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Approved For Release 2005/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500770003-1
SUBJECT : Area Description of Severo-Donetsk
DATE DISTR. 2?. MAY - 52
SI VMS 1.11111,0 TTTTTTTTTTTTT 1St 101,141?61111, TIT" 112. SECTIOSO 7112
AND SS Sr SI" U.S. CODS. as TTTTTTTT ...... es?lom ?Ivg-
...... St 1111 OOOOOOO IISCSI?S ?111 0011,11,14/1?11I0 OOOOOO IS
Severo-Donetsk is a new community on the left bank of the Donets
River about 5 km from the coal town of Lisichansk. Its existence is
.due to the erection of a large chemical plant which is still being
built, ana which has just begun operations. Prior to early 1950
Severo-Donetsk was known as "Lisskhimstroi", which may be translated
as the "Lisichansk Chemical Plant". Since then, the newer name has
been at ?-? ? ? I IS? .7t opulation of approximately
30,000 May 195.27.
2. Geologically, Severo-Donetsk is situated on the dividing line between
the fertile Ukraine and the barren prairie. The view from the edge
of town consists of sandy land on which there is sparse vegetation.
The Donets River, which flows about 3 km west of the town, is not
navigable, and its ,),..rso is not regulated. Between Lisichansk and
Proletarsk, the next town to the north, the river is deep enough for
rowboats and small sail boats, but during the flood season the cur-
rent is too strong. The river inundates the east bank and swells
from 75 m to a width of more than 1 km. The east bank of the river
is entirely flat, while the west bank is lined by steep hills leading
to a plateau on which the city of Lisichansk is located.
FORM NO. 51_4F
OCT 1951
CJ 051 j 011W6:11-0
Ee--- Fel
11-V /11_111A
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Approved For Release 2005/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500770003-1
3. The railway citation Of Liaticrliarask tOt tip afinfr ealproes trainer' on
the trunk ljn?tram 1tonle4SW'to" Dtbialcsoircli"- 'The 3han two traokel .
oid'eldink IA6 lileiefuesink (station.
The epreets. . t ko0oW"rciavcie ? eila 41450, ,approrimatoly ?
the same t,tee ac the ifie r.frOm litbiseocr Sobaleasaa. 2045 ?
an eTPreek. train ,,t6' Detig.Ientwe'lekvoti-the litillehtialski>etiatiOn.. .13e- ?
tween ono and two di?.pold'4ghi the tricine. efut he Kharkov... ? ? ?
Voroahilovrad1izie meet at l.taiOne.nekis Th 5Ogait trains other
than these. '
. .
4. Irreight traintraffic), iii.npt be014'.I "more than! five
or eii freight '.trainn travoiling- in, either'ciliteatItte during the day.
. ? , ? ?
Of oourea,the tgraffi-ei during -normal
weekdaye, Fon the frolitani traffic ? at: night'.
Grain ? and ben:tent '.WOre the 40x.itodt,tiv1' bet -freciatVtitly: %axle I uoually
on open freight : .cara: , TA?, lA.ttr re o the itewo-tabd .founlaxle
type, '? en'd. were a little heavier ;than' 'the deralecti3OarcP because. of ? their
wide ? atinge:.Z(0,Wi *he 'tfisa4a' caniirewthari :fiffty! :bars.
The loopmpti'vee ap,peared. ctepe gliod.'and citurdYV
5. tae xipict. railsK 'istatO.On -`,ziarth ro 14nioha lk ? id- Prolatautak.r ? : It i a :
apprgenimate4, ;:kle ?fr'om '/iVettehanek ? a te tie* jand 'le' artio??;ami expreee c. .. :.
atop,. .;271e..nnp . e-qteine efo# 'in that aresittweryrt-Vreciinnatly,--. :and ... :I
therefore. .4?wIrcK 1?)awa .O?Ohaao-o. id rlfruptCruilfliapetitte - :.Abont 4,1km tn.
the wn,ut,h is trio 'teen of ParetWidtiaraii? A11%1044* tato Lbtx expresa,.,0 1,
atop. '
- - .!.' ;.,:.,: ?14 , ? , ., , , ? ,
PrOlOiW4,1 J. ,11,i 110841., vrit''haviliiii 'a. glean 'ttlgent lea Sta P only:An- ....
duat4aA ..knitAtituttoit:'.,X1;)trat ''2: km ribs-tit. of the tkewActhe trailway
aroqmoc the 1 ponetid. Uilr04.' cit 'kho.), oftlr'llartintr.Atinairaotod tbridger in ,:
that regien.,,,:?Igeo 'ritinn , bf to - old .bridge ate 111.111Wiellile in the i
watopii*Filitl,YhlinWath.: ? -TO' new bridge litenite,oli two ?- atone pillars
and in . a !tool . tru40"kiith a 'oentineoue csimi.? , ? Tha-Viver le not. much .
