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Approved For Release 2005/0 /17 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500440097-4 25X1 CENTRAL INFORM UNFID"NTIAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ATION REPORT 25X1 SUBJECT Employment Procedures in Buc?hz r 25X1 25X1 1. "All Jobs in Rumania, in the Govern the so-called Biroul. Br;.ttelor de Mu to as BBM. There are no private em advertise. My information dates to in Bucharest. ient"; field of labor, are obtained through ica (;-:zeployment Office) -- to be referred )1oyaent r'7eno ice; employers may not December 1953 and is based 0a experience "The city of Bucharest is divided i to raioane. Every sector (raion) has its own BBM office, the a offices are subordinate to either the Syndicate or tote Ministry of Wort or have ties with the aeople's hoards (Sfatull Po pular) of the various sectors. These BIM offices are situated in buildings separate from the headquarters of the raionti). aeople':; Boards. The sign on a BEM office rend ; g Birou). Bratelor :)e Munca - Paionul 1 Mai (BBM Office - City :.ector is of May D There area no BBM offices for each city sub-sector (circa). The $ional organization controls the employ- ment of ell perhone residing in the lcity sub-sectors depending on that particular raion. t/Requisite focuments DATE DISTR.-R4) Mar 1954 NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. SUPP. TO REPORT NO. Tel[ DOCUMENT CONTA.N[ INtONMATIDN ANNECTIND T E NATIONAL 01,1011 ON TNt I SITED [TAT[[. NI.NIN THE MEANIND of TIT I It. ftCtloN[ 1q AND /1., Dr 1N1 1.$. CODE. AI .MENDED, ITt TN NP11 [7104 Dl [[r[? CATION of IT- CO.tINTt TO ON NEC[Ilt It AN UN. tAONl7[0 l[M[OM 1E fNDMI[I1[D it LA., TIE N[NNTDUC'IDN ON N11 NE TNT IE NN]NI NI T.n. ORR EV I I I I This report is for the use within the USG or the Inteiiigence cotrplrnente of the ~Departmonta or Agencies Indicated above. It is not to be traiiemittcd overseas w!thout the coneunenco of the originating office through the Assistant Director lof the Oifce of Collection and Dissemination, CIA. Approved For Release 2005 08/17 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500440097-4 25X1 "Males and finales are not completed to register at their local BBM office. But since that is the only way to get work, they do register when they are 18 or over. Following are the procedures with which theyl must comply. Registration "The applicant must file r,.n 'ppliet: ion requesting registration inll the BBM files. The application is csL?eda Cerere. It is written in ink on a sheet of normal white paper. The applicant requests registration and, if possible, a jobl. He (or she) must attach the following documents: a Certificai; .e IIO Yastere (Birth Certificate) 25X1 This obtained from the Se'viciul Stares Civila (Civilian State Section) of the peopie?.,Board of the raion in which" theI , applicant lives. (The Peoples Board for the Raion 1 Mai is located on Grigore Alexandrescu Street in the premises of the former Financial Administrationll- Administratia Financiara of the Primaria Sectorul N which was in existence until 19-'+7. 11 rr- 25X1 person .seeds a certificate from the Civilian Sta-.a Section of the People's Board of his city sector, he files the usual Rumanian application on a white sheet of paper, writing in ink. He hands thic to the 'cage', where it is registered. He is told the I registration number verbally. The old Rumanian procedurellof affixing a stamp on an application no longer exists. Two, or three days later the applicantlcollects his Birth Certificate at the People's Board, It is prepared on paper bearing .the heading of his local People?s Board; a stamp (Timbru Financial)!, is .'fixed. He pays a State tax of 21,50 Lei. This tax is levied'on the issue of all official certificates. (b) Certificat de Bursa ?urtare (Good Conduct Certificate)2 5C1 this is 4 .s8ued at either the Circa de Militia or through the Militia office of the raion. 25'X1 (c) Certificat, de _oala (;icti0o1 Certificate) 25X1 This is a sehooi diplomaJl I not sure whether the original 25,X1 diploma or a photostat must 'be attached. (d) Certificat de Spec ialitai;o~ (Certificate of Specialization) The certificate for any ojecial. vocational course completed. (e) Certificate do Siare C i_11'a (4 ertifi,ate of Marital Status) An original certificate must be attached. It is obtained in the same way as the Birth Certificate. (f) Certificate de Raze (X-.RaylCertificate) 25X1 obtained from thfl Circa EJanitara (City Sanitation Sector). 25X1 Ilthi:s is needed only when a person is actually hired or a ,job . 25X1 CONFIDENT App roved For Releas 2005/08/17 : CIA-RDP80-008,09A000500440097-4 25X1 rc i DNF'IDENT UL 25X1 5. 