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Publication Date: 
January 12, 1972
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00308A000100010009-8.pdf52.43 KB
Approved For se 2002105/01: CIA-RDP80-00308A 00010009-8 ' -- - -T -- - 12 January 1977. MEMORANDUM FOR TIIE RECORD SUBJECT: Senior ;.seminar UI~ of >'' - /~/ cc, 17- " 1. In a meeting with kv.csr3r s. Coffey, Cunningham, Fisher, and0 we discussed the Senior Seminar. After seine discu:cia;x of the running of a Seminar this spring, the condition was set that Ic_riteria be established for admission to the Seminar, specifically involving a certificate by the nominating ;Deputy Director that the individual ,would probably receive an additional promotion and was clearly destined for higher re; ponsibilitier3 in his directorate. Z. We continued the discussion into a general roundup of the relatierr: hi.p between Training and Pereon.nel and the necessity for Interface between them so that the training program could be care- 1 fully constructed to comtriLut ; to the institutional iiy:.provex{tent of the Agency, rather than the individual inir ovement of th{; tude'nts only. This suggested the d.csirabili:;y of e tabl.ishinn p atto 'ns or tracks of courses, criteria for adrn;ssion thereto, a review of the impact of their training on career 3 on a post-audit basis, anei the necessity for sanctions to unsure the application of stringent stan- f_tirthor dards of selection and trairiir.i~ . CoEic;r will consult- with Messrs. Fisher and Cunningham on this point and a:rl,vise further. WEG W. E. Colby Executive Director-Comptroller WI Chip Distribution: Origin-:.l - ER 1 - DD/S 1 - l) TR 1 - D/Pers 1-E:.17ir Approved For Release 20(~4 fI U F 1pA&,0-00308A000100010009-8