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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030075-6
SUBJECT one city of Bres-c
DATE )IS. r; ",:
':0. OF ENCLS.
.'P) 2 faJeS
1. The city is riot, divided into rayon unit O. tiering electoral campaigns, three
electoral districts are organized in '?t:, city, one o1? them i?_ Graevka. In
vie:: of the lack of an a; division of the city into rayons, militia
divisions (otielen a) been created
o there are thee.
1. -,'-.e ac-t po;:ular maces in pi e city are Ler,indr 50X1-HUM
Mosknvskava;_ , ushkins,.rap Sovietskaya and
inr; characteri:: street.
o ti.c sections these streets has !I-:, di stir~ish-
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030075-6
Len'_n Street is t'?:c . L . z~Lreet e!ty.
on re Fitats t,,~
oblast' cor;^ittea oi'the Fgrty, the oblast;'Stvietiofa,,orkers'Tueputiae;
the cble-t' acvr.inistrayion (upravleniya) of the MOB, the oblast' hospital,
the state T 1 ,
city Theater imeni Ler:inskovo konsomola, the oblast'
and .it.y r,ilit?:,r- emir
sari:y.t~ end -~. -~ ct?;cr e~t:,hllsi:me?r.,,.,,
Pushkinskaya Street has the fcllo;ing basic hair points. city committee
of thedoa ty, city polyclinic, trade school, Gcr'ki 1?ibrary (Biblioteka
tcai tekhnik.ue, parr:; r. military hospital, railroad
teknikur*, and a large u,.;nber r:f stores, restaurants, cafes, lunch counters
(bufet), and all kinds ,^ artels and t}eir workshops.
Soi~ictskaya Street, on r.;c;, arcs the city soviet of workers' deputies,
the "Belorus"' cinema theater, the rus},klr?, Library (Biblicteka imeni
Fushkinai, t;e ublast' committee cf the BUD, churches, a distillery
(likero-vodochnyi avcd), and the cinema theater "1st of May" ("lgo Maya").
Moskovskaya Street, on which are situated the following important points;
city electric station, main pr,-,t office, first city district (otdslenjyo)
of rr ii city s a sinistration .upravleniye, of the NG3, knitted goods
factory, autobus of city and suburban transport, the city bazaar and
a number of other establishments.
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030075-6
ai;CR T/SBC1JflT'Y Mr'rahITIO
3. The principal streets in Brest are-, Lenina, Pushkinskaya Sovietska 50X1-HUM
Mitskevicha, Karla Vark:;a, uuderurogo, Dzerzhinskogo, Kirova, Kuibyshe,a, Mii golya,r'go
Maya, l7go Sentyabrya, Kcrosomol'skaya, Mayakovskogo. These streets comprise the basic
and main part of the city.
There are no proper squares, i e, such as can be called squares, in Brest, There are
two small squares, one is the Ploshchad' Svobody, the other unnamed, for the whole
The numbering system is as follows: odd numbers to the right, even numbers to the left,
which go from west to east and from north to south. During my stay in Brest the
following changes in street names took place: the former Lanina
-_?-~-, .1gV -enLyaorya onset became Lenina Street Feretsa Street b dame
~Qe Sentvahrva S?rPa+ ~
4. To the buildings listed in paragraph 2 above, the following buildings with street
locations should be added as they comprise some of the main buildings in Brest:
Teachers' institute (uchitel'skii inst-t t) V4
division?(otdeleniye militsii), Mitskevicha Street lOblastTeadinin2nd ciit
of the MVD, Ostrcvskogo Street; corps tank repair workshop, Liruva Street; Oblast'
court, Budennogo Street- eda i
O. There are ao forbidden zones within the city of Brest itself. Army units are an excep-
tion. The forbidder. zone is only ate th b
128th Rifle Corps, Levanevskogo. C
The only in w~cobudennogo nstruction ofe significance in Breste
is one electric station. The remaining structures were only restored.
5. In Brest there are the following landmarks: Fark imeni lgo Mara with monument to
compatanta who fell during world War II; monument to Stalin, erected in the Ploshchad'
Svobody. Tleae are the only monuments in Brest. The churches are good landmarks, and
there are thr^s altogether in Brest, on Yjoskovskaya Str; the corner of Sovietskaya
St and Mitskevicha. Alongside this church is situated the city bazaar, and opposite
it, across the street, the teachers' institute. The ,.,.rd church is on Lenin St,
opposite the Oblast' hospital. All the government buildings enumerated in paragraphs
2 and k, which have definite and unchanging names, may also serve as landmarks.
All these buildings, without exception, have a name plate on the outside over the
front door, which makes it possible for everyone to know exactly what is in the given
building. This facilitates orientation.
ci s are located in Brests Oblast' and
tT silltart' cOaanissaria,e; military kom?ndaturc; military tribunal of the garrison,
garrtson m litary hospital. Yieadquarters of 128th rifle corps; central transshipping
base~360 (o,golya St 6). On the outskir;;s of the city are situated the southern
-military cantonment, the-northern military cantonment, the fortress.
8. Residential quarters are situated in the remaining sectors of the city. No boundaries
at all exist between them.
9. The aunt-,e eight De termed continental climate. Summer is hot, ? cold. Average
winter temperature up to 30-400 below zero; summer up to 40? above zero. Praoipibation
.is 10. The Leading Ccr,unist Party offices are as followss Oblast' committee of the Party;
city. Partyteommittee; Oblast' committee (Obkan) VLISM; city committee (Qorkum) VLKS4. ~?
