of the forces in operations units is approximately as follows: Infantry: 33 Battalions, 5 Companies Armored Cavalry: 2 Battalions Artillery: 3 Battalions Engineer: Possibly 2 Battalions There are numerous service, administrative and engineering units of detachments and 2,000 police. Two transport companies have been identified. !Including Cabinda. - 275 - r? Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA- IcI1949A9028p0VB109.114\ ROAM . r Approved For I,rleais? 204010J9F1.5.;.,CIA:RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 In addition to the units listed above, over 500 paratroopers are under the command of the Air Force. To support the ground forces, elements of the Portuguese Air Force are also deployed in Angola. A transport squadron is located at Toto with the following aircraft: 16 Noratlas 60-147 4 0-54 An air-ground support squadron is located at Luanda with the following aircraft: 12 F-84G 12 PV-2 18,T-6 16 DO-27 2 Skeeter The total number of1Air?E2"Ai personnel is about 1,700,and ground support equipment is believed to be adequate for normal operation and maintenance of the aircraft. The Angolan Naval Command of about 400 men operates a number of patrol craft, including subdhasers, along the Angolan coast. Several vessels have been observed operating as troopships and moving contin- &Alta of troops numbering 1,500 men into and out of Angola. It is not i4 L 276 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 A Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP791-01049A002800010001-9 t.1 rtr!'",, known Whether these are naval vessels or merchantmen under Charter. B. Local Forces Supplementing the regular forces of Angola is a local civilian volunteer corps which provides defenses for individual plantations in the insurgent area. The strength and organization of these forces is unknown. Although they could be counted on in the struggle against the insurgents, they cannot be regarded as completely loyal to Portugal, for they favor more autonomy for Angola. If Portugal appears to be losingt& insurgents and if the regulAr military decide to support them, local leaders might attempt to force Portugal to concede some form of local governmett to the province. C. Logistics:and Transportation Total Portuguese strength in Angola is about 43,000 officers and men. 1"rn. The main logistical fact of life in the Portuguese campaign in Angola is the necessity for pro- viding complete support from a home base? 5,000 miles distant by sea and 2,500 tly air. All weapons and equipment, a substantial amount of food, and most of the Men must be brought in from abroad. Tactically, within Angola, logistics and transportation have not been a problem this far. At this time rebel activity is confined to the northwest corner of the province and has been in the form of squad or platoon-size actions. 'T'71 17,,r-Trni d-;) Approved For Release 2000/05/15: -R 9T1 4 02800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 ' 4 The rebels have not recently shown a capability for extensively inter- dicting road traffic, which would constitute the main avenues of Movement for the Portuguese troops. Although the TO&E of the Portuguese units in Angola are not known, American Military Assistance Programs have provided 1,100 jeeps, more than 1,500 trucks, and 1,700 trailers, which the Portuguese have admitted are employed in Angola. Air transport is available as indicated in II, A, above. All of the railroads lie to the south of the combat area and neither have proved vulnerable to attack thus far nor have contributed tactically to the recent fighting in the north. In summary, Portuguese transport requirements in recent months have been relatively light and easily met. D. Militaryarospedts Portugal's greatest asset thus far in the Angolan campaign has been the weakness and lack of cohesion and coordination among the rebels. Recent reports of training, new arms, and increasing support from other African nations promise a gradual increase in rebel capabilities. Rebels have been recently threatfting a "second front" to the south, an operation which appears more feasible since Katanga has been brought under the control of Leopoldville. If this threat materializes, the Portuguese problems will obviously increase, and the strategic Benguela Railroad would be threatened. However,. the Congo would probably not be willing to see the Benguela line cut until it has an alternative route open for the movement of Katanga ores to market. The Congo can and probably - 278 - Approved For Release 2001k5/ ICIA'-i41:I1W91?041049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP9T01049A002800010001-9 c-7-171 t 4:A 4 will play a key role in the development of the Angolan situation. When the so-called "national route" opens, the Congo may make a political decision to divert some traffic from the Benguela railroad, as a gesture of support for the rebels. IV. Federation of Rhodesia and N asaland A. Strength of Conventional Forces Ground troops under the control of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland number 5,171 men, organized into one all-white battalion and four battalions with white officers and InqTAllittroops. This force, the Royal Rhodesian Army, modeled along British lines, is probably the second best-equipped, best-trained force in the area under con- sideration. In addition to the military units, 10,945 police are under the control of the provinces. These police are distributed as follows: Northern Rhodesia: 4,609 (730 white) Southern Rhodesia: 4,090 (1,275 white) Nyeaaland: 2,246 (148 white) non-White Two .n-::ricuri battalions and a white armored car company of the Army are normally deployed in Northern Rhodesia, one white and onericar.!'white battalion is Southern Rhodesia, and the remaining battalion in Nyasaland. In addition to these active forces, a trained military reserve of at least 6,000 men (whites) is available in Southern Rhodesia. A police reserve of 5,000 men also located in Southern Rhodesia. The Royal Rhodesian - 279 - J Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release ?0,09/0505 ? CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Air Force, under. the control of the federal government, numbers 600 men and has the following aircraft: 118 Vampire FB-9 15 Canberra B-2 2 Pembroke 4 Canadair c-4 8 Dakota c-47 3 Alouette III 15 Vampire T-11 3 Canberra T-MK-4 L. Provost T-1 10 Provost T-52 This force is organized into seven squadrons and has served at British bases in Aden, Cyprus, and elsewhere. Local Forces No local organized paramilitary-type forces exist in the Federation. C. Logistics and Transportation Although well-equipped and completely mobile, the Federation force has depended on the UK for military supplies and equipment and undoubtedly will continue to do so in the future. Until now, this dependence on the UK has proved to be an advantage. After the proposed break up of the Federation, however, should radicalntiWwbeittel..;0:9Fscome to power and sever their relations with the UK, this dependence could prove to be a serious weakness. A fundamental weakness in the military posture of the Rhodesian Federation and each of the component states is the fact that the country 280- - 1T6 771 Approved For Releas 0 /05/15 : CIA-RDP79 _ 01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIALF&7iT4024,944002800010001-9 r 'WL1 % has no access to the sea. All of its external supplies must move over land routes controlled by nations who may not always be friendly. D. Military Prospects The Federation is slated to break up into its component states in the near future. When this break-up occurs, the forces will probably be divided among the states (i.e. 2 battalions each to Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland, white units to Southern Rhodesia). The future of the Air Force is Of special concern to the UK) and its disposition has not yet been decided. The result of this division will be to replace the second most powerful military force on the southern portion of the continent with three smaller and much weaker forces. These smaller forces will easily be able to maintain internal order and put down any dissidence which may occur in the foreseeable future. In Southern Rhodesia, however, efforts of theridturhite to supplant the all-white government may eventually result in a conflict which would tax the Army's ability. V. Mozambique A. Ets.tal of Regular Forces Portuguese ground strength in Mozambique consists of a little more. than 17,000 men, organized into 14 infantry battalions, 1 armored battalion, 1 artillery battalion, 1 engineer battalion, 1 signal company, and other miscellaneous units. An unidentified Air Force unit provides some air transport capability and air-ground support with the following aircraft: 1 - 281 - Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIAI-R1PPFATEMIT, n?.1.1 (E) V10001-9 Approved For Reillmsi pant 5 ple;RI2P79T01049A002800010001-9 4 c-47 3 C-54 6 T-6 Number of Air Force personnel and their ground-support capabilities are unknown.. Several naval vessels (all smaller than a destroyer) are assigned to the area. B. Local Forces No local militia are known to exist in Mozambique. Howver, even if such an organization did exist, the Portuguese would probably place little trust in it because of the opposition to Salazar which has long existed among Mozambique whites. C. Logistics and Transportation As in the case of Angola, the principal logistical factor affecting operations in Mozambique is the extreme distance which supplies and men must move from Portugal. Resistance to authority by Africans in Mozambique has been more comparable to scattered tribal unrest than organized in- surgency, and the Salazar regime thus far has probably been more concerned with police control of white opponents to the regime that it has with non-white Atecarl dissidence. Nothing is known OC the TO&E of Portuguese troops in ? the area, but one source reported that they were equipped. With the new NATO rifle. They also may be presumed to have same of the equipment that Portugal has received under the American Military Assistande Program, including motor vehicles (see fl 0, above). 282 - Approved For Release-. l!, 1 2t1;.&I10,e ;.' 1 li?J79....,iii 0 40 9A002800010001-9 4' Irr , 7T,1 itIvr , Approved For Release 2000/05/15,: CIA-RERTATA:104p002800010001-9 ' WO,A0 D. Military Prospects It is difficult. to comment on Portugal's military prospects in Mozambique. Certainly no difficulty is presented in controlling indigenous non-white dissidence in its present form, for L:es.crA nationalists from Mozambique have shown almost no capability for fomenting insurgency in the territory. non-white However, dissidence exists among the 'whites as well as the ? in Mozambique, and neighboring countries are known to be training and aiding various Mozambique nationalists movements. Although the situation at the :present appears to be stable, the future seems to contain increasing challenge to Portuguese rile in the province which Portugal may not have the military capability to suppress. Approved For Release 200 - 283 FrTT Vi9U Wigg rA P A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 III. Congo, A. Strength of Regular Purees 1. Indigenous The Congolese National Army (ANC) consists of about 25,000 troops organized into 24 battalions. The Katangan Gendarmerie, which totaled about 19,000 men in December 1962, has in a large part dispersed as a result of conflicts with UN forces since that date. However, Tshombe has been paying some troops, and part of the Gendarmerie may still be loyal to him. Although units of the ANC and Gendarmerie bear various designators ( commando, paracommando, Gendarmes, etc.), they are all essentially infantry battalions, averaging about 600 men each. The Congolese Air Force has a strength of 300 Congolese and 16 Europeans. The Air Force has a total of 19 aircraft of various types, but a lack of pilots and ground support renders it a very ineffectual force. 