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nn77RR814 Approved For Relee 2002/05/02": -CIA-IQ P80-0030001?i006-1 ME ORANDUM FOR: Executive Director-Comptroller TihROUGH : Deputy Director for Support SUBJECT : Senior Seminar 1. This memorandum transmits the full ten-week schedule and topic scope notes for the second running of the Agency's Senior Seminar (Tab A), a roster of the officers selected to attend (Tab B), and a statement of the objectives of the Seminar (Tab Q. 2. Many parts of the Senior Seminar schedule are firm, but the attached version as a whole should be regarded as tentative. Except for the last week which is kept deliberately flexible, the substance of the Seminar appears to be falling in place. satisfactorily. Speakers and panelists who still require ap- proval, have not yet acre-?ted or have not yet been contacted, or other arrangements which. are still tentative, are indicated by a question mark (7). 3. In regard to Tab A, there are some discrepancies in the order of the topics as indicated respectively in the block schedules and block scope notes. This is a result from the fact that logical progression of block content, reflected in scope notes, could not always be maintained in the actual scheduling of guest: speakers. In a _few cases, a scope note covers several presentations shown on a schedule; the scope notes for the last block are incomplete. 4. The presentations of guest speakers and panelists from academia, other parts of the government and CIA are largely of the standard format of remarks followed by discussion. You will also note on the block schedules frequent references to "Individual Presentations." These are 45-minute periods reserved for pre- sentations by members of the Seminar on subjects of their own Approved For Release 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010006-1 Approved For Relea a 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A0001 Q00 0006-1 c.:aosinw .cli usu: llyr canc..-,ra t+.ekr worn: in t.i A; cncy'. 0n .ds h si3 Of C'XPOric'I1c-:t wit-; 61i;r first ri.3ruiita ;, "lore fit:=3 avo .~l'E3:t sE:~:d t.t~ 1iSd 1A.t to rwC4i~:7.;7:2 ?crto w v.` ki'+c2 prk)rjJoJ. a tait' di3cussion ptrio0si ~..t4 t .liZ:i'C mo,.:cPiors will ei a discuss p)ai t rs previously t.,ie:t :ic x{ xa. ? ;Staff or otaicrs an - cloctc::i topics or till rcifit.-li t.i prcccdi:3 duo3t : ~caaor pro soa, a l ni to Uotor,.,Uro e,t t :i'ajor issues 3Puiy ~tavc been surfaced co; c..eriiizi~2 tho A eacy aiud :iutc-11i; i5nce in a iiera1. 5. 04 nxa +,;ratified tit you will +e oponain the aotdinar va ~Ijnd:ay 12 'arc. 11' you have ally "Ju sti.o::as or 25X1A cow mcat3 coxta.erainfy the ato? le l attac:wd, -tX ,,:A as?, iiid.octor, or I Will b hatf py to roceivee thexi. Acting :.air ctdr of Traaiuin& eft is ~:cd (24 Feb 72) Distribution. Orig & 1 - adse (w/atts) 1 - DD/S (w/atts) 2 DTR (1. Watts) I DDTR (w/atts) 2 - SS chron. (1 u/h) Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010006-1 10 DRAFT SCHEDULE - BLOCK 0 I 6 DA L: V fb 1 12 March 72 13 March 72 MONDAY 0900)-Scminar 0830)_ Films: Geilerman 0830)- Workshops, contd. 0900)- Seminar --- - 0945) DNA S i - Th Di u i er es e sc ss on ement of Mana C/Semi or g Human Assets 1030)- Evaluation of Seminar Block I ) -I 10;0 -Smal Croun Di'cuss on -Participants and Staff 25X1A VSLV rIca., ,l"'.'au uRelations, SAGA S_stems ac overnment Man, er William J. Crocke ,,, .. r,_... ,,..-.-- 1330) Orienta 1 1315)- Crockett, tion, cont. _50u)- lhandouts, Reading Organization Meeting 1530)- Recreation 930) The 7th Floor View of CIA `illiammE. Co1 y, Ix.Dir.-Compt.~ leadership Styles Workshops Mr. Crockett and Professor Edward J. Jones, Federal Executive Institute 1330)- liorkshons, contd. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 or Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010006-1 .ff 1330)- Workshops, it 25X1A Approved iRelease 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00368A000100010006-1 BLOCK I SCOPE NOTES '1111' SENIOI; OFF ICTiTZ AS MANAGER - A major goal of Block I, which is conducted in residence, is to enable the.participants to become acquainted and to develop patterns of active participation and of forthright expression of views. The content of the Block includes a series of different perspectives of the Agency and a limited treatment of management theory and styles. THE EVOLUTION OF A GOVERNMENT MANAGER - A former high government officer will trace the change in his own views and approaches con- cerning the management of people, drawing on his experience in government and industry. He will discuss different management styles. LEADERSHIP STYLES WORKSHOPS - Participants will be offered an opportunity to take part in a workshop in which they can analyze their own management style and learn about a number of skill areas which contribute to good management practices. :M AI_ Approved For Release iPH 5702 JIA- DP80-00308A000100010006-1 ~~'~K :lit\:.1~~,'?~' MONDAY is r Se.. inar Staf =~ _rcd- ti,;n to 25 S:. __r Seminar Staff Pers ective U.S. armds, Council on =oreion Relations Limitat 0:-.S Of er Approved F elease/OSi~U6i4 R OiA00010001 6-1 BLOCK TITLE: MAJOR WORLD TRENDS AND PROBLEMS 0330) 0915)- 0930)_ 1130) Individual Presentation Problems of Developing Countries -- Fowler, AID 0830) _ 0915) Individual Presentation 0930)_ World Political 1200) ; Trends Pool, M.I.T, 0830) 0915) 0930)_ 1200) Individual Presentation China Today Panel: 5X1 SRS; Chrmn. ramowitz, State NSC OSR 13.00) _ 1350) Lefever,^ Erookinoc Insti*_t:ti 1400) Film: "The Roots oz :Madness" (optional) Multinational iurpo2'a:icns. A \e?.: 1 tior-1 u Power blintzes, International Economy Consultant 1300)_ Film:-'The Kremlin" 1355) (optional) i40 1b301 :~t ra ti; Kii. Balance - Scnelling, Harvard Universit CONFIDENTIAL 1330) 1345)_ 1400)_ -u3n, - N:orley, Columbia Universi DATE: 18 Feb 7I 0830)_ individual 0915) Presentatic,- 0930)_ Reading/ 1130) Discussion 1330)- The Chinese 1600) BaT un - =aircan , Harvard Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010006-1 DRAFT SCHEDULE - BLOCK # II prroved Fo elease 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP80-0U308A00010001006-1 BLOCK TITLE: MAJOR WORLD TRENDS AND PROBLEMS 7;r, -Z I 27 arch 7_972 28 March 1972 29 March 1972 ` _'=~: _DXDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY L THURSDAY FRID ;Y . S) Individual - Presentation 0830) 0915) Individual 1131_ Individual 10915)- Individual 0830) Individual Presentation Presentation Presentation 0915) Presentation 1000) 130} Reading Period 0930)_ 1130)- Inside the USSR 0930)_ 1200 } Ccmmunism Toda y 0930) 1200 ) The Middle East: C i - 0930)_ 113 , Seminar - Ya ushev, Panel: hron c Cr,,,, 0 ) Discussion Columbia 25X1A University 2 XIA =300) 16J0 Soviet Foreign 1JJV~ 1345) Film: " Heirs of Lenin" 1400) 16301 - World Po pulation 1330) 1600) Latin America: 1300)_ 1600) U.S. Fore;-,n Po' i Pc__cv (optional) Problem..; Backyard of the _ the ,` .. Pi eS, Harvard Un v' rsi+ 1400)- The USSR An - Dr. ;:(711egers, Georgetown. U.S mid bore, _ in n ' t .._.. - IiILeliince F ----- -? --=' ~ Institution f An1raisa~ - Panel: 1700) Evaluation of B_cck 11 - 25X1A 25 IA - Senior Semi Staff f f CO i NFIDENTIAL ;. .. -_\?. a~it: - 1 .1 DATE: I e -> Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010006-1 CONFI1)ENTIAL Approved For tease 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP80-00308 100010006-1 MAJOR WORLI) TRENDS AND PROBLEMS - The objective of Block II s is to bring Seminar participants up to date on major 'international problems and developments which affect both the national security policy and intelligence work. Leading authorities from the academic community, governmental policy-making agencies and CIA senior personnel will be invited to make individual. presentations and participate in panel and group presentations. WORLD PERSPECTIVE ON THE U.S. -- How foreigners now view the U.S. after a quarter century of "wo:rrld leadership" will be explored by a well placed student of the problem. He will delineate the current international perception of American leadership and. sense of purpose as reflected in its political, economic and military influence. The importance of the psychological element in the conduct of U.S. policy and the bearing which domestic U.S. issues are seen as having on foreign policy will be assessed and, within limits, projected ahead. Approved For