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Document Release Date: 
June 30, 1999
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Publication Date: 
June 18, 1953
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00809A000500750040-2.pdf97.38 KB
Approved For Release 1999/09/28 : CIA-RDP80-00809A0ffl % -1 11-1.11 -_.. _-1.-.--._.- I.- _-11, -11", ~W240-2 CU. 11TR'i SLII? PUGLi _"HED 1^JI iLi F'U.?L 1'-' 11 L- 1) [)AI-L PUBLISHED LA I,IG IJA(GE CA ti l RAL INTF.I..1_IGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS li.f :.Hlii+? ChTI ;ti;: # P 24 ':('t!Ei;_l-i(i2t f~i. G"91 RABIf.ITIES REPORT N CD NO. DATE 0E- DATE DIST. SUPPLEMENT _ 0 REPORT NO. (.May 1??, ::95:3) CI A)SIFik;A.TIor C I r+nI tt;i+tf DISVRIBUTION j I AIR Approved For Release 1999/09/28 CIA-RDP80-00809A000500750040-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/28: CIA-RDP80-00809A?p,QVW?0040-2 C ON F11 DENT JAL SECURITY INFORMA'rION - 2 - SUMMARY Ueser.~t.iori of e. school conducted by so--called SLno-Soviet companies in Sinkiang indicates that the institution may soon become an all-Russian show, even to the extent, of co irg Russian textbooks. A report on Anshan's steel industry its the use of ;he term "Arkang," Although admitting Russian direction, he report spe-, if ically :notes that the Russians came "at the request" of China. The deter :oration of Anshan following its development by the Japanese, is blamed on the Kuomintang,, in complete disregard of the confiscation of Northeast inde:str iai. equipment by the Soviets in 1.945. With famine and disaster widespread, iood production becomes the ceares' pi i?ue task, otter:, o )'edge is cut and faCtoriat, making textile equipment change over to heavy machine production t.e build up the Cour,".?ry' military potential, This drvelognert suggests that the U,2SR ::.igr~t. supply textiles primarily rather than food or heavy machinery, and this possibility is further indicated in comment or. Tibet. Stagnation of Tibetan trade is blamed on "imperialist exploiters ; " but i c is admitted that dispos itiJn of "slow-moving wool" of L'ers a problem. D ssiO~: of the Judiciary stresses the need Loi further :So'vieiiaatio.u of the system, The proposed seperdtion between technical and administrative services is apparently irtended to bring judicial administration tu?der direct Party control. Lenin and Stalin are cited to prove that. recent judicial chang.-s are in accord with ;_ raoiunist doctrine. Howe'ver,, it appears that the Communist-fostered "public trials," and the disregard for established legal concepts and procedures have created ar unfavorable situation, The result is a cautious back--tracking,, but it is carefully exnlained that the existence of "bad elements" and the "unending series of sass move?tents" in the courts have made the changes essential. New evidence of dissatisfaction is seen among university students, who h'.?Je now been relieved of Party duties and perpetual meetings, Curtailment of student meetings; pars. lelirg recent restrictions on teachers, meetings, suggest.:. that s inch meetings have failed to achieve the desired results. ;:once.:: o er the stability of border areas is indicated by Party activities to organize South China boatmen and bya conference in Peking to secure the cooperation of Moslem c.:iorities, Special efforts are made to convince Moslems of the Soviet Union's benevolent attitude. The impression of concern over the situation in border areas is strengthened by reports that Tihua's Mayor received 109 complaints about bureaucracy a,-..d "cadre lawlessness" in one day, and that the People's Liberation Army cor?tinues to send "comfort missions" to remote Tibetan areas. Approved For Release 1999/09/28 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500750040-2 L