2. UN As of May 1963, UN Forces in the Congo totaled 11,000 nen. Current UN plans call for the reduction of this force to less than 7,000 men by 1 Jay 1963, and complete removal of all UN forces by the end of 1963. Approved For For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDO7B1'01049A002800010001-9 r-";fr7v, B. Local Forces No self-defense or paramilitary forces exist in the Congo in the normal sense of these terms. However, tribal organizations remain strong, and tribalwerriors constitute a force' whose effectiveness is directly proportional to the quality of their weapons, leaders, and motivation, which vary from time to time and place to place. C.Er._....t_t_.csgL.ndTrao_znsrtation The Congo does not have a munitions or an armament industry, and consequently all equipment must be Imported. The only effective surpoe supply routes are through the port of Matadi:- Most operations will be by or smaller units. As has been demonstrated in the recent fighting, large units of troops cannot live off the land in the Congo, and it is necessary to carry not only military hardware needed for a campaign but all food and medical supplies as well. Logistical considerations[ Its for a modern force operating in the Congo are so critical as to be a limiting factor in most campaigns. Little information is available concerning the equipment inventory of the ANC, but, in general, organic transport, both surface r' ] BISSENI Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 ? CIA-RDp79T01049A002800010001-9 Ft:, .;,r k:?130,. !:: and air, is at the present time inadequate for any but local operations. A major weakness of the ANC is a lack of vehicles and communications equipment. D. Military Prospects The ANC has very limited capabilities at the present time. Most observers predict that if all UN forces are withdrawn as scheduled, the ANC will have great difficulty in maintaining internal order and security. Predictions range from the reemergence of secessionist move- ments to bloody tribal warfare and massacres. The future prospects and capabilities of the ANC are in the hands of six western nations committed to training the ANC and developing it into a modern effective force. These are Belgium, Israel, Italy, Norway, Canada,* and the US. Tae US has already initiated a modest military assistance program. However, this training will take time, and the prospects for a period of stability in which the ANC would have time to train and reorganize are not good without the UN or some other outside intervention. VI. Republic of South Africa A. Strength of Conventional Forces The South African Army has a strength of 12,000 men, organized into a mobile watch unit, a parachute battalion, and 10 training units * Norway, Canada, and Italy have been reluctant to proceed with the training of the AMC without UN supervision. 0,1) rtc*ctilli 4331, .3. , Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Airs-14 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 ,:,.qA-RDP79T011.949p41,042800010001-9 equivalent to composite battalions. The police force consists of be 28,000 men of which 14,500 are non-white and would of questionable value in surpressing racial violence. Thew) regular units are supported by a Citizens Force consisting of 14,700 men who have had 9 months of basic training and who receive 2 weeks of active training each year. The South African Air Force has a strength of 3,885 military personnel and 303 civilians. In addition, the Air Force reserve has a strength of 10,000 members, more than 2,500 of whom are qualified pilots. Opera- tional units of the Air Force include 2 fighter squadrons, 1 transport squadron, 1 search and rescue squadron, and 1 maritime reconnaissance squadron. The re3erve contains 6 training and 1 transport squadrons. The Air Force has a total inventory of over 400 planes, including 70 jet fighters,* 250 training aircraft configured for air-ground support,** 41 transport aircraft, and 17 helicopters. South African Naval Forces numbered. 1,746 men manning 3 destroyers and other smaller craft. Sixteen Mirage III C aircraft have been ordered from France, and negotiations are underway for the purchase of an undetermined number of Mirage III B aircraft. Acquisition of these aircraft will signifi- cantly increase the fighter strength of the South African Air Force. ** In this report all training type aircraft listed are configured for air-ground. support. 111r7-1 LASSEIA Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release ,20.00/9/15, ClA7RDp79T01049A002800010001-9 B. Local Forces More than 50,000 men are enrolled in militia- type units known as Commandos. Each Commando unit consists of 16 officers and 300 man. In addition to the formation of Commando units, the govern- ment has eMbarked on a program of military training of every man and has considered forming women into units. C. Logistics and Transportation South Africa has a munitions industry capable of producing small arms, explosives, and aircraft and bazooka-type rockets. For larger more sophisticated equipment, South Africa is dependent on imports. Recently, negotiations have been underway for the purchase of US KC-135 aircraft. Ostensibly for early warning purposes, the air- craft are probably intended to insure rapid communication between South Africa and Europe without the necessity of transiting areas controlled by unfriendly African states. In addition to 800 armored cars, the Army has 5:000 trucks (3/4 ton to 5 ton, of US manufacture), with 3,000 of these being in storage. More thou 300 tanks and 150 jeeps, sedans, and other vehicles complete the motor park of the South African Army. The Air Force maintains POL stocks at a level adequate for 30 days of sustained operations. The country is attemptLng to become self-sufficient for all armaments including aircraft, but it will be u ",le to achieve 288 , D1SSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 ? Approved For Release 2000/05/15 :?wiagefaTalOW I ; 0010001-9 4,1 01.4 this goal. The internal transportation system is adequate for support including of any action ---I large-scale extended combat. D. Military Prospects The present regime in South Africa, loudly proclaiming a fear of invasion, has announced intentions of improving its military posture in every way possible. The Army and the police are already capable of dealing with existing dissidence, which is sporadic, poorly, organized, and generally ineffective. As South Africa's harsh racial policies generate increasing tensions however, the Arwf may eventually prove unable to cope with the situation either because of the scope of the uprising or because of sanctions (such as embargo of POL shipments) imposed as a result of international indignation. There is reasonable doubt as to the UN's ability to enforce effec- tive sanctions, for countries such as Portugal and the UK probably would not support them. Moreover, the discovery of oil in Angola could provide an alternative source for a limited amount of petroleum, which is the only commodity that could be effectively embargoed to interfere with South African military capabilities for providing,internal security - 289 - 7:11 Nti FilLFAN COZEN! Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 , /II. Logistics A. US/UN Forces The type and kind of forces which might be employed in operations White Redoubt in the;tr-Gi-s--. would vary widely frpm place to place depending on many factors. It is probably worthwhile to consider requirements of US forces in various types of situations, first to establish a yardstick against which the require- ments of other forces might be measured.; second, because UN forces might receive US logistic support similar to that required. by US forces. /n the ease of US/UN forces, deployment as well as resupply oust be considered. A 17, 500-man US infantry division weighs approximately 27,000 tons. The new type of airborne division has 11,500 men and weighs about 14,500 tons, with its cotbat elements alone weighing about 5,000 tons. Immediate air deploy- ment of this division from a US base would require 600 to 700 aircraft of 20 to 25 tons capacity.* The following tabulation gives the total require- ments (including food, materiel, transport, medical supplies, etc.) for US troops in given situations. Pounds ? er man Type of Action Reserve Inactive (ready) Pursuit Security force Attack on fixed positions Infantry** 13' 33 34 50 614. Armor** 18 45 88 * Based on FM 101-100 Part I, October 1961. ** Assuming operations in division-size units in non-nuclear and non-gas war- fare. Based on VW /I data modified to reflect the new TO 8. R. 190 , i J440 Approved For Release L 0o 10 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-WAT(4.1f)481eN2800010001-9 tiq irx7y,, ? Cio ? B. Portuguese Forces Literature on the logistic requirements of the Portuguese army is not availdble. Estimates of logistic requirements therefore are subjective and subject to revision on the receipt of any more definitive material. It would 'normally be assumed that the Portuguese colonial forces would consume less than US forces. This assumption is reinforced by complaints of Portuguese officers concerning lack of transport capability and other supplies inthe field. Little or no artillery is being used in Angola or Mozambique, and the nature of the fighting would indicate no future requirement for artillery larger than mortars. Tacti- has played cal air support also p&yo a negligible role in the fighting thus far, but the use of helicopters and air-ground support aircraft will probably increase if the fighting increases. Armor also has played a negligible role in the fighting thus far and will continue to be unimportant. The Portuguese would require substantially less POI., ammunition, and ordinan. support than would an American force of comparable size. The average Portuguese soldier also requires less food., medical care, and gerera support than do average American soldiers. The following tabulaticn contains estimates of the requirements for the Portuguese forces operatiw4 in Angola and Mozambique. The tables presume the same level of combat and essentially the same number of Portuguese troops as those presently deployed. 1. Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : P 9101049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 (Pounds per man per day) line of Action Infantry Reserve 7 Inactive (ready) 17 Pursuit 17 Security force 25 Attack on fixed positions 32 Portuguese forces in Angola today probably require from 7 to 25 pounds per man per day depending on their location. Because the insurgents are not judged capable of holding or establishing a fixed position at this time or even of requiring the Army to function as a security force throughout the entire country, the average daily level of requirement has not been raised to 32 pounds per man. Even under conditions of maxims mobilization, including maximum use of armor, artillery, and aircraft, however, Portuguese requirements would never greatly exceed 32 pounds per man per day. C. British-Modeled Forces (SouthAFricaand Southern Rhodesia) Unlike the Portuguese forces, who are already in a combat situation, the forces of South Africa and Southern Rhodesia are garrision and training troops except for occasional incidents. NO logistics problem exists for these forces at this time, and it is impossible to derive a meaningful estimate of their current requirements. Accordingly, r,s,r? f .6 FE UT r Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CRWONF(4941W111410001-9 the estimates in the following tabulation are for the forces of these countries in a combat situation. (Pounds per man per day) Type of 40tion Infantrz Reserve 9 Inactive (ready) 22 Pursuit 22 Security force 33 Attack on fixed positions 42 These requirements assume a limited action of the type now in progress in Angola', with little or no use of armor and artillery, but greater use of aircraft. Little or no increased mobilization also is assumed. If South Africa or Southern Rhodesia were forced into a maximum effort and the entire population were involved in a fight to perserve their lives and homes, the total daily requirement would increase, but the require- ments per man could be decreased to the level of the Portuguese require- ments or below. - 293-77 T r r ? , .Julif .011K-4...