wider than 60 mat that oi?ott. ' Trio' hildtia ' aft Ate OA bridgea in
the usen,, .ittla guarded 'dttY -and( n.ight. by isentintsiev.with? blue.. or .
bleak Uniforma parrying riilet"ot a- very eld:leicksi-ollbout. 50 m t from
the bridge, blyiliann Wore' warned' by ?igen Che'S!,thi0 were not permitted.
to crone the; qv.c.r by, meann of the bridge, TbeY were also forbidden to
oral?, 4041,,,F .-..the. 'apcton y boats ' hireelted'ii'. Viatti-.440115Ye4 41Peuld hay's. been.
quAikek kekaakdt*.Ybeatsuale a 1410. 'dahlia a linitfiCr.bridgehaying in the
shee% 'sr
low "tae -
7. Lio.Lohaa0k-41. 'the noaii.tal* 1:410-isawl iatowt imOortaill towfu in,thin ?region.
It beg A polioel :,of,:iainette:for iba_trata10 'of Caning engineers , and. a
ocnirt ;ofjnei4oe for '010 iitlitattzimite_citeSott of .-kiiisila .dement for minor ,
art:nook., 4uoti a *Art 3.e ',Of 'great, 0ter
liogo.wtsitictti.tra ' tint ' iet nyetam be-
=sues ,,the..?dovicitoeshint dortrow -a` high poitellnillegte.:of -its labor from
po.-.7jetie". 'Theta toiktriolt*, "nay 'either be leorle 'IMO lave erred. politi-
oallar, Ar ,tboos who arci-oal. oritginalao. r Mold :,frankly by
soviot !oitlaoaa that 000asi4nal..11. a oonist ,io'ridvilood of a labor
ehortage . in ja aorta,in .dtutOlcit,- ?and in ethen honer boiand to ? speed .np ?
its work in Order to 'all the vaoanoleo With -itontrioteO -- .
Bo A read loads to Joleadille,nek fre'll 'the rallciely.statton. , It in roughly
paved with lilbekb Of liMentonol, and in ticatieXicall year long by
truoke. The road, whigh- le 4pproiciraately-' WM wide, ? rises aharply
in two eerpentineh to lutelehlicsiuk, 200? m aboiro, the leverJef the ? Donate.
It ion dangiirowa 'drii3),, ? as 't evi?teneed 'Ashis lewerturnod, truoke I I
neon 'On i ' . - - - ? Ito,' Ilibib itt?? Tliii? diatom/as :from. the
bridge to the ?catalpa ? bquore le' 3 fun.
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Approved For Release 2005/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-00809A00050VR903-1
. There are Slag hilla just outaide of Lisichansk. The coal-there
of two kinds" :Ipor ualit hard coal whish oakeajand a high quality
? enthractitet S[11;111 mining shafts abound, most of which are'ezploitedf.
? without the uao of machinery:' One of them on the southeast side. ofa
the town, howeyor, proiridea the Don soda factory in Pereyezdzia,ya.with, s
'coal by means of a oonyeyor systet.*
10. At the Wse.*ern rih.ef the oity is an undorgro-Ind gae plant called fl
Podcomget.- The Air is channeliid in two Shafts into, a Aix-nage who .1. .-0
the cosl'is burned to produce gaa. The gas is piped to the turfaoca
?.and iss.diredtod'in tubes of. 1000-2000 mmto the Don Sodalaatory,...
'Thwprosauro:in the tut:ion lB atmopphorio. .This inotallatiotHwao 1001%-,
operating] iin the fall of 1949. "be.
entire right bank of the Donate, inoluding Liaiohanak,.Was *off. -
limitoafOr dsrmansi We ware allowed to go there for definite.
p0000 onlY; and.evon then worecarefully guarded.
11. bveryonS.In Severo?Denetukhge 13ome oonneotion with the obestsalilgtont. Jiteto .
all thlWorkero'doodpiod Sovero-Donetek-live in town. many would
travel Aivery,aarniag from Riboohnoye, 14 Ism north of Seveto-.Donote14,o'++.
and return there' in the evening: The ohuttle traina were, open treSabtrg,t,:t
care On,whioh,pociplo-etood in'all.kinde Of weathertIn 1949.tht-
trains war44o1ange4 to Ol000d'freight earovithlumohoe and.ovendev
and werepaintedblUe on theoutaide.- Sinoe 1949Ahe-Gerrhanaticem:.reitro
not,peraittOetoUao the0o trgino, in faat, were-not-permittod,40.401 eo:T
to Ruh4011100at:a11:1 'broke thie rule vepeotedlyitoger f,4-
reasona'unknOwni .rthe-ahuttlts trains atopped'about 1 te4:
aide tha bity. TrOwol tlito waits 20 minutes. Whereas traine'used1o1
run only wIlinAshe.trtiffie'verranted lisle they are now regulatediwa.: b!
timetable. -
? .