Release 2d '5I/6T-NcTTI DP80-00308A000100010006-1 CONF1DENTIAI, Approved For Release 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP80-00308A0QQ 00010006-1 Till, LIMITATIONS OF NATIONAL :''OIVEI: - The speaker will examine, within the context of the current, international scene, the concept of the sovereign nation state system of relationships and the meaning of "national power" in the late 20th century. "Natural." limits, as well as internal, moral, legal and other constraints or inhibitions on the free exercise of power, will be discussed in relation to the international scene generally and U.S. policy in particular. PROBLEMS OF DEVELOPING COUNTT:!~IES -. This topic will explore problems of the great and continuing disparity between "have" nations and. those less developed countries of Latin America, Africa and Asia which are poor in technology and resources. The impact of these and other factors in aggravating the effects of a population explosion on their inadequate political and economic systems will be discussed, with attention to political. repercussions of the lag in t:;gricultural development and the mushrooming urban slums. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010006-1 CON)IDENTIAL 'Approved ForfRetease 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308AD00100010006-1 TILE MULTINATIONAL COIZI'ORATION: NEW "WORLD POIVEIZ?" - The background and contemporary role of the Multinational CorpoTa- tion (MNC) will be viewed in terms of its economic impact on the international system: Thc: MNC's international supply, production and marketing strategy, and its effect on trade, the balance of payments and the transfer of technology. The speaker will also indicate how the MNC affects international relations via such issues as sovereignty, relations with national states, economic nat:!onalism, and "bigness" vs. the less developed countries. The interaction of the MNC with U.S. national interests will be sketched in varying inter- ' national scenarios, present and prospective. THE WORLD POPULATION PROBLEM - The magnitude of the population explosion and the ramifications of its present and future impact, particularly on the less deve=loped countries, will be treated. The difficulties involved in initiating programs designed to slow present population growth rates and the time lag before such programs are effective also will be covered. Approved For Release 20Z 0 QWQ2jEf;1 ?tQP80-00308A000100010006-1 Approved Fc Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-003(000100010006-1 WORLD WIDE POLITICAL TRENDS - A leading political scientist will review major political ideologies and trends, including nationalism, communism, and the new left,-and the world-wide prospects for a "counter-culture" of youth, which bear on the long-range conduct of international relations. Probable inter- national power struggles and major area developments will also receive attention from the speaker. SOVIET FOREIGN POLICY - An analysis of the operating principles of Soviet foreign policy will comprise the framework for dis- cussion of U.S.-Soviet relations, the impact of the Sino-Soviet rivalry, and such other areas o_I mutual U.S.-Soviet interest INSIDE THE USSR - Soviet society in general and key internal groups comprising the "elite" will be presented by a former .member of the elite. Their views of their society, each other and the world will be depicted. Approved For Release ZiQi J0~Td iAIRDP80-00308A000100010006-1 Approved Fo Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010006-1 THE USSR: AN INTELLIGENCE APPRMSAL - An intelligence community panel will commn nt an the precccl ing presentations from the intelligence viewpoint. The panel will further examine the world through Moscow's eyes and finally focus on the U.S.S.R. internally, as the Soviets see themselves, with attention to the significance of internal dissenters such as literary figures, scientists, and ethnic minorities. THE STRATEGIC BALANCE An analysis of its military and political meaning in the thermonuclear age. will b offered by a distinguished authority. He will present an appreciation of the forces and factors underlying the present s_tuati.on, and