`10NDISSEN Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 APPENDIX E Sabotaoe Taxies 1. Vulnerability of the Transportation Systems of Southern Africa The accompanying material discusses transport vulnerabilities in Southern Africa as one aspect of a broader study of the significance of transportation in the area. A general statement on physical and cultural conditions in which inter- diction of transportation might be anticipated is followed by units that comment an the vulnerability of transportation systems in six political entities of Southern . Africa. Tables of major railroad bridges have been included with each unit. Mridges appearing in these tables are shown on maps of each country. RailrOads, highways, and vaterways discuased appear on the country maps and an the general map of Southern Africa. TT. Comments on Vulnerability Transportation in Southern Africa is highly vulnerable to interdiction. Worth- while targets in physical settings that favor dissident groups are not limited to a few scattered locations but are found in a number of places in every country. Railroads, key elements in the economy and early targets for interdiction, traverse many miles of unprotected territory and cross many large bridges for which no alternates are available. Aside from 'Urban areas and scattered concentrations of rural population, most of the countryside is underpopulated, undeveloped, and diffi- cult for seturity forces to control. SUmeroUs wooded landscapes, forested stream SECIFT1"1 "1111.71yiki ASSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15.: CIA-RDP79 1 frwv4000010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 :44IgglIMI11.491A9'14014SISti valleys, thickly grown marshes, and broad areas of tall brush or high grass afford many opportunities for Concealment and present few obstacles to movement on foot. Where adequate roads exist they may be patrolled in force but off-road areas are relatively free from scrutiny. There are few target areas that do not provide con- cealment potential fcor prOperly indoctrinated personnel -- even from observation by low flying aircraft. The rail lines that run west from Kolwezi in the Katanga across Angola to the Tort at Lobito, sonth from the Oopperbelt to Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, and east from Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia to the port at Beira, Mozambique are repre- sentative of routes that traverse relatively isolated, partially wooded country- sides. Several long bridges on a aingle track railroad, widely separated passing sidings, inadequate highways, good concealment and the proximity of international borders are factors that favor attempts to interdict these lines. Very dry areas, such as Tarts of SouthAest Africa or BeChuanaland, Offer fewer opportunities for concealment, present better working conditions for repair crews, and are generally less favorable in terms of unassisted aurvival. Dry areas offer more in terms of conditions suitable for air support -- both for dissidents and security forces -- than do wooded areas. Grasslands are between fOrests and deserts in terms of area of potentially un- detected dissident operations. Grassland areas are traversed by rail lines in the vicinity of Allawnyo, Southern Rhodesia, betWeen Ximina and Port Francqui and between Leopoldville -and Matadi, loth it the Cow. In these areas movement during -295- NP,0 Approved For Release 2000/SE P 9T01049A00z8 001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05115 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 the day is subject to air observation but wooded stream valleys afford a safe haven. Cross country travel at night under the open sky is practical and is difficult for security forces to control. Heavily populated areas are no less vulnerable to the actions of dissident groups if the general population is unsympathetic to the mission of local security forces. The semi-skilled industrial worker by day could very well be the man security forces seek after dark. tndustralized areas of the Republic of South Attica, the Copperbelt of Northern Hhodesia, and the Ketanga of the Congo) and most ports are not snitable areas of operation for large bands of dissidents but these areas do offer numerous opportunities for small groups that can mingle undetected with the local population. Electric power transmission lines and substations, centralized traffic control cables, switch control cables, and telegraph and tele- phone lines are all industrial targets Whose systematic interdiction could cause traffic delays of serious proportions. III. The Vulnerability of Transportation in Specific Countries A. Angola Railroads are the most important means of long haul freight transport in Angola. The highways act principally as feeders for the railroads. The roads are in general in poor condition and, because of regulations restricting competition 'with the government-favored railroads, those paralleling the railroads are given the least attention. The three main rail lines are all single track, 3'6" gauge, and are =it itterlonsetted. The only internatimml rants is the Benguela Railway -296- DrTIPP rmIrr" nIRM[ Approved For RESEEC.i008/05/15 : CIA-RDP79 OwmuA002800010001-9 m , Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 which provides a direct outlet on the Atlantic Ocean for the minerals of the Katanga and the Copperbelt. (See Figure 30 map N. 37823) The critical points on the BengUela Nailway are the principal bridges) especially the 512-fOot bridge located about 55 miles east of Silva Porto; the major repair shops at Nova Lisboa; and the terminal facilities at Lobito. There are eight bridges Over 125 feet long On the Benguela Railway. Two of these bridges are combined road and rail bridges and would therefore be excellent targets. One of these is 2 miles north-east of the city of Benguela, and consists of ten spans of 34 feet each for a total length of 340 feet. The other is the ex- tremely critical 512-foot bridge over the Cuanza 'aver 55 miles east of Silva Porto. This is a steel through.truOs type with fOur spans of 128 feet each. Destruction of one or more spans of this bridge would effectively sever both rail and highway service. A third major structure is the two-span 262 foot steel bridge over the Rio Cuiba 25 miles east of the Cuanza River. The Nova Lisboa workshops provide heavy repairs to all equipment and assemble rolling stock. Buyer is provided by a 1250-kilowatt hydroelectric station located 12 miles south of Nova Lisboa. A single track leads from the terminal facilities at Lobito to Benguela. There are two bridges over 250 feet long within eight miles on the track between Lobito and Benguela. The two Shorter main lines also are Vulnerable to a vell-planned sabotage effort. Critioalpoints on the Imanda Malanda line are the three principal - 297 Approved For Release 20004RAPTIMIlf7fgralARM110001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 bridges and the workshops and classification yards at Luanda. On the Dondo branch of this line there are two bridges over 150 feet long. There are two major bridges on the Mocamedes - Vila Serpa Pinto line, one 1,312 feet long two miles northeast of Mocamedes, and the other 656 feet long ten miles northeast of Mocamedes. No information is available on bridges east of Sm da Eandeira. The only railroad tunnel in Angola on the Mocamedes - Vila Serpa Pinto line Is 230 feet long and is approximately 20 miles north of Sm da Bandeira. Important workshops and terminal facilities at Mocamedes are concentrated in a small area and are reached by a single track. Principal fuel is locally available wood, but some imported coal, fuel oil and gasoline are used. Disruption of fuel supplies would seriously hamper railroad operations. See Table 1 on railroad bridges of Angola.* B. Congo SLeopoldville) The railroads of the Congo carry more freight than any other means of trans- port and during some seasons of the year are the only reliable means of land move- ment. However, the chief port Matadi, is not connected directly by rail with the Katanga, the area producing most of the export tonnage. Direct rail access to ports is possible only through connections with rail systems of other countries: the Benguela Aailway to Lobito, Angola on the Atlantic; the Rhodesia Railways to Beira and Lourenc0 Maltues, Mozambique on the Indian Ocean; and South African Railways to ports in South Africa and Bouth=Nest Africa. (See Figure 4, map No. 37824). ;ke.- Page 31?.0 below. - 298 SECINTIrg Approved For Release 200 /0 : CIA-RDv79 ki 002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Normally to reach Matadi cargoes are carried by rail from the Katanga to Port Francqui by the Compagnie des Chemins de Per du Bas-Congo au Katanga (BCK), transferred to bargeS of the Office dtEkploitation des Transports Coloniaux (OTRACO) on the Congo.lasai river system to Leopoldville, transferred back to rail for trans- port to Matadi by the OTRACO rail line. An alternate rail-water route is possible by BaK rail to Kemine, Cotpagnie des Chemins de Per du Congo Superieur aux Grand Lacs Africains (CPL) rail to Kindu, OTRACO barge to Ponthierville, CFL rail to Stanleyville, OTRACO barge to Leopoid.ville, and OTRACO rail to Matadi. OTRACO also operates a short line from Boma to Tshela. The Societe des Che- mins de Fer Vicinaux du Congo (VICICONGO) operates an independent line in north- eastern Congo that ties into the head of navigation on the Itimbiri River. The track, totaling 522 miles, runs eastward from Aketi to Mungvere and branches to the north at Komba to reach the Uele River at Rondd. Locomotives in use in the Congo include steam, diesel and electric. Except for electrified sections the Buic uses steam, the CFL uses steam, and diese_L equip- ment -- backed up by steam -- is used by OTRACO and VICICONGO. Coal and wod are burned on the BCK and CFL lines. Most of the coal is imported from Rhodesia, bui; a low grade of Coal is mined near Luenal 115 miles north of Terike. Main workshops are located at Matadi for 0TRAC00 at Elisabethville for MICK, at Albertville for CFL, and at Aketi for VICICONGO. The electric locomotives of the Mair operate an 25,000 volt, single phase, 50 cycle current that is obtained from power stations in the Katanga through 110 kv -299- Approved For Release 2000/05/15 gErall.147bi0i0434.0a4001 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-R0P79T01049A002800010001-9 high lines supplying substations at Elisabethville, jadotville, Pungurume, Kisanfu, and. Kolvezi. The sUbstation at Pungurume was destroyed in January 1963. Although some pOwer is supplied to the Katanga from the Kariba complex in Rhodesia, four hydroelectric planta produce most of Katangals power: The Le Marinel and Delcommune plants on the LualaUm River north of Kolvezi and the Eta and Francqui units on the Dufira River northeast of Jadotville. * Rail traffic in the Congo is particularly subject to interruption because all lines ard single track, and no alternate routes are available. All of the 38 bridges over 150 feet long on the rail systems are potential bottlenecks. Damage to electric facilities in the Katanga could also cause considerable disruption of rail traffic. The line from the Rhodesian border at Bakania to laisabethville has no major structures but the electrified line from Slisalethville to Tenke has three major bridges. These are key bridges in the Katanga and all three were partially destroyed in January 1963 but have since been reopened to traffic. Blockage of this line not only cuts off exports of minerals to the south but prevents industrial supplies, including Rhodesian coal, from reaching Jadotville and. Kolvezi. The track from Tenke to Dilolo Gare and the junction with the Benguela Railway on the Angolan border crosses four bridges over 150 feet long and five more between 30 and 150 feet long. Between Tenke and the end of the electrification at Luena there are two large bridges and from Wena to the terminus of the line at Port haucqui the line