12. Thq only` pOt pf the Pevero.-Donotok plant whiah had started operatioact.
wan the amtania oxidation plant, whioh began operatingAn Jannary.1954-..
Apparently*ork wet being conducted at a very.olow pace, beeanso
May 1951 the 1iinloter'bf Ohomioal Industry, Tiohomirov, wasJin"Severeft--
Donetak and raised quit? a rumpuo. Since then, the pace of!bul1OMS610,,,
haa boon etelipod? up oonoiderably. the plan-prbrides,
for the oomplotion o tho'power plant by the end of 1951? :4.11
ing activitios in town noticeably ooaeed and all available workare
? were the oompound of the plant. The oompreenorevero:tc. he
WOuntad in the fall of 1951. Thio part of tho oonetruotionei?tiowqrar,...,
aufferode..eavere delay won it woe noted that the bolas
00114re in theldundationo were spaced inoorreotly,..and,the
tione had to be ripped out again and rooaot. ? .
,The alemouta for the oieratioa of the plant was, at the time of our. ?
depastUre, oh/11110d in tram the outoide. I the ammonia; -
? game in liquid form in 'tank Oare from the cake plant at Oolevkai==== cl.
'doubt tho.validity of this' etatemontA ,t
booauckaI do. not think the ammonia would be pure enough for induetrial,...i
use. The qUantity of ammonia brought to the plant at that time was-
negligible' tho'oxidation plant woo only to be tooted until the plant,..
was, ready to prOduoe Ito own ammonia.
14. Tho majority oetho }mums in 3ovoro.Donotok wore poor wooden atruo..
tures built on pond. Only a few of the publio buildings wore bpilt
from limoatone, the predominant building atone in that area. The A,
houeop had no plumbing. The German poientiato livod in prefabrioatoPo-
d.wellinga oallod Pion houeea. Theoo otruoturea conaistodof two.
otorloa, the lower one of which woo atone and the upper woo wood me:,
cased in in Stone with an inaulating layer of glaao wool between the.
wooden walls aild'tho tono cooing.' lhoueolo had water fauoeto ;10
and sanitary plumbing. he heating plant in the basement, did not "
*Small bueketo followed each other at intorvalo of 50 m on an overhead cable
from short to factory. ] ithia system was not in constant operation.
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Approved For Release 2005/06/01 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000500770003-1
.funetion at first because the pipe? channeled the heat downward in-
-atead,ot ixpward, but we were able to correct this fault after some
. experimenting. Our house had electric lighting.
? the Soviets did not blow the system of meters to measure tho mono
.aumption of electric current, but figurNithe bill for used oleo-.
'tricity by oounting the bulbs in the house, I who to14
us of the approach of the colleotor of plectric bills, and we always
ssbid mann)' bulb when we received word of hie impending arrival,
15. The houeing shortage in Severo..Donetek way acute. Although the
? town was built at 'a rapid pace, the population increased ranter than
living places could be procured for them. I 'familiars on several
occaoionn move into placen even before the windows and doors were
finished. To our surprise these hasty tenants were not eviotedo
They would,have been prevented from moving in if they had been caught
,$:r4 the precees,'but once they were installed they were left alone.
5X1 16:
Movements wore strictly eupervieed in Sev-To.Donetek. Vico qyatell
of supervision wasp as ip true everywhere in the Soviet territOr7,
cin of increasing severity. I let first permitted to
. go to Rubeehnove, auch vinite were later strictly forbidden.I
? Wee 'banned from the must bank of the Donets, and wero not allfated
to gate the river without a guard. This, however, was one of the
.regulational Idinre arded oonstantly and without any 141 4af.
The only rebuke I I received was delivered by our
- okalomMamdant when we cz'oated a near public riot by appearing in short
troll?A9VP,I Ishookod the Soviets, and were admoniched to dress
.,.i.morp. :decently honoeforthl
17..:;11 detail, he !ayout of the SeverO?Donetsk area to an fel3,er/0 476.
. Enclosure. al:
? (1)
The administration Building of the Bevero-Donetsk plant A. two-
story, whitish gray limestone building, finished in May 1949, whE.16
the German scientists worked_ The entrance was at the corner,
and rooms were located on both sides of a middle cor'zidcro Coin
east, the order' of the rooms on the left aide ' -0 s;
ao Office?of.the Eeenotic Dire;,Aon;, Zhuk,
was the anteroom)
b. Office' of the Chief 6f-fersonne1:'ar.d.
