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Approved For Release 2001/09/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500490018-6 U. S. Offlelala G"ly C4HF7LL'2JTIAI. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY IF~FORNBATI~FN RePORT SuBUECT Assessment of Boviet Textbook "Microclirmte and T/ocal Clla:ate" by B A 8apozhnikovu PLACE ACQUIRED (eY 9ouRCe) _____ DATE ACQUIREL (9Y SOURCE) 1 25X1X DATE DISTR 3 M A~ 'S~' NO. OF PAGES p N0. OF ENCLS. SUPP. TC REPORT N0. 1. hTho book ~Micronllmato and Local Clirsate9 by 8 A Bapozhaikova is xritton alawet,purely S'rom tho climatologtoal-agrioultural point of viex. From tluo rloxpolnt the book is xe11 xrit~be.n, xell org+snlzod and demonstratob a high order of saieatlfic competonce in this _*1c1Q. Wo xere eepecis.:ly struck by 'Chb groat moos of obaorvational data conta+ned in the book. [I'hexe 1s ev:tdantly far greater P~viet Interest aad activity in this field thaw there 1s 1n America or in the xostorn xorid. 2. "Thora is 1lttle doubt 1n our minds that thei work roportod is the text So directed almost exclusively to ngricultural opplieation. We do note, hoxover, referonce to national dofonse as ~ stimulus for somo mlcrocllnn-to work on p 19 of tho translation. We would also like to point out that the author, in general, oitos xith precisions the locality where obsorvations were mado. Tq some portions of the toxt, hoxover, the locution and source of ob?orvations aro givon in vary general terms such ns the steppe zone of tho Uc36R' (p 121) an4 ~n the foiloxing 34 pagos. Tho observational sitos oP the wind profiloe data nitod in Oheptor 6 (pp 135-156) seem * LAvailablo oa loan t'ro~i the CIA Library (Ce11 Numbor U-1787), U. 9. Officials Only CONFIDENTIAL S~.t~ifl'Y' E~t~E !:'~-iry '~JI~, h~!':_f~ AftF~1 CODES 'IYI{ OOCYY INT 'ON TAIn{ INIO[YAiI On A11[CTINO TN[ NATIOn1L 0[I IN [l 01 TM{ YnITtO [TAT!{. w11NIM Tn[ Y[An InO 01 i1TL[ 1[. [1CT10N[ f{/ ANO 11I. 01 TMl Y. [. COD1. A[ AM [nOID. IT[ T{An [YI{110w OA ?{Yl. CATION 01 IT^ COn 1[M T[ TO OA A[C[IIT {T An Yw AYTN 0111 [[D I{N[Dn II os~~FK _ TY;ia report !e !or tho uao within the V9A o! tho intclligonca oomponente o: tho ~opartmenue or Agencies indicated abcvo. It !e .not to ba tranalnitted overeoae without the concurrence o! tho originating oiTlce through the Aarietant Director o! tho Otllce o! Ccllection and Diaeomination, CIA, Approved For Release 2001/09/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500490018-6 Approved For Release 2001/09/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500490018-6 CONFIDIIVT7AL~U5 OFFICIALS ONLY especially vague. We do not knew whether this covers up lack of data, or whether. the data xas accumulated during i'ield expeditions to remote localities, or xhether the vagueness is deliberate and due ?bo security. 3? ^F;om the instrumental point ~a view, the book indicates that the Boviet practicing microcllmatologist encounters severe difficulties in electrical temperature measurements, ands in fact, does not use them. ThE author does paint out that electrical temperature measurements are used in the more baelc research Phases of study. The author cites a study by A A S;cvortsov (p 133) whleh indicates dominant periods of 0.64 - 0.86 seconds in microtemperature oscillations. If this remark is based upon accurate obseiPratlonsl data, :t indicates that the basic research scientist can, when,beceeeary, makes recort, and analyse high frequency microtemperatt-e fluctuations i-t a manner comparabL: to ours. (:uch high Frequency oscillations can be made by eleci.i?ical means only). ~+. "The book is written from the practical empirical point of view and therefore - little can be Bald about theoretical development in this field. Again~,xe ere Impressed xith the vast of data an3 evident experience in tak,'ing such data. The energy with which the data is used in such problems as' .optimum Forest or tree line strips is commendable.^ k.i~~D3't :a ~.:6g,f,~~;r t ^: !3i'~?.c~ iCQ?E$ 6z3,4oa N 629.44 N 64o.i N Approved For Release 2001/09/11 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000500490018-6