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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210290-7 CLA~StFICATION L_~JTRAL INTEIN~CE AGEN? IMFORMA ff F?REIGTV fUpGiJME~VT3 OR RADfO BRdAD!1' COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT Baoonri~~e - Heaa~ indneiry PUBLISHED Herepnpera PUBLISHED Harsaw nio~ naen[atr.exnuu f~R[eu,leep~llNMen.1[[ e+gno[et8e-aa[e7 e, mr.[euya[ atgns'rmea n[ sruiisa or eunoea[c wet [e [.[~e::'[e.[so[: e[xeueisa[., enndeemesuga eoe,Ye'?erc[uneeY o,ew eoem[n on adrs.swu,m ~.a :eiu[nw[caei r[ene[ i[ e[o? neewnt, n.uer: -.[[,eeeu[eraro[ cr:ne,,ron ,ep.: ehoeeeuno.. SOUitCE Poli?h naarepapere ~ iadioated. (Inforaation rl 1~/ HiAC AID Po r i~lalrY '~1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210290-7 + orwrc or ~ the Qetvars, ,iho demdt~oeolnestot1the rioheslozcsb~ ptmr e b Diear~ 30 percent of the ore eztraoted ie obtain~d~et~=klog old, Balleriea rhioh stl1l ooat :i caters. electric loooaotiees drat ors oars aver 115-ailliaeter rail. eiehe siao-1Md ainer anal be able to disting~dh the are trm doloaite. TT,aile Qadergronad the alaer earlobes th rate! wpt be pagped oat. Thres~ts. ~ "'~ vrsea naayt- ains,g0 tone of addltiooai ~' pn4ps are egplo~ed oonstaat],~, vrhile paaps afro required during ret ssasans. aor esaa~lo~ in the spring, rater Damped out aonnnts to 50 onbio aetsrs pet almts. Miners of the Orssl Bia7J aiw eapsot to ezoeed planned prodnctioc for 19b8 b7 10 pe;osat. 'Ate Work of these ataers rsgairee nagT Tears of esperienoe and skill in looatiog the ores. It Le not z healthial oooapatioa siaas the oonstant preseaoe of rater lesds to rheaaatio diseases. 'Phe 'Orsel Biaij? he.~ fro shahs 96 cetera deep, Srabts and i-aods. /mother sue, ~'serq-, is aeohaaloall~ e4nipped to loser sluing lnabsr into the acne. 'lMrs are additional ahalts for aeatiLtips. Tro nndorgronnd Ds*senger trains Dart, eren to the pitrn?s .Nelda whoa thge are losated o*er lee kilorters frog t~ shaft. ?his is a wpitai llgrroreaeat laeirodnoed siaoe the tar asd hae alBlad7 paid for Itself in inorsaaed ostpnt. >ihroaaatioaa and aain passage tans arc passel With liaeetone and ooowated rith the ore lsposit b~ assns of small shafts sad inclines: In the northern part of t!u alw field tfu lain passage rase are bse~tea out of the ors depwit. The aet~nork of pa.s~ge. neoesaar~ to losite tb ores s:soan,:s to 1k0 kiloaetero. The wtrork of ezoaaations and aaxn passage Lana aaoante to 28 kil 'D~BIALT? 1~~ -- Hseospospolits~lfo 330, 3o Hoc 48 The Ore estraoted OOatline lI to 1? nn,.n~n! .~.... ~r,.~e. .- -__-. _ '- ~_-- -- ,.~??~ ~? ??~ is deep proceed in tYA Ziuo wesltigg plant. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210290-7 ED 10 poroont oTar 1947 and 17 Pex~ssst oror 193? mainly beaaass of greater e$"idoioaey in the transport of ore etlthin the nine and prbparatory cork od the ~e'jloeit. HYflRAiT7aC P 78PD:lFt'DP) -- Q~Los Iuda, Ho 318, 18 Bor 48 Jerzy Potyks, a termer eoohantoal repair shop worker and at present a Q.ine maohine operator in the Barbara- M-yzvolonie" mine, has oonetrnota8 a hydzaalio press to atrnighton Iron ceiling enpporto chile 0018. IIp to this time sngeports ha8 to bo brcn~t ap to the ona~lpoo for this typo of repair ~eork; now St oaa bo done 1n the atno pit. ~kalo msags s Haring of shoat belt a million zlotyp a year. It this prase is adopted b' all the sines, there sill be a yeos~ ear'1ng of 37 mtllioa zlotys. XEADtL3 PIAH DVIaYl.;~ -- Olos IuBa, Ho 306, 6 lion 48 TU,fl lode Rs?ooistion of the 8tats Bai181cg liatsrtals D4-terprlsos tn1ti11e8 its ane~al plan on 27 October 1948 vnlned nt 800 million alotyr. in the past year the assoaistit~ reaohe8 s gaota of sppa~mairatol;~'135 ~llion~-sletye. 2'~is shore a S-told inoreaso in oonstraotion voile for this year. "POEOit' HRTA~.TAA4ICAL P1r1Aa" -- ales lrada, Ho 328, 28 Her 48 The "Poko~" Metallargioal P]:ant, 8yton, shows :the failoving figares (Sn toas)r Pledged Prodnotion 3C Hor k8 Aotaal Pro3aotion 27 Her 48 Mtioipatod Prodno*.ion Dlsd of 1948 Blast paraeose 20,640 Btesl Dull i9heet Metal koiliag Kills 4,230. 4,230 -- 31,000 31,913 36,000 This is the lar?set nbtellarsioal pleat in polaad and its prodaotion d of 17 XorNbss 1948 vsm rained at y40,11Q9,000 slotys (1937 prioes). TiiO RiDDl~Rm MA1'i'II ltD~AO>K -- 1lswspoepolitay Ho 330, 30 for 48 En tlu Raeeiwato' eneltia~ plant two Martin taraaoos bare bees roo~. ES- tionwil IO day! ahead of sohodaU, thereby addiai 1,900 tone of ices to the ys~rb prodaotion. Ow tarnwo,hss ? load oapaeity of 1;000 tons, the athaz 600 loos. A Mastin thrdaoe was rcaoaditlonsd nod pat into operatioe at the ?POto3" MotallnrMtoal plant 3 days betore the planned date sad pradaoed 300 tons et pig iron. KAOZ~ Alip SOOld -- aloe LEda, >io 311, 11 Her 48 Poaorsisi IIatorprires toe Machias Dlaildiai hire oo*pleted their aanoal plea ea 2Q October 1948 end aotioipato a grodaoLioa for the bslamoe of the year o! 363 tone of awhiaery and !Dole shore the plan. ' RESTR~~TED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/24 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600210290-7