(name unknown)
(Next to hie offies
Department of !Aber
Library (throe rooms). It was directed by Mrs llikitsnko
prior to the fall of 1949, awl later by the wire of the
Plant Idapacer, Villenevl 'Mrs villeeov did a remarkably
,good job or oateloguing.iri an orderly manner the largo
'amount of material contained therein. The library Sono
tamed a largo number of the books taken from &nano, an4
the majority of the books removed from the nitrogen, oar.
bide and cellulose plant at Fieeteritz (Saxony). In
addition, it had a great number of foreign and Russian books
on ohemistry, engineering, metallurgy, building, and teehAm
122,:=1 Among the chemical periodicalol
*Analytical Chemistry*, "Industrial Engineer;ng
Chemistry?, "Chemie et Industries, and the nentehee
'Zontralblatt fuer Chortle". The entrance .to the library
was through the middle room, One of the rooms was fUrim
'rushed as a reading room. thP tntal numbeW
pf volumes in the library to have been about 2000.
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d. Photographic laboratory.
the right side of the east wing- gore the following roomet
Work room for the Gorman scientists. nut to-
gether into one room, which was advantageous when
given oolleotivo assignments.
b. Office for Placement of Labor.
c. Small construction room. This was used only by engineere
belonging to the GIAP who wore ocoupied with problems con-
cerning the operation of the plant. At the outset their
equipment was very primitive; at the time of or departure,
however, they had genuine drafting tables. 1 _loon-
tact with them was when they directed some questions
concerning brown oxide catalysts. Their chief was Goth.
d. Ozalid reproduotion room.
e. Office of Kravzova (female), head of the Personnel Section.
f. Office of the Secretariat of the Konsomolis (VLKSM).
On the right siLe of the south wing were the following rooms*
a. Branoh office of the GIAP.
b. Bookkeeping and Accounting Office.
c. Cashier's office.
d. Chief of the Finance Department.
e. Archives. Contained all construction plans and blue prints.
This material was aeoret, and only a few perLons were ad-
mitted there.
On the left Biel? of the south wing the fol-
lowing roommi
a. Office oonneoted with the banking operations of tke plant.
This office was also responsible for the publL?thirg of the
production and building quotas and the announcement of quota
b. Offices of the Planning Department (middle of the Wing).
c. Office of the First Department. This Department, headed by
Suchin, was responsible for security, and was genera4z
lieved to be part of the MVDI 1
On the second story the following rooms were located on the left
side of the east wingt
a. Part of the corridor was partitioned off;
offices were located in the partitioned area.
b. Main Planning Office.
c. Anteroom of the office of the Plant General Manager, ?Mosey.
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Villonov'e office (three windows faced the main street, and
one fuoed the aide street),
en the ric:ht side of the east wing, second floor, wore located
the following roomes
a. Office of the Department of Power Supply, headed by Ryabin.
!informed that he wan at
Lourm after the war to study the power inetallationo there.
b. Offioo of the head engineer for building end construction,
On the let aide of the south wing, second floor, were the fol-
lowing rooms
a. Office of the Recorder and Registrar (occupied by typists).
b. Two roome belonging to the Oonstruction and Drafting Depart-
ment. This department wi;.s headed by Mrs,Logyinyanko. I
not know the nature of the construction plans drafted there.
o. A drafting room in which only engineers worked.
On tho richt side of the second floor corridor (south wing)
there west
41.? Office of the Chief of Oonetructions, Mastorov.
b. Makarovis office, the Chief of Production. Makarov did not
come to Sovero-Bonetek until May 1950. iMe had been at Leuna
for a lonz time, and spoke German Suitnvrell. He was the
only man who had imagination as far ao-our assignments wore
concerned, and who took a vivid interest in the progress of
our work. He visitod=evez7 day to get some information,.
or to daoouss a point of interest. He had a sense of humor,
A rare trait in a Soviet.,
o. Office of Yovtushenko, the chief of the draftsmen who were
working in the room across the corridor. The drawings they
made were mostly of cranes, dredges, power shovels, etc.
The interpreter, Baril, was also in this room.
Police Roadquarters. There were about a donee policemen eta.
tionod there. They were members of the MOB, and were, according
to the inooription on the building, a detachment of the Lisi-
chanek Militia.
(304)0anteene for laborero who were employed outside the plant. Be-
%noon 100 and 150 workers were fed there.
Office of R3okkeeping and Acoounting. This office was furnished
wit's International Business Machines taken from Leuna. Sinoo
=rah 1951 the offioo was headed by Boric' Konstantinovitoh
Shovuov, who had been our commandant for a long and arduous time.
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Central telephone +switchboard. Telephone oonneotiono within
the town and to the plant were made by means of a dial syetem.
