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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200012-7 ?_ AGENCY REPORT CENTRAL h p I N FORIIR EPOPT 'lY II01a0 0miu elan ,vn i ie. of 101 copes 1 Kt a 0. 5 00000 11. WNa000. 1100 01011010000 M 0[11101100 fa amnia M .w_ _ wRS +o w_6tlmwl0w it 0R u t DATE DiSTR. 12 may 1948 NO. OF PAGES 4 NO. OF ENCLS. (us= BUM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION FOR THE RESEARCH USE OF TRAINED INTELLIGENCE ANALYSTS SOURCE Russian periodical. Rhiaieheakeya Enamyshlennost No 11, 1947. (Information specifically requested J - r phosphoric anhydride. A great achievement of Soviet mining chemistry was the opening of the stratified phosphorite deposits in the KaravTau.eounteins. The construe tion of a first-class mine in Rare-Tau was completed in 1946. This has orated the basis for the construction of large-scats superphosphate plants in Central Asis, which are necessary for the development of agriculture in made in 19296-33 of the rich deposits of apatite-nepheline are in the Khibins on Kukisvuachorr Mountain. A large-scale mining-chemical enterprise, the Apatite Combine imeni S. U. Kirov, was planned, built, and operates at the present time on the bass of these deposits. Inasmuch as the apatite ore contains only 2N per cant phosphoric anhydride?Soviet chemists developed In prospecting for phosphorite ran materials, a detailed study aaa dated in 1940. Russia's chemical- production in 1913 was only 2 per cent of that pro- posits and construction of the Solikemsk Combine an their ba- . p.; mn on pmw kileenters. The C. abim supplies the country with potassium chloride and magnesium chloride and frees hussia from importation of the rwcessary potassium salts. Prior to Aorld War II, construction was begun on a second aolikemsk potassium combine, the first pert of which is opera- ting at.the present time. During the first years of the existence of the Soviet Republic a raw material base was created for 'he production of sulphuric acid. The crea- tion of this raw pateri-l base was Ferallel Hith the development of non- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200012-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200012-7 r REST fcrrr?us,:net^1'urpy.. , The problem of boric ores .as solved with the opening of the Indersk berate deposits in,;1934. The development of one of the moat important branches of the chemical industry, nitrogen, was t:epun in 1927 with the opening of-the C ernorechenak chemical plant. It, was the first synthetic ammonia plant in the Soviet Union. At thin Liu* cu truction was begun or: "the Dorogomilovsk and Rubeahenak aniline dye plants and a number of. sspsrphcsphate and sulphuric acid plants. The n{tx.vuan induirt.ry, {ncln:?ingthe production of ynthttic ammonia and the processing of it into nitric acid, received the greatest development in he Stalin Five -Y-ear Plans. Such giants of the chemical industry as Stalin- gorak, Beraenikr,rak, Chirchinak, Kemerovo, and other nitrogen fertill ser plants were dovelot+ed under th a .program. The follosing methods were developed to solve the raw au'terial problem of the nitrogen Industry: gasification of coke and low-grade fuels, as a result of which a rational plan for gasification and construction of gas generators was developed, obtaining h;'drogen from coke gas by cooling the gas from natural gas containing methane by.catelytic conversion of the gas; obtaining hydrogen from water by electrolysis in large original electrolyzer. Installations; gasification of coke of low--grade coal using an oxygen blast, The sulphuric acid industry and production of mineral fertilizers was widely developed during the Stalin Five-Year Plan. During tbia period such ,.; large-scale enterprises as Voskresenakiy Chemical Combine, Nevokiy super- plzaphate plant, Konatantinove chemical plant,rnd many other plants producing auperphoaphetes and sulphuric acid were built. The production of sulphuric, acid in 1940 was 9.6 time greater than in 1913, and the extraction of phosphorites iaoreaaed 57 times in comparison with prerevolutionary produc- tion Considerable work was carried on in the sulphuric acid industry on the' intensification of production. V.hereas the original planned capacity of thV tower system was 18-20 kilograms of sulphuric acid per one cubic meter of tower, at' the present the capacity of. most sulphuric acid plants is 100, kilograms per cubic meter, -pile in some plants it reaches 200 , kilograms per cubic meter. The production of calcined soda in 1940 r:as,3.3 times that of 1913, while the production of caustic soda had increased 2.6 times,. In the first years of horld t'ar 11 t?ha chemical industry lost a con- siderable amount of its productive capacity in a?number of branches. These loaves in comparison with the prewar capacity were:. 50 percent in the nitres gen industry., 77 percent in the sulphuric acid industry, o3 pelbent in the calcined nods industry, and P8 percent in the dye industry. Howev.