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August 23, 1974
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Approved For Release 2001'x68/15 : CrIff 0Qf9 N Ar0010QJ3-4
2 3 AUG 1974
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration
Office of Personnel Report Week Ending
23 August 1974
2. Retirement Counseling Staff. The DD/I nominated
to be the retirement counselor for the DDI. returned recently
from a short tour in Vietnam; prior to that he was the CIA Librarian.
paid a brief visit to Retirement Affairs Division on 16 August 25X1A
and will report for this assignment after Labor Day.
3. Voluntary Investment Plan: The new Federal legislation on pension
plans will include new responsibilities for employers. Connecticut General
Life Insurance Company, which has a large pension trust department, will
make an analysis of the new requirements and will advise all of their clients,
including VIP. We have alerted the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, the
Deputy Director of Finance for Plans and Systems, and the VIP Legal
Advisor of some forthcoming developments on this subject. Preliminary
discussion with the regional representative of Connecticut General has
revealed that he thinks requirements on a plan of the nature of VIP will be
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5. Skills Sessions Approximately 45 Personnel sub-careerists
attended a Skills Session dealing with the subject "Recent Changes in Agency
and Federal Regulations" on 21 August.
6. Counseling Course: In a discussion with 25X1A
Chairman, DDA Personnel Resources Committee, of our
Plans Staff verified continued DDA interest in offering a counseling course
to personnel anticipating responsibilities in employee counseling. In turn, 25X1A
consulted with representatives of OTR and PSS to complete
preliminary planning for the next running of the course. A formal planning
session is tentatively scheduled for the week of 16 September, and it is
expected that will be in attendance. Tentative
dates have been set for the next running of the course in November.
7. Upward Mobilitys has attended a briefing
by the Department of Navy on the Navy Upward Mobility Program for the
Navy Air Command in order to identify possible methods and techniques for
application in this Agency. Personnel files of employees who may be
selected for the Agency Upward Mobility Program are being reviewed.
8. FLSA: We have had delays in the automation of information for
the FLSA designations so that notifications to employees will be issued later
than originally scheduled, but possibly before the middle of September.
9. ADP Conversion: In ADP conversion, work continued on the
development of procedures and the testing of transactions. The CRT
terminal in PMCD in the Chamber of Commerce Building is now operating
and has been tested.
10. Rehired Annuitant: During the week T approved the following
retired annuitant case for the Directorate of Administration:
-- Office of Security --
Independent Contractor -- one-.year extension.
11. Annual Awards Program: The DD/A has approved the program
for the Annual Awards Ceremony to be held on 18 September 1974.
Arrangements are now being made for printing the programs and the
ceremony tickets. The lists of eligible employees have been forwarded
to appropriate Directorate representatives with a request that they
designate individuals to attend the ceremony.
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12. Summer-Only Employees: Sixty-one summer-only employees
completed their Agency assignments last Friday, 16 August, and were
processed out as a group in the auditorium. There are 41 scheduled to
process out in the same manner today, 23 August, and a majority of the
remaining summer only's are expected to leave on 30 August.
13. Official Bulletin Boards: Official Bulletin Boards are now in
use in Chamber of Commerce Building; and Printing Services Building.
Boards have been installed in and Ames Building and will be
displaying information by 26 August. Because of defects in some of the
boards which necessitated modifications, boards have not been-installed in
South, Key or Magazine Buildings. These are expected to be up and in use
within a week. The boards currently in use feature information and photo-
graphs concerning the Agency's participation in the Presidential Classroom-
14. Suggestion Awards: The Chairman, Suggestion Awards
Committee, has approved 10 awards, including nine cash awards totaling
$285 and one Certificate of Appreciation. The awards were as follows:
Directorate of Intelligence
3 awards - $100
Directorate of Administration
5 awards - $160
1 Certificate of Appreciation
Directorate of Operations
1 award - $25
Coming Events
1. We will complete preparations for distribution of FY 1975 PDP
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2. Work orders must be written and coordinated to change the
:Directorate of "Management and Services" to "Administration. " The title
change was effective 19 August and end of month reports should reflect the
new titles. The "M" letter designator for the Career Service will not be
changed at this time. It may be changed next summer when PERSIGN is
3. Work will continue on ADP conversion activities and on position
management surveys.
F. W. M. Janney
Director of Personnel
0 & 2 - Addressee
1 - DD/Pers/P&C
1 - DD/Pers/SP
1 - DD/Pers/R&P
1 -D/Pers Chrono
r1' - D/Pers Subject File
I OD/Pers :jmm (23 Aug 74)
Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00773A000100010043-4