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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/28 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290283-6 ~- ' CLASSIFICATION SECR$~[CR CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE{~LAGENCY REPOR INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. SUBJECT HOW WHERE DP,TE LANGUAGE Bconamic - Housing construction' Daily newspapers sad weekly periodical USSR 17 Aug - 13 Dec 1849 nu oocunxr coxuixr uroxuno. arnrnw ra unom ovuq or rxr unno onm nrxn rxr nunx or unouar as r. r c.. n axr u. ?a uuoro. m nuunuox o? rxr urumo~ xr m mxnxn ix axr uxxra m .. uxxurxauuo rwo+ n n xuino n ue.. vwou mox or rxu raax a raoxumx Pewspapers and periodical as indicated. DATE OF INFOR~NATION 1949 DATE DIST. ,f ~, 1950 N0. OF PAGES a SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION HOUSIlPG COPSTAUCTIOP ERPAPDS; A..dItBAi~ZHAP APD RIFtGIZIA CRITICI7.ED umbers in parentheses refer to the appended eourcea?] The USSR government is steadily increasing apprcp.-latious for housing con- atnction for workers. During the first 3 years of the postwar Five-Year plan, about 51 million square meters of housing were built in towns and workers' settlements of the Soviet Union. (1) Appropriatio4s for housing construction for workers of machine-building enterprises have grove from year to year. In 1949, 189 million rubles were appropriated for this purpose. A total of 135,000 square meters of housing vas to be built during the year In heavy-machine building regions. This is more than 50 percent of the living area built during a period of 3 years, that is, from 1946 to ], a8. (2) The Tsekombank (x_'1-Union Bank for Financing Communal and Civiliea Con- struction) USSR has summed up the financing of private housing construction during the first 6 months of 1949? More than 500 million rubles of credit have been given during this period, Over 100,000 homes are being constructed sad restored with these funds, (3) RSFSR Oblaets Povoshakhtinsk ie a rapidly growing industrial center of Rostov Oblast, built during the period of the first Five-Y~ar Pla3s. Seriously damaged dur- ing 7 months of Germea occupation, the town has been completely reconstructed and has grown considerably since the var. Bev settlements and new streets have appeared. During postwar years, individual builders constructed over 4,000 houses. Miners received more than 20,000 square meters of living area from the state. The number of schools, libraries, clubs, and other cu_~.tural institutions has greatly increased. The town now Lae 17 schools, two secondary evening schools, and seven FZO schools.(4j Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/28 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290283-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/28: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290283-6 During a 9-month period oY 1949, government departments and local so~-iets of Stalingrad built 48,000 square meters of ho~taing. Individual builders con- structed about 20,000 square meters of living area. Almost 593 million rubles were to bA spent in .1949 for construction and reconstruction work in Stalingrad, out of vhlch amount over 113 million rubles were intended for housing construc- tion. Streetcar lines in the city have been reconstructed to reach almost 60 kilonwtera, which is the prewar figure. (5) A large volume of housing construction is being undertaken is the settle- ment of Boksitogorsk, Leningrad Oblast. Tea eight-apartment houses with a total living area of 3,480 square meters were recently built. The hotel build- ing is being restored. A large four-story building which will house an FZO school and workshops is under construction and two 12-apartment buildings are going up next to it. Many prefabricated houses are being assembled in the out- skirts. (6) A new settlement is being built near the peat machine-building plant in Ivanovo. The new apartment houses are equipped with central heating,, plumbing, and sever systems. The first fa:ilies of plant workers have moved into the nex buildings. (7) There are 43 buildings under conatr.icti~n In O1'yanovsk. Two nex second- ary schools, a kindergarten, and a children~o nW eery have been built in 1949? A streetcar line connecting the town with the railroad station ie being com- pleted. Anew sanhalt plant will soon be put into operation. In 1949, pstrakpan' hua asphalted 45;000 square meters of streets auu 5,000 square meters of sidewalks. An outdoor theater seating 600 persons is nov under construction. (8) Residents of the rayon center Aniva, Sakhalin Oblast, recently built a new community center on the bank of the Aniva River. The new building contains an auditorium for 500 people, rooms for study groups, billiard, chess, etc., as yell as the rayon library and a reading room. A new community center hr~s :lsc been built is Kuril'ekiy Rayon. The ezisting coammnity center in Poroaaysk is being enlarged. Cultural centers is Chekhov, Novo-Aleksandrovsk, and 1n Vostochno-Sakhalins}1y and Kirovskiy rayons are being reconstructed. (9) Karelo-Finnish SSR The rayon center Spasskays Guba was equipped with