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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360612-2 '1 CLASSIFICATION GONFTD);NTIAL C6H~~~Et~ 1'~~ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY Yugoslavia SUBJECT Transportation - Water HOW PUBLISHED Monthly periodicals WHERE PUBLISHED" Split; Zagreb DATE PUBLISHED ~T~?U? - Sep 1590 LANGUAGE 3erbo-Croatian TMII DOCU PINT CONTAIN/ IN/0[NAfiON A/11011X1 TNI NAf10NAL DIItN/( Of TNt UNITtO ITATI/ YIITNIN TM[ Y[ANIN/ 0/ t1 /10 NA/l AC1 10 V. t. C.. 11 ANO 11. AI ANtND10. IT/ TNANINI/ZION ON tN1 AIYtLAtiON 01 111 Co NTtNT/IN AMT NANNtA TD AN VNAUINO NIttO ItN10N 11 IAO? 111117[0 tT LAt, N[MOOU CTION OI TMII /O NY Il INOHI IITI D. SATE OF ~IVFORMATION 1950 DP.TE DIST. ~ '~~+(:1950 NO. OF PAGES 8 SUPPLEMENT ? ) REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION u~ .cLOFI~NTS IN yUCUSLAV MF:ftCAA.NT MARII~ EXPANSION OF YUCOSI,AV MERCHANT MARINE MaJ Ivan Marinovic ? Zagreb, Jugoelavenski Maa?na_~, ,ep 50 .. About 60 percent of the Yugoslav zaeschs_nt fleet was damaged during the last war, The basic problems which had to be solved, as a direct result of war damageA were the followingo, nationalization oP the commercial Pleat and organ- ization of its state economic management, general repair of existing ahipe, eal- ? vaging and renovation of sunken ahipsy and building of a new modern fleet. ? The first problem Was quickly solved after the liberation?by the order ford nationalization ttnd the establishmea+, of the federal Ministry of Navigation. The solving of the other problems of ?a materiel and technical nature depended oi~the repair and construction of Y~goelav shipbuilding enterprises and heavy industry. Significant results have been achieved in the fields of reconstruction and uew construction, in spite of enormous technical, political, and economic dif- ficulties caused by technical backwardness the dam i ?t. s ag ng effects of the war on "' the country, and the economic blockade by the Cominform leaders. General re- pair~and reconstruction of about 75 percent oP the total naval tonnage was ac- complished is 1949 - 1950; 80 percent of this work was done in Yugoslav ship- yard~. ? The growth of Yugoslav ahinbuilding is demonatrate3 by the large number of motor ahipe and tankers built since'the liberation; 46 percent of all new con- struction was, in shipbuilding, New construction completed to date,con8lets of heavy motor ships of the most modern type for line service with a standard gross tonnage of 9,000 tone, such as the Srbija and the MakedonlJs; and with a stsa- dnrd gross tonnage o2 4?;000 tone9 such as the Zagreb an3 the Ai,jeka. A11 these ahipe have accommodations for a limited number of passengers. ' STATE ARMY DISTRIBUTION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360612-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360612-2 ~~MFIDE~IT!~l The increase in the number of fwat motor ehipa has made possible a grad- ual abandonment of the ~; tea ~f free navigation (tram steamers) to the su- perior system of line navigation, which answers the needs of the planned econ- omy and of export and import transport. The commercial fleet today maintains z?eguler freight lines with Lorthern Europe, the Near Esst and North ,and South America. It struggles to carry freight and passengers along the coast with only a modest fleet, which makes up about 10 percent of its total xross tonnage. Transport of passengers makes maximum uee of existing tonnrge a'nd snows an lncreese from an index of 100 per- cent in .1939 to 393 percent in 1948, Parallel. to the in^rease in tranepox?t capacity is the increase in tran~- port accomplishment, ns folloxs: 2?raneport Frt Carried Ton- Iona of Frt Pass pass Year Capacity tone Miles 1.,L__ per Ship Transport Miles 1946 100 100 100 1.00 100 100 1947 123 116 119 95 148 200 1948 1.35 145 1.48 108 193 400 1949 154 170 lit iii 162* 314*-~ * Does not include local tranaportstl.on. *~* Decrease due to the loss of the Partizanka, long-?diatance passenger ship. After World War II, only 21 gercexzt of the operational wharfs remained in usable condition; machinery was destroyed; and ports were blocked with sunken ships. The situation was made more difficult since the technical ehipa neces- sary for building ports were wholly disabled or sunk. The majority of the pets xere almost wholly restored and fitted to prewar capacity from 1945 to 1950. An increase in port commerce resulted as shown in the following figures (1939 = 100); Ports 1946 1947 i9!!8 1949 All ports 129 150 212 252 Rijeka 41 64 109 143 Sibenik 86 65 75 136 + Split 1111 113 137 65~ * Does not include the northern basin All lighthouses and signals were renovated in 1945 - 1950; new equipment was also installed. The freight service was reorganized and furnished with 'nodern freight vesePls. The standard of living for seamen has been improved 100 percent.