Long distance oalla could be made, but took a vary long time,
often ceveral houro. Even a connection to Rubeehnoyo might take
one or two houre. The connectione for the plant manager'e offioe
were not made through thin owitchboard, Villesov had hie own die.
root wire to Loecowa and a more efficient long distanoe cervices
In the Administration Building the telephones could only be used
far official businees. The German acientiots dil not have a
telephone. The central teleahone switchboard wao to be moved
to another building zro (lel% The Personnel Section had al-
ready partly movod into thia building, and it planned to tak0
over completely as soon aa the new telephone center was finiohede
Booidea containing the telephone owitohboard, this building sees*
houeod a radio receiving otation. A large receiving antenna sraii
erected on the roof. This otation picked up radio Moiscow and .
"piped" it throughout the area. By merely plugging your set into
the radio wall socket, one could listen to the programa.
ORS (Workers' Supply Division) hoadquarters for Severo-Donetok.
The ORS is an organizaeion:which ia attached to a plant, pro-
ductive cell:Opine, or government office to furnish it with food..
stuffy ane/or buildingemeterials and fuel. Almost every large
plant has ouch-an ORS organization attaohed to it. The ORS for
SeverooDonotee the vicinity of Lemberg, and wags
an area consisting of wood o and oultivoSod fields. In addition,
ORS operates a fishing boat flotilla in the Aeov Sea for the
purpose of supporting the plant. The produce of this area by. '
peoloes the Central Distribution Mateo in Moscow, being ohan-
nelod directly .to Severo-Donetak. The food and the wood ooming.
froe ehe'ORS in shipped to the plant by truck. Only the emo '
ployeen of the Sovero-Donetsk Plant were ontitled to the con-
sumption of thd goode brought in by the ORS. The transportation
eid not alwaye function well, and hence delivery by ORS was not.
POMO:dared very reliable. Saohot was in charge of the ORS. eee
(0). Hotel belonging to the plant administration. The rooms wore
very small. It contained :some 60 to 80 rooms.
(e) An apprentice sohool. It esao completed in the fall of 1950,
and uan apparently to be furnished with work benches. By the
timel lay 1951, however, the school was not
in operation.
(10) Public) bath. This included four or five rooms with tubs, also
shower rooms and two swimming poolo.
(11) Construction and electrical engioeering firm for the plant.
There was no indication am to what firm it Was. The building
was two-storied, and was built in a square about 12-14 M.
(12) Old bekeTY. It is a small ,Plant, the production of which in no
longor sufficient for the.population'of Severo-Donotok. It 0411
' at the most produce broad for 10,000.. people, while Severo-Donotak
has more than 50,000.e The building looks grimy from the outsides
- It hap a small shoot iron chimney right next to the building.
(15)' New telephono center. The building was started in 1948, but was
not finished at the time we loft. The interior inotallations
had not boon started then. Tho building in two-otoriod, and
about 11 m square.
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(14) Public club. This club, open to everybody, has a movie hall,
library, music room, amateur theater, and all kinds ef cultural
entertainment. The club belongs to the plant, and ii'alwaY4
very crowded.
(L5) The old hotel. It is a one-story structure having about.:50 rooms
With few modern conveniences. It is operated by the plant.
(16) Repair and Maintenance Office. Byelo-Zerkovaky is the chief of
? this office which serves the entire community. Here living
? quartera are allocated, fuel distributed, and repair men die.
patohod. There are only two lockemithe for the community, and
the service is usually slow and ineffioient.
(17) Stores (markets), There were two storee dealing in foodstuffs
and one which handled "industrial goods". Industrial goods
included ouch things as textiles, shoes, toys, and hardware.
Almoet all the trading of the town is done here. Beside p this
oompound, there were only two other stores and some wooden huts
? which sold merchendiee. Sometime the stores remained open
until 11 o'olock at night. The eupply of "industrial goods"
was vary uncertain; nail,sorews and bolts were not available
until the end of 1950, and even then were not fully etookod.
Behind these Ettore', was a storage depot; at the west corner
was a little tavern with tablet; where one oould get beer or
Market hall (and behind it, market stands). The meat counter
was located loft frem the entranoe. The peasants stand at the
pntranoe selling their produce. Most people would haggle over
the prices, which varied coneiderably among the farmers.
prioaoe proved, however, that the more expensive goods were
better in quality. There was always a shprtage of potatoes, and
sugar was not procurable until late in 1950, I
ohaeed collectively and had an agreement with the manager of the
tore to sot aide some foodel I Such agreements were not
permitted by =Msuperiors; they wanted to isolate the German
group as much as possible. They also forbadeI 1 di-
rect touch with any offices; the only ohannel permitted was
through commandant.
(ip) Public kindergarten. A two-story building which existed before
the war. People who have official employment are virtually
forced to bring their children to the kindergarten. This ex-
cludes servant girls, einoet they are privately employed. There
was also a rule that a child may not go to the kindergarten if
only one of the pa-rents is working. Usually both parents
employed since a family cannot exist on the salary of one person.
