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25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/AUAIDP80-00773A000100030024-3 2 December 1977 MEMORANDUM FOR: Acting Deputy Director for kiniaistration FROe. !!!!!!!!!!!!tor o, n 1 SUEJECT - 'Alice of Personnel Report -- Week Ending 2 December 1977 I. (WATUO) Retirement Activit These figures depict total retirement actlifff-UOI-fEi-pif 'od 10 Aueast through SI December /277. The fisnres in the clear show totals. The figures in parenthesis represent persons who have opted for options of discontinued service or 'involuntary' retirement: the figures in parenthesis are included in the total figure. Thus, of 210 persons to go by 31 December, 6& are going under the "liberal- options. CivilService e. ? w Retired 49 (22) Signed to go 49 (20) Not signed but appear defini 1 ( 1) 9g (43) 25X1A CiAreltS Total . _ SS (15) 104 (37) fo:, 7 (10) ( 0) 113 1 (30) ( 1) 131 (2S) 230 (66) 2. (WARM) Eteri141 rlacermait--Private The reaction of seversr-Compi5Tii-f6-ffi peisouair cuts fa the Directorate of Operations has been very gratifying in terms of our extereal placement activities. Some of the companies previously contected and s few new ones have called or written to identify positions that they thought might 1.1( filled by Agency employees involved in the reduction. In each case, reference has beta nale to the high caliber of Areucy pees 1. serv ce. u t on, s representst ve o te vg n a .tate E 2 IMPDET CL BY 012752 May be downgraded to U/AILIO when sepereee4 from classifiee Approved For Release 2000108115.: cm-Rop80-00773A6Wf66616624-3 5X1A Approved For Release 20,00/08/15 :g lO)'ent Service h auyote iiyolyed in 0-00773A009,100030024-3 tac ee us to offer hel rductjon, 3. (U/AIU0) eaffirmat on of Retire The following shows Tho itus of tiio?Ii memoranda for participants in CIARDS! 4. (U) Spoci Americanthe to locate paper chants of Technical Services. for evaluation by OTS. (U)Survey- crui ent: c ul Aent sctiVifles continued flits we the personnel assigned to WARO. The professional recruiters are to be intery ne sistance riatio; itant; Re uitment jfficisis visited ty T3?Wa hington anc. used its job .4unk and analyt cal chemists for the Office Twelve excellent resumes were obtained Survey of interviewing 1%.ers-based ocxt. 6. (U/AIU0) it Processink: There is a relatively nunber of loees 1ei eceber e., approximat 70 retirees have alreaiy been scheduled for exit processing. Arraage=ents have been made to use Room IA 07 to facilitate this activity and preli in ry processing has already commenced. 7. (U/A/U0) 4ealth Insurance Open Sea lth A . eilto Open Season?Fiiin?in7W eer-ind us far 1 employees have elected changes in their enrelLent. Our Association Benefit Plan has had a net increase of 74 while Blue Cross lost 35. The Open Season ends on 9 3ecember I77. 4. (U/A1U0) Cwvarabiliv Study: At the request of t.te vCI Administrative kITTtEer,-Vc4ition ganaoment anO Compensation oteision (PMCD) classifiers reviewed the secretarial grade structure in the Office of the General Counsel. Comparisons were made with other appropriate indepeedent offices in the DCI ares and the Agency Secretarial Grade Pattern Standend was applied resulting in the reallocation of a senior secrr?.tarial position to a higher grede. Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : ClA-RDP80-00773A000100030024-3 e Approved For Release 2Q1)0/08/15-YeAA401280-00773A000100030024-3 9. (1) Ulscussions with the General Services Administration: filiffonThanagement Colvensation?bivision representatives coatacted rosition lisaaeement representatives in the General Services Administration (GSA) to discuss tile types of or measurement standardefeuides U64: for detemininz the number of Custodial type positions to bo employed on various work forces and holdings. Arrangerents have Leen made for further discussions wits the GSA Superintendent cei Custodial Service for Fe4era1 Auildings or detailed geleelines. 10. (U) Incentive Awards: A meeting was 'ael4 with Mr. Richard Braver: Ili-actor of the Office of lecontive rystees, Civil Service Commission to discess precederes for the submission of requests for certificates under the new Presi,!ential Recoenition Program. !tr. Drengel ialicated during the meeting that he had jest read this Agency's Annual Inceative Awards Report to the Civil Service Coemiseien RAI was impressed with th* eallher of coverage. 11. (U/A1U0) a ' ? evisiee 5X1A of to theeguiat ions Control Branch. 12. (U/AIUO) .Summer72aly Proo'am: The 1rical taffieg Branch has uailed ouf-335?ippireifforti for sur employment as of 22 November 1977. Of these applications, 30 have been returned and 22 applicants have been contactee an,:! scheduled for clerical and medical testing. The return rate is comparable to last year's at the same time. 13. (U) AA Store: Poinsettias are in. They went ou sale this mori TPY ecloc\. Cost: $9.S7 + tax ? $9.95. 14. (S) Rehired Aanuitants: See at ed report. CO4INC? EMITS: (1). (V) The subject for the Agency 7zeserve eleetine pa S December 1977 at 1745 hours in the fieadquarters auditorium' is eThe DDI (NFAC). The guest speaker for this meetin! is Dr. SAYr. Stilmens. - 5 - Approved For Release 2000/08/15,:. CIA-RDP80-00773A000100030024-3 LUL 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2Q90/08/15 : Sttla130-00773A000100030024-3 (2). (U) Arrangements have been made for Ar. fdward MINIM of to brief language students from William STATSPEC and Mary College on 9 December. These students are Russian and German language majors who will also be visiting other government agencies to explore the ways in wLich language skills are utilized. 111111111111 recently made a presenta- tion ea this subject ir?TFTFTETTE?Dicleason Uaiversity. (5). (U) The Acting Director of Personnel and OF Division Chiefs will meet with the Acting Depety Director for Administration concerning effectiveness inAcators on 5 December. (4). (U) We will continue working on consolidation of the, Personnel Development Plan. (PDP). All reports now received. . (5). (U) Te Position ausgeent and Colvensation Division Orientation Course begins on 12 1)ecenber. Att Distribution: Orig 4 2 - Addressee 1 - Chief, SAS 1 - DD/Pers/RP I - DD/Pers/P4C 1 - DD/Pers/SP 1 - Subject File I - D/Pers/Chrono EA-D/Persis==Ti (2 Dec 77) Approved For Release 2000/08/15-:-CIA-RDP80-00773A000100030024-3 25X1A Approved For Release 2100/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00773A0Q9,100030024-3 SECRET 1 December 1977 WEEKLY REPORT OF REHIRED CIVILIAN ANNUITANT ACTIVITIES FOR THE AGENCY (28 November-2 December) (U/AIUO) 1. (S) The following rehired civilian annuitant case was processed as a new hire: DDA 25X1A - Independent Contractor, OTR. 25X1A 2. (S) The following rehired civilian annuitant case was approved for extension by the Acting Deputy Director for Administration: DDO - Contract Employee, A/DB0/11 one- 25X1A year extension. E2IMPDET CL BY: 063837 Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00773A000100030024-3 SECRET