-r, long before the end of the war, work on thc. destroyed plants was begun, and by the end -of the war they had riot only been restored,,,hut chemical production had been expended. The new Five-Tear Plan stipulates that by 1950 the chemical iaduetry, though the introduction of new acvanced techniques, and intensification uf the prodt,..cive processes, must surpass prewar production by one and. a half. times. Capital investment for the chemical industry projected in the aresent FiV6-Yost Plar, to equal to the total investment of the three earlier .rive Year Plans combined. -2- R!STRICTRD RESTRICTED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200012-7 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200012-7 RESUKTRI, T MI .11MCOFN INDU3TX -- ME OF irHE MO51 .1MI'ORTAN'i' BILAPNCHES OF THE F.ATIONAL ECONOMY A. Ta. Ryalenko, Chief: of the Main Administration of. the .;itrogen Industry, MP, USSR The basis for a strong nitrogen industry 'iea established in the first Stalin Five- Tear Plan, Several nitrogen plants were built Land put in operation from 1929-1933. ... .. The production of am-onie In several plants :1s based on the gasification of coke. Coke gas, front which hydrogen is extrrcted by'thu deep cooling method, is the source of hydrogen for the 5$ntnesis'ot"aarnonia. By 1938, the nitrogen in1?etry occupied first,plnce in the chemical industry of \ the Soviet Union. One of the more recent important problems of the nitrogen industry was the re- organization of production of fertilizers on o mass scale for agriculture. This problem was solved in 1945. In 1946 the output of nitrogen fertilizers almost reached the prewar level, and in the.first half of 1947 this level was passed. The synthesis of methanol is based on the nitrogen industry. Therefore, in the current Five-Year Plan, there is a provision for the development of the synthesis of methanol rind the'synthesis.of h5gher n3eohn1e. The second characteristic of postwardevelopment of the nitrogen industry is the special attention' given to the pur'_fication;of raw mnterisls and by-.products. Academician S.1, Vol'?fkovich and A.M. Dubovita dy, Candidate of, Technical Sciences "1NERAL FF. THIRTY YEARS, S, CF __ kTII.II.ER PRODUCTTOl IN THR: USSR Umbers of the selentifio Ina*it.,,re !Fertiliser= have nsrtIc?pated in the o struction of such large and advanced'enterprises as the EhibinApatite Combine, Soli- kemek Potassium Combine, Voskresenskiy, Chernorechenak,Aktyubinsk fertilizer enter- prises, and may other mines and plants. The current Five-Year Plan projects an increase in phosphate fertilizer produc- tion of double the prewar production, chile nitrogen fertilizer is to be increased 1.8 times and potassium fertilizer 1,3 times the prewar level. The USSR has the greatest supply of phosphates in the rorld. A mayor part of the phosphorites are found in the etatrel and northern regions of European, Russia, ocoutring in the form of nodules in sandy turd clay rocks. Most of them contain up to 24 per cent P 5 and must be subjected to priliminory concentration prior to use. The Supplies of pffo6phate ores in the USS1 inorl~ased sharply with the opening of the new deposits of apetit Lt the Kh Ius _.a ,. t.stifiedphosphntcs in Kars-Tau. At the present time, the supplierof Industrially c' :find ores, including epet`tes and ,?'hosphates of Tara- Taw, are measured in billions of tons. The Lare-Tau cepoal-ca caneain approximately Jz pusosnt'_ of all supplies of the USBtR. The opening of the world's largest potassium deposits in the Solikamsk rogion of the northern Urals waa a great achievement of Soviet chemistry. Other potassium area, are the ~"arpdthian, Ural, Central Asiatic, and other regions. In view of the fact th:it many of the phosphates are of low quality with low nfJ~i?,nl~n nnnfwnf: a wi e. hS d,. mr Aeln*.vi ~?w -rhdyt.nrna - --ert-CIMl1e-of iron and aluminum oxides -- research has been directed r.%inly in work ?onneeted with in- 3- hws:.r I,?i'h;D RESTRICTED STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200012-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200012-7 RETRED creasing the maximum: concentration of P205 to the raw m,terial and in fertilisers. THE SULPiui'ilC ACID TJJDUSTF:Y FOh 30 YEARS OF SOVIET Ptfi17i K. H. Malin, Candidate .of Teth .tct,I. Sciences sulphuric acid production in the eav&et union reached 200,000 tons. P' Prior to 1936 the intensi.^ication of the tonar ayatem had been with rezerence to the tower volume; hot-ever, intensificption in had b:en achieved in certain plants. Thus, by 1932 the Krasnyy Khmik plant had reached a capacity of 130 kilograms per day of 45 per cent pyrite i;,ar auere meter of mechanical. furnace 'bottom.. In 1947 the, capacity had reached 250-300 kilograms. k~ V. I. Orlov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; K. A. Gar, Candidate of agricultural Sciences; and L. C. Gebriyelove, Candidate of technical Sciences The production of insecticides, one of the youngest brrnches of the Soviet chemical industry, is a product of the Sttilin Five-Tc nr Plans, No date is given in the article on plants. processes, or productive capacity. the article is concerned mainly with the chend.stryof insecticides. Professor B.H. Rutovekiy and A.N. Levin, Chief Engineer of GlavIhimPlaet The Plastics industr,- is mother recent newcomer in the Soviet chemical industry, having developed from the celluloid toy feotorieu of earlier days. Mention of three plants is madei Kerbolit, Karaeharovskiy, and the plant imeni Keaaomol'-ekiy Pravda. No production stetieties nor processes are discueaed. ?-4- PEST}t1CTE! RESTRICTED M Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29: CIA-RDP80-00809A00060020001