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SECRET Approved For Release-2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100030026-1 18 November 1977 25X1A 25X1A MEMORANDUM FOR. Acting Deputy Dir+uctor for Administration FROM SUBJECT 1. (U/AIUO) Retirement Actlvi : These figures depict total retireF:ent ac y r the period 10 August through 31 December 1977. The figures in the clear show totals. The figures in parenthesis represent persons who have opted for options of discontinued service or ''involuntary" retirement; the figures in parenthesis are included in the total figure. Thus, of 217 persons to go by 31 December, 65 are going under the "liberal" options. Civil Service CIARDS Total Retired 44 (22) 50 (l5) 94 (37) Signed to go Not Signed but appear definite 45 6 (17) ( 1) 64 3) 109 (24) 95 (40) 122 (25) 217 (6S) 2. (U/AIUO) Job-Lead Search: Chief, 25X1A Retirement Counseli n anc ` M oyee Assistance .1ranch (RCSAB), reported that his trip to Philadelphia and New York last week was successful in every respect. In addition to his scheduled t rector of Personnel Office of Personnel. Report -- Week Ending 18 November 1977 E 2 IMPDET CL BY 012752 May be downgraded to U/AIUO when separated from classified attachment. Approved For Release 2000/0 Mqt RDP80-00773AO001 00030026-1 Approved For Release.2000/08/15 6t 80-00773A000100030026-1 25X1A ^Vb-w n .Auw x1aPL-z5se u vy tine caliber of our candidates and agreed to keep MEAD assessed of applicable vacancies as they occur. 3. (U) Retirement Seminar: The final session of the Retirement n arms Qtt rim nar was held on Tuesday, 15 November. There was good attendance throughout the Seminar and we believe that most of the presentations were well received. 4. (U/AIUO) Summmor-onl Pro ram: The Clerical Staffing Branch made out tota oT 220 applications for summer employment. This is quite a start in light of the fact that the Headquarters Notice has been out for only two weeks. Su estion fox: One su sti gge on was received his week. Hai ug n- errined to be 4 * h %A Vn t at was meant for the Incentive Awards Program which was mistakenly deposited in a "Suggestion Box," ' it was forwarded to Chief, Incentive Awards Branch. The total number of suggestions received since the Program began on 15 June is 41. 6. (0) Combined Federal Cam ai nz As of close of business 15 NOvemr` b $ as een collected % for the Combined Federal Campaign which represents 1O0.5% of our goal of $247,215.00. A final re ort ' 1 n h p s u eo c 25X1A will be bald at the Washi iton Hilton Hotel on Friday, and ton of the ygersons who were instrumental in the Approved For Release 2000/0I1 Al-RDP80-00773AO00100030026-1 Approved For Release?2000/08tl ry r-O DP80-007734900100030026-1 %)Luf~tf 8. (S) Rehired Annuitants: See attached report. s.lso get an opportunity to buy sorao. 7. (U) EAA Special: The EAA Store's annual shiprncnt of pecans is expect o be received any day. Provisions have been made to ensure that employees in other buildings 25X1A 25X1A Attachment Distribution: Orig & 2 - Addressee 1 - DD/Pers/SP 1 - DD/Pers/PUC 1 - DD/Pers/REP 1 - C/SAS 1 - Subject File 1 - D/Pers Chrono EA-D/Pers :rj (18 Nov 77) ,.r (\ '~ Approved For Release 2000/0V+ ,-RDP80-00773A000100030026-1 Approved For Relea . 2000/08/15 PtDP80-00773 000100030026-1 WEEKLY REPORT OF REHIRED CIVILIAN ANNUITANT ACTIVITIES FOR THE AGENCY (14-18 November 1977) (U/AIUO) 1. (S) The following rehired civilian annuitant cases were processed as new hires: Independent Contractor, Office of Medical Services. 25X1A Independent Contractor, contract effective 1 Novem er 1977.STATSPE Independent Contractor, OSO. 25X1A - Independent Contractor, EUR Division, contract effective 1 January 1977. 2. (S) The following rehired civilian annuitant cases were approved for extension by the Acting Deputy Director for Administration: DDSO - Independent Contractor, Confidential Correspondent, Office of Security, one-year extension. - Independent Contractor, _ one- STATSPE year extension. Independent Contractor, SE Division, one-year extension. Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00773A0001 63837 Approved For Relea2000/08/15 :I? 1P80-007734000100030026-1 3. (S) The following rehired civilian annuitant cases were terminated: Independent Contractor, Office of Security, terminating 31 December 1977. 25X1A - Independent Contractor, Office of Personnel, terminating 31 December 1977. Contract Employee, terminated 11 November 1977. Independent Contractor, EUR Division, terminated 31 October 1977. Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00773A000100030026-1 HTUT