crosses four more major structures. The bridge over the Lubilash River neer isamba that bas three spans of 138 feet each, was -partially -300- Approved For RelegUiT/a5 rag7D491)1=02800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 destroyed in the 1962-63 fighting and has not been restored to service. There are eight major bridges on the line leading north from Kamina to Kindu. The 14-span, 1,628 foot bridge over the LUalaba River at Kongolo has been damaged and is out of service. The CFL line between Rebel? and Albertville on Lake Albert has a major bridge over the Liuzi River with One span of 164 feet and four of 43 feet each. The OTRACO line between Leopoldville and Matadi crosses nine major bridges. Four of these bridges that vary in length from 150 to 316 feet are situated within three route miles near Matadi. On the eastern end of the line, centralized traffic contra train Operation has been installed on 43 miles of the line between Leopold- ville and Bona Meta. There is one major bridge On the OTRACO line between Boma and Tshela and three an the VICICONGO tracks in the northeastern Congo. The CFL line between Stanleyville and Ponthierville Crosses three large bridges. Two of these have multiple spans of 43 feet each and one has a 95 foot span. Inland waterways are well develOped in the Congo but are of primary impor- tance only to internal transportation. The primary waterways, the Congo and Kwa- Kaaai systems, do not serve ocean Torts nor do they reach the Katanga. Rail lines, designed to supplement waterways, fill in unnavigable sections of rivers and reach area's without navigable waterways. At the present time the Katanga is cut off from river transpOrt because Of the damage to the labilash River bridge on the rail connection to lorb lore:nevi and to the Lualaba River bridge on the Kinou line. In the eastern Congo, lake services are provided on Lake Albert, Lake Kivu, -301- earnrlr Mr1 reVivrIrmg_ ntrietros Approved For Release 2000/0 '!(.014-IRDP79T910.49A0ORMIlini01-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 1 Lake Tanganyika, and Lake MWeru. The most important of these services links the CFL rail line at Albertville with the East African Railways at Kigoma, Tanganyika, thus providing a route to Der es gala= On the Indian Ocean. The CFL and the East African Railways operate services on Lake Tanganyika. Damage to boats, tugs, Larges, or fuel oil storage areas could disrupt inland water transport. The highways of the Congo were developed primarily as feeders for the rail lines and inland waterways. The best roads are found in the area between Leopold- ville and the sea, in the Katanga, and between Lake Tanganyika and Lake Kivu. The road netmtat has not been maintained systematically since independence and is cur- rently in poor condition. With the possible exception of the routes from Leopold- ville to Matadi, and from Kolwezi to the Rhodesian 'herder, there are no cross coun- try roads capable of sustained heavy truck traffic. There are five major bridges and a ferry across the Congo River on the road between Leopoldville and the Port of Matadi. Between Kolwezi and Elisabethville there are a number of large bridges several of which can be bypassed without great difficulty. One that was blown out in January 1963, and for which no bypass was found., is the 180 foot bridge over the Lufira River at Ouba. Even with all bridges in service, the highways of the Congo could not transport the tonnage normally carried by rail lines and inland water- ways. See Table 2 on railroad bridges of Congo (Leopoldville) over 150 feet long.* C. The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland The railroads are the Moot important cross-country carriers in the Federation. *. Page 34 below. - 302 - Approved For Release 200/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 SEMETIrl r'n"Pli 0133FM _CR 141 gni I_ _ Approved For Release 2000/05/151611aMiRD1431,1-0t1&491k00280001#6-11-9 Almost all imports and exports, including minerals, and agricultural and commercial goods are moved by tail. There are two separate 316" gauge systems in the Federa- tion. The two aystems? Rhodesia Railways and Nyasaland Railways, are tied together in Mozambique by the Tiana-Zambesia and the. Beira railroads which also serves the Port of Beira. The Rhodesia Railways tracks also join those of the Laurent? Marquee Railway in Mozambique to reach the port of Laurent? Marques, those of the South African Railways to the south, and those of the KStanga Railway to the north. (See Figure 5, map No. 37820). Centralized trend control train operation is used on portions of the main- line of Rhodesia Railways. At the end of 1962 there were 83 miles to be completed in Southern Rhodesia and 221 miles to be completed in Northern Rhodesia in the plan to operate the entire line between "[Antall and Ildola by CTC. Panels of the CTC sys- tem are in operation at Livingstone,. Salisbury, and Bulawayo and are planned for UMtali, Owelo, Manzel Broken !ill, and Ndola. Locomotive repair shops capable of complete overhaul are situated at Bula- wayo, Umtali, Livingstone, and Broken Rill.. In Nyasaland locomotive repair shops are located at Lidbe. Most of the locomotives in use are coal fired and supplied with coal from the Federation's major source of coal at Wankie. Fuel oil is carried by rail from the port at Laurent? Marques for diesel locomotives operating between Malvetnia and Bamabula and from Beira for those on the Machipanda to Salisbury line. 'The line between Salisbury and Owela aIsa dperatet with diesel equipment. All of ate locomOtives on the Nyasaland Rail:wave are toal fired, but some diesels are on Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RPRIATIPaAcg80, 00100R1a,9n 111 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 order. Wahkie coal is supplemented by supplies from the Moatize coalfields near Bengt& on the Zambesi River in Mozambique. he 'anther Of bridges over large rivers, the lack of alternate routes, and the easily isolated repair facilities and source of coal make the rail systems of the Federation Susceptible to interdiction. There are more than 260 bridges on the Rhodesia Railways system of which 32 are considel-ed major. On the Nyasaland Rail- ways there are 120 bridges including three of more than 150 feet. Disruption of railroad activity within the Copperbelt of Northern Rhodesia could be effected by destruction of a series of three biidges within a distance Of approximately 4o miles. One of these bridges is over the Kafue River and has 5 spans of 75 feet each, a second over the same river has 5 spans varying from 30 to 75 feet each, and a third over the MWambashi River has 3 spans of 50 feet each. The flow of minerals south from the 0opperbelt could be disrupted by destruction of one or more Of a total of nine bridges between tusdka and BOlawayo. The longest bridge in this series crosses the Dem River at Kelm and has 13 spans of 100 feet each. The most difficult bridge to replace, however, is the Victoria Falls rail and road bridge which has spans of 62, 500, and 87 feet and is more than 400 feet above the voters of the Zadbesi River. The major source of coal for the Federation is situated at Wenkie, about 67 route miles Southeast of Victoria Fells. Destruction of large bridges on either side of *wide would temporarily prevent coal from reaching the railroads and the industry of both Northern ihOderais and Aouthern Rhodesia. The only tusael on the - 304 - Approved For ReleaSittitp/ppp;4 : '1A-RDP79Tairi4g,S,A 02800010001-9 thwousAbliu I tffi .2 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A00280000001-9 Rhodesia Railways is on the Wankie bypass; its destruction would slow traffic but would tot block the line. ...he line leading to the port of Beira has two major bridges between Salis- bury and UMtali. Deatruction of either of these structures would also isolate the major repair facility of UMtali. The line to Lourenco Marques has three large bridges in Southern Rhodesia. The line between Saliihury and BulaWayo is one of the most heavily travelled in the Federation and crosses six major bridges, all of which have spans of 90 feet er longer. In Nyasaland, destruction of either of the bridges over the Shire River at Chiremo, two spans of 161 feet each and one span of 258 feet, and at Shire North Station, two spans' of 110 feet each and six spans of 50 feet each, would block the rail traffic. The repair shops are at Lidbe which is situated between these major bridges. Highways in the Federation have been designed as feeders for the rail system and with some exception could not be used successfully to take over heavy traffic in the event of railroad stoppages. Most of the through roads parallel the general routes of rail lines and must croes the same major rivers. A notfable exception is the all-weather road that links Lusaka and Salisbury directly rather than by the rail route throughyictoria Falls and Bulawayo. Interruption of highway traffic is best accomplished by destruction of bridges over large rivers'. Many 'stream that generally carry little water but flood sea- sonally are cross On "low bridges" that are little More than long culverts. During -305- 71 it merr Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CISMILLAIORSIVIMUMAIIILM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 high water they may be impassable for four or five days at a time. This type of crosaing is found on the major highways: and during low water some Of these may be bypassed without great difficulty. These bridges are gradually being replaced by "high bridges' that are open ta traffic at all times. Along the major highways there are more than 50 high bridges over 150 feet long. Some of these could be bypassed at low water or adjacent rail bridges might be used for road traffic. In some places, such as at Victoria Falls, highway and rail traffic normally cross on the same structures. Bypasses around bridges on major rivers such as the Limpopo, Zambeti, Kafue, or Sabi are not practical. Some of the key highway bridges in Northern and Southern Rhodesia are: The Beitbridge- Bulawayo bridge over the Limpopo River with- 14 spans of 111 feet each, the Victoria Falls rail-highway bridge with a main span of 500 feet, the Kafue River bridge south of Lusaka with three spans of 140 feet each, the Otto Veit bridge over the Zambesi River on the route between Lusaka and Salisbury with a main span of 1,050 feet, and the Matetsi River bridge between Wankie and Victoria Falls with four spans of 106 feet each. rit Nyasaland the main highway outlet to the Indian Ocean crosses the Ruo and Tachila Rivers over bridges that each have spans of 100 feet. The highway network of the Federation, like the railroads-, offers little opportunity for alter- nate routing. Major internal routes as well as those leading to ports serving the rederation dould be interdicted by destruction of highway bridges. The following list of railroad bridges in the Yederetion that are 150 feet or Imager ere shown in TAU 3.;* Page324, below. - 306 - Iv() rirna-N? mon o/ Approved For Release 2gagibon t181X-RDP79T011049AVIt8i00010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/0E11E444MA? 111001-9 D. MozaMbique Transportation routes across Mozambique provide access to the sea for the north-eastern part of the Republic of South Africa, the landlocked Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, and Katanga Province in the Republic of the Congo. Rail- roads are the most important method of transport because of the nature of traffic hauled, the inadequacy of the highway system, and the little use that is made of the extensive inland waterways. Highways are increasing in importance but except for a few roads in the vicinity of the ports they are unsurfaced and could not handle ? sustained heavy traffic. (See rigure 6, map No. 37819). Five railroad companies operate service an widely separated rail systems in Mozambique. In the south the Lourenco Marques Railroad (Caminho de Ferro de Lau- renco Marques) syotems has two international railroad connections, one with the Republic of South Africa and the other with Southern Rhodesia. tn the north the Mozambique Railroad (Caminho de Ferro de Mocambique) operates an isolated line run- ning inland from Lumbo and Nacala. The third system serves the port of Beira with three inter-connected lines: the Beira Railroad (Caminho de Ferro de Beira) that has an international connection with Southern Rhodesia; the Tete Railroad (Caminho de Ferro de Tete) leading from the Moatize coalfields; and the only privately awned railroad in Mozambique the Trans-Zambesiallailway Co., Ltd., which joins the Cen- tral African Railway en 'route to NyasninnA., /be main lines are all 3'6" gauge And are single track except for six miles Of double track leading soUth from tourenco Mortices. 