- In 1948, over 100 million dinars were spent for living quarters on ships. A large num- ber of institutes, schools, and couraea have been established for professional instruction of naval transport workers. A higher naval school was opened in Rijeka at the end of 1949. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360612-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360612-2 ~~~~~~F,~~~ ~~. CONFIDENTL4L The federal government. o" yugoslavla issued an order on 19 April 1950 changing the order on the establishment. of the Main Administration of Naval Technical EnterprisF~, This orders xhich changes the title of Main Administration of Naval Technical Enterprises to that of Main Administration of Naval Construction Enterprises, is the firs? step toward the reorganization of the ministry. The order makes the following organizational changes in naval construc- tion agencies and technical er_terprisee: 1. The former Main Administration of Na?xl Technical Enterprises has become the operational manager of all naval construction enterprises and naval dredging enterprises Th_ independent Rijeka Naval Construction Enterprise is created from the local brancli (at Rijeka) of the Split Naval Construction En- terprise, and the jurisdiction of the Split enterprise is decreased, its branches being reduced from four to three (Split, Sibenik, and Dubrovnik). The Adminis- tration for the Construction of Ploce Harbor under the altered name of the Enter- prise fo.r the Construction of Kardeljevo Harbor ie placed under the operational management of the new Main Administration of Naval Construction Enterprises, No organizational changes have been made in the "Hager" (Dxedge) Enterprise. 2. The "Obale" (Wharf) Institution for Planning Naval Construction Pro~ecte, and the Enterprise for Salvaging sad Towing Ships, which has altered its name to the Administration for Repairing and Salvaging Ships, have been transferred to the direct operational management oP the Ministry of Navigation of the Federal Government. The "Rad" Naval Workshop Enterprise has ceased to exist as an indp~- pendent enterprise and is merged wick the "Split" Naval Construction Enterprise, of which it is now an auxiliary unit. The Main Administration of Naval Technical Enterprises ie predominantly operational, and all the construction operations under the ministry (including the dredging enterprise) are united under its management. The ministry has freed itself entirely of all the purely operational functions with which it xas formerly biu?dened; notsbly, the purely operational functions connected with the former Ad- ministration for Construction of Ploce Harbor, which it managed directly. The Administration for the Cor-truct7en of Ploce Harbor has now been placed tinder the operational management of the Main Administration of Naval Construction Enterprises. In this *~gy, the Administration for the Constru~:tion of Ploce Harbor lost i?? ad- ministrative character e,nd had to be renamed the Enterprise for the Construction of Ploce Harbor (or Kardeljevo, since Pl.oce had in the meantime been renamed Kard- eljevo). The Rijeka Naval Construction Enterprise was created because of the develop- ment of Rijeka Harbor as yugoslsvia's most important port in foreign trade, be- cause of the diversity oP construction (superstructural, industrial, and electric power plant construction) there, because of the extent oP construction (about 33 percent of the plan for construe?,ion in 1950 is projected for new construction enterprises in Rijeka), and because of the great distance of the building site from Split, the headquarters of the enterprise. The "Hager" Naval Dredging Enterprise remains under the operational manage-. ment of the Main Administration of Naval Construction Enterprises, because dredg- ing serves the naval construction enterprises in the accomplishment of their work and is very ~.:losely related to naval construction enterprises. