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Document Release Date: 
August 4, 2005
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Publication Date: 
April 5, 1954
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Approved Fo CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 11 INFORMATION RE PORT SUBJECT Reported Extermination of Some 300 Tirana Citizens, May 51 COUNTRY Albania 25X1 25X1 '1MII OOCYN [NT CONTAINI INIONYATI OM A/19CTINO TNC NATIONAL OCICNI( TN[ 011710 IT ITC/. .ITNIN TN[N[ANIND OF TITL[ II, TII 1[CTI0N1 AN O. 7I4, OF TN[ U.N. IC00[. AC ANINC[D. ITS TNANINIIIION ON 3103. LAT101. OF IT! CONT[NTI TO ON C[C[IIT IT AN UNAUTNONI(CD UNION 11 (THIS Is UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 L SEE LASTI, PAGLZ I=Oi~ 1.1,13Ji ?T & AI~t4 CCru. ;y r.ell y I ;TATS ARNY AIR_ This report 18 ?or the use within L o 25X1 DATE DISTR. AP,Q 5 L NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. SUPP. TO REPORT NO. "One night in May 1951 two hand grenades were thrown into the Soviet Embassy in~Tirana. That same night, in retaliation for thisa"act of the sabotage against the greatest friend of the Albanian people "-- to use the official charge. come 400 persons were arrested, mostly members of the intelligentsia. Three hundred were put to dP'ryth that same night. The rest were detained at the Burgu Iri and Burgu Iv e~c,;r prisons of the Si urmi Shtetit days rely vea of the arre aed The following persons went prom one prison to another trying to locate them and give them food. rued fbIr about 300 persons had been refused and returned to the donors. "The persona killed that night included: (a) Ali Kace'li, aged 40, a business man who owned a shop on Rr. Barikatavet in Tirana. He lived on Rr. Fiches with his wife and four children. They were on starvation I level after his death. Agencies Indicated above, It Is not o lg osbetransmitted overseas mwith uts the t concurrence eof the originating office through the Asai3tant Director of the Office of Co1166ton and DIssemInation, CIA Approved For Release 2005/08/17 : CIA-R QP9)Q809A000500440007-3 4. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 5. "Of the 100 intellectuals who were arrested 25X1 !eased in November 1951. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 reactionaries and "enemies of the people". ]It included many former Fascists, but also many innocent?persons, who'were merely intellectuals and businessmen of bourgeois origin. Struga, the Chief of t:e S.S. in Tirana, sent the list to the MVD in Moscow. The MVD ordered theirlextermiaation in some feasible 25X1 manner' based on e t f om a 25X1 CONFIDENTIAL[ -2- (b) (fnu) Elezi, aged 55, a pharmacist wno was unemployed in May 1951. He was married to a French wo and had two children. They lived'i on Rr. Durresit in Tirana. "The chief of the Sigurimi Shtetit (Securi'1,,L ol'ice-S. u.) in TiLeana in May 1951 was Xhavid Struga. His official title was Shef I S.SH_ AvtPt_ Tirane. 0 one of the people release Tirana Radio Station. dons I the deaths of the 300 per n may were ordered by the MVD in Moscow'. The Albanian S.SH. had compiled a fist of 400 persons considered e c o sabotage or cri against the regime. Two agents 1 of the Albanian S.SS. threw the grenades int the Embassy garden. (This might 25X1 1 :1 but not killed, about six were re 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 CONFIDSNTIALj