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Approved For ReIee 2002/05/02: CIA-RDP80-00773A000040027-9 0 2 AUG 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration FROM: Harry E. Fitzwater Director of Personnel SUBJECT: Office of Personnel Report -- Week Ending 1 August 1979 (U) 1. Retirement Activity: The figures shown below depict the total rctireth nt activity for the period from 1 May through 31 July 1-979. The -Figures in the clear show totals. The figures in parenthesis represent persons who have opted for discontinued service or "involuntary" retirement. Thus of 164 persons to depart by 31 July 1979, 68 are going under the "liberal" options. 25X1A Civil Service CIARDS TOTAL Retired 60 (22) 71 (19) 131 (41) **Signed to go 18 (16) 15 (11) 33 (27) Total 78 (38) 86 (30) 164 (68) k As of COB 7/30/79 Retired COB 7/31/79 (U/AL UP) 2. Minority Recruitment: our NFAC minority recruiter, and 25X1A recruiter, attended the National Urban League annual conference on 22 - 25 July 1.979 in Chicago. The Agency was well--represented with support from. the EEO office and. the EEO officers from NFIAC, DDA and DDO. The Agency's presence was well received. The attendees were surprised to see CIA openly recruiting and were Re traded Confi dential when Or icy CL BY: 30 8235 separated from Secret Att.: Review on 2 Au85 g Approved For Release 2002/05/02 :,,CI--RDP80-00773A000100040027-9 3LUNc Approved For ReleW 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00773A00 0040027-9 pleased that we were actively seeking minority applicants. There were many inquiries into employment possibilities with the Agency and we received. several resumes. The recruiters were kept quite busy as was the rest of the Agency contingent. Several worthwhile contacts were made and we will follow-up with letters and material regarding our recruiting needs. (U) Staff, attended the Inter-Agency Advisory Group meeting at the Office of Personnel Management on 26 July 1979. The subject was the review of a draft Federal Personnel. Management Bulletin on Senior Executive Service Merit Staffing. Among other things, the Reform Act requires that Qualification Standards be established for each SES position. OPM will also require vacancy notices distributed throughout Government on each SES vacancy. (U/AIITO) 3. OPM Meeting: of the Policy Q. P.egulations/Notices: The following here forwarded to the Regulations Control Branch: a. Three-Year Trial Period for OCC coordination. This notice initiates certain steps to improve the evaluation of trial period employees and will be forwarded soon to the DDA for signature. 5. NAPA Project Group: a. A total of seven draft papers on. NAPA issues are in various stages of production. b. Briefings were provided the Project Group by members of the Special Activities Staff, OP; Regulations Control Branch, DDA; and the Position Management and 25X1A Compensation Division, OP. TG Staff, plans to brief the Group on Thursday, 2 August on their study of Recruitment and Placement. (U/AIU0) 6. Relationship with Social Security Administration: In a recent memorandum to the Attorney General, tie. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare requested that the Department of Justice review the arrangements existing between the Social Security Administration and intelligence and lmw., enforcement agencies, and provide an opinion whether these arrangements Approved For Release 2002/05 0P80-00773A000100040027-9 Approved For Rele 2002/05 02=:-::C)A-RDP80-00773A00 040027-9 are the Social Security Adm:i.nis tr.I-tion`s; legal. autllora.ty 111-1 C1. not othCrWl.SC [Il V1.olLoll of 1 I'r. The Scoretary of lllhi'! Fu.1"Llier statod. that he was (Ii c(-[lag the C ,'r.lSSion.0r o1' Soc Security Lo cont 1. J.111(-' presen-t ]?-ract,iccs For 90 days from the date of the l.c:ttoi' (9 Ma v 1979) and that thercal-ter, the Soc..ial Security r1i1-[ IV i1.1. only und.crtakc those act:-i_v_it-i_es t.ha.t, in the opinion o'- the ]?cpartmclt; of Just:i.ce, are lalaful.. Because of the Spec '1. rOlaLioIIShLI) whi.c'l has eri.atc bctwecil the CJA Ind. the SocJ _il Security Adi71I.1ii.stratLOll, there has been Collcoi'n wit h1a t11e Agency re srar:dIii how the Justicc Dc lit would respond. has followed th is dovel-o-i)Ilrent l[1{1 on tt_.y 7777-71 Vise tile C11iC.(, Contract BBel'sonn.e1. ]).ll'1Slo[l, 01', that ho had been infor;ued by the Justi_co Department [ha r[ relrl_y to Secret.t y, ii1l'J was being prepared ,rnd that invl-orab l.e to a coatti_uuat i.orl of oxi_S 1:'i_ng aI' ra.ngeineats . (1) 7. 1 duca.ti_onal_ Aid. Fund: The ]"dIIcat :i-onal Aicl Fund Solect:ion C;n;li.r[_ttee r10t on ltiursday, 26 Ju.1.y 1979, to r -for g.ra_n.ts and bails . The cno_lces mad c rCCOItn11Clid ~~ :tnnc. r:?s ' l)y. the Coi'11n_i_i:toc wi 11 he pre sclited to the Board Of Trustees for approval today, 2 August 1979. (U) Suggest-i_on Box: No suggestions were received this lil.tol_'.1. (l lf;li)t'r of `%uggeStio;1S received Spice the }rro r31i1 be r?II on 15 June 1977 is 71. ([.J) 10. J:chired .Annui.tants : See attached report. (S) Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00773A000100040027-9 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00773A000100040027-9 Distribution: Orig S" 2 Adse 1 - DD/OP/SP 1 - DD/OP/REP (w/o att) 1 - DD/OP/PEC (w/o att) 1 - C/SAS/OP (w/o att) 1 - OP/CMO (w/o att) D/OP Sub j File 25X1A EA/OD/Pe s/ kav 2 Aug 79 Approved For Release 2002/05/02 : CIA-RDP80-00773AO0 0040027-9