indications for the future. THE CHINESE BACKGROUND - China Lad the Chinese background of the present regime will be scrutinized by a leading authority on the subject. He will analyze the forces and leaders who have shaped contemporary China. and project their long-range implications for the future. CHINA TODAY - A panel of experts will look at current trends in Communist China and in Sino-Soviet relations, and prospective changes for the 1970's. The panelists will examine China from several intelligence viewpoints: political, foreign policy, and military. Approved For Releast 8002/05/02: CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010006-1 IFIDENT IAL ,~~'~~ CONIPIDI~.N'I'iAL Approvedpr Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00'S08A000100010006-1 COMMUNISM TODAY - An intelligence community panel will. survey the state of relations among Communist countries and of Communist parties and organizations aroundhc world. The survey will include factors of coherence and division -- Sino-Soviet differences, left and right elements (Castroism, Titoism) and the impact of nationalism. THE MIDDLE EAST: CI-IRONIC CRISIS. - A student of the Middle East will provide a broad perspective on the trends and problems of the area., then focus on the Ara:-Israeli conflict, the risks of the U.S.-Soviet confrontation, and the outlook for this chronic crisis. Approved For Release 12i 5d02N CIA -RDP80-00308A000100010006-1 r CONIFIDENTIAL Approved For Re&ease 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A4@0100010006-1 LATIN AMERICA: BACKYARD OF THE U.S. - Political and social ferment south of the border and their implications for U.S. economic investment, military security and global influence will be covered. The speaker will discuss major pol-itical, economic and social trends as exemplified in the emerging and/or changing roles of the military, students, the church, etc. U.S. FOREIGN POLICY FROM TIIENSC PERSPECTIVE - A ranking member of the National Security Staff will offer a policy level view in the framework of the Nixon. Doctrine, The origins, main thrust and major implications of the Doctrine for the conduct of U.S. foreign policy will be sketched. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010006-1 CONIF1.DENTIAL - i =:c lion. to 25X1A I-_telligenc arters Building E-0108) narles Briggs D/PP3 D ' 1PT SCHEDULE - BLOCK Il 111 Approved For lease 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP80-00308A00C*0010006-1 0830)_ Individual 0915) Presentation 0930)_ 1130) 1245)_ 1345) 1600) Counterintelli enc THE INTELLIGENCE BUSINESS IN CIA 5 April 1972 0830)- Depart CofC Bld . Activities 0930)- - Spea er to be 1230) selected) Film (Optional) 1230)_ 1330) 1400)- Station 0 erationsi [. FE 25X1A. Briefing and Tour Lunch at TSD Lab. Depart for CofC Bldg. SIGINT Activities of *-he Clan est,7ne . erv4 ce DATE: 4 i'eb 72 FRIDAY 0900)_ T 1015) . 0830)_ Semi-nar 1000) of DDP Issues u C/Operations, SB Division 1030)_ Discussion With 1200) Deputy Director for Plans - Thomas Karamessihes 1400)- 1600) 2 X1A Communications Role in Operations i0i5) Medical 1200) in ` - John R. Tietje 1400) 1600) Lc=s`- a- - in So--1-.'--=as,: 25X1A D/Logistics Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010006-1 =cane Security De _or s . cw-s J. Osborn, D/Securi ~, t y 25X1A ~~ _ - -o i on{ e Pane! = rcpean Division, CC!, Cha..rman, al 1045) Missile 1200) Inteiligen'te David Brandwein, D/ FMS AC Case tuc - Carl yDuck DDScT AA_ 1400)_ Intelligence and 1300)- 1600) Arms Control ? 1445) Lis : ; : -?n; DATE: a Feb 72 13 April 1972 14 il 19-2 Panci in ?)yD/SR Doc'tr_ n far 0830)- Indi ideal 0915) Presentation 0930)_ The Soviet A3" 1130) Lrc ? , Chief, , 1645)- a,u 1 ' J., aa? u.1. V i.a i.... OCI Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010006-1 25X1A DRAFT SCHEDULE - BLOCK # III proved Fo lease 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000 010006-1 BLOCK TITLE: THE INTELLIGENCE BUSINESS IN CIA A 12 April 1972 Headcuarters Building (Room 6B-00) 0830)" 1200 Technical Int lligence Co lied ion Systems 0830)- Organisational 090.0) Structure Harold Brownman, D/OSP 0900)- Office of Special 0930) 1030)- Agency FLINT One ra ti 0-Is - John