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F Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500740003-4 CONFlDENT]ALCLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT N 25X1A INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. SUBJECT EltDIO'MOSCOW'S L1SE OF TEE HGREATEH TJP.KEY" TIE2AE HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE Several TNIS DOCUNI1T CONTAIN! INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL D[F[N[E OF TILE UNITED STATE$ WITHIN THE MEANING OF ASPIOMAGE ACT 50 Y. S C.. 31 AMP [A. AS AMENDED ITS TOANSNIf3ION OR THE NE11[LATION OF 111 CONTENTS IM ANT NANM[N TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PARSON IS PRO- M111TE0 DT LAW. MEPN ODUCTION OF THIS FORK IS PROMI$IT[D 25X1A DATE OF 20 March 1951- INFORMATION 111 December 1951 DATE DIST. .22December 1951 ,o c- () SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. Appeals to nationalism are a major element in the Soviet radio's attempts to arouse an La ;1_n?ac:; against American domination. But Moscow only rarely makes use of traditional national or re.lag,ious antarronisms---e.g., German-French, Turko-Greek, Jewish-Arab, Moslem-H I.nd:;. During the past eight months or so, however, Moscow has sporadically warned Arab listoner that the Turks are dreaming of a revival of the Ottoman Empire--a "Greater Turkey" scheme which would encompass the Arab states. This theme, introduced last March, reec.ived its greatest emphasis during the last week in November; it ha, not been stress'ad since. The flurry of ''Greater Turkey'' charges in late November appeared in comment denounc- ing a Pdicll]__ East, command and in discussion of the Soviet notes to the Arab states, the F)ua? Powers, and Turkey. While the aggressive plans of the Big Three .prising-- ly reeci-cd only routine attack, Turkey was singled out as the main culprit in attemptin; to entice the Arab states into an "aggressive" Middle East pact. It should be pointa;:I out that the "Greater T"urkey" charges comprise a small portion of the total treatment of the Middle East (during the week mentioned above there were 4 such commentaries) and n:; such must be viewed along with, not separated from, o 'nor and topic. The cor ientaries cor.t.aining, the charges that Turkey has designs on her Arab neighbors are heard mainly ii; Arab-language_ broadcasts. But the charge is also made in Persian and in broadcast: '_r? the Soviet Home Service. This pattern strongly suggest e that Soviet prc13gandist _ are aLtempting--at least tentatively--to create division and ant,a?onimm in the Moel~m Middle East. The pattern might also possibly be an attempt to divert anxiety o.,(-.- Soviet aggression by raising the image of Turkish expansionism. To the Soviet listener charges of Turkish designs on the Arabs might serve as proof that Turley is capable of aggression against the Soviet Union. (However, no explicit staterscnts of the Turks' desire icr Soviet territory--once Turkish--has been made in monitored home service broadcast. The single broadcast that made explicit reference to such desires ( ee below) was hoard only in Turkish.) There follow exc.erpt.o of the charges made along with the broadcast dates. It will be noted. tiiz.t there aro occasional periods when the subject of "Greater Turkey" was not mentioned. 20 PAnrch 1951 (This was apparently the first reference to "Greater Turkey.") "Plans for forming a 'Greater Turkey' are afoot. Koprulu dreams of invad- in,* Syria and Lebanon. ... Turkish generals will be put--in charge of Arab armies." (in Arabic twice) CONFIDENTIAL t r.. .,.,, L CLASSIFICATION P iA b 14.1 7 Approved For Release 2003/10/01 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500740003-4 125X1A 27 Ao;ril 1951 Tryl,er Lie, who speaks for the U.S., wants to bring American-led Turkish-- TurI: th(e old enemy and oppressor--forces into Arab countries to safe- guard _Irate *ic routes. (Arabic twice, Turkish) 17 erg' 1951 The Turkish Democratic Party is "fanning nationalism and planning to Por[:1 a 'Greater Turkey' which would embrace the whole of the old Ottoman;Empire and .ould stretch from the Danube to the Urals." (Turkish 3 times) 195 T,_1rheJill have the role in any reglen'il military pact. Turkish ruling; circles have aspirati_?n toward a "Greater Turkey." (Persian, _., i.?_ Turkel shl i~='11i~! s_t 1 ii 1 I r_ 11__ rF rl an to divide Aleppo ';ill he handed t?o Turke, the Damascus to .i7r'-I n and Deir Li Zur to Iraq. (Arabic) 27 1Ci5? Tyr (,`r?.,_ , d ?:a~r:tnf of .he rlir'_h of t?~e 0,, _m n Empire, .nlnpc1 the Ar1.'e 7e to tr,?ceao Tur1is. (Arabic) '.. 1,hat ??h ur_..Y ,_an can '~, ._.:,::ly imp_ mEntl:., c' !a.:.'; :. (Turkish ) ..'a.I'~?''? tre rii`.. `.,i. oviv _:~i h:. treat Oi'I.cmar. Empire.. ar:c turning the Arab a: `': r: ntc T'irkivh -ro?rir:ces. (Arabic once, T.irhi.-h twice) sn Turks- has alway:?: been the enemy of the Arab pec'ple. Under the pretext joi 1: lofen_,a Turkey l.s making aggressive plans against Syria. She harbors ho t i" i` in-ten ions towards Aleppo and northern regions of Syria. Tarkc, . dream In,r of r, Greater Turkey, 11 aims at a rebirth of the Ottoman Empire. (?1ra._?) ''