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DEC 1951 5proved For Release 20009/14 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500350170-2 L. IS. Officials Oily CONF.LD IAL CENTRE L INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMAT1?N REPORT COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT Bata Pokoi Steel Mill in Navy Bytom (Equtpaaent/bepertsnent Production/Use of. Soviet Iron Ores)Na*a , Bytom Vocational tailarpa- SchQQOl for SteelIl'ail_L Specialists Steel Indus gand.a among You /Compzuall sory Lebo. Camps and MM 11 > ** PLACE ACQUIRE Tabor Units/New Administrative DATE ACQUIRED (BY SOURCE) DATE (OF INFO.)UUp to 19 Sep 25X1X 25X1A DATE DISTR. 9 FE6 S?L Lj_ 1. "The fol3.ciUr-i ag i n ormat:ion dates through the beginning of Septenber 1953: 2. t'The huge Nuta Pokoj steel mill in Ncnryr BytQ n was in existence before World War Ii and was not damaged. during the^. After the Year, a part of the steel plant (consisting prlmaril,y- of the mechanical depiartnent) vaxt elismantled and transferred to the nearby Iaoedy I tael mill es replacement equipment The Labedy steel mill had been nearly crnup:i.etely di entled. by the Soviets. '~Aa3proxlmately 500 ultra-modern engine tools were taken at that time from I sbedy to the .1)S,3R. ) 3. "Since that post-war period., the luta Pokoj plant has been practically restored to its former condition and stew-dar , and some new investments have been wade in it. By the end of 1952, new rumours were spreading that in the future no more investments would be made as the complete dismantling of the entire plant was envisioned within the next year or so. It was f arthn-r rumoured that rich deposits of high-quality coal had been discovered.-in the soil. and ground. under the plant and that the presence of the plant on this ground would make the exploitation of these rich resources Impossible. It was said. that In connection iwit)_th9.s project discussions were under `'*ay for the enlargement of the Poko je or Wadnda-l,ecb. fWanda. Lech not in NITS Gazeteer for PoZi gpp coal mines. It was even said twat pos ib?y a complete new coal mine set-up might be constructed. I em not at all certain whether or not all these rumours are true. At present ?_O' tember. 19537, the production at Auta Pokoj is in full. swing. i+. "Sutra Pokoj consists of the steel mill Itself, a huge rolling plant, and a not too extensive mechanira3. depuaxt ent. The equipment and dl:lpartmente are as follow: 1 " a. Four huge furnaces, all r of them in operation. ZS-ee Nos. I and-1a on the mrp of he ISuta Pokoj steel mtt'L ar.d the arx?_-w riding section of Navy Bytom available / at the CIA. Map Library:,./ U.S. Officials Only CONE'I?1 T` L'IL SEE LPIPT PAGE FOR SLmJ1CT ' l'4 COPES 25 DISTRIDUTION S1 ATF ARMY NAVY AIR PDI 25X1A This report is for the use within the USA c t the Intelligence components of the Departments or Ag r~r e~FGr Ref t '=Q; 70-2 orign aa, n, ollicc through the less scan :~ hr. ce o o ccti n 3 Approved For Releasq,g~I}~4~~ ,Ct~Q~Q~J809A00 o,vrr.s Diewens Mw t:Ln Process . These ovens are of a smaller a limited capacity; t ninth oven (of the rotating type) with a m h higher crtpaci1;y is at present S;:pt;ember 195 ] under construction. jSe_e No. on th.e map? c. The rolling it: tsubd'ivided. into tlhe following departments: { L) dipsr~tment; for the rolling of thick steel plates 7ee No. 3 on ma~~ (2) department fora: processing or7 thinner types of rolled plates Lsee No. 4 nn map7; (3) department for ro.'CLing special kinds of steel plates covered with a zinc-layer fp-ee No..5 on maW. This section has been given the slang name of the ' Sedzi nhir' riJLLi ng section- A. smi.thher:y ha' bee i xa,ttactied. to the rolling department. This smithery has a steam-p.reessure sledge of the old pre-World War TI type. See No. 6 on the map. d. As nv;st, of the production cat; Nut.. Poko l is concerned primarily with steel and r. ol:it_ng works, in relation to the rest of the plant the mechanical department is not -rery larger. Aside tha manufacture of axle-and-wheels as semi.-finished exr?odu.ctH, t;k mv:?c:haniceal department takes orders from other plants for various types of rra~tailr~rglcal parts for machinery. Pee No. 7 on the map- 7-The, dr?:pru'trnr-'xh?t; f .:,-r steel ct>r s't;raetiortes is operated on a much larger scale. In tbi.s dopar't- rt parts for steel bridges and .steel constructions f'or cranes are uu~n~?rtr:t;vred.. The '-pax-f;H for the 'loxge Poniatowski Bridge in Warsaw +ere supplied by. :Brxt8 Fokc:,j a. .ft-.H wers.T s ado. j ee No. 8 on the n1ap7 f. One pos t;-Wor':1.d. War IT :i.:uve_ tment , was t'XLt7-. special equipment consisting of steel gtoi.t' and steeel bars which was added to the steel production da;:prax ttr~:n4; 1 hi. :-cp _'i ,rn r+t; wac insts,lJLed in the vicinity of the furnaces io. 11 on, the m,,,-7)7,, Apr:r: i.ii7. P.qui.t meat was required because Huta Pokoj is producing mo,,:; st :r. 1. t;F:;farr. 3. _, ,i?:F:rl l.:;o stationed within the area. 12? "p`c1:i.c7!4:izng :i. a, i.?i.!At of c:orpuLsory labor cami)s centers: B." Nfowy B.if tom : i nm, :J,f-:s works nct an the Poko je coa 1. mine. 'h. Ruda.: inmate working in the cokery rind also on the enlargement of some indu::-trial ln:Aiallat:i.ons in this place, C. Cheb:e.dea: inm:Ar:s work ng in the cor>_L mime of this place. f Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500350170-2 CC711nrl nEiTIAi,/US OFFICIAL`; ONLY P4::. New Administrative Organization of Nowy doff Area '.4. "Since the consolidation of v lrious communities in the be a n?i++g of 1953, Nowy Bytom is now comprised of the following previously independent localities: Ciebzie Czargy Lai Bykowina Bielszowice: - -y;~: Klodnica Kochlaeice Nirek Nalemba. 15. "Along With this administrative lunification, Nowy Bytom was made the seat of the UB office now located in'the Heir building on Karola Miarki street, in the' vicinity of the Patria picture-house." . f A ailable ;A the CIA. Map Library' is a map of the Nuta Pokoj steel mill and the section of Nowy Bytom in which it is located. .This map is drawn spa scale of approxi'ma'tely 1: 00C To borrovw map -- call code 1143, ext.2596. LIBRARY UBJECTA ? JPFA CODES X735 55M 735- I 55M 7bo ~~ 55M 733.9 55M 735-2 55M 733.97? 55.1 P/133. " 55M 13! .3 55M 1 (6L 25 55M /6 .'26 55M COYTIDF IAT,/US Approved For Release 20010/09/14 :'gk Y00809A000500350170-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/14:'CIA-RDP80-00809A000500350170-2 A0, proved For Release 2000/09/14: ,CIA-RDP80-00809A000500350170-2