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Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730010-6 CENTRAL 9 ATE LUG NCE GROUP INTELLIGENCE REPORT SUBJECT Inter-America Defense Board 25X1 DEST. 16 May 1947 PAGES 7 SUPPLEMENT Buenos Aires in Spanish to North and South iuneriva, Dec. 20, 1946 "The Radical minority assailed the proposal for exponsos of the A".rned Forces for 19,47 in the annual budget n being debated In the Ghamber of Deputies. Spokesman Deputy Donato Emmili.o del Garxi_l asoarted that the house should be'" informed whether the ' couaatry is' pointing for war or is going to live in cordial relations with the rest of the hemisphoro.' -1 The total budget is 2,523p653, ].2 poses of uhich de]. Carril calculated the frgtlaairenients of the eruyp Navys 'end Airrorco exceeded a billion poaoep 'without "1I'he military budget is not oyac;tly defined in the bill presented Congress but del Carril said that the Army's lt-admet program might reach 109 million pesos itself. Ho declared that ?Argentina should obtain the refit from other countries without joiner a military bloc With any world power. "Pearoniste Deputy Jose Viaca sah that the Aawoi Farcen need to prepare to join the hemisphere d.; f enao under the so called ::'s uaian plan, '-in line with the Policy of continental solidarity under tho Act of Chapu1tepoc,. J "Del Carril and other Radicals terrupted, saying that the Act of ,Chapul.tepec did not obligate Argentina to 'd tf and imperialistic interests ? and the people of Argentina would never accept partic .pation in alliance of that nature Prior to the February electional to Radicals wore pro-United States in attitude but they did not support ratification of the L.ot of Ghnpu?.tepe% when t ho Poxonietac.; approved 1.4 ."' (Ed. Note- The peso is about four to ,a dollar) TGtr' Guatemala in ~Spanishp Nov. 3, 19146 NWashingtonw,i and Navy officers have little hope that the projected Inter- American Military Defense Program will be began until the United States and Argentina adjust their d iffsrenee . p But members of the Inter.-.:tnerican Defense Board believe that their entire program will be delays mall Argentina and the United. States roach so :e, agreoineent..; RESTRICTID CI.ASSIFICAYION Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730010-6 Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730010-6 - 2 - 25X1 "In the meanti..e, it is said that mulv.tions sellers from jwuoon anti gin lw.nd are offorinL~ trioir products for it:mediute sale. Officers of the L. S. ,rM,y in charge of the problem say that they ak,- apprehensive about the possibility that uuropean training missions may fellow . uropean arms into .[at i a ,:,arica. Jut these army officers say that they are li.rnitir ; I ti:emselves strictly to the c,ilitary p).ases of the situation and that naturally the .hate Lopart.,ent has coripleto control, over all political aspects." Santiago de dhile in Spanish gorse to dhilean embassies, iJov. 8, 1946 "The eoreign uelations winister, 5r. Jullie., yesterday made some important state,:,ents to the press or the internationa:. policy of Lhile. he stated that Chile will not support any proposals in the United 1~ations assembly to abolish the right to veto .. i Chile will respect the Agreements of c:hapultepec..." ?rasa Dispatch in Spanish L.orse from hevirh, iiuonosi .fires, for T'a:i:.i, a.oscow (Via lilt? Bari Fork), !I Idov. 8, 1946 "The newspaper era 42'iC.. (i'eronist-..,d. ), comnentati on the results of the elections in the L.'4ted Ctatos, writess 'The riost irnpcrtant international event of the year 1946 for the urgentines is the over-wheluinL triumph t,hich the ttepublicans obtained in the recent Uongressional elections in the United States, not on account of the tcejpublican triumph itself, but on account of the...defeat, significant of a general reaction against the intornatiunal policy of bpruille Braden. "To us, the Uezcaraisados, who constitute the vast ;.ajority of the country, this pointed fact gives to iti:.uate satisfaction which cannot be hidden. In this urauenian rAe?eat a Zreat national victory comes to us." "The newspaper underscores that 'the defeat of the Lemocratic tarty justifies the position of xgantina on the continent and opens the way to good noighbor- liness. tress vispateJi in ?'roach Worse from .r'k Correspondent in iiuenos :,iron to .er in "is, (Via oar Merl York) ,ov. 9, 1946 .,.The result of the' elections is considered the defeat of braden, thus boco :fins a .;neat national victory for ..reertina, t.roclaims the semiofficial L" a.ruun which considers that the election results will modify rru:ically the policy '.' the Lnitod States and will eliminate the i-nti-n.rgeatine prejudices inspired by the ue.aociatic .dmini6 Lration. "The xopublican triumph opens the way to real ,rood neighborliness, concludes Ln t:ruQm. It recalls' that Braden, who is assistant Secretary of State, systematically opposed the admission of .,rLontina to the pact for lnter- .iraeriean ,,.ilitary fiofense without certain conditions which the Peron Uovern- mont objects, notably~ithose which the State :repartment considers indispensable to the expiration of the last vestiges of nazi influence." L.." Buenos ..fires in Spanish ,,orse to Latin i;merica, ian. 20, 1,47 "Buenos mi.ras--La lu.Uiuig, referving to the invitation given the t rgentine Government to tui:e lia't in the nio de Janeiro Oouference, says that in that moo tins 'tho plan of continental defonse will be prepared,' and it adds that the conference has its origin it the sentiment of solidarity cmoni; the nations of ,+meriea, reflected in the decisions cf the Inter-..;.iericun con- ference on problems of war and Peace, held in r.,oxicol in v'ebruary and .,arch of 1945a Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730010-6 Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730010-6 25X1 "It says that step by step, the nations are advancing; lonC the road of inter- nat',onal stability. irequontly the times seem suddenly of oxtre:..e Gravity at first sight, but by dint of patience and tactual concessions the proulaws are overcome. In this aspect the, Latin rmerican peoples are in an exceptional position. They are free from complications since the conflicts ana lacr> of confidence of other times have boon replaced by mutual underetand;nZ and they are dedicated to prevent the, prejudice rich directly or indirectly caused the .. erli3 '! "r.eforrin to the bloc of ,merican r.:picns, trio paper said: 'Prejudice will disap,;oar, as has happened with oth% :s~ and the world will see in the western hemisphere only a Group of peoples marchinn firmly toward a better future, convinced of the necessity of avoidinalterrible ideological conflicts which have desolated other- countries which; still are not free."' 11 1 Buenos .sires in Spanish Liorse to - rl ontine Lribassies, Jan. 20, 1947 "The razilian dovernment invitod .-r;ortina to take part in the deliberations of the r'orein >' Conference to be hold in trio do Janeiro, probably in i..arch, 1947. "The conferonco, the date of which will be made known later as well as the aSonda to be considered, will take place before the an ainerican Conference of Bogota, cihieh is to discuss the fulXilluent of the international commit- inonts under the ..ot of Chapultepec." Quito in Span.?Lsh to the ..mericas, Jan. X21, 1947 "trio de Janeiro--The eoreign idnister naoul Fernandez, states at a press conference: 'The time for calling thu ,,conference of the L oroid;n ,,,inisters is not yet ripe. The general desire is to call the conference, but: circum- stances c.o not pora,c3.t it.' "lie did not comment on the note sent to art;entina." L:,kt7 i3uenos .fires in 3p apish worse to, Latin j-nerica, Jan. 2C, 1947 "itio do Janeiro--Comraentinr; on the rani .rts from abroad that the pact for cortin^ntal defense mi,ht be incorporated into the agenda of the ninth kan ?caericun Congress in r3oL;ota--thus elfruinatirk; the necessity of holdin a conference for its dis"ussion and signature in itio--Tho secretary Cenral of ltamaraty, aenhor do uranch, said: "'The iLio Confaronce will be called in ;food time, and on that occasion the press will receive pertinent inzori,ation, as well as other details. I reiterate that consultations have not been startc'i concerning the ltio Con- ference and that therefore reports ' that, an invitation has been extended to ..rgentina are without foundation. hl>p Bogota in :epanish wcZse to i orth and south mmerica, Jan. 23, 1947 "The br has been authoritatively informed that Colombia has bei;ua, talks With all the ...,.erican nations asking that all of them express to Colombia their points of view on the 11io do Janeiro Conference. ..nswers to the ques- tionnaire already have begun to co:ae Jul to the Coloi:.bian v'oroign .,,inistry. "aceordiniv, to the same authorized sources, Colombia, in the notes sent out, has simply expressed an opinion about' the preoisa dates at which the :tio do Janeiro and Bogota Conferences should, De held., without ,akin, Uie, least sugc;estions about the matter; and merely askin; the views of the other countries. l:evertheloss, the Colomabianjpoint of view,, clearly stated on past ocassions, has been that the itio:Conference should by all means be held before the ninth kan ..mericanl Confer3rco, which is scheduled for "comber of this year in 3ogota. RESTRICTED I.I If Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730010-6 Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730010-6 4- 25X1 "Colombia is hojeful that .~.ost of the answers will sug-est mutual consultation before an official announcement of the conference dates is to be nude. lies again it must be recalled that the opening talks about the Rio de Janeiro Conference are already going on arnr 1g the American nation:." CXAi9 ;;ontevideo in S.ianish to Uruguay, Jan. 24, !x-47 "Buenos Aires--Argentina will attend the coming Rio de Janeiro Conference, according to an announcement made today by Foreign uinister Brarnuglia." (Radio Caracas says that Bramuglia announced that he would attend both the Rio and the Bogota Conferences.) LQR7 Buenos Aires in Spanish Morse to Latin America, Feb. 4, 147 "fugnos mires (UP)--The Chief of the Federal Police, rilorieno Velazco said that Peron is urging the police to speed up the arrest of Aria agents, since this has been named by the State Department as one of the last conditions Argentina must meet for- the. complete fulfillment of the ob'i7ation s contracted at Chapultepec. Velazco said that recently the President had taken a personal interest in the matter, often giving personally the orders or. hop:/ to proceed... " (The item then gives Velazco's reasons for the delay in arresting the agents, one of thorn being the "Mast, uninhabited arcos offering easy hiding places" and an- other the need for secrecy in order to avoid warn.rg the hunted Axis agents.) L.t S Buenos Aires in Spanish to Argentina, Feb. 4, 1~ 47 "The Chancellory announced that the head of the department, Dr. Bramuglia, is preparing a decree ordering the expulsion. from the country of some 20 persons accused of crimes of espionage on behalf of the ,xis powers. The r:a.;nrity of the' accused are under arrest, and the rest are being sought by the authorities of the federal police. They will be de, orted in a ship of the fleet. This measure will mark the fulfillment of the international obligation contracted by Argentina by the, signing of the bets of Chapul tepee and Saul Francisco." XlJ'7iW Mexico D.F. in Spanish to Mexico, Feb. 6, 1547 "Buenos Aires--A group of deputies from the minority asked Chancellor bramuglia to come to Congress so that they may ask hip:- about Argentine relations with the U.S., Russia and the Government of Gen. Fr:,aco, as well as Argentina's attidu'e toward the Chapultepec Act." HKu ootota Press Service in S?anish :,orse to North and South America, Feb. 26, l47 "ThA 'Juridicial Assessor of the Pan American Union, in a. lecture de?.iveved at the t:ational Library, acid that the rinth Pan American Conference at Bogota will mark the third stage in the inter-American system which is based upon the dee-? feeling of world so] idarity. He said that the logota Conference should approve the ninth resolution, ap-.3rovedprovisionally at C :apultepec, which deals with the organization of the inter-Airericsn system. (Resolution Given-Ed.) He then said that the ninth conference coordinate into a single Instrument the means 1:)r a peaceful solution of i .ter-American disputes and the creation of various organisms. He concluded by saying: 'From Bogota the- inter-1:rerican system will emerge reorganized, strengthened, consolidated in all its as)ect-s. "' LSt. buenos i1ires in Spanish :; orse to Latin Az-.erica, Jan. Z, 1~ 47 "buenos Ares--'The Federal Council of the 'Confederation General del' (General Labor Federation) resolved -y a vote of 6. to 11 to se. ante Luis F. Gay from his ao;:t as aecretarry-General of the COT . , . "The request for the expulsion of Gay was presented by Aurelio Hernandez, repre- sentin~; the Hospital and Private Sanatorium '~v'crkers, who urged the expulsion of Gay for being a 'traitor to the .vorkirg classes,' and calling him 'an instru:ncnt of