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Approved For Release 2006/1 Y p: CIA-RDP80-00809AO00500820099-9 .Zt CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT SUBJECT Agricultural Advances 25X1 25X1 1. cirr. ... u... r. o. ?.[ .. h G... pt.[. at V. .. oocu. w? co. G? r..[ ... I+[[? 1r.rI1. .~ r.i? .[ r[....G l1 7. .Sr .. ....r_.s ?) .we +U. Or +.[ u t (SCI .t .rt.0['J. .+t +...f.I1n O. o. .r.t ~.+. o. or in ca.n.+s +a o. .c c[r.+ .. .? u..ur.o. uro ?tno. rt NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. SUPP. TO REPORT NO. 2. Far-reaching irrigation projects are being carried out in all of China. Among the irrigation plans of special importance are: a. Dike building on the Yang-Tze-Kiang, in the province of Anhweia b. About 3,200 wells and the construction of small storage basins, in the province of Hunan (not Honan). c. Construction of 349 new dikes, in the province of Shensi during 1953. d. Three hundred kilometers of flood dikes and 370 kilometers of drainage ditohes, in the proy?ince of Hopei. (There is some question whether Hopei or Hopei is meant here.) e. Thirty-seven large electric pumping stations on the coast, east of Tientsin; meant to supply water to about 14,000 hectares. 3. In the provinces of Shensi, Kansu, and Shansi, sixteen survey groups of Vopographers, geologists, botanists, and hydrologists are exploring the headwaters of the Yellow River, perhaps 360,000 square. kilometers. Extensive construction here is planned, in order to bring the river under control. ....4. The following pO 2"t '" Qle AM- CC `[ 25X1 .ZRavnlyr 1OISTRttlUhI0N ? STATE AItNY NAVY AIR ftll.-_t, ~J .... t rpue' . This tcpott is !et the ute t:?:.' n cLc L nt one rnce..r,.... .... --.... t I :4iee through the Astuont D.1: - (;Ilrce oI Cob cetion and Drttem:nurn n. with[Na the oaocutmn c of c i &he bhcatwu bc?ut t!p v tw..IGor. ~e nubhe.u_u, rcct.ving ovepeai diutibutm jttotr pu Approved For Release 2006/11/03 CIA-RDP.8.0-IIQ8D.9A00Q5d(} Approved For Release 2006/11/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A0005590820099-9 SECRE'T' 4. The foiiow_^. c: inferr;a':_^n ~ available on individual areas: s 25X1 25X1 a tributary a n: he Taho''ang tnpounding dam on the Un Ho, of ,''mats :>econd largest dam of this sort, is now being built, (.'h= iar est is the Kuanting impounding dam near Peiping) . The has!,. at Tahofang ha., a capacity of 1,$59,000 cubi.. net_rs. It to e completed in 1'76. It is to water a wide acricuit:ral a:ea'and factories, provide for the needs of shops, teries. and pine:;, Mukden and :Fushun. b. Per.gpu: The Paisha ln.poun:ling dam, when completed, will make it possible to grow wheat In an area where, hitherto, agriculture of any kind has been almost impossible. The Paisha dam lies in the Yusien district of the province of Honan, on the upper course of the Yenho, a tributary of the Husi. Pengpu is on the Huai No, about forty ers west:-northwest of rengyang. However, Yusien and the Yinho ki_ome The Huai Ho is identical ' ai,le to him. av i _r- -. cannot .. The Paisha impounding dam is a part of d Hual Ho . with the Hwai Ho an the effort to regulate the Huai Ho which has occupied, or will occuPY a tremendous labor force for three years. In this vicinity, nineteen impounding dams have been built, among the largest being those of Poshan and the Hung Ho (left tributary of the Huai Ho). The very largest of these, the list Se Line dam is nearing completion. In an effort to control the lower course of the Huai Ho, in or near the Hungtze rilake ver bone 7 5 hundred kilometers north-northeast of Nan King) a new kilometers long, is being made. In addition, on the lower course of the Huai Ho, 697 kilometers of "moveable dam" is being built. 6. Work on the Huai project has,thus far involved the moving of 600,000,000 cubic meters of earth. The Huai project was begun in 1950 and is expected to be finished by 1955. 7. Irrigation works .in the province of Anhwei for the year 1954 al?- 800,000 hectares. From this, an increase in vegetable production of more than 60,000 tons is anticipated. Hofei is also called Lutschou. It is directly north of the Tschao Lake and 130 kilometers southwest of Nanking. $. During the year 1954, it is planned to build in Kwangtung eight large and 20,000 small. projects, for irrigation and Impounding. This will irrigate half a million hectares. To this large scale plan belongs the proposed building of a dike, fifty kilometers long, in the deltadike of the Pearl River, begun in 1953 and to be finished in 1955. will protect 4,000 hectares from flood. 9. Measures to prevent dust storms are probably being taken in the eastern part of the province of Ningsin, where more than 10,000 hectares were made useless by wind-driven sand. Thorough studies of the possibility of reforestation are now being made. The territory concerned is east of the Ho-lan Mountains ax-,d ..cot of the Yellow River. The reforestation program go-Lan 25X1 is meant to separate the big sand dunes, at the foot of the ountains, from the agricultural lands on the Yellow River. 25X1 the mountains around the city of Ho-lan (presumably above as the Ho-lan Mountains) lie east of the Hoang Ho. report probably refers to the strip of territory of the Ordos Plains. ....10. In and around 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/11/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A0 -9 -3- 10. In and around Lhasa, agricultural specialists have been studying the possibilities of development in Tibet. The entire Tibetan plateau has good soil and can -be made a green, productive area. Thus far, it has been shown that potatoes and rye can be grown up to 1,200 meters above sea level, and that wheat, millet, beans, hemp, cabbage, tomatoes, and many kinds of vegetables are at least possible. Experiments with winter rye give a production per hectare of 8.5 tons.. 11. China now has more than 2,151 agricultural experiment stations, with more than 18,000 specialists, large laboratories, and nearly 70,000 hectares of land for experimental. plots. One-of the greatest successes of the agricultural service has been its use of the insect ponder 11666" against grasshoppers. This powder is not yet produced in China itself, in adequate quantity. The most important factory is the "Insecticide and Spraying Machine Factory' in Shangsai. This employs 20Q workers and in 1953 produced about '1,000 kilograms of insect powder and thousands of?kilograms of dusts. It produces primarily insacticides for use on cotton and vegetables.