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360612-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360612-2 During its 4 years of existence, the Enterprise for Salvaging and Tow- ing Ships has raised most of the ships, docks, etc., sunk along the coast during the war. The msin work of the enterprise is decreasing in this re- spect and will cease almost, entirely in +.he near future. On the other hand, there is a new ac+,ivity, the repair of ships. The ministry can sox approach the construction of shipyards for repairing ships of the merchant fleet. It is most suitable for these two activities to unite in one enterprise until one of them ( ships) entirely ceases, while the other (repairing ships} is not completely developeda The combined enterprise is named the Administration for Repairing and Salvz~ging Ships and will be under the di- rect management of the Ministry oP iVavigstion. The "Obala" Institution for Planning Naval Construction Projects is placed under the direct operational management of the Ministry of Navigation because of the necessity of close correlation of its projected plans with the ministry's capital inves?ment plans, because of additions which may be made to the investment. plan wring the year, because of assigning priorities, and becsuse of the necessarily close relation of the "Obala" to the various com- missions for revision of projects, The relation to all other commissions is indirect, through the ministry, becsuse the "Obale" Enterprise must plan ports and port install&+ions (wharves, railroad tracks, warehouses, etc>), and all projects closely s~elated to exploitation This requires that the enterprise be under the direct management of the agency for over-all planning of ports, i,e., the ministry The "" Naval Workshop Enterprise way combined witu tiie Split Naval Con- struction Enterprise because the "Rad" Enterprise was of a service character and had a very small productive capacity The Makedonija, Yugoslavia's new motor ship, was launched in Rijeka Harbor 21 May 1950. It is one of the more modern and attractive cargo boats in form and construe+,ion~ The ship is equipped with lifesaving apparatus, safety de- vices, snd navigation instruments. The vessel was built in Holland, but vas constructed in considerable part according to Yugoslav design and under the superintendence of Yugoslav builders. The Makedonija is of open-shelter deck type with open wells in the stern and in the cruiser stern. It has a short bow superstructure, beneath which is the equipment for lifting the anchor and the heavy freight. A double bottom stretches along the entire length of the ship. The captain?s bridge, cabins for passengers, and some cabins for the crew are in the center of the bridge. Other cabins for the crew are in the stern. Asingle-propeller Sulzer engine operates the vessel. The Makedonija's measurements are as follows; Over-all length J.44 meters Length between perpendiculars 134.5 meters Beam 18.6 meters Height to the main deck 8.34 meters Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360612-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360612-2 Height to the covered deck Number of passengere rgparity Oros tonnage Jrsught Effectiv=_ horsepower Speed 1134' meters 12 6,1.19 gross-registered tons 9,100 tone 7.01 meters 5,000 14 knots The body of the vessel is built of s+,rong steel plates, which can sus- tain the heaviest loads The ship ie r_onstructed according to all the regu- lstior_s of the Specifications Board and has a certificate of the highest clssao Under the main deck .ie another deck, which strengthens the ship's construction considersbl,y, The Makede.^._,J.s, h._s te:o masts. A steel pole, which serves as a support for the equipment for lifting cargo to holds No 2 and 3, is located amidship, be+.ween the foreman+, and the super-tructure. The double bottom is divided into 15 chambers, which are not intercon- nected. These tanks stor=_ drinking water, fuel, lubricating oil, and ballast. Cofferdams' are located between the water e' d fue]. tanks, to prevent mixing of fuel or lubricating oil with the drinking water in the .event of a break in the partitions between the tanks. Three holds for cargo are forward and two astern Cargo is handled by 12 electric cranes of li- to 5-'~on capacity, The cranes are installed on the deck, four around mast and four around the steel pole between holds No 2 and 3~ , The masts and the steel pole are fitted to hold the equipment for trans- ferring cargo to and from the ship. The foremast is reinforced to support an 80-ton load