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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320438-0 CLASSIF1CATi0N ~ ii~'cCt);'C ~~~`'~~~ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD FrO. COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT ~~~~ -Theory HOW PUBLISHED Weekly newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED l~bscow DATE PUBLISHED 9 Feb - 11 May 7'~?50 LANGUAuE Russian or~arxoi vimo inni nTMU~ii[ iuaui oi~ unoiiaN~rN ~o~ oa m aarauno~ ~. a..e., at ?ao aa.aa ~aa~oas. m roaauua ioino M u~ ' aanoDYCIlOa Oa TMI/ ioii ii np~ ,I 1nos. ~s ~ DATE OF INFORMATION .1950 DATE DIST. ~~ Jun 1950 N0. OF PAGES 6 SUPPLEMENT TO 50X1-HUM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION SOURCE Meditsinskiy Rabotnik and Literaturnaya Gazeta. DEBATE ON A. D. gpEgA~ISTtiy'S UNIF2ED MEDICAL 'THEORY IN THE USSR umbers in parentheses refer to the table at the end of the report which shows the amount of space devoted by "A~{+stnakiy Rabotnik to th.e various articles discussed below) The key~~article on Academician A. D. Speranskiy's unified medical theory (la, which started the cu.~ent debate in Mediteinskiy Rabotnik was published by S. Sarkisov, Academician-Secretary of the Academe of Medical Sciences USSR, in the 9 r^ebruary 1950 issue of that under the title "The Teaching of I. P. Pavlov and Medical Science? This was followed by au article, "On the Contemporary State of Medical Science," published in the 16 February 1950 issue of the same paper by Speranskiy himself (2): In a foot- . note to the latter. article the editorial board of MeditaYnskiy Rabotnik pointed out that the questions raised by Ssskisov and Speranskiy are of the greatest im- portsnce to the medical profession, ,and invited USSR medical scientists to ex- press their opinion by writing to Meditsinskiy Rabotnik on these questions for publication in that newspaper. In the first article cited above, Professor Ssrkisov mentioned that some people had opposed Speranskiy's~theory at a meeting, and had~rs~ueeteoPP nentao~l experimental proof. Sarkisov asked in his srticle,~,~y SP Y did not try to use their own experimental,Yaci.lities for obtaining p~oof~in view of the fact that the Institute of General Pathology directedeby~~erans~iy could not possibly do all the work in the field of pathology. Sp Y, the article published u~sder his name, did not enter the discussion, but concen- trated on the theoretical and philosophical aspects of the new theory and re- ferred to Yircl~ov's and Erlich's theories'as sterile and bourgeois. He stated in conclusion, however, that reactionary theories must be uprooted and that a? reorientation of the medical profession and. medical research appearQ to be de- sirable. This end, in Speranekiy's opinion, must be achieved by a discussion on the broadest scientific front, with participation of the broadest masses of CLASSIFICATION NSRB ~~u~~ DISTRIBUTIdN Q SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320438-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320438-0 scientific workers, and definitely not carried on exclusively through the medium of a newspaper. debate, in the course of which it is impossible to present complete scientific data. Ha said he did not quite agree with Sarkisov's attitude toward the discussion apparently proposed by the latter. The articles by Sarkisov and Speranskiy and the invitation by the editors of Me3ltsinskiy Rabotnik to continue the discussion resulted in a number of con- tributions published in that newspaper during February, March, and April 1950. ~;d.itorials on statements. referring to Speranskiy's theory and news items, brief letters to the editor, and other materisl also appeared in Meditsinskiy Rabotnik during this period, up to 11 May. The principal published items coming within the scope of that discussion are noted below. In the 23 February 1950 issue of Meditsinckiy Rabotnik, Professor A. Strukov~ Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, published an ar- ticle, "For Progressive Soviet Medical Science" (3)? Although in general ap- proving the new theory, Strukov rather obliquely points out the simultaneous importance of humeral factors in disease. In the 2 March 1950 issue, Professor S. Pavlenko (Kazan') reported on the All-Union Conference on Pathological Ph~~siology which took place in Kazan' (4). Material relevant to the discussion was presented at the meeting. In reporting on the meeting, Professor Pavlenko includes his own remarlw, which are favorable to Speranskiy's theory. The 16 March 1950 issue contains an article by A. Myasnikov, Acting Mem- ber of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, "Nervism and Soviet ?'herapy" (5). This article rejects Virchov's theory on general grounds, but otherwise crlt3_ The 16 March 1950 issue also presents an editorial on a meeting of the Mos- cow Society of