(20) Officee of the City Council, mayor, and civil register. Town
officials hold office for a period of four years, and are
eleoted by secret vote. The only flaw in the voting procedure
is that there is only the provision to say "yes" to the list
of names presented on the ballot! On public holidays
this building did not dieplay the Soviet red flag with
hammer and sickle, but only the blue and red flag of the Ukraine.
(21) New Administration Building for the TREST. Tho TREK' in the or-
ganization in charge of building reoidenoes in the town. This
sets the TREST entirely apart from the organization in oharge of
the plant buildingn at Sovero.Donetsk. There is a separate of.
Lice for the allocation of living quarters for members of the TREST.
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(22) New bakery. This building, unfinished when I left, was to be
four stories high.
(23) Garage for the TREST. This area was surrounded by barbed wire.
The parking space could hold about 200 trucks. There were also
some passenger cars and a half dozen jeeps. The trucks were
used primarily for the transport of materials, but on ucasion
would also transport passengers. On the parking lot were some
wooden buildings serving as repair shops. The tools for ropair
work were often difficult to obtain. There did not appear to
be any storage of gasoline on this lot. Gasoline was delivered
in barrels and dispensed by means of hand-operated pumps. Be-
tween the garage and the railway line dismantled Leuna equip-
ment was lying in the opon.
(24) Foodstuff warehouses. A railway siding leads to these bui/dings.
There Wag an elootrio wire to the refrigeration house a/.
The other buildings evidently did not have eleotrio refrigera-
tion. The refrigeration building was built into the ground.
(25) Storage place for the Repair and Maintenance Offioe Lig. we
eould see here a great number of plumbing appliances including
bath tubs.
(26) Coal and wood storage. The square marked "A" locates the place
where opal for the plant is stored. This storage is supervised
by the Repair and Maintenance Office (ATK). The coal and wood
for the TREST was located in square "B". The ATK coal wad of
poor quality; it crumbled eastly, fell through the grill of
the ovens, and was therefore useleas for heating purposes. The
TREST coal was rumored to be an anthraoite.
(27) Silos for building materials (possibly oement). They are of
stone and are about 15-17 m high and about 7 m in diameter.
(28) Storage for building materials (except lumber). Here, in this
area, are small sheds in which glass, bricks, metal frames, etc.,
were kept.
(09) Tar storage tanks. Tar for asphalt used in road construction
and repair is stored in tanks whioh are built into the ground.
There were three or four tanks, eaoh having a volume of about
50 obm. Until May 1951 the tanks were not filled.
(30) Railway ctation for the passenger traffio to Rubeshnoye. For-
merly there were two trains in the morning and two trains at
night to and from Rubeshnoyel later there was just one train
operating according to schedule. There are three or four tracks
at the station, and during the day there is a small amount of
shunting going on. About 150 m north of the station the track
crosses a wooden bridge over a h..-ook. Aoross the traoke from .
tho station was a small coal pile to fuel the train engines.
AlOng the ?4raoka was a large amount of dismantled Lemma equip-
ment. Directly opposite the station are several large distil-
lation ?alumna which do not serve any apparent purpose.
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? 25X1
(31) Brick factory. The '1-ricks were made of lime sandstone which was
srobabl.y found in quarries just across the Donets River. The
stones were shipped to the factory by rail, arriving in blocks
about twice tha size of ?nets head. In the area, which was
about 70 in square, stood four kilns, two of which were installed
in 1950. Each kiln operated automatically, stood 17 m high,
and measured 5 m in diameter at the bottom and 4 m at the top.
The product was a regular brick but was not fire-resistant, and
therefore could only be used for the outside of the plant build-
ings. Some 40 to 50 people worked each shift in this factory.
It operated day and night. The briok was used not only for the
Severo-Donetsk area, but was shipped as far away as Rubeohnoye.
The kilns were fired with coal.
(32) Wood workshop (DOK = wood plant) of the TREST. This was an area
about 70 by 100 in which was surrounded by a wall. Logo were
lifted from the other side of the road which skirts the north
wall and were channeled at a height of approximately 6.m into
the area. The timber reputedly came from Lemberg. Within the
area were eawmille, and wood shops containing lathes., shapers,
5X1 planing machines, etc. I la machine repair shop was
also located in this area. The only things visible from the
street, however, were a,number of sheet iron ohimneye.
Site for the proposed main laboratory. I lin May 1251
the steam shovels were still working, and the building of the
outer walls had not even been started. The atrOet to the plant
was still under construction.
Waer. tower. This structure, probably intended for the water
supply of the town, was not quite completed in May 1951. It
was built o' ooncrete, stood about 20 in high, was 10 in in diam..
