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Document Release Date: 
July 13, 2000
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Publication Date: 
December 3, 1974
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00308A000100110003-3.pdf76.41 KB
Approved For Releas .2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00308AS00100110003-3 3 December 1974 25X1A MEMORANDUM, FOR: Deputy Director of Training SUBJECT : Clerical Orientation Course have discusse the attached proposal with Doug the chief instructor. I agree basically with the recox=.,ndations made, however, the recommended changes leave the new clerical employee with practically no orientation to the work of the Agency. If we can afford to give the new professional a three-week orientation to the Agency, we can certainly give new clerical employees more than a one-half hour orientation to the Agency. 2. I recommend that FTD/MATB, in conjunction with II, prepare a suitable briefing on video tape which can be given at Ames Buildin to clerical employees as soon as they receive their clearances F My concept of an appropriate briefing on the Agency consists of: a. a video tape welcome to the Agency by Mr. Colby; b. a simple but comprehensive exposition of what intelligence is; c. a description of how intelligence relates to foreign policy; d. a simple presentation of CIA's mission including a number of well-chosen examples or anecdotes; e. a simple description of the Intelligence Community. 3. In the interim., I believe that or an II 25X1A representative could continue to make a presentation to these clerical employees at the Ames Building. 4. I concur in the recommendations that the briefings in the area of personnel and security be given by those offices respectively, and that the Office of Personnel should be responsible fOT coordinating the entire program. 25X1A Chief, Plans & Development Staff Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00308A000100110003-3