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Approved For Relearap 20668!f6: IC)A RDP80-007730001000300 0-4 27 May 1977 25X1A MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy D:i_roetor for Administration FROM F. 11, M. Janney Director of Personnel. SUBJECT Office of Personnel Report Week Ending 27 May 1977 25X1A 1. Recruiter of the Year: in t.h.e 25X1A Recruitment Div? s ion's representative , has been named U. S. Government 25X1A Recruiter of the Year by the Bocvl_ing Green State University Career Planning and Placement Office. Presentation of the award was made at the 15th annual "Falcon Taunter Picnic and Reunion" recognition clay held 20 May at Bowling Green Country Club, Bowling Green, Ohi.o. was one of three 25X1A recruiters representing. the f:i.eld.s of government, bus-i_ness and education so honored. Winners are chosen. on the basis of student evaluations of recruiters, interviewing skills, rapport and other relevant qual.ifi.cations. During the 1976- 1977 academic year, a total of 650 recruiters conducted more than 7 , 000 interviews, on the Bowling Green campus CIA. is the only Government agency to have received this award a second time. , now Deputy Chief, 25X1A Recruitment D:i_visi.on, was named Recruiter of the Year in 1966. 2. Minority Recrui.tme_nt: a.. Recruiter , reports 25X1A that he has been in, touch by letter with some Spanish speaking program coordinators in the New Orleans area CIA opportuts.i.t.ies. The list of addresses was obtained from the FFO office in New Orleans. Referrals were invited. from the Spanish-speaking coordinators, and 25X1A w:i.ll. :follow up with interviews as appropriate. 25X1A b? has also contacted the regional FF0 of-f-ice in to secure names and addresses of Spanish- speaking coordinators and lead. sources in the Black community to whom he can write concerning job opportunities in CIA. Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-P80-00773A0001000306504 Approved For Releas 000/08/15: CIA-RDP8b-00773A000100030050-4 3. Special Advertisement: One hundred thirty-two ad responses have been. received to date from an advertisement 25X1A this productive return. In addition, several cases have been turned in by our field recruiters and. are now under active cons:i derat_ion. 4. P0I) Restrictions: We have clearances on 10") clericals whom we cannot enter on duty because of the 75 percent rule. Included arc 35 clerks, 4 secretary- stenographers, 42 clerk-typists and 5 contract guards/ couriers for ODF,E. Not affected by the 75 percent rule are an addit:i ona 1. l.9 part-time clerks and clerk-typists (new hires) who are c:learecT. 5. Summer Only Program.: We entered on duty 30 Summer Only employees oTi 18 May and 30 on 19 May 1977. 6. Linguists Chief' Staff Personnel 1)ivision inct STATSPEC with senicir of fi c e rs of to discuss t.h.e.-i r desire to have linguists declared a shortage category for the purpose STATSPEC of paying POD transportation costs. Chief, SIT was not encouraging' ncouraging since = has lost, only one app? i_cant because of our inabi lity to pay transportation expenses . He Md. agree to contact the Civil Service Commission to determine the number of linguists sts on their registers and. to informally discuss with his counterpart in the National Security Agency as to whether they have a shortage of linl,ui.sts. 7. Regulation Changes: We have forwar?d.ed a revision ..~ _ o:E past; 01 Ilc_ a. cl.cliaar.t:_ er ..s IIarrd.lrook on Military Leave to 25X1A Regulations Control Branch for purl lication. The revision eliminates procedures no longer Followed. 8. Suggestion Awards: A DDA Suggestion Award Coord.i.nators' Meeting was }ie1.cT~ on 2 5 May in the DDA Conference Room. The meeting was attended by the Deputy Director for Administration, the Associate Deputy Director, for Administration, the Director of Personnel, key O/DDA officers., and the Coordinator for each DDA Office. Mr. Blake commended the group for its superior record in Suggestion Awards achieved by the Directorates and urged, them to continue this vital effort. Approved For Release 2000/08/15 :. CIA-RDP80,-00773A000100030050-4 Approved For Releasa'2000/08/15: CIA-RD1.80-0077400100030050-4 25X1A COMING EVfiN'FS : 1.. 'there will be a Personnel Skills Session on 1S June at 0930 in Room GA-13, Headquarters Building. 25X1A ~, Chief, Review Staff, will conduct the session which will highlight personnel management activities and logislat iA/e and re u'latory changes . 2. We wi 11. continue with. regulatory revisions (20 ser, ies) . Distribution: Or- i_ g F, I Ad s e 1 DD/Pcrs/SP 1 DD/Pers/RYP 1. I)1)/Per s/1? ?,C C/SAS OP Subjccl. Fl1e D/Pers Chrono 25X1A OD/Pets b::f- (27 May 1977) Approved For Release 2000/08/15 CIA-RDP 0-00773A000100030050-4 3