'The applicant he.ndc. his appli^ation with attachments to the employee at the caged H is re i-Pd l LLEGIB 8 - _ &rc receives verbally the registration number. No stamp is affixe-1 to, the - . - 25X1 25X1 9. Supposing a pereon.hao been notified by BM postcard of alljob opening. reports to he BBM office, ha:tds in the postcard and identifies himself witHe ! h his Identit cation Card. After a wait he is hande1 r Foaie de R artitio (Assignment Sheet) and told to report to the Pernonnel Off ice of the enterprise listed or, the Foa,e~ de Repartitie. The Foaie de Repartitie is typewritten on white paper wbl'-h had' not official letterhead.. It bears the rounds amp of the iseui.,8 BBM office, A similar type of Foaie do Repartitie s prepared by the vario:u State enterprises whenever a worker in their hire is dss.gred ;.c aIpartickiar section of the enterprise e a working yofrd of a constrw.t ion enterprise. It is also issued to a worker, along with lie Work Book, upon dismissal from a State enterprise, when he is told to repo lirt back to his BBMp The document entitles the bearer to report within the specified area of the enterprise. He hands it shore to the chief of the aection. A t,ypi.:tai Foaie de R~ artitie might read thus; Biroule Res, trtizare Bratele de Munca No. 004 8 ,Raiony1 1 Mai 35 date Bucu eti i Ckld_Tli DE RHPART_ ZTIE Se repat-tjzesxa pe 1cl`raraeu2 diem is Znt;e ~ ~ . ,??????????? in ca?.state do F--nd_r.c.a FI.LATURA R)MANI;?lgCA DE BUMBAC - Seseaua Pantelimen. Dire::t;cr Seful Serviciu;ui igr:ature) fimbru CONF II?ENTSAL , --- ----- ~. Y~~. --- u++cumentis are present. Tbi applicant must thzn ids tify himself with his Biroul'Populatiei (Identif `cation Card)~i,e~appl.r?ant it ' not questioned. He is not asked about mezer~ship in any pol ti.cai' or8aniations, tt The employee is more interested in the applicant's preciae address, The BBM employee then prepares,, !in the.presenas: of the applicant, a form called the Fisa Persoaela (Personal File). document includes information on the applicant's name and surnama, fatheres name, mother's name, pro- fession eft. The applicant is then told the registration numbere(numarul de protoc 10l)'. "The application is soured to the Biroul de Evidenta (Record Office) of BBM office. This office ma7,ntains a card index or registered workers. the Requests of State enterpris,.e for vcskers are checked against this index. "The BBM office determines tie man's job. Unemployed persons registered with a Ba..ioffice line up ate the Biroul de Evidenta of that office. When their ?uri cones they ask vhether there is any job for them; they cite the registraticui number of thee: I previous application. Notification of job aseignmenti is made on an ord postcard, asking the person to report to the BBM of ice. There is no special registry in which unemployed persons may sign. "Although -Icertain priority is ac-,orded CP members job assignment a normal routine. The ?vartous Biroul de Cadre (Personnel Offices) of State enterprises make requests for employee, Ilieve checks on a person's past activities and social origin are made only by the Personnel Office of the hiring enterprise. when the No. 1 State Enterprise of the Ministr'Y of Construction needs workers for a special fob, the chief engineer files an application with the personnel office of the enterprise, which pass s it on to the BEM. date-of application is considered .~i Employment Formals+iee 25X1 Assignment O fi,c Employment Of f , cc Sector 1st May. Bucharest 25X1 No. c)04353 Date.. Comrade Y is hereto assigned as ablacksmith to the ,Ruma,i ~, Ccttor; Mill Enterprise, Soueaua Pantelimon. Dire ter (signature" stamp of HBM Office 10. The person reports to the Biroul de Cadre (Personnel 0irice) of the enterprise: He is hande'1 a six-page form called an biograf ie (curriculum vitae). This *sust',be completed, at home if desired. The questions', cover, the manes life', from date of birth up to the moment he has reported, to the new job. It includes all past jobs. Until the establieh- ment of the BBM' offi:es in 1950 a special paragraph requested the names of three charade f r , entitles titles the workerir, through cal^.ry dcductions to social , The Trade Union Membership C trd (~,_artc de Membru) is a re four light green inside pages;/.not clear whetner actual p front bears the heading, 'Pr?oletari din toate Tarile Unit hief of Service signature,. insurance benefits. booklet, with gee or aides The vat ('Proletrsinr~s oru' ede ti o r ra n den rala a Muncie Din Republica Populara Romano ('Federation of Tr a Unions Genial Federation of Work of the R.P.R.) A page htiaded 'Uniunea Sindicatelor' (Syndicate' Union) Belo- is '.ritten in ink~the Syndicate to Which the worker belongs and the city in which he works,,,, Then cornea, tha~:a~sgistration nuabgr of the card, the worker's name and Profeosion tha.si , gnst a of. the aecrcxauw of the Syndicate. .That page elegy bears a standard identi loation photo oP the worker,'sized 2.7 x 3.7 :pis. The Syndicate stump is affixed. The last Approved For Release 2005/08/17 : Cl :1111' L.NTIAL ft-ransletion7 , g y s own Delo at Sindical (Syndicate Denegate%. This official enlists the now worker in e Trade Unions. The worker pr&p,ire!~ a routine application requesting membe~ohip in the Syndicate Th ?