'Mere is a total of 280 bridges - 307 - Approved For Release 2000/0911141MTRUP7FrIMAtOORW001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 over 12 feet long, of which 26 are over 150 feet long. The longest is the 12,064 foot long Zambezi River Bridge north of Sena, the longest bridge on the African continent. lorOm Lourenco Marques, capital and Main port of Mozambique, rail lines ex- tend in three directions -- southwest through Goba to the Swaziland border, west to Ressano Garcia, and north to Milvernia. Lourencd Marques' facilities include railroad workshops, an enginehouse, classification yard, loading equipment, and Oil tanks. There are at least 13 oil tanks in Lourenco Marques proper, and 21 more at Matola Petroleum Pier six miles to the west. The line leading southwest to Goba has one principal bridge on it, the 11181-foot long steel structure Over the Rio UMbeluzi, 15 miles north of Gobs. At Goba the Mazadbique highway service connects the line with the South African high- way service. The important line from Laurelled Marques to Ressano Garcia, *here there is a connectidn with the South African Railways, provides Pretoria and Johannesburg with their closest outlet to the sea. There are 14 bridges in the 55 route miles in Mozambique one a principal structure of 305 feet situated 15 miles northwest of Moamba. The tie to the Lourenco Marque S -Milvernia line extends northeast from the junction at Mallamba. Southern Rhodesia and Laurence Marques are linked by the line that has its international connection at Malvernia. There are three bridges over 150 feet an this line with the principal target the 1,380-foot long President Carmona Bridge Approved For Release 2000/05/15: M-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 1 -?qmiA41 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIAAWAIIMAOSI2V67040d0144111 over the Rio Incomati. This is a combined rail and road bridge and would therefore disrUpt truck transport as well as rail. The other two bridges on this important route are 689 feet long and 2,010 feet long. Lourenco Marques and Reim are con- nected by rail only via the Federation of Rhodesia And Nyasaland. Reira is the second major port Of Mozamb1qze and is served by two rail lines ' with international connections: one to Southern RhOdesia and one to Nyasaland. it is also the major east coast port for ratanga Province of the RepUblic of the Congo. In the pert complex there are 4 classification yard, a railroad workshop, an engineheuse and loading and 'unloading equipment. A single track rail line leads from the port and in One place there are 34 oil storage tanks within 1,200 feet of this track. The Reira4lachipanda line leading to Southern Rhodesia has 53 bridges on its 196 route miles -- and average of over one bridge every four route miles. Seventeen of these are principal Structures and nine, totaling 8,460 feet in length, are in one 11-mile stretch across 416e Rid Pungue mud flats. There are four more bridges over 150 feet long within 40 miles of the Rhodesian border. The main re- pair shops are at Machipanda. The rail line to the Nyasaland border branches off the Reira-Machipanda line at Donde 18 miles northvest of Beira. The Zambezi 'liver railroad bridge, nori4 of Sena, is the Only reliable manner of dressing the Zambezi River in this region. The bridge also carries =Or vehicles across the river on railroad flat cars. This line it important obi 0414 for the interhational traffic from Nyasaland but also -309- ii,t.InirtIllrtr"ArrrNair,,,r1 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-Kor?0,4tP1049A002800010001-9. " Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 for the coal it carries from the Moatize coalfields. There are three other prin- cipal bridges between Moatize and the junction at Donana: the most important is the 263-foot bridge over the Rio Goma 31.7 miles northwest of Donna. Other criti- cal points an this line are the shops at /hhaminga and Sena, and the junction and shop at Donana. In northern Mozambique a railroad serves the agricultural region with ports at Nacala and Lumbo-MocaMbique. The line has now been extended as far west as Con- gerenga and has three principal bridges: 315-feet over Rio Luria, 20 miles east of Cumnbal 345-feet over Rio Nalume, 45 miles east of Cuamba; and 490-feet over Rio Monapo near MonaTo Station. Other important targets would be the railroad shops at Nampula and the terminal yard at Nacala. (See Table :4 of railroad bridges in Mozambique over 150 feet in length*). E. Sauth Africa The rail net operated by the South African Railways -- that serves the Republic of South Africa, South-West Africa and Bechuanaland -- is a sophisticated system that presents numerous vulnerable targets. The fairly dense network in the Republic provides alternate routes in the event of damage to individual lines. Because of the heavy traffic carried by these lines, however, service could be dis- rupted by damage to power sources, transformer stations, or transmission lines that feed energy to electrified itctions or by destruction of centralized traffic control (CTC) and other signaling systems that are required to maintain the cus- tomary density of traffic. DisrUption of fuel supplies for diesel and coal burning * Pigi 3300 beldrec - 310 - Approved For Release 2111r1,5,ii9ArRowylOrr,92,8100010001-9 F Approved For Release 2000/05/44A4a9T0104#9"ALiatiM1-9 locomotives could also reduce the capacity of the system but in an emergency both steam and diesel equipment could replace electric locomotives in critical areas. (See Figure 7, map NO. 37821). In South-Vest Africa the network is largely single track and no alternate routes are available. tocomOtivet presently in use are all diesel on this line because of the shortage of water and the long distance from sources of coal. The line that crosses Bechuanaland to reach Billawayo in Southern Rhodesia is also single track in a very dry area. Damage to coal mines, petroleum storage facilities, port facilities, loco- motive repair facilities, and freight yards could possibly curtail rail traffic to some extent, but systematic destruction of bridges and tunnels in addition to damage tJ supporting facilities could seridusly hamper the utility of the rail sys- tem. Damage to a aeries of bridges on a single line creates bottlenecks and mate- rially slows repair wOrk. Destruction of mainline structures such as the 1,430 foot bridge over the Orange River near Norvalsport or the 1,580 foot bridge over the Vaal River near Vereeniging would seriously congest rail traffic. If properly executed, destructioa of a aeries of bridges could halt through movement of rail traffic for a time. The ports of South Africa and SOuth4Teat Africa and Lourenco Marques in Mozambique are relatively isolated frotsthe main network Of the South African Rail- way system. Destruction of spans of seven bridges selected from a total of 40 would effectively cut of these ports from the heart of the rail system. iT rn-wifttit ;WV Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : C. DP 9T 1049A0025 0 1: Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Durban, the principal port: , is eerved by a single rail line that crosses four major bridges and passes through nine tunnels that cannot be by-passed. Cape Town, another principal port, may be approached by two lines one of which has twO bridges and a tunnel and the second four 'major bridges and four tunnels. Both Walvis Bay and Luderitz, secondary ports in South-West Africa, could be isolated from the Republic by destruction of portions of a single bridge 3,514 feet long. There is one tunnel an the Walvis Bay line. The port of Port Elizabeth Could be Isolated by destruction of two of three bridges, and East London by a single bridge near the port, by two or three bridges on approaches to the port or by two of three tunnels. Destruction of two of four bridges or two of five tunnels could cut off the minor port of Mosselbaai. The secondary port Of Simonstown and the minor port at Saldandha are served by the same approach routes that serve Cape Town. Port Shepstone a minor port, is approached. through Durban and Could be isolated from Marban by damage to one or more of nine bridges. Traffic from the Republic to Lourenco Marques or to Southern Rhodesia could be cut off in the Republic by destruction of one 750 foot bridge near the border or by two of a possible five bridges some distance from the border. The line linking Southern Ahodezia and the Republic that passes through Bechuanaland crosses four major bridges each of which has at least two spans 100 feet in length. The highway networks of the Republic, gcluth=West Africa, and Bechuanaland serve an important role sort haul traffic but do not carry a significant - 312 - Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 SPRIT/NO Fn9r1110 nISSEM ?,4, Approved For Release 2000/05/ALClA7RDP79T010494-0-02068.#11-9 percentage of heavy, long haul traffic. Many of the bridges are narrow or have limited load capacities and Some are Under water after heavy rainfall. Additional bridges, ferries, or fords are available as alternates for most bridges but some key structures do not have by-passes readily available. Such structures are the 1,369 foot Vaal River Bridge 18 miles South Of Vereeniging or the 150 foot Kaffer- rivier Bridge 17 miles north of Heddersbruy. These two bridges are on routes that parallel rail lines. There are an additional 54 major road bridges that parallel rail bridges. There are an estimated 10,000 rail bridges of significant size in the South African RailWays system. Seventy-one of these structures are over 150 feet in length. (See Table 5*). F. Tanoanyika Railroads operated by the East African Railways are the most important means of long-haul transport in Tanganyika. Highways and waterways provide feeder and transhipment service between rail stations and outlying areas. The two impor- tant rail lines are the Central line (Dar es Salaam - Kigoma) and the Tanga line (Tanga - Arusha). The gauge of all the railroads in Tanganyika is 3' 3 3/8" which is different frOm the standard African gauge of 3'6". (See Figure 8, map No. 37822). /here is not at present a connection between the two main rail lines in Tanganyika. A connectidn it planned however', from Mnyusi on the Tanga line and 4 Page 334, bel. - 313 - SECRET/NI rP""""1 DISSEM Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 RuVu on the Central line. The Tanga line in the north is connected with the rail- road system in Kenya and thence to the port of Mombasa. There are few good high- in the country, especially in the south-central and western areas. Transport of large quantities of freight via the highways would be restricted by numerous fords, low-capacity ferries, narrow and low-capacity bridges, narrow stretches of road, Sharp curves, and steep grades'. Weather factors such as floods during the rainy season, dust during the dry season, and the intense heat also afflict high- way transport. Inland waterway transport is important but is confined to lakes which are not connected; however, by utilizing railroad-waterway routes, transshipment can be made to the Republic of the Congo, Uganda, and Kenya. The Tanga line extends north-westward 272 route miles from the port of Tangs to Arusha. At Kahe, 206 miles northwest of Tonga, a branch extends to the Kenya main line. There are six bridges