Two 60-horesepower electric cranes, located under the forecastle superstructure, lift 80-ton loads and also lift the anchor. The ship also has equipment to lift 20-ton loads The double bottom is covered with a row of thick boards to prevent damage from loading and unloading cargo. The drains in the holds are also covered with boards to protect them from debris from various car- goes, The hold drains are installed with special pipes equipped to shut off water in case of any failure of the drainage system or leaks. Separate pipes leading only to the upper deck are installed to control the amount of water in the drains: Daily inspections are made to prevent damage to the cargo from standing water, The holds are separated by bulkheads reaching f~?om the dc?xble bottom to the main decko All holds have a deck, which is especially suitable for sepa- rating various kinds of freigh+,~ The holds are ventilated by ventilators in- stalled on the deck The captain and chief engineer have s workroom sad plumbing facilities off their bedrooms, The machine rooms are under the superstructure and are reached by separate stairse Cabins for crew and passengers are commodious and hygienic- ally arranged. The living qusrters extend along both sides of the corridor, which runs the entire length of the superstructure. Separate plumbing facili- ties for officers and crew are beside. the passenger cabins, The floors of all rooms and corridors are covered. with "litosil." ,;n electromechanical worashop - 5 -. CONFIDENTIAL COMFil~-~~aT~~~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360612-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360612-2 is on the port side toward the stern A well lighted and xell ventilated, commodious kitcren is in the middle of the superstructure towards the stern, Conking is done on s 37-kilowatt electric range; baking, in an 8-kilowatt electric stove, The cabins are ventilated by a system of pipes leading from a pressure ventilator Separate dining rooms are provided for offi- cers, passengers, sad crew. On_ secti.on of the dining room for the crew can be sep~~rated by sliding doers, making space for a Red Ccrner, Eight twd-bed cabins for the :raw, with complete plumbing facilities, -e located in the superstzuct+u =. All living quarters are heated by hot- w.ater radiators. The captain's bridge ie s.~nidship and is r_ompoeed of the navigator's and steersman''o cabins., The navigator"s cabin is equipped with modern apparatus and in=traments. Tine fire-fighting station in the steersman's cabin can ex- tinguish fires .ir, the holds and engine with carbon dioxide. Steering is done with a sms~l wheel on e. telemotor with two 17-horsepower electric en- gines, one of w?-,ich is ?.L reserve engine. A mechanical telegraph in the steers- man's cabin. is used to transmit orders to +,he crew, Ths single-action, two-cycle, 5,004-horsepower, 128-rpm Sulzer engine has nine cylinder without compressors, ~T~ne ship has a speed of 14 knots under full load: Endive 'ylinders snd oil for the bearings are cooled with fresh water, which in turn ie cooled by sea water, using special exhaust pumps, All workingarts of the engir.>_ are l:,z~~ricated by a pressure system. Fuel and lubricating-oil pumps are lubricated by cylinders installed on the same axle a.s the main engine, which drives them A tSncL m-type double-sciicr_ pump for cleaning is driven directly by the main engine Cylinders and pumps are automatically cleaned and lubricated. The engine 1,_t_srted by compressed air from three air flasks, which hold a sufficient quantity of sir for 15 to 20 revolutions, An automatic alarm system warns of any damage to the mechanical lubricat- ing and systems, The main engine has Michell .friction bearings, whose temperature is con- trolled by a system of pipes containing oil coolant and a thermometer indicat- ing their temperature. Three 240-horsepower MAN, six-cylinder, 525-rpm, single-action, four-beam diesel generators assist *.he main engine. They are started by air and each one has its own oil pump, coolant oil, fuel filter, revolution regulator, manometer, thermometer, etc. A 225-volt current is generated. Two of the generators are constructed to run as compressors for filling the air flasks, The compressor . capacity ie 210 cubic meters pe.r hour for a pressure of 30 kilograms per square centimetero A smaller diesel generator has an air-compressor capacity of 25 cubic meters per hour, Ova 35-cubic-meter-per-hour