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20 December 1974
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration
SUBJECT : Office of Personnel Report - Week Ending
20 December 1974
1. Clerical Recruitment -- Encouraging Sig: Our clerical recruiters
are reporting improved turnout of clerical and secretarial applicants in their
current early winter travels. The turnout at state employment offices and
at secretarial schools shows improvement, as regards availability, in
'Virginia and West Virginia. A trip to northeastern Pennsylvania was
especially productive at Wilkes Barre. and Hazleton, but only marginal at
Scranton. This is gauged by the numbers turning out and by their level of
interest since it is too early to assess on the basis of returned application
forms. Our experience generally shows that a good response in early winter
means that our spring recruitment visits will be more productive. Also, we
are finding that the state employment officials are being more encouraging
and cooperative, which reflects current employment market conditions. 25X1A
2. Job Hopes Not Bright:
recruiter, in reporting on the Southern College Placement Conference
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was held in New Orleans during the first week in December, stated that the
mood of the placement officials was noticeably restrained and subdued. He
states that the large automotive firms sent fewer representatives to the
conference this year. In fact, Chrysler was not even represented, which is
in marked contrast to previous years. Many placement offices continue to
lose funding support, and the outlook for liberal arts students, in particular,
continues to be discouraging. (This was reported previously at an 0830
meeting. Additional information is attached on lack of job opportunities --
recruiter report The Job Gap and Liberal Arts. ")
C0 1 D N_T IAL Cl by 012752
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3. Retirement Activity:
Actual Retirements 7/01/74 - 12/18/74
Signed to Go 12/19/74 - 12/31/74
Others Likely by 12/31/74
:Disabilities Pending (not approved)
Requests for Estimates on Hand
4. Promotions: Promotions of careerists in the Personnel Career
Sub-Group (GS-08 through GS-15) took place on Thursday, 19 December 1974,
at 0945 hours. Forty-seven Headquarters employees were honored at this
ceremony. In addition, two overseas officers were recognized.
5. Summer Interns: Applications have been received from 140
candidates for the Summer Intern Program. We continue to receive an
average of 10 inquiries a day about the program. The two black candidates
who have applied have been accepted.
7. Conversion of Agency Locator System: Transactions and Records
Branch personnel continued work on converting the Agency locator system
to the new CEMLOC system this week. As of 17 December 1974, 14 percent
of the Agency locator records have been updated in the new system.
8. Rehired Annuitants: This week the Director of Personnel approved
the following rehired annuitant case for the Directorate of Administration:
-- Office of Medical Services --
Independent Contractor.
9. Vacancy Notices: We have 15 active vacancy notices in circulation --
10 professional and five clerical.
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10. Regulations: We forwarded to Chief, Regulations Control
. a. Proposed change to as approved by
the Secretary, CIA Management Committee. The change
is designed to clarify the 90 %o limitation on the salary of
annuitants rehired as contract employees.
b. Revision of Suggestion and Invention
Awards, to incorporate Special Achievement and Exceptional
Accomplishment Awards.
c. Revision of Leave and Other Absence,
to incorporate changes in Federal policy on the administration
of absence for maternity reasons.
11. Orientation: We conducted a one-day orientation session and
workshop for OP representatives on the proposed Factor-Benchmark
classification system.
12. Suggestion Awards Booklet: Printing was completed this week
on the booklet "You and Your Suggestion Program. " This publication was
one of our office objectives for FY 1.975 and was designed by the Incentive
Awards Branch to encourage individual employees to submit suggestions.
Distribution will be made after the holidays and, as part of the Agency's
cost and paper saving campaign, we will provide one copy for every two
13. Assistance to S&T: The report of the DDS&T Inflation Working
Group has been published. Chief of our Plans Staff, who
was a member of the group, received thanks for his participation.
Coming Events
1. The annual meeting of GEHA members is scheduled for Friday,
24 January 1975, at 10:00 a. m. We have reserved the Headquarters
auditorium and are publishing a Headquarters Notice.
Acting Director of Personnel
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The Job Cap and Liberal Arts
The present declining employment market is forcing
many educators and Placement officials to seek new evalu-
ations of the courses which they offer. The Liberal Arts
Education and its relation to employability is coming
under particular scrutiny. This information is being
reported from various recruiting sources and is a re-
current theme at Placement and Educational Conferences.
The Liberal Arts curriculum constitutes the backbone
of America's educational tradition. Some of our oldest
and finest colleges dedicated themselves to the develop-
ment of adults capable of thinking, writing, and acting
well. This heritage, however, had its roots deeply
embedded in a European University system which was
designed to meet the needs of a leisure class within
a particular political or social setting. It is now
being recognized that the failure of the Liberal Arts
community to realize that it is becoming increasingly
impossible for many students to postpone the question
of exactly what they are going to do with such an educa-
tion for career purposes.
During the last decade, many Liberal Arts graduates
could afford not to think about the status of the job
market. Those who decided to enter the real world were
busily swallowed up by recruiters in search of surplus
talent, and for those who would postpone career decision
making, seek to upgrade their credentials, or join the
academic ranks, there was always the secure confines of
graduate school.
As early as 1970, the efficacy of the laws of supply
and demand began turning liberal arts graduates toward
other professional routes. The absence of strict curri-
culum pre-requisites coupled with their own growing social
consciousness led many students to seek admission to law
schools. Consequently, applications and enrollments began
to soar. At best the law profession has reached a satura-
tion point; at worst, last. year's 10,000 law graduates were
already too much for the profession to handle. In some
instances, it would seem that law schools have the dubious
distinction of replacing graduate schools as a haven for
the uncommitted.
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Caught between an unaccommodating job market which en-
courages specialization, and the contraction of those
post-graduate channels which have traditionally provided
access to it, the liberal arts graduate is likely to be
faced with perilous prospects of employment upgrading.
The over abundance of college graduates, which may
well peak in the spring of 1975, will naturally lead many
employers to boost the educational pre-requisites of some-
positions which heretofore have not required a college
degree. If this is done without. sufficient deliberation,
the consequences could be exceedingly harmful. While
the degree earner may be immediately gratified by an
offer, in the long run he i:s likely to be dissatisfied.
The under utilization of his abilities, a lower salary
and responsibility level will encourage work dissatis-
faction and employment defection.
In viewing the present trend, one Placement veteran,
Mr. James Galloway President, Mid-West College Placement
Association, was quoted as saying:
"The job market keeps tightening due to inflation,
the. energy crisis, stock market decline, decreased
birth rates, and we find ourselves in a critical
job-manpower period. As the colleges keep pro-
ducing graduates, the competition in the market
place becomes tighter and tighter."
Whether-the colleges and universities will reconstruct
their curriculums according to the whims of the economy
remains seen, but it is apparent that the educators
are paying closer attention to their Placement and
counseling officials in their search for alternatives.
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1. The University of Pennsylvania Committee on
Undergraduate Education Report. Various papers and studies
presented at the Mid-Atlantic Placement Conference,
September 1974.
2. Helen S. Astin and Ann S. Bisconti, Career Plans
of College Graduates of 1965 and 1970, College Placement
Council Foundation.
3. Discussion with Mr. James Galloway, President,
Mid-West College Placement Association.
Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100010027-2