over 100-feet long on the line, two of them between Italie and Tanga. These are clOst to Korogwe, about 4.5 miles vest of Tanga. Because of the alternate route through Kenya leading to the sea at Mombasa it also would be necessary to damage the bridge eight Miles northeast of Kele or one of the four in Kenya in order to block traffic with the port. The Central line extends east-west for 779 route miles and is part of an international route frOm Tanganyika to the .Congo via take Tanganyika. Because of the difference in gauge between the railrOadS Of Tanganyika and the Congo there is no rail ferry- betveeniCigaaa, Tinganrika and Albertville, Congo. There are 11E, - 314 - Approved For Release 2F74FMAirclaPFRIONI r 00010001-9 InOTITTEI Approved For Release 2000/051SECIMP711,rw4o9q040A is 1-9 bridges over 10-feet long on the Central line, 11 of these are 100 feet or longer. Critical points On the line are the two 100-foot long bridges near Kilosa and MorogOro, the terminal facilities and major repair shop at Dar as Salaam) and the transshipment facilities at Kigoma. Destruction of selected bridges could sever tranaportatiOn of this rail line for a lengthy period. The import port of Dar es Salaam has the following facilities: two classi fication yards, a freight yard) major and minor repair shops, 14-stall roundhouae, passenger car sheds, freight sheds, scales, oil, Coal, water, and sidings to wharf. There are at least 25 oil tanks at Dar es Salaam and large stocks are usually main- tained. At Kigoma there is a minor repair Shop, roundhOuse? freight sheds, oil, and water besides the transshipment facilities. A branch line extends from Tbora an the Central line to the lake port of Wanza on Lake Victoria. There are facilities at Wanza for transshipment of freight to 'Uganda and Kenya. Within a distance Of 40 miles in the vicinity of Shinyanga there are three bridges over 100 feet long. Another branch extends south-weatward from Kallua servicing the lead mines at Mpanda. There are no bridges of any great length on this branch but there are 16 bridges of 10 feet or longer spread along the 131 route miles. One other potential target on the Tanganyika railroads is the many oil tank cars that use the lines because of the heed for disbursing the imported oil from the pOrts for Use as fuel oil for the locoMOtives. Similarly water is hauled in tank cars to Combat severe seasonal drOUghtt. (Bee Table 6*, bridges of 991). U Page 342 bel0V0 -315 - Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 6-1?0001?0008ZOOV61701.016/dCIU-VI3 : 91./90/000Z eseeleu Jod peAwddv or 1 c ...?1?044Laii Table 1 - Mbilroad Bridges - Angola Structure Number (See rig. 1 3) Location Mile- age Approx. Total Syens Length Ft. Material Type 45 miles If of 198 reinforced n.a. concrete Vila Salazar 2 30 miles 1,1" of est. Vila Salazar 194 3 22 miles K of 33a Vila Salazar 15 miles R of 180 Dondo 3 Niles N of 165 Dondo 6 T idles S of 276 Lobito 2 alien NE of 340 Benguela 8 10 miles SE of 380 Benguela steel n?a? steel steel steel steel n.a. steel through truss deck arch haIf-through truss n.a. plate girder through truss deck girder deck truss Tracks Number Length Ft. n.a. n.a. 1 1 164 1 1 est. 30 3 100 1 n.a. n.a. 1 5 33 1 1 276 1 10 311- 1 5 76 1 Remarks aver stream over Rio Luinhs over Rio Lucala over Rio Lucala over stream. Combined rail and road bridge over Rio Catumbela over Rio Cavaco. Combined rail and road bridge over Rio Lengue. Bridge on curve - 316 6-1.0001.0008Z00V61701.016/dCIU-VI3 : 91./90/000Z eseeleu Jod peAwddv Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 r-4 r-4 ?-I 141 eA t? Crl )-4 tot 14 (NI (:) Lr Crl LIN ?.0 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 SEMI: !7 2 Al r411,1 Railroad Bridges - Congo (Leopoldville) Structure Total Number Location Mile- Length (See Fig. li) age Approx. Ft. Material 1 10 miles I of 169 n.a. JadctvilIe 2 20 miles NW of 156 n.a. Jadotville 3 27 miles NW of 172 n.4. jadotville- 4 80 miles W of jadctviLle 342 steel 3 160 miles N of 171 steel Dilelo Gare 6 140 miles E of 171 steel Dilolo Gare IT 35 miles X of 171 steel Dilolo Gore 8 60 miles S of 169 n..a? Damn 9 35 miles S of 169 n.a. lkikama SP82213 Length l'YPe Number It. Tracks Remarks through truss through truss deck girder through truss through truss through truss through truss through truss through truss through truss 1 169 1 1 86 1 2 35 2 86 1 2 171 1 1 171 1 1 171 1 1 171 I 1 169 1 1 169 1 triter Lufira River IVer Mulungorishi River over Dikuluwe River over Lualaba River over Lubluli River over Makulveshi River over Lulua River over Lubudi River over ralule-Nord River 318 - 6-1?0001?0009ZOOV61701.016/dCltl-VIO : 91./90/000Z eseeletl JOd PeA0AdV 6-1?0001?0008ZOOV61701.016/dCIU-VI3 : 91./90/000Z eseeleu Jod peAwddv a Table 2 - (Continued) Railroad Bridges - Congo (Leopoldville) > TS TS n 0 < CD 0- -n Structure Total Spans o n !lumber Location Mile- Length Length X (See Fig. 4) age Approx. Ft. Material Tyre number Yt. Tracks Remarks' m c7 m 10 at Eukams. 828 n.a. through bow- 4 203 1 over Lualsba River en m string n.) 0 deck girder I 16 o 0 (both on masonry o al piers and abut- FIrc ments) " 0 steel through truss 3 138 1 over Lubils.shi River. Restora- F. Imams deck type 2 16 tion anticipated by fall of X ?approach spans 1963. 0 -o (IKAAIon masonry -4 to piers and. abut- -i o ments ) al 4:. c.0 3.5ct miles NW of 276 n.a. through truss 2 138 1 over Lunn River > o , irgmfmc, o no 13 oo o ICC miles SE of 236 n.a. through truss 1 236 1 over Mushimale River o o Luluabourg al 0 0 steel through truss 2 217 1 rail/road bridge over Lualaba _. c'n deck girder 2 131 River deck girder 8 217 (on masonry piers and abutment) 15 43 miles E of 336 steel through truss 1 164 1 over Luizi River Kabala girder deck plate 4 43 girder (an masonry or concrete piers and abutments) 122 miles EW of 14 7 miles S of 2439 Kabala 6-1?0001?0008ZOOV61701.016/dCIU-VI3 : 91./90/000Z eseeleu Jod peAwddv StIAdifais D:SSEI Table 2 - (Continued) Railroad Bridges - Congo (Leopoldville) Structure Total Number Location Mile- length (See Fig. 4) age Approx. Ft. Material 16 24.5 miles N of 158 n?a? Kabala 17 25 miles H of 529 steel Kabalo 33 miles N of 232 steel Kabala 19 52 miles N of labaJ-o at Iongolc 1628 reinforced concrete 20 20 miles W of 338 steel Kasongo gPana Type Number deck plate girder through truss suspension (on concrete piers and abutments) through truss lattice deck girder (an concrete piers and. abutments) deck type through truss plate deck girder (on masonry abut- ments and masonry and metal piers) Length Pt. Tracks Remarks 39 1 over ignkuga River 2 149 1 ?Ye; 110kaga River 1 230 1 131 1 over linfuhuta River 1 96 1 52 1 road/rail bridge over Lualaba 8 112 River. Restoration not 1 230 anticipated for at least 1 101 2 years. 1 171 1 124 1 164 1 over Lufubu River 4 43 6-1.0001.0008Z00V61701.016/dCIU-VI3 : 91./90/000Z eseeleu Jod peAwddv Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 ilL r4 en 1-1 r4 r4 -r4 ikv 0.1 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 SECRETII-J Ffr:a r_71.1SE'l Table 2 - (Continued) Railroad Bridges Congo (Leopoldville) Structure Number (See Fig- 4-) Total Location Mile-. Length age fimmom. Ft. 25 5 miles of 24-1 Stanleyville 26 27 28 29 30 80. miles of 250 Bata 26 miles X of 250 .Aketi 20 miles S of 230 Bonds 1/ miles NR of 328 Thrsville 26 miles W of 158 ThywriLle 31 38 miles W of Thysville &Pans Material T7Pe Number n.a. /slate girder deck (on masonry abut- ments and masonry- piers topped by steel pylons) steel through truss girder steel through truss girder steel through truss girder steel through truss steel deck girder reinforced arch concrete steel half-through truss Length Ft. Tracks 5 43 1 3 82 1 3 82 2 82 1 1 66 2 164 1 2 66 1 1 26 1 164 1 Remarks crier Xongamba River Zobia Mridge over Zobia Elver Gums Bridge over Likati River road/rail bridge road/rail bridge over Libogo River over Inkisi River aver stream over vater course 322 * Laddi 4 t.ot4 6-1?0001?0009ZOOV61701.016/dCltl-VIO 91./90/000Z eseeletl JOd PeA0AdV 6-1?0001?0009ZOOV61701.016/dCltl-VI3 : 91./90/000Z eseeletl JOd PeA0AdV SECatil,w Table 2 - (Continued) Railroad Bridges - Congo (Leo-poldville) S-tructure Number (See Fig. /4-) Total Location Mile- Length age Approx. Ft. 32 42 miles W of 262 Tbysville 33 7.5 miles Z f 263 Matadi 6.4 nrils of 150 ?Matadi 35 6 miles of Nata.di 36 4.5 miles E of Matadi 316 3T 3.5 miles E of 2914 Matadi 38 38 miles N of Bona 197 spans Material steel steel steel reinforced 'concrete n.a. reinforced concrete steel steel steel Length Type Number Ft. half-through truss half -through truss Taate girder ecpproach hal f-through truss arch deck girder- deck arch through truss (on masonry abutments) truss deck through truss Tracks 1 262 1 1 131 2 66 1 98 1 2 26 66 1 2 26 1 262 1 6 1.9 1 1 197 1 Remarks aver twill' River over Lieu River -aver stream over Ravine du. Diable over Faze River over -water course road/rail bridge over Lukula River Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 - 323 - 6-1?0001?0008ZOOV61701.016/dCIU-VI3 : 91./90/000Z eseeleu Jod peAwddv Table 3 Railroad Bridges - Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Structure Total Number Location Mile- Length (See Fig. 5) age Approx. Ft. Material 1 at Salina 350 a.a. 2 1/25 miles N of 420 n.a. Paantyre 3 50 miles S of 580 n.a. BLentyre 20 miles If of 315 steel Umtali 5 60 miles NW of 180 steel Vitali 6 5 miles W of 1/5 n.a. Sheave, 40 miles NW of 200 n.a. Salisbury sYsnig Length Type Number Ft. through truss girder through truss girder through truss larder (on concrete piers and abutments) deck type girder (on concrete piers and. abut- ments) deck type girder (on concrete piers and abut- ments) 5 50 100 2 110 1. 50 2 161 1 258 1 66 3 83 3 60 through truss 1 girder 1 through truss 2 girder (on concrete piers and abutments) 75 100 100 - Tracks Remarks CD a. -n 0 1 over Lintipe River. Nyasaland 1 over Shire River. Nyasaland 1 aver Shire River. Nyasaland. tri 0 -o ?-?1 0 cs, 0 0 03 0 0 0 0 0 1 over Odzi River aver Lesapi River 1 over Poorte River 1 over Gwebi River - 324 - Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Table 3 - (Continued) Railroad Bridges - Federation of Rhodesia and Nyas and Structure Number (See 74. 5) 8 9 Total Location Mile- Length Ft. age Approx. 8 miles S of laldonan 160 20 miles SE of 400 zawi 10 20 miles W of Salisbury II 60 miles W of Salisbury 12 8 miles SW of Gatooma 13 22 miles 11 of Que Que 360 300 200 429 Material n.a. 11.a. steel n.a. n.a. n.a. Length Type Number Ft, deck type girder (on concrete piers and abut- ments) through truss girder (on- concrete piers and abutments) deck type girder send-through Warren truss girder (on concrete and masonry piers and abutments) through truss girder (on concrete and masonry piers and abutments) both through-type and deck-type, (on concrete piers and abutments) Tracks Remarks 2 50 1 aver Mukwadzi River 1 6o 4 100 over Hunzrani River 4 90 1 aver Runyani. River 100 1 over Vmfuli 2 100 1 over Unmet:we River 4 100 1 over Muniati River 1 29 0 a. 6-1?0001.0009ZOOV61701.016/dCltl-VIO 91490/000Z eseeieu Jod - 325 - 6-1?0001?0008ZOOV61701.016/dCIU-VI3 : 91./90/000Z eseeleu Jod peAwddv nsISS71 Table 3 - (Continued) Railroad Bridges - Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Structure Number (See Fig. 5) Total Location Mile- Length age Approx. Ft. 14 4 Idles N of Que Que 10 miles S of Que Que 3E4 300 spans Material n.a. 11,,?ass 16 5 miles N of 180 Tort Victoria 17 25 miles SK of 150 n.a. Shabani 18 10 miles SE of 360 n.a. Shabani 19 30 miles EN of 140 11.8. Shabani Type Length Number rt. through truss girder (on concrete piers and atutments) deck-type truss girder (on concrete Tiers and abutments) through truss girder and dedk type girder (both an concrete Tiers and abut- ments) deck-type girder deck-type girder (on concrete piers and abutments) deck-type girder (on concrete piers and abutments) Tracks Remarks 3 91 1 ever Sebakwe River 3 100 1 aver Que Que River 1 100 aver 11ashagashe River 4 20 3 50 1 over Singwesi River 4 90 1 over Ngezi River 2 40 1 aver Ka.shambi River 60 -326- gar a A s S-- 6-1.0001.0008Z00V61701.016/dCIU-VI3 : 91./90/000Z eseeleu Jod peAwddv Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 t Table 3 - (Continued) Railroad Bridges -Federation of Rhodesia and. Nyasaland. Structure Number (See Fig. 5) Total Location Mile- Length age Approx. Ft. 20 35 miles SR of 150 Onlawayo 30 miles SE of 210 Rulatrayo 22 20 miles SE of 150 Nulawayo 23 65 -miles NW of 150 Iialawego 24 88 miles NW of 300 Bulawayo Spans Material n.a. n.a. 11.a. n.a. n?a? Length TYPe Number Ft. semi-through trust girder (on masonry piers and abutments.) deck-type girder (on concrete piers and abutments) semi-through truss girder (on masonry piers and abutments) through truss girder deck-type girder (both-on concrete Tiers and abut- ments) trough truss girder (on concrete piers and abutments) 'fracks Remarks 2 75 1 Over Serie River 3 70 1 over Ummingwane River 2 75 1 over Rnyeme River 1 l 1 over ilmgaza River 1 50 3 100 1 over Gwaai River =327- a. 0 0 0 th th 6-1?0001.0009ZOOV61701.016/dCltl-VIO SECRET/111 rciTE1 1_11SZEM Table 3 - (Continued.) Railroad Bridges - Federation of Rhodesia and. Nyasaland. > -a 13 Total iftructure Spans n 0 Number < Location Mile- Length Length Material Remarks a (See Fig. 5) age Approx. lirt. Type Number Pt. Tracks 0 25 10 miles SX of 208 n.a. through truss Wamkie girder deck-type girder (both on concrete piers and abut- ca meats) ca ca ca 26 5 miles V of 11.00 n.a. Wankie 0 2T 35 miles IT of 169 n.a. -a Vankie ?