electric pump pumps the oil to a height of 25 meters; its capacity is 14 cubic meters per hour to a height of 20 meters. Two De Laval electric purification systems, each with a capacity of 2,000.liters per hour,, are installed to separate impurities from the fuel oil, and two purifica- tion systems of the same capacity separate impurities from the lubricating oil. Two 65-horsepower horizontal electric pumps lubricate all working parts of the main engine One of these pumps ie in operation when the main engine is work- ing, while the other is in readiness as a reserve pump, Lubricating oil is cooled by twc+ Serck cooling systems, Salt water is cooled by two 25-horsepower, 300-ton- per-hour horizontal electric pumps. Fresh water is cooled by -`wo 56-horsepower horizontal electric pumps., Two smaller 20-ton-per-hour electric: pumps assist in the cooling of fresh and salt water. `1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360612-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360612-2 ~ '1 CEt~lfI~ENT~AI CONFIDENTIAL One 20-horsepower, 150-ton-per-Y.our centrifugal pump pumps water from the tanks and also transfers it from one tank to snother, A 43-horsepower pump pumps water from the drains. Other pumps circulate water for plumbing, for drinking water, etc. A workshop with a large lathe, planing machine, drill, and grinder, sll electrically operated, is equipped~~o make all, minor repairs. A crane with a gross tonnage of 6 tons travels on tracks along the entire length of the main ~~gine. Cranes with s gross tonnage of one ton esch serve the auxiliary en- gines, Tanks of salt and fresh water placed in the ship?s funnel supply the living quarters and plumbing facilities with running water. Tyro small steam boiler= heat fuel oil for the main and auxiliary installations, A refriger- ating unit preserves fresh food on board. Slavko Vrebalov Zagreb, Jugoslovenski Mornar, Sep 50 In 1947, the "Brodospss" (Ship Salvage) Enterprise at Split raised for re- pair the Bslcik, a Rumanian ship of 3,600 tons, and the passenger ship Sen,j. The enterprise salvaged a totsl of 11,000 gross registered tons in 1947. rIn 1948, in the port of Gruz, the Gigi of 3,666 tons was raised by "Brod- ospss for dismantling. The Ramb IIZ was salvaged at Ri,~eka; the ship's gross registered tonnage is 3,667-tons, A floating dock of 1,500 tons and the Srbin of y82 gross-registered tone were raised at Pula The enterprise salvaged a total of 11,850 gross-registered tons in 1948. In 1949, the enterprise had a record year. It salvaged a total of 16,000 tons. The Marko at Split, the Potestas st Tivat, and the Mercurio at Pores were raised for dismantling. The Locchi and the Lazarus Cement Dock at Ri,ieka, and the Brunduzium at Gruz, were raised for repair, A total of 5,000 gross-registered tons had been salvaged up to 25 June 1950. The Italia at Rasa was raised for dismantling, while the 864-ton Beograd at Pula was raised for repair; also a 250-ton pontoon crane and the 250-ton Liguria were raised for repair, "Brodospss" teams helped tow tl:e Panamanian 5. Pablo, the Italian fishing boat Gioconda, the tanker Vis, and the Brac, The enterprise is now raising the Petar, which is sunk over 50 meters under water at 7.1arin~ The raising of this ship will be one: of the greatest achievements of the collective, for no one has as yet succeeded in:raising a vessel from this depth. T.o date, results show that the task wi,11 be successfully accomplished. The enterprise dismantles highly damaged vessels and sends the old iron for use as raw materials in ferrous metallurgy, The largest base is at Split, where the Gigi, S, Marko, No Matkovic, S. Luigi, and Partizanka are being dis- mantled. The Pul,j and Italia are being dismantled at Pula, .and the Mar Bianco at Zadar, _q_ CONFIDENTIAL YlO~F~~~l~ 9 ~F4~ ~~ ~? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360612-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360612-2 c~y~l~E~TlAt The "Brodospas" Enterpz~ise carried out the following salvage operations during the first 3 years of the Yugoslav Five-Year Plan; Year Total Salvage (tons) Wt (tons For Repair Gross-Registered Tonnage For Dismantling Wt (tons) 1947 16,004 6,111. 5,112 ~ 9,893 1948 14,513 9,330 7,485 5,183 1949 20,897 6,330 7,5-9 ~hird digit 9,567 illeg ble i- The 5,000-ton ship Potestas was salvsged in 1949 for dismantling, but the clismsntling has not taken place. 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360612-2