Pathological Anatomy which debated the questions raised in the current controversy in bleditsinskiy Rabotnik: The editorial, entitled "On the Wrong Path," (6) criticizes Professors A. I. Strukoy, I. V. Davydovskiy, and Rapaport, who opposed the views of Speranskiy's group at the meeting. It de- plores the "sensational" fight between adherents of Davydovskiy and Speranskiy ai the meeting, berating Bronovitskiy and Ostryy, adherents of Speranskiy, for sheer vituperation, and microbiologist Professor Sakharov and Dr Dzugaeva, opponents of Speranskiy, for facetious conduct and ideological transgressions (according to the report, Dr Dzugaeva reduced,. her arguments to criticism of the system of administrative servility and nepotism which flourishes at certain scientific institutes). In conclusion, the editorial praises the responsible attitude of Professor Solov'ev, Dr M. Durmtsh'yan, adherents of Speranskiy's "nervism"), and Professor Neyman, who does not accept Speranskiy's theory com- pletely, assumes a neutral attitude, and calls on the Scientific Medical Council of the Ministry of Health to intervene in uprooting surviving remai~:ders of reactionary theories in scientific s es. A third item in the same issue, "New Work Done by Soviet Pathologists" reports on experimental results obtained under Speranskiy's direc on itute of General and Fxperimental Pathology of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR (7). The report on the meeting of the Mpscow Society of Pathological Anatomists (17 March 1950 session) was concluded in the next (23 March 1950) issue of Meditsinskiy Rabotnik (8). Professor Kassirskiy's defense of the etiological pr':nciple in clinical medicine against extreme conceptions of Speranskiy's school is -mentioned first. This is followed by references to Professor Rusakov's re- port (giving specific examples) on the inculcation of Pavlov's "nervism" into psttiological anatomy by drawing the latter closer to physiology and Speranskiy's report on the same general subject. After this, Professor Strukov's concluding speech, in which he accepts criticism directed. against himself and against the w~.rk of the Society of Pathological Anatomy as 3ustified, is reported. Professor SE~FET . 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320438-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320438-0 ? ~. SECRET Davydovskiy's speech, which closed the debate over which he had presided, is mentioned next with a reference to Davidovskiy's final criticism of Speran- skiy's theory as a mechanistic and incorrect conception of Pavlov's "nervism" erring in the assumption of a virtual autonomy of the nervous system. Accord- ing to the editorial, Davydcvakiy reproached Speranskiy with an attitude in- volving the negation of successes of Soviet medicine in its fight with Virchov's dogmas. The 23 IQarch issue also carried an article by A. Alymov, Corresponding Member of the Academy oY Sciences USSR, "For the Pavlov Direction in Medical Science" (9). In this article Alymov gives a very favorable review of Speran- slciy's theory and of experimental results obtained by Speranslciy and his group. Alymov's attitude is seconded by Dr M. Durmish'yan in an article ublished in the 30 March 1950 issue of Meditsinskiy Rabotnik under the title "National Physiology in Opposition to Cellular a o ogy ). In the 30 March issue the editorial board published excerpts from letters to the edi- tor (11) in which readers (medics]. practitioners, according to the heading "The Medical Practitioner Speaks") er_press themselves both for ana against Speran- the 30 March 1950 issue are defini+,ely in favor of Speranskiy's theory, however. The editor points out that the current discussion has had a tremendous impact en the medical opinion of the country and that neutrality in the fight between two irreconcilable medical theories is impossible. Under the circumstances, the editor is surprised that the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Scien- tific Medical Council of the Ministry of Health still occupy the position of inactive bystanders. In the 6 April 1y50 issue Meditsinskiy Rabotnik published under the caption, "Pavlov's Teaching Put Into Science and Practice:" the full text of a speech held by E. I. Smirnov, Minister of Health USSR, at the Al ].