imperialism." (rote: :gay has been accuse('. I'reeuen:t]y o_' being a "Sradenist"-gd.) RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2008/03/03 :CIA- RDP80-00809A000500730010-6 Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730010-6 LRS Buenos tires in Spanish to :rZentina, Jan. 28, 1947 "The.prospects for the long-awaited Rio de Janeiro American Hemispheric Defense Conference seem to be brighter than ever. The reason for this is due to the fact the U. S. and Argentina seem to be closer than ever to a settlement of their differences in regard to the Nazi influences in the southern country., !'The impasse in the relations between North America and Argentina began to dissolve over the weekend in a rapid series of events. In the first place, the Buenos Aires Government announced that it was taking control of impor- tant German firms. Then the Ambassador to Argentina, Mr. 'rlessersmith, re- with the Assistant Secretary of State, Mr. Braden. Then the State Department G e t d ili t t t t i d th d f e xpec e conc ory s emen n regar to overnment o ma e an un a a General Peron." Moscow Press Service in Russian at Dictation Speed to the Provincial Press, Feb. 24, 1547 "Rio de Janeiro (T.-'XS)--On Feb- 23 the newspaper LA TRIDUI:A POPLLAR, comment- ing on the inter-American defense collaboration plan, writes: 'Againet whom must we defend ourselves? The sole interested ,.artios in a new war are the imperial plunderers whose headquarters are in :7all Street. I:o concrete threat to the western hemisphere presents itself. The forces threatening us are the internal forces of the continent, forces of lipcri'lism. hence the decisive rejection by the Latin America peoples of the maneuvers aimed at the standardi- zation of arma:;.ents and the envisaging the ceding of our national defense into the hands of foreign command. LQR7 Buenos Aires in Spanish Morse to Latin Ar;.erica, I.:ar. 10, 1'47 "Montevideo--In his first press conference since he has assumed the duties of to have the Ministers' meeting to be held in Rio de Janeiro as soon as possible sothet the relations between the U. S. and Argentina may be defined completely and quickly. lie also said that the maintenance of peace in the world and the defense of the attacked fully justify collective action, even though it be, multilateral intervention.... "'The Foreign Office in my charge faces a year of great activity; besides delicate questions of a universal nature we have in the field Qf the hemisphere the project conference of Foreign :.:inisters at Rio do Janeiro and the ninth Pan American' Conference at Bogota. The agenda of these meetings is co:a?sed ofmatters of the highest imortance. The conference which is to be held in Bogota at the end of this year is to re3olve definitely, among other matters, the: most important projects for the reorganization and strentnenir.g of the inter-.1;merican system for peace, and draft a declaration of the international rights and dutit.s of man.' "Asked about the Foreign Ministers' Conference in Rio, ae said: the American Governments have delegated to Brazil the setting of the date, after consultation.' The ?act to be concluded there will replace...the Chapultepec Agreements, which, as is, will expire once the treaties vith the Axis Nations are sifr..ed.' "In reference, to the pact for continental defense, he was asked -what situation a pact of that mature Mudd create in connection :rith UN. He replied: 'Our universalistic view of international rights and life brings it about that .re do not have the slightest doubt that any inter-American agreement, be it merely political or of a nature to attain the aspects of armed defense, must be framed with, or rather added to, the obligations which emanate from the...UV- We coneieve.regional settlements, in this case inter-American, as com.ple--sntary to the high aims which the United I;ations pursue, and never in opposition to the world organization. t11 Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730010-6 vcrml:)~ nR.?:n Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730010-6 111t0 Bogota in Spanish : orse to North and South' America, i,:ar. 13, 1c47 "Former PresidentEduardo Santos publishes an ''article entitled Conferences pith President Roosevelt, and Plans for an inter-American military organization.' It recalls the last interview which he held with Roosevelt in i;'ashington on Jan. 5, 1c45, which he affirms wis entirely based on the collective security of the hemisphere, and included the ideas agreed upon in the Act of Chapultopec months 1 ater. "Santos referred to the inter-American military :acts now being worked out, stating they must lbe as 'clear as they are precise in order that t'.;ere will be no dan;er of their being interpreted as simple factors of any world policy in the development liof which ;;e do not ?artici;;ate.' He affirms that no enemy of the U.S. will ever be able to have a base for operations in our countries.... "Santos states that since he talked pith Roosevelt basic changes have taken place. . 