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Approved For Release 2006/11/05: CIA-RDP80-00809AO00500820285-2 25X1 I SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Germany (Soviet Zone) ?Georgi Dimitrofr? Works (Bueksu-Wolf) -25X1 - - .. or Tot U?t Tto )T.. . , . .r TMIN TMr Nt A. INO o? Tt 1L9 14 [(CT--N& tr? A?o 1?4. Or THE U S. coot. At A too[O. ITS T?AO[YI I I ION OR ?[.t. LATtON or ITS CONTENTS TO 04 4&Ct.1T IT An Y?AUTOO11ItO rt??o? It f!!zn121 tip. ---------- ... . -. T ... ....... "t- nr TMt ? ?ttONY It DATE DISTR. 6 Jajy1954 NO. OF PAGES 1 NO. OF ENCLS. SUPP. TO REPORT NO. The OGeorgi Dimitroff'o Masohinenbau of Magdeburg (formerly Buckau-Wolf) delivered two 80 hp. marine r..aooae1 engines and one 1500 hp.._universal.Diesel to Poland in March 1954. A ;,t;?,ond universal Diesel was delivered on 6.Apr 54. 2. A uni lti- Diesel wa3 delivered to the Peenewerft at Peenemunde. Two 800 hp. engines were .'livered to the 2S;openick yacht yard, anda third will be delivered the end 01 April 1954. 3. The inject-ion pumps supplied by the IRA frequently break down. Besides, they are not d4,.' .ti e. ed on time. This report Is tot -he use ?:ith'n 1,, USA of the lntclhgrn: :t. nn:ntr.nn of the neptttmenti ca Apencid InTctr.j aI-.'e. It It not to bt rs-t stni:red oavenett All utp awithui the cn ncutren: r the It n,c s I25X1 015TRIOUTION @6 1 STATE ARMT NAY1 0 0 0