-?1 CD 0 28 25 miles SX of 440 n.a. co Livingstone ca ca co ca ca ca ca 29 5 miles S crf 670 0 Livingstone c'o through truss girder 2 75 2 29 li? 100 1 over Lukosi River 1 over Data River (on masonry piers and abutments) deck type girder 1 42 1 Xasiba Bridge over Doomba 1 40 River 3 29 through truss 4 100 1 over Metete River girder deck type girder 2 20 (both on concrete piers and abut- ments) steel deck type truss 1 62 1 'Victoria Falls rail/road bridge arch, anchored into 1 soo over Zaibezi River Gorge face gorge 1 87 - 328 - 6-1.0001.0008ZOOV61701.016/dCIU-VI3 : 91?/90/000Z eseeieu iod peAwddv Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 .???weiihm if Table 3 - (Continued) Railroad Bridges - Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Structure Total Number Locsalon Mile- Length (See Fig. 5) age Approx. Ft. Spans Material Type Length Number Ft. 30 80 miles NE of 200 n.a- through truss 2 100 Livingstone at/Cable n?a? 32 20 miTp NV of 373 rt?a. Ndola 33 20 miles SE of 150 noa Chingola 34 15 miles SE of 265 n.a. Cbingola 35 5 miles N of 235 n.a. Chingola 'larder (on masonry abutments) through truss 13 . girder (on concrete piers and abutments) deck type girder (on concrete piers and abut- ments) deck type girder 3 50 (on concrete Tiers and abutments) deck type girder 3 75 1 over Kafue River (on concrete piers 1 40 and abutments) Tracks Remarks 1 Kale= River 1 over ICafue River aver Kafue River 1 -over Mwanbashi River deck type girder 1 75 1 over Kefue River (on concrete piers 2 50 and abutments) 2 30 Approved For IVlease 20p0/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 SEP7 Table 4 UtO Railroad Mridges - Mozambique > Structure -o -o Number O ? (Ree Pig. o. -n 1 2 to c.n 0 C.0 5 0 6 0 0 oo 0 0 3 Total Location Mile- Length 6) age A-pprox. Ft. 15 miles Vit of 305 ltoamba 50 miles NE of 1380 Mamba 12 miles 8 of Canicado 15 miles W Of Oanicado 689 2010 15 miles N of 1181 Gobs 13 miles NW of 426 Dondo 13.8 miles NW of 1702 Dondo Spans Material steel YP e reinforced deck arch concrete steel half-through truss steel deck n.a. and timber construction steel through truss reinforced concrete reinforced concrete deck girder deck girder Length Number n.a. n.a. 14 98.5 3 67 6 23 92 n.a. Tracks 1 1 1 Remarks over stream over Rio incomatic. President earmona Mridge largest.ron- arete bridge in Africa, serves rail and road over Rio Mozimchopes over Limpopo River 196 1 over Rio- Umbeluz_. 18.5 1 over swampy ground 18.5 1 over swampy ground -330- 0.0 .1 001 QC 0 CD 0- 0 to c.n Fs; 0 0 ???1 C.0 0 C.0 0 0 oo 8 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 SECRET! Talile "(Continued) S Railroad Bridges - Mozadbique Structure lumber (See Fig. 6) Total Location Mile- Length age Approx. Ft. 8 426 800 10 20.1 miles NW of 851 pond? 11 21,3 miles 1W of 851 Bond? 9 15.1 miles 16/ of -Dondo IT.9" miles NW of ondo 12 2.11- miles RW of Donla 25 miles NW of DOnda 26 miles WIT of Dondo 15 40 miles E of tfmtali 851 851 1702 250 spans Material trioe reinforced deck girder concrete steel reinforced concrete reinforced concrete reinforced concrete reinforced concrete through truss deck girder deck girder deck girder deck girder reinforced deck girder concrete steel deck girder deck girder continuous deck truss Length Number Ft. Tracks 23 18.5 1 5 160 1 46 18.5 1 46 18.5 1 46 18.5 1 46 18.5 1 92 18.5 1 1 30 1 2 6o 1 2 50 1 Remarks over swampy ground over River Fungue over swampy ground over swampy ground over swampy ground over swampy ground over swampy ground over stream Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A0028000100 - 331 - 6-1?0001?0008ZOOV61701.016/dCIU-VI3 : 91./90/000Z eseeleu Jod peAwddv SECkVLio Table 4 - (Continued) Railroad Bridges - Mozambique Structure Number (See pig. 6) Total Location Mile- Length age Approx. Ft. 16 34.9 miles NE of 265 17 20.1 miles NE of 200 Umtali 18 20 miles NE of 196 19 20 21 22 thatali Material steel steel steel spans Length TEM Number Ft. Tracks deck girder deck girder deck girder deck girder deck girder half-through truss half-through truss half-through truss 1 30 1 over stream 1 60 1 1 75 1 1 6o 1 1 40 1 2 100 1 over stream 2 48 1 over stream 1 100 1 4 miles S of 450 n.a? U.S. 5 90 1 tilsFontes 0.6 miles NE of Sena 12,064 steel bowstring through truss U.S. 33 n.a.a. 263 remarks 1 U.S. n.a. 7 6 165 67 31.7 miles NW of 263 n.a. n.a n.a. n.a. 1 Donana 85 miles NW of 197 n.a U.S. n.a. n.a. 1 Donana aver Rio Zengue over Zambezi Elver. Longest bridge in Africa. Steel spans of unknown number and length total 1828 ft. over Rio Goma over Rio Malice. - 332 - rl ? la ea, .;11-.J1.111[113 6-1.0001.0008Z00V61701.016/dCIU-VI3 : 91./90/000Z eseeleu Jod peAwddv Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Table 4 --(Continued) ? - '1".1 Railroad Bridges - Mozambique Structure Number (See TU. 6) total Location Mile- Length age Approx. Ft. 23 105 miles NW of 197 Donana 24 22.5 miles g of 315 Cuamba (Nova Freixo) 25 45 miles I of est. Caamba (Nova Freixo) 345 26 1 mile NW of Wear* est. 490 Material n.a. ri?ae reinforced beam concrete aliens Length Type Number Ft. reinforced beam arch concrete Tracks 1 1 1 1 Remarks over Neconbeze River over Rio Lurio' over ver Nalume over River Mona. _V - 333 - 6-1?0001.0009ZOOV61701.016/dCltl-VIO 91?/90/000Z eseeieu iod peAoiddv 6-1?0001?0008ZOOV61701.016/dCIU-VI3 91./90/000Z eseeleu Jod peAwddv ULIALLIIN Table 5 ...04.40 Lir Railroad Bridges - South Africa Structure lumber (See Fig. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 7) Total Location Length age Approx. Ft. 95 miles E of est. Worcester 500 170 miles X of est. Worcester 840 50 miles I Of est. Kimberly 1580 20 miles NW of 900 Kimberly 10 miles N of 450 Port Elizabeth 25 miles N of 616 Port Elizabeth 75 miles N of 480 Port Elizabeth 130 miles N of 360 Port Elizabeth 130 miles N of 360 Port Elizabeth sPanz MaterialType reinforced deck arch concrete steel steel steel steel through truss through truss n.a. reinforced n.a. concrete reinforced concrete reinforced concrete reinforced open spandrel arches apen spandrel arches open spandrel arches Tracks Remarks Number Length Ft. est. est. 1 Mnffelsrivier lo 50 7 est. 1 Leeu (stream) 120 10 est. 1 Vaal River 158 6 150 2 Veal River 3 150 n.s. Ostartkops (stream) 11 56 n.a. Sundays River 8 60 1 Klein-Vis (stream) 6 60 n.a. Great Fish River 6 60 n.a. Great Fish River -334- 6-1.0001.0008Z00V61701.016/dCIU-VI3 91./90/000Z eseeleu Jod peAwddv Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 S11".1 Table 5 - (Continued) Railroad Bridges - South Africa 0 CD 0- 11 0 Structure !lumber (See Fig. 7) Total Location Mile- Length Ft. age Approx. 10 330 miles N of 280 port Elizabeth 12 13 15 16 11 18 130miles N of Fort Rlizabeth 80 130 ailed I of 300 Port Elizabeth 30 miles SW of 1430 SiEringfontein 15 miles of 300 Tabemfontein 20miles RR of 400 lamemfontein 55 miles Dix of 525 Bloemfontein 40 miles SW of Kroonstad 300 0.5 miles E of 705 Vereeniging Material reinforced concrete reinforce& concrete reinforcei concrete steel steel steel reinforced concrete reinforced concrete steel reinforced concrete Spans c7 Length TYPe Number Ft. tracks CD Remarks 0 0 deck span 5 56 Great Fish River 0 0 thth deck span 56 114L. Great Fish River " 0 arch 5 60 n.a. Great Fish River -o ?-?1 CD truss 1.30 1 Orange River 0 CD 100- 2 Renosterpruit River 0 0 co 100 2 Modderrivier deck 75 1 Vet River deck girder 14. 75 2 sand deck truss 3 150 2 Vaal River, Twin Bridges on deck arch 6 30 common Tiers and abutments -335- 6-1?0001?0008ZOOV61701.016/dCIU-VI3 91./90/000Z eseeleu Jod peAwddv Structure Mutter (See Trig. 19 20 21 22 211- 25 26 27 7) Total Location Mile- Length air Approx. Ft. 125 miles W of 350 Port Paizabeth 30 miles V of est. Potchefstroom 675 15 miles NW Of est. Durban 252 30 miles Mi of eat. Durban 252 30 miles NW of 300. Pietermaritzburg 35 miles of 30o - Ladysmith 15 niiles S of 375 Ladysmith 360 5 miles SE of 567 Pietermaritzburg 100 miles SE of Johannesburg SEC17: F? "-r?-" `1"n1"01 Table 5 - (Continued) WailrOad Iridges - South Africa Material steel steel reinforced concrete reinforced concrete reinforced. ccttcrete reinforced concrete reinforced concrete sTens Type through truss through truss through truss deck arch deck arch deck arch deck arch deck reinforced open spandrel concrete arch steel deck truss Tracks Remarks /limber Length 1 150 1 Great Irish River. Combined 2 100 1 rail and road bridge 5 est. 1 Milner Ifildge, Vaal River 135 7 eat. 2 iffidatuzaxia (stream) 36 7 est. 2 stream 36 5 60 2 Mooirivier n?a. n.a. 2 Little Bushmans (stream) 5 T5 2 Tugela River 6 60 2 7 81 1 Inchange Viaduct, over stream - 336 - 6-1.0001.0008Z00V61701.016/dCIU-VI3 91./90/000Z eseeleu Jod peAwddv 6-1?0001?0008ZOOV61701.016/dCIU-VI3 91./90/000Z eseeletliod peAwddv (rnrTji ; 01!?Uli yLit.,h; Table 5 - (Continued.) Railroad Bridges - South Africa od peAoiddv Structure Umber (See Pig. 7) Yotal Location Mile- Length age Approx. Ft. 28 30 miles I of est. Pretoria 271 29 90 miles E of est. Preto;ria 273 30 145 miles Eof est. Pretoria 250 11 IO0:milesW of est. Nomati-poort 250 32 33 at romatipoort est. 750 60 miles NW of est. NcomatiToort 1080 6o miles E of est. Pietersburg 390 Spans Material steel steel reinforced -concrete 'ITY/je deck girder deck girder deck arch steel deck truss reinforced deck arch cOrEarete steel steel steel steel steel ? deck girder deck girder through truss through truss through truss Length Number Ft. 3 est. 60 1 est. 35 4 est. 14 3 eat. 75 5 eat. 50 5 est. 50: 5 est. 150 9 est. 120 3 est. 130 Tracks Remarks 1 idelge (stream) 1 1 1 1 -Olifants River Iaandsrivier llandsrivier twat' Raver Sable (stream) stream 6-1?0001.0008Z00V61701.016/dCIU-VI3 91./90/000Z eseelet1 6-1?0001?0008ZOOV61701.016/dCltl-VI3 91./90/000Z eseeleu Jod peAwddv Sift*" 1400 ' Table 5 -*(dOlitiiiixed)' Railroad Bridges - South Africa Structure Number (See Fig. 7) 35 36 37 Total Spans Location Mile- Length age Approx. Ft. Material Type Number ? I mile E of 3514 steel n.a. n.a. UPington 20 miles SE of 600 n?a? n.a. n.a. Rehoboth 60 miles W of est. steel 11.a. Mosseibaai 300 38 30 miles W of 770 Mosseibaai 39 8 miles NE of 550 Mosselbaai ko 8 miles NE of 336 Mosselbaal 40 miles NW of 550 Part Alfred 42 at East London 975 k3 55 miles SE of est. Queenstown 350 steel deck truss reinforced through truss concrete reinforced concrete steel steel steel steel reinforced concrete through truss hinged arch deck truss through truss deck girder deck arch 2 11 6 Length Ft. n?a? n?a? est. 60 est. 180 eii.) 200 50 56 230 4 80 160 55 3 9 10 est. 35 Tracks 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Remarks Orange River (longest bridge on BAR) USib River Kafferkuils (stream) Gouritis (stream) ilein-Brek (stream) Groat-Brat (stream) BleaUkrantz Bridge, over stream Buffelsrivier (only double deck bridge on the BAR) 'Iroise (stream) - 338 - 6-1.0001.0008Z00V61701.016/dCIU-VI3 91./90/000Z eseeleu Jod peAwddv Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Structure Number (See 71g. T) Location Mile- age Approx. Total Length Ft. 44 45 50 isibas SE of Qu.eenstown 30 ran2s sE of Springfontein est. 350 1088 146 50 miles N of 1287 East London 11.7 TO miles SK of est. Springfontein 360 48 70 miles SE of est. :Bloemfontein 900 49 35 miles SE of est. Kimberly ' 300 50 miles S of 318 Durban 51 9 miles S of 450 Durban 52 14 miles S of est. Durban 250 53 18 miles S of est. Durban 750 54 25 miles S of 729 Durban ri:i 6,.