electricity on 3 Novem- ber. p large amount of construction is in progress, including a community center with a hail seating 400 persona, and a new 7-year school. (10) The Administration of Rnral and Kolkhoz Construction, Council. of Ministers Karelo-Fuiaish SSR, has begun the planning of nex kolkhoz villages in Sortaval'ekiy, Kurkiyokakiy and Pitkyaraatskiy rayons. Ia 1950, construction of nine villages will begin in Sortaval'skiy Rayon, the ease number is Kurkiyokskiy Rayon, and two villages in Pitkyarantskiy Rayon. The town of Olonets vas seriously damaged during the war. During the past few years, construction has made great progress. Eighty nev houses have been built in Oloaets, including 11 by the Communal Department of the City Soviet and 19 by the motor repair plant and other government departments. More than 50 k.~uaes were built by individual builders with the help of government loans. Olonets nov has ten industrial enterprises, tw electric power plants, a community center, a movie theater, two libraries, three schools and a children's home, a hospital, a polyclinic, a me11ca1 center for women and children, a pharmacy, a public radio rereptioa and distribution system, sad other cultural institutions. The population of the town ie nex larger than in prewar years. (11) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/28: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290283-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/28: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290283-6 SECRET The Council of Ministers Latvian SSR has made a decision regarding con- struction of kolkho~ settlements. In six gyezds of the republic, xhich had suffered moat during the war, 100 kolkhoz settlements x111 be built in the next 3 years, Two types of houses have been approved by the Architectural Council: three-roam houses with porch sad two-room houses. A total of 3,300 houses x111 be built ih the settlements. Excavation work is nox in pro~reas. The first seven kolkhoz settlements x111 be tuilt is Liyepays Uyezd. (12) Belorussian SSR The general reconstruction and development plan for Grodno provides for the construction of nev multistoried apartment houses, administrative build- ings, squares and streets. The ancient, historical plan of the city x111 re- main intact. According to the nev plea, the city center x111 be moved to the Sovetskaya Ploshchad' area. On one aide the square, facing the Haman River, will remain open. A number of multistoried administrative buildings, in- cluding the Hail of Soviets, x111 be built around the square. The main streets, Grodno, Sovetskaya, and Karla Marksa, are to be widened up to 28-30 meters. Nev streets will be built to establish a direct connection between the center and the suburbs. (13` Reconstruction of Minsk is progressing. The greater part of the city is being completely rebuilt, including the main thoroughfare, Sovetskaya ulitsa. The roadway of this street is to be 24 meters vide, as compared with the for- mer 18 maters, and the total width of the street including sidewalks is to be 48 met?re. There will be many nev buildings on Sovetskaya ulitsa: a large Central General Store building with a capacity of 47,000 cubic meters, a State Banc building, a building for scientific workers, two apartment houses of 124 apartments each, a community center for trade unions, and others. More than a million rubles are spent daily for the reconstruction of Mine ~ Ind e8~a1 methPod~sPare bein8juaed more erteasively and labor produc- tivit has ,.,o,us~roy, one of the main organizations doing reconstruction work in Minsk, has determined that the average daily out- put per worker in 1949 vas 180 percent of the output in 1944. (14) The Baz'anovichi, Brest and Mozyr' construction trusts, as veil as number of plants under Stroydetal "' (Construction Parts Trust), Ministry oP Housing and Civilian Construction Belonzas inn S.4R, ?ulfiiied their 7u ~ ahead oP schedule. - 4> Year plane Several large apartment houses and a school for 800 child:~n were built in Vitebsk during 1449? A nev school and a hospital were built in Gomel'. p administrativetbulldingerineVitebsk,nPolotskrandiBaranovichi~ashotellin~~ Molodechno, and dxellinga in Vitebsk, Comel', Polotek and Molodechno. (15) During the peat 4 years, 32 industrial enterprises of union, republic, and local industry were reconstructed in Vitebsk, and 245,000 square meters of housing were aexly built. Reconstruction of the water main is also being completed. The Vitebsk streetcar system, the oldest in the USSR, hsa been re- stored. The number of schools and cultural institutions is grow now :our higher educational institutions: a medical, a veterinary, a mere are pedagogical, and a teachers' institut;, as yell as technical schools, and a number of others. Extensive construction is planted for 1950? (16) -3- SECRET iL'~'~a[T ~~ui~~ ~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/28: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290283-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/28: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290283-6 sfGREr D+xring 10 months of 1949, the Ministry of Housing and