()ter, and 'had windows.
Garage of. the ATK'(plant administration). The building looked
like an ,ordinary garage, but had no roof. Ae a result, all oars
parked therein actually stood in the open. The garage could
aeoommoda:te from 50 to 60 trucks. Trucks were used almost ex.!
elusively to bring the workers to the plant. There was some .
gasoline mtorage here, and a small repair shop. The road north
of the garage was paved i to the south of the garage its surface
was of hard-packed sand.
(36) Repair and Building Department. This installation was somewhat
similar to the DOK of the TREBT. It probably belonged to the
ATK. It contained carpenter shops, smithies, and machine shops.
Sidorov was the head of the installationt.and Baetiehkin was the
head of the smithy. The latter had barred windows to prevent
burglars from entering. Some lumber was stored in this area.
Storage of the dismantled Leuna equipment. We never got close
enough to this equipment to identify many of the individual .
pieces. One oould, however, see some boilers (the type that
produce 50 tone of steam per hour). Not only individual pieces
of equipment were stored there, but sometimes entire installa-
tions. We oould oleo identify transformere. We heard that not
only maohines, but all typeaof apparatus were stored in the
open field. We could not ascertain if any of the equipment was
ever moved from the fields. ,Tho entire area was closely guarded
by a special plant guard. These guards wore dark blue or black
uniforms and, in winter, brown. military coats. There were 50 to
60 men in the detachment which guarded this equipment. Dogs ac-
companied them while they wore on duty.
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Smokestack. This was completed in the late summer of 1950 as
a part of the boiler house of the power plant. It was about
110 m high and buil of a lignt-colored stone, possibly lime-
stone. Red warning lights for airplanes marked the top. The.
erection of a second smokescack was planned.
. (39) Diagonal coal conveyor installation. The steam boiler installa-
tion was presumed to be in the immediate vicinity. It could
not be seen from the outside, however. The only thing we know
definitely is that it was not finished in Bay 1951. Of the
coal conveyor system, only the diagonal elevator was visible.
The area of the installation was 30 by 50 in.
(40) Installation with steel towers standing beside each other.
This installation resembled the Leuna high-pressure washing
plants where synthesis gas was washed with copper solution to
remove the carbon monoxide. The towers were visi-ole from the
outside; there were about a dozen of them next to the building.
Eaoh was about 12 in high with a diameter of 50 cm. I
5X1 'copper solution pressure pumps would be
located inside the building to pump the solution into the
(41) Large machine hall. This etruoture (about.. 20 by 60 m) looked
like a building which houses compressors or circulation :pumps.
l!he roof collapsed in July t..,..Auguat 1949, but the structure
was firmlly repaired. It had a corrugated roof of asbestos or
eternit.(fireproof material).
(42) Off-gas tubo of ammonia oxidation. This was a vertical tube
made of V-2A steel, 100 M high and 1200 mm in diameter. It was"
aupported by a cylindrical, cage-like, iron structure which ta-.
pored toward the top, and reached to about of the total height.
of the tube. The tube and its support stood on 'a heavy founda-,
tion of concrete. Near the tube must have been the ammonia
oxidation ple71+ which was not, however, visible from the outside-.
The tube omitted nitrose vapors indicating that the plant we in
operation. It started operations in the middle of January 1951.
(43) Ammonia evaporation plant and absorption and drying towers for
the produotion of ammonium nitrate. This building was shaped
like a rectangular hall with a penthouse. In the latter, the
evaporated liquid ammonia was channeled into the absorption
towers and sprayed with nitric acid. The reacted mixture was
then dried with air as it descended, arriving at the bottom as
ammonium nitrate crystals.
Only the roof of the building and the superstructure were visible
from the outside. The roof of the superstructure was about 40 in
high. The absorption towers wore built of brick, and were ap-
proximately 30 in high and 10 in in diameter. The towers were
built very oloee to each other so that there were no gape be-
tween any of the structures.
(44) Large warehouses. There were several of these structures which
may have been used for storage or workshops. They wore single-
story stone buildings with simple steel trues roofs. They had
large gates in front. Each was numbered with a Roman numeral,
5X1 J Next to
these buildings were large coal piles (coke) and machine parte.
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A light-colored, brick building, about 12 in high and 25-30 in
long, surrounded by a wall. This is probably a transformer
house, since there are masts for electric wires on its flat roof.
The high tension line from the Don Soda plant ends here. This
line consists of four cables strung over wooden masts. The
masts on the roof are made of iron; the insulators are disc-
(46) Open ditch. This was apparently to be used to channel waste
waters to the Donets. The ditch was open up to approximately
20 in from the wall of the plant. It was a V-shape (wide-
angled), approximately 3 in deep, and about 6 in wide from rim
The sides were lined with stone. 1 1
the waste waters did not nearly fill it. The ditch rune
n a straight c-,urse to the river, wheva it flows into a pipe
pointing' downstream.