%01t- SECRET 'i7i riiSSE1 Table 5 - (Continued) Railroad Bridges - South Africa 0 Spans MaterialType Length Number Ft. Tracks Remarks reinforced deck arch 10 est. 1 Thames (stream) concrete 35 reinforced deck 16 68 1 Orange-River concrete steel n.a. steel through truss steel through bow- string truss steel through truss steel n.a. steel n.a. steel deck girder steel deck girder reinforced deck girder ,7nnzrete 9 143 1 6 est. 1 60 6 est. 1 150 3 est. 1 100 2 159 2 3 150 n.a. 10 eat. 1 25 est. est. 1 30 25 9 81 2 Nei River Orange River Oaledon River Wdderrivier Canal Umbogintwiai River Amanzimtoti River Illovo River 6-1?0001?0009ZOOV61701.016/dCltl-VIO 91./90/000Z eseketl -10d Umkomaas River. Combined rail and road bridge - 339 - Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 SI':.-ztran4 Thble 5 - (Continued) Railroad Bridges - South Africa Structure Total lumber Location Mile- Length (See Fig. 7) age Approx. Ft. Material 55 26 miles N of est. reinforced port Shepatone 300 concrete 56 22 miles N of n.a. n.a. Port Shepst one 57 10 miles N of 660 reinforced Port Shepstone concrete 58 4 miles N of n.a. n.a. Port Shepstone 59 0.5 miles N of est. n.a. PcatShepstone 1320 60 15 mile NE of est. steel Durban 1170 61 30 miles NE of 440 steel Durban 62 55 miles NE of est. steel Durban 875 63 65 miles NE of est. steel Spans Length TY-Ze Number Ft. Tracks Remarks n.a. est. est. n.a. Sezela River 5 60 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a rfafa River n.a. 11 60 n,a. Ummumbe River n.a. n.a n.a. n.a. Umhlangskula River n.a. n.a. n.a. n?s? V*7311)EursBlver. Combined rail and road bridge through truss 9 est. 2 gpmen Bridge. Umgeni River 120 truss 11 40 1 Great UMhlanga River deck truss 15 1 1 n.a. est. 75 est. 50 1 Tugela River deck girder 9 est. 1 Amtikula. River Durban 270 30 - 340 - 6-1?0001?0009ZOOV61701.016/dCltl-VIO 91./90/000Z eseeletl JOd PeA0AdV Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Structure Number (See Fig. 7) Ica miles NE of Durban Total Location Mile- Length age Approx. Ft. aho 65 135 miles NE of Durban 66 20 miles S of Messina 67 2 miles N of Messina 135 tiles S of Francistown 69 30 miles S of Francistown 70 ? 18 miles S of Franc istown at Francistown est. 900 est. 250 1554 350 200 500 400 4,, LOLA Table 5 - (Continued) Railroad Bridges - South Africa Material reinforced concrete steel n.a. steel Spans Tracks TYPe Length Ft. bowstring 7 12a 1 arch through est. 100 1 9 deck girder 5 est- 50 deck truss 14 111 1 half-through 2 75 1 truss 2 100 half-through 2 100 1 truss half-through 5 100 1 truss half-through 4 100 1 truss Remarks Mhlatuze River th 0 Did`olozi (stream). Combined F. rail and road. bridge -o Sandrivier Alfred Reit Memorial Bridge over Limpopo River, combined rail and road bridge emer Mhalapshwe River over Macloutsi River over Shasi River over Tati River 0 Co 0 0 0 0 0 0 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 11 4 0 0 0 - r-1 1-4 4111 to eH qa 0 A 03 A 10 WI V VA cd O.\ 0 Fti V:1 ? CO Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 ^ p C 4 0 r4 0) 4-4 0 II LIN ii 11) rtia) Cf:) r^ -I 4-) n:11 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A00280004004-9 ? r4 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 CONFIDENTIAL Figure 1 ( NIGERIA C CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLICS 'U D A N \I *?????. ,. ??--i... ETHIOPIA SANTA CAMEROON ts. BANGUI r?-" ..., ........1"--,.... \ ..(- ..... ......... j ISABEL ,Bd ?YAOUNDE on o .? FERNANDO PO ? tTltule 1. / cs?.) ..V1 / Aketi ? ,---___ - ) - .Gulu . ? BATA Go .MRi7,-r. .?.--??----..,s , . Mungbere ?.. : ...UNI: i.. `.? i (AP. 2.1 UGANDA ?, ? ."L ?Stanleyville IBREVILLE .1 .? j KAMPALA f GABON : 0 ) Ponthierville ..j.iill.):?? ? ? .. ) C., ,..' REP. OF THE CONGO VANDA??? ....... isNAIROBI k. Co i BRAllAVILLE I SOMALI REP. KENYA (U.K.) Pointe-Noire ,./Tshela Matad a. LUANDA LEOPOLDVILLE ?? -,, . ?? CiKIALI /- r Arusha. __....--...k Kindu Kamanyola _ "???..... ''..\. Uvira i*USUY.A.BURA , :. / N.ombasa Po Francqui IBURUNDL ._Kigoma ) --... M .4,Tabora . -*Tanga ZANZIBAR uK .) ZANZIBAR DAR ES SALAAM 1.Dondl"---?Malanle Porto Amboim? ?Gabela Kamina ondprx 1 Kabalo 1 .i- Albertville il ,,Eructioni ??\ Mpanda . 4Mikumi --N. TANGANYIKA Tenke ( lin \ . i ) Z ?, .........nElls*ethville ( .:5 ??\?'. ----??--"' Lobito LNi sobvoaa I ja 1c ,..?. Chingola r e ..i.. ANGOLA Luanshya ????Ni ) : ,Vila Cabral (Port') Vila INORTHERN RHODESIA /salmi, Mogamedes.? FED. 'N.,under construction Serpa Pinto OF HODESIA ? ???">.'.,.,..,, \ Nacala. .: Conjerenje 1 Lusaka ../ hiange ........ ). ETIZa?ntmyrbea-Limbe Lurnbo ........ IN, Mulobezi ) / Zawi Kildonan .; AND NY LAND '''.... Benga ...... `????? ...., ..(0 4.,.) Mocuba ? Sena Shamva ???????? SALISBURY Quelimane SOUT Marromeu Tsumeb ESIA )1 AC?? Grootfontein : SOUTH- ST AFRICA I (Man te?Rep. of S. M.) WALVIS BAY (Rep. of S. AC) Walvis Bay Liaderitz Gobabis r.. WINDHOEK Saldanha CAPE TOWN BOUNDARY REPREBENTANON IS NOTNECESSARILYAUTNORITATWE Fort s Beira Victoria BECHUANALAND (U.K.) (Administered from Mafekin PRETORIA 0 ? Inhambane t? Inharrime ? Vila de Joao Belo I Mafeking LO RENO MARQUES .Goba ? Hotazel ........? )ntel?".\. MASERU #0 . BASUTO/LAND .../. ? *(U.K.) Durban ? .48 East London Port Shepstone Port Alfred , . likmtata SOUTH Port Elizabeth REPUBLI Bitterfontein ;?a? SWAZI AND (U.K.) Bases da India (Fr.) lie Earapa RAILROADS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA Railroad-3'6" gauge Other railroad (gauge indicated) -??- International boundary ? National or colonial capital O 190 290 300 40,0Miles 0 100 200 300 400 Kilometers CONFIDENTIAL 37850 6-63 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 CONFIDENTIAL Figure 2 \ (NIGERIA ) CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC i .i. A .t..t.".....\SUDAN ?.... ETHIOPIA ANTh CAMEROON ISABEL --N BANGUI te.?? ? N............/.""'e A* FERNANDO PO ..,,?.. ./ NAL. N.?????? :" ., ,....N .s. * 491.819 ,,,,,,YAOUNDE ?? : ( ?-, UGANDA .1 somu Ri0 * ?1 /-------..,i . ....1 (. * / l :??????:.) ff. KAMPALA LIBREVILLE / REP. MUNI BATA ; t.. 0 f I (.`. , GABON REP. OF THE CONGO ar?-?? 1/4.RWANDA ??*%,.... m?l\??*1.1:0 . ( , ziK1 'ALI 4 ,,,,,, ? .. _ 0 rj ??,?_, *USUMboURA f.l.) BRAllACVILLE ? t BURUNDI 2`5^4" I...7Zgoma : ? ) 11Matadi .? LEOPOLDVILLE go ? : ese LUANDA0Coffee---Coteo, M alanje Porto AmbolAidree ? M anza Arusha ?- ? Tanga ZANZIBAR (U.K.) V-9ZANZIBAR DAR ES SALAAM TANGANYIKA KENYA (U.K.) NAIROBI `) N El sabethville ..1 1 JO 1 ??? Lobito 1 Z . ????". iso. 5 -. i ....5 .a.....,..--...---? cfee ANGOLANdola 41-' (Port.) NORTHERN RHODESIA .,_>: ...": i I FED. OF ( Salima ?? Conjerenje *Vila Serpa Pinta u.. Mocamedessivaisomim..E--- Iron I RHODESIA cz4; r.....???? ?..??. WM a ? , . AND) Moatize ? .... ( ??? . \ 0... NYASALAND') '' .-1 '? t e : SOUTH-WEST AFRICA ??????????????...-- _...? ? ? . ..1..... "....... ? "SOUTHERN // ? 4 .....^.... (Mandate?Rep. of S. Af.) ___???---- ?N.," !-- (U.K.) SALISBURY. N. ,ock-s ? ,Grootfontein I 4C> ........? ? ton_cadyew--..- Lumbo ?.) RHODESIA ..Spr ." ! i \.$? . 0 j BECHUANALAND v )1' WINDHOEK r? (U.K.) WALVIS BAY tq Q 0 (R'P' of S. AL) Walvis Bay I / k i): r.-,.. .o araesbumang.n..4- . ,./ .Flotazel I N.V1ArINE j..... 1: c SWAZILAND ".. 0,:il.?...... .....,-0 r_ REPUBLIC ,,,,se ' ? ??. ' 1 - . . . . .i \,,?.. ? OF \.B.A3T0LAND Durban -0 SOUTH AFRICA c ?: 'b % (U.K.) ..2\ o o ,-- (Th -0 0 o . 0 ....--Cor " ? -?? East London ---" pOL. oPPer ? Beira ,??? LOUREKO MARQUES CAPE TOWN BOUNDARY REPRESENTATION IS NOT NECESSARILY A UTHOR IT A TIVE ? Port Elizabeth Bassas da India (Fr.) Be Europa (Fr.) RAILROADS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA FLOW OF MAJOR COMMODITIES Commodities shown are in addition to general freight. ? ? ?? International boundary 0 National or colonial capital O 190 290 390 490 m I O 100 200 300 400 Kilometers CONFIDENTIAL 37851 6-63 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 CONFIDENTIAL Figure 3 ? CONGO BRAllAVI LL er'? Noire./ * ?? CAINDA Cabinda I Matadi LUANDA LEO PO LD VII LI Vila Marecha Carmona 20 Kikwit REPUBLIC OF TH CO Dprid ge/ Porto Amboim/0" A Gabela Novo Redondo, SO( T711 TLA NTIC orp,,i1A7 Lobito 6 Benguela c ( 8 12 , , . Mogar,iedes Chiange 7 SA da Bande_i_ra vii ; Nova Lisboa Cltima () S 0 U BOUNDARY REPRESENTATION IS NOT NECESSARILY AUTHORITATIVE 9 : Silva Porto cC Port Francui NGO RAILROADS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA ANGOLA Single track a Locomotive repair shop 6. Bridge 150' or longer (Numbers keyed to text) Road All rail lines shown are 3'6" gauge, except where otherwise indicated. 50 190 Miles 0 50 100 Kilometers CONFIDENTIAL a. Vila Henrique de Carvalho ? _ Vila Teixeira de S .4% Ca551-1i Vila Luso Vila Serpa P'into Dilolo Gare IFED?. OF RHODESIA ' \ . AND i 1 Y` NYASALAND \ i (UK,) : \ ( \ ----------;-, ........ .....N...........-...."..r \'-.?..- , .............??? sTR1 P ....4../...S...A.A.............c A pftiV'.. BE6 FlUANALAND (U.K.) ___-- Okovanggo Swamp TI{-WES?T\ AFRICA (Mandnte ?Rep. of Tsumeb /7 37823 6-63 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 CONFIDENTIAL Figure 4 CAMEROON - 1'6' 24 32 RAILROADS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO Single track BANGU CENTRAL AFRICAN REP UBL C ? SUDAN - ... J Q?1 Centralized traffic control Electric traction ili Locomotive repair shop 15 Bridge ' or longer \ id 150 l (Numbers keyed to text) Commercial navigation .7` i Powerplant Transformer station I --..?. . 0 Coquilhatville \ Bondo N. ,,,,____-_,.._ _ ? ?? 28 , Uele /------. Titule 1,1- Komba, Buta illh.. 26 11113/4" gauge Aketi -._..- isa L. Lla . . ,. ' Mungbere 0,,,,fi I., ..,"___??fi, - -`,._/111.7 ?? Lake Albert It. Rutshuru. ,I 'UGANDA 4 -2 -Stanleyville '''3,/33/411 gauge o sp 190 290 Miles 23 Ir (7)2,-- i .. . 0 50 100 200 Kilometers CONFIDENTIAL P , nt1 erville r: Lake (I Edward . , Lake : All rail lines shown are 3'6" gauge, except where otherwise Indicated. j ...1- \ GABO..N . ). N....-... \s; CONGO ).i 4, "--i Luc i 's ('- Leopold II \.-7i: , - ?I.., ? Victoria ; )"."-`/V:.X , 4,-:, i \-.--..- Lac .; RWANDA Kivu ),/). ?KIGALI Kinduoa Kamanyola 1 ,...\ee ZZAVILLE BRA? ___J 's_?. 'Port Francqui ?' ( i, ? 4.8. n9a ./.4T. .. 45,1W 'I,' 38 Ts'hela42- ' iSo2 ysvil gaup _a ? m O. 1 ? ..--\ W., opvILLE Bata Lus.mbo \ . Kikwit. ) LulUabOir.: c -Kasongo fa -. \ . Kigoma ...? , \ 19 4,kuga K?ngolo 18 . 1. ??11.3%/ gauge 16? "--- ' ''' ?'? k........ Et' ) 'TANGANYIK 6, 34-3 2 \...,,..----i 3 ,Aatow 0 Albertville ,. ( I . , 15 \ \ Luke 14. , , \?,,Tannan Wk.) Kisamba Kabongo( .-? '\ 1\ ',1' \ ?LUANDA - '- ie ? ,..,,0 C:uanza A Ail , A .% 17( ' ' ( 'I.; 1. A. ( ) ." / Benguela K,... z"."-? ,, ,C" 1 , 2 --I'Lr. ), ...\Dild0 , N\ G 0 ' \ L A ,_ -.G a e ?..) 7 "N(Port)"N(Port)R -;ai i io 0?. ___1,..! s I . - N'" , ...?.. 1 N'\ IDE BOUNDARY REPRESENTATION IS I 16 NOT NECESSARILY AUTHORITATIVE 1 24 _,? \c" ' r. ..,.., .? Kamina / 10 L ,Buka a ?'Ncilttiveru el, n - 9 e A '''ee''''' 2 Lake Ltd, ywouhr _ '-' ......\....--,_, "---** Elisabethville Sali-3"A?ral Ndola Luanshya "J ATION OF RHODESIA D NYASALAND (U.K.), / UE 1,11-15-rIp (i..--0 i01 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP79T01049A002800010001-9 CONFIDENTIAL Figure 5 EPUBLI ? Dilolo-Garp,.. 12 ii ANGeOLA (port.) 1 \ I \ 16-1 Grmlue 'x82 ?Fultis Katima m ? s. .;" 29 24 Kamin'a N.Mongu Maiono. THE C NGO 6 Te ke Kolwezi Jadotville r Lake `,\\ Tanganyika '\,\ Lake k NRuktua '. ...1 ? , ) ?)/..,/i.-