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March 2, 1954
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Approved For Release 2001/09/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500420044-4 U.S. Officials Only COiI_ IDMITIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT 25X1A PLACE ACQUIRED (BY SOURCE) DATE ACQUIRED (BY SOURCE) DATE (OF INFc.) Jun 53 - Doc 53 T.IS OOCwtwr CON ILIr{ Iw/0{rAT ION AA-1/[clew{ Trt NATIONAL OLII.St 01 VOL UNIT[D STATLS. {I TNIr TN[r[ANIw{ 01 TITL[ IS, StCT1056 ISt LNO 114. 01 TNt U.S. COD[. AS ArtMOUD. ITS TN AwSr1S510. OS SITS. LA110r OF ITS COITISTS TO 00 SCCC11T {T AN UaALT00{IItD 1105ON It DATE DISTR. =- m 11 R Sy NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. SUPP. TO REPORT NO. 1.. l-ia Miners Carrizal Consolidada - The mill processes appro::ilrately 200 tons Tli ill treats dump uaterial runnin - about two per cent cop_-(-:r and 12 to 1451 cox-)r r concentrate= . The ore is hi i/ in pyrite and ce. Tslc ._.n' is located appro:a;;a.;cl;; 40 'ais norsr.:es1: of Vallenar. ~'.ie ..1ll is called "Can;-,o de A uu." I.iana;e: is fJ_'redo 2. CLa I?iincra Disputadi . de las Condos - By road the tine _3 C5 ;s"s -ro.r. :an.ia.;o. Arthur Gri.f fin is the r. na;er. The iaine has a co_ppcr_'lotation :.ill cith a capacit; of 500 cons psr day. It processes breccia ors containin cllalcopyrite and p,,- rite a 30 to 1'p copper concentrate. C~ai?:;e 31-d' .,rind5.n, ,p;.nc oil, creosote, sodiuri :: anthv.te and lil..c ar^ used. 3. Cia l?:inera i?u:rceditas - The mine is located 110 ks.IS frol:; S~nti.e:o o- road and is r., na`;cd by Ladislao Irarrazabal. The flotation :11l has a ca-')r cic?.- of 250 cons per da,,. The flotation I,!achincs were- ::ads in Chile. Chalco- piZ?i to and p j rite :w ':c a 30;,, copper concl, n trc. ;:c . 'b. Cia t?linera Cerro Ile, re - Thu I;u no is loca::cI a p)ro;:i::a1;,!L?; four lion._-, i-)?7 ,;rain trod Sa:cia :o 11?=ar tl:c Ct.-;i.Ldo IFJ:~ tons a day of three our cent co )or ore with nr! 1i: 1: 5J'~ o:?.' l;;lurcor:,s_r is the o::ide :.'oru. SuJ.phidc is borni and eT.:L:' ict11L to flcr.';. rile sana_; :r of thie ,nine- is ^rsoici cco Cvuvas. U.S. Officials 1,nly rODT: IDEN'TIAL SM 1AST PAGE FOR SUeJECT & AREAA'cce s DISTRIOUTION p' STATE IX ARMY NAVY ` Ix AIR This report is for the use within the USE, of the Intelligence componenta of the Departments or Agencies indicated above. It is not to be transmitted overseas without the concurrence of the originating office through the Assistant Director of the OfrAce of Collection and Dissemination, CIA. Approved For Release 2001/09/11: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500420044-4 CONFIDENTIAL/US OFFICIALS 0iiLY Cie Miniere du N'Zaita - This company is French owned. The El Cobre mill has a capacity of 500 tons a day. The ore is running three per cent copper. The El Cobre mill is a flotation mill and processes andesite w-Tth bornite and chalcopyrite. The ;rind is 65',, - 200 mesh. The mill has just been re- rwdeled, #;}d, .th.q. will increase some . There has been a little Tabor trouble at this r:.ll. The Cerrado mill has a capacity of 150 tons a day. The manaeer of these two mills is Mr Roberto Bourdel. 6. Bali Hochhschild - The PataZua mill has installed additional equipment which will increase its capacity to a total of 200 to 250 tons a day by January 1954. The manager of this mill is Mr Bali Hochschild. It is a copper mill. 7. Fanellon,Sanchez Mill - The mill processes approximately 250 tons a day of chalcopyrite ore producing 309 concentrate. The manarser is Alberto Calls as . 8. Vallenar I Mill - This r.-dll is located near Vallenar. Its capacity is approxi- mately 120 tons a day. The manager is Alberto Callejas. It is a copper mill. 9. Cajaa De Credito Minero Mills: The Domeyko mill is located south of Vallenar. It processes approxirately 60 tons a day. It is a copper mill. The Punts. del Cobre mill is located near Copiapo. It processes approximately 200 tons a day. It is a copper mill. The El Saludo mill is located on the road from the port of Chanaral to Potrerillos. Its capacity is approximately 15C tons a day. Juan S::hwarze is the Fran. er of all three r lls . It is a copper mill. 10. Cia Mineral Punitaqui - This mine has a flotation mill which processes CO.') tons a day of copper and old ore. The mine is loaatsd at Punitaqui. 11. Cia Miners Ayseu - This vine is French-otmed. It is located near Chile Chico. It processes appro:d,nately 60 tons a day of lead and zinc ore. The r:.anacr is Ricardo Fritis. 12. Oceancosi Mill - The mill is a copper flotation and gold cyanidation mill. It processes approximately 50 tons a day. The manager is Bali Hochschild. 13. Delirio de Pi'nitaqui - The nine has a copper flotation i.rill with a capacity of appro,:i.:nt:_ly 100 tons a day. The j.ana;;er is Sali Hochschild. 114. Cia MinerI de Tocopilla - Tire is located near the port of Toconilla. The r.,ill has a capacity of 2110 tons a day. The .rana~Ser is Ladislao Irarrazabal. It is a copper mine. 15. Cia Azuirera Aucanquilcha - The mine has a sulphur flotation mill nen_ Ollacgue. The trill processes 100 was a da;,;. This fir,'i is planning to remodel and increase its capacity. A US encineer is o:Lft to the 'Ane to assist in the installation of the equipment. - - end LLBRARY EiiJFfJECT & Ar-',TA CODES 732.08 4/732.o8 i 2/732.08 i~ 731.1 IJ 11/731.1 11 4/732.09 11 4/732.22 11 CONFIDENTIAL/US OFFICIALS ONLY