(47) Proposed pipeline. ,This was to be uei to nunp water to the
plant. At the timel lit did not reach
the plant. There were two pipe lines parallel to each other,
each having a diameter of about 1-1.20 in
(48) New building. This may be the pump house, but in my opinion
it would too small for that purpose. The pipeline leading
from this building to the plant had not been covered at the
5X1 time I I-The road crossed over it.
Gas tanks. 49A was finished in May 1951, while 4911 was still
5X1 being constructed. !whether or not a third founda-
tion was oast. The finished tank was 12 in in diameter, 15 in
high, and had a capacity of approximately 1500 cbm.
the others, when completed, will have similar dimensions. They
were.moot likely for storage of the gas used for the ammonia
synthesis. The tanks were of the liquid seal expansion variety.
(50) Plant Security and Guard Rouse. This is a one-story, stone
barrack where the guards lived. They wore black or dark blue
uniforms having a kind of Russian blouse with no rank insignia.
5X1 They came,' !under the command of the plant management,
but it might be that they were a part of the First Department.
These guards, which included some women, performed guard duty
in and about the plant, such as at the gate, at the bridge over
the brook north of the station, and in some of the buildings..
They were always frmed with antiquated weapons, mostly rifles.
5X1 1 heir numbers would total somewhere between 50
and 80 persons. The commander of the guard prior to March 1951
ended his career by being sent to jail for stealing.
(51) Enclosure for watch dogs. This includes a small house to acoom-
modate bitches in time of confinement. Of the 50 to 70 dogs
kept here, 25 to 50 were trained for regular guard duty. It
is quite common in the USSR to surround plants with a double
fenoe of barbed wire and then have dogs to run between them.
Only a small number are pure-bred shepherd doge; the others
are mongrels with very fierce tempers.
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(52) Airport. This was a field about 400 by 600 m. A windsock flew
at the southeast corner. 7:41ere were two or three shacks, but no
hangars. Three U-2 planes, used for passenger transport to
Voroshilovgrad, were ever-present at the field. The trip to
Voroshilovgrad took 40 minutes and cost some 100 rubles. These
planes belonged to the plant, and were dispatched by order of
the plant manager. There was no regular schedule. Since there
were no gasoline tanks at the field, gasoline for the planes
was brought to the field by truck in 50-liter barrels when
needed. There were no paved runways; the planes took off and
landed on the grass. During flood time the airfield would be
inundated and an area south of the town had to be used for
(53) Three small bridges crossing small water courses. These bridges
were rebuilt using iron and concrete spans starting in the fall
of 1950. Only the middle one was still unfinished in May 1951.
While the construction was under way, vehicles loft the highway
and drove beside the street on field paths.
Old bridge (destrcyed). Only the stone pillars are.visible in
the water.
Pontoon ferry boat. The ferry consisted of a platform on three
pontoons. It operated with a Diesel engine, and would carry oars
and trucks when the Donets was flooded and the bridge closed.
'( 55)
,(56) New bridge. This was constructed with wooden planks laid on pon.
loons with railings along the sides. The bridge would carry 4
tons safely. The approach from both sides was .steep and danger-
outs. When the river was flooded, the aide rails were removed
and the bridge was prepared for being inundated.
C(57) Passenger fe-ry boat. A rowboat having a capacity of -6-8 persone.
(5.8) Grain shed. This structure, open on all aides, was ueed for
grain storege The grain was kept in seeks, which is a rare
practice in the USSR.
(59) Gasoline and oil storage. Gasoline and oil was kept in tanks
above the ground. There were five in all, each having an .approxi-
mate capaPity of 30-35 cbm.
(60) Lieiohanak railroad station.
. (61) Passenger ferry boat (rowboat).
(62) Stagnant arm of the Donate River (called the "Coffee Bean").
There was a pump house here which pumped water through a 20 cm
pipeline to Leanaya Datoha, a large Kolohoae (colleotive farm)
about 3-4 km to the eoutheast.
all of the buildings standing in the
'areal-especially the eastern part of the oompound, have not been enu-
merated above. The latter is pretty well filled with buildings, but
the surroundingwall, which is approximately 6 in high, prevents iden-
tification. The plant is apparently expand4ng toward the north. The
road which now leads from the town to the Donota River is to be elim-
inated and a now road, which was under construction
led from the town along the southern boundary of the plant to
the river bridge.
19. The length of the plant by the north road, I estimate to be about
1.2 km, on the west side, approximately 300 in, and on the east side,
600 in. The surrounding wall is crowned on all corners with watch-
towers which not manned during the day.
ENCLOSURE (A) Site Layout - Severo-Donetsk Area
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