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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070530-4 ~ SUBJECT Economic - Heavy industry, metallurgy INFORMATION 1951, 1952 CLASSIFICATION RESTRICTED CENTRAL INTTEELLIGENCEAGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY Hungary DATE OF HOW PUBLISHED Irregular newspapers, DIST. 1952 papers, monthly periodical ?7 WHERE- PUBLISHED Budapest, Berlin; Innsbruck NO. OF PAGES 3 DATE PUBLISHED Sep 1951 - 20 May 1952 AU MCnm IORMM/ IIIOU?nO11 YIIrnn TMI ..M." OVn.I 01 nI /Into STATES ?noU nI 141111 or IIPICI?II ACT n I? I. S. II qI ILU ?pnn. In T-M.SlOI oI TIII IVLLAT.. O/ In OOnam n ?IT .?ra10 ro ?t YOMTNOYInIO nnol lI n C. 11111 n I?n. nnooorno, or TIIII ro\t II noelMTla. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION PROGRESS REPORT ON STALIN WORKS IN HUNGARY; STALIN WORKS REPO1tTLDLY TURNING OUT AR MATERIEL 3.5 BILLION FORINTS APPROPRIATED FOR B Sep 51 TA IN WORKS -- Budapest, Magyar Technika, When the first section of the Sztalin Muvek (Stalin Works) in Sztalinvaros is completed in 1954, it will produce more steel than the entire 1949 output of Hungary's steel industry. Planned as a vertical combine, it will include blast furnaces, steel mills, rolling mills, coke burners, and a power plant which will serve the combine and also transmit current to the national network. Gee derived from coking will be utilized in the plant itself and in 7ztalinvaros. A chemical plant will process the by-products of coking for tar, amr;onia, and benzol; lime- kiln tnd facilities for making firebricks are to for' part of the combine. t. A total of 3.5 billion forin.s has already been appropriated for the ccub'ne, which will have a private harbor and railroad terminal. Before the foundations of the plant could be laid, the loess soil along t'e Danube had to be packed. In accordance with Soviet procedure, a series of 6- to 8-a.ter deep, 6-centimeter-wide holes drilled in a checkerboard pattern. Explo- sive appended to wire was inserted in the bottom of the holes, which were then plugged up.80 centimeters below the surface; the remaining 80 centimeters?berO'. filled with water. The charges, simultaneously set off in all the openings, ex=- panded the holes to a 35-40 centimeter diameter. This expansion packed the ground firmly and created an excellent drainage system after the resulting pits were filled with gravel. In the specially built harbor, the banks of the Danv,e were shored up by prefabricated, gravel-filled units which were similar in shape to reinforced- concrete barges. ARMY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070530-4 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070530-4 The size of the project involves difficult construction problems, while prceureient of building materials and equipment seriously taxes the national ebonc.r. It will take 120 million bricks, 200,000 tons of cement, 100,000 cubie'meters of lumber, 20,000 tons of lime, 170,000 tons of crushed rock, 70,000 tons of firebrick, 10,000 tons of rail, etc., to bring the plant to half its ultimate capacity. Internal equipment will include 55,000 tons of machine installations, 110 electric cranes, 65 kilometer of rails, and 30 kilometers of road. There will also be three railroaa trrsinals within the combine. Obviously, re^ruitment of rkilled labor for an undertaking of this magni- tude is the greatest stumbling block. Industrial expansion has abs bed man- power to the cities, while small-scale, ihiependent farming ties down manpower that would otherwise be available from rural areas. Nevertheless, peasant youths comprise a large and troublesome portion of the over 14,000 workers en- gaged on the construction. Because these peasant youths are not yet thoroughly indoctrinated, they quickly fall prey to the influence of subversive elements whenever supervision is relaxed, A special investment commissioner has been appointed as the supreme author- ity on all matters relating to construction of the combine. Under his guidance, the Nehezipari Beruhazasi VaLialat (Hesvy 'Industry Investment Enterprise) directs and inspects the work or the organizations in charge of planning and execution, and is responsible for obtaining supplies and credit.