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'Approved FokgellOW?e nowoutir
EL &TIMM NO. 3143
SUBXECT: Qualification Requirements
19 Phy 190
This instruction established internal palate; and
ar the demsanopennts recordingp distribution ant use of
qualifiortion requirements.
a, PqsAti*
part of
A position 12 a group of current duties mire.
ties which have been established by competent
far performance Iv one person and approved as
authorised Table of Organization.
of *. duties?
gni evaluation
routs existing vri
A current and accurate statement
responsibilities, general informatioa,
including ,cpa1.1.fication require-
given position.
o. ZaMsgatingusl A
bilities, general pas
evaluation factors
tithe clamification
and far uee in "value
ftr enoh positions. The
quirements applicable to
? integral part of the posi
tatement or the duties ana respansi.
titan informatioa and ;coition
ped, as a uniform guide far use
positions within a given group
the quenticatione of candidates
tent of qualification re.
group of position is an
d0 t eta
description at' pce tian standard
skills and shilitiee; work asper
pbysicalrequirements; personal
special qualificationo required far
group of Omiler positiono.
e. Posit,iponAalreis The systematic study
purpose of recording the total position
for personnel administration.
A planned analysis
eithezarganisaional or =occupational
in a peeition
reflecting the knowledge,
and education;
Utica; ard
given position or
positions for the
oration essential.
Security Inforrstion
positions on
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010079-0
'Approved Foy&%mese 2000/11 INK00010079-0
3. Z9LIZ
a. Statements of quetlification requiremeate will be
initially for those positices which are classified according =1
General Schedule.
b. The qualifications program will be conannted as a part of an
integrated position anslysis program which will develop position doe-
criptions, qualification requirements and pad-tics standarde.
(1) Statemente of the qualifioation requirements for specific
positione will be ;Prepared in the Drowse of developing position
descriptions. Statements of valifioation requirements pertinent
to group of poeitions having requirements will be peeperei
in the rrooess of developing position standards.
(2) Positions viii not be re-surveyed in those areas where
current position desoriptions provide an adequate basis for state..
mutts of qualification requirements.
a. The Classification and Wage DiViSiCei is responsible for direct-
ing an integrated program including position analysis surveys and the
dirrelopsent of position detoriptions, qualification requirements and
position standards.
b. PDO and PDC are responsme for deteVAng placement officers to
the Clasedricatien and Wage Division for designated periods of full-time
participation in the position analysis erogrem.
a. The nesting =4 Braluation Division is responsible for detailing
repmentatives to the Classification 024 Wage Division for limited periods
for the purpose of reviewing position infcceation in order to determine
the appropriate use of test inforenticsa.
d. The details of personnel to the Classification. and Wage Division
as provided in b and a above will ordinarily be for periods of six months
'0211088 other periods are mutually agreed upon Isr the Division Chiefs con-
cerned, The =Aber of sue* personnel on detail to the Classification and
Wage Division at any given time will be determined 1 the Personnel Director.
? ytyp..1* j11.c. II
trf,)!I1 !Lot
a. In those areas where cureent position descriptions have been
developed which provide an adequate bode for qualification requirements*
such information will be utilized to prepare statsmente of qualification
Approved For Release 2000/08PROPCIAR11411114649A000100010079-0
Approved FocRileipte 2000/08/16 ?
tap atm oto 10079-0
lienceforth, thi pasitiart =Ayes surveys are Conducted to
develop currant poeitiaa information4 statememto of qualification re.
quirements viii be prepared intim procees of developing eceitiou
descriptions end Position stAmika`da*
e, friar to conduoting position analysin surveyet the Olassiftartion
and Wage Division will obtain the full support of the Office Heads and
Career Service Boards comers:4dg preferably to include the tun-ti
detail of qualified peroonnel from the operating ()Mose.
Henceforth, qualification temmerbioa pertinent to the
program win be recorded, in, the process of conduoting placement follow-
up interviews.
State:Tots of qp'ialfim;,ti4Mlenquireemuts require the approval of:
a. The Mies, of the CUD the 11)(C) amd the PD(0) ar their
The operating officials having jurisdiction over the
positions cc:gored.
Statemeets of qualifications requirements will be recorded acoor&.
ins to the attedhed format.
a. Statements of qualificatitn requirements viii be promulgated
through the distribution of position descripticmo and standards.
I,, Position descriptices and standards will be published in loose--
3mi' form so that they MET be grouped and distributed in handboots to
responsible officials of the Personnel Office and Operating Organizations
a. Approved statements of qualificattmarequiremento vii bowed
as one of the evaleatioefacters in the process of position classification.
Staterients ofitcslification requirensetto aPPlicallia to groWs
of positions mill-sere? as a general duide In recruitment activities.
Specific qualifioatimimpairemeete viii be included in individual recruit.
ment requacte as appropriate. ,
Security Intorreatice
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010079-0
Approved FoCietiose 2000/08/16 003104015040672g094100010079-0
Security Informatiofr
c. In placement activities, approved statements of qualification
requirements will represent agreement between the Personnel Office and
Operating Offices concerning the qualifications required for appointment
or reassignment to the positions covered.
- 4-.
Security Information
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-00679A000100010079-0