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Document Release Date: 
October 25, 2001
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Publication Date: 
November 7, 1977
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Approved Fpr Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000700090 /A Registry DD 17 07 - -5 C/ of i~~,a J MEMORANDUM: Director of Central Intelligence 1. Employee Bulletin #598 dated 18 May 1977 contains the text of Harlan Cleveland's talk on Ethics In Public Service. Preceding this is a transcript of your introductory comments. A copy of these is annexed. It is obvious that this was taken verbatim from your presentation without editing. 2. While this introduction no doubt sounded casual and off hand, when voice inflection and other aspects of the spoken presentation are eliminated it loses much of its effectiveness. 3.. In the future, we should ensure that any transcriptions of your spoken comments are edited prior to publication. Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000700090002-8 Approved For Release " 00 1!0't 10, CIA- DPSU 04- 0,700090002 ..Address by Ambassador Harlan Cleveland:' in the CIA Auditorium ; Tuesday, 10. May 1977. Director .of 'Central -Iiite'liigence Good afternoon. We are.very pleased this afternoon to have Ambassador Harlan Cleveland with.. us to, talk on;the;topic of .."Ethics--In Public everyone of us in the intelligence business . As.someiof ou . y may know,. I; have been taking. my own hand at..:.trying to write asked outsiders to help me.. I have asked. other mbers'of the Community .: to help me . I. am- not:. doing very, ?we 1. It . is not easy. .Inaddition; Lam not sure whether we-..should have nterestiiig.,and .help?ul to,_~explore and -to??think,Tthe problems have?Ambas;sador Cleveland to stimulate our thinkin :in this: g direction, because-the topic...of the ethics'ofwhat we do is ever da - r - - y.. y in everythiiig.we.undertake.with the extraordinary members of. the nation's-.Intelligence Community..:--Ambassador Cleveland comes with tremendous-credentials to explore-this operations, in having been'an Ambassador,: and.havin.g..been perh aps a :'1ot of.,.-c~rien:tation towards, foreign affairs Z - . , think the .President ,.of a ,major universitthe-University of Hawai an d. neat ;foreign affairs connections .to i t willicontx.ibute-to:his vision of our problem -and. the problem .of` ail:"government.people .in the field of ethics:. in making:,,._-, 'that?-,compatible with their:.public --service. Mr:.-Ambassador., please, we are-very. here. `Ambassador Cleveland: Thank you very much::Admiral.- I don't promise to solve the problem that you are struggling with, but I'm certainly going to talk about it. The sponsors of this extraordinary lecture series asked me only two questions. One was whether they should address mail to my home in case I did not want my colleagues in the office to know that I was doing business with you. For reasons that will be clear from what I am about to say to you, I replied with some version of Ralph Waldo Emerson's dictum, "If you would not one known to do anything, never do it." Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000700090002-8 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000700090002-8 Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00473A000700090002-8