Civilian Construction Moldavian 3SR built 9,300 square meters of housing, which included 44 buildings, Kishinev obtained a new comfortable hotel for 160 guests, several two-story houses, 11 prefabricated houses for the university settlement, and a building for the communal technical school. A school and five prefabricated dwellings were built in Tireapol', e community center in.6e1'tsy, and a hotel and five drellings in Bendery. (17) Ukrainian SSR Construction of new houses, schools, and stores in Kharkov is progressing. Twenty multistoried apartment houses are being built for workers, engineers, technicians and employees of the tractor plant. Workers and employees of the Machine-Tool Building Plant imPni Molo.ov will soon receive two large apart- went houses and ten cottages. Six houses are under construction for workers of the electric-traction equipment-plant. pn FZO school is being built oa the grounds of this plant. One hundred individual homes are under construction for workers of the Turbogenerator Plant imeai Kirov. This settlement will include a school, a pub- 11c nursery, a kinaergarten, and stores. Each individual builder Las been a~- signed 600 square meters oP land. (18) New buildings are being completed each month in the town of Staliao. p new 70-apartment house was recently built for workers of the "Donbaesvodtrest." Four similar houses were built during 1949 in the cent.cal section of ulitsa imeni Artema. Since the beginning oY 1949, the living ~^ea of the town Las in- creased by more than 100,000 square meters. Zn addition .o Lousing, industrial enterprises and cultural institutions are being built, inc;?31ng a margarine pleat and a club for workers of the "Stalinugol+" Repair Base. Reconstruction of the largest building of the Hospital imeni Voroehilov Las been completed. (lo) Gorlovka sad Yenakiyevo are two large industrial centers of the Donbass. Construction in these two towns is steadily increasing. During 1949, about 100,000 square meters of housing were built, including many multistoried atone buildings. Nide highways and streetcar lines have also been constructed. (20) Azerbaydzhaa SSk Construction occupies a prominent position in the poetvar Five-year plan of the Azerbaydzhan SSR. The vo_ume of construction work during the present Five-Year P]an considerably exceeds that of the first and second Five-year Plans taken together. Capital investments in the construction of petroleum-industry enterprises have grown extensively, and capital construction in other branches of heavy and light industry, electric power plants, farm Buildings and housing has also ezpaaded. A conference of leading construction workers was held on 11 November by the pzerbgydzhan Council of Trade Unions, together with Baku construction organ- izations, for the purpose of exchanging information and planning improvements in production. Participants in the conference were ':o discuss problems of further mecl~aaization and familiarize themselves with advanced production methods. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/28: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290283-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/28: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290283-6 Despite the fact that a number of construction protects have mechanized their production p^oceases, the general level of mechanization ie still low. Most of the protects do not fulfill their mechanization plane and tlae existing construction machines sad mechanical devices are not utilized to their Rill capacity. Transport machinery in plastering work is almost idle, although plastering operations present the greatest bot;:lenecka in construction. The techaicai engineering personnel and trade union workers of construc- tion organizations are paying little attention to the establishment of mean progressive norms is construction work and to the proper utilization of con- struction machinery and consumption oY electric purer, fuel, and raw materials. However, mean progressive norms are the most impoi-teat factor in raising labor productivity and making the achievements of leading construction workers knave in wide circles. One of the labor-consuming processes in construction ie masonry work is connection with the building of walls. Especially in housing construction the cost of masonry work constitutes up to 30 percent of the entire cost of a building. However, up to the present time masonry is done by the same methods that were used many years ago. Despite the achievements of individual r.orkers, the maturity of Azer- baydzhan construction organizations are continuing to operate unsatiafactorilj. sad are not meeting their production plans. One of the reaons for the lag in construction is the formalistic and bu~?eaucratic attitude shown toward anq initia*.i:~e on the pa: ,,, of tuc vurkers. Ioo much time is spent on speeches sad reeo].utions, instead of putting va..aabla ideas into praciice. (rlj There are over 200 individual builders in Kirovabad. The Azerbaydzhan Republic Communal Bank has granted long-term credits in the total amount of 1,200,000 rubles to 125 workers and employees for housing