-Union Meeting of ?ending Workers of University Medical Faculties (12). In this speech, Smirttov squarely defends Speranskiy's theory and criticizes Professors A. I. Strukov and A. L. N(yasnikov, on the basis of their articles in IMPditsinskiy Rabotntk In the 13 April 19;0 is site of Meditsinskiy Rabotnik, Professor A. Zubkov {Minsk) published an article entitled " Full Clarity" (13) in which he criticizes Speranskiy's unified theory as metaphysical and rash in its broad interpretation of Pavlov's purely experimental results leading to the concept of "nervism." At the same time Zubkov appreciates the positive experi- mental achievements of Speranskiy's group. In the same issue, V. Popov, as- sistant to the chief anatomist of the Bezhitsa (Bryansk Oblast) Municipal Hos- pital, in a letter entitled"Nearer to Practical Applications," {11+) declares that he is a confirmed follower of Speranskiy, but criticizes Speranskiy's group for inadequate publicity which they give to their own work and for a tendency to negate past achievements of Russian medicine. A third item in the same issue touching on the controversy is a dispatch from Leningrad 3y Special Correspondent N. Orlov reporting cn a discussion of Speranskiy's theory at an expanded session of the ~;cientific Council of the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Academy of Sciences USSR, i.e., I. P. Pavlov's institute, and other relevant papers pre- sented at the same meeting (15). N. Orlov deplores the reluctance of D. N. Nasonov and F. S. Kupalov, Acting Members Academy of Medical Sciences; Professor A. Yu. Sronovitskiy; V. Ya. Alelcsandrov, Doctor of Biological Sciences; and 3. ~'. Anichkov, Corresponding Member, Academy of Medical Sciences, to express? themselves explicitly on the subject of the current controversy. IIe also re- prrts on comments made by Kupalov (against Speranskiy's theory), Dr M. G. Durmish'- yan (for), Academician K. M. Bykov (against), V. I. Ioffe Corresponding Member, 1 for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320438-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320438-0 ~~~~~r Academy,of Sciences (favorable, but pointing out that Pavlov's work was never concerned with the pathology of infectious diseases), N. N. Zayko (for, pointing out lack of bolaheviat self-criticism evinced in the report presented by the director of the institute, D. N. Nasonov), Dr 0. Ya Ostryy (for)e and D. N. Nasonov (recognizing justification of the criticism directed against himself and against the work of the institute). Ln con- elusion Orlov mentions criticism leveled against the Institute of Experi- mental Medicine at the Party Conference of the Petrograd Region of Lenin- grad 9.nd himself criticizes the institute for a pseudoacsdemic attitude and for unproductive work, the last being partly due, in Orlov's opinion, to faulty management for which the directors of the institute and the Presidium or the Academyy of yfedical Sciemces are responsible. The 20 April 1950 issue of Meditsinskiy Rabotnik published under the title "I. P. Pavlov's Heritage and 2dedical Science" an article written by P. Kupalov (Leningrad), Acting Member, Academy of Medical Scie_res in which the author criticizes Speranakiy's ideas on the role of the nervous system in the pathology of infectious diseases. The criticism is rather mild and is based wholly on experimental facts. This article is followed in the same issue by a communication entitled "Against the Golden Middle" by Professor V. Andguladze (16). Anguladze states that although the results obtained at his institute are in complete agreement with Speranskiy's theory, the editors of both Tera evticheslci Arkhiv (Archive of Therapy) and Klinicheskaya Meditsina (Clinical Medicine have refused to publish them, and the Organiza- tional Committee of the 13th Meeting of Therapeutiats has refused to give him time for the presentation of a paper. Anguladze regards this as a manifes- tation of the hidden war between two irreconcilable tendencies in medical science. In the 4 May 1950 issue of Meditsinaki Rabotnik an article, "Problems of Nerve Trophism in Contemporary Medicine,'.' 17 was published in which the author, Professor M. Borovskiy of t+toscow reviews favorably Speranskiy's work, points out the universal significance of nerve distrophies in disease, and mentions cases of successful treatment of bilateral tuberculosis by alcholiza- tion of the peripherally .severed diaphragmal nerve oa one side carried out by Professor V. F'. Shchebanov at the Moscow Oblast Tuberculosis Institute at his, Borovakiy's, suggestion. In the ll May 1950 issue of Meditsinskiy Rabotnik, Docent 0. Vasil'evskaya published under the title "Against Remainders of Virchov's Teachings in Medi- cal Literature" a report on an expanded meeting .of the Editorial Council of Medgiz (State Press for Medical Literature) (18). According to Vasil'evskaya's report, the meeting consisted of an address by Dr M. G. Durmish'yan,~~Senior Editor of Medgiz, on the subject "Two Tendencies in Medical Science, and a discussion of that address. A number of standard Soviet medical books ie honeycombed with outlived remainders of Virchov's teachings, according to Dr Durmish`yan's statement in his address, and this situation must be corrected. He also said that a complete break between the principle of chemotherapy, on one aide, and Pavlov's "nervism" and Diichurin's biology, on the other, has taken place at present. All participants of the discussion whose opinions are cited in the report on the meeting (Professor A. I. Strukov,.Corresponding Member, Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor S. M. Pavlenko, Professor A. F. Bilibi.n,'end Acting Prpfeseor.'