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Publication Date:
December 11, 1953
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Approved ForRstl,ase2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80449079A000100010
ity infonnation
(OW 2.45- ?3 /6-2-
SUBJECT 2 Placement Interviews
tl December 1953
RESCISSION: PDM No. 50-53, Follow-up Interviews, dated 2 July 1953
The Placement and Utilization Division will interview individual
Agency employees to insure their assignment to positions which will
utilize their skillss, yield personal satisfaction and offer opportunity
for their development and advancement to assignments of greater responsi-
bility, Such interviews should confirm the soundness of the individual's
placement and should disclose any factors which may be adversely affect-
ing his adjustment and performance in the position, These may include
aatters relating to promotional opportunibies, additional training,
rotation, inability to meet position requirements, unsatisfactory per-
sonal relationships with his supervisor or fellow employees, and similar
problems. Recognition of such problems should be followed by the initia-
ton of appropriate remedial action to bring about adjustments within
the existing situation or to effect the reassignnent or separation of the
n, Placement Officers will conduct an initial interview with
each new employee at the time he enters on duty to insure that he
understands the requirements of his position? the geographical area
involved, and the likelihood of eventual overseas assignment. The
results of this interview will be recorded on Forms 37-148, Employee
Summary Work Sheet, and 37-148A, Followeup Interview Report. Actual
topics discussed and understandings reached will be reflected in
detail. Form No, 37-148A will be filed in the individual's official
personnel folder, Form No, 37-148 will be maintained by the Place-
ment Officer conducting the interview.
b, Recruitment officers and others engaged in personnel pro-
curement or processing who learn of an applicant's or an employee's
etrong interest in overseas service will insure that such informa-
tion is recorded in his folder for consideration in placement
actions. Placement Officers will insure, insofar as possible, that
such individuals are assigned to offices which can offer eventual
overseas assignment. No commitments regarding overseas assignments
will be made by members of the Personnel Office. Reasons for making
a particular assignment will be recorded by the Placement Officer on
the field interview sheet or in a memorandum for the record.
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010008-8
Approved For Relow 2000/08/16 'CIA4RDP80-006741000100010008-8
a't1).2.1rir .1.a1"071:1P t /On
en Placement Officers will conduct follow-up interviews, as
eppropriate? to insure the satisfactory adjustment of an individual
to his position. These follow-up interviews may be scheduled with.
eut regard to the period which has elapsed since the individual
entered on, duty or was reassigned, and should be repeated, as appro-
priate until satisfactory placement of the individual has been ace
In In all cases, follow-up interviews will be scheduled and
conducted for each new employee upon his completion of 30 and 120
3.ays of CIA service, elusive of time spent in initial training
eourses. If the 30-day interview reveals that the employeeos adjust
:tent is satisfactory and that his supervisor is satisfied with the
employee os progress, the 120-day follow-up may be conducted by tele-
phone with both the employee and his supervisor. However, if place-
ment problens are disclosed in the 30-day interview, subsequent
interviews will be conducted on a face-to-face basis as mon as
practicable and as often as necessary.
? Follow-up interviews also will be conducted 60 days after
an employee arsumes new duties through a reassignment, change of
.;areer Designation? return from overseas assignment or leave in
of 3 months, or through restoration after military service.
7!, cow= or FOLLOW-0? IUTERVIEWS
se The ?lacement Officer will carenilly review tae employeeoe
official personnel folder prior to the interview. In planning the
interview, the Placement Officer should consider the inftividualos
qualifications in relation to the requirements of the particular
position to which he has been assigned.
b, Both the employee and his supervisor should be interviewed
to deterline the manner in which the employee has adjusted to his
positions, the degree of utilization of his abilities, his response
to on-the-job training, and his overeall job performance. In addi-.
tion, the supervisor will be asked to comment on the individualos
qualifications for more responsible duties and any specific plans
which may have been formalated in this connection. In general, the
interview with employee and supervisor should cover the following
(1) Description of the employeeos current performance.
(2) Assistance given, if apy.
(3) Type and amount of on-the-job training.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010008-8
Approved For Releasea000/08/16, : CIA-RDP80-006794100100010008-8
(4) Employeeve response to and attitude toward on-the-Job
(5) Special problems vlich the employee may have in
oonnection with his work (ireluding unsatisfactory interepersona).
relationships with superviscr or foliate emoloyeee).
(6) Remedlol measures 4hich have been initiated, either
by the employee or his suprivisorc) in connection with job-related
(7) Problems which meght be referred to the Employee
Services Division,
Degree of utilization of skills
Opportunities given to perforn more responsible work.,
(SO) Action contemplated by either the employee or his
eupervisor with respect to the employeevs future development.
regularly scheduled follow-up interview will be recorded
ea Vona Lice, 37-218A9 Follow-up Interview Report, which forms shall be
xeeetainod by the Placenent Officer responsible for the component to which
the individual is assigned. Reports of other interview; will be similarly
prepared whenever such interviews disclose a material change in the eon-
;yt7l&z4 situationc,
Pere el Director
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Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010008-8