Party. and Itomsomol organization, are in each institution, in industrial enterprises,
gchoole, societies, etc.
U. There are several Courtas Obla ? court (Budennogo St) and three peoples' courts of the
city ailit#a divisions. The pe ;es' courts of the 1st and 2nd militia divisions re
on Pushkin St in the same building.. The peoples' court of the 3rd militia division is
oh Respublik nskaya St in Graevka. The oblast' and city prosecu or's office is on
Earle Marksa St, between Oogo>,ya and Budennogo.Streeta.
r r. Inere re several re
sons. These are troop disposition locations
entrance is forbidden outsiders. (siesta dislokatait aste ),, tocahich
7. The followig military establishments and u
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030075-6
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030075-6
S.+CRET/SECURITY 1hFc~?'!;..yv,:
12, N53 troop units are partly located in the city on
of the border guards a-e located in the fortress.
ing ranks, with the exception of their uniforms.
Karla harksa St. The majority
-' ___. ....Yav.waG
(b) Combatting Political counter-revolution.
(c) Protection of persons :41:0 occupy hi;h state and Party posts.
(d) Protection of especially statc installations.
(e) Espionage abroad.
(f) Surveillance (nadzor) of the army and navy
concerned a at: th.c sa^e matters as the NSB. The :cork
of these organizations is carried or in clos, c:itact and in strict coo eration both
t a and loos
13. The Oblast' prison is located in th
e c
ty, at the end of Karla ?:arksa St, behind the
church .j)ach is located on h;oskevskaya St. The rear of the prison extends right up to
the river Dukhovets itcel?. There arc no other penal institutions either in or near
the city.
is cn ~strevskc o St near Svetska a St.
theaters, restaurants, and especiallybazaars.rC Railroad st.ti,ionsparesscrvicedsby
transport militia and by 2-GB units. the
15. :lie Soviet Security system rests on the fact ti.--L al installations, offices, etc,
without exception, are penetrated by a dense netw k
persons of informers and the so-called "seksnty".
r Usually,ethis categor in the pple
is represented by Comrrrnists, komscmol'tsy and all kinds of careerists andoself-seekers
(shkurnilr). They are evory,here, both inside and outside.
199 The main telephone exchange is in the uatn port off i e
using the telephone are he custosary ones, Only off'cials~have privatoMte ephones.
It is vent' difficult, almost impoaeibl.o, for ordinary people to gat private telephones.
Nonitoring of telephone conversations is entirely possible if it is necessary.
16, In regard to the extent (amount) of rail traffic, it :ahcu d be said tc }
tles are
bound daily passenger trains Brest-hosco.,r' Brest-biev Srest-h insk 3r at ci
Bract-Orsha Q. ~ , act-io:nel ,
the importance, of the r;assenCer. d kolkhoznik or a .;cr:arcneevver~tr velseinla soft
or even in a car :rith reserved seats (platskartnyi vagcn). There are nD forbidder. zones 50X1-HUM
either inside or outside railroad stations. It is usually forbidder: to walk along
the right of way.
17. There are no river or air routes in Brost; and autobus traffic there is vary bad. The
city itself is not large; therefore, the inhabitants almost always use their own means
of trarsporta*,ion, bicycles, motor vehicles (of which there are hardly ten in the
-,hole city, that is, private ones), Yometimes taxis, but most of all they walk. In
Brest itse:.f a so-called autobue base functions, a park wh!c consists of approxir.ately
20-25 machines, of which a gocd half are consta.tly under repair. Autobus routes
are not constant. There are schedules, but they are never used, because It is difficult
to carry them out on account of all kinds of delays. There are no restrictions on
bus travel. The condition of the roads is unsatisfa.tory. There is more than civilian vehicle traffic in Brest. There e a no street cars in Brestr.n11There is
autobus traffic and taxis? The fares and schedules often change. There are no
restrictions on riding.
18. The main post office of the city of Greet is located on hoskovakaya St. There are
ten branch post offices (pochtovye otdeleniya) scattered about the city. Postal
Procedures are the coat a ones. There are mail boxes tlrou8hout the city. They
are attached to he cos. 50X1-HUM
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/03: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600030075-6
20. The Main Telerraph is l , ' ted in tI;c i : . -: I uL. ? (,, : c
telegraphs at the branch lost offices. r.:;gone aholrrishesacanosend ta?telegram are. Tolso
do so ore must fill out th, blanks indicating :::.dress, sender, and desired text for
transmittal to the addressee. Control and censorship of Lfd egrams entirely . J .
In my opinion, persons working for the telegraph service are also employee: of theMCB.
21. In the city of Brest there a,e in a_t' two industrial enter rises: the distillery and
the knitted goods factory, more like an artei, r;,lch is ..ocated on i-;oskovsl:aya St. r
two hotels in Brest. i-ne is on Karl:! ;;ark:a St, the other on Korisomol'skaya
2h. There i_s very little variety in the pro uctr in t' City stores, l; ore i salt but
no sugar, and vice-versa. Pere is bread but not back, and so en. Tie city
food supply situation is very poor. Sugar, high grebe flour, macaroni products,
variou- groats, .:rrl n;any other food pro iuct: po r in he stores only before the big
Soviet holidays. Their distrib,tion is i:init:d; ?cr ex;