.V. Aa~.G3~lyarovskiy, Member;rAcademy of YQedical. Sciences) weed with?Dr ]humish'yad's essential thesis.,on~the>reaction o~.,.tj~e organism as a whc7.e and the neurctropic.character~of 11 disease, i.e., Sper- anskiy's theo:y,,according to, Vasil'evekaya:~,-?Professor.S. M. Pavlenko;~p?iited out particalarly the significance_of Speranskiy's teachipgs.for,the solution of questions in the..field oP a~nunology.and immunotherBPY~ -~- SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320438-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320438-0 The controversy on the subject of Speransltiy's unifed theory has also attracted attention elsewhere. Pointing out the broad public interest in the questions touched upon i.n the discussion, the editors of LiteraturnaYa Gazeta requested Academician Speranskiy +.o contribute an article. This article Was published under the title "On the Situation in Medical Science" in the 29. March 1950 issue of that newspaper. In this article Speranskiy draws a parallel be- tween Vlrchov's theory and the teachings of Weismann, Mendel, and Morgan. As these teachings have been overthrown by Niichurinist biology, reactionary ten- dencies in medicine must overthrown by the new school of pathology which origi- nated. with Pavlov, according to Speranskiy. He deplores the attempt made by niofessor I. V. Davidovskiy and his group to drive a wedge between the new school of pathology and I. P: Pavlov's teachings. To demonstrate the value of the new theory, Speranskiy enumerates methods of medical intervention which, in accordance with the new theory, are aimed not at the disease agent; the original cause of the disease, but at the organism, and particularly at its nervous system. These methods of medical intervention, which have already been applied successfully en thousands of patients, comprise, according to Speranskiy'; statement, the novocaine renal vicinity?blockade (A. V. Bishnav- skiy) and epidermal blockade in pneumonia (A. D. Speranskiy, E. M. Ginzburg, and others), the magnesial blockade (Ya. Yu. Shpirt), the deep-sleep treat- ment of internal diseases (F. A. Andreev), various forms of affecting a specific (peripheral) segment of a nerve (M. L. Borovskiy,??F. M. Golub, and F. M. Shebanov), and therapy of nonpulmonary tuberculosis by affecting the nerve apparatus of the lung, et?c. (0. Ya. Ostryy, 'Q. A. Albov, D. N. Atabekov, 0. N. Podvysotskaya, and others). According to Speranskiy, msny traditional.?methods of treatment, which hiterto have been purely empirical (cups, leeches, mustard plasters, com- presses, pneumothorax, balneotherapy, electrotherapy, etc.), can be explained? scientifically on the basis of the new theory. In conclusion, Speranskiy says, as far as the discussion on the pages of Meditsinskiy Rabotni_k is concerned: "It seems to me that the newspaper has ndt yet approximated an understand- ing of the casks posed. A number of articles in this paper go into particulars, but disregard the principle. Editorial articles of Meditsinskiy Rabotnik're- flect the absence of s firm decision on the part of the paper in this discussion." He concludes the article by saying: "7.'he correct solution of this question has by no means purely theoretical significance. The assertion of Pavlov's ideas in medicine will open up new paths for the prevention and cure of disease. This is why millions of Soviet people are interested in the outcome of the struggle between the old and the new in medical science." As far as could be established, the article by Speranskiy in "Literaturnya Gazeta represents the only reference to the current controversy published out- side the medical and scientific press. The controversy has nut been mentioned in daily newspapers regularly avail- able. So far, the discussion has been limited to a strictly scientific and medical level, and the current prominence given to it apparently might be as- cribed t?o an attempt to propagandize the medical profession. The space given to this controversy in the various issues of Meditsinskiy Rabotnik by the editors was as follows: 'S- SECRET Sanitized Co A~roved for Relea ~~ w~~ py pp_ se 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320438-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320438-0 ~~~~ET: This amount of space devoted to the current discussion by afour-page weekly newspaper, which carries official announcements occupying a large print of the first cage, may possibly serve as a measure of the importance being attached to the subject under discussion. S~~ {C~~ .~, _,~_. ed Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600320438-0