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Approved For Release-20001890 Y?k - 0773AS00100010039-9 Aq 27 SEP 1974 25X1A MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration SUBJECT : Office of Personnel Report - Week Ending 27 September 1974 1. Meeting at State on External Placement: On 25 September Chief, Retirement Affairs Division, met with Ambassador Charles Adair of the Department of State. The Ambassador is making a study of the effectiveness of the Department's external placement function and plans to talk to all departments or agencies which carry on an out-placement function. His queries to us were directed to the types and attitudes of our clients, the realism of their expectations, our procedures, our sources of job information, problems we encounter and rate of effectiveness. 2. Mr. Colby to Autograph: Mr. Colby has expressed his desire to personally autograph all of the photographs taken at the Annual Awards Ceremony. We have been requested to indicate the recipient's name, office and category of certificate (10, 15, 20 or 25 year). 3. Summer Interns: a. The new approach of sending the Summer Intern flyers directly to schools has aroused an initial flurry of activity. Placement officers at many schools have written or called to say that they are already screening their best students before asking them to apply. Several resumes and a few completed applications have been received. b. Five Summer Interns are under consideration for the Career Training Program. 4. Clerical Advertising: Response to clerical advertising in last week's suburban newspapers has been running light. However, as of 25 September, over 190 "'s" and "walk-in's" have referred to an item announcing our clerical requirements which appeared in Mike Causey's "Federal Diary" in the Washington Post on 19 September. Approved For Release 2000/ 0' l FLQ -RAUF1L00773AO0I@OO1GO399 by 012752 ~100773AGA0100010039-9 Approved For Release~00@@U`' I~~~~ 5. New GS-15 Minority Em lyee: A black physical scientist, GS-15, has been scheduled to enter on duty for OD&E on 11 November 1974. He will be the second minority employee to enter on duty at that grade level. 6. Handicapped: Mr. Robert Werner, the Civil Service Commission 25X1A Program Coordinator for the Handicapped, called to arrange an appointment for 9 October 1974 with our coordinator, to discuss our program and to review, prior to publication, the proposed CSC plan. 25X1A Mr. Werner informed that the Agency's plan was an out- standing one and that since we seem to be fairly advanced as regards our planning, the CSC is going to adopt a 14-point plan based almost entirely on ours. This plan will become mandatory for all other Federal agencies in advancing the handicapped employee cause. 25X1A 25X1A 7. Supergrade Review: Comments on DDS&T and DDI supergrades have been received. Comments concerning the DDO supergrades have been completed but will not be submitted until Mr. Nelson has had a chance to review them. He is expected to return to Washington about 1 October. 8. Pay: New pay rates were received for bookbinder positions and will be effective 4 November. 9. Upward Mobility Review: In the work on the Upward Mobility Program, the files of 64 employees brought on board from 1969 through 1973 were reviewed. 10. ADP Conversion: In ADP conversion activities, parallel operation of the 501 system and the new STAFFING system continued. The parallel operation will continue through October to determine if the new system is working effectively. 11. Field Survey: The field team surveying EA stations is scheduled to depart on 26 September. The survey is on schedule and is approximately 507 completed. 12. Rehired Annuitants: During the week I approved the following rehired annuitant cases for the Directorate of Administration: Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA RDP80-00773A000100010039-9 CONF1DENTIA11 Approved For Release00001cc1'5 FPI__NDI0773AQQ0100010039-9 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 13. Employee Bulletins: We forwarded to Chief, Regulations Control Staff: (a) a proposed Employee Bulletin announcing Mr. Duckett's receipt of the 1974 Civil Service Award for Sustained Excellence; (b) a proposed ]Employee Bulletin announcing the current status of the Voluntary Investment Plan; and (c) a proposed Employee Bulletin announcing upcoming cost-of- living retirement annuity increase. 14. Special Advertising: An ad in the September issue of Family Physician placed for OMS is beginning to receive responses. Four doctors have written to us so far. Coming Events 1. ecru.iter, has been invited to speak at Texas A&M University to the aeronautical engineering students on 23 October. On 24 October he will. address science and engineering students at Prairie View A&M University (a traditionally black college). We are requesting that OWI identify a senior officer to accompany - and speak, particularly at Texas A&M, on Agency interest in AE's. 25X1A 2. our Coordinator for Cooperative Programs, will represent the Agency at Virginia State's Career Day on 1 October. 3. The President of the Cooperative Education Division of the American Society of Engineering Education has invited the Agency Coordinator for Cooperative Programs to speak at a statewide conference of co-op coordinators at Nashville on 11 October. He is to speak on the role of the Federal Government as a co-op employer. 4. Executive Secretary of the Suggestion and Achievement Awards Committee, will attend the 32nd Annual Conference of the National Association of Suggestion Systems in Atlanta, Georgia from 28 September through 1 October 1974. 5. Arrangements have been completed for the Agency CFC kick-off rally to be held in the auditorium at 2;;00 p. in. on 30 September 1974. Commissioner L. J. Andolsek of the Civil Service Commission will be the feature speaker. Approved For Release 2000/~861N5.CIA-R DP I 0773A000100010039-9 ID- Approved For Release'000/08/1 1C TJ3A980100010039-9 25X1A 6. of our Plans Staff will meet with Mr. Jack Button, DD/Policy, Classification and Evaluation, Department of State, on 2 October to discuss promotion policy and evaluation systems. 7. Complete consolidation of the Agency APP. .25X1A Acting Director of Personnel 25X1A Distribution: 0 - 2 - Addressee 1 - DD/Pers/SP 1 - DD/Pers/R&P 1 - DD/Pers/P&C 1 -' D/Pers Chrono Y- D/Pers Subject File 1 - Chief, SAS "OD/Pers/ :jmm (27 Sep 74) Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA DP80-00773A000100010039-9 CON FI EN'TIAL