McMahan, D/ELINT WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 0830)_ 0830)- Individual 0920) Applied R4D 0915) - R Edrt U Presentation o Chapman, D/ORD 0930)_ Coordination of 1100) R&D in CIA - Douala H. Steininger, ADD/SFT 2jXIAA DD/OSA 1015)- Office of Special 1200) Projects 1200)- Depart CofC Bldg. n/nsp 1400)_ ~vrietnam: 1600) Intelligence Case Study ~- iNPIC Brie 1600 and 'l'our - Arthur Lundahl, D/NPIC COIy H I. lEN'I i. Jv I., milk Approved or Release 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP80-0 8A 0100010006-1 BLOCK 1-13 SCOPE NOTES TILE INTELLIGENCE BIJSTNESS IN CIA - The content of Block III is designed to provide an overview of the Agency's intelligence missions and a detailed examir..ation of selected activities. Senior officers and panels will examine specific issues relating to their areas of responsibility. Various developments pertain- ing to the gathering of intelligence will be analyzed to describe and interpret the role of intelligence in influenciig policy decisions. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS - The speaker will discuss the foreign intelligence mission of the Clandestine Service, the role of the agent source in intellige:ce collection,-likely changes in collection, e.g., economic information, and problems of coordinating :gent operations among U.S. agencies. THE AGENCY PPB SYSTEM - The speaker will examine the Planning, Programming and Budgeting concept employed by the Agency in com- parison with the PPB systems employed by other agencies of Government. Advantages and problems inherent in the PPB system when used in an intelligence organization will. be described. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010006-1 I ? Approved For R&ease 2002I010 'IICIA- PBD-00 8AW0100010006-1 -2 COUNTERINTELLIGENCE - A ranking member of the CI Staff will review the CIA mission of the Agency with particular emphasis on its role as the central repository., principal collector and processor of CI information. He will examine the relationship of CI to other Clandestine Service discciplines, political decisions at the national level, and coordination with other agencies of the Intelligence Community. Various operations will be described to illustrate CI as a componera.t of these operations, to highlight the significance of intelligence about foreign security services as an element of operational planning and execution, and the role of such operations regarding the penetration, manipulation and repression of opposition intelligence services. STATION OPERATIONS - The operation of a typical CIA Station, including the implementation of programs contained in the Opera- tional Directive, procedures for responding to ad hoc requirements, the acquisition and development of clandestine assets, the direction of these assets against various targets, and the organization of the Station,, will be reviewed by a senior Clandestine Service officer with broad exposure ia the field and at headquarters. He will also examine relations with other elements of the U.S. Mission, liaison with the host. country security service, and security and management probl;Dms unique to a field station. Approved For Release 2002MIO2I X1FA 'Rt f 0-00308A000100010006-1 CONFIDENTIAL Approved or Release 2002/05/02 CIA-RDP80-0 80100010006-1 SIGINT ACTIVITIES OF TIIE CLANDESTINE SERVICE - The presentation will review how the Clandestine Service conducts a variety of covert SIGINT activities and examine the relationship of these activities to those of other D._rectorates and other government agencies, particularly NSA. THE SA-2 OPERATION - A senior operations officer will describe the acquisition of priority intelligence on Soviet missiles from a highly productive clandestine agent. His presentation will include the spotting, contact, development, recruitment, and the tradecraft used to exploit the source. COMMUNICATIONS' ROLE IN OPERATIONS - A top-level manager with broad experience will brief on the size and scope of our world-wide communications system and different types of communications support, including staff and operational communications. He will also cover communication R&D and look ahead at the' impact