construction. Thirty builders have already moved into their new homes. The houses are built ac- cording to standard plans approved by the Kirovabad Soviet of Workers' Deputies. (22) Georgian SSR Capital construction in Georgia is expanding. Increasing numbers of workers are required for construction protects. Macy of these protects are not meeting their plans. For instance, the Gori Cotton Combine, the Yerkhae- Samgori Irrigation System, aa3 others, are behind schedule, pll of them have personnel difficulties and a constant turnover oi' workers; part of the workers do not meet their quotas and technical training is not organized. There ie little consideration for the welfare and cultural needs of the workers. (23) Kazakh : 3 During 1949, 15,000 square meters of housing were built is the Karaganda basin, that is, almost one and a half times more than is 1948, p new workers' settlement vas bu31t in Saran' by the "Karagandazhilstroy" Construction Admin- istration of Saran'. Over 200 families of coal miners moved into this settle- ment. Each family received a two- or three-room apartment. In the suburban workers' settlement of Hovyy Maykuduk, a two-story apart- ment house with running eater and plumbing system has tu.st been completed. This house wil]. be occupied by 120 young construction workers. (24) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/28: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290283-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/28: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290283-6 StGREt Altay construction workers have built a large number of houses for miners and metallurgical xorkere. During a short period, they completed 6,000 equate meters of housing. Over 400 workers' families of Ust'-Kemeaogorsk, Leninogorek, Glubokoye, and other industrial centers of the Altay recently moved into new apartments. In the near future, 255 more families of miners sad metallurgica]. workers are to move into new hones. Construction of 14 new dwellings in near completion. The miners' settlement of the Vestochno-Kounradskiy D:Sne, Karaganda Oblast, is grovi.,g continuously. Ccustruction vorkera of the "Pribalkhashstroy" Trust recently completed 20 individual standard houses. During 1949 and 1950, 150 standard houseu are to be built in this locatics. More than 14 million rubles have been spent during 1949 for the construc- tion of housing and cultural institutions in Petropavlovsk. During the year, 2,567 square meters of living area have been built. Rev city blocks and atreete have appeared in the last few years. Water pipes and sewage pipes are being laid. Anew pumping station is being built on the outekin,s of the town, nest the Iahim River. (25) During 1948, kolkhoz farmers of Kirovskiy Rayon, Yuzhno-Kazakhstan Oblast, built four new settlements in Golodnaya Step'. Cotton vorkera migrating to this region settled dove ili 700 standard houses. The settlements are now equipped xith telephones and radio, and the atreete are lined with trees. Each house ras its own of hard and vineyard. (26) Construction of the new Government Rouse in Alma-Ata has begun. It viii consist cf fouur large f ---- ory iiiiita, Including buildings of the Supreme Soviet Kazakh SSR, the Council of Ministers, the Central Committee of Kp(b) Kazakhstan, and a building with a large assembly hall for sessions of the Supreme Soviet pll four units are to be faced with marble and decorated with Kazakh national ornaments. Construction work is completely mechanized. (27) Kirgiz SSR Construction work in the Kirgiz SSR is seriously lagging. Only a few ministries and departments have been able to cope with the 9-month capital con- struction plan, most of them having failed completely. The Ministry of Edu- cation, for instance, completed only 31.9 percent of the 1949 plan in a 9- month period, the Ministry of Aealth 33.8 percent, the Ministry of Forestry 32.8 percent, and the Ministry of State Farms 34.y percent. T'ne work at a number of important construction projects is progressing very unsatisfactorily. Construction of rural schools and hospitals is espe- cially slow. The government grants considerable funds each year for this pur- pose, but the Punda are not properly used. In 1948, only 50 percent of the plan far construction of rural schools and only 60 percent of the plan for construction of rural hospitals vas completed. The situation has not improved in 1949. The lag in construction xork can no longer be blamed on the lack of building materiels, means of transportation, or similar reasons. There is no shortage in local construction materials. Enterprises of the Main Admini- stration of Construction Materials Industry, of local industry, and of in- dustrial cooperatives, produce an ample supply of bricks, lime sad roofing tiles, and there is sufficient timb:r. The Kirgiz SSR obtains as adequate amount of materials from other republics. The main reason for the consistent lag Sa construction is poor organization of construction work and insufficient selection and training of construction workers, especially leading personnel (section heads, chiefs of construction projects, production managers, etc.). 