'The panorama of a tranquil peace in thel future for all ::en of good will hopefully awaited tvo years ago has been replaced ?rith suspicion and fears which lead to fear'ls tomorrow gorse than yesterday.... Defeated totalitarians are now faced by victors surrounded by sinister' distrust. :::ore than they speak of the doctrines oflpeace and justice, they speak of the possibilities of the atomic bomb and fronts which can be organized to assure future ?redo-.-.inance....' "Santos asks himself, 'what limits must the nor. accord have, what commitments does it demand, what expenses does it imply, to what international situation may it lead us, what relations does it determine'betneen military solidarity which must be ma.:e automatically e#fective...if to a bloc of enslaved nations which Russia forms around her frontiers, another bloc of nations, free, but bound by military commitments, ware to oppose itself?...."' PRY7 Press .rirel ass', in English Morse for LA 1:AC1ON in Buenos Aires, ;Jar. 16, IS-47 "Rio de Janeiro--Thee afternoon paper DIRE7R1ZES, in a special article from Buenos Aires by correspondent Samuel 17aimer, said that the oishington and Buenos Aires Governments are now 'honeymooning' and that the situation be- tween the two countries has changed vastly within; the last tvo years. It laid z:es ersmith is, liked in Buenos ..fires as -much'as Braden washated. It said that Truman andjPeron may yet reach a common' accord oni the basis of anti- Communism." P ress Service in French '..;orse'to Latin ;1:^erica and Canada, Paris, tiFP, French 22, 1 c 47 "Rio de Janeiro --The!diploratic circles in the ca)ital are folloaire vith the greatest i.nterebt the aeveloaa.ents of events in ..ashington where the visit of the Chilean (Chief of Staff coincided strar.gely :ritih the call of the nmerican Ambassador to Rio de Janeiro, 5'illiam,I). Pawley, to `Vashington, accompanied by his military, naval and air attaches, and finally with the violent attack against Communism made by Spruille''"raden, whi Is res?un:;ible for the State Department policy in South America. "It is not new to anyone that the American Governments are watching with con- corn the increasing influence of Communists in the hemis?here. The state of mind resulting from that is well explained by the phrase used in diplomatic circles usually well informed; 'It seers that finally we--the South American countries--have found la common denominator; namely, anti-Communism,' This source feels that the last moves are aimed at consolidating the anti-Communist front of South America and at hastening to call the Rio de Janeiro Conference ;were all'the 'i's' will be dotted. Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730010-6 Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730010-6 - 7 w In addition, the s:a-1e source says that the military authorities vould like to gee the aol itieal :.)act backed by a milit;arf .pact which would bb put into practice by the Truman plan, of standardizing the equipmont of the continental armies. The visits to the United States by , the Brazilian Chief of .Staff in Janumr%y and by the Chilean Chief of Staff now -night be good indications of this desire. "Coming back to tbs. question or the anti-Soamunist common denominator' Peron seems tj be the first result or the ap;easement mission or U.S. Ambassador George ffesseramith, who convinced Peron to join the American family and the prospective bloc." This document contains infoMmat+.on affecting the national def9nise of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Act 50, U.S.C. 31 and 32 as amended. Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any, manner to an unauthorized person is : rohibited by law. Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000500730010-6