of future develop- ments in Agency communications, including technical advances and ?v~Sf ~rF IAA et?s002105102 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010006-1 inter- a g'~ppr CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Rslease 2002/05/02 : IA-RDP80-00 8A000100010006-1 CIA LOGISTICAL SUPPORT - The speaker will depict the Agency's logistics system, using the logistical support of paramilitary operations in Southeast Asia, notably the procurement and delivery of supplies, as a case illustration. The transition of para- military logistical support in Laos from the Agency to Defense in-mid-1972 will be covered. He will also review the management of the Agency's physical plant, equipment and resources, stressing the distinction between the functions of CIA and. GSA, and. will examine the Agency's contracting program. SIGNIFICANT SECURITY DEVELOPM NTS - A senior security officer will discuss how the Agency security system has evolved in recent years to provide Agency employees with greater personal assistance and to gain a broader understanding of mutual security responsi- bilities. He will cover significant security threats to CIA, with particular reference to the technical field. The presentation will also examine the methods used by Security to pursue security leaks such as the Pentagon Papers and the Jack Anderson revelations. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010006-1 CONFIDENTIAL ? Approve or4-Re lease 2002105/02: CIA-RDP80- 08*000100010006-1 5- INTELLIGENCE PANEL - A group o..--' senior analysts will discuss the functions and. the use of resources and priorities in the fields of current, economic and strategic intelligence. The panel will also examine the amount of production undertaken in direct response to consumer needs versus that which is self-generated, and address the issue of what they consider should be produced in their fields. VIETNAM: AN INTELLIGENCE CASE STUDY - A panel of Agency officers will review the role of intelligence in the Vietnam conflict. The principal focus will be to identify turning points in the war and to examine the part intelligence played in the making of policy decisions related to these major events. The presentation will touch on the Agency's dealings on Vietnam with the White House, State, Defense and other U. S. agencies. THE NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER - The "Father of Modern Photo Interpretation" will discuss NPIC's mission, charter, functions, and relationship with other members of the Intelligence Community, techniques of interpreting overhead photography, and support to photo collection systems. Following the briefing, there will be a tour of the photographic laboratory, examination and explanation of various mensuration devices, and a demonstration of the integrated information system. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010006-1 CONFIDENTIAL CONE N I T I I lAL, ?Approvepr Release 2002/05/02q tIA-RDP80- 8A000100010006-1 INTELLIGENCE AND ARMS CONTROL - A CIA panel will discuss the role of intelligence during the preparation phase for arms control talks, in the negotiating phase, t and it; prospective role after a treaty is in force. Panel members will touch on CIA inputs to study efforts at the working level, participation in NSC and Verification Panel policy-making discussions;, the role of CIA representatives and arms control negotiators, and the technical problems in monitor- ing an arms control agreement. THE SOVIET A13M PROBLEM: INTELLIGENCE CASE STUDY - A highly qualified observer will review the complexities and difficulties of. the Soviet ABM problem facing the ]Intelligence Community, examine the data available, and discuss how different intelligence sources have contributed to our knowledge of the problem. TECIINICAL INTELLIGENCE COLLECTION SYSTEMS - The speaker will discuss current and planned technical intelligence collection systems; their contribution towards filling gaps in our intelligence knowledge; and the impact of these systems on the intelligence product, manage- ment, and the policy maker. Approved For Release 2002/05/02 I8IH-KU40-00308A000100010006-1 CO,NFIDENT IAL Approved FQP A se 