1iL~l alt 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/28: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290283-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/28: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290283-6 ~~'U.~L i Many organizations still have the wrong idea that construction ie of minor im- portance, and therefore mistakenly assign second-rate workers to this type of work. In view of the widely scattered construction projects in the Kirgiz SSR, this branch of industry requires efficient organization and highly skilled workers. A number of ministries and administrations have no construction experts on their staff. The State Planning Commission, Co?.u~cll of Ministers Kirgiz SSR, employs only two persons for planning and checking the entire voiim~e of capital construction in the republic. Therefore many ministries (food industry, meat and dairy industry, state farms, and automobile transport) actually do not super ise the work in their construction pro,Jecte, which are scattered throughout the entire republic. These pro,jecte are left to their ova devices. (28) The Kirgiz SSR has failed to fulfill its capital construction plena for the past few years. Construction workers also fail to meet the plan for lowering production costs. In 1946, constn.,.,.ion costs were 6 percent above the estimates; in 1947, one percent, and in 1948, 6 percent above, whereas the Five-Year Plan provides Por a 12-percent lowering of coats. Failure to fulfill this plan causes considerable loss to the republic by depriving it of important fineacial sources for capital cc~~structioa, thereby further hindering construction progress. Until now, mining of nonmetallic minerals in the Kirgiz SSR is done by outdated methods, each building organization being left to shift for itself. Mecheaized quarrying hoe not yet been organized in the Kirgiz SSR. The supply oP construction projects with timber, especially local timber, is poorly organized. There are sufficient reserves of timber, but its pro- curement and transport are exceedingly difficult. (29) During the third quarter of 1949, conditions in the building industry re- mained unsatisfactory. Only the enterprises and construction projects of the Ministry of Agricultural-Machine Building and the Ministry of Tranepnrtatioa fulfilled their construction plans. All other ministries failed to meet their plans. The Mlnietry of Petroleum Industry completed 71 percent of the third- quarter plan for capital construction; the Administration of Construction Materials Industry, 48 percent; the Ministry of Meat and Dairy Industry, 43 percent; and the Ministry of Local Industry, 28 percent. (30) The pros2at conditions in capital construction not only hinder Fulfillment of the 1y49 plan, but also ,jeopardize completion of the 1950 construction program. (28) Turkmen 3SR Conslderable construction work ie in prcdress in the Ka .. nua~y Dese~ Production of movable houses hsa been started in Chardzhou. These boos e specially adaptable to desert conditions. The first 20 houses have been de- livered to shepherds in pasture regions. (31) Tadzhik SSR Construction of dwellings for migrants Sa la full progress is Dzhillkul~akiy Rayon, Stalinabad Oblast. Since the beginning of 1949, 1,600 new houses have been built. (3~j Uzbek SSR During 1949, 18 new dwellings were built in the Kolkhoz imeni Chapeyev, Izbaekeatskiy Rayon, Andizhaa Oblast. Eleven of these houses were built for the families of military personnel. (33) -7- SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/28: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290283-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/28: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290283-6 ~E~~Er 1. Vechernysye Mosl~^ Ho 287, 5 Dec 49 2. Leaiagradskaye Pravda; Ho 279, 3 Kosmunist H 1 1 4 27 Hov 49 . , o 7 Aug 9 93, 4. Krasnays Zvezda, Ho 270 16 Hov 49 5? Izveetiye Ho 269 15 Hav 49 , , 6. Leaingredskaya Praada, Ho 292, 27 Aug 49 7? Pravda, Ho 262, 19 Sep 49 8. Ogoaek, Ho 39, Sep 49 9. Izveetiye, Ho 270, 16 Hov 49 10. Leaineknye Zna~ys, Ho 219, 5 Hov 49 11. I.eninskoye Zna~ra, Ho 231, 23 Hov 49 12. Izveetlye, Ho 237, 7 Oct 49 13. Sovetskaya Belorussiya, Ho 227, 16 Hov 49 14. Trull, Ho 277, 24 Hov 49 15? Izveetiye, Ho 272, 18 Hov :.9 16. Sovetskaya Belorussiya, Ho 245, 13 Dec 49 17. Sovetskaya Moldaviya, Ho 237, 27 Hov 49 18. Trull, Ho 266, 11 Hov 49 19? Pravda, Ho 32 r, 23 Hov 49 20. Krasnays Zvezda, Ho 277, 24 Bov 49 21. Bakinskiy Rabochiy, Ho 222, 11 Hov 49 22. Bakinekiy Rabochiy, Ho 175, 6 Sep 49 23? Zarya Vostoka, Ho 195, 4 oct 49 24. Kazakhetanskaye Pravda, Ho 223, 15 Hov 49 25. Kazakhstc-~:.;~a Pravda, Ho 217, 5 Hov 49 25. Sovetskaya Moldaviys, Ho 221, 4 Hov 49 27. Izveetiye, Ho 229, 28 Sep 49 28. Sovetskaya Kir izi H 222 g ya, o , 11 Hov 49 29? Sovetskaya Kirgiziys, Ho 233, 29 Aov 49 30. Sovetskaya Kirgiziya, Ho 236, 3 Dec 49 31. Pravda Ukrainy, Ho 271, 18 Hov 49 (reprint from Turkmenskaye Iekrn) 32? Kommunist Tadzhikietan A 22 a, o 7, 33? Pravda Yuetoka, Ho 220, 6 Nov 4y 19 Hov 49 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/28: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600290283-6