--Matyas Hanko DISUNITY IMPAIRS M OGRESS AT STALIN WORKS - - Budapest, Magyar Technik, Sep 51 Due to lack of cooperation between the enterprises in charge of planning and building Sztalinvaros, work progresses jerkily and is frequently unsatis- factory. The planning enterprise draws up its plans without studying the ter- ritory and the problems involved; the building enterprise b.gins operations before discussing the work thoroughly with the planning enterprise. Then, when the work is already in an advanced state, the plan is found to be unfeasible. The shortage of trained cadre personnel is evident everywhere, particularly in the planning enterprise, which should at least have a construction engineer familiar with the territory's basic potentialities and the limitations of the staff. Because of its unrealisclc preparation, the Sztalinvaros plan has had to be revised at least 6-8 times. Under these circumstances, proper work inspection and supervision are nearly impossible. Yet the urgent need for work inspection has been repeatedly demonstrated: the surface of the road leading to Adony resembles a rollercoaster, on which it is npossible to drive at ?peeds exceeding 60 kilometers an hour; badly prepared concrete, crooked walls, inaccurate surveying on buildings, ill- fitting prefabricated parts at the steelworks and in Sztalinva-os ail attest the importance of work inspection. The best solution would be to organize inspection units such as are currently employed in industry. Headed by trained cadres, and equipped with testing devices, these units would check and supervise the work to make sure that it was of accept- able quality and that it conformed to specifications.--Istvan Gabor ORE TO COME FROM USSR -- Berlin, Aussenhandels Nachrichten, 19 Mar 52 The Sztalin Muvek (Stalin Works) is the greatest construction project of the first Hungarian Five-Year Plan.. For the construction of its first section which will be built during the current Five-Year Plan, there have been Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070530-4 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070530-4 appropriated 4 billion forints of the 37.5 billion forints allocated by the Five-Year Plan for the development of heavy industry as a whole. By 1954, the combine viii deliver more metal than the entire metallurgical industry of Hungary before the war. By the end of the first Five-Year Plan, two blast furnaces will be in operation. The first furnace will be placed in operation in the fourth quarter of 1953, and the second will begin to operate in the second quarter of 1954. During the course of the second Five-Year Plan, two additional furnaces of the same type and a ferromanganese furnace will be built. She coke needed for .he blast furnaces will be made from coal mined in the Komlo-Pecs coal area. This will make possible a saving of several hundred thousand forinte a year. The first Hungarian chemical coke plant, consisting of 51 coke ovens, will be placed in operation during the third quarter of 1953 at the latest. During the course of the second Five-Year Plan, two similar plants are to be built. The ore, which will be imported from the USSR, will be carried from the harbor to the ore-preparing works by means of aerial cable railways. The ore- preparing works are outfitted with the most modern equipment. In addition to the blast furnaces, a steel mill is being built. The first Five-Year Plan provides for the construction of four Martin furnaces, which will be put into operation in 1953 and 1954. During the second Five-Year Plan, four additional Martin furnaces will be built. In the rolling mills, two gigantic rolling machines for hot and cold rolling are now being built. A machine shop, a foundry, an electrical repair shop, a carpenter shop, and a furnace-repair shop are also being constructed. In addition, a whole series of auxiliary establishments (such as a lime-burning plant), a cen- tral laboratory, a factory for the production of fire-resistant bricks, and other facilities are being built. The metallurgical combine will consume 300 million kilowatt-hours of elec- tricity a year. To provide this current, the combine will include a paver plant whose capacity will exceed that of the Matravidek thermal power plant. The handling of raw materials for the combine will be assured by threi railroad yards which are being constructed. The rail line within the grounds of the combine have a total trackage of 60 kilometers. There are 15 kilometers of motor roads. On 7 November 1951, casting p'.ant, a metalworking shop, and an assembly plant for metal construction parts were placed in operation. A large part of the mechanical equipment of these plants was received from the JSSR. START PRODUCTION OF TANK PARTS --Innsbruck, Unio Press Service, 20 May 52 It is reported that the Stalin Works has started production of war materiel. Armored plate for T-34 tanks and other basic parts for tanks are being manufac- tured in the completed parts of the combine. The authorities tried to prevent this information from reaching the public. STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070530-4