2002/05/02: FIA-RDP80-0039MA0 00010006-1 CO;)I;I)INATION OP RED IN CIA - '.Elie speaker will provide orientation on various types of R&D performed by the Agency, discuss the role of contractors in support of this effort, and describe coordination of li#,1) activity in the Agency and in the Intelligence Community. APPLIED Rt'I) - The speaker will describe the relationship of intelligence requirements to Agoncy R&D, budgetary factors which influence planning, examples of developmental activity, and their application to intelligence collection. AGENCY ELINT OPERATIONS - The speaker will discuss the work of the Office of ELINT in. DDSET, its ground station and airborne collection capabilities, third party relationships, collaboration with NSA, and support to other Agency operations. Approved For Release 2002/ Q Iot P FR$p-00308A000100010006-1 : t'C:: AC: 02200)- -0) The Intelligence DD/MICE 25X1A to DCI for NIPS 25X1A D T SCHEDULE - BLOCK It IV 4-proved For Re se 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP80 00308AO001010006-1 0830)_ 0915) 0930) 1100) Individual Presentation !NR: State Intelligence Role in Con unity David Mark, Deputy Director for Research 20 April 1972 0830)_ 0915) Individual Presentation 0930)- Depart for Congress 1000)- Library of Congress Legislative Service - Dr. Charles 1400)_ 1600) Coordination Staff Secretary of State for Administration State-CIA Relat .,chins : ac o;.iber, Jr. , Deputy Under 1130)_ 1200) 1 1200)_ 1515) 0830)_ Individual 0915) Presentation 0930)' 1130) DATE: 1 Feb 72 Treasury: New Role in the Intelligence Community (Speaker to be announded) Sheldon(?) Chief, Science Policy Research D_.-ision Agency Relations With Congress - -john Maury, 1400)_ 1600) NSA Role in Coyrllln i tv: Views of a Senator and a Congressman wl -naju~ issues National Crvntologic Command VADM Noel Gayler, USN, Director, NSA(') 0900)_ 1015) Defense Polio- - William 3arc~ Spec. Ass t. Sec. D'ef . 1 , ' 1030)_ 1145) .Military Res?_ and Develonnen - Dr. _ - n DD %~ 2) 1200) 1330)- Lunc eon: Speaker: me Joint Chiefs o Staff :c 1400)_ 1330) MIanacen'nt of Intei:i7 it Cod filbert Hall, Asst, (Intelligenc CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP8O-00308AO00100010006-1 _:JCK MANAGER: :~v0) 2- Ail 1972 oved For Rele itqQ2&02L: CIA-RDP80-00308A00010*0006-1 DReirT SCHEDULE 7 BLOCK # IV' 0830)_ 0915) Future of the -a--ional Security Co, - c_! sri g. G:on. _lexandoor Haig, a ut. .' s't to the 2- en t for Security .', ( f a i r s L'I Su_:D+)ort to `are- and Role .e I ~~ :Ce 0930)_ 1130) BLOCK TITLE? CIA'S OFFICIAL RELATIONSHIPS 25 April 1972 Individual Presentation Office of Management and Budget Relations With CIA ,Janes Taylor, OMB John Hurley, OMB 1500) 'lock hies Bare Director, USIA 1500)- DEPART FORT .125X1A I 0 DATE : _-S Feb 2,2 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010006-1 CONFID1:NTIAL Approved FGr elease 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP80-003 8A000100010006-1 I3LOCK IV SCOPE. NOTES CTA'S OFFICIAL RELATIONSHIPS - This Block focuses on the "official environment" of the Agency and stresses the new Intelligence Community responsibilities assigned to the Director by the President. It in cludes CIA's relationships within the Executive Branch, in particular the NSC, State ~'including INR), OMB, Defense (including DIA and NSA), Treasury, and USIA. The Seminar will participate in a "Day on the Hill" during which members of Congress will be invited to discuss their work and to comment on key issues facing Congress. A similar "Day at Defense" will provide a com- prehensive view of the interaction among the various elements -- military, political, scientific and intelligence -- which combine to influence Defense policy. THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY - P- senior Agency officer will discuss coordination in the Intelligence Community and the work of the United States Intelligence Board (USIB). A brief examination will be given the Consolidated Intelligence Resources Information System (CIRIS) to learn its application to Community needs. The Deputy to the DCI for National Intelligence Program Evaluation will share his observations on the new responsibilities