- h ' re eras.. e:, out:, ids : he field of the particular enterprise involved and .of three ::htsrrattei? references) within the particular enterptjiae. This paragraph no longer exists, but tht Autobiografie has been expanded. These Autobiografie are rheckL-d. Then the) new employee is handed a Foale de Repartitie similar to that originally issued him at the BBM. He reports with this to his era's r,?orking seat ion and hands it to the auction chief. That is necessary if he is assigned to some working place without the enterpriee proper, eg a construction project. The Autobiograpfie, with four a identification pictures, is handed in to the personnel ?f ice. II "Supposing subject worker is working for one of the Stat construction enterprises and has been assigned to workinlg yard X. He hands the Assignment Sheet from the Personnel Office to the chief nginear therew The worker's name i= registerrd',in the :,tat de Prezenta Rc is'' ( B Y) of the Yard, and he is issued s Firs de portal ttendance Carc.. This is made of white cardboard printed in a special form, I This card serves as identification at the entrance to a pllLnt or vnrk yard. It is issued monthly. Each day the worker either punches in . time cloik upon 4xrival or de arture, or hands it in to a foreman to have the number of working hours entered. These records are sided in the compiletior_ of pnyrcil::. "There it a Head Trade Union Delegate for each enterprisl, but in the construction business, for ay-.mple each workin ard has it . J- me automatically ue be so law, since itl ()'JFIDENTIr4 _.SSIGNMSNT 25X1 Approv d For Release 2005/08/17: CIA-RD25X1 P80-00809A000500 7 0097-4 25X1 cover sheet has a sort of envelop in which is a cardboard card. This card is used for the monthly stamps for membership fees. These stamps have two parts: one half is glued on the member's card as a receipt; the1lother half stays with the registry of the Syndicate Delegate. The Carte de Membru is valid for three years. One inside page records the Cotizatia (Fees) status each year. A special stamp is affixed in a special square on thati page when the member has paid membership fees for a year. The monthly membership fee is calcula ed at the rate of one per cent of the worker's basic monthly salary; there is no fee for the issue of the card. An additional four or 4.5 per cent of that monthly basic salary is deducted directly, for Social Insurance benefits. This amount pays for the Casa Asigurarilor Bociale (Social Insurance Fund), which entitles the worker and his familylto the Carte de Sanatste (Health Book). It entitles the worker and his family indirectly~to free medical care through the employing enterprise, to medicines and to a State pension in case of disability. 13. "The Reaponsabilul de Cartele (Ration Card Official) in each working yard or office, who is responsible to the head personnel offi^.e of the enter prise issues the worker his food ration cards Its enters theI man's name and adoress on a special Borderou (Nominal Roll). The ration cards are issued monthly and are not issued for the current month if one 's hired in the middle of that month. Only persons within thqGovernment's field of labor are entitled to ration cards. The Borderou is counter- signed.by the head ration card official for the entire enterprise and checked by the personnel chief. It is taken to the Ration Cards section of the People 'a Board. That body issues ration cards on the first ofleach month to the ration official of the enterprise. When the workers receive their cards they sign the Borderou in receipt. Persons who have been hired for their first job within the Government's field of labor are entitled to clothing ration cards only after a six months' working period. The~ receive food ration cards from the start. If a worker is dtsmissei'lbefore the end of a calendar month, he must surrender his ration cards to the ration card official. If the dismissal is at the end of the month that is not nzcessar , since the cards automatically become invalid." The fpod ration cards~are a different color each month. ~ l 14. "The Carnet ~e Munca (Work Book) is issued to the worker by the personnel office of the state enterprise for which he is working. This. is a brown cardboard booklet with 24 pale green inside pages. The cover bearelthe title and the series and number. One inside page bears the workor'a personal data: name, surname., commune in which he resides, street,u number, region, his signature, date of card's_issue,?registration number, and the state enterprise which issued the card. That pigs is stamped with the stamp of the enterprise and bears the signature of the Chia of Personnel. The card bears no identification picture and makes no mention of citizenship status. One page contains a physical description of the bearer. The iremaining pages, except the last three, contain ; detailed data on all the jobs the vrorker has held -- this from his Autobiogra, ~,ie -- even jobs in pr$-Communist Rumania. The worker pays a fee of 25 lei,When this Carnet de Munca i~ issued. It remains in the personnel office of the enterprise. The worker retains it only if he is proposed for a State pension or iflhe is dismissed for disciplinary reasons -- but in the latter case he can get no more work. In both cases the worker is handed his Carnet de Munca and a Foaie de Repartitie and sent to register at the BBM office. The Carnet de Munca is issued for an indeterminate length or time. If a worker is transferred to another job, it is mailed thro official channels to the personnel office of his new enterprise." -end- CONFIDENTSAL 25X1 25X1