assigned by the President to the DCI in managing the Intelligence Community. Approved For Release 2002/OQt !I I'dI . RDA90-00308A000100010006-1 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For elease 2002/05/02_:2CIA-RDP80-00L18 000100010006-1 NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL - A senior NSC official will discuss the decision-making National Security affairs. He will also comment on National Security Staff relations with CIA and the future role of the National Security Council in the intelligence framework. OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - A panel of knowledgeable OMB officers will discuss the budgetary process and its effect on management decisions in the Intelligence Community. The impact of budgetary constraints on intelligence and the relations between. 00 and CIA also will be cove7ed. A DAY AT THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE - This visit to the Pentagon will provide an opportunity to meet with senior officials repre- senting the military, research and development, and the intelligence elements of DOD. Emphasis will be given to the responsibilities and relationships of political-oriented authorities vis-a-vis pro-? fessional military officers in forming Defense policy, the major factors bearing on Research and Development decisions in Defense, and the management of intelligence in the Defense Department. Approved For Release 2002/QWA- flt l Q0-00308A000100010006-1 2X1 C Approved F Release 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP80-0030SA000100010006-1 USIA - A top U.S. information official will discuss the objectives and activities of the U.S. Information Agency and relate its activities to the National Security framework. TREASURY - A senior Treasury official will explain the rationale for the recent seating of this Department on the U.S. Intelligence Board. He will also cover areas of major concern such as the implications of U.S. balance of payments problems acid foreign exchange pressures on National. Security. NSA - A high-ranking official E,vill provide a comprehensive discussion of NSA, including its responsibilities for intelligence collection, selected activities and major problems facing that Agency, relationships with CIA, and the current status and responsibilities of the newly-formed National Cryptologic Command. STATE DEPARTMENT - A panel will discuss the support given by the Bureau of Intelligence F, Research to the Secretary of State and the relationships of INR with CIA and the Intelligence Community. Approved For Release 2002,WRr M0-00308A000100010006-1 CONi II)I:NTIAL Approved F Release 2002/05/02-:4 1A-RDP80-003QBA000100010006-1 A DAY AT CONGRESS - A "Day on the Ilil:L" will provide an opportunity to the Senior Seminar to meet with Legislators in their own environment. The participants will learn the kinds of support on matters of mutual interest given to Congress and its Committees by the Legislative Research Service. Then they will. join with the CIA Legislative Counsel ir; a House Committee Room to review CIA relationships with Congres; and meet separately with a Senator and a Congressman to hear their views on major issues facing legislators today. DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY - N senior officer will delineate the functions which that Agency performs directly and those which it manages within the DOD. He will also explore DIA relations with the military services and its role in the Intelligence Community. Approved For Release 2002IQ6j Q 1. 3J, FLZJ)RJL0-00308A000100010006-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010006-1 Next 5 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010006-1 CK MANAGER: A0 proved For I. MY .[' i LL%:N I i t' 1, :fis%C29D2 05/O2L(ClAi -00308A00010001 BLOCK TITLE: DOMESTIC PROBLEMS OF RELEVANCE TO CIA DATE: if F MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 0830) " 0900) 0945) Individual 0830)_ 9 Individual 0830) Individual Introduction to 0930) Generations Film: Apart: A Question Presentation 0 15) presentation 0915) Presentation 3 31oc f'i' of Values" 1000) 0 ) The Media 0930) 